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The Way To Health And Power

As the title indicates,you will be shown the WaY to health and power. It will be
up to you to follow this path until your goal is reached. Mere reading alone wi
ll not bring you there. Yet the road is not a difficult one. Others have already
successfully treaded it and generously helped others to do likewise. Much of th
e information will be presented for the first time. This is because the methods
to control the physical environment about us through mind power were secrets car
efully guarded by those who either accidentally stumbled upon them or paid to le
arn them. The motives behind such secrecy are questionable. Surely beneficial kn
owledge cannot be considered private domain.
Before you start these lessons, it is important to consider the basic principles
that will run throughout this course of instruction. We are going to slowly and
subtly bring about a change in your attitude and self image. This will be follo
wed by a gradual improvement of your physical health and will end in the realiza
tion of mental power that you have until now only dreamed of.
The attitudes and thought patterns must be dealt with first. Dissatisfaction wit
h ones life is the best motivation for improvement. Yet if carried to the extrem
e there is no happiness. The point is that once we have achieved a state of mind
of satisfaction there will follow a calming and tranquilizing effect on the thi
nking processes that will enable you to exert an influence on your own physical
well being.
And when this tranquil state will be developed you will begin to exert control o
ver the physical and metaphysical elements around you. Your success with the les
sons will bolster your confidence and your results will improve as your own happ
iness does.
This then will be your goal: The ultimate in happiness with the power to control
the events about you coupled with vibrant health. And with this we will start w
ith the first step on the way.
Lets learn how to mind read. Yes, it ts that simple. Before I present the method
I will explain the principles involved and you will see how this ties in to wha
t was explained in the Introduction. What is very important is that you neither
agree or disagree with what I will say. I will honestly claim that your own expe
rience will prove that I am right. So what is important is that you follow the i
nstructions to the letter and literally sit back and watch the results.
Physical man has a soul that gives his body life. When the soul leaves the body
there is death. The soul is not comprised of earthly elements, but of what we ca
n call spiritual matter for the sake of clarity. Since the soul is so different
it cannot be sensed through
our physical organs, i.e. our eyes can't. see it, etc. The brain, being physical
cant comprehend it. Now you will ask, but isn't thought metaphysical too, you c
ant weigh or measure a thought, yet the brain thinks. And if thought is metaphys
ical as is the soul, then why can't the brain through thought comprehend the sou
l and other things not-physlcal? The answer to this question is the key to this
subject. The secret is that there are many degrees of metaphysical things. The s
oul is at a much higher degree than is thought. The brain is able to use thought
to function, but it does not have the proper receptacle to understand either th
e metaphysical items sent to it via thought, even of the same degree, or for tha
t matter, thought itself. Even though the brain uses thought, it cant impose any
limitations of space or time upon it. The brain itself is of bodily material an
d is under earthly limitations. Thought comes from the soul and is under no limi
tations so that you can perceive it miles away. The only question you may have i
s how can the physical brain use metaphysical thought. Well this union is not ex
plainable at all. It must be written off as proof of a Creator who willed that s
uch a union be possible.
Now lets get down to the nitty-gritty. Mind reading means the conscious receptio
n of another's thoughts that are either to or about us. You cannot train yoursel
f to pick up any thought that is not directed to you or about you. You can compa
re the brain to a radio to clarify the rules. You can't hear a broadcast if the
radio is shut off or not tuned in properly. The brain is like the radio in that
it must be tuned in properly. There are five ways that you will use at this stag
e of your development to do this.
1)The thought you want to read must be directed at you. This does not mean that
the other person wants you to receive it, just the act of thinking about you is
enough. The reason is that once someone is thinking about you, he has, without r
ealizing it and without wanting to do so, a strong connecting bond between his m
ind and yours. This is automatic. Imagine a wire connecting his mind to yours an
d his thoughts traveling through it to your mind automatically.
2) The thoughts must be deliberate and clear. Not random or idle. Fuzzy ideas ca
nnot be deciphered.
3) You the receiver must have confidence that you can receive a thought. This at
titude keeps you in a receptive condition and on the proper station. Lack of thi
s confidence, disbelief in this ability will turn off any thoughts coming your w
ay as if you had turned off the radio. Again, I repeat, neither agree or disagre
e with what I am writing. Your own experience will prove what I say.
4) Nervousness, distress, worry, hate, or any emotion which excites or arous
es amounts to static which hinders or completely blocks any thought reception. T
he key state of body and mind is a calm Relaxed attitude. You may try anything y
ou want to achieve this but I will give you an exercise now that is tested and f
So Go to a secluded area. Provide for an uninterrupted amount of time. Take a sh
eet of paper and write the name of any object. Put out the lights and try to pic
ture the object. Attempt to visualize it exactly, with all of its color and beau
ty. At your first attempt you will discover that it is not simple at all to stil
l the mind and concentrate on a single object. Do not try to do this for too lon
g. But do set aside some time every day. As the days become weeks, you will find
that you can keep your attention on one thing for longer and longer periods of
It will also become easier to visualize the object. The next step is to start ad
ding more items in the picture. One at a time. After you have put together a com
plex arrangement your power of concentration will be more than you expected. The
greatest benefit for you in your mind reading practice will be that one of the
by products of this control will be your ability to shut out the daily problems
and cares , still the turbulence of the troubling thoughts that clamor for atten
tion, and calm the mind into a proper state of receptivity for thought reception
. During these sessions you will forget the body entirely, cease to feel it exis
ts. I have dwelt at length about this because you must start this excercise toda
y and keep it up. Much of the future work will require the same state of mind th
at this excercise will produce.
5) This last point is most important for you. Until the ability to mind rea
d comes automatically, make it a habit to sit down with a pencil and paper durin
g your concentration sessions and make a note of Imoressions and images that see
mingly come from nowhere. You will notice that as your ability to concentrate im
proves fleeting pictures and scenes will interrupt. Some of these will be genuin
e thought receptions. Others will be other forms of communication that will be d
ealt with at length in a future lesson. You will learn to recognize and differ e
ntiate the useful from the useless. But keep track, look for patterns and examin
e everything carefully.
Your next step is to tune in on the thoughts of your dearest friends and loved o
nes. Those who think of us often. Simply picture this person as you know him. Re
call his looks (a photo is excellent), recall his personality. Picture this pers
on in action as best as you can. Concentrate on him Alone. If he was thinking ab
out you at the
time, you will easily pick up his thoughts. If not, your thinking established co
ntact regardless, and if he is in a moment of calm, you will suddenly be remembe
red and he will start to think about you. This may seem haphazard, but it works.
For more concrete results you will have to arrange for a friend to practice with
you. He will not be able to act as receiver until he has progressed as was expl
ained until now, but he can help you practice. Let him select an object and imag
ine it as clearly as possible and try to somehow associate you with it. At this
prearranged time you think of him while blanking out all other thoughts. The obj
ect he is thinking about and visualizing will appear to you as clearly as he is
picturing it. As you advance you will be able to receive his emotions. If, while
he is thinking about you he is in a Joyous state, or in anger, you will feel th
At this time this will be sufficient to prove to yourself that mind reading is w
ithin your grasp. With practice you will discover new things. In a future lesson
you will learn how easily you can take advantage of the principle of thought co
ntact to help influence someone's decions about you.
We are going step by step and must first master other principles.
One more point that will aid you in your work. When you get to know enough peopl
e you will discover that certain personality and character types will tend to ha
ve similar thought patterns. By getting a grasp of these differences you will no
t have to actually "read this person's mind to anticipate his thinking. As you pay
more attention to this facet of human nature the actual thought reading will be
aided. Now stop here, reread this lesson and prove to yourself that you can mind
Instead of providing you with a lot of technical information on nutrition, I wil
l just list the things you need to do to make sure that your food intake is corr
ect and what not to do . Again, do not pass judgement on anything until you have
followed my instructions to the letter. I personally follow all the things I as
k you to test and have already proved this to myself. You will never be given an
ything to do that is even remotely harmful or even possibly harmful. Also, pleas
e bear in mind that food alone will not ensure you of perfect health. The type o
f thinking you do and the type of emotional results this thinking produces is ju
st as important as food, if not more important. On the other hand, neglecting yo
ur diet will slowly ruin your health regardless of the control you have over you
r mind. The two must go hand in hand. It is interesting to mention at this time
that many mystery schools of old advocated a meatless diet to help a person gain
control over the bodily emotions. It was reasoned that eating meat reinforced t
he baser instincts, and retarded the finer feelings in man. Be that as it may I
have personally found that restricting meat to Just one or two meals a week to b
e helpful in certain types of
experiments that you will be performing in the future. That would lead me to con
clude that indeed the food we eat has an effect on the metaphysical aspects of p
eople. Be cautioned however not to drop meat altogether because it will have a b
ad nutritional effect. If you someday feel that the body has been refined to the
point where meat is objectionable, then you can experiment with its elimination
. This will be discussed at length at the end of this instruction. And if smokin
g has been determined to be detrimental to your health, why smoke? Moderation wi
th alcoholic beverages or their-elimination is also a matter that is obvious. Wh
at is important to know is what should be eaten with regularity to be sure that
at least the minimum of the elements we need will be supplied. The first type of
food to eat every day are seed foods. Any edible seeds will do. Today there is
an abundance to choose from in health food stores. Besides eating them as is you
should also sprout half of your daily intake. Sprouts are a discussion in thems
elves. Suffice it to say that this is an oriental practice that dates back to pr
erecorded oriental history and whose benefits have been
proved to those with enough courage to pioneer in eating them. One of the most i
mportant new and perhaps secret pieces of information I learned in this regard w
as that the sprouts of beans, any variety, when eaten prior to going sleep at ni
ght will produce visions of certain metaphysical conditions. Since I will go int
o this at length in a coming lesson it is only necessary now to say that besides
the nutritional benefits of sprouted foods, there are also some metaphysical re
sults. What you should do now is to begin eating seed and bean sprouts every day
. My method for sprouting is to actually plant them in wet peat moss (available
at a garden supply store) and just pull the sprouts out, wash and eat them. They
are ready within a week of planting. If you let them develop toomuch they get a
bitter taste so experiment for yourself as to the best amount of time to let th
em grow. Some contend that that the benefit is greater when they are younger, ot
hers say to wait as long as possible. My own experiments have not differed in re
sults regardless of age, I just prefer them when they are not bitter to the tast
From the standpoint of up to date medical information you should also include th
e following food supplements' although I have not as yet discovered any supernat
ural effects for them. A tablespoon of cod liver oil, wheat germ oil and olive o
il. Available at your health food store, take several dolomite tablets and brewe
rs yeast tablets. Get a good multi-vitamin supplement at your druggist. So much
for supplements. Get whatever fruits and vegetables you can. Fresh is better tha
n cans only if you know when the food was picked. Otherwise it really makes no d
ifference. If you have a choice avoid foods that were treated or preserved with
chemicals.Fasting will be discussed at length as it effects mediumship , in a fu
ture lesson. For now, don't. Do not introduce new habits,only moderate or simpli
fy your present ones. Be guided by your physician if you suffer from any conditi
on requiring special treatment. It will be the goal of this instruction that you
will be able to rebuild your health so that you will no longer require any trea
tments or medicines. This will be up to you. The flesh is willing.
Mastery of the concentration exercise in the first lesson will open many doors t
o you. At this time I will explain how you can accomplish an "out of the body",
experience with it. More advanced techniques will be provided in future lessons.
The secret is to substitute places and things you know for the objects you are
visualizing and the addition of one vital ingredient* emotion. And here is the w
ay to do it. Select someone you have a deep affection for. The more intense the
love the better. At first you may have to work with a photograph of the person a
nd the room you will "see" through the power of thought. What you will accomplis
h is an actual entry into the room and your thought will return to your brain an
d understanding an actual vision or picture of the room at the time you are conc
entrating on it. Keep in mind that thought is not limited to any physical space.
It is confined to our selves simply because we do not send it out. The visualiz
ing will connect the place you wish to s e e with your mind, and the intensity o
f your emotion will feed back to you and bring life into the vision. The reason
for selecting a loved one is that a state of emotion can be brought about easily
by thinking about him. My personal experience is that music can be used to brin
g you to a stage similar to ecstasy. I prefer certain pas ages of the Swan Lake
Ballet and Piotures At An Exhibition. This is classical music and works for me.
You may find other types of music that will stir your emotions. However you do i
t the point is to bring about an ecstatic emotional state and with it to visuali
ze the place you wish to be. The visualization must be strong and coupled with a
strong desire to succeed. This desire and there Is a way that you can use your
hands to produce some wondrous results here and it will be taken up at length wh
en I teach you the subject of healing.
In this series I am attempting to give you certain mental powers first. When you
have mastered these powers, then comes the development of the "electric" forces
within your body. Certain byproducts of this exercise will soon manifest. The f
irst thing that you will begin to see is various colors moving about the paper.
Ultimately these will become recognizable objects. Perhaps faces or places will
suddenly appear.
You should not interrupt the sessions to write these down but do attempt to reca
ll what you see and note down all impressions that will appear. What is happenin
g is that certain psychic faculties are being developed through these exercises
I have given you and they become able to receive impressions from from non physi
cal planes in a manner that you can accept. This is what is known as mediumship
and I will give you extaordinary instructions in a future lesson about it. At th
is time you should work only toward the goal of using thought to control things
around you. You should, after mastering this exercise, substitute other objects
for the paper. A student once brought to my attention that drops of oil on the w
ater could be made to form letters or simple forms, to group and move about at w
ill. I have duplicated this myself, as have others, and no doubt you will also t
ry it. Let your imagination run wild, use anything that will float. Using this e
xperiment as your guide you can try similar situations where an easily movable o
bject is concerned, such as a windvane or watch wheel atop a spindle. I stress e
asily movable because you cannot at this stage attempt to move anything else. I
will admit that I can't do it eithej; for there is a limit as to what you can do
. You cannot defy natural laws, but you can develop certain natural powers that
you have. You can't learn how to fly but you can learn how to project your consc
iousness or thought to other places. You can learn how toinfluence certain thing
s around you and use natural latent forces within you.
It is not my aim to introduce new and weird foods to you. I have selected for my
own personal use a group of foods that supply all the nutriotional elements the
body needs, plus those that provide other benefits. For example, in this day an
d age there is a legitimate worry over the effects of radiation and fallout. Sea
weed has been found effective in helping people cope with this problem. It was f
irst discovered experimentally in laboratory animals and then in humans.
There is no harm in introducing this into your diet too. I purchase the powdered
variety and swallow a teaspoon of it with water everyday. You may not find this
possible so you can either mix it with other food or taxe tablets. This also ha
ppens to be rich in minerals so you will get other benefits as well. One thing f
or sure, you will in no way suffer any harm by eating seaweed. It happens to be
used as food in many other areas. I strongly recommend It.
The appropriate time has arrived to begin the more difficult portion of your wor
k. And no better way to do it is to explain the well known term in "occult" lite
rature, the magic circle. I long ago discovered the truth about this and will no
w give it to you a<v*)imply as possible. 11 you have read anything at all about
it you will recall that it involves a magician and his production of a circle th
at will protect him from certain
forces. The actual circle can be either a painted one or made of real fire. It i
s not important to you because I will not ask you to do this. But there is a ver
y Important principle behind it and you will need to know it. In the so-called m
agical practices the forming of these circles are part of elaborate ceremonies.
Other objects are used and given mystical properties, such as wands, alters and
robes. These are all symbols that are
used to bring about a special mental and emotional state and to bring about some
effect at the metaphysical level. Now here is what all this has to do with you.
In our physical world there is a cause and effect relationship at all levels. T
his can be plainly stated that every action causes a reaction of some sort. This
reaction is often visible to us at the physical level, as the effect of bleach
on colored material or strain on the body, etc., or cannot be apparent, such as
emotional reactions or subconscious ones or, and this leads us to my point, meta
physical ones. Yes, our physical actions will cause a reaction at the metaphysic
al level as sure as the sun produces light. I will prove this to you in the cour
se of these lessons and you will demonstrate this to yourself likewise. And the
big news that 1 have to offer you at this point is that not only a physical acti
on involving the body, such as the writing of a cneck to charity, or helping one
s fellow man, will have an effect for you at the metaphysical level, but even th
ought alone will do it. It is ,, the old saying that good attracts good, but the
attraction is not only at the physical level, it is at all possible planes. For
example, a good deed may not show [I any immediate reward for you. In fact you
may feel that you never really were adequately compensated in a material way for
all the good that you have done. The truth is that not all reactions will ever
be visible. But some reaction there must surely be. There is a great and mysteri
ous plan to our world and the laws that govern mankind prevail.
In like thought, bad or evil works or even intention, and this is the key word,
intention, will cause an appropriate reaction that will not always become readil
y apparent, but will be there, even if only at the metaphysical level, and the r
esults will eventually be forthcoming.
All our thoughts and deeds, intentions and plans create a living spiritual mass
around us that exercise a subtle but very real effect on our physical bodies. On
e of your own goals must be to rid yourself of all possible actions, be it deed
or thought, that can ever bring back misfortune or ill health to you. Your only
intentions must be to produce beneficial results for others and yourself. You ma
y not yet be ready to accept the above statements, but they ring true and
you will very soon be manifesting this in your own life. What 1 am now going to
teach you is how to consciously create within this spiritual mass surrounding yo
u certain spiritual bodies that will move you to greater success in your worldly
plans and persuits and start to elevate your whole essence. You no doubt recall
self confident people and wished you knew how they became that way. Actually se
lf confidence is a belief in ones ability to overcome the unknown or unexpected.
If you lack this self confidence you are simply a doubter. The result of this d
oubt is also simple.
The reaction to doubt is failure while the reaction to belief is success. I am n
ot talking about miracles. Just what is possible. If it is at all possible, then
if you believe you can do or attain it, then you will. That is the result of yo
ur conviction and confidence. If it is possible, no matter how remotely so, yet
you do not believe you can do it, then it will not necessarily come about. With
all this in mind I ask you again, and if at this pointif you still are skeptical
, plead with you to open your mind and believe that you can do all the things th
at I am telling you and you will see yourself performing the same things that Ic
laim you will. What I am leading up to is m e n t a 1 creation. And the principl
e is that if you visualize something clearly and strongly d e s i r e it to come
about, you have automatically created it on a metaphysical plane. It is there e
ven if you stop and do other things, think about other things, etc. With each vi
sualization, this "creation" will be strengthened by the intensity of your desir
e. This creation will remain on a metaphysical plane but it will be instrumental
in causing events at the physical level to bring it about, if it is at all poss
ible at a physical level. If it is physically impossible, such as one who lost h
is leg in an accident will never grow a new one regardless of the visualizing of
it and the desire of it. What you want must be possible, and if it is, then if
you desire it intensly and visualize it intensely, it will come about. Reread th
is and ponder it a moment for it is the most important motivator for vction you
can use. Since you desire it you believe you can do it, otherwise there would be
no intensity to it. To visualize a thing you must see it clearly and understand
used to bring about a special mental and emotional state and to bring about some
effect at the metaphysical level. Now here is what all this has to do with you.
In our physical world there is a cause and effect relationship at all levels. T
his can be plainly stated that every action causes a reaction of some sort. This
reaction is often visible to us at the physical level, as the effect of bleach
on colored material or strain on the body, etc., or cannot be apparent, such as
emotional reactions or subconscious ones or, and this leads us to my point, meta
physical ones. Yes, our physical actions will cause a reaction at the metaphysic
al level as sure as the sun produces light. I will prove this to you in the cour
se of these lessons and you will demonstrate this to yourself likewise. And the
big news that I have to offer you at this point is that not only a physical acti
on involving the body, such as the writing of a cneck to charity, or helping one
s fellow man, will have an effect for you at the metaphysical level, but even th
ought alone will do it. It is r, the old saying that good attracts good, but the
attraction is not only at the physical level, it is at all possible planes. For
example, a good deed may not show [I any immediate reward for you. In fact you
may feel that you never really were adequately compensated in a material way for
all the good that you have done. The truth is that not all reactions will ever
be visible. But some reaction there must surely be. There is a great and mysteri
ous plan to our world and the laws that govern mankind prevail.
In like thought, bad or evil works or even intention, and this is the key word,
intention, will cause an appropriate reaction that will not always become readil
y apparent, but will be there, even if only at the metaphysical level, and the r
esults will eventually be forthcoming.
All our thoughts and deeds, intentions and plans create a living spiritual mass
around us that exercise a subtle but very real effect on our physical bodies. On
e of your own goals must be to rid yourself of all possible actions, be it deed
or thought, that can ever bring back misfortune or ill health to you. Your only
intentions must be to produce beneficial results for others and yourself. You ma
y not yet be ready to accept the above statements, but they ring true and
you will very soon be manifesting this in your own life. What I am now going to
teach you is how to consciously create within this spiritual mass surrounding yo
u certain spiritual bodies that will move you to greater success in your worldly
plans and persuits and start to elevate your whole essence. You no doubt recall
self confident people and wished you knew how they became that way. Actually se
lf confidence is a belief in ones ability to overcome the unknown or unexpected.
If you lack this self confidence you are simply a doubter. The result of this d
oubt is also simple.
The reaction to doubt is failure while the reaction to belief is success. I am n
ot talking about miracles. Just what is possible. If it is at all possible, then
if you believe you can do or attain it, then you will. That is the result of yo
ur conviction and confidence. If it is possible, no matter how remotely so, yet
you do not believe you can do it, then it will not necessarily come about. With
all this in mind I ask you again, and if at this pointif you still are skeptical
, plead with you to open your mind and believe that you can do all the things th
at I am telling you and you will see yourself performing the same things that Ic
laim you will. What I am leading up to is m e n t a 1 creation. And the principl
e is that if you visualize something clearly and strongly d e s i r e it to come
about, you have automatically created it on a metaphysical plane. It is there e
ven if you stop and do other things, think about other things, etc. With each vi
sualization, this "creation" will be strengthened by the intensity of your desir
e. This creation will remain on a metaphysical plane but it will be instrumental
in causing events at the physical level to bring it about, if it is at all poss
ible at a physical level. If it is physically impossible, such as one who lost h
is leg in an accident will never grow a new one regardless of the visualizing of
it and the desire of it. What you want must be possible, and if it is, then if
you desire it intensly and visualize it intensely, it will come about. Reread th
is and ponder it a moment for it is the most important motivator for vction you
can use. Since you desire it you believe you can do it, otherwise there would be
no intensity to it. To visualize a thing you must see it clearly and understand
the basics of its operation or makeup. For example if you have a small retail st
ore and you picture endless amounts of people entering and walking over to the c
ash register with their purchases. You must visualize the whole process, such as
the exact merchandise, the technique used in bringing the people in, the appeal
at the point of sale, whether it be the price or sales argument, etc. In other
words you will be forced into thinking through the whole process in a logical ma
nner and create an effective and practical plan. What is left is simply to go ou
t and do it. So without any spiritual consideration you have the makings of a su
ccessful approach. But this creation will also work where no such ready result i
s possible, such as when you do not even have a store yet. What you do then, in
effect, is create a spiritual body that will cause a physical one like it. This
is a natural thing, not magic, and all successful people have done the same thin
g without knowing or realizing what the principle they used was. And all the thi
ngs you have practiced and learned in Ihc previous lessons will come to play her
e to help you do this effectively.
At the start I pointed out how your-mind reading ability would depend on your ab
ility to relax, not only your body, but exciting and negative emotions as well.
This would enable you to concentrate effectively. Your practice of the exercise
I gave at the time will have brought you to the now that visualizing for the
purpose of mental creation will not be difficult. The importance of bringing ab
out an elevated emotional state that was discussed in performing an out of
of the body experience should by now be verified and can be used in this creatio
n as a means of heightening the intensity of your desire, be it music or the exc
itement of the event in itself. Your ability to direct the motion of certain mov
eable things through your mental direction will of course have provldelyou with
superior concentration powers. Hie various health information will be showing th
eir effect by now , if you are faithfully making the effort to improve your diet
. A sound body will in truth provide the healthy calm and environment so that yo
u can assume the relaxed attitude and state so important in this work. A sick or
diseased body will prove difficult to work with. Your exercise for this creatio
n development is ns simple as the others I have given you and will aid you for p
roper adjustment to future work. Sit relaxed in a darkened room and visualize a
ring of fire around you. Vision it as clearly as possible,hear the crackling of
the flames, .smell the burning odor. See yourself sitting within this circle dra
wing a life giving warmth within you, a cleansing warmth that will destroy all u
nhealthy things and conditions within you. Imagine the effectiveness of this fla
me in protecting you from harm. Your goal is to create this permanent metaphysic
al protector that will be instrumental in bringing about physical results. Regul
ar sessions will intensify and reinforce this creation . I have actually had oth
ers "see" this fire during a group session which was the result of my .tense conce
ntration. Thought tra> ferrence was involved and this is the true explanation of t
he Indian Rope Trick which couldn't be photographed.
Breathe deeply. This is very important to your physical, and as you will will le
arn, your psychic health as well. It means to take in as much air as possible wi
th each breath, fill the lungs completely expanding your rib cage to the fullest
. As you continue to make the effort you will start to do it automatically. The
next thing is to do all your breathing through the nose Jfeep your lips shut, bu
SHUT YOUR TEETH. It is probably the first time in your life you have heard it bu
t it is information worth your weight in gold. Clenching the teeth will make tru
e relaxation impossible. You will also be surprised how this simple act will giv
e you the ability to control anger. Get angry and see what happens, you clench y
our teeth. Make it a habit to always keep the jaw hanging loose.
