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Itinerary 2014

The following sessions are open to all with a pass to the show, and places
will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. We will stream the
popular sessions into an adjoining room if the main room is full up, so you
wont miss out! To go back to short description itinerary click here
10.00 in Exhibition Hall1
Show opened by Dai Banner, Wales Interactive / Games Wales Group
Schedule for main sessions (Victor Salvi Room)
10.30 11.30 : Gary Napper, Lead Game Designer: SEGA/Creative
A chance to hear from Gary about his work on the new Alien: Isolation

As the Lead designer on Alien:Isolation, Gary has expertise in creating
game concepts, core gameplay, detailed systems design including in-game
cameras and scenes and has been leading the design side of the project at
The Creative Assemly. Most recently Gary was lead designer on Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 before coming to Creative assembly
to join the A:I team. He is responsible for a large part of the game design
including many core mechanics, world interactions, system designs and AI
behaviors including the Alien creature itself.
With 13 years industry experience and lead positions on many triple A titles
including the Harry Potter series, Gary is an experienced designer with a
focus on gameplay experience and quality.

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11.00 17.00 : One to one advice sessions (booked in advance or at
registration desk on the day) with the following:
Marshmallow Entertainment Ltd
Capital Law
Welsh Government
Creative Skillset Cymru
Mr Dog Media
ForrestBrown Limited
Atticus Digital Ltd
Advark Swift
Creative Europe
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11.30 13.00 : Workshop: Lets make

A bring-your-own-laptop session where Byron Atkinson-Jones will show the
audience how to make a game with Unity in under and hour, based on the
currently running tweetorial:

Please note: WGDS will provide the Unity software you must bring your
Byron has worked in the games industry for 16 years for EA, SEGA and
Lionhead. He is currently developing Containment Protocol.
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12.00 13.00 : UKIE Panel: How to claim your Games Tax Credits
Hear from accounting and legal experts, as well as the team administering
the Cultural Test, on how you can make sure that your game benefits from
the new tax breaks in this Ukie-hosted panel. Get your questions answered
and find out how the tax breaks can help grow and secure your business.
Guest speakers will include:
Anna Mansi, Head of Certification Unit, BFI
Nigel Walde, Accountant, Saffery Champness
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13.15 13.45 (repeats at 18.00) : Screening: Bedrooms to Billions (30
minute excerpt of new feature)

'From Bedrooms to Billions' is a 120 minute feature length documentary
movie telling the remarkable, true story of the British Video Games Industry
from 1979 to the present.
'From Bedrooms to Billions' tells the story of how the creativity and vision of
a relatively small number of individuals allowed the UK to play a key,
pioneering role in the shaping of the billion dollar video games industry,
which today dominates the modern world's entertainment landscape.
See more at:
14.00 15.30 : Workshop: Lets make
A bring-your-own-laptop session where Byron Atkinson-Jones will show the
audience how to make a game with Unity in under and hour, based on the
currently running tweetorial:
Please note: WGDS will provide the Unity software you must bring your
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14.00 - 15.00 Manesh Mistry, Ustwo
A chance to hear about the creative process behind 2014 hit game
Monument Valley.
Manesh Mistry is a senior games developer at ustwo games in London. He
has contributed code, level design and audio to Monument Valley and Blip
Blup. He started out as a Flash progammer and is now living the dream
making games in Unity.
Wired wrote that the game "might be the most beautiful iPad game of
2014". Creative Review called the game's puzzles "clever" and appreciated
the developers' attention to detail. The shortness of the game has been
commented on by some reviewers and Ustwo says the average time to
complete it is just 1 hour 34 minutes.
The game recouped its 10-month development cost in its first two weeks on
sale. As of May 2014, the game was downloaded over 500,000 times on
iOS. The game was one of the winners of 2014 Apple Design Awards.
15.30 16.30 Mike Bithell, Indie Games Developer
A chance to hear Mike talk about his latest game Volume, and the move
from working at Bossa and Blitz studios and setting up as an indie.
After 5+ years in the traditional console and social games industries, I got a
bit stupid and decided to become an indie. Currently working on my second
project, Volume, after the pretty surprisingly successful Thomas Was
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17.00 18.00 BAFTA Cymru Question Time Panel

Got a burning question about the games industry youd like answered by
our expert panel? Then this session is for you! The BAFTA Games
Question Time format is very much as it appears on television.

Simply submit your questions by Twitter to @walesgds #baftaQT or
throughout the day in the box provided outside the Victor Salvi Room, then
come along to hear the panels views.
Chair: Gina Jackson, Games Consultant
Gary Napper, Creative Assembly
Ralph Ferneyhough, GamesDev North Wales
Anton Faulconbridge, RANT Media
Michelle Ducker, Producer, Tearaway for Media Molecule/Sony
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18.00 18.30 : Screening: Bedrooms to Billions (30 minute excerpt of new
feature, see details above)
18.45 in Exhibition Hall 1BAFTA Cymru Games Keynote: Mitu Khandaker-

Mitu Khandaker-Kokoris is founder of
independent game development micro-
studio The Tiniest Shark, best known for
sci-fi parody life-sim Redshirt. She is also
a PhD researcher at the University of
Portsmouth, studying physical game
interfaces and aesthetics. She often
speaks on game development, advocacy,
and entrepreneurship, and is passionate
not only about encouraging public
engagement with games, but also about
working towards greater diversity within
the games and technology industries. In
this capacity, she also acts as a STEM Ambassador for schools. She was
named a BAFTA Breakthrough Brit 2013, was one of the Develop Top 30
Under 30 developers to watch in 2012, and was a 2007 Kauffman Global
Scholar. In addition to game development, she enjoys travel, hiking, and
bad puns.
19.00 20.00 in Exhibition Hall 1
BAFTA Cymru Games Awards and drinks reception
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20.00 til late at Terra Nova
GamesDev South Wales / GamesDev North Wales After Show Party
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