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Having expert command over desktop & web applications development and query optimization.
Work Experience (10 Years):
o CPrize Foundation, Canada (May, 1 !o "resent#
$eb and domain administration at
%reated an online poll over a series o& pages using a small animated gi& to locate
t'em on t'e page.
!'e ebook security wrapper code implementation &or t'e zencart based
ecommerce website writerspublis' to prevent re(distribution o& ebooks.
)pdate M*%+ %,, based application &or wrapping ebook and integrate it wit'
"H" script to encryp+ decrypt mac'ine data &or customers order aut'orization.
%on&iguration o& -.M"" /erver and deployment o& e0ook security wrapper
program at 1"/ cloud server o& )buntu 1.23 operating system.
4eveloped e%'eck writing program wit' "4* conversion using *"4* &or
4eploying 5ava based application %yclos billing so&tware &or company web
o ead !eneration, "nc# $% (6ov, 1 !o "resent#
$eb and domain administration at 0lue',, and 7oogle .pps 0usiness.
&ssistant 'ana(er (")) (8ct, 12 !o 4ec, 19# *P!C+)PS, 'uza,,ar(ar-
o %on&iguration & implementation o& t'e proxy server wit' restriction o& :nternet /'aring
among t'e client workstations using $ingate.
.a,iz 'u-ammad 'uazzam
s+o Ha&iz .zaz .'mad
&ddress: House 6o. 93; /'amsabad %olony, Multan.
'o/: 299 <23 <2=2
Emai0: muazzamazaz> Skype? muazzamazaz
o1esk: 'ttps?;c1=
o :nstallation & troubles'ooting o& t'e -ocal .rea 6etwork.
o .nalysis o& "ayroll system, %orporate "lanning system, "ersonal :n&ormation system &
7eneral .ccounting.
o Bvaluation and testing o& various antivirus so&tware to get best solution &or t'e security
o&? 4atabases, "roxy server, )ser computers record, 8perating systems 6etwork against
malicious so&tware.
o .nalyzed proposed system &or developing 6"7%- database o& complete 0io data o&
o&&icers & 8&&icial working in 6"7%-, 7B6%8(:::.
o 4eveloped company website using $ordpress.
o Maintenance o& eac' network computerCs 'ardware, including t'e installation o& operating
system, drivers and application so&tware
o 4evelopment o& item purc'ase so&tware to compare rates &or unit 3, !"/ M+7ar'.
o .c'ieved training certi&icate on $ebsite development using "H", mysql, .Dax, 5avascript
& H!M- &rom $apda Hosue, -a'roe ( "akistan.
So,t2are En(ineer (Marc', 2A !o /ep 12# Sunrays )exti0e 'i00s td#, 'u0tan
o 4eveloped user level security module &or in('ouse developed BE" system using 8racle
*orms & Eeports <i.
o 4eveloped "ayroll /ystem using 8racle *orms & Eeports <i.
0arcode attendance system & auto leaves posting &or /ta&& and s'i&t workers.
/alary s'eet, employeeCs gratuity, insurance, B80:, loan and attendance reports.
!une(up /F- queries and use o& /F-(Hints to improve processing per&ormance
o .nalyze excise system and create &low diagrams using M/ 1ision 22G.
o 4eveloped plan to maintain developed so&tware.
o Managed %8E1:! based -.6 /olution to &acilitate interruption(&ree working
o "repare & distribute weekly targets &or so&tware development and networking solutions.
o :mplement applications data security plan o& disk backup to &acilitate so&tware developers
in order to get reliability o& BE" system.
3rac0e P4S5 (Part+time at o1esk#com) (/eptember, 2= !o May 12# Pare00ax td#, C-ina
o $orked on BE" /ystem using 8racle *orms & Eeports <i.
o %reate database packages &or constructing excels data.
So,t2are 1e6e0oper (.ug, 2< !o Marc', 2A# 1i(itaa0 1reams, 'u0tan
o 4evelop database so&tware using 8racle *orms & Eeports <i.
o $orked on BE" /ystems?
"ayroll so&tware using barcode & t'umb impression.
:nventory control system
"roduction /ystem
Bxcise /o&tware
&ssistant '"S 3,,icer (.ug, 2; !o .ug, 2<# 'e-r 1ast(ir )exti0e 'i00s td#, 'u0tan
o .nalyze & develop database so&tware using 1isual 0asic <.2 and %rystal Eeport 12.
o :nstall & !roubles'oot network, systems and printing.
o Manage inventory control system.
o :nstall & con&igure 8racle so&tware on clients.
o %reate backups o& /F- /erver 222 & 8racleAi databases.
o !rain users &or new so&tware entries and M/ Bxcel reports.
o Eegulate data operations in di&&erent departments.
o Manage .ctive directory on $indows 222 .dvance /erver.
3,,ice &ssistant (")) (5un, 23 ( .ug, 2;# 7oomi Fa/rics imited, 'u0tan.
o "repared daily & mont'ly reports in M/ Bxcel and B&&iciency so&tware.
o .nalyzed Harn :n&ormation /ystem.
o .ssist in dispatc'es & stock reporting.
o "eriodically audit t'e stock and prepare reports.
o Managed local area network.