The Way To Health And Power
* *.
................................ LESSON---------------------------+
You are now ready to begin the exercises that will make you a healer of the sick
in body and mind. You will make use of your power of mental creation and the po
wer that flows in your nervous system. I will avoid as much as possible the use
of technical terms but I would like to make it clear that you should obtain a go
od chart of human anatomy so that you can get an accurate picture of the interna
l system.* You will need to visualize your circulatory system, nervous system an
d organs. I would like to stress that it will not be imperative for you to do th
is to be successful, you will see results regardless, but it will be helpful.
Before going into specifics, I will give you several general principles that wil
l have an immediate effect on your own health. I assume you desire good health a
bove all else. Now lets think for a moment. What is "good health"? Rather than f
ind an exact definition, I will present one within the context of what I am goin
g to teach you, and it is one that you no doubt will be in agreement with. I wil
l define good health as a condition where all normal bodily functions are perfor
ming properly. And conversely, ill health as existing where there is some malfun
ction or impairment anywhere within the body or without. You may not be aware of
an abnormal condition. In fact these may exist many years before there is any o
bvious problem. A quick word is also in order about thinking habits. I already m
entioned in the section on mental creation the impact of our thinking on the met
aphysical level. With regards to health our thinking will have an extraordinary
effect on our bodies.
For example, thoughts of hatred will have a quick and obvious effect on you
such as a quickening of the heartbeat.
But it will also have an effect on certain organs, varying upon the intensity of
the emotions at the time. Although very small at the time It will build up with
repetition. Since the amount of time to establish a harmful internal condition
will vary from person to person there is no fast rule here. Some people are born
with remarkable constitutions that will withstand enormous abuse, whereas other
s may be highly susceptible and will quickly show symptoms of internal breakdown
. Rather than give you a list of the exact effects of various thoughts,
I will make several broad statements that will be your guide. Conditions involvi
ng disorders of internal organs and within the circulatory system are direct res
ults of continuous exposure to improper thoughts and their resulting emotions. T
his would include cancers, malfunctions in secretions, ulcers,and circulatory di
sorders. This is not a complete list, nor are these conditions exclusively the e
ffect of thought in all cases. It is possible to be born with malfunctions and e
nvironmental causes are possible. What is important is that your thinking must b
e supervised and that I will teach you to heal these conditions regardless of ca
use. Reread the Introduction and give much thought to improving your satisfactio
n with your present condition and abilities. And most of all your faith and expe
ctation in your future accomplishments will calm your nervousness and the degree
of your satisfaction will increase your happiness. Think good of others, think
thoughts of love, become involved in activities that help others, give of your t
ime without selfishness. These attitudes will benefit your health like no medici
ne can. Smile truly at your fellow man and you win health abundant. This is not
a cure, but a remarkable preventive
Copyright 1972, Williamabura Publiihing Company
The Way To Health And Power
* *.
................................ LESSON---------------------------+
You are now ready to begin the exercises that will make you a healer of the sick
in body and mind. You will make use of your power of mental creation and the po
wer that flows in your nervous system. I will avoid as much as possible the use
of technical terms but I would like to make it clear that you should obtain a go
od chart of human anatomy so that you can get an accurate picture of the interna
l system.* You will need to visualize your circulatory system, nervous system an
d organs. I would like to stress that it will not be imperative for you to do th
is to be successful, you will see results regardless, but it will be helpful.
Before going into specifics, I will give you several general principles that wil
l have an immediate effect on your own health. I assume you desire good health a
bove all else. Now lets think for a moment. What is "good health"? Rather than f
ind an exact definition, I will present one within the context of what I am goin
g to teach you, and it is one that you no doubt will be in agreement with. I wil
l define good health as a condition where all normal bodily functions are perfor
ming properly. And conversely, ill health as existing where there is some malfun
ction or impairment anywhere within the body or without. You may not be aware of
an abnormal condition. In fact these may exist many years before there is any o
bvious problem. A quick word is also in order about thinking habits. I already m
entioned in the section on mental creation the impact of our thinking on the met
aphysical level. With regards to health our thinking will have an extraordinary
effect on our bodies.
For example, thoughts of hatred will have a quick and obvious effect on you
such as a quickening of the heartbeat.
But it will also have an effect on certain organs, varying upon the intensity of
the emotions at the time. Although very small at the time It will build up with
repetition. Since the amount of time to establish a harmful internal condition
will vary from person to person there is no fast rule here. Some people are born
with remarkable constitutions that will withstand enormous abuse, whereas other
s may be highly susceptible and will quickly show symptoms of internal breakdown
. Rather than give you a list of the exact effects of various thoughts,
I will make several broad statements that will be your guide. Conditions involvi
ng disorders of internal organs and within the circulatory system are direct res
ults of continuous exposure to improper thoughts and their resulting emotions. T
his would include cancers, malfunctions in secretions, ulcers,and circulatory di
sorders. This is not a complete list, nor are these conditions exclusively the e
ffect of thought in all cases. It is possible to be born with malfunctions and e
nvironmental causes are possible. What is important is that your thinking must b
e supervised and that I will teach you to heal these conditions regardless of ca
use. Reread the Introduction and give much thought to improving your satisfactio
n with your present condition and abilities. And most of all your faith and expe
ctation in your future accomplishments will calm your nervousness and the degree
of your satisfaction will increase your happiness. Think good of others, think
thoughts of love, become involved in activities that help others, give of your t
ime without selfishness. These attitudes will benefit your health like no medici
ne can. Smile truly at your fellow man and you win health abundant. This is not
a cure, but a remarkable preventive
Copyright 1972, Williamabura Publiihina Company
Lets get down to h e a 1 i n g. The first step is to mentally create an image of
the sick person involved that is perfectly healthy. Keeping in mind the princip
les that you already learned when this was taken up at length. With each visuali
zation intensify the health image. Get it strong enough so that you can actually
feel this person. To fortify your work picture all the internal organs and syst
ems pulsating with healing golden heat. The second thing is to build the circle
of healing flame around the person, as was already discussed. What you have acco
mplished may be enough in itself and the person need not be physically present a
t this point. The important point is to picture clearly and with strong convicti
on and faith that it is so. After each visualization session dismiss the whole m
atter from further thought with the belief that your metaphysical creation is re
al and is having an immediate effect on the sick person that will soon become ap
parent. Your next step is to use the electric energy in your own nervous system
to complete the healing on the physical, level, if it is still necessary.
The way in which this energy is used is remarkable but very simple.
The principle behind its production is simple, you take a deep breath very slowl
y through the nose and hold it. And that is it. When you exhale do it slowly and
the energy will leave your body through your fingers, with particular emphasis
on your thumb, pointing finger and middle finger. You need not hold your breath
for any specific length of . time but you should hold it as long as is comfortab
le. It is during the interval that you are holding your breath that excess nervo
us energy is being generated .
Before I go any further I would like you to prove to yourself that what I have j
ust stated is true. Darken a room and stand comfortably. Try to get the room as
dark as possible. Now slowly take a deep breath and hold it as long as you comfo
rtably can , then slowly exhale it. Now repeat this about five times. Then bring
the first three fingers of the right hand close to the first three fingers of t
he left hand. When the fingertips are very close, within an inch of
each other or less you will see a bluish-white haze between them that will slowl
y disappear. If you will touch the fingers together, thumb to thumb, index to in
dex, and middle finger to middle finger, before the haze dissipates, you will no
te a warmth at the finger tips. If you will practice this enough you will be abl
e to increase this warmth greatly. And it is this electric force that you will u
se in healing.
The actual healing procedure can be effected many ways. In this lesson I will sh
ow you the simple method I use.
I would like to note that healing is a fine art that requires experience. There
are several gentlemen I was once privileged in knowing that gave me a highly det
ailed listing of various ailments and the proper points on the body that the hea
ling hands would be most effective in easing and correcting these disorders.
I will list this for you in a future lesson. For now I will confine my instructi
on to what I have experienced and know to work.
This works, regardless of the accuracy of the details. Let us assume that there
is a special energy that starts at the brain and moves along the spine and throu
gh the whole nervous system.
Let us also assume that the direct route to any diseased or malfunctioning part
is through the nervous system, which anatomically speaking it is. So if we direc
t our healing force on the head, from which it will travel down the spine, and t
hrough the nerves that lead to the part in question, we will have given a treatm
ent. Upon this idea I have based my experiments and have found that it works. Wh
at I do is place my hands upon the head of the ill person, my right on his left
temple, and my left on his right temple. The results are good this way. I have f
ound that if I stand behind the p a t i e n t with my right hand on his right si
de and left on left temple, the results are not good. I give this as a point of
information, and it may be peculiar to myself. So I urge you to try both ways, s
tand in front and another time stand in back, and see which way works better for
you. I breathe in deeply and hold my breath for a very long interval and exhale
slowly, and thenlagai hold my breath for a long interval before inhaling.
I repeat this several times, all the while visualizing the healing fire circle s
urrounding us. It is interesting to note that the person undergoing the treatmen
t will feel a warmth and tingling sensation at the point your fingers are touchi
ng. I time the whole performance and usually stop after five minutes. Depending
on the severity of the condition, too many repetitions are not necessary. I woul
d like to let you know of several refinements of this technique that I stumbled
upon, and they work. After generating your healing energy run your finger tips d
own the back of the head and down the patient's spine. I do this at a separate s
ession, but of course you can try
both the same session. You must experiment until you find the exact method that
you can rely on time and time again.
In future lessons I will give you more advanced methods, and as I said, exact lo
cations for specific ailments. I feel that you now know enough to be successful
at most of your treatments. As for yourself I am devoting a separate lesson on s
ome unusual but tested healing methods that you perform on yourself. For now, re
ad this carefully, restudy lessons seven and five, continue the visualizing exer
cise- of lesson one. You can't help but realize that there is a wonderful and my
sterious world slowly unfolding before you. This is just the beginning much more
will come through inspiration.
I have some very important and new information to give you on the basics of what
people call mediumship or speaking with the dead. There is some confusion here
since many would have it that these messages are simply from ones own subconciou
s mind. Instead of arguing this from a theoretical position I will give you some
simple tests that will prove to yourself that you can indeed receive messages f
rom the soul-consciousness of the departed. This is a fact that I have proven to
myself countless times and now you can too.
First you must have mastered the passive state I taught you in lesson one. This
is imperative because you will be involved with the same form of communication a
s in mind reading. It is the same thought except that you will be latching onto
a station of a slightly higher frequency and instead of directing your attention
at a specific living person you will consciously direct it at a specific dead o
ne. If this person is one that you knew well in life than proceed as if he were
alive using the same instruction I gave you for mind reading in lesson one and t
he bringing about of a highly intense emotional state that I taught you in lesso
n three. Let me now elaborate on a very important point I discovered.
You must establish some bond first,
and I taught you that this is automatic when you think of someone or he of you.
As far as with already dead peopie,your visualization of their physical bodies i
s not entirely sufficient in all cases. If for example it is a dear friend or lo
ved one, your recollection of him as he was alive will be enough/or you are real
ly in contact with his emotional and thought state, even when he is alive. There
was a metaphysical bond to begin with.
You simply direct your attention to it.
But if you deal with a little known person we encounter a big problem. I discove
red a way to solve this, a way that always works. I have found that the activiti
es that a person is emotio nally involved with, the clothing that a person has s
ome feeling far, any objects he has some involvement emotionally with such as fa
vorite pens, ties, etc. will contain a portion of the person's soul essence, for
lack of a better definition. If during the contacting session you will direct y
our attention to this radiating essence while holding the object with both your
hands. You can be sure that you will enhance your results if you can do this wit
h dear friends too.
There is a very important difference between this contact **nd mind reading. In
mind reading I taught you that the person must be thinking about you or directin
g his thought to you. This is NOT true in communicating with dead. I can't
explain why other than to say that this is what I found through experimenting. I
f the person is alive I can't pick up his thoughts unless he is thinking of me,
but when I attempt to communicate with a departed one, I can pick up messages th
at are not directed at mq obviously from their content. A quick example that com
es to mind at this writing is a man who had lived and died in an apartment above
me. Many personal items were discarded to the rubbish heap by his relatives aft
er the funeral and I helped myself to a pair of well worn slippers for my experi
ment. The result of the first communication session was that I clearly saw astre
et and houses
completely unfamiliar to me. I seemed to be walking along this street when I sud
denly turned and entered one of the houses. What I recall in this house is a rem
arkable angora cat of stunning beauty. About this time the vision stopped. Now t
his was obviously some scene out of this man's past that was part of his soul-co
nsciousness, and I had latched onto it. I am sure he was not directing this scen
e to me I will give you now the details you need to know to do this successfully
. This will work for you.
Besides the passive state, you should set yourself up as comfortably as possible
. Popular literature have recommended midnight for this type of work , but I dis
agree there is any magic involved or any significance to this hour other than it
may be a more restful time for you. I personally like the early morning hours w
here I am at my restful best. Have as little light as possible. It is best if yo
u do this on
cn an empty stomach. I can offer no reason for this other than this has been the
case with me. The rule is wait about two hours before you attempt the communica
tion. Having made yourself comfortable in darkened surroundings, brought about a
passive state and stirred your emotions in some manner(as I brought out in the
third lesson) and holding some personal effects of the departed one, if necessar
y, you are ready to communicate . This is very simple, visualize the person as i
n the mind reading work and radiations coming to you from this person. Assume po
sitively that a contact has been made expect some message or picture. It is one
of the things I stressed throughout the course that if you doubt it, you have cr
eated a barrier that will block any progress and I can't stress this here strong
ly enough. After this affirmation you just blank all thoughts and imagine a larg
e pitch black screen or blackboard and expect some image to form. My own experie
nce at the start was that I would see various colors forming with no real scenes
. As I performed this experiment again and again these colors would take on shap
es and soon I progressed progressed to actual scenes. It is all a matter of expe
rience and practice. Have a pencil and paper handy, you may suddenly have an u r
g e to write. Do so. Some message may be coming through in this manner. I alway
s make notes at the end of each session and it has happened that that I did star
t to write automatically at that point too I have also gotten what I felt was me
ssages during an idle moment many days later or during sleep. Let this be your g
uide, now you try,and see.
The development of your intuitive powers is really very simple. Like the other a
bilities we have, we just do not realize we have them nor do we sufficiently exe
rcise them to develop them t$ any perceptible extent. Actually intuition is simp
ly listening to our subconscious which means that there is a well of divine wisd
om at our command behind our conscious being. To tune in on this wisdom you simp
ly listen. The way you develop this listening
is to first examine the problem or what ever it is you need guidance for while i
n your controlled passive state. Then firmly state to yourself that to the Creat
or there is a human answere to any human problem and that you will receive the p
roper guidance. Firmly believe this.
Then dismiss the whole matter from your thinking with the conviction that an ans
were will be forthcoming at the proper time. Indeed it will. There is no specifi
c rule for this, but come it will.
I do not know from where the answeres come, but one thing is certain.
Somewhere within us, perhaps in the lifegiving soul, is a reservoir of true fact
s and complete knowledge and wisdom. We need only tap this source.
I will give you severalexercisesthat I found helpful in my own personal developm
ent. I would say that the effect is to create a new habit of communication. The
first exercise is to attempt to find out what is written in your mail before you
open it. You relax, and breathe as in the ninth lesson, hold the envelope with
both hands and ask for a revelation. Then wait. The first thought that comes to
mind will be the answere. The simplicity of this may amaze you, so let me explai
n what I feel is the true reason behind intuition. The brain is always busy with
thought, but it is undirected and pointless. This is like static. The subconsci
ous reservoir is blocked from transmitting any information by this static. What
is important is to
calm the thinking or stop it so that the message will go through. The reservoir
will be informed of your request when you deliberately and consciously direct it
so, you make this contact during your passive state, but examine the problem th
oroughly , visualize it if possible, and it is thus transmitted. The first thoug
ht will be the answere. If it is not at all related to the problem then an answe
re will come at another time. This I can't explain. You must learn to believe in
your hunch, because that is your answere. You must learn not to rely on your re
asoning or deliberations if they are contrary to the hunch. Think back over your
life, you will agree that your hunches were accurate and that you always regret
ted it when you did not pay attention to them.
I will give you another exercise and some deeper information in a future lesson.
For now, practice with your mail, or try telling the time before you glance at y
our watch. Use my procedure for all your questions and learn to listen to your h
If you know of any truly great men or genuinely successful people, you will noti
ce one quality that stands out over and above any other. It is the attitude of h
umility. I call it an attitude because we really are born with a selfish and sel
f centered disposition. This is openly displayed in babies and youngsters and in
a disguised manner among adults.
The ambitious self seeker is highly motivated by his greed. He sees no one else
except himself and thinks nothing of destroying others to get what he wants. Wha
t this person has in effect done was to use the law of mental creation as it was
not meant to use.
Think for a moment. He visualizes a goal and allows nothing to stop him in achie
ving it. He lives it intensely with the depth of his emotion. In his minds eye h
e continuely pictures himself as having accomplished his hearts desire.
Of course he will succeed, he is using the law of success, i. e. mental creation
as was already taught to you.
But this same person has also planted the seeds th$t will eventually destroy him
because there is another great law
that every action causes an appropriate reaction. And it is the reaction to this
mans greed and mconsideration that will ultimately destroy him. I explained thi
s in the seventh lesson and you would do well to reread it now. What I am drivin
g at now. in this point of your development is that you should by this time stan
d in awe of the great and wondrous powers within you, and it is your recognition
of them that will bring you to a great love of the Creator that brought about s
uch a world and has given you such abilities much as the love of a son who feels
close to his father and mother for this power that is within you is at the same
time the power of the Creator himself. And this closeness has been demonstrated
by yohr success in unveiling your own power. It is this recognition that will b
ring you to the true feeling of h u m 11 i t y that must follow as you realize h
ow insignificant we as mere mortals, being subject to eventual aging, death and
decay of the physical body, are,as compared with an all powerful Creator who as
far as our human understanding goes can see no limit. Humility will thus come au
tomatically as
you understand why you are successful. The greedy, selfish fellow we described m
ade use of the basic law of success without realizing it, but he actually felt t
hat it was his ruthlessness and deception that brought him his goal. He will act
ually laugh at the honest and humble man as being stupid for not taking advantag
e of the many opportunities to deceive and cheat that arise. Actually if this ma
n were to be shown how the law of mental creation works for all in bringing abun
dance and
wealth he would suddenly regret his attitude deeply. There is a great lesson for
all of us here and perhaps you see now for the first time what the religions ha
ve taught as being strikingly similar to this idea, but you now for the first ap
preciate this great and valuable lesson. It is so unfortunate that so many peopl
e want to be religious and benefit from it yet find it hard to bring it into the
ir lives as visble success in their worldly endeavors. You may now appreciate yo
ur religion for the first time.
A word on sleep is now in order because you are now ready to make use of this st
ate for more than just rest and rejuvenation on a physical level. It is true tha
t during sleep thought will continue. This has been proved by measuring mental a
ctivity and of course the dream state. But what is not widely known is that you
can co n t r o 1 the activity of the brain so that it will continue to work for
you in receiving information for you from the unconscious reservoir of truth wit
hin you. The time to prepare for this is at bedtime. Again a passive state is br
ought on and you proceed as was taught in the eleventh lesson on intuition. For
this night exercise I discovered some things that will be of definite value to y
ou. First there is a particular benefit to you if you very carefully think over
the events of the day. It is surprising how many things are done that pass off i
nto oblivion, and yet should have been reconsidered or just reviewed. You will g
et certain feelings about this, and they will be in the form of some enlightenin
g idea or a direct message as to what you should have done. All this will come a
bout as a result of intuition and will proceed your sleeping stage. After you sl
eep a new and wondrous stage will come about in that as a result of your thinkin
g of the events of the day your subconscious will during sleep provide guidance
in the form of a new type of dream. And I want you to pay close attention to wha
t I will teach you now. It a truly remarkable discovery.
There are two types of dreams. The first is what we commonly experience and I wi
ll label them as aimless and senseless ramblings as a result of the myriad of ac
cumulated impressions in our memory. The second type is effected by the subconsc
ious reservoir and there is a definite way to recognize this dream message. Duri
ng the dream you will be convinced that it is not a dream. You will have some co
nsciousness about you and you will consider the possibility that perhaps you are
not dreaming but you will never know for sure until you wake up. This is sure a
nd certain, it has worked with me and with others that I taught this to. For thi
s reason you must keep a pencil and paper at your bedside and after such a dream
do not return to sleep until you make note of it. It will be easily forgotten.
And you will be awake after such a dream since it has an arousing and startling
clarity to it. If you think back over your own life you will certainly recall su
ch a dream but you have never considered it in the new light that I shed now. Th
ese revelations were definite messages to you but you failed to recognize their
true importance. This type of thinking in a passive state has a way of communica
ting with the subconscious reservoir and its decisions on your ponderings will c
ome for sure. There is a second exercise to perform before retiring and the effe
cts will be rewarding in a healing sense. Sit passively with a glass of water an
d perform the fire circle exercise. Then take deep breaths holding them as long
as comfortable and exhale slowly. Do this for some time to
build up the excess energy within your nervous system. Then hold the glass of wa
ter visualizing a golden healing force entering the water from your right hand.
Your previous experiments with objects in water have by now convinced you that t
his magnetic effect does indeed exist. After several minutes of this you simply
drink the magnetized water and imagine a beneficial healing and tranquilizing el
ixir has just been ingested. With this belief you retire. Regardless of the reas
on, you will benefit greatly healthwise from doing this regularly. I constantly
remark concerning a boyant feeling this brings. There are other practices that a
re beneficial before retiring and I will briefly note one more now, since it involv
es some previous work. We will of course resume this in greater depth in a futur
e lesson after more groundwork has been laid. You no doubt have noticed that sin
ce I recommended that you keep notes of inspirations and hunches that a pattern
is being shown. You should be able to understand the way you are able to read an
sweres in them. Prior to retiring is the best deciphering time. Check this.
I will never forget my first encounter with the subject of mental creation since
it not only involved the principle of out of the body experience, but it served
as my introduction to this whole "occult" field. I will recount it since it wil
l also be the basis of this lesson. While on a train to New York a gentleman tol
d me a strange tale involving what he claimed was a first person witnessing of v
I didn't believe the story and told him so. He invited me over to his home in th
e city promising to produce the "magician'1 I took him up on it several weeks la
I never saw any voodoo or proof of it but what I did see changed my whole life.
I was introduced to a lady in her fiftiea There were several more people present
that evening but I was the only stranger. The woman was an American I think, it
really makes no difference. My host told her that I was there because I doubted
that humans had any control over others, by magic or otherwise. She looked at m
e for some time , then asked me if I would like to see her loyal assistant Andre
I assented and in came a small man, also of a middle age appearance. She inquire
d about my auto which was outside at the time. Then she asked her assistant to l
eave and read the license plate. He left, returned and did so. She then inquired
if I had anything at my home with any identification number I could remember an
d I told her my social security plate was in a desk drawer and she promptly disp
atched Andrew to read this too. It was now that I realized that this Andrew
was quite remarkable . He Immediately returned to the room and proceeded to read
of my social security number too.
I was dumbfounded. That he knew my license I felt he spied on my arrival but how
did he know where I lived, get there in seconds, get the information and return
in seconds. The woman looked intently at me and said she would prove to me beyo
nd a doubt that I had witnessed something paranormal. And with that this Andrew
vanished from my eyes. I was shocked over this whole performance. The others in
the room seemed to take this all matter of factly and one lady told me that they
had already seen this before. There is more to this story but I will stop at th
is point and explain to you what had happened and teach you how you may duplicat
e this same feat. It is really not as difficult as it may sound and you have alr
eady mastered most of the principles at this point. What you are to do is to cre
ate on the metaphysical plane and through the repetition of your intensive visua
lization this creation will take on the form and substance you are desiring it t
o assume. It will not be comprised of all the elements needed to make it physica
l but it will become visible never the less because a visualized thought form wi
th the proper emotion and intensity is transmitted via the spirit aura that surr
ounds all beings to their own thought receptors. In effect the physical senses a
re bypassed and the image is presented to the thought faculties of the brain thr
ough the metaphysical
senses of the spirit or soul aura that radiates around people. I mentioned in le
sson seven how a persons thoughts and deeds create a spiritual mass around him.
