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How to Use Smart Questions

My recommendation is to take your favorite 5-10 questions from this list,

write them down and post them near your desk, your bathroom mirror,
the visor in your car and on the back of your cellphone. Pretty soon youll
have them memorized and youll find yourself using these questions to
filter out the wheat from the chaff.
The other way to use these questions is to take one question per day or
per week. Write it down on a few yellow stickes and place them where
you will see them all day long: by your bed, in the bathroom, in your car,
at your desk and so on. Do this and watch the magic unfold!
1. What do I want to accomplish today?
2. What is the most important thing I need to do today? (Do it first!)
3. Is this the best use of my time right now?
4. What am I trying to accomplish right now?
5. What can I cross off my list by deleting or delegating? What is not
6. What can I do right now to take the next leap instead of the next step?
7. Who can I learn from today?
8. Who can I thank today?
9. What am I grateful for?
10. How can I eliminate distractions right now?
11. What are my top 3 current goals?
12. What is most important to me in life?
13. If the my world was going to end within one year, what would I be
doing right now?
14. What will I do today towards my major goals?
15. What action can I take instead of worry right now?
16. Who should I thank today?
17. Who needs some love today?
18. How can I be a kinder person today?
19. How can I have more compassion today?
20. What can I do right now to release negative energy in a positive
21. What can I do to let go of my anger?
22. How can I put worry on hold right now?
23. How can I choose happiness right now?
24. What can I do to slow down today?
25. What am I learning right now?
26. What beneficial routines can I start today?
27. What will I do, see, explore, or experience today that is new?
28. How and with whom can I partner today to make 1+1=3?
29. How can I be more compassionate today?
30. What will I celebrate today?
31. Where did I find Joy today?
32. What did I learn today?
33. How will I pay it forward today?
34. How will I make today great? How do I define great?
35. What can I stop holding/clinging to help me break free?
36. How can I let go with peace?
37. Who can I help today?
38. How can I add Peace to the world today?
39. Whats the most powerful thing I can do right now, today to
increase my business?
40. What have I been avoiding that I can do today?

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