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Michigan State House District 45

Copyright League of Women Voters of Michigan Education Fund 1

VOTER GUIDE - League of Women Voters of Michigan Education Fund
Michigan State House District 45
Primary Election: August 5, 2014
You may VOTE in ONLY ONE PARTYS PRIMARY either Republican or Democratic for ALL partisan offices on ballot.
Candidates are ordered below within each office by party with Republicans preceding Democrats.
Candidates on the ballot: 3 Republicans and 1 Democrat

Duties: The Michigan House of Representatives shares
responsibility with the Michigan Senate to enact new
laws and amend or repeal existing laws.
Qualifications: State Representatives may serve a
maximum of three full terms. They must be at least
21 years of age and a registered voter in their district.
There are 110 State House districts which are re-
apportioned after each census.
Term: 2 years VOTE for ONE (1)

Mark Avery, Republican

Lana Mangiapane, Republican

Michael Webber, Republican
Campaign Website:

Occupation / Current Position:
In addition to Insurance Agent, I serve as
Vice President of the Rochester Hills City

Education: BA in International Relations from James
Madison College at Michigan State University.
Graduated from Rochester Adams High School Class
of 1996.

Qualifications / Experience: 24 year resident;
Experience to hit the ground running from Day One
with nine years experience as a Legislative Staff
person and nearly seven years experience serving on
the City Council. Involved in my community as Vice
President of the OPC Governing Board, Chair of the
Rochester Chamber Legislative Committee and a past
president of the Rochester Area Jaycees. 2013 "Elite
40 Under 40" in OC.

1. Priorities: What are your top three state legislative
priorities? Why did you select them?
A: Jobs & The Economy: Focus on job
retention/creation, economic growth & getting
government out of the way - allowing Michigan to
continue moving forward.

Budget for Our Priorities: Education & Our Children;
Improve Roads and Infrastructure; Strengthen Public

Tax Policy: Fight for families to keep more of what they
earn; Lower the cost to live and work in Michigan.

I selected these issues because of my experience on city
council. As a city we have budgeted for our priorities -
suring up funding for roads and public safety. We have
focused on jobs with the second lowest unemployment
rate. Maintained low tax.

2. Education: The test scores of Michigan students, once
among the highest in the country, have dropped,
making Michigan one of the lowest achieving states.
What measures would you support to improve
educational results?
A: Proud to be endorsed by the Great Lakes Education
Project, which focuses on student achievement and
results. I am proud to be a product of our Rochester
Community School district as a graduate of Rochester
Adams High School. My wife Julia is a graduate of
Rochester High School. I am involved with the school
district currently as a member of the Foundation Board
of Directors, helping to raise money for technology and
other special projects within the district. I believe that
we must strive for better results, but not by teaching to
Michigan State House District 45
Copyright League of Women Voters of Michigan Education Fund 2

the test. We must have rigorous standards, but must
work towards individual student need

3. Economy. What should the state government do to
strengthen the state's economy, reduce unem-
ployment, and address the widening income gap?
A: Like I stated above, I would focus my efforts in the
legislature on the following issues which I think would
address the question:

Jobs & The Economy: Focus on job retention/creation,
economic growth & getting government out of the way
- allowing Michigan to continue moving forward.

Budget for Our Priorities: Education & Our Children;
Improve Roads and Infrastructure; Strengthen Public

Tax Policy: Fight for families to keep more of what they
earn; Lower the cost to live and work in Michigan.
Support rolling back Income Tax hike passed during the
lost decade.

Joanna VanRaaphorst, Democrat

Campaign Website:

Occupation / Current Position:
Marketing Mgr for Paul VanRaaphorst

Education: BA Central Michigan University Community
Recreation and Business

Qualifications / Experience: Senior management
positions at Holiday Inn and Sheraton. Have non-
profit experience working at Ann Arbor Convention
Bureau and Crittenton Hospital. Co-own small
business with 20 employees for 23 years. Experience
working with on several local boards advocating for
schools, library, church, women and children in need,
and other philanthropic programs

1. Priorities: What are your top three state legislative
priorities? Why did you select them?
A: 1. Stable funding and support for Public Education
We need to provide stability in funding and long-term
reforms that have been proven to work, such as smaller
class sizes, early intervention in K-2 and Pre-school
education. Weve had over 20 years of short-term
experiments and these Reforms of the Day have left
our schools with moving targets that are impossible to

2. Permanent fixes for our roads - Many resident say
they will pay more to permanently fix our roads.

3. Stricter regulation for Oil and Gas in high density
residential areas including how close drilling can be
done near schools and homes.

2. Education: The test scores of Michigan students, once
among the highest in the country, have dropped,
making Michigan one of the lowest achieving states.
What measures would you support to improve
educational results?
A: Ive consulted with the Dir. of Assessment for RCS as
well as other education professionals about this. First,
the MEAP administered each year in the fall, varied
each year it. That is a problem. With the adoption of the
Common Core Standards, the Smarter Balance test,
given in the spring, will compare Michigan students with
other states. Schools have been preparing for this test
by doing test runs at all grade levels. Our Legislators
waste time and money by changing when and what kind
of test we will use.

To help address lower achieving students, we should
increase funding to 31A tailored for at risk kids.

2. Economy: What should the state government do to
strengthen the state's economy, reduce unem-
ployment, and address the widening income gap?
A: I researched this topic by meeting with the head of
Oakland Cty Econ Dev., the ED contacts at the City of RH
and Rochester and many business consultants. The
good news is Michigan companies are hiring. However,
job-training monies have dried up at the state and
federal level and that needs to be addressed. The MEDC
Talent Initiative is working and needs to continue.

Keeping our area public schools strong will attract
businesses. To have businesses invest in Michigan, we
need to first invest in our own roads and bridges.

I agree with the major MI corps. who urge our
legislators to update our civil rights laws.

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