This living mass remains within the radiating aura around us. I will not go into
the aura in this lesson, but for our purposes you can assume that it functions
like a physical body, in a metaphysical way, so that just as the body has physic
al eyes and ears, so does the aura have metaphysical senses. It is this fact tha
t enables you to act on a thought level only. In a future lesson I will show you
how to prove tuis, for now suffice it to know that it will work. If you will re
study lesson three and five you will realize tht all you need to do now is to tran
sfer your conscious thinking and reasoning to this creation you are producing. I
t is very important that w,i follow every word I say. You are no*: going to remo
ve your conscious thinking f^r ^ second from yourself. You can't do ** .<*. r.i
long as your life giving touI is w.-hin your physical confines, will your thinki
ng be so be and. E' you can extend your consci' usness a thit you will be c^.*'**iou8
* V'ner^ you.- thought
form creation is directed. In the story I related the thought form creation was
In the sba, j of a person. It does not have to be as it is only a vehicle for th
e purpose of being visible to others. You have already learnt that it isn't nece
ssary to have this vehicle in order for you to accomplish an out of the body exp
erience. What you accomplish by creating this vehicle is not only that another p
erson will see this extention of yourself but it will be able to communicate. I
understand now that when Andrew identified my license number and social security
number, he did not do so with a physical voice that was perceived by my physica
l ears. I certainly thought so at the time, it was a perfect illusion, but the t
ruth proved to be that he had communicated at a thought level as I already expla
ined. It does not matter how the brain will receive the message, whether through
physical organs or metaphysical, the results, as far as your understanding and
your thought pictures are concerned will be the same. And you also under-
stand that this thought form creation does not have any mind of its own, nor can
it do any independent thinking. It is always controlled and directed by the cre
ator, but it has the unlimited possibilities that only a metaphysical thought ca
n have, it spans great distances instantaneously since it is not limited by phys
ical time or space . All the powers of thought that were shown you in the first,
third, and fifth lessons will apply. You as the sender and creator of this vehi
cle will be completely conscious of everything at every place. I urge you to rep
eat all exercises I taught until now and proceed with creation of this thought f
orm very slowly and carefully Remember it is repetetive concentration sessions t
hat will buildJ^his vehicle properly. I would -gg'.st that you fii t get a good pict
ure of the creation before you attempt to build It as a though, form. Perhaps a st
atue or other three dimentional object would be a fine sample to hold in front o
f you until you can v sual* .e it completely.
From . e very si,vvt try to enliven it with your emotion as was explained in lesso
n three. Behold it as a living being and believe in its existence implicitly. It
is only when you see it clearly and can sit back and ponder it and make it move
about at will that you will have s oiently enlivened it so that i the : < .a perceive
t too. At the same time wnen you practice your . ought travel exercise start to us
e this vehicle with it. See it at the place you are visualizing and most importa
nt, feel yourself within it. In afuture lesson I will give some interesting expe
riments you can try with your creation. You will learn how to send it to heal us
ing your aura energy that you will learn to release much as I taught you to use
your physical fingertips for this purpose.
We have only scratched the surface of of your capabilities, yet you are by now c
apable of much more then most other people living today. It is important that yo
u practice constantly and never allow any doubts whatsover to enter your mind. T
his is not magic. It is simply the way to develop in the manner that we were cre
ated to. Surely we do not have these pcwers just to know about, to allow to -wit
her from disuse. It is truly the ultimate praise of the Creator of this world.
The Way To Health And Power
Can you recall any experiences with that presence ra diatlng from you that is ca
lled aura? 1 can think of a simple case that you didn't realize. It has often ha
ppened to me and 1 am sure to everyone. Can you recall suddenly being aware of s
omeone In a room before you have seen him. This Is popularity known as "to feel
someones presence". Suddenly you feel something on you, you turn and someone you
did not hear enter, is there. If you can remember the exact circumstances you w
ill also recall that at the time your attention was preoccupied or you were dayd
This is so since areceptive state is needed also, otherwise this radiation is mi
ngled with numerous other stimuli that constantly clamor for attention.
I will not engage you In speculation. You have probably read enough of that in o
ther places. First, I want you to perform a test that will prove to you that you
can learn to see this radiation, and not Just to sense it under certain conditi
ons. In a dark room grasp a glass of water with both hands and placed on your la
p. In order to get the room black enough it may be better to do this in a darken
ed room at night. You should direct your attention to the water in the glass and
breath deeply and slowly, relaxed as you have been previously taught. Do not co
ntinue this for too long, usually fifteen minutes at the start is enough. Hold t
he glass so that the right thumb overlaps the left thumb. You should repeat this
daily. Your first success with this will be that you will begin to see a bluish
haze around the . water. What is happening is that the radiations from your han
ds, the aura surrounding them, is being amplified by the water but not dissipate
d by it. It is actually being stored within the water, much as in a storage batt
ery. Water has such a property, and I have been
unsuccessful with other liquids. It w< seem that the water has some afflnlt to t
he human aura , perhaps it is the molecular construction which atti and holds ou
r soul radlattons, su it is as wondrous as the fact that ou bodies can attract a
nd hold our souls. What you will now accomplish is to concentrate this aura with
in the liquid base so that it becomes visible. Once you have it, the longer you
hold the glass the stronger will be the color of this radiation and others who m
ay be with you will see it. Of course you have correctly suspected by now that o
ther manifestations may appear during this exercise. Several that come to mind b
ecause of being recent are unexplainable rays of light coming from the glass and
bubbles forming within the water and moving in unusual patterns. I won't go int
o this at thts time as I only wan't you to practice this to' be able to control
your aura. There is some interesting things you will be able to do once you can
make your aura visible. As for the water itself, you may drink it and you will b
e in for a surprise. If you drink it close to retiring, you will have some wonde
rful visions during the sleep. A general exhtitrating feeling is not uncommon af
ter drinking the water at any time. No doubt it has become charged with some mag
netic or other effect that cannot help but be beneficial to you. Tlis is a fine
byproduct of this experiment. And would make it worth your while just for this a
lone. 1 am sure you have either heard or read of people that claim to to be able
to see the aura of others. As a general statement I doubt this is possible. At
least I cannot do it and have not met anyone else who can. What 1 will teach you
are ways to see your own aura and that of others under controlled conditions. I
Copyright 1979, Williamburg Publishing Campany
can't Just look at people and detect their aura but I can do it if they are subj
ected to the proper conditions. Now, I would like to acquaint you with what I th
ink is my exclusive discovery. At a theater presentation involving live players
and unusual lighting I couldn't help but notice from my particular seating posit
ion that when a blue light was directed at one of the actors, a pinkish haze of
about two inches emanating from around him. It was only for the shortest of inte
rvals as he was a particular distance from the colored floodlight source, but it
was enough to get me to wonder and experiment extensively, and I was to find so
me astounding information that you will be able to duplicate yourself.
I will give you the methods of experimentation I use and a rundown of my results
which you will find helpful as a guide for your own work. By the use of differe
nt colored lights directed in such a way that they silhouette you, I mean by thi
s that they do not light up the whole room but in an otherwise completely dark r
oom they hit some point on your body only, and by observing your silhouette in a
mirror opposite this light source on the dark side you will be able to see your
aura in a contrasing color. Since the aura will not al ways be the same color,
you will need to try different colored lights to find the contrasting color. And
it works. You can direct the lights to yourself or someone else. You will see t
hese radiations when they are properly contrasted by a diiferent colored light.
The way I direct the colored bulbs is by way of cones I fashioned out of tin foi
l. The colored bulbs I use are of the commercial variety with their glass dyed w
ithin and not just painted on the outsides. This assures that the pure color wil
l come through. The type that are painted from the outside will scratch and you
will get white light too. I have found that you need only three different colors
: blue, red and green.
A five watt green and red bulb is good and strong enough, the blue is better if
it is 25 watts. It is important that the colored light be directed at you and sp
read as little light in the room as possible. It is also important that you get
the correct strength of light at
the point where the aura radiations leave your body. It should not be diffused o
r else the contrast will be lost. The only way to determine this is by experimen
ting. It is only important that you understand the principal so that you will ma
ke the proper adjustments by yourself. I will now give you some personal observa
tions and this may not be true in your case. I usually find success in my occult
work when my aura colors show a pink,yellow, blue, violet or very light green c
olor. If they are red, brown or black I will not be successful in these metaphys
ical experiments I have until now given you. I will also have some words to say
about this concerning healing.
It would seem that there are certain times when one is psychically prepared to e
ngage in metaphysical activity and this can be measured by the color of the aura
. I do not profess to know the reason for this, I am just relating the result of
long and tedious experimentation. Another important point is that it is sometim
es necessary to aim more than one c olor, and the combination may vary, red and
green, or blue and red, blue and green, etc., you must continually try various c
ombinations. To start simply I would suggest that you take one light at a time i
n a simple screw socket, turn tinfoil around it, and place it so that you can di
rect it at your hand only and experiment until you get the correct contrast. The
beauty of all this is that you do not require any special training or mental pr
eparat ion to succeed. You are merely making use of the natural laws of light. L
uckily the aura is physical enough to be detected under the proper lighting. The
idea of turning tinfoil around the bulb in a cone shape is to direct the light.
You may vary this somewhat also. It is important now to understand the differen
ce between this method and the previous one that requires a willful accumulation
of your aura energy in a suitable conductor and storer, such as water. If you d
id not consciously direct this accumulation your aura would not be visible due t
o its diffusion, but through your direction you can concentrate its energy
to the point that it takes on a color that is visible without special lighting.
The color I mentioned was bluish and this is what I continually observe to be th
e aura color when this experiment is successful. Since the aura does change,and
1 can only speculate as to why, it would seem that it responds to mental states,
and the one needed for this exercise is the one that will show a bluish color.
I will close this
topic for now and ask you to carefully reread this and to experiment with the tw
o m thods herein. The former will be the more difficult for you but the latter sho
uld bring immediate success.
In a future lesson we will proceed with advanced and more difficult work with yo
ur aura. As in all the previous lessons, it is important that you continue to pr
actice and keep a positive attitude.
A few words on some foods you must avoid. In lesson two I advocated seed food. B
ut be warned that all are not to be eaten. The seeds of apple, cherry, apricot a
nd peach . contain a chemical that the body can convert to cyanide, a deadly poi
son. The only way to get
around this is to heat the crushed seeds by steam distillation at 140 for over 12
hours. I guess it is not worth the trouble. Thoroughly cooking pork at not below
the same temperature is a safeguard against trichinosis, yet why tamper with th
e Bible. Don't eat it.
Which leads us to some words on the Bible. I will not try to argue the case for
believing it to be a Divine book or not. I personally believe the Old Testament
to be Divinely dictated to Moses, and I know this from the many contacts with de
parted souls that have relayed the truth about all this. This is a fact and cann
ot be argued just like you cannot argue about it being day when the sun is out.
And if you properly study it, you will see that there is nothing of value in the
New Testament that isn't already in the so called Old one. I do not intend to g
o into
controversial subjects, but I wanted to let you knowbeforehandthat you will find
this out eventually as you practice the work I am giving you. It is a TRUTH. I
am not asking any non-jew to convert, all people, Jewish or not, that lead clean
and pure lives in accordance with Biblical principal will be rewarded in this l
ife and the next. I only wanted to stress the holy nature of the Old Testam ent
as it is the words of the Creator Himself. The nature of this so called reward a
s revealed to me will be explained in a future lesson.
We will now begin what I feel is the most wondrous of all the subjects I have be
en teaching you until now. It is what I call the power of verbal intonation and
can be defined as the e f f e c t on the metaphysical world of the sounds we utt
er by way of our vocal apparatus, and the after effect on the physical plane.
This thought will probably be so new to you that you will just stare in amazemen
t. Yet it is true, as you will soon prove to yourself. What we will get at is th
e true meaning of magical incantations that are popularly spoken about but compl
etely misunderstood. You probably have heard
the so called lost word, the way of invoking angels,etc. Unfortunately I cannot
teach you any words that will make angels appear, or that will act as magic, for
there is no such thing. What I will teach you is the true art of the magician o
f yore who understood and made use of effect of certain sounds made under certai
n conditions and could predict their final physical effect. It was certainly a m
ystery to the untrained eye, but it was not the modern conception of sorcery. Th
e startling truth about this is in line with the facts on the effect of thought
that I
revealed to you In lesson seven. In that lesson I stressed how thoughts and even
intentions are not lost at all, but are effecting the aura and mass of spirit a
round us , and that these effects will cause reactions in kind at some time, tha
t these are our own creations. By now you realize the truth of this and have lea
rned to exert some control over thoughts that until now have gone unchecked. It
was also explained how this does not go for mere idle thought, but deliberate an
d emotion charged thought. The emotion has the power to enliven certain power ce
nters that activate the the whole cause and effect system we have been learning
about. And all this will now be put to use in verbal intonation. Again, I will n
ot burden you with theory, just simple, tests
that you can put to immediate use . Pay close attention to what I will say now.
In a relaxed state, and in a quiet room slowly say each letter of the alphabet.
It is important that the letter be as drawn out as possible. The point is to sou
nd it as long as possible. At the start of these sessions you should try and fin
d which sound has any particular effect on you. This can vary among people so th
ere are no hard or fast rules for this. Keep careful notes on all this. The next
thin g is to sound each letter with each of the vowel sounds in all their forms
. For example, the a sound can be intoned as ah or ai. Useeach letter with each
sound such as the letter B as follows: Bayyyyyy and Bahhhhh. You will notice tha
t some sounds have some pleasing effect , make a note of which one. You must als
o test using the mouth open and closed if it is possible. The M can be intoned w
ith the mouth closed although it will sound like gagging. Don't mind this as we
are concerned with the effects of sound not esthetics. So far I have concerned m
yself with the vocal mechanics. The next point I want to make is that you will s
oon be seeing things, and because of this it is important to learn the proper us
e of the eyes, in regards to this experiment and to the new work to come in futu
re lessons. You may feel that you know how to see, and that is true, but how oft
en can you catch
yourself straining your eyes in an effort to see better. I have spoken up to now
about the effect of mental and physical passivity and I would like at this poin
t to speak about how this will e mpower the eyes. And this is true. Just like we
said that the passive state will put you in the correct condition to accept met
aphysical impressions, so it is with the passive eye. It is only the restive, pa
ssive eye that will see the visions and products of the tests we are about to be
gin, but it is also such an eye that has a certain power that can send into the
metaphysical area for profound effects, this is a subject to be taken up in grea
t length and detail in a future lesson. If you will think about it for a moment
you will agree that the function of the eye is often forgotten. The eye will rec
eive images but cannot improve this through any concentration or strain. As far
as occult effects are concerned, the straining or concentrating eye will not see
many of the manifestations that the passive eye can and does transmit to those
portions of our brain that can handle it. It may take a little practice to get i
nto this state easily as many people just simply don't know how to relax.
I have a simple little exercise for you that will help you get into this state a
nd enable you to recognize exactly what I mean.
Look at someobject in front of you then direct you vision ahead of it, past it,
you will see the object double. When you look at the object this way, while it i
s appearing as two, you are looking passively. This doesn't mean that you look b
eyond everything to get a double focus, but it does give you the correct visual
attitude and shows how to see without strain. It is just such a passive sight th
at is all important for your occult work and for your success in it. It is this
sight that you use while practicing the intonation exercises. After a week or so
of daily practice you will note that certain sounds will produce a cloud . This
may be just a fine misty something, or for lack of exact words, a foggy substan
ce . If the eyes are not passive you will not see it.
In a future lesson I will detail the various effects of various intonations that
I have experienced consistently. The most important one, I feel, is this fog li
ke substance because I have learned how to
direct this cloud, to Intensify It, so that It will assume various shapes of obj
ects as I will, and is so strong that others will see it too. The sounds that I
have found to be the ones that work for me in every case and for others too are:
LAHHHHHH RAHHHHHH MAHHHHHH in that order. A^d remember that this is not magic a
t all. I will go into a little detail so that you will know exactly what I do an
d I urge you to immediately start your own experiments with this.
I cannot stress too strongly the importance of the passive vision and drawing ou
t the sounds long and clear.
I also find that the deep breathing as used in the healing exercises to enhance
the results . Here is my own exact procedure. Sitting restfully in a well lit ro
om, my gaze passively and restfully directed ahead of me I slowly intone the abo
ve three sounds:Lah Rah Mah, one after another after taking a normal inhaling of
air. I then take a deep breath to vitalize and oxygenate my my system and exhal
e slowly without any intonation. I then take a normal breath and exhale with the
above intonation. This is repeated until I see the misty formation, usually aft
er the fifteenth intonation. As the mist appears I take great care to look at it
passively only. I find that to s t a r e at it causes it to dissapear. I find t
hat at this point it is no longer necessary to continue the intonation, but I ha
ve developed a a way to increase the density of this mist. Very slowly I move my
eyes around the room, but keeping the mist in the peripheral vision I will that
the element! that make up this mist that are naturally found scattered in the r
oom unite with the mist and do so as my vision roams the room. And it works. Whe
n 1 see that this mist has thickened into a dense cloud, or has become as thick
as I can make it and no further effort will improve it I then again direct my ga
ze at it in a passive manner and mentally will it to start revolving, the top mo
ving counter clock wise toward the bottom, thus spinning gradually, slowly at fi
rst, and I continue this until I have it spinning rapidly. Two things may happen
and this is uncontrollable,the thick spinning mass may either enlargen as thoug
h a spinning snowball is taking
on more snow with each revolution, so this mass increases, or it will decrease i
n size as though further concentrating itself or perhaps throwing off some of it
s essence. At this point I would like you to experiment as follows. You can stil
l adlto the mass while it is revolving so as before move you vision around It an
d direct more elemental stuff to enter. Or you can mentally direct this revolvin
g mass to change its shape. I would suggest that you attempt to flatten it, or a
ssume some simple elementary shapes such as a triangle or s quare. The interesti
ng thing I have found is that if you remove your attention completely from the m
ass it will still be there and slowly fade away. You can destroy it completely a
nd instantly at any time by simply staring at it. Since all this is so new and y
ou will be practicing very simply at first, I will bring one thing to your atten
tion at this time and go no further with all this. After you have kept this up l
ong enough you will also discover new uses on your own. I will also devote a fut
ure lesson to some advanced technques I discovered. The Important thing is that
the groundwork is laid. The final thought I will leave you with is that not only
can you effect this mist to the point where it is perfectly visible to anyone b
ut you can refine it to the point that you become invisible to others. The princ
iple is that you can have this mass assume the color you direct it to and if it
is the same as the room background you will not be visible as you are behind thi
s mass. In general, as the mass thickens you will not be able jto see through it
and this means that you have created a wall. But this wall is visible and will
attract attention. If this wall is the same color as the actual wall of the room
, you will not be seen and the whole effect will be unnoticed. Now you will find
it quite easy to have this mist mas8 respond to your mental commands.
It will whirl, change color, assume shapes and be very flexible to your will.
It is important that your first direction is the whirling of the mass, this has
an effect on its lasting ability and its overall length and hight. When it is th
ick enough and large enough you can stop its spinning and direct it to take on t
he background room color or any specific shape. If you cannot see beyond it, you
will not be seen either.
If you will for a moment go back to lesson fourteen wherein I brought the creati
on of thoughtforms to your attention you will see a remarkable dual use of the m
ist you have brought about through verbal intonation. The advanced practitioner
in occult work will always try and make a dual use of verbal and thought power i
f possible.
I bring this up now because it is an appropriate place to enhance your understan
ding and success with this lesson. And if you have not achieved a satisfactory t
houghtform until now, you will be able to continue your thought travel work by u
sing this mist mass instead. This will go for all your out of the body experimen
ts as well.
Let me be more specific about this. Whereas in the lesson mentioned you were tau
ght to create a vehicle that would function independently of your body by use of
concentrated thought and emotion only, the vehicle nevertheless was really comp
osed of certain elements present around us that grouped together in response to
your will. The new fact that I am presenting to you now is that the same exact e
lements that performed for us as thought forms are responding in a mist mass in
response to certain verbal intonations in the manner I just outlined. This means
that you have actually accomplished the same thing. There is a difference in wh
ich manner will work better or quicker for each individual, depending on his own
makeup and development. This does not in any way diminish what I revealed to yo
u about the effect of thought and emotion on your spirit aura around you. Actual
ly when you speak, and you have in mind to have the sounds work some effect, you
are dealing with the same exact aura, and your influence through it will be on
the elemental forces throughout nature and the world that respond to properly so
unded vowels or properly created thought forms. This is the whole secret to occu
lt work. The truth is that you never create in the sense that you cause somethin
g to come into being from nothing. This is surely impossible for us mortals. Onl
y the One Creator of everything can do this. But we can make use of the things h
e created to produce things much as a cook makes
use of many items to produce a new delicacy. We are cooks in our own , right. We
can make use of certain elemental forces that exist, cause them to assume certa
in forms or shapes and to perform in certain ways. It just so happens that becau
se too many of us do not know how this is done that at first glance it appears l
ike magic. It is really nothing of the sort. I can only hint at the wondrous res
ults as you can't really understand this yet, but if for example you create this
mist and then move your consciousness within it you will have new, unusual and
wonderful visions. In the meantime another person would think you are in some ty
pe of trance. Your physical body will assume such a posture and look, yet this i
s simply not what most call a trance where you sit back and wait for impressions
, but a state where you are in full control over all.
I cannot describe the wonderful state of bliss and well being you will feel as y
ou become accomplished in losing yourself in this collected form, whether it be
caused by sound or thought alone. One thing you can be immediately sure of. Your
study to this point has opened new doors and you have come to accept new concep
ts, and you have become elevated by your new knowledge. It is truly a staggering
thought that you have at your command the power to move about without the confi
nes of your body and that you can blot yourself out from view. I urge you to who
leheartedly immerse yourself in this experience. It has a side effect on your he
alth, as all things do, in that your physical processes and functions during the
se sessions will slow and give conditions that were until now detrimental a very
bad environment, in fact your body's natural self healing power will be able to
attack and correct these conditions for the first time. I will go into this mor
e when we go further into the subject. You now have all you need to know to go t
o work and succeed in production of this mist or shadow.
Of course your work should be done in private and do not practice with skeptics
who will discourage you. When you are experienced and can produce all this pheno
menon easily it will make no difference since you will be able to convince the m
ost hardened skeptic.
By way of the following introduction we can begin the work on self- healing.
I will present several important proven human reactions that never fail and we w
ill build some important principles from them that I will teach you to apply in
your personal life program. To illustrate the first principle, what I will refer
to as principle A, I will give the following example. Let us imagine that I bro
ught a long narrow board to you, placed it on the floor and asked you to walk on
it thereto no problem. If I placed it so that it was elevated a foot over the flo
or, you still would not hesitate. But as the distance between the board and the
floor increases, your fear of falling overpowers your will power and you refuse
to walk it, so if I were to place this same board, between two buildings, from o
ne rooftop to the next, you would not walk it. This can be simply stated as that
if your imagination conflicts with your will power, the imagination will win ou
Imagine the salesman who cannot knock at the prospectb door because of the impen
ding fear of being told no. Now this reaction will work at all levels and work a
gainst us if not understood. If you could examine the fear and look at it in the
light of truth the fear would be greatly mini mized or erased completely. Peopl
e generally create fears that are unsound and unsubstantiated. No one knows what
the future holds and deciding beforehand what will happen is a certain and sure
way to failure. The way around this is continual suggestion to yourself that th
e thing feared is in fact groundless. You can walk across the board, despite its
elevation because you can do it when it is on the floor. Your self-suggestion t
hat there is no force up there to push you,more than normal walking on the groun
d will provide enough reason to think the matter over twice. Now here is what al
l of this has to do with healing.
The deeper parts of a person's mind, or what people refer to as the subconscious
is very susceptible to suggestion. It does not reason or argue, but accepts the
information impressed upon it, whether correct or otherwise. When I say the sub
conscious I do not refer to that part
of your brain from where there flows the great well of intuition as I explained
in lesson eleven. That portion is at a much deeper and elevated level than what
I am referring now. That is more of a door or pathway to the soul, whereas what
I refer to now is the portion of the brain that does not Involve our conscious d
eliberations and works independently of conscious functions. This portion has a
direct link via the nervous system to all of the vital bodily functions. Now the
time when these sufr-rstions have an effect on the subconscious is when the reg
ular thinking portions of the brain are either preoccupied or at rest, as in sle
ep or as when we are in the passive concentrative state as I have been teaching
you all along. I am sure you have heard of the conditions that Doctors claim as
being products of your own belief: vague aches and pains, simple depression, etc
. And they cure them by giving sugar pills in the guise of medicine by making yo
u think the pill will help, and it does. These are all products of the subconcio
us acting out suggestions that you yourself gave. I will give a simple example.
An advertisement for a particular remedy will list the symptoms and you will dec
ide that you have those same symptoms too, and therefore suffer the same ailment
. The subconscious will accept this suggestion and you will indeed come down wit
h the same symptoms. There are many such conditions: constipation, insomnia, cer
tain forms of asthma, obesity, anemia,etc., the list could go on and on. I have
actually helped students with heart trouble to regulate and slow the heartbeat t
hrough simple suggestions. What I want to tell you is that you can reverse a con
dition that the subconscious is either causing or aggravating by commanding the
subconscious by way of your visualization of the opposite, healthy condition for
yourself during passive periods, or right before going to bed.
One further example of this is famous, by suggesting to your subconscious the ti
me you wish to awaken and your visualizing of a clock set up this way, you will
awaken exactly at that time.
Continuous suggestionr.especially if followed by similar activity, and is repeti
tious also impress the deeper portions of the brain, and this is the cause of ha
bits. Each repetition reinforces the subconscious to provide for the continuatio
n of the same physical act . If you have habits you you feel are harmful and wis
h to break, you must reverse the effects of the accumulated past activity.
