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Global and China Fiber Optic Sensor Industry Report, 2013-2018

Optical fber sensor (OFS) is a new type of sensor with light wave as a carrier and optical
fber as a medium, possessing high sensitivity, interference immunity, anti-corrosion, high-
pressure resistance and other merits, thus being widely used in national defense,
petrochemical, electric power, infrastructure, medical, etc..
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t present, all countries in the world are energetically carrying out the !"# and application
of optical fber sensing technology, among them, the $nited States due to the earliest start
leads the world in technology and scale. %n &'(), global optical fber sensor sales reached
$S#(.*+ billion, up (+.,- year on year, of which, the $nited States registered $S#(.&&
billion, up ,/.,- of world0s total, which is e1pected to reach $S#/.)) billion in
Since the research and application of optical fber sensor in the (+2's, 3hina has already
made signifcant brea.throughs in high-temperature optical fber sensor and fber grating
sensor, accompanied by massive application in petroleum, steel, transportation and
national defense. %n &'(), 3hina0s optical fber sensor si4e appro1imated !56+,'
million7 with the support of national policy and boosted by %nternet of 8hings (%o8) and
other industries, the fgure is estimated to approach !56) billion in &'(*.
8he promising prospect of 3hinese optical fber sensor has attracted many
domestic enterprises such as 9uhan 9$8OS 3o., :td, 6eiyang Optic-electronic %nformation
8echnology 3o., :td, ;egasus (<ingdao) Optoelectronics, %nc., 6andweaver 8echnologies
3o., :td and =iangsu 8ongding Optic->lectronic 3o., :td. 5oreover, some foreign companies
e.g. O5!O?, ;anasonic, 3orning also have started their layout in 3hina. %n ?ovember
&'(), 3orning established the frst !"# center in Shanghai, committed to the locali4ed
development of optical fber sensor and other products in 3hina.
9uhan 9$8OS 3o., :td@ the largest optical fber sensor !"# and production base in 3hina,
once undertoo. 3hina0s AOptical Fiber Sensor ?ational Bigh-tech %ndustriali4ation
#emonstration ;roCectD, capable of annually producing &(',''' units of optical fber
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6eiyang Optic-electronic %nformation 8echnology 3o., :td@ founded in #ecember &'(), a
merger of 9eihai 6eiyang >lectric Eroup 3o., :td F Optical Fiber Sensing #ivision and its
subsidiary F Bang4hou O> 8echnology 3o., :td. %n &'(/, the company is preparing the
construction of 5arine Optical Fiber Sensor ;roCect7 upon completion, it will form an annual
production capacity of (,''' sets of all-fber ocean boundary detection eGuipment
;egasus (<ingdao) Optoelectronics, %nc.@ founded in &'(&, currently is busy with the
AOptical Fiber Sensor %ndustriali4ation 3onstruction ;roCectD7 annual production capacity of
&,''' sets of optical fber sensor series products will be reali4ed after reaching designed
6andweaver 8echnologies 3o., :td@ independent !"# of Fire:aser #8S in &''+7
independent !"# of OFSS,''' distributed fber-optic intrusion detection system in &'((7
development of 5a1Hiew distributed confguration monitoring platform in &'(&7 purchase
of AFiber Optic Sensing Safety Supervision SystemD from Focused ;hotonics(Bang4hou)
%nc(F;%). (SIS>@ )''&')) in ?ovember &'(&.
8able of 3ontent
(. ;rofle of Fiber Optic Sensor
(.( #efnition and 3lassifcation
(.(.( #efnition
(.(.& 3lassifcation
(.& ;rinciples
(.) Features and pplications
(.).( Features
(.).& pplications
&. #evelopment of Elobal Fiber Optic Sensor %ndustry
&.( #evelopment 3ourse
&.& Status <uo of the
&.&.( Si4e
&.&.& Structure
&.) 5aCor 3ountriesJ!egions
&.).( the $nited States
&.).& =apan
&.).) >urope
&./ Key 3ompanies
). #evelopment of 3hina Fiber Optic Sensor %ndustry
).( #evelopment >nvironment
).(.( ;olicy >nvironment
).(.& 8echnology >nvironment
).& Situation
).&.( Si4e
).&.& Structure
).) pplication
)./ Key 3ompanies
/. Key Fiber Optic Sensor 5ar.ets
/.( Fiber Optic Eyro
/.& Fiber Optic Bydrophone
/.) Fiber Optic Erating Sensor
/./ Fiber Optic 3urrent Sensor
L. %ndustries !elated to Fiber Optic Sensor
L.( Optical Fiber
L.(.( Status <uo of the
L.(.& 5aCor >nterprises
L.& Fiber Optical 3onnector
L.&.( Status <uo of the
L.&.& 5aCor >nterprises
L.) Optical 5odulator
,. 9orld0s :eading Fiber Optic Sensor 3ompanies
,.( Keyence
,.(.( ;rofle
,.(.& Operation
,.(.) Fiber Optic Sensor 6usiness
,.& O5!O?
,.&.( ;rofle
,.&.& Operation
,.&.) Fiber Optic Sensor 6usiness
,.) S$?M
,.).( ;rofle
,.).& Operation
,.).) Fiber Optic Sensor 6usiness
,./ utonics
,./.( ;rofle
,./.& Operation
,./.) Fiber Optic Sensor 6usiness
2. :eading 3hinese Fiber Optic Sensor 3ompanies
2.( =iangsu 8ongding Optic->lectronic 3o., :td
2.(.( ;rofle
2.(.& Operation
2.(.) Fiber Optic Sensor 6usiness
2.& Bengtong Optic-electric 3o., :td
2.&.( ;rofle
2.&.& Operation
2.&.) Fiber Optic Sensor 6usiness
2.) 9uhan 9$8OS 3o., :td
2.).( ;rofle
2.).& Operation
2.).) !"#
2./ 6eiyang Optic-electronic %nformation 8echnology 3o., :td
2./.( ;rofle
2./.& Operation
2.L 6andweaver 8echnologies 3o., :td
2.L.( ;rofle
2.L.& Operation
2., ;egasus (<ingdao) Optoelectronics, %nc.
2.,.( ;rofle
2.,.& Operation
2.2 Shanghai 6oom Fiber Sensing 8echnology 3o., :td
2.2.( ;rofle
2.2.& Operation
2.* E%O>
2.*.( ;rofle
2.*.& Operation
*. Overview of Elobal and 3hina Sensor 5ar.ets
*.( Elobal
*.(.( Status <uo of the
*.(.& Status <uo of >nterprises
*.& 3hinese
*.&.( Status <uo of the
*.&.& Status <uo of >nterprises
+. Summary and Forecast
+.& >nterprise
:ist of 8ables
:ist of Figures
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