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Intellectual Property, Ethics and Legal Issues [CT031-3-2 IPEL]

rticle 2! o" the T#IP$ gree%ent ena&les phar%aceutical co%panies to o'n a patent "or
drugs (%edicine), usually "or up to 20 years* Patent protection and e+tensions are ,usti"ied
&ecause -a large part of that (patent) period will have expired before marketing approval
is obtained from the public health regulatory bodies... (hence) a prolonged period of
protection can be obtained to compensate, at least in part, for this loss of the effective period
of protection. (/T0, 2012) and co%panies practice -1evergreening, in which
pharma(ceutical) companies continuously extend the life of a patent by tweaking the drug
slightly.. (2ature*co%, 2012)*
3or the duration o" patent protection, de4eloping countries are pre4ented "ro% i%porting or
producing (cheaper) generic drugs* s a conse5uence, %any patients %ay &e depri4ed "ro%
a""orda&le, potentially li"e-sa4ing %edication*
$hould e+tension &e considered "or %edicine patent protection, at the e+pense o" pu&lic access
to a""orda&le %edicine6 7e&ate your 4ie's, citing credi&le secondary research*
1* 8ou are re5uired to 'rite your ans'er 'ithin the 'ord li%it o" 2,000 'ords* This
limit excludes citations and references* In the e4ent the %a+i%u% 'ord li%its are
e+ceeded, any part or parts o" the ans'er in e+cess o" the 'ord li%it 'ill &e disregarded*
2* The "ollo'ing is a general guide as to the report layout9
(a) Introduction9 general identi"ication o" the legal issues that 'ill &e discussed:
(&) ;ody9 ela&oration o" the legal issues (identi"ied at the -Introduction. stage)
and application o" those legal issues: and
(c) Conclusion9 su%%ary o" the argu%ents presented and a persuasi4e conclusion*
3* 8our attention is also dra'n to <CTI=s regulations on plagiaris%: these regulations
apply to this course'or>* ny in"or%ation ta>en "ro% another source (e*g* lecture notes,
te+t &oo>s, Internet sites) %ust &e re"erenced using the ?ar4ard #e"erencing %ethod*
@* Please state the 'ord count at the end o" your ans'er*
Learning Outcomes
This assign%ent 'ill assess9
1* 8our a&ility to interpret the concept o" Intellectual Property rights:
2* 8our s>ills in researching and a&ility to articulate a critical appraisal o" issues pertaining to
Intellectual Property protection: and
3* pply your >no'ledge in Intellectual Property to address the pro&le% put "orth*

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Intellectual Property, Ethics and Legal Issues [CT031-3-2 IPEL]
Assessment Criteria
This assess%ent 'ill &e %ar>ed &ased on the "ollo'ing criteria9-
CONTENT9 Clarity and "lo' o" in"or%ation and the a&ility to consider the
salient issues 'ithin the constraints o" the 'ord li%it
40 marks
REEARC!9 Bood and &alanced research to'ards critical e4aluation rather
than plain description* ppropriate and di""erent sources %ust &e re4ie'ed,
"ocusing on acade%ic research and not ,ust secondary research "ro% <#Ls*
"0 marks
LITERAT#RE RE$IE%9 Co%prehensi4e analysis o" selected te+ts and the
a&ility to support 4ie's presented 'ith proper reasoning
"0 marks
RE&ERENCIN' AN( CITATION9 <se o" ?ar4ard #e"erencing %ethod to
identi"y the source(s) o" in"or%ation*
)0 marks
O$ERALL TR#CT#RE9 E""ecti4eness o" o4erall report in relation to the
5uestion A learning outco%es
)0 marks
TOTAL )00 marks
*erformance Ex+ectation
Car>s are a'arded &ased on the "ollo'ing guidelines9
Brade 7escription o" per"or%ance le4el
!DE F 100E Bood analysis o" the pro&le% situation* Co%prehensi4e and con4incing
analysis* Citations %ust &e "ro% at least D solid re"erences and interesting
argu%ents are presented &ased on re"erenced sources* rgu%ents are coherent
and persuasi4e, &ased on re"lecti4e reading* Points are %ature, supported 'ith
4alid e+planation and good reasoning* $ho's critical analysis, understanding,
thought and re"lection o" su&,ect %atter*
GDE F !@E $u""icient points are raised 'ith 4alid e+planations, &ased on accurate
identi"ication o" issues* rgu%ents presented are ade5uate, &ased on selected
te+t and rele4ant areas o" research* Citations %ust &e "ro% at least 3 solid
re"erences* There is so%e critical analysis o" pro&le% and possi&le solutions,
re"lecting understanding o" su&,ect %atter*
D0E F G@E ;asic re5uire%ents "ul"illed, re"lecting so%e understanding o" legal and
technological issues and possi&le solutions* #eco%%endations gi4en %ay &e
s'eepingHgeneral &ut &ased on selected te+t* ;asic e+a%ples are used to
illustrate points* rgu%ents gi4en are ele%entary and e+planations %ay either
&e unclear or unhelp"ul in clari"ying points* Citations %ay &e deri4ed "ro%
generic re"erence sources*
;elo' D0E 2o understanding o" the su&,ect %atter and "ailure to address the needs o" the
5uestion* Points are o""-topic and are not related to selected te+t or areas o"
research* 2o understanding o" theories and concepts taught* /ea> or non-
e+istent citation or re"erencing o" sources*

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