This is not easy to do and is probably more difficult than everything else we ha
ve been learning. This is how powerful the effect of suggestion is on the subcon
scious. The only way to do this reversal correctly is to pay more attention to a
ll your daily activities and catch yourself when you are about to commit the bad
habit and suggest over and over in a command fashion that It is harmful to do,
all the while visualizing yourself not doing it. You will slowly erode the built
up habit from your subconscious. The second principle, and I will refer to it a
s principle B, is that when you concentrate upon a certain idea involving the bo
dy's various systems, the idea will manifest Itself. I will give you a remarkabl
e example of it and you can
test it right away. Hold your arm stiffly and rigidly out to your side with your
eyes closed and imagine that there is a rope tied to your wrist and there is so
meone in front of you pulling harder and harder on the rope trying to pull your
hand towards him and pull you forward., your hand will gradually move forward by
itself without any conscious effort on your part. This is truly remarkable if y
ou think into this. This works for the senses to. You can actually lower the bod
y temperature by imagining yourself plunging into ice water or raise it by imagi
nin g yourself in boiling water. The principle is that your attention and concen
tration on the bodily activities will affect them, and your imagination is very
powerful in doing this and is in fact the tool for it because of a strong bond b
etween our psychological and physical systems. We of course have the undertones
of what I already pointed out in relation to suggestion, for it is basically the
same mechanism Involved: the powerful but unreasoning subconscious bringing int
o effect what is being impressed upon it. It is so important to dwell on these t
houghts and examine them in the light of your own personal life experiences. Mak
e use of this today.
Exercising the body is both vital and easy. No doubt you have heard that a good
brisk walk is the best one. This has truth, but it does not really get to the wh
ole muscular structure, nor does it message the internal organs properly. I will
go into this in more detail in the future. What is important now is that you ad
d two simple exercises to your daily schedule, and I assume that you will includ
e the walking briskly too. I will not refer to it again, but I would like to tel
l you that from my experience it is not important to emphasize the briskness, yo
u can walk slowly too. It is important to keep a good posture, and a steady brea
thing pattern. All the while attempt to keep the abdominal muscles tight. As you
try this out you will get the knack of what 1 mean. The first exercise involves
your entire
system. Everything. If you have ever seen a cat strech out you will have it exac
tly. The animal reaches out its front feet as far as possible, streching the fro
nt muscles one way all the while reaching back with its hips, streching those mu
scles the other way, in the opposite direction.
This is an instinctive exercise in the animal kingdom and it is truly a shame th
at man has neglected it. You will find that if you do this upon awakening or any
time you feel tired, you will sense an immediate elating energy rushing from yo
ur spine throuout your whole body. The next new exercise is simple to walk aroun
d for a few minutes on all fours. It sounds ridculous at first but you will get
benefits from this as from no other exercise. It is interesting to observe the a
nimal kingdom and its physical fitness and not wonder if there are not certain i
mportant exercises that we can imitate for benefit.
The Way To Health And Power
Most people think they know how to listen to music and how to enjoy music.
Be that as it may, I maintain that most of you do not know how to properly use m
usic for soul communication or other occult work. I will give you a simple test
that will prove to you that a whole new world exists where you saw none before.
Let us take your favorite melody, and for examples sake lets say the first bar g
oes like thisrduh, duh, doo, doo, deen, deen, don. We have seven notes. Ordi nar
ily you can hum these seven notes without noticing any effects at all. But lets
change the setting somewhat. Assume your relaxed position and concentrate upon e
ach note intensely. And instead of simply humming the tune, you hum each note as
long as possible with the mouth closed. So the first note will sound something
like thisrduhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, using a whole exhalation. Before I go any furthe
r you will probably see how this is but another variation of the verbal intonati
on I taught you in lesson eighteen. But we have added a completely new element,
and that is the changing tone of each note, the music scale provides us with a v
ariety of tones that will have an uncanny effect for you. Take a moment to rerea
d lesson eighteen and all I have already said will apply to your musical intonat
ion. What I would like
to bring to your attention now is some personal observations with this and then
I will leave the matter to your own experimentation. I have found that the accep
ted classical masterpieces from such musical giants as Tchaikovsky or Borodin co
ntain passages that will produce visions that can only be described as heavenly.
Scenes of serene forest settings that no doubt helped to inspire the music in t
he first place, are only one example. With some practice you will see what I mea
n . There are some tone combinations that will start simple motions in light obj
ects, as I described in lesson five regarding thought. I do not know the explana
tion for this but these are verified observations. You probably heard about the
experiments where music helped plants grow more vigorously, and this is certainl
y in line with the information I am giving you now. As you slowly intone each no
te you will feel the vibratory effect of the vocal cords and this somehow effect
s some psychic parts within us that bring about these startling things. Only as
you experiment further will you begin to feel the new world unfolding before you
and its many beneficial effects on your body. This is but another healing metho
d you will learn to control. Try it.
I would like once and for all to put to rest a myth that is currently circulated
in many so called circles and publications that I feel is fraudulent and destru
ctive. It concerns what is called sex magic or sex yoga. It also goes under othe
r titles depending upon the fertile imagination of the particular writer. I am s
ure that the intention is to arouse the reader rather than to provide any factua
l or truthful information. I would like to give
you a summary of what I have learned about this and you may decide for yourselve
s. If we go back far enough in history we find that people assumed that their ow
n sexual activity would have a favorable effect upon the crops they sorely depen
ded upon for a living, hence the various fertility rites that almost always invo
lved sexual activity. We cannot, in our day and age, say that they were altogeth
er wrong in this, and it is altogether possible
Copyright 1973, Williamsburg Publishing Company
that they did indeed observe and verify a strong cause and effect relationship t
o justify their continued participation in these rites. It is also possible that
they had known certain intonations to
physical level. In order to cover this truthfully and completely I will limit my
remarks to various revelations and observations that you will be able to verify
on your own. First of all, the idea I brought to you at the start
use in conjunction with these ceremonies of this lesson on the fraudulence of th
e claims
that were really responsible for the observed effects upon nature. But be all th
at as it may, we have no proof of such possibilities and for that matter this ma
y all have been some hoax perpetrated by the then ruling factions for political
motives. The point is that we simply do not know. Yet there are today countless
so called witches that would have us believe that they have somehow preserved th
e authentic lore and claim justification for erotic activity that cannot possibl
y have any spiritual effect at all. The true facts as they are today would certa
inly put such claims in a very undesireable light. Think for a moment. Through v
arious ways it is possible to derive great sensory pleasure from the sex organs,
and the same holds true of the eating apparatus. There is an important parallel
here. We all know and think lightly of the glutton. It is quite respectable of
him to indulge and gratify himself with food, perhaps a connoisseur to boot. He
becomes so absorbed in his taste delights that he becomes completely oblivious o
f his surroundings, he is so engrossed in his enjoyment of the food that he has
completely lost consciousness of his
of sex acts for spiritual results is true. The act of intercourse between man an
d wife is to produce children, and if there was no pleasurable sensation involve
d, people would not copulate and mankind would soon disappear. For the same reas
on if there was no pleasure in eating, people wouldn't do it either. The Creator
in his wisdom did all this and so we can only ponder how wonderful this is. Wha
t further proof do you need than your own experience: as soon as you are satiate
d, whether it be through the orgasm of sex or the fullness of the big meal, you
have no further urge to continue and may actually find such continuance as being
Where people, by not thinking this all through correctly, miss the boat, is that
where the physical activity is surely only that, physical. There is however the
matter of intention and attitude, and you will recall how I covered this in les
son seven. It is here that we are dealing with spirituality in many different fo
rms. And I will go into this at this point In detail. Please pay close attention
. As you well realize, we speak of the Creator in terms of what we see He did. B
ut no mortal has any idea of the essence of the Creator, we simply have no equip
ment or receptiveness for such a task. It is like asking someone, to use his ear
s to see with or his eyes to hear with. It is important to impress
own body, all he can feel is the pleasure yourself with this limitation because
of the moment. Now ask yourself, is he therefore involved in a spiritual experie
nce? I am sure you never heard of such a claim. Yet this is precisely what those
who claim that the orgasm is such an experience. I think the example I have giv
en is proof enough that the mere indulgence of ones physical self in his physica
l pleasure, whether it be food or sex, is certainly no indicator of any spiritua
l result. I am sure that the ecstacy of the great glutton may perhaps overpower
the emotion of the erotomaniac. And now we come to the main point of this whole
discussion. Is it possible to link any spirituallity at all to our physical plea
sure gratifications? And if so, how can we go alxwt doing so and can we sec any
tangible result of this on the
think that their own power of reason is infallible, and therefore if they do not
understand something, it can't be so. This besides being faulty reasoning, can
lead to terrible errors. As far as our relationship to the Creator is concerned,
we cannot claim any kind of knowledge of the Creator's essence. But we can look
into the many effects in this world and see a Divine pattern and guidance. When
we accept that there is a Creator, then we also accept that at some point the w
orld we have was not there at all. And in this regard I would like to give you a
powerful example. You all know about gravity. If you throw a ball up in the air
it will come back down after the force that is propelK n-g it has gone. In othe
r words the primary and natural force will prevail unless a stronger opposing fo
rce will contradict it. Let us now examine the world in light of this
example. The creation can be likened to to the propelling anti-gravitational for
ce. Since before there was anything the natural state was nothing, we can liken
this nothingness to the gravitational force. This means that if the creation doe
s not continue to receive some force at all times to keep it in existence, I t w
ill return to its original nothingness. So that all matter as we have it would I
nstantly disappear if the Divine force would leave it. What we come out with is
that there is some Divine force or spark in everything to keep it there. And wit
h this in mind we can return to the first part of our discussion. The intentions
behind the sex act or eating food can make all the difference in the world. Let
's be specific. The Divine essence in the food we eat will play a role within us
as we absorb the food into our system . This role can be very simply explained
as follows. Before we eat the food,the food, whatever i t is, has not yet fulfil
led its purpose in this world. What is its purpose? It is to be absorbed and to
give nutrition and strength to man. (Even if it be eaven by an animal, the anima
l will eventually be eaten by man, even if this is only indirectly so, for examp
le: In a jungle a lion kills a 1 eopard, it is mostly eaten by his killer, the r
est is left to become food for scavenger8, and whatever is left finally rots and
becomes fertilizer to enhance the plant kingdom which in turn will feed other a
nimals. Some of these will be captured and eaten by man. Those that aren't will
complete the eye le again, perhaps only the plants and vegetation that their dea
d remains help fertilize will be eaten by man, and so it goes. But the goal of t
he plant and animal kingdom is to be absorbed by man eventually.)
This is the Divine purpose, but what is man supposed to do? Since the purpose of
man in this world is a discussion in itself I will at this time limit myself to
the topic herein. Let us assume at this point in your development that man's pu
rpose in this world is to fulfill his human potential. So if you eat with the th
ought in mind that the food is giving you the strength and physical ability to c
ontinue on lifes purpose, then the food as it becomes part of your flesh and blo
od is not only helping you but is being elevated from its prior level to a much
higher level. And this elevation is not
limited to a purely physical one but also involves the spiritual aspects of the
food elements. And this is what I meant by the role of the Divine force within t
he food, for it is still present as the elevation in the food molecules is takin
g place. What you need to keep in mind is that food for pleasures sake fulfills
no purpose in the Divine scheme of things. If it is eaten with a purpose and the
molecules are subsequently instrumental in fulfilling that purpose, then we hav
e elevated the molecules from their original level of the plant or animal kingdo
m to the Divine level. If the food is eaten for pleasure only and the person abu
ses his purpose in life then the molecules have been elevated to that of the lev
el of man only and does not ach ieve Its potential. When we confront the issue o
f sex we have a more potent visual factor: the actual birth of a new person. So
we can divide this act into two categories. The first is copulation with the int
ent of having children. The second is copulation with the intent of emotional fu
lfillment only.
I mention these because we can discount copulation for pure pleasure only since
in line with our previous discussion on food, it is obvious that there can be no
Divine purpose here and therefore no spiritual elevation. The category of copul
ation for emotional fulfillment does haye a Ovine purpose because it involves th
e mental and emotional health of the couple and is a vital act in the full expre
ssion of mutual love. A mature manner of expression between two married people t
hat gives more to the giver than to the receiver.
With such intention the two affect their respective soul aura as the emotion of
love in any human act will affect it. Seen in this light then, the sex act can b
e used as any act of kindness and compassion and one of therapeutic value. When
copulation is for having children then a new and important factor comes in and y
ou should pay special heed here. There is a great difference between the levels
of soul s as they manifest in bodies. It is not important to understand this, bu
t you should realize that this is so. There are souls of a very high spiritual l
evel and as in the notes of a musical scale there are very low level souls. Now
listen very carefully. What determines which type of soul will be entering the b
ody is the attitude and intention of the couple as they copulate at the time of
impregnation. Thin
is not known generally and to many of you this may be coming too late to do much
about it. In its true form, the act of intercourse is t h e influencing factor
as to the quality of the future soul that will enliven the body the couple are b
about. And that is all there is to it. No nonsense about magic to justify pure p
leasure indulgence. If you will ponder these facts you will agree with them and
your own inspiration and mediumship will confirm the truths herein.
- - LESSON-----
As you become proficient in the previous work of out of the body travel a most i
nteresting new aspect is your ability to influence the thoughts and activities o
f others. I will give you the method in very simple form. The secret of success
is to change places with the person you wish to influence. This means that throu
gh your imagination you assume his personality as much as possible. Get to feel
as though you are he. When this stage has been accomplished to your satisfaction
see the deed you want done being done Feel it being done and picture the act as
vividly as possible. But remember
that your success will depend on your being there. What you have accomplished is
that he has done the thing already on the metaphysical plane and this creation
will now influence its coming into physical reality. We have the same principal
of mental creation taught you in lesson seven with the new element of you creati
ng for someone as if he did it, by your assumption of his personality and essenc
e. The time element will be unpredictable, as the result will manifest only at a
suitable time which i s beyond our control. Your experiments with this will bri
ng amazing results.
- LESSON-----
Perhaps we are most negligent when we don't give our intuition a chance to work.
I introduced you to this in lesson eleven and at this time I would like you to
add a simple activity to your daily schedule. At an appropriate time of the day,
for me it is before retiring, go over the events of the past twenty four hours
as carefully as possible. Try to relive everything. Since it is on a thought lev
el it will not take much time. You will also find that a passive mood is slipped
into very easily as you ponder the past. Keep a pencil and paper
handy because the intuitive thoughts will start pouring out as from an overturne
d waterbucket. Some call it hind sight. It makes no difference, but the hunches
you get must be recorded to be remembered and then ACTED upon as soon as possibl
e. Much is lost in life because we do not act, and we don't because we question
the result of the action. But if you believe that the result will come to pass t
hen you will not hesitate to take action. Think over each thing you did , saw, o
r said. Even thought if you can, and listen-listen 1
- - LESSON----
In our society the daily stresses are very great. The strain is sometimes so gre
at that the individual finds it hard to cope with. This in itself is not an abno
rmal thing, but it is often the result of the wrong attitude towards the daily c
hores we experience in life. But it is very hard to tell someone such things whi
le he feels the opposite. Ideally a person should be so enthusiastic and happy t
hat nothing can phase him. I claim that this is within
everyones reach, but it will take some reeducation and some pretty long and trut
hful thought. Now I will be very critical but accurate about this. The roots of
tils problem lie in our infancy. The warmth of the close bodily contact and cons
tant coddling are deeply Impressed upon the infant. In later life a person outwa
rdly forgets these feelings but deep down inside there is the urge tp recreate t
he pleasant comfort of the
past. A virtually problem free and trouble free existence. There isn't much you
can do about these infantile impressions. They are very strong and cannot be era
sed. The problems arise when we fall to recognize these primary motives and sudd
enly exhibit them under various masks. And here are some of them, the list can g
o on and on. When under a particularly stressful influence the person in seeking
the warmth and comfort his infantile impulses move him to develop some symptom
that will get sympathy and comfort from those around him. He will catch a cold.
Or the flu. Or an infection. In short he becomes sick. He subconscious but delib
erately lowered his resistence and became sick. And thats it. It applies to eigh
ty percent of the minor ailments suffered by humanity. And I will stress the opp
osite side of the coin. The happy, truly happy, and enthusiastic person does not
get sick. His resistance is high because that is the way the Creator designed h
umanity. We have within our bodies all the ammunition we need to destroy any inv
ading microbes. This ammunition will not work if we lower our resistance. And th
is lowering comes about by our subconscious wish to receive the comfort and symp
athy the resulting ailment will produce. If anyone reading this disagrees with m
e then I urge him to do some truthful examination and thought of the real motive
s and wishes during an illness and you will see that I speak the truth. And for
some of you it may be a truth that is very difficult to face. And very often thi
s takes the form of another favorite and well known ailment: mental illness. And th
e amount of violence he exhibits will all be in proportion to the comfort he is
aching for. Or the emotionally stressed infantile adult will come down with sto
mach problems caused by his very own bacteria. Such is the bond between mind and
body that it will destroy itself in acting out the wants of the infantile wishe
s. And there is another well known self inflicted problem: the accident prone pe
rson. He is continually abusing himself by breaking, straining, or piercing hims
elf with convenient accidents. And it is all the product of his own subconscious
wishes. Now we can go back to lesson nineteen where I began to elaborate on the
role of the subconscious in self suggestion in curing this type of problem. And
you can definitely treat and cure it through suggestion. The first step is to re
cognize the symptoms I just enumerated and reflect on what I said and then agree
to the cause of the symptom. After that you conduct regular sessions wherein yo
u bring about as passive a state as you can and reflect on the constant closenes
s of the Creator to all of us because if the Divine spirit left us we would all
return to nothingness as I explained in lesson twenty two. What you are trying t
o accomplish is to feel that the comfort and closeness of your physical parents
cannot compare with the sense of comfort we should have by realizing the closene
ss we have to the Divine Creator. And this comfort will be felt by you as you co
ntinue with the sessions. You must mull over the example I gave you of the gravi
tational pull and the state of absence the reigned before the creation. When you
see this as a fact, you will no longer crave the parental presence but you will
be satisfied b y the nearness of a much better presence. The matter of fact uni
on of a mortal with the Creator is so very important a concept that you would be
missing a vital bit of knowledge by its ignorance, and we may even have here th
e key to mental health. It is well known that the mentally ill feel separate and
unwanted. If all would feel the closeness and presence of the Almighty, then th
is thought would br ing instant joy and happiness. The serenity and peace of min
d that come with the acceptance of this union and the resultant physical good fe
eling cannot be attained through any other means. If you look for physical remed
ies for the ills I mentioned, you will never be really cured, the deep underlyin
g cause will never be erased. This is not religion, just a conviction about a re
ality. And you can have no comprehension as to the beneficial results of this id
ea. This will take a lot of time on your part to digest and make use of , but gr
adually you will see and feel the difference of believing in a Creator and our u
nion with the Creator, or behaving childish and not keeping an open mind. I ask
only that you test and experiment. I know that if you will do this with an open
mind and follow my instructions you will banish ill health forever.
For many of you that are looking for a new source of income or a replacement of
your present source, I think I may have some very important practical news. When
, at the start of this series I explained the way mental creation would bring ab
out the physical results you desire, I noted that even if you did not have the c
orrect business for you at the time of your visualization, then it would come ab
out eventually anyway.
I would like to give you advise based on my own successful business experience t
hat will help you regardless of your present stage. Now keep in mind that there
is no haphazard event in the world, and in your own life in particular. I have s
hown you how you are the maker of your destiny and fortune to a highly controlla
ble degree, but in the play by play of everyday affairs, you will not at first g
lance see the relationship to your will. Many seeming mishaps will occur that wi
ll tax your ability to believe that there is a Divine pattern and control and th
at if you lead a wholesome and correct life that you will be rewarded in kind. I
already pointed out that much remains on the spiritual or non physical plane th
at does not materialize for us in this world, but is there. A simple example wil
l help to illustrate. Imagine that all the minutes of our lives are pieces of a
large puzzle. The complete picture of this puzzle can only be seen at the death
of the person, and that this picture is itself part of a puzzle, just a small pi
ece that is made up of all the past lives the soul this person had has lived thr
ough. And that all these pieces make a picture that is part of a large puzzle th
at can only be completed after the soul has gone through all the physical bodies
that it will ever have. And that this resultant picture is part of an even larg
er picture that can only be completed when all the various individual soul pictu
res of every soul ever created are pieced together. And then, and only then do w
e have a complete picture. Now think this over for a minute. What I am telling y
ou is that your own life is but an infinitesimal portion of a great picture made
up of not only your present life but any past lives your soul may have
gone through and all the souls in our world. Now let me spell this out further.
Since many mishaps and misfortunes in in this world come as a result of a contin
uation of an event of a past life, such as the untimely death of an infant that
is because the soul had to undergo this, as a result of a deed in the past soul
life it had to be reborn again and live for a short interval and then die, throu
gh sickness or accident. And the parents that undergo this shock desrved it also
because of some event in a past life that brought about their soul's rebirth, t
heir eventual marriage together and the mutual suffering required by the infants
death. So there is no haphazard event in this world, all is part of a scheme of
things. With this in mind I will tell you of my business experiences that will
be of help to you. I am sure that you can find something very profitable here. W
e can break down the essential element of a profit able business as one where yo
u have a buyer for something you sell. The item sold can be some object or a ser
vice you offer.
If we assume that what you offer is sound and of value thenthe main problem is t
o find a buyer, and if what you offer has a mass appeal this won't be hard, but
what will it cost you to find the buyer. You must let him know that you exist, c
an satisfy his needs, and lure him to you and then convince him to do business w
ith you rather than with your competitor. I feel that the most important problem
facing the businessman is in holding down his costs so that he can compete effe
ctively. What you should do is to call your local phone company and order the ye
llow page directory of major cities, as New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc. Thi
s will show you that there is no end to what you can offer. Just look through th
e different services and products, and most of them do not require much speciali
zed knowledge or experience. And if you already are in a successful business, th
is is a way to broaden your thinking. Once you have narrowed down your selection
it is important to visit such pstablishments and to visit your local library th
at contains a directory of all the magazines published, find the type of busines
s and send for copies of all the trade publications in the field. This is where
will find your supply sources, and by reading the articles carefully you will fi
nd out how that particular business is doing in general. The small investment re
quired to buy these publications will be insignificant to the benefit you will h
ave. Most trade publications will send them to you free once you are established
in the line since the advertisers pay to reach the businessman. If you do not h
ave the money necessary to get started the best thing to do is to write to the S
mall Business Administration in Washington D. C. for their free guidance. They a
lso have free booklets on other matters of interest to businessmen so write for
their catalog in any event. Here is a brief discription of my businesses for you
r information.
I personally started them but are now run by paid hired help. The first is a boa
rding kennel for pets. Its purpose is to provide a temporary housing for a pet w
hile the owners go on vacation or must leave for other reasons. Mostly I get dog
s and cats, but there are others. You will have to get the room and board rate f
rom some local kennels in your area. I get three dollars per day per animal. The
food requirements are specified by the owner and is charged for extra. Of cours
e I buy a large stock of dog and cat food and get wholesale prices. The pet owne
r is charged the retailprice of the food unless he will leave his own. Bathing a
nd grooming bring an additional ten dollar charge. By no means can you copy me,
you must be competitive with your local establishments. The busy season is in la
te spring and summer months and I run ads in the Sunday papers during these mont
hs. I have a yellow page ad and twice a year I mail a short letter to local vete
rinarians with photos of the premises, emphasizing the expert care the animals r
At the start you will have to confine your knowle dge of animal care to library
books, but you will discover there is not much to know. I also purchase lists of
licensed animals and send letters to the better neighborhoods where the chances
are good that the owner travels.
I also have an arrangement with pet supply stores where each referral
provides a commtssion. The expense items are rent, electricity and heating. The
kennels and runways are one time expenses and maintenance is negligible, and the
big bill will be advertising. As I have already mentioned, your prior study wil
l be cnougi preparation and once you get started you use die principles of menta
l creation to insure your success. When things do not go right and are beyond yo
ur control then you will have proof of some Divine purpose for the problem. Your
inspiration will guide you as to the eventual solution.
The next business I have is a Day Care Nursery. This is a real "winner*' as it f
ills a vital modem day need. The trend is that modiers work and their children
must be left in competent hands. I started this in my own home and soon rented a
a large storefront. I charge fifteen dollars a week per child that includes hot
lunches, snacks and playthings. The best way to get started if you are not fami
liar with nursery schools is to visit one. They expect to be visited by prospect
ive customers and will show you how the place is equipped and operated. Pattern
your own business in a similar way. Again, yellow page and local paper advertisi
ng is what I rely on. And as in any business one satisfied customer will recomme
nd another. You will need room and nursery school supplies to get started.
A play yard or similar facility is a must and if you cannot handle children your
self get a person who can. Your main job is to keep the children busy all day wi
th various games, activities and lessons. With time you may want to ad a pick up
and bring home service. I started with a rented van and now have a small owned
school bus.
And check if you have any local or state licensing requirements. I live near a b
oating area and this is the basis of my third business: the used boat business.
If you live near such an area this may be just the right thing for you. At first
limit yourself to small craft such as fishing boats, duck boats and canoes. For
example a duck boat that might sell for $100 may sell used for $50 and you can
pick it up for $20 or $25. You buy them by placing small ads in local newspapers
such as:
Spot Cash For Small Boats And Canoes.
