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Huawei Test Cases Description

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Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
Table of Contents
#(1 Basic .eature........................................................................................................................................1
#(1$(1 Compati/i0it1..........................................................................................................................1
#(1$(1(1 DC$2SDP& ser3ice setup success4u001 with SRB on *DC2/DC2..........................1
#(1$(! Ser3ice Bearer........................................................................................................................,
#(1$(!(1 DC$2SDP& Ser3ice setup success4u001 with 156&7 on Primar1 an8 secon8ar1
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!: 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page i o4 i
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
64QAM Test Case Description
T 1Basic Feature
T-1.1 Compatibilit
T-1.1.1 DC-H!D"A ser#ice setup successfull wit$ !%B on &DCH'DCH
(lobal )D
7C8H,7$A A80/0/
7uring 7C8H,7$A ,ervice setup, the 3NC selects appropriate channels to carry ,3+. *t is
"ased on the 9& capa"ility, cell capa"ility, and service para!eters to opti!i-e the utili-ation o
cell resources and ensure the :o,.
The case veriies the syste! supports 7C8H,7$A ,ervice setup successully with ,3+
carried on &7CH57CH.
,etwor- .ia/ram
,tandard networ#ing o acceptance, or details o standard networ#ing, reer to Appendi' /.
;N&) 3NC/, Node+/, C&LL<A//, C&LL<A/2 and they are 7C cell group=
4C7>A syste! is in nor!al operation.
7C8H,7$A CAT24 9& is su"scri"ed to the interactive service at .?@0 #"ps ;9L= and 4A200
#"ps ;7L= on the HL3.
C&LL<A// and C&LL<A/2 supports H,9$A, @4:A> and 7C8H,7$A unction.
9& is in idle !ode and ca!ps on the C&LL<A//.
,et the ,3+ channel type to &7CH57CH and ,3+ channel type 33C eect lag to true on
3NC/ as ollows)
,&T 9B3CCHLTC$&$A3A) ,r"ChlTypeDH,9$A, ,r"ChlType3rc&ectBlagDT39&E
The corresponding 9u, *u", *u tracing are created in the +,C@100 Local >aintenance
Ter!inal o 3NC/.
"roce.ure &1pecte. result
9& initiates $, 7ial8up.
The 7C8H,7$A ,ervice setup successully
with ,3+ carried on &7CH57CH.
Through the 9u tracing in 3NC/, it can "e
o"served that 3NC/ sends the
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page 1 o4 -
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
33C<33C<CFNN<,&T9$ !essage to 9&.
Through the Gsr"8*nor!ation,etupListG *& in
33C<33C<CFNN<,&T9$ !essage, it can
"e o"served that Gul8TransportChannel 8TypeG
is Ge8dchG, and Gdl8TransportChannel8TypeG is
Through the 9u tracing in 3NC/, it can "e
o"served that 3NC/ sends the
33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage to 9&.
Through the G3+8*nor!ation3econigListG *&
in 33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage, it can "e
o"served that Gul8TransportChannel 8TypeG is
Ge8dchG, and Gdl8TransportChannel8TypeG is
Through the Gdl8H,$7,CH8*nor!ationG *& in
33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage, it can "e
o"served that Gdl8@4:A>8Conigured) trueG.
*t can "e o"served that Hdl8
,econdaryCell*noB77I *& is included in the
33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage.
Through the G dl8,econdaryCell*noB77 G *&
in 33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage, it can "e
o"served that Gdl8@4:A>8Conigured) trueG.
9& starts download.
The data trans!ission is nor!al.
9& releases the service.
The service is released successully.
Chec# 3NC license GH,$A J 7ownlin# 42 >"it5s $er 9serG is GFNG on 3NC/ through the
>>L co!!and) 7,$ L*C&N,&.
Local Cell Nu!"er ,upport 7L @4:A> and 7C8H,7$A on Node+ through the >>L
co!!and) 7,$ L*C&N,&.
Logical Cell support 7L @4:A> and 7C8H,7$A through the >>L co!!and) 7,$
+eore the veriication, "ac#up the coniguration.
3elated protocol speciications are as ollows)
AL$$ T, 2..2//) $hysical channels and !apping o transport channels onto physical
channels ;B77=
AL$$ T, 2..A0@) 9& 3adio Access capa"ilities
AL$$ T, 2..A2/) >ediu! Access Control ;>AC= protocol speciication
AL$$ T, 2..AA/) 3adio 3esource Control ;33C= $rotocol ,peciication
3elated Huawei eature speciications are as ollows)
43B780/0@1@ 7C8H,7$A
43B780/0@0A 7ownlin# @4:A>
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page ! o4 -
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
43B780/0@A@ ,3+ over H,9$A
3adio +earers $ara!eter 7escription
Fperation Luide
Chec# the H,7$A and H,9$A unction o the two cells is active through the >>L co!!and)
7,$ 9C&LL.
Chec# the @4:A> unction, downlin# L2 &nhanced unction and 7C8H,7$A unction are
active through the >>L co!!and) L,T 9CF33>ALLF,4*TCH.
Chec# the @4:A> unction, downlin# L2 &nhanced unction and 7C8H,7$A unction o the
two cells are active through the >>L co!!and) L,T 9C&LLALLF,4*TCH.
Chec# the code resource o cell is enough through the >>L co!!and) L,T 9C&LLH,7$A.
Chec# 9& supports 7C8H,7$A unction through the Ghsdsch8physical8layer8category8e't2G *&
in the 33C<33C<CFNN&CT<,&T9$<C>$ !essage.
Chec# G7L +& traic threshold on H,7$AG is deault value on 3NC/ through the >>L
co!!and) L,T 9B3CCHLTC$&$A3A.
