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The name of the water refilling business enterprise is Aqua A. The proponent has
chosen this name simply because the word aqua is the Latin word for water and the A
stands for the first name of the proponent. The business enterprise is located at
Raymundo Street, Lagundi, orong, Ri!al. The proponent has chosen this as the
location for the business enterprise since it is close to the proponent"s residence and it
will be easy for her to super#ise and manage the enterprise. Selecting this location will
also allow the proponent to reach the target mar$et %the residents of &arangay Lagundi'
of the business. To add, the cost of rent is for the location is sufficient to $eep the
business afloat.
The demand at the water refilling stations ( water stores is increasing. The quality of
purified water conforms to the national standards for drin$ing water and is e#en better
than the quality of water produced by traditional water supply systems in terms of
remo#ed impurities. The )epartment of Trade and *ndustry %)T*' through the &ureau of
icro, Small and edium +nterprise )e#elopment %&S+)' are conducting free
entrepreneurship session on setting up water,refilling stations and laundry shops in
order to pro#ide e-isting and would,be entrepreneurs with information and $nowledge
on how to properly run and operate their businesses.
The business enterprise is targeting to e-tend their mar$et from &arangay Lagundi to
other barangays within orong and neighbor town &aras, Ri!al. .ith this, the pro/ect is
e-pected to increase their production in order to supply the growing mar$et e#en if
competition is #ery present. The business also aims to impro#e the economy by the
ta-es that they will pay throughout the operation of the business and impro#e the li#es
of the people employed in it.
The pro/ect"s feasibility was based on profitability and its impact on socio,economic
en#ironment. 0rofitability because the business enterprise is ha#ing sales in its daily
operations since the products that it is selling is #ital to the target mar$et. Through their
operation, the business enterprise is gi#ing decent /obs to competent people thereby
contributing to the impro#ement of the socio,economic en#ironment.
The mode of financing for the pro/ect is a mi- of the proponents own capital and
borrowing funds from financing facilities operated by the go#ernment. The proponent
will borrow half of the capital from the go#ernment financing facility which will be
payable in fi#e %1' years. The proponent has chosen this set up because it will be easier
for the debt to be paid since the funds to be used in paying the debt will come from the
business enterprise itself. *n order to operate the business, the proponent will need
0hp213,333.33 and this will be allocated mostly on the water filtration machineries and
equipment, the materials to be used in order to distribute the product to the target
mar$et, the salaries and wages, the mar$eting promotions and other minor acti#ities in
order for the business enterprise to operate.
4#er the years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher, the price of
household water purifiers and bottled water has become prohibiti#e. Aqua A offers
cheaper and more con#enient solution to their target mar$et"s drin$ing water needs than
bottled water or the use of e-pensi#e household filters. Aqua A is the only water refilling
station in &rgy. Lagundi but the competition from other water refilling stations from other
towns and barangays are still there. 5owe#er, through their mar$eting strategy, the
business will still ha#e a higher percentage in supplying their target mar$et. The
mar$eting program will #ary from product strategy %on how the business prepares their
products', distribution strategy %deli#ery ser#ice', promotion strategy %informing the
target mar$et on about the business and the benefits of the products sold', and pricing
strategy %affordable drin$ing water'.
The products that the business enterprise will sell will be purified water ranging from fi#e
%1' gallon containers to one hundred %633' ml bottles. The preparation of the product will
start from a 67,stage filtration process using the water filtration and purification system
to the bottling, sealing and pac$aging of the filtered water in saniti!ed containers.
The business enterprise is financially healthy in terms of profitability and continuous
operation of the firm using the income generated in the daily operations of the business.
As a socially responsible business enterprise, Aqua A adheres to the responsibility of
ha#ing a good impact on the society by pro#iding clean, potable and healthy drin$ing
water. 0rofitability is not /ust the ma/or aim of the pro/ect but also be a socially
responsible business by promoting healthy li#ing by drin$ing clean water and to
generate decent employment to competent people. 8udging the #iability of the pro/ect, it
is important to consider aspects li$e how it is able to be different from other water
refilling stations and how long it will stay in spite of competition.
Aqua A is a single proprietorship business solely owned by the proponent ( s. Annie
Santiago. The proponent will be the one who will o#ersee the entire operation of the
business enterprise. As such, she will shoulder all the ris$s and threats that the
competition will bring.
orong, Ri!al
BREM 201
aria 5a!el 9. :uarin
8anuary 62, 736;

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