Fall is the best month for you to buy these boats and you can require the seller
bring the boat to you so you needn't have
a boat trailer at the start. You need a a place to store the boats that can also
serve as a showroom. I also have an arrangement with several gas stations to di
splay a boat on its extra space for a commission of the selling price. The last
business 1 operate is an employment agency. This is a business with varying city
and state requirements, but you can readily find these out. The next thing to d
o is to visit one in your local, apply for a job and see how they operate. You g
et applicants by advertising in the help wanted classifieds of your local paper.
You can copy an ad of another agency. It is good to specialize in a certain fie
ld. Once you have several applicants you telephone the personnel director of lar
ge firms of that field discussing the applicants. Until you build your reputatio
n you can issue a small newsletter listing your applicants by code, with a descr
iption of their history and abilities. You mail this to the firms. If they need
such a person they will give you a try. If the applicant lives up to your claim
and they are satisfied they will call you when a new vacancy arrives. Businesses
need reliable employees and do not care how they get them. If you will supply t
hem it is
fine with them. You need the ability to listen carefully, size up the individual
, and know about different types of jobs within the field you choose. As if you
yourself are the employer. Your expenses are for an office, telephone, and your
newspaper ads and mail. I started each one of the above four businesses two year
s apart with two thousand dollars of working capitol for each. And everyone has
prospered. I used the principles I have taught you and I believe that my success
is a result of them. I feel that that maybe one of them may be just right for y
ou to start as a part time venture and build into a full time profitable busines
s. I will state again that in each instance and in every instance you must prepa
re yourself and go through many "dry runs" in your imagination before you actual
ly and physically open for business. Mentally create your business first and the
physical reaction will naturally follow. You can have wealth by doing and pract
icing these principles regardless of the business you choose. And in bad times n
ever allow doubt to Intervene. Always feel that whatever happens is what was for
the best.
One of the by-products of your daily intake of olive oil, you need only a table
spoon, is that you will not have an ul cer. The coating that results in your sto
mach will protect it from the acids that cause ulcers. If you ever notice any bl
ood in your stool, it most probably is the start of an ulcer so you should then
certainly start this remedy. Consult a Doctor also, it may be from some other ca
use, but in addition to whatever he prescribes, you should immediately start the
olive oil doses and the condition will quickly clear up. I have watched this wo
rk with every trial. Another important note for you is that you should call your
local nursery or see a good seed or plant catalog and get a plant called lilly-
of-the-valley. You can easily grow it in a flower pot in a sunny spot in any cli
mate. Once a week cut of several pieces, leaves stems and all, and in the season
include the flowers, and pour boiling water over it and let stand over night. 1
have found the right
proportion for the brevis a half an ounce of the plant to a pint of water. You c
an take a tablespoon of this every day or twice a day, there is absolutely no ha
rm in it. J first heard of this as being a remedy for a bad heart. In experiment
ing with it I have found that not only is this true but that even in a healthy h
eart it it regulates it and helps it to beat slower and stronger. This is a pers
onal observation and I have found others to agree. I have also found that it has
an effect of ridding the body of excess fluids. I have found it increases the u
rine flow, and this ridding of excess fluids will prove a boon to those of you w
ho may be suffering from edema. 1 use it as a form of preventive medecine,especi
ally where the heart is concerned and you should include it in your daily intake
of foods also. There are many such useful plants that you can use as a preventi
ve and I will give you several others in a future lesson.
The Way To Health And Power
- - - LESSON----
The health conscious person will pay close attention to his pulse. It is a good
indicator of your well being. You all know that a Doctor uses it to check your t
emperature, if it is too fast you have fever. I have also discovered something a
bout pulse through observation and it will be of very great value to you. Start
to make a record of your own pulse. The rule is : the slower the pulse, the bett
er. See what it is when you wake up; go to bed; after meals; after activities. G
et a specific record and test daily. Once you know your pattern you can start to
experiment. Let us say for example that upon arising you have a rate of eighty
beats per minute. And breakfast makes it climb to nine beats per minutes, and th
at this happens consistently. If you experiment by eliminating one of the breakf
ast foods and after several days notice that the pulse rate has not climbed so h
igh, then you have discovered the culprits If you f 8top eating the foods that c
ause your pulse rate to increase sharply, you will find an improvement in your h
You can now carry this idea one step further. When you are persuing the occult w
ork that I have been presenting to you in this series of lessons you will also n
otice a change in your pulse rate. It should be much slower as you are engaged i
n the exercises. You will be able to measure your progress, with your pulse as a
good indicator. The idea is similar to what I mentioned in lesson fifteen as to
changes in your aura when engaging in occult activity. Every part of you, physi
cal and non physioal is tied together very closely and you will see effects on a
ll levels from what you do. It is interesting to see how your pulse will eventua
lly reduce to a very low level as your control over the physical increases. As t
o your diet, you should confirm my findings that the more natural and unprocesse
d a food is, the less it will affect your pulse rate. The sooner you stop eating
the foods that are harmful to you the quicker you will realize the full benefit
from your intentions to live a rich, full, and healthy life. This discovery wil
l be vital to your success.
- - LESSON-----
We desire to live long healthy years. What is the secret to long life? I will sh
are with you what I believe to be the basic information on longevity. It is the
result of numerous communications with sources in the non physical realm and wil
l be confirmed by your careful and objective consideration. While it is not vita
l for you to agree with the theory you will not be able to present a satisfactor
y satisfactory case for disagreement. The principles will be helpful, regardless
The minimum number of years that a person will live on this earth is determined
prior to birth. And this also includes the vigor and vitality that the body will
have. At birth the robust and
strong child can be separated from the weak sickly one. Often this only becomes
apparent after several months. In a few it may be noticable only after several y
ears, but in every case the constitution has been predetermined. I have already
pointed out ia lesson twenty six how each person's life is but a small part of a
huge pattern involving all other lives and including all those of the past and
future. The role each particular person has to play in his individual life, plus
whatever his soul has already gone through in a previous life will be a factor
in the number of years he has been given to live now. What this means to you is
that if you are one of those with a weak constitution or you are
Copyright 1973, Williamsburg Publishing Company
one who has a life span that Is shorter then you would like you must take specia
l precautions to counteract this unfavorable situation. And luckily I have disco
vered how you may do it and I am going to tell you right now. Since you have no
way of knowing what type of individual you are, it is only correct to assume the
worst and take every precaution. Let us for a moment speculate that you are des
tined to have a long life. Well, this is no guarantee that it will be a healthy
one. You may feel that your body is strong now, but you do not know if it has be
en programmed to bring out in the open at a future date a latent sickness or wea
kness such as heart * disease or arthritis, etc. So you must pay all the attenti
on you can to health matters. Sure there are people in their seventies that smok
e sixty cigarettes a day. That person was bom with a strong enough body to withs
tand this terrible abuse. You certainly can't guarantee that your system could w
ithstand it. Conversely, if you were destined to have an extra strong body that
would withstand any form of abuse or if you were extremely careful about your he
alth, it is no guarantee that you will live long. Hie ties between the soul and
the body can be severed through accident or other means. So you must take great
pains to see to it that you have some spec lal merit to lengthen your life over
and above the allotted years. IT CAN BE DONE. And this is the big news I want to
bring you in this lesson. I
mentioned in lesson seventeen how the Bible is a very special Book In that it wa
s dictated to Moses word for word and is therefore the Creator's revelation of H
imself to man. I will not elaborate on this at this time but what is important f
or our discussion Is that one of the Commands that is familiar to all of you: Ho
nor Your Father And Mother, has along side of it the comment: In Order That You
Will Live Long. And this means that even though there is a predetermined life sp
an, It is possible to lengthen it by keeping this particular Command. For you, t
he mere fact that the Creator in his Words gives man such an assurance and tells
us that there is such an easy way to live longer than the predetermined days, t
hen this is the most important news you could get today. If you think about it y
ou can readily see the cause and effect relationship. It is very understandable
that such a tender and noble act should produce such a great reward. Certainly m
ost people are lacking in this area, and if you see how your own children treat
you and your reactions and feelings, you can well see your parent's feelings. Un
fortunately it is not natural for a person to truly honor his parents. Yet this
neglect is the worst possible one for Its Irretrievable loss.
It is still possible to in some way honor your parents after their death by lead
ing the good clean life they tried to teach us to lead.
To give the gifts of charity to the truly needy in their name and other benevole
nt gestures that will cause them to be remembered and spoken of well. Do not tre
ad lightly on these words. They are TRUE and regardless of your particular circu
mstance and lifespan, guarding this Command will lengthen your life.
Some "old fashioned" remedies are quite valid today and it is a shame that they
have been discarded, and in the process, forgotten. There is one that I would li
ke to see revived. Not only because of its medicinal effects but for its prevent
ive effects. I have personal experience to convince me of its effectiveness. It
is the steam bath. The beneficial effect of It is the free perspiration it cause
s, the equalization of the blood circulation and the diffusion of warmth through
out the system. If a
steam bath apparatus is inconvenient or unavailable, simply filling the bathtub
with water as hot as can be withstood and immersion within it for at least half
an hour is the correct procedure. Regular baths will have an effect you cannot h
elp but notice. Now as far as a preventive, you will find that if as a result of
becoming suddenly chilled or some other exposure that you fear will result in i
llness, taking this bath will erase the symptoms completely. You will also find
that this perspiring causing bath is also a remarkable curative while an illness
in its early stages. What is even more remarkable is the results you will have i
n the occult work I am teaching you if you follow a regular perspiring bath
schedule. My own experience has shown the results of the experiments are more su
ccessful and that there is greater ease in out of the body experiences. You try
it I
With all the talk nowadays about the use of tape recorders to learn new subjects
, I thought it would be of interest to see If I could also benefit from it. What
I discovered should be of great benefit to you too. In fact I will say that if
you alreacfy do not own one, you should get ahold of an inexpensive model right
away. And the great, new, and effective principal you will use is that if you he
ar someone say or teach something with an authoritive tone of voice, and I stres
s this because this is the whole secret here, when recording the material you mu
st become an actor, and use a commanding and authoritive tone, you will without
knowing why, and without being able to
control yourself, respond to this voice in such a manner as toaccept the stateme
nt without question. Although the Implication of this law is frightening, it is
something you may as well make full use of. This means that if you want to convi
nce yourself of something, you simply record yourself declaring that particular
fact as being so in the most assertive voice and manner as you can and then proc
eed to listen to this tape as many times as possible. And you don't need to pay
much attention. Just have it play over and over as you are engaged in other acti
vities. You can use it to repeat these lessons or any other subject you wish to
a b s o r b. It is an amazing tool to conquer self doubt.
I have already mentioned the great revelation I received in that the the Old Tes
tament, and more specifically, The Five Books Of Moses were Divinely dictated to
Moses. I will now give you a short summary of the sevei) commands that apply to
all mankind. The other Laws and Commands that are found throughout are directed
at Jews only. But only seven are directed to all and if these seven are kept be
cause of the recognition that they are Divinely Commanded then the soul of that
person will receive a type of reward that I will elaborate fully in a future les
son. It is important that these Commands are kept with the understanding that th
ey are the Creators commands, and not because they sound reasonable or ethical (
which they happen to be). And we would have to keep them even if we did not agre
e with them or if we found them objectionable. The first Law that encompasses ma
nkind is the establishment of a judicial system wherin all legal problems will b
e resolved in accordance with a set of just laws and principles. Hie courts of l
aw as we have them in democratic countries today would be in accord to
with this Law. For you on a personal level there isn't much to add except that y
ou must comply with a judicial system. The second Law is the prohibition of idol
atyy This simply means that we accept the Creator as the One and Only with the p
ower and ability to do anything and that there exists nothing else with such cap
acity and capability. Actually, the great principles that I have taught you with
regard to cause and effect have been set up by the Creator and therefore in the
ultimate sense although we mortals set things into motion it is only because th
e Creator so desired it. And in the light of the facts I presented in lesson twe
nty two that prove the continuous Divine presence that must exist within every p
hysical and non physical molecule in order to keep it from returning to its orig
inal state of nothingness, we surely have enough evidence to convinoe us that th
ere cannot be any truth to any independent source of power of any kind. Hie thir
d Law is the prohibition of murder and I don't think there is much I need say ab
out this. This does include abortion. The fourth Law concerns prohibited sex rel
ationships that in effect permit only sex between
a married couple. Among the prohibited relations are sex acts that are adulterou
s, male homosexuality and sex with animals. It is a sad comment that these acts
are very common and reflect the lack of control the person has over his body . I
f the mind were kept constantly occupied , at least the body would be kept quiet
And for someone who has been progressing and developing himself along the lines
I am teaching , these activities are simply superfluous. I would ask you now to
reread what I had to say about sex in lesson twenty two.
The fifth Law is another of the very
difficult prohibitions to keep. It is the prohibition of robbery. For those of y
ou that have any exposure to this, you well know how easy it is to rationalize a
nd Justify it. But it is PROHIBITED.
And a rereading of lesson twelve will be in order here. The sixth Law prohibits
severance of any limb of an animal to eat while the animal is still alive and th
is includes use of any part for food when taken from a live animal. Perhaps you
will find this the easiest Law of them all as you probably have no exposure to s
uch a possibility. The last Law concerns the use of the Creators name or other i
dentification with the Intent to to curse the Creator. This is prohibited.
- - LESSON------
As I indicated in lesson nine, I have in my possession a list of body points tha
t with the use of hands to transmit the healing electricity, will cause various
ailments to respond favorably. I will list these for you but I have had no pract
ical experience with them. I stick to my own method. For vague aches and pains t
he right hand is usertU and applied as follows: For pains in the abdomen, hips,
sides or back, the point Ison the left side of the spine between the shoulder bl
ades. For pains in the head , face and neck, the point is on the neck just behin
d and beneath the left ear on a line with the mouth. For pains in the limbs and
feet the point is on the left side of the spine about eight inches below the col
lar bone. For pains in the chest, arms, and upper part of the back the point is
on the back of the neck on the left side of the spine. For conditions such as co
lds,sleeplessness,anemia, fatigue,rheumatism and neuralgia use the left hand on
the right side of
the spine just between the shoulder blades at the most prominent vertebrae, the
balance of the list is based on more specific points along the spine, so rather
than attempt to explain these without accurate diagrams, I will give you the pri
nciple and you may consult an anatomy book at your library to get the exact loca
tion. The intent is to contact the sick organ by touching the nerve that connect
s it with the spine and to apply both hands to this nerve just at the point it l
eaves the spine. You can follow this nerve back from the organ to the spine in t
he book and then , by counting the number of vertebrae you can accurately locate
the exact point on the patient. I would like to caution you again that in all c
ases at this point of your development, any ill person should be under the care
of a competent physician and he should obey him completely. These healing treatm
ents should only be used to supplement a Doctors care and speed the healing, but
in no case instead of what the Doctor prescribes. It would probably be helpful
to use the breathing principles I discovered and told you in lesson nine with th
ese points.
As you progress in the occult work it is certainly important to see if restricti
ng your diet of meat to be of help. I already mentioned that I keep meat down to
no more than once or twice a week and that I do find that it
is vital to the success of my own experiments and exercises. The meat that I do
eat is fowl meat, such as duck or chicken. And it is my firm believe that you mu
st experiment to see what affects you. I found that cows meat affected me so bad
that out of the body experiments were Impossible to conduct, hi my case, the mea
t of fowl had no such effect and for the short duration that I tried to eliminat
e fowl, I didn't notice any
improvement in the occult activity I engaged in so I resumed the food since the
protein content is vital to health.
I would leave this up to your own personal experimentation.
In lesson eleven I elaborated on the principle of listening to your first impres
sions or hunches, before you allow your reasoning to interfere and how these fir
st impressions come from some great storehouse of truth and knowledge from somew
here within us. This is one of the most helpful principles you can carry with yo
u in life for you are continually called upon to make decisions of one kind or a
nother and it is vital to choose the correct way. At this point of your developm
ent you are ready for so me deeper method of practice that will get you used to
realizing what the first impression is and to intensify it and clarify it so tha
t there will be no mistaking what you are listening to. I would like to explain
this thoroughly and in detail. Until now you have made use of your ability to re
lax your body and attain a passive state for external purposes. Let me explain.
When your intention was to mind read you were intending to latch onto something
outside of your own consciousness. In this case the thought and consciousness of
another person. When you were sending your consciousness to another physical lo
cation, whether through pure thought or a thought creation, you again were basic
ally extending your consciousness elsewhere. The same holds true in the intonati
on work where you were mainly affecting certain elements around you. Now the new
and great principle I will teach you now is based on the opposite Intention: yo
ur concentration upon your internal system. You will be making use of your visua
lization; emotional intesification and creation of passivity, but what you are t
o do is to visdalize your internal system, your circulating processes, your dige
stive processes. Try to picture and see yourself in your living; pulsating self.
Your intention will be to lose yourself entirely, to become so Immersed in this
visualization that you are completely oblivious to your surroundings. The next I
mportant step is to imagine how this whole system is so like the world around us
, how the natural functions of the body continue on without our conscious assist
ance much as the worldly activities around us that we call nature continues with
out stop and in perfect regularity: the seasons, growth cycles of all living thi
ngs, etc. You see what I am driving at. You arrive at the recognition of how we,
as part of nature, are a complete universe in miniature. But you do not concent
rate on the outward world, the realization of the similarity is only to produce
a specific emotion of awe and a conviction that even in our mere physical Insign
ificance, there is a rhyme and reason to our existence. This is an important att
itude that can only have the proper conviction after such reflection and deliber
ation as I have just given you. The most important function you must concentrate
on is the heartbeat. It is this pulsating rhythm that represents the Creators w
ill and presence within every molecule, keeping it from returning to nothingness
. It is a life giving, pulsating Presence and our concentration on the human hea
rtbeat, our own personal heartbeat soon becomes the door through which we commun
icate with the great and marvelous source of information that is concurrent with
this universal Divine Presence. I will describe the order of my own concentrati
on and no doubt you will use it and experiment by varying it.
I first carefully examine and think over the problem I need an answere to. I the
n thoroughly relax, lying down while listening to some slow relaxing music. Duri
ng this period I slowly direct my attention on the wonder of the universe in gen
eral, having completely dismissed the problem I was thinking about, and not even
allowing any further impressions
that may be true answeres to enter my thinking. When I begin to feel the quicken
ing heartbeat that will result from the realization of the great Creators gift t
o man, with this sweeping emotion I direct my attention to my own body, starting
with my head I picture the internal structure. At first I did this with the hel
p of an anatomy textbook and it will be helpful for you too. I imagine the essen
ce of my consciousness as dwelling within, moving about the various parts within
the scull and finally settling within the brain and from there moving down to t
he chest and into the hands, throughout the nervous system and circulatory syste
m, within the bones and always moving finally into the nervous system and from t
here on down through the abdomen and its contents and into the feet, in a simila
r manner as the hands. During this indwelling of my attention a complete oblivio
n to the world and its surroundings has taken place. I now concentrate exclusive
ly on the beating of the heart and the flow of blood throughout the body. I "see
" this blood as a life giving flow, pul 8 at i n g continually until I can see m
y whole being as pulsating and throbbing with my own essenoe within in intimate
contact the Divine force. And herein lies the critical point of this whole exerc
ise. It is now that you have established a conscious and willful connection with
the source of all information, and this is how I go
about making use of this opportunity. I again briefly bring the previous problem
to my attention and direct my-question directly to the Divine pulsating life wi
thin me and wait for the first impression to register. It will come very clearly
and you will make no mistake about what the message is. When I am satisfied tha
t I have been successful, then I terminate the exercise. It will happen that no
response will be forthcoming. Although I cannot tell you the reason for this, I
have found that by repeating the whole procedure another day to bring results. I
t seems that some times are "better" than others for this workand as I already m
entioned for the other exercises this would hold true for all your occult experi
mentation and work. Since here your basic concern is keeping your consciousness
within yourself, you must not allow any outside scenes or impressions to Interfe
re for it will not only cause confusion but it will impede your conscious connec
tion to your Divine essence. You will find that at first you may allow yourself
to become too passive and receptive and this is the cause for the interference,
but if you remain in control through out by continually remaining aware and cons
cious of your purpose and direct your attention within, you will have no such pr
oblems. I think this discovery will help you with all your decisions and will pr
ove the value of your continued persual of the truth in inspiration. I have foun
d that often when I engage in this exercise with no specific problem but simply
with the intention of learning something new I will suddenly do just that. The p
otential of your own learning is just unbelievable and you must start now
With your mastery of the principle of lesson thirty five, what I call the consci
ous internal communication, you will find that when you have achieved this abili
ty you will be able to integrate your other work with this for startling results
. I will give you one example. When you practice the musical intonation of lesso
n twenty one after you have oonsoiously established a connection with your Divin
e Force as I have taught you will find that you can actually "see" different col
ors corresponding to the vibrations of the note being intoned. These will blend
into images that have messages for you. It is Important to
keep your attention directed to the beating and pulsating life force so that you
r consciousness does not withdraw from your body to follow distracting Impressio
ns. (These impressions will somehow come because they are attracted by your emot
ional condition and you will peroelve them because of your heightened awareness.
I have found this to be true in my own work and in the work of my students, tho
ugh I can't explain this. When I have followed these Impressions to see what wou
ld happen, I would find no association whatever to the work I originally intende
d to accomplish, although it was in itself interesting enough). I will direct yo
u now to lesson thirteen and preparing for sleep. You
will find that buy engaging In this conscious Internal communication prior to re
tiring you will be able to greatly Improve the number of communicative dreams an
d also their quality. And herein lies the secret of the many seers who are famou
s for the information they have produced from their dream state. I have found th
at many types of messages can only assume their ultimate clarity while perceived
in a dream state rather than in the waking state. These are facts based on expe
rience, and I am confident
that you too will begin to duplicate my own experiences, as well as to find new
roads of your own. I would venture that most of your early experience will Invol
ve information of a personal content and in time you may even receive such infor
mation that will have significance of a broader and perhaps even national scope.
As in all the work to date your results will improve as you continue to practic
e. Anything you ever learned involved a long time span in which to become accust
omed to and to make habitual the newly acquired skill.
The next step for you after mastery of conscious internal communication is to us
e it to develop your sense organs in a way that will amaze you. We will start wi
th your hearing. And a few words in general introduction about our sense organs
Is in order here to give you a better understanding of exactly what you will be
accomplishing. The physical body is a wondrous intrument that was given to us.
In particular the senses of hearing, sight and smell have capabilities far beyon
d our accustomed use. Let me give an example. You have I am sure, heard that peo
ple who have lost their sight will have a heightened and more refined sense of h
earing. The critical principle behind this is that the person is forced to make
better use of his hearing in order to overcome his visual shortcomings. Now why
doesn't the average person also make the same use of his hearing. The answere Is
the key to this lesson. The average person does not focus any attention to his
sense organs in general, or to his hearing in particular. As he makes his way th
rough life he continually accepts whatever events transpire around him without m
aking any particular effort to direct the organ to be at all selective or to eve
n consider the fact that he is making use of the organ at all. This inattention,
although not an abuse, is a terrible misuse.
And you can be very selective with your hearing without any psychic consideratio
ns whatsoever. You can prove this to yourself at the next opportunity. The next
time you find yourself among many people that are engaged in a discussion, vario
us groups near each other all busy talking,you will
find that if you are thinking about things
or otherwise engaged the talking will assume general level noise and you will no
t be able distinguish any particular conversation. Now If you will concentrate o
n any individual talker you will find that you will be able to hear him, with al
l the other talkers continuing to appear as a general background noise. You will
find that you can focus your attention on any particular speaker within your no
rmal hearing range and be able to exclude him from the mass of noise and hear ev
ery word of the conversation. You can apply this idea to all your senses. I am s
ure you have found that you can actually detect more objects within your visual
range if you pay attention to what you are looking at. This great misuse can hav
e serious results because there is a known phenomenon that any part of the physi
cal body that is not used will atrophy and wither away over a period of generati
ons in a prononced and noticeable way, and in a very subtle way for each individ
ual. I feel that this collective misuse or perhaps more accurately u n u s e, ov
er the span of the past several generation when man became urbanized and mechani
zed has had its effect already. Especially so when you will in your own life beg
in to experience new horizons of hearing and sight that will just be unbelievabl
e. It is luciyfor us that this power can be reclaimed and developed so that we m
ake use of our bodies in the fashion in which we were created to do. Here is wha
t you are to do. The first important Job is to. keep the ear clear of ear wax. I
will not go into the purpose of the wax or its causes but you are to consult a
physician or druggist about preparations that you may safely use in keeping the
ear passage clean. This is a a most neglected activity. When you have
attained the state of inner communication you are to direct your attention and c
onsciousness to your ears. And keep it there for about five minutes. You picture
your ear passages and your vital life forces and the Divine Force and your cons
ciousness all blending into a unified, pulsating, invigorating whole. You keep t
his image with repeated and regular exercises and soon you will feel a warmth in
the ear and a tingling sensation which is your signal that you have been succes
sful in reviving those unused portions of your ear that will soon begin to allow
you to h e a r
sounds on a scale that were heretofore inaudible. You will be broadening the typ
e of sounds that will be picked up by your brain. At first you will begin to hea
r a high pitched sound during these concentration sessions that will , with time
, become a low hum. It willwith time become music and I have found that the part
icular melody you hear varies among different people, and also the complexity of
the tun. It may be a simple two note piece or more complex. It will also vary wit
h your own general development with the occult level. This is not a cure of deaf
ness, just the enlargement of your hearing range. Now it is up to you to experie
At this point, if your health is at its optimum and you have no ills that you kn
ow of it would be advantageous to start experimenting with fasting. I do not kno
w the physiological benefits organ by organ. This is something that medical scie
nce may never be able to find out. But you will be able to feel and see the bene
fits if you proceed cautiously under controlled conditions. If you don't do it c
orrectly you will cause great harm to the body.