*n la" tests, the average downlin# "it rate o 7C8H,7$A CAT24 service nor!ally can reach
a"out A?.0 >"ps.
Ater the veriication, restore the coniguration.
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page : o4 -
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
T-1.2 !er#ice Bearer
T-1.2.1 DC-H!D"A !er#ice setup successfull wit$ 16QAM on "rimar an.
(lobal )D
7C8H,7$A A8020/
4hen the service is setup, 3NC selects appropriate channels and !odulation !ethod to carry
it. That is "ased on the 9& capa"ility, cell capa"ility, and service para!eters to opti!i-e the
utili-ation o cell resources and ensure the :o,.
The case veriies the syste! supports 7C8H,7$A with/@:A> !odulation !ethod.
,etwor- .ia/ram
,tandard networ#ing o acceptance, or details o standard networ#ing, reer to Appendi' /.
;N&) 3NC/, Node+/, C&LL<A//, C&LL<A/2 and they are 7C cell group=
4C7>A syste! is in nor!al operation.
7C8H,7$A CAT24 9& is su"scri"ed to the interactive service at .?@0 #"ps ;9L= and 4A200
#"ps ;7L= on the HL3.
C&LL<A// and C&LL<A/2 supports 7C8H,7$A unction
7C8H,7$A CAT24 9& is in idle !ode and ca!ps on the C&LL<A//.
,et the !odulation !ethod to /@:A> on 3NC/ as ollows)
,&T 9CF33>ALLF,4*TCH) Cg,witchDCBL<H,7$A<@4:A><,4*TCH80E
The corresponding 9u, *u", *u tracing are created in the +,C@100 Local >aintenance
Ter!inal o 3NC/.
"roce.ure &1pecte. result
9& initiates $, 7ial8up.
The 7C8H,7$A ,ervice with /@:A>
!odulation !ethod setup successully and
the data trans!ission is nor!al.
Through the 9u tracing in 3NC/, it can "e
o"served that 3NC/ sends the
33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage to 9&.
Through the G3+8*nor!ation3econigListG *&
in 33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage, it can "e
o"served that Gul8TrCH8Type G is Ge8dchG, and
Gdl8TransportChannel8TypeG is GhsdschG.
Through the Gdl8H,$7,CH8*nor!ationG *& in
33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage, it can not "e
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page , o4 -
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
o"served that Gdl8@4:A>8Conigured) trueG.
*t can "e o"served that Hdl8
,econdaryCell*noB77I *& is included in the
33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage.
Through the G dl8,econdaryCell*noB77 G *&
in 33C<3+<,&T9$ !essage, it can not "e
o"served that Gdl8@4:A>8Conigured) trueG.
9& starts download.
The data trans!ission is nor!al.
9& releases the service.
The service is released successully.
Chec# 3NC license GH,$A J 7ownlin# 42 >"it5s $er 9serG is GFNG on 3NC/ through the
>>L co!!and) 7,$ L*C&N,&.
Local Cell Nu!"er ,upport 7L /@:A> and 7C8H,7$A on Node+ through the >>L
co!!and) 7,$ L*C&N,&.
Logical Cell support 7L /@:A> and 7C8H,7$A through the >>L co!!and) 7,$
+eore the veriication, "ac#up the coniguration.
3elated protocol speciications are as ollows)
AL$$ T, 2..2//) $hysical channels and !apping o transport channels onto physical
channels ;B77=
AL$$ T, 2..A0@) 9& 3adio Access capa"ilities
AL$$ T, 2..A2/) >ediu! Access Control ;>AC= protocol speciication
AL$$ T, 2..AA/) 3adio 3esource Control ;33C= $rotocol ,peciication
3elated Huawei eature speciications are as ollows)
43B780/0@1@ 7C8H,7$A
43B780/0@21 7L /@:A> >odulation
Ra8io Bearers Parameter Description
Fperation Luide
Chec# the H,7$A unction o cell is active through the >>L co!!and) 7,$ 9C&LL.
Chec# the /@:A> unction, downlin# L2 &nhanced unction and 7C8H,7$A unction are
active through the >>L co!!and) L,T 9CF33>ALLF,4*TCH.
Chec# the/@4:A> unction, downlin# L2 &nhanced unction and 7C8H,7$A unction o the
two cells are active through the >>L co!!and) L,T 9C&LLALLF,4*TCH.
Chec# the code resource o cell is enough through the >>L co!!and) L,T 9C&LLH,7$A.
Chec# the H,9$A unction o cell is active through the >>L co!!and) 7,$ 9C&LL.
Chec# 9& supports 7C8H,7$A unction through the Ghsdsch8physical8layer8category8e't2G *&
in the 33C<33C<CFNN&CT<,&T9$<C>$ !essage.
Chec# G7L +& traic threshold on H,7$A G is deault value on 3NC/ through the >>L
co!!and) L,T 9B3CCHLTC$&$A3A.
F"serve 3LC Layer throughput on 3NC/ as ollows)
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page 5 o4 -
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
8M9>T, >onitoring
8MConnection $eror!ance >onitoring
8M7L Throughput +andwidth
*n la" tests, the average downlin# "it rate o 7C8H,7$A CAT24 service with /@:A>
!odulation !ethod nor!ally can reach a"out 2. >"ps.
Ater the veriication, restore the coniguration.
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page 5 o4 -
Huawei Test Cases 7escription
7C8H,7$A *nternal use
9ssue: #C$%R&'1!.($)&* DC$+1.($!(1((,!- 2uawei Proprietar1 an8 Con4i8entia0 Page - o4 -

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