7e0e6ant Ski00s:
.nalysis & "rogramming? Having expertise in analyzing and developing so&tware using %,,
(8bDect(oriented#, 1isual 0asic <.2 and 8racle *orms & Eeports <i.
$eb 4evelopment? "H", Mysql and 5"grap'.
6etworking? Bxpertise in -ocal area networking using )!"+/!" cable in /tar topology.
7rap'ics? $orked on )M- diagrams and use o& grap'ical tools in %,,.
*inancing? /ound knowledge o& *inancial Management & .ccounting.
%ommunication? Bxpertise in Bnglis' communication.
Eeporting? 1isited t'e organizations and build reports on?
!eam working in /tate(-i&e %orp. and "ak .rab *ertilizer, Multan.
Eeward system in I."%8.
"rivatization "rocess in "akistan.
System &na0ysis 9 1esi(n: Eniac )rainin( inc# $%
%ustomer /ervice :n&ormation /ystem.
4evelop 4*4s
4esign t'e inter&ace in M/.ccess
%reate 4ata 4ictionary using M/.ccess
4evelop and test Eeports
4ocumentation preparation wit' action plan.
Computer *et2ork P0an ,or Star Windo2s td, $%
o Bvaluated t'e current name resolution services
o "repared plan w'ic' discussed t'e tec'nologies t'at support network in&rastructure
management wit' security resources available in t'e network.
o %on&iguration o& 4H%" & 46/
o %on&igure 4omain %ontroller & :nstall .ctive 4irectory
o %onnecting 8&&ices
.)', P.P, 'yS:0, ;a6a Script 9 ;P(rap-:
Bxcel to $ebpage
o Iey &eature include? :mport excel &ile to mysql database using "H" page.
o -ist products detail in di&&erent categories wit' 'ig'lig'ted rows and &iltering options.
/ite Fuestionaire
o Iey &eature include? !ake survey question &rom user w'en mouse comes over red
'earts at 'ttp?
/ilver -ine Marketing
o Iey &eatures include? . marketing companyCs sta&& application &or getting task lists
about serving client advertising needs in %anadian newspapers.
8nline .ppointment /ystem
o Iey &eature include? 0usiness %ategories, 0usiness & %ustomer registration, new
appointment, 1iew user appointments or %ancel an appointment. /end mail to
business and customer.
"rice %omparison and 1arious Eatios .nalysis? 0lue :ce !ec'nologies, :nc. Iarac'i.
o Iey &eatures include? "roduct registration, "urc'ase "rice and "rice comparison &or a
product in t'e given period by?
Eatio .nalysis on single date and multiple dates & 7rap'ical 8verview
3rac0e Forms 9 7eports 10(, 1isco6erer and 3rac0e <i
o 4evelop .greement module o& .dministration Management /ystem
o 7enerate works'eets using 8racle 4iscoverer.
3rac0e Forms 9 7eports =i and 3rac0e <i:
"roDect .llocation /ystem
o Iey modules are? "roDect allocation to students o& college.
.ttendance & barcode
o Iey modules are? Bmployee .ttendance and /alary.
Bxcise /o&tware
o Iey modules are? %otton .rrival, :ssue, Harn "roduction and dispatc', $aste arrival,
production and dispatc'.
/tock Management systems
o Iey c'aracteristics are? 7ate :nward and :nspection, 4epartment demand, :ssue, 7ate
outward and average price calculation.
>isua0 ?asic =#0, S5 Ser6er, Crysta0 7eport @#A and 'S .e0p Works-op?
*inancial .ccounting /ystem? Ma'mood !extile Mills -td., Multan. (*inal "roDect#.
o 4escription? %'art o& account, 1ouc'er Bntry & "osting, !rial 0alance, 0alance /'eet,
"ro&it & -oss, :ncome /tatement and )ser management.
/tudent Bxamination /ystem? 5inna' Hig's /c'ool /ystem, Multan
o 4escription? /tudent "ro&ile, %lass Eegistration, Bxam Eesults and .ttendance.
Fuality %ontrol /ystem? Me'r 4astgir !extile Mills -td., Multan.
o 4escription? %otton .rrival, :ssue, /pindle /peed & "roduction and -ab test.
%linical -aboratory /ystem? 6ew Multan -aboratory, Multan.
o 4escription? "atient :n&ormation, !est Eesults and "ayment receipt.
Master o& :n&ormation !ec'nology (M:!#, 0a'auddin Jakariya )niversity, Multan. 221(229
0. /c. (Mat' .(0, "'ysics#, 7ovt. %ollege Multan. 1==A(222
3t-er 5ua0i,ication:
Certi,ication (0rainbenc')
8racle "-+/F- *undamentals
E40M/ %oncept
1. .llan "atterson ( $illow 0unc' and 1ancouver, 01, %anada
8&&ice "'one? ,192<3G9<<;
. 8livier %'arlery ( 0ournemout', 4orset, )I
8&&ice "'one? ,33A22213A313

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