Its psychic effect is most pronounced and readily verifiable. In lesson ten I to
ld you that your experiments with medlumship should be done on an empty stomach.
There is a custom among those who take mediumship seriously to fast extensively
and then when on the verge of fainting to go to sleep in a cemetary while a fri
end stands close by checking the pulse. They will vary this somewhat by doing ex
haustive work while fasting to bring on extreme exhaustion and fainting. Althoug
h I have witnessed this I personally did not attempt it and I do not advise you
either as I can see no physical benefit and since the visions and communications
you would get are entirely uncontrollable.
The practice I gave you in lesson ten was directed and controlled communication
with people you decided to contact. You have no choice in a cemetary. Be all thi
s as it may,it does provide ready evidence that there is hindrance to the consci
ous reception of non physical impressions while the body Is under the influence
of food. You should also verify that your other occult work will Improve when en
gaged in
during a fast. It is important to do this right so follow my Instructions exactl
y. First of all a fast is not starvation. And a fast can be continued for more t
han one day. The results are first evident after several days so your first fast
should last at least four days. Prior to the fast you should start to eliminate
heavy foods over a period of days so as not to make too abrubt a cutoff. During
the fast you may drink water freely and you must take the food extract I told y
ou about in lesson four. You will find that there is a definite acidic condition
resulting from prolonged fasting and this is very dangerous and can be fatal. I
would add honey to this mixture for its sugar content.
Take three glasses of the mixture, and four or more of plain water daily. After
the first day or two you will see that the elimination of waste products in the
body is enhanced, you can see it by the pronounced coloring of the urine and fec
es. If you continue the fast long enough you will see the improvement in your pr
oducts of elimination and the smell of your breath. Also, during a long fast if
constipation arises it is a good idea to administer a warm water enema to contin
ue the elimination. It is the main physical purpose of a fast to eliminate accum
ulated waste products and to the elimination system a chance to recuperate. It i
s a fact that we eat too much, people can live long healthy lives and eat sparin
g but nutritionally adequate diets. Fasting is the antidote to eating too much a
nd is also Important to keep our psychic and non physical reception in good orde
r. I have done so for three and once even four weeks at a time and have had no i
ll results. You should start to experiment if you feel your health is good. Resu
me solids slowly , over a period of several days.
The Way To Health And Power
fA|| g er mtavnc Rupm
I expect that at this point you have realized how the experiments are closely ti
ed to your psychic development and more important, that you should be creating y
our own exercises that are products of your own inspiration, and that these will
benefit you, to a greater extent than the ones I am giving you. It is my job as
a teacher to show you the way to develop on your own. And this is a great princ
iple in life. As you carefully ponder the basics in this work you will find ways
to build upon, them and enhance them. As you review your notes of the past mont
hs -you will no doubt discover ideas that now will take on new meaning and be th
e basis of your exclusive innovation.
. !n fact you will be so thrilled in such accomplishment that the ensuing emotio
nal fire will be the key to new and even greater inspiration for there is truly
no end to the deep and wonderful revelations . I will give you an example of wha
t I mean and this will also be the point of this lesson. .First let us recall th
e revelation of lesson eighteen, the wondrous results of intonation. By now you
should have been able to vary the rules I gave to produce new phenomena. And let
me give an example of such a variation. You visualize a color during the intona
tion. You will see how you get a remarkable effect. Now lets combine this with s
everal more principles. Let us assume that with a particular intonation you foun
d that a certain part or portion of your body felt the vibrations and you realiz
ed that this particular intonation is the key to the control of that part of you
r anatomy. Now lets apply the idea in lesson seven about the creation of a heali
ng ball of flame, or a protective flame and you visualize this flame engulfing t
hat portion of you that is
is being vibrated simultaneously by your continued intonation. And lets assume y
ou decided to add another element. The principle that you generate your nervous
and healing energy by taking and holding a deep breath during all of this. Do yo
u see what I mean? We have combined many of the points I taught as separate item
s and lessons plus the addition of an innovative item such as your visualization
of a supportive color during the intonation. And all this leads to to the exerc
ise of this lesson for it really is the combination of the aforementioned ideas
and is the result of my own inspiration. Again, I will stress that this works fo
r me and you may have to vary the conditions somewhat for yourself. I have had m
any observations along this line with others to the effect that although you may
have to vary the exercise slightly the results will be comparable . When you ha
ve relaxed thoroughly start the intonation of the sound AHHH (as in father). Slo
w and drawn out as was taught you. You should find that the part of your body af
fected is the throat. Now as you intone visualize a deep red color enveloping th
e throat. Visualize this red glow and picture it as a great ball of energy as yo
u slowly inhale and hold your breath between each intonation the red ball intens
ifies continually . After you have built this up between a dozen or so intonatio
ns start it moving from the throat to the heart making it increase its beating a
nd making it warm and then the red energy ball moves down to the abdome.i, conce
ntrating there until it warms up to an actual trembling. Once the red ball has l
eft the throat area you should discontinue the. intonation that affects it but s
tart the sound you found to vibrate the heart, and when the flame moves to to ab
domen you intone the sound that affects it. You may stop this exercise at this p
oint and derive the following benefits that I myself have observed.
First this is a remarkable banisher of fatigue. It has a remarkable effect on
your thinking and 1 have found that it introduces a certain clearness to it that
will be beneficial when in time of stress or emotion your thinking seems to be
off kilter. It certainly does no harm at any time. You will certainly see how yo
u may enlarge upon this In your healing work by combining this with your efforts
. Hie main thing is that you yourself start combing the various exercises and pr
inciples and
Boon you will be developing new and startling ways to make your metaphysical cap
abilities flourish and grow until you will be viewed as some superman or great m
aster when in truth you are really an ordinary mortal that will not allow his in
born abilities wither. Perhaps your next step will be to reveal yourself to sele
cted individuals and guide them as I have guided you and you will become their g
reat master and teacher.
I would like to leave a few thoughts about the last idea in lesson thirty nine a
s far as teaching others. I had a great revelation as to a special reward for th
ose enlightened few that selflessly and without haughti ness go among humanity t
o teach the true qualities of faith and humility and the love of fellow man. And
you realize that your own understanding of this based on all this work we are d
oing is far superior and more enlightened than most around us so we certainly do
fit in the catagory of those who are capable
and qualified by way of knowledge if not as yet by way of experience. I call thi
s a reward but it is really more of a reaction to our actions. What is it? It is
a most spectacular contact, and I will add, a conscious contact with certain in
habitants of the non physical world that result in revelations to you of message
s and information otherwise beyond your reach. I have had the privilege of of su
ch contact and was made aware of the reason, as I noted, as a reaction to and re
sult of helping others,with noble intent and humble work.
I would like to give you now an exercise I have found to be not only a foolproof
way to increase you physical strength and vigor, but when coupled in various wa
ys that you can try yourself with any of the previous exercises, to produce psyc
hic and otherwise non physical effects and results that will translate into the
physical world we move around in as what is known as good luck. First drink the
energised water as taught you in lesson fifteen. By now the physical benefits of
this drink should be apparent in your improved health and well being. And if yo
u are one of the many that have found this to be an aid to revelations during sl
eep then you surely are keeping up the practice with regularity. In any event it
is important for this exercise and I urge you to reread lesson fifteen at this
time. Then lie down in a darkened room and relax after assuming a completely pas
sive state. Now concentrate your full awareness in youfabdominal area.
Try and Imagine yourself within it.
Now feel the pulse within the area as it beats and imagine it as getting louder
yet slower. Feel your awareness and consciousness as becoming one with the Divin
e force within the physical body and blood. Hold your breath for longer and long
er periods of time after each inhalatioa Visualize this accumulating energy as a
violet flame in your abdominal area. When it seems visible imagine it as being
attracted away from you by some magnetic effect somewhere in the beyond. Now wat
ch it start to move upward, like some giant snake, always attached to you yet sl
ithering upward in a spiral motion, in a circular manner with the circumference
of each circle getting larger as it goes farther from you. It will appear as a h
uge cone starting from you, with its point in your abdomen with no end to the to
p. It just gets larger and larger enveloping the whole universe.
It is somewhere during the creation of this spiral that you will feel a surge of
of some energising current that seems to have entered this spiral from some
point out In space and you will see the violet color assuming a new depth and br
illiance. The first time you are experiencing this, this scene will be so overwh
elming that you will probably get distracted from your original concentration. Y
ou should find that any distraction will effect this whole episode adversely. An
d I will again bring up the matter of not staring at this marvelous spectacle. P
lease reread what I taught you in lesson eighteen about the passive eye and how
you must use it in order to see the various phenomena you are invoking. I will m
ake one claim based on my experience and observation that once you are so profic
ient that all this comes quickly and you have no difficulty in producing what ca
n only be called imaginative and wishful products, that others will also be able
to see this too, others who have no training or experience with these matters a
t all. And I will repeat the reason for all this to make it perfectly clear to y
our understanding. When you mentally create under the influence of intense desir
e and emotion you produce the image in a concrete form on the metaphysical level
, it is
there, and your will and desire will strengthen it so that it acts to attract ph
ysical events and circumstances that will bring it about. I will ask you to rere
ad this in lesson seven for It is the most dynamic and practical principle I hav
e taught you and it applies to all the work we are doing in these lessons. Now,
this great violet spiral you have effected has its only reality in your imaginat
ion, and on a metaphysical level , but the effects it produces, such as the coun
ter current of energy will be very real physically and will be measured physical
ly. And this is the great proof that you will have of the truth of the effects o
f mental creation. You may stop the exercise by slowly rewinding the spiral or j
ust stare it into nothingness. Either way the effects of this exercise will cont
inue even as yotr mind becomes occupied with other matters. You should also expe
riment by using this great energising spiral as a means of healing others by vis
ualizing it moving from you to them sending vitalizing energy that will help the
m to regenerate and repair whatever is at the root of their physical problem. Yo
u must experiment continually.
At the end of lesson seven I unveiled before you the mystery of the protective f
ire, the famous magic circle and I asked you to build your own. I stressed its p
rotective effect and I am sure you realize now some benefit that you can trace d
irectly to this. Perhaps it is some close call with an accident or serious illne
ss. I would like to go into some depth about this fire because you can use It in
another way to derive a new and vital benefit.. You will use It to build a room
, a retreat, wherein you can retire at any moment and any time to achieve privac
y and solitude regardless of any outward conditions. You can be in the midst of
the busiest street and the noisiest 8pot in town with multitudes of people aroun
d you yet In an instant you can find stillness and quiet in your magic retreat a
nd you can then proceed to perform any particular exercise or meditation that wo
uld ordinarilly require the isolation and
seclusion of your own home. You will be able to shut out the surroundings , rega
rdless of what they may be at will. You simply build this room in your minds eye
as if you would be putting together a real room, with the exception that your w
alls, fbor and celling will be of this same fire you have used as a brrrier only
ain the magic circle. You visualize a complete room, even the door and windows a
nd you create it mich as I already explained in lesson fourteen so you can rerea
d that at this point. As you make more and more use of this room its reality and
effectiveness will increase. Those around you will wonder at your ability to sh
ut out distraction and will marvel at your independence and self confidence. I a
m not for a second advocating any sort of e 8 c a p i 8 m from the problems of l
ife, such an attitude is infantile and ineffective. What I do demand is that at
all times you stand in control of your situation and master it with courage.
- LESSON - -
In lesson thirty seven I gave you the method to develop your metaphysical hearin
g faculties by your concentrating your consciousness upon it and I urge you to r
eread it now together with lesson thirty five on conscious internal communicatio
n which is the vital key to your success in this. I will dwell now upon your sig
ht and it is here that you will experience your most magnificent unfoldment of t
hem all. Much of what we see is what the brain accepts and translates for us and
it receives these images via the eyes. It is probably true that you will need y
our eyes as the exolusive way to see around you as far as the forms of physical
things are concerned. What I mean by this is if you are to be able to learn of y
our surroundings, assuming you are in a situation where you do not yet know what
they are, then you will need your physical eyes to bring you these images, If h
owever you can already visualize your surroundings because you have enough famil
iarity with them, then you are making use of already cataloged visually originat
ed material. This is not sight but imagination. As you already know from your pr
evious work in out of the body travel, your physioal eyes are not made use of at
all. Yet it is possible, after you have moved your consciousness to another pla
ce, that you will be aware of scenes and events currently happening there. Your
brain is getting this visual information yet it is not getting them through your
physical eyes. If you think about it for a moment you cannot help but wonder ab
out such a seeming phenomena. Of course there is also the matter of the other im
pressions you get at your exercise sessions that do not originate in our imagina
tions either, yet they are being conveyed to the brain through some other method
, I long felt that if this were somehow better understood, or better yet, be put
under some control so that this can be better made use of. Over the years I add
ressed this question to my own inspirational faculties and it wasn't long before
the an 8we re was starting to appear. It
was not clear to me at first, but with much experimentation I was able to pinpoi
nt the area of the head involved and the method in which this sight can be stimu
lated and developed. I must confess that I do not understand the mechanics of th
is but there are so many other things we are unable to comprehend, let it suffic
e that we can at least make use of it. As in all our work, you relax thoroughly
and train your consciousness to your forhead. Let your prime essence concentrate
upon that area. You will of course be practicing in the dark with your eyes clo
sed. Now place the fingers of your left hand over your left ear and take your de
ep breaths and holding procedure to generate and amplify your nerv e energy and
visualize its flow from the point of your finger contact towards your forehead.
Keep this up for several minutes until you feel an exhilarating warmth in your e
ntire head. What you are doing is exercising this psychic sight center through t
he attention and current flow you are effecting. When you do this for the first
few times do not expect any spectacular results. You will find that this sight f
aculty must be slowly exercised into production. You should position yourself in
such a manner so that keeping your fingers over the ear does not cause you any
discomfort. I find that a slight recline against a pillow, if sitting, will keep
me comfortable. You eran expect the most vivid and Informative visions with the
development of this sight center. You should find that your other work will als
o be remarkably enhanced especially so the out of the body experiences since you
will be making use continually of this special e y e. My own experience has bee
n that at the early stages of its development I would see objects, people, happe
nings with no particular significance. Or at least I thought so. I did keep writ
ten records of my recollections and I soon saw a direct connection between many
of the people and places to events that were then current in my life. These visi
ons will come freely after you stop the current flow after you have generated
sufficient heat and energy to the sight center. You may then sit without further
concentration or finger application, rather,sit or lie passively and perhaps co
nsider a problem or question you may have. You will now have a new avenue for yo
ur inspiration to inform you for it can cause you now to see the place or circum
stance wherein lie your own destiny. I have given you enough to
work on and I am sure you will quickly realize the value of this. We often read
about the so called third eye and if there is anything at all to this then it is
probably nothing more than what 1 have taught you in this lesson. No doubt othe
rs have found this out and others will continue to stumble upon this through the
ir independent inquiry and inspiration. The rest is now up to you.
The religions of the world must be credited with giving mankind goals to live fo
r. Truly without thought of some reward, whether here or in the afterlife, peopl
e would act as animals and exert no control over themselves. The guilt of some f
uture punishment is in such context a pretty good thing. Even before the concept
of one Creator was accepted there was system to the pagan beliefs too. Without
prior revelation it would seem that it is inherent in mankind to want some form
of restraint and control on its actions.
We can see this individually too. This is an accepted psychological principle th
at people deep down want to accept authority and always respond to authority. Yo
u will recall what I taught you in that respect in lesson thirty one. Such disci
pline is also observed in the animal kingdom and it is fascinating to read up on
this. Since it is not my purpose to give you a nature study I will let you go i
nto that independently at your library. What I would like to reveal to you is th
e meaning of this so called reward and p u n i s h-m e n t Uiat we instinctively
feel at the very roots of our being. First I would ask you to reread lesson sev
en wherein I briefly taught you the principle of how much of what happens to us
is only a reaction to our own intentions and deeds. I say much because I also ta
ught you how some things happen as a result of past lives. You should review les
son twenty six for this. But the main idea is that punishment, as such is not th
e result of some police force or court that decides on some form of punishment o
r torture. All what we consider as punishment is simply the result of an appropr
iate reaction to our intentions and deeds. This is the
the way the Creator programmed the world. And I mentioned in termsof reward that
not all that is due us will necessarily come about on the physical level, but i
t will remain on the metaphysical one. And it is this idea that I would like to
make clear to you in this lesson. Let us for a moment take the following example
Let us imagine that the Creator is like our sun in some important ways. Just lik
e the sun itself, its body, is so hot that anything on this earth that were to t
ouch it would simply disintegrate so It is with the Creator that his creation wo
uld turn into nothingness if it were not shielded from direct contact with His e
ssence. We can correctly infer from this example that there is indeed some form
of shield that protects us from the Creator's essence and it is this great revel
ation that will form the key/to your understanding of our true relationship with
the Creator and of the different levels that exist in the metaphysical yrorld.
Let us take this example a step further for further clarity. We mortals move abo
ut on this earth in the face oftthe sun yet we are not harmed by it because of t
he atmosphere . Once we leave the atmosphere, we would be burnt to a crisp. This
does not happen all at once but as the atmosphere thins so does the protection
recede. Let us Imagine different types of creatures that can withstand different
levels of this protection. For examples sake only( and I am not trying to be sc
ientifically accurate, just give you a clear idea of what I am driving at) let ,
us imagine that there are five different levels. Level one is three miles from
the earth's surface. Up to this point anything will tolerate the sun's heat and
Level two is three miles above that. Creature P will not be able to stand the su
n but Creature N, R, and K will.
Level three Is three .ntles above that. In this level Creature N will succumb bu
t R & K are still hardy enough to survive. But in level four which is three mile
s above that Creature R cannot take it any longer but Creature K is still going
But in level five, three miles above that our poor Creature K cannot continue. L
et us now use this example to illustrate the heavenly order. We on earth, the ph
ysical beings are all on level one and we are completely shielded from the Creat
ors rays and creative powers. Beyond our physical world is a closeby nonphysical on
e wherein we of level one cannot exist but there are certain souls, or what is c
alled angels that because they are somewhat refined can tolerate the Divine rays t
here, but these can't exist on level three where the Divine rays are stronger. B
ut on that level there is a more refined soul or angel that can exist but cant a
t level four where the Divine rays are even more brilliant. Yet even at this lev
el there is still some type of angel or soul that is refined to the point where
it can withstand this great shine and brilliance. But on level five there is no
creation that can. It if) as if, as in our example, we have left the atmosphere
entirely, there is no shield whatsoever so nothing can exist here. I have of cou
rse oversimplified this but I only wanted to give you an example so
it , it is a thrilling and enjoyable experience. Now let us imagine that the Div
ine rays of the Creator at each level to be similar in that they provide an enjo
yable and thrilling experience to the dwellers of that particular level.
And that as the levels get more refined and the Divine rays get stronger the ple
asure becomes greater correspondingly. This then is the basis for your reward in
the afterlife. Your cumulative deeds and intentions will have earned you a part
icular level wherein your soul will dwell to enjoy and bask in the Divine rays.
This is subject to any rebirth the soul must go through to correct certain thing
s that were left wrong or incomplete in the previous life. For example if a pers
on had murdered someone and was not detected. The murderer must go through some
experience that would equal his action.
If it had not occurred during his lifetime then he must be reborn to undergo it.
This is all automatic and is programmed into the creation. The murderer's act is
indelibly recorded in his surrounding aura and this will attract the proper rea
ction to compensate for his act, if not in his first life, then it will come abo
ut in his second one. There are no rules that I ever found out about this, but i
t is a fact and this is how the Creator made His world. We bring about our own m
isfortune. It is very sad that many people who suffer in this
life are bitter at the Creator, perhaps that you could grasp the great principle
rejecting the Creator because they do of the many nonphysical levels or planes
not understand why such righteous people as they are popularity called. In truth
as they are must undergo such living
torture. Little do these unfortunate and shortsighted people realize that they a
re merely suffering for their own deeds. And it may be one committed in a previo
us life. And that this suffering is their ultimate atonement and will enable the
m to receive their just and due reward when they die. You must now ponder this g
reat and mysterious explanation for it is the truth. And in line with this I wil
l give you some additional important facts. If this individual who is in such
there is no end to the various levels. This is in itself a remarkable idea to di
gest and it will open new doors to your understanding of the Creation. At each l
evel of these countless planes there are souls, angels and other types of metaph
ysical beings that can exist at that level only. And I am now coming to the grea
t and mighty revelation that will finally explain the idea of reward in the afte
rlife. Again I must make use of the example of
the sun and its rays but you will quickly great pain and suffering because of hi
see the point. The sun has many beneficial aspects and you surety enjoy basking
in the sun, spread out with your eyes closed taking in its golden warmth. If you
do not overdo
transgressions and sins, his acts that were bom of selfishness and disregard of
his fellow man or the will of the Creator, if this person were to accept this co
mpensating load, express his
acceptance of this Just compensation for past acts commtted and if this acceptan
ce is coupled with the sincere emotion of regret then a mysterious thing will au
tomatically come about. In some way certain circumstances will develop that will
duplicate the conditions that were present when the first improper act was comm
itted. It may not be exactly the same but there will be the same opportunity to
do the Improper thing in principle although the exact circumstances may be entir
ely different. It may be in thought only that the act be done, such as an opport
unity will arise that the intention to commit such an act will be all that mater
ializes. And when this individual refrains from the act because of his prior res
olve to turn over a new leaf and to never act improperly again, then this indivi
dual will erase the past debt from his aura and his suffering will cease. I will
give you an example, a true example. There was a gentlemen who was inflicted wi
th a severe arthritic condition in his later years and he came to me to receive
healing for this. Holding his hand and intoning the vibrations for my psychic si
ght I clearly saw someone, with no resemblance to this man at all, holding a kni
fe and demanding and getting what appeared as a bag of what I could only think o
f as coins, and other jewlery. This vision recurred several times in succession
which my first intuitive impression led me to believe that this was the cause fo
r the condition of arthritis now. Questioning this man further I decided it was
done in a previous life and was hampering him now to balance out his personal de
bt. I did administer a healing treatment which alleviated much of his pain but I
cautioned him that no doubt the pain would return because of this spiritual deb
t that the pain was sent to erase and that if he followed my instructions thorou
ghly we could perhaps destroy the condition entirely. I told him the mystery of
repentance as I have just explained to you. I assured him that if he sincerely r
egretted this past deed of robbery and no doubt it had been committed with some
frequency in his previous life, and that he verbally made this regret known, in
private, and that he wished it completely absolved, then very soon he would be i
nvolved in circumstances where something very much in line to robbery would aris
e and he would have the opportunity to partake of it, at least it would appear t
o him, successfully. I stressed that the correction of his problem lay in his co
nviction at that point not to participate in any way and that this would finaliz
e the erasure of this past act! vity from his spiritual aura.
In other words the test would finally prove the slncer 1 ty of his repentance.
And like the icing on the cake it would provide the final hammer blow to destroy
past mistake. Now I am not a prophet nor do I have some special source of infor
mation about the future, but I do know this principle and all I told him was how
it worked and what would naturally come about. And it did. He called me several
months later with the news that he indeed had the opportunity to partake in a s
ubstantial swindle, but that he had so changed his thinking and life style that,
although at the exact moment he had forgotten me and my advise, yet since he ha
d already decided with all the conviction he could muster that he would do no wr
ong anymore, he automatically declined the terrible deed. Why did he suddenly re
member me, well his arthritis was going away, yes indeed, his Doctor was amazed,
but not me, and I hope not you etther. This works and I have seen it over and o
ver and I will repeat it until everyone knows it and sees it in action. This is
the key to what repentance really is and what it does and how it will work for y
ou. And each individual will get some message from hi8 own intuition as to what
particular deed he has to give special attention to for correction, although it
is obvious that if we try to be perfect, in our own ways we would automatically
be covered for any particular act that caused our rebirth. So we are left with n
o hindrance to attain the particular spiritual level we deserve that we set asid
e for ourselves by just doing every day what we should. Since we are dealing wit
h the metaphysical we cannot point to any point in space and say its out there b
ecause we can only think in terms of
of our own physical space and time which is in no way the same. What I did disco
ver is that within your cwn soul aura, those rays and emenations that come from
the soul presence, there is not only the record of every deed and every intentio
n we have and make but it is also the link to the particular level of spirituali
ty we have attained. This means that at death if there is no problems to cause r
ebirth or some other form of erasure of some past deed or intention, then the so
ul is immediately in contact with that spiritual level it has attained during It
s sojourn in the body, since in latent form it was right with the soul all along
. This also means there is no travel in the sense that we understand it. I bring
all this up because in the course of your work you will in one way or another b
ecome aware of this spiritual reward level , and it will contrast with those of
other pecple as far as your perception of it and this is in line with my previou
s assertion that these levels or planes are really infinite, and just as no two
people are alike, so their levels differ so that no two people share (he same le
How long the soul will remain at its reward level will also be determined by wha
t is due it and what isn't. Once the soul has been rewarded to the point where i
t has received what it deserved then there goes into play a system of special di
spensation wherein the rewarding experience the soul is undergoing is continued
on a gift basis. While the person is still alive this reward level link to the s
oul is not completely dormant. True,it continually is refined as the person goes
through life and enlarges it, but it does not entirely function so passively. T
hough we cannot say it has any intelligence or thought, yet it effects our decis
ions so that we are helped by it to live correctly, and it gives force to our in
tuitive process. For example if a particular problem were to come about where yo
ur decision would affect some future event in an inopportune manner, then this w
ould intuitively be sensed within the aura mass and a hunch, a very strong one w
appear in a form to help make your decision. It would be as though this aura mas
s cannot tolerate what would ' cause harm in any fashion. In this sense we can i
magine it as starting to reward you right on this world by exerting a strong con
trol over your decisions. Now stop and think this over a minute how really helpl
ess we mortals stand in face of the great wonders of this creation and of the ma
ny factors that influence us beyond our control.
Can we truly be objective in our decisions? Of course not, and here is why. You
are familiar with the act of bribery, and its effects as told to us in the great
words of the Creator in the Bible: that it blinds j udges and distorts wisdom a
nd judgement. Now aren't we bribed every day of our lives when we enjoy physical
food and drink, and other worldly pleasures and entertainment. Aren't we bribed
by this world in such a fashion so that if we must decide what to do we cannot
rely on our decisions because we have already been bribed by the sensuality and
gratifications of our bodies. It is no wonder that people are constantly after t
he joys of this world when they should spend time instead developing spiritually
and improving their attitudes and love of their fellow man. We are bribed and t
herefore unable to render a clear judgement, and it is only thanks to our intuit
ive powers and the strong Influence of our aura mass that is built up slowly and
gradually as a result of our conscious will to improve and the accumulation of
good deeds and intentions that will control our correct decisions so that the br
ibery will be nullified.
Can you grasp the significance of all this information I am giving you. It is th
e TRUTH and it will enlighten you to the point where committing an act that is w
rong will be suspect on your part, perhaps the pleasure of the moment is not wor
th the grave consequences that must transpire. It just must. Or they must be era
sed through atonement. Now reread this lesson carefully and see if does not cont
ain important and essential knowledge that will help you overcome some of the un
pleasantness of life's inevitabilities yet has given you the key to understand t
hem and overcome them. What more can we ask?
The Way To Health And Power
mu 7
I would like to present now a revelation that will not only provide you with a n
ew and informative insight into your personal daily occurrences but will give th
e thoughtful and sincere person guidance as to the proper use of casual conversa
tion. To illustrate this startling information I will relate a true story. I was
present at a large gathering and at one point people were mulling about in smal
l groups in idle conversation. In my group a lady had just finished relating a t
errible tale of woe wherein someone had experienced an accident resulting in bli
ndness. A man present was all the time nodding his head with a grim smile and at
the end of the story he remarked that he had known that person and he had it co
ming to him for being such a despicable character and a ret ten person. I will i
nterrupt the story at this point and explain the principle. It is simply that th
ere are many events that come as a result of our own badness. Now they will not
in all cases come automatically but very often before they physically come about
they require a special force that comes about by our conscious emotional and ve
rbal agreement. It is possible that the spiritual result of our deeds can be tra
nslated physically in more than one form and we have some say as to what this fo
rm and sequence of events will be. In the case of this event that comes about as
a result of our own evil it can be as seveieas our original act that brought it
about, or it can be milder and come into fruition in a series of small misfortu
nes. But the underlying fact is that we have the final say as to how it will com
e about. And the way in which our verbal approval
is elicited is through our verbal affirmations and decisions in response to some
one elses remarks. In my true example the story that this man was listening to w
as in essence a decree of something that was to come about to him for whatever r
eason. It was only up to him to verbally accept the judgement by agreeing, as he
did. Or he could have
averted this particular event from manifesting for him by arguing that the blind
ness was not a due judgement, regardless of the other man's failing. He could ha
ve reinforced the argument by claiming that the other man was not given sufficie
nt time to correctly learn about the true meaning of repentance. Little does a p
erson realize that whenever he passes any judgement on someone else, and I would
emphasize: whenever! he is really agreeing that it may so come to pass in his o
wn life. This may be so new a concept that it will take time to get used to it,
but it is true and proven. The Creator in his wisdom so made the system work ; b
y our deeds we bring about our own misfortune and not only is this an automatic
response but we act as our own judge and jury to agree to the specific verdict.
It is that simple and should cause you to examine every word that leaves your mo
uth. Most of the seeming nonsense and idle gossip that we come across daily is r
eally coming about for a reason, the person relating it, and it may even be your
self, is doing so unconsciously, these thoughts come about without prior plan bu
t fleet across our mental screens and become words before we can stop and analyz
e what and why we are talking, we do not not realize that these words are actual
ly triggered by the presence of the person for whom they are meant, they are bro
ught about by his aura mass and his accumulated debt and the pre-programmed resu
lt of this debt, the resulting pictures on the aura of the talker are the intend
ed events. It is up to the listener to bring his own retribution into reality by
his verbal consent. Such is the power of speech. And this is truly a strange my
stery. The man in my story did become blind several years later in an accident.
He had plenty of time to truly erase his debt as you learned in lesson forty fou
He still had the option to reduce the initial severity and agree to smaller misf
ortunee over a long period of time or Prbaps even to push it off into another lifeti
You have already seen the power of speech In its effects on the elements around
us in the practice of intonation.
And if you consider it properly it will also shed light upon the principle here.
In intonation your vocal apparatus mimics the vibratory scale of he corresponding
effect, whether this happens to be an organ in our bodies or some metaphysical
entity, and in response to this awakening and prodding, the stimulated effect be
gins to perform in response. We can see in this cause and effect relationship th
at in this particular instance the effect is more important than the cause. The
result is the desired end and the means is resorted to since there is no other w
ay. Yet you will recall, and by now your own experience has verified, the princi
ple that has been strung throughout this series, that what is most important is
your intention and emotion during these exercises and experiments, and it is you
r emotion that has the power to enliven and activate these atoms and elements in
response to our intentions and intonations. We can understand from this how, in
going back to our lesson, when
as a result of a previous event a certain corresponding "punishment" is in the w
orks it still requires a force to set the physical atoms in motions that will le
ad up to and cause this result to transpire. So it is this verbal agreement with
its forceful decision and emotional impact that provides the power. But since t
he person involved is the activator, he can do so in a way to lessen it by direc
ting its buildup in a milder physical happening or by nullifying it with emotion
al decision to the contrary. I think you have grasped the principle and I will s
top now but you should reread this lesson several times to make sure you underst
and it thoroughly and absorb it so that in your own life you are not caught off
You have already seen how much of what we must put up with can be a result of wh
at was built up in a previous life, you have much reason to be extra careful and
when you are put in a situation where you hear someone relate a story that you
may commit yourself as going on record as approving a misfortune, BEWARE! You ar
e the intended victim and you must nullify it at once with all the conviction yo
u can muster. And so it is!
In lessons thirty seven and forty three I revealed to you the principles of acti
vating your psychic hearing and sight. As in all this work, I built upon this an
d discovered I could go about activating both at the same time. Go back to these
lessons now and reread them carefully. What I found was that if I not only plac
ed the fingers of my left hand over myleft ear, above it, as I described in acti
vating psychic sight, but that if I also placed the fingers of my right hand ove
r and above my right ear this will activate psychic hearing. And by doing this s
imultaneously, with both hands at the same time over both ears, that both psychi
c centers are activated. This is a very important find and will enable you, with
practice, to get the benefit of the messeges and impressions In a manner that w
ill leave no doubt as to their truth. Of course, as I have already said many tim
es, by combining this with many and any of the other lessons or your own intuiti
ve finds, you will get results that will amaze you. I will not go into my own im
pressions as it is imoortant for me to ten oh von th
only the way and leave you to discover your own personal reactions and inspirati
on. What I would like to add here is that in an experiment where I varied this s
lightly and instead of placing the fingers over the ears I placed them
just below the
ears and although there was no longer any effect as far as psychic sight and hea
ring was concerned, there was a relaxing effect and I was certain the heart had
slowed. At the time I had a student with high blood pressure and after she pract
iced this she found that she recorded a marked decrease in blood pressure. This
is a remarkable find for those of you that may suffer similarity. You may experi
ment by varying this somewhat more by placing the fingers on other areasabout th
e neck and head and see how you are affected. Keep notes on all your work and as
you practice and advance repeat what did not have any effect at a prior time an
d you may find that due to your developing previously latent glands or systems t
hat now you will see some effect. The point to keep in mind is that with practic
e you will continually develop and grow and become aware of vour Intent mvsticnl
- LESSON - -
I think you are finally ready to understand the mystery of what people call pray
er. It has been important to first take up the subjects involving the effects of
verbal sounds or speech coupled with intense emotion for these are the keys to
succeed nt prayer and it was also important to understand our position in the cr
eation in our relationship to the the metaphysical worlds and their many unlimit
ed levels and planes. Now we can also get some idea as to the real purpose of pr
ayer. Lets begin by making several statements and definitions and then some brie
f explanations. There are many kinds of prayer. For example when one is in a pre
dicament or in a life or death situation he will yell for help.
This expectation that something or someone with super human powers will come to
ojr aid and our verbal excited plea to this above normal power is one form of pr
ayer. If we thus ask for a cure or for a change in any physical circumstance, we
again have a prayer.
The idea in this form of prayer is that the kind of words used does not matter,
one need not resort to any prayer book or set formula. The point and principle i
s that our own desperate need brings on the intense emotion that bursts forth in
to verbal statements expressing the need and the conviction that help can be for
thcoming from some all powerful and all capable source. Lets now ask if such a p
rayer can be effective? The answere of course can now be understood very well. Y
es, if it is coupled by atonement and repentance, as was explained in lesson for
ty four. Simply asking for favours or miracles is worthless. Lets examine anothe
r form of prayer. One goes to some form of worship that includes printed prayers
or some other form of routine or ceremony that amounts to asking the Creator to
perform far us. You understand now that the simple repetition of sounds or word
s without emotion and conviction will lead the ordinary individual nowhere. If b
ecause of your religious convictions you do engage in such prayer it is vital fo
r yop to bring on the emotions of love for the Creator and the feeling of deep h
umility yourself. Please reread lesson twelve about this. I have found an
excellent way for you to bring such thoughts about aiid it is surely acceptable
to all. In the Psalms of David there are some beautiful expressions that can be
used as a basis for your thinking in depth that will produce some highly emotion
al feelings towards the Creator and the required feeling of humility. These two
aforementioned forms of prayer, that is: informal and formal can be highly effec
tive means of controling the metaphysical machinery involved in the shaping of o
ur physical circumstances and events and is therefore not a miracle but a sound
method to bring about physical change. And you see how everything we have learne
d until now is Intertwined so that if we live properly and act and think correct
ly we-are the vehicles for what we can term a Divine Presence in our affairs tha
t can be felt by us and acknowledged by those around and associated with us. The
se ideas have been taught in a simple and elementary fashion by religion and man
y sincere people have stumbled upon these principles by their sincerety. I will
now reveal to you a deeper form of prayer for your experimentation. I informed y
ou that the Old Testament was a verbatem dictation to Moses. There is a link to
the non physical through these words and by your total immersion in them with th
e principle of lesson thirty five with the difference that instead of your consc
iousness being within your body it lies in the letters and words you speak. And
you become one with the Divine Presence in the words. It would of course be more
accurateif you could do this in the original Hebrew, the real language of the B
ible, but my experiments and those of my students have verified true results wit
h the translations. Apparently, the impressions and ideas conveyed through the t
ranslations compensate for difference. And through these we communicate with the
Divine Presence.
Reread lesson thirty five and apply it to the Biblical words. The results will n
o doubt prove to you what until now you just view as a claim. But it is true. Yo
u can combine this with any formal or informal prayer or engage in it exclusivel
y. Once you see this work you will probably spend much time with it. Remember th
e total immersion and speak out each word and sentence, and do it slowly, just a
s in verbal intonation.
- LESSON - -
Another plant worthy of your daily consumption is the dandelion. No doubt you ha
ve come across this plant growing wild You can attempt to grow this plant if you
wish, but since the best part to use is the roots, and they should be dried befo
re use, so that you may find the bother not to your taste or the number of plant
s needed, since you must uproot and destroy it each time you make use of it. 1 p
refer to purchase several pounds of dried roots. I assume your local health food
store stocks it or you can ask your pharmacist for the closest suplier. The way
to prepare it
is to take an ounce of the root and pour a pint boiling water over it and let st
and overnight. From this brew you may dt-tnk freely, at least several tablespoon
s a day. You will see many benefits but the main reason I recommend this brew fo
r you is its effect as a tonic for the liver, which in our day is fighting off c
ontinually the poisons of our polluted and poisoned society. The dandelion will
strengthen the liver and aid it in its pur ifying efforts. If you have anything
wrong with your liver or urinary system then by all means drink huge doses, even
up to a quart or more a day. The other effects will be noted by daily observenc
If there is something of great importance to you that you wish to do, and you do
not have the time to go into the internal communication method of producing int
uition then you simply proceed as follows to get guidance of the best way to act
or if not to act at all. Remember that the force that moves the molecules of ma
tter is the intense active thoughts that stimulate the mental powers and its psy
chic counterpart plus the strong impetus and power of thrilling and exciting emo
tion. You can quickly bring these into play by taking a deep breath and putting
on your best smile , clench your fist and repeat to yourself in firm language th
at your head
and heart are connected by a fi y bond and at the same time imagine a great flam
e originating in the heart moving up to the head engulfing it. Imagine it furthe
r moving quickly about your hearing and seeing psychic centers. Now stop everyth
ing and picture the thing you wanted to do as having been done, picture it thoro
ughly in your mind.
Make a three dimentional picture in thought view it from different angles, move
about it touch and smell it. Now suddenly you will get an idea or picture that w
ill invade your own and it will either bring with it some suggestion or perhaps
it will appear to destroy it. The great secret is to speak this idea out in a fo
rceful tone and then relax. You will feel the truth with certainty.
We have at length spoken of the importance of attitude and its effect upon our r
eaction to the varied episodes of life we encounter. Attitude determines to a ve
ry great extent how adversely our bodies will react to the unpleasant and the un
expected. I would like to give you a thought now, I consider it a gem, and if yo
u consider it well it will have a strong and meaningful effect upon your thinkin
g and attitude. Imagine for a moment a person on his deathbead. A person fully c
onscious yet fully aware of his terminal
condition with the full knowledge that he will not survive to see the morrow. No
w if we were to ask this person to list for us what is important and what is not
, what should be striven for and what should not, what is valuable and what is n
ot. You'would probably be surprised at his sense of values. For his answeres wou
ld be altogether different than yours and mine, and even than the ones he would
have given ten years ago. And this is line with the idea of how the world bribes
us and effects our decisions and judgement, as I explained in lesson forty four
. At death a person cannot help
but be objective, even if it the first time in his life. The physical world and
its enticements move into the background as the realization of ones imminent dep
arture from this world and its glitter comes to the fore. One sees It in its tru
e light, the lifetime was a quick excursion through much travail and misery with
too much attention paid to the things that really were not so important after a
ll, too much attention paid to ones own pride and seeming comfort. Now if one di
d not know any better, if he were never confronted with the truth about life and
our intentions and acts as I explained throughout this series, this person who
finally realizes the transparence of all the material accumulation that was once
so important , will die a sad person, a bitter end to a bitter life.
You can now understand the deep lesson in this idea. If you and I can put oursel
ves right now in the same frame of mind as the dying person, if we could picture
ourselves in this state with such vivid imagination so that we feel li ke him i
n every respect, even to the point of
expecting to leave the confines of the body for real, then our own sense of valu
es will drastically change. We will drop matters that are only superficial and s
elf serving and try as much as possible in the seeming few hours that are left t
o provide ourselves even a degree more of the reward level we previously attaine
d for after death we wQl not be able to advance to more than we prepared for our
selves. Please reread lesson forty four carefully. If one thinks he has plenty o
f time until his death to prepare a nice portion for his soul, if one is lulled
by the notion that one can act recklessly and with impudence because there is pl
enty of time to think it over and regret and repent at some distant day far into
the future and that it is more important to pursue the delights of the moment a
nd disregard who is being stepped on and hurt, such a person needs to ponder thi
s lesson with great depth. Happy is the person who can approach death with conte
ntment, with the knowledge that he lived life to its fullest, always did his bes
t, loved his fellow man, fulfill the Creator's Will with trust and true happines
s. The difference is clear!
I have found an amazing method to speed the healing of superficial wounds. I hav
e seen it work literally overnight. I have not had the occasion to test this on
a substantial or very seveiewound and can only speculate on its effectiveness th
ere and I leave this for your own testing if such an occasion should arise. And
like the other things we have covered, I have also discovered other applications
. Firstly this regenerative effect, as displayed openly by healing a wound , wil
l work in a very unspecific way for the entire body for such conditions that may
not have become apparent, yet would otherwise eventually do so. In this light w
e can view this exercise as a sound preventive measure to be engaged in with reg
ularity. Another effect I have seen is that it calms and soothes to the point th
at when someone whose temperament is of a very active and nervous type, someone
that is hyperactive. This person cannot help falling into the calm and serenity
this exercise produces. This sounds tremendous for those of you that suffer such
and have been unable to overcome it with other methods. The procedure for this e
xercise is to first calm yourself as best you can by using our previous procedur
es, that is, the creation of a complex mental picture that will have the by prod
uct of having you forget your body, and of course your either sitting or lying c
omfortably Is important. Now proceed to breath slowly and deeply, holding your b
reath at each inhalation as long as you can. After the seventh or eighth breath
place the fingers of the right hand on the adam's apple for several minutes.
Concentrate upon the energy leaving the hand entering the adams apple. You will
feel a distint warmth in your neck area.
At this point take the fingers of your left hand and place it on the adam's appl
e too. Continue to picture energy going from both hands now. Keep this up for fi
ve more minutes. You can then end the session. Ands thats all there is to it. Yo
u should concentrate upon a wound if you have one when you place the fingers of
the left hand to your throat. Test it now for wonderful results.
In lesson forty eight I Intro duced you to some of the remarkable properties of
the dandelion with specific mention as to its effectiveness in keeping your live
r in shape. There is another root when prepared as the dandelion that can be tak
en for the same effect. This is the chicory root. There is a caution here in tha
t whereas the dandelion can be taken freely and frequently, you must exercise ca
ution with the chicory. Medical opinion dictates that it is harmful when taken i
n excess, so that if you would like to test it for your self use no more than a
few tablespoons of the liquid a day. My own and my student's experience indicate
s that you may rely on the dandelion exclusively without any
need to try chicory. But its inclusion on an occaisional basis can do no harm. T
here is another safe medicinal plant that you should pursue daily is the garlic
bulb. I use it for only one of its many benefits, and advise it for you for this
too. It is the health and well being of the digestive system. If you have conta
ct with people and fear the effects of the garlic upon your breath you can purch
ase preparations that will counteract this or rely upon its use in cooking where
this effect is dissipated. Others have other claims for this and you may test t
hese also. Garlic is safe and may be consumed without worry. If you combine any
of your psychic exercises with these foods it will enhance results and you will
find that it will also have an effect on your psychic worl
In all probability your daily affairs involve dealings with other people.
Whether in business or socially these relationships are important to your well b
eing. Think for a minute. It is in these encounters that much aggravation occurs
and many other pitfalls present themselves without end. I believe that people d
o not give enough thought to these encounters and as a result suffer needlessly
from their reactions. Until now we have stressed the importance of not taking yo
ur body and mind for granted and to develop them through the exercises and attit
udes I am teaching. All can be for naught if because of our external dealings we
allow the personalities of the people we move around with to take effect upon u
s. Here too there is much that you can do by simply analyzing your position and
yourself as opposed to the other person. Of course it is simple to just sit back
and feel superior because you are privy to some exclusive occult knowledge and
experience. But for the average person this alone will not be enough to bolster
his ego so that he will be impervious to the abuse raining down upon him from bo
sses or neighbors. It is true that that these very people will seek to take adva
ntage of humble people thinking that they are asking for it. In many cases your
own common sense will not allow you to crumble before them but
privately this victim will eat his heart out.
To me, this means that it is important to control rather than be controlled. And
it really does not take any superhuman effort to bring about the changes in you
r thinking to change yourself. And this is true. It is a combination of two thin
gs that will turn your personality into one that commands respect and will allow
you to transact your daily affairs in a manner where regardless of your positio
n, your superiors or friends will respect you and do your bidding. The first imp
ortant principle is that people will like you and look forward to being with you
if you make it a point to compliment them and give them the recognition they de
serve. If it is a boss you compliment his abilities and skills. If it is a frien
d, his taste in home furnishing and personal dress. Anyone will glow if you comp
liment their good points.
What does this have to do with your thinking and attitude? Well obviously haven'
t done this until now because of either selfishness, you just couldn't stand to
give so much to the other guy, or perhaps you resented their better position or
greater material wealth.
In the light of my teachings till now you can see how this is fundamentally wron
g and self defeating. Rather than repeat myself I urge you to review my thoughts
of the past lessons and finally get wise. If you still carry around the wrong a
ttitudes you had better start changing right now. But in a relationship with ano
ther * fellow human, you must give, and it must be
clone sincerely. If your words to not come with true feeling, if your face does
not have a hearty and meaningful smile, if your voice does not interject any ent
husiasm into your words, then what you say will not penetrate and will have no e
ffect. This is important in dealing with people. A warn, sincere smile on a happ
y face will work wonders for you. This is not magic, but human nature. The princ
iple is that once your attitude is one of love and compassion for another human,
you must strive to demonstrate your recognition of the others individuality and
talents, to help if necessary, the other person be himself and do his job. If h
e is a boss, then help him do his job. Make him feel that his direction and supe
rvision is not only teaching you something but is valuable in proving his own wo
rth. Complement his skill at running the show and you will 8od*i see his attitud
e to you change. He will treat you with affection. And with such an attitude you
rself your own work will Improve and be recognized. It is simple human nature th
at your boss will do to you in kipd. There is a big difference between'what I am
saying and advocating to what people detest as flattery. And the difference is
one of sincerety and conviction. What I am advocating is a sincere compliment co
ming from your heart. A word or idea expressing your true feeling. That will nev
er be mistaken for idle self serving flattery and will be appreciated and accept
ed. Think about it and you will see how true it is. It is the psychological key
for your achievement of personal success in your relationship with others. Tell
the the other person he is Important. Tell and show him how impressed you are by
his words, his actions, his possessions, his skills, etc. You show how importan
t the person is by your attentiveness, your facial expressions. The tone of your
voice and your whole makeup. Please consider this point very carefully and thor
oughly. It must surely change your life. If you are a boss or have your own busi
ness it is the key to win the loyalty of your employees or your customers. No ma
tter what you do in life you will succeed in your personal dealings by giving re
cognition. The second principle that will win your respect of others is your eff
ecting a true change upon yourself in accordance with the attitudes and principl
es I have taught up to now. This will project an image of
true self confidence and self sufficience. A calm and true buffer to the turbule
nce and storm of life. This is not to be taken lightly. Everyone around us is re
ally shakey at the core. If they do not believe in the principles 1 have stresse
d until now, then they are really weak, drowning individuals hoping that their s
treuk of "luck" will continue and connot face misfortune. Such people will notic
e your serenity and peace and marvel at your smiling and loving reaction to the
apparent and the unreal. Your presence will comfort them as no medi cine or tran
quilizer can. They will seek your company and advice. Until this point I have gi
ven you the keys to self confidence through the knowledge I have given and your
own experience of it.
Is not the principle of mental creation a great booster of your confidence in yo
ur power? Are not the facts of the reward level you create for yourself and the
system of punishment inherent in this creation enough to motivate your actions a
nd give you a concrete understanding of the seeming woes we undergo? The underst
anding I have tried to give you of the workings of this world in general and the
events of your life in particular will determine your attitude that in turn wil
l affect your thinking, reactions and relationship with others.
And by now you should have made a habit of correct attitudes, a habit of correct
thought and dec ision making. Because of this new knowledge I gave you,you shou
ld have wiped out completely the hindrances of any prior prejudices, bias or bad
habits you may have brought with you in life till now.
You should know how these have brought upon you countless misfortune. And by you
r realization of your inborn power you should have destroyed forever the habits
of fear, anxiety, dispair, self pity, defeat, hopelessnes and resignation. These
bitter elements evaporate in the light of true self confidence. Your determined
self confidence will produce an exuberant enthusiasm, and it is this enthusiasm
that will bubble over and show through all your actions and thinking. This is w
hat will become noticeable and will move other people to a corresponding instinc
tive emotion that will make them want to help and support you. It is this glowin
g enthusiasm that will capture everyones attention and move them to do your bidd
A self confident person is a man of action, and by doing you will fall into the
circumstances circumstances already waiting because of previous mental creation.
You are a new man I
I am aware that many of you have weight control problems. Since the most importa
nt thing is to determine if it is not a medical problem, it is important to cons
ult a competent physician. He can determine what the problem is. Usually if your
weight does not go down under diet conditions the problem will lie elsewhere. B
ut for most of us the problem is simply overeating. I will not go into diets or
fasting here. I think that if you have followed my health directions to the lett
er and you have incorporated occaisional periods of fasting into your diet regim
en you should have no overweight problems. If however overeating is still a prob
lem with you then I think I have some very important information for you. This i
s not an exclusive find of mine but it is based on recent research in the causes
of overeating. I will present the principles to you and you may make use of the
m. I bring this up now for two reasons. First of all I am convinced that overwei
ght is a dangerous way to remain.
It has been found to be an important factor in heart attack, stroke, and high bl
ood pressure. And like anything that even may be dangerous, why shoultf any reas
onable person put himself into such a possible if not probable situation , one t
hat may result in severedisease and perhaps death. The second reason is that it
can be combined with some of the work we have already undertaken and in this lig
ht will perhaps be of particular help to you. First I will describe the principl
e and then I will explain the method in detail and correlate it with our work to
date. The basic idea is to create a simple punishment and reward system for our
selves , so that the eating of an excess food causes an immediate punishment and
the reverse, which is when the food is actually spurned and not eaten out of th
e dlsagreeability of the punishment, or the fear of it, a reward follows. Once t
his is practiced over a length of time it becomes so habitual that you will just
not overeat even without thought to the reward-punishment cycle. Your first ste
p is to'determine honestly yvhat foods you must eat and How much and what is exc
It is important that you put this in writing so that there will be no misunderst
later. The simple truth is that in our society overeating is a habit and you wil
l have difficulty in deciding what is the minimum you need. You should also make
a list of foods that are completely out. The next step is to create some form o
f punishment that you agree to undergo if you exceed your specifications. And he
re you can be creative as to the best course. Perhaps a vivid picture of yoursel
f in a death scene as a huge overweight corpse and the food in question dripping
all over. It can be a picture of some one else of course. It is not important w
hat you visualize to associate with the forbidden food or act but the point is t
hat it must be horrifying and punishing. If you cant possibly conjure up a sufficie
ntly punishing spector then perhaps you can agree to inflict some minor pain as
a pin prick or the like, a pinch , etc., just so that the situation of that extr
a bite will not be so pleasurable after all. As far as the reward it can also be
an imagined moment or fantasy and I am sure that here you won't find it so diff
icult to come up with pleasurable imagery. The point is that you should feel as
though you are rewarding yourself through it because of your bypassing those ext
ra bites. Of course you can create more tangible rewards as actual experiences.
I leave these specifics up to your personal nature and temperament. I think you
get the idea. Now since it is so important to put your imagination to work don't
you think that by now you are in a better position than most to put such pictur
es together in a concrete form due to your superior concentration faculties.
And can't you take this a step further as to mentally create and picure yourself
denying yourself those extra bites and stressing the reward feature, all in you
r relaxed state. This self image in the nonphysical plane willsurely compel you
when it comes to actual food situations. Another thing to keep in mind is that m
uch overeating is caused by stress and anxiety situations which I have tried to
show you can be eliminated by understanding them and their cause. The master of
himself is the master over such emotions too. The image of health you strive for
must be one where you are not overweight. Only with such strong desire will you
The Way To Health And Power
This lesson could have been titled: How Not To Kill Yourself. I will now pinpoin
t for you a major cause of physical breakdown that comes pre-maturely(prior to n
atural old age). I will call it "The Feeling Of Helplessness". I bring this to y
our attention at this point of your work because your progress until now will sh
arply contrast such an attitude, and will make this lesson meaningful. In a reve
aling experiment in 1957,a Johns Hopkins psychologist, Dr. Curt Richter, drowned
two rats. Rats are known to be good swimmers. The first rat dropped into a tank o
f water,swam for sixty hours before exhaustion overtook it and it then drownedJB
efore the second rat was dropped in,the doctor held it in a manner to subdue it,
denying it freedom of movement. This apparently impressed upon the rat that esc
ape was improbable. It was then dropped into the water. What it did was to splas
h about for a few minutes and then it passively sank to the bottom, victim of it
s own feeling of helplessness. It had lost the will to fight, it gave up. Subseq
uently many medical researches noted that the onset of serious diseases such as
heart attack and cancer coincided with deep emotional upsets the victim experien
ced in either personal or business life. The
example of the rat illustrates how a person can give up and become submerged by
his own decision, it is as if he proclaims that all the ills he has until then s
tubbornly resisted are at last allowed to jump their prey. Yet the strong, enthu
siastic,iron willed person who pratices the principles of mental creation to mol
d his affairs, who is honest and ethical and free self consuming guilt, will not
and cannot ever "give up" or "feel helpless". Why does this feeling initiate th
e process of breakdown of bodily functions?Medical science may never unravel thi
s seeming mystery of the connection of mind and body. Perhaps some vital hormone
secretion is turned off. Perhaps it is simply the strong will for self destruct
ion from the subconscious being brought about on the physical level through the
principles of mental creation. The lesson for you is obvious. We all go through
times of crisis with various attitudes and outlooks. The command and control of
these situations is in our own hands. Only through your understanding and accept
ing the principles of lesson forty four on rebirth and attonement will you be ab
le to weather life's storms. Your greatest power is within you.
I will reveal to you a method for initiating angelic visions and revelations dur
ing sleep.After bringing about a tranquil and relaxed state place your fingers n
ear throat , placed on sides of neck with your thumbs touching your adams apple.
Visualize a great fire raging around your head with your body engulfed in an or
ange colored
mass that is egg shaped. Hold your breath as long as possible after inhaling. Do
this about a dozen times. Then bring hands down over stomach with fingers touch
ing. Again after another dozen breaths held as long as possible visualize yourse
lf starting to revolve. You should experiment with different intonations all the
while,i. c. from
< Copyright 1975, Williamsburg Publishing Company
the time you first put your fingers to your neck. You will notice different effe
cts from the eeeee sound to the ahhh or o(as in the letter o) sounds.
Try them also in different sequence, one after another. The intonation should co
ntinue throughout the whole session. While visualizing yourself revolving, it sh
ould be very slowly at first, then gradually increase the spin. Now you bring yo
ur hands to your chest so that your left palm lies on the right side of your che
st and your right palm is on the left side. Do not discontinue the revolutions,
rather increase them as much as possible for you. Now you slowly, while revolvin
g, begin to ascend. Do not be frightened in any way from the new and wondrous fe
eling that will come about. And be prepared for some amazing sights. I have foun
d that every person has a different reaction to this exercise so I cannot predic
t yours. But do not be afraid. From my own experience I would tell you to ascend
to the point that you see a great and splendorous light. I always hesitated in
going beyond this point,I just felt intuitively that this was the threshold, and
from this point there was no return. I will leave this up to you. I also found
this light too brilliant for me to dwell upon for any length. You must experimen
t and arrive at your
own conclusion. Now descend in the same manner. When you are back to your starti
ng point continue to spin and raise your left hand slowly to your face with fing
ers placed between left eye and ear and right hand brought to stomach. Continue
the intonations and color visualization for another dozen breaths ,held as long
as you can. Then close the session and go to sleep. I assure you a night to reme
mber. I have had the deepest revelations after such sessions and this has been t
he experience of the other students reporting on this exercise. It would be impo
rtant to keep in mind that you will be completely absorbed in this great experie
nce and will lose all realization of your surroundings , so it is vital that you
arrange for an undisturbed time, prefer ably when you can lock yourself in. Oth
erwise,someone happening in on you may get frightened or try to arouse you. To m
y knowledge there would be no ill effects from such an arousal but you will have
a difficult time explaining what is going on. As you advance in this you will a
ctually produce a visible image to others of the images you are concentrating on
,and this will surely cause a commotion to those not expecting it. Now proceed w
ith confidence and remove all fear.
- LESSON------
I would like to revive an old remedy that truly will work wonders for you. And d
on't scoff at this until you have tested it. This is an excellent treatment for
skin and nervous diseases. It is walking barefoot on the morning
dew or in mud after a rain. I don't think there is anything supernatural involve
d, just the activation of some antibotic activity or some other natural means no
t yet investigated or discovered .It works, try it.
A few words about your progress so far and about sonic of the vital changes comi
ng about within you. You are coming to realize improper utilization of time is r
eally a waste of life. This includes anything done during mere idleness such as
reading any stories watching television to
"kill time"(a very appropriate expression). On the other hand you will have much
to contemplate and engage in,in the wonderful work of self improvement and self
realization. You must now be more critical of the usefulness to you of every fo
rm of entertainment coming your way. Ask
yourself, "is it at all instructive"?
"Is there anything at all to gain from its pursuit"? You will view every person
as an actor on life's stage, unwittingly playing his role. Judgement of a person
, if such a thing is at all necessary,will be based on his actions at present, n
ot what they were in the past, nor his future capabilities. You can only judge w
hat is before you, what you can see now and actions are the main thing. Possibil
ities and capabilities really mean nothing, only accomplishments are important.
But I caution you from passing judgements for as a human you can only see what y
our faculties perceive, and they are faulty. Only the Creator can truly "know" e
very being. For only he is the true perfection. If a person is helping humanity
an any way, he is rendering a service that fulfills and
justifies his existence. If he is self centered and only interested in personal
fortune he is shortsighted and foolish. We can even say unworthy of the many ble
ssings bestowed on him regardless of his acts. You can see the same raw selfishn
ess , greed, and mean disposition in children. How can we then call such a perso
n an adult, With what has he earned the term mature. Surely physical growth alon
e cannot be the final determinant. Yet, you cannot become intolerent of such imm
aturity, rather it is best to treat it with the hot sun of patience,love, unders
tanding, sympathy and kindness. And eventually the child nature will melt away u
ntil there unfolds a new and beautiful being. A flower you yourself brought fort
h with the magic of your personality and soul.
In lesson twelve we quickly examined how a person that cannot control his evil i
s shortsighted,creates his own undoing. Perhaps,you wonder, is there a force or
power that can be called evil? We know that there is within man a soul type life
, that is a very influential presence. It is part of the soul personality makeup
and continually feeds selfish type imagery to convince and cajole. Since the re
sult of following this inclination will be contrary to the Creator's wish, we ha
ve what we can call evil. Man was created with this for the purpose elevating th
is base urge and to make it work as an aid in the Creator's service rather than
a hindrance. You may wonder how this is so. The answer involves the knowledge of
the origin and root of this soul type presence and its connection with our emot
ions. To state it simply, our emotion of love to the Creator and fear of the Cre
is considerably strengthened and enlivened by this same presence that naturally
trys to make use of our emotions in the opposite sense. Your own work will bring
this revelation to you as it is difficult for me to go into detail at this poin
t in your development. You still require a broader background in the knowledge o
f the metaphysical worlds, and with your work,will come to you. We strengthen ou
r spirituality and soul nature through the good we do and gradually change ourse
lves through habit. You may now ask about the so called evil conjured through wh
at is called magic. What is this? The true answer is that there is no reality to
it. It is purely psychological. It only affects those who believe in it. We hav
e here the powerful power of suggestion as explained in lesson nineteen. We are
the victims of our beliefs. Ponder and learn.
An important note on the confusion today about the so called arts of
palmistry, crystal gazing, tea leaves, tarot cards, etc. etc. Is there any-
thing to any of this? From my own experience, and that of my students,
I feel I can clarify this for you. Too often it is just another means of charlat
an activity with intent to part you from your hard earned dollar. Lets look firs
t at palmistry. Whereas there is a long and ancient recorded history of this pra
ctice, we cant prove those handed down rules, and whats more, fact too often contra
dicts them. How many people with long life lines lived short lives and those wit
h short life lines lived long lives?
I am personally acquainted with too many instances and psychic contact has faile
d to verify this so called science as we have it today. I was able to learn that
there indeed was a system for reading vital information within the lines of the
hand and face, but that this system, practiced in the time of Moses, was withdr
awn from our realm of knowledge. But what is
the secret of the successful practice today of palmistry or any of the others ju
st mentioned? And I will admit that there are individuals who indeed are gifted.
The reader receives psychic impressions from the aura and soul of the person co
nsulting him, and it is these impressions that form the basis of the reading. It
is not any set formula of lines on the hand, or card arrangements, etc. The rea
der may mistakenly believe that it is the hand, cards, tea leaves, or whatever,t
hat are the source of the impressions, but this is false. These are mere ceremon
y and symbology that help set the mood and put both the reader and his client in
the correct receptive frame of mind and bond of soul. So we have the fact that
the reader, regardless of his tools must be a true psychic. If not,he is simply
a fraud. Many of you can verify this with your own experience.
Our bodies truly bear witness to the existence of a Divine Creator. Medical scie
nce has yet to begin to unravel the great and marvelous complexity of our system
s. Yet even in the germinal and incomplete advances so far we find spectacular a
lmost miraculous wonders To science the human personality is shrouded in mystery
. In this series we learnt that personality originates in and with the soul. Sci
ence is beginning to find roots of the physical manifestation of personality in
the interaction of our nervous and glandular systems. Abnormalities in this inte
raction result in altered personality and produce the symptoms of depression, de
spondency, nervous and emotional health problems and mental disturbance and illn
ess. You, as students of this series hold the key to the correct balance of your
bodys systems, whether discovered or as yet undiscovered, through your developed p
ower of mental creation, and control of attitude. We can add to this that judici
ous eating habits will go a long way in the balance of your physical health. Let
s for a moment examine the wonderful process of how
a plant manufactures its food. The details are available in any library as hundr
eds of books have been published about it. It would be well for you to read abou
t the marvelous plant world just to sit in awe of the remarkable world the Creat
or saw fit to bring about. The plant has within itself an amazing chemical labor
atory that with the suns aid, the soil and the air, manufactures its own needs. Thi
nk about this and just using logic it would appear that man benefits from eating
such an extraordinary self-contained reservoir Although you could dismiss-it as
speculation, it is also a fact that science has indeed found plant life benefic
ial to man. It contains what we need to live. Surely what we recommended in good
eating habits, would include a plentiful daily supply of raw (wherever possibly
fruits and vegetables. Cooking has been shown to destroy many important element
s. In lesson four I referred to "life elements" present in food. This you will l
earn more about as the food you eat brings you forms of psychic impressions. You
will come to feel a living essence in all you come in
contact with as you advance in your spirituality and food will have its own part
icular "life". You will become aware that food not only builds and sustains our
material side but it adds strength to our spiritual sides as well, keeping the e
quilibrium of body and soul. And it is this spiritual element of food that is de
stroyed through heat and fire. There is another mystical lesson for us with rega
rds to food and was hinted at in lesson twenty two. Part of this spiritual spark
in food is in need of elevation through being constructively used by man, throu
gh its being ingested within the human system and becoming part of it through it
s digestion, and give the human,life and power to fulfill his role. This element
, now in the person becomes elevated as that person acts for in the action lies
all that is within
the person, his energy and will. Since this is a subject that will become more k
nown to you by inspiration and revelation, suffice it to say we serve an importa
nt purpose in the world, and the various things about us that we make use of, al
l have within them this need of elevation through our use of them in a way that
either directly or indirectly leads to the doing of the Creators will. Everythin
g a person does must be for either the advancement of mankind, or its betterment
in some way. As lowly an act as giving our fellow man a cheerful hello, or wish
ing someone well with sincerety will bring its reward. Reread lesson twenty two
now and mull over it constantly for we have explained a concept that should spar
k you to positive action always.
In lesson fifty three we you were shown how to influence the people that are par
t of your life. It is important that you review that lesson frequently and put i
t to use. This is the business of human relations and it will always be with us.
In this lesson I would like to show you how to communicate more effectively aft
er you have gained the admiration or cooperation of another. You can easily de s
troy what you have built up if you are not cognizant of what makes responsive re
actions and what does the opposite. The key Is your grasp of a few principles of
human nature. You must be sure not to "turn off" another person. Think of what
you will say or how you act" in terms of the o t h e r's reaction. You know how
you would react in any given situation, realize then that so will the other pers
on. You have the ability to produce a negative reaction that will undo your imag
e, and you can alsc direct a persons emotions to you in a positive way. You complet
ely control someones reaction to your words and manner, so choose these carefull
y. You must also realize that someone else cannot know what you know, what you d
o ,yet how many times are we guilty of assuming the
person does know, or feel, or understand and the exact opposite is true. The pro
blem is that we by nature assume that the other person knows how well informed w
e are or how well we do something. We even get angry with someone for not expres
sing what we feel he should have based on his supposed knowledge of that part of
our feeling or talent. And the truth is that the other really knew nothing abou
t it. You must realize this error we commit and not let yourself be deceived by
your assumptions of what someone else knows about you.
Do not take anything for granted and show the other person that you realize this
. This alone will make a marked improvement on your contact with people of impor
tance in your financial advancement. Of course another fundamental is to realize
that the other person is more interested in his own well being than in yours. H
e is more concerned with his own pride and happiness, and his own gratification.
This is basically true of all of us, we are more concerned with ourselves. So,
if ever you approach someone about something you want or need, keep in mind that
he is thinking about his problems and affairs, not yours. Therefore you must al
present your needs with an eye on how the other person will benefit from dealing
with you or granting your request. Try and show how his needs will be fulfilled
by complying with you. This is also as true in your personal affairs as in your
business or work relationships. As you can see, what I am prescribing is little
more than common sense. The trouble is that too few of us break out of our self
centered shells to want to use it. I will close this discussion with one more i
mportant thought. People Instinctively dislike anyone who intereferes with his o
r her (sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always ingrained and lifelong) habits
The problems arise when you instinctively try to make others follow your
ways without regard to their own peculiar likes and dislikes. Since you rarely k
now all that can irritate someone, you must go out of your way not to impose you
r ideas or suggestions until you see they are not contrary to to the other's hab
its. Try always to feel as the person with whom you are feels. Assume his person
ality as you grasp it and try to think as he does. We briefly mentioned this wit
h regards to mind reading. Be sensitive to his ensuing emotions, be on the looko
ut for any disgust, fear, anger or dejection. I would say that this will require
a lot of thinking on your part to accept and adopt this lesson, but you cannot
succeed any other way.
This lesson involves another common sense idea, yet it is not used often enough.
In your success with dealing with people it is vital that you grasp a good unde
rstanding of the difference between communicating with someone or just talking.
Too much is of the latter rather than the former. Let us begin with talk. Talk h
as meaning for you only. Not only will the person you are with react negatively
to this but he will probably pretend that he understands and appreciates what yo
u are saying. A graver result would be arising misunderstandings. On the other h
anc^ communication is talk that has meaning for the other person as well as for
yourself. How can you tell the difference between
communication and just plain talk( or is a better word chatter) ? One of the way
s is to see how the sentence begins. If it begins with I (I am, I will, I think,
etc.) or My, it leads into talk meaninful only to yourself. But if it begins wit
h You or Your, we will have communication. Of course these key words may be loca
ted somewhere else in the sentence than in the beginning, and you must always lo
ok for meaningful feedback to see that the other has fully understood you. The p
oint is that you giving recognition to the other person rather than concentratin
g on your self interests and wants. Once you grasp this principle you will becom
e a new person in everyones eyes. Start using it today.
In connection with lesson twenty five about business success, I would like to gi
ve you some guidelines for selecting a suitable proposition. These are based upo
n my own experience and at first glance would seem obvious, yet too often one th
rows hard earned money where he shouldnt have by ignoring these principles. All tha
t glitters is not gold. First you should determine whether the propo-
sition is based on common sense and is reasonable in what you know of todays mar
keting conditions. You may discard anything that is wild or hair brained or not
already tested and tried. A quick look in your yellow pages will verify if such
a business exists. I again recommend your using the yellow pages of large cities
such as New York City. Secondly you must determine if you have before you all
the details of the proposition so that you can visualize it in its entirety. Not
only will you need these when you make use of the success principles of lesson
twenty five , but purely for simple logical conclusions on your part. You must k
now all the details, you cannot be blind of any facet. To this end it would cert
ainly be advised to consult with others in this field or to investigate the trad
e journals for more information. You must have as much information as possible.
The next important bit of information you must have is who are the people behind
the proposition, will they be around tomorrow to help you when a problem arises
, will they be around a month later? Can they furnish you with personal referenc
es or other checkable business references? Would you deal with someone just out
of jail ? You must find out as much as possible about the people or firm you wil
l be entrusting your money and risking your future. A talk with a representative
of The Better Business Bureau will prove that you must know this. The next poin
t to consider is if
the possible profit or earnings of the proposition is worthwhile to justify your
investment and trouble Decide right now what your time is worth to you. Are you
willing to work for a dollar an hour, or is your goal twenty and does the propo
sition offer you this possibility. This is a major stumbling block of the beginn
er. If you wind up better working for someone else, why earn less and have your
own business? The final important consideration is if sufficient evidence was pr
esented to you that you have a reasonable chance to succeed. Idle assurances are
meaningless. Don't allow someones suggestions or speculation to replace solid e
vidence. Always look for some expert in the same area of endeavor and seek his a
dvise and counsel.
Pay for it if necessary and even travel to get it. If you follow the principles
of success as presented in lesson twenty five with the type of business checked
out with the principles of this lesson, you stand a fighting chance to succeed.
Because of your advancement to date I wish to caution you about some matters of
concern. The first is when you are receiving some psychic contact with some othe
r soul personality or some other person. So as not to suddenly break it off you
should not try to determine who it happens to be until after the message Is comp
lete. I have found that if you interrupt in any way with any thoughts you can lo
se the contact. The same goes for any questions you may have, do not dwell upon
them, even if you will forget them, the risk is too great of destroying the cont
act. Since the contacts may come at any time, even at an inconvenient one for yo
u,the correct procedure is to relax and remain inactive for its duration and do
the best you can in putting everything else aside. One of the things I have foun
d almost impossible to determine about a spontaneous type contact is whether you
r consciousness
has traveled elsewhere or has the personality come to you. Since it is not somet
hing bound within our own conception of time and place it is probably impossible
to find this out, although I personally have felt that mostly it is our own pro
jection to them rather than they to us, and this was triggered by our own subcon
scious desire rather than something we did physically at the moment, it is as if
the soul within us has sensed the proper time for this communication, and has p
ut it into effect. I would also like you to keep these contacts a matter of conf
idence. They have relevance to you alone for they come to you exclusively based
on your degree of development and your previous life's accumulated experience. A
nother comment involves your new power and its restriction. You will find that t
hings you pronounce have a way of coming true. Whether or not this is prophecy i
a subject for debate, I only know that the developing student starts to exhibit
It. I myself cannot determine the difference, but I am sure that it is not alway
s exclusively prophecy as I have seen wron^ come from sudi pronouncements when I
knew the contrary should have been the casev through revelation. But at your st
age you will not recognize prophecy as such. You would do well In this respect t
o never utter any type prediction that would have any bad In It and in this rega
rd you should also refer to lesson forty five for another aspect to ill pronounc
ements. If it isn't prophecy or self-judgement, then it would be classed in the
realm of your advanced power of mental creation. Another important concern would
be your mistaken impression that these psychic contacts or verbal powers were f
or your own gain or satisfaction. Nothing could be any further from the truth. A
ll of your
development is for benefit of all of mankind and you must seek ways in which to
put them to beneficial use.
It would be a great tragedy to abuse this great gift for in the end scales would
rebalance anyway and take their toll of the one who created any imbalance. You
are to restudy lesson forty four and apply it to your life. There is never any g
ain from selfish acts but there is no end to the reward for generosity and love
to mankind. You must constantly strive to help another person with all you can a
nd you will achieve, in turn, your hearts desire. You are but an advanced vehicl
e through which the Creators will can be fulfilled. Your development has brought
with it greater responsibllty and thrust you as a Divine agent into the world t
o better it in some way that is yours alone. Acknowled^ this now and confirm you
r commitment to this wonderful task in life.
Another neglected area for you to explore is the raising and growing in your hom
e of selected fruits and vegetables for their nutritional and experimental benef
its. You can well see the value of attempting to pass energy and vital magnetism
into plants if you have been successful in the experiment of doing so with the
wator( of lesson thirteen). As the plants grow you can continually work on them,
even if they are just in the room with you as you practice and experiment with
your other work,you will have a marked effect upon them and in turn they upon yo
u when mature and you eat them. And do so in their raw state as previously expla
ined. You will be surprised at the number of plants you can grow in your home,ev
en in the most limited of space. First you should get as many seed and plant cat
alogs as possible. Sources for these are their ads in larger city newspapers or
you can find out their addresses from the agricultural experiment stations in yo
ur State universities. You will find that there are varieties
of plants suitable for flower pot cultivation. What can you grow? Take a look at
this:tomatoes,cucumbers, lettuce, spinach, figs, peaches, beets, green peppers,
. herbs, oranges, strawberries, squash, onions,carrots,bush beans,lemons, limes,
and bananas. Surprised?From the catalogs you will also learn what gets along wit
h minimal sun, so you can pick those suited to your particular conditions. Not a
ll of these need be the window type set up,as you will find in these catalogs sm
all plant' homes with artificial lighting. There is a new world for you to explo
re, and perhaps cultivate a new hobby. The root crops such as radishes and carro
ts need little light, and the leaf crops such as lettuce and chard need even les
s, so these would be good starters in adverse conditions. If you have more space
, or a yard, you are set. These seed catalogs feature how-to books on gardening
for your elementary knowledge, or your local library has all the information you

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