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1. Introduction to Theta Energetics ---------------------------------------------------------- pg. 3
2. When You Should Use The "Alpha State Anchor" ------------------------------------- pg. 4
3. When You Should Use The Theta State Anchor ------------------------------------- pg. 4
4. When You Should Use The Cue Word Clearing Process --------------------------- pg. 4
5. How Self Beliefs and Subconscious Memories Affect our Wellness ---------------- pg. 5
6. Emotional & Limiting Belief Clearing Techniques ------------------------------------ pg. 6
7. The Cue Word Installation Process ------------------------------------------------------- pg. 7
8. The Cue Word Activation Three-Step Process ------------------------------------------ pg. 8
9. Clearing Psychological Reversal ---------------------------------------------------------- pg. 9
10. Introduction to the 8 Tasks for Emotional, Energetic & Spiritual Homeostasis -- pg. 9
11. Task One: Balancing & Strengthening the Energy Pathways ---------------------- pg. 10
- Homolateral Energy --------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 10
- The Triple Warmer Meridian ----------------------------------------------------- pg. 10
- Balancing the Chakras ------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 11
- Clearing the Energy Grids -------------------------------------------------------- pg. 12
12. Task Two: Clearing & Releasing Sacred Agreements ------------------------------ pg. 13
13. Task Three: Moving into Your Own Power ------------------------------------------ pg. 14
14. Task Four: Transforming Core Beliefs ------------------------------------------------ pg. 15
- Core Beliefs About Self ----------------------------------------------------------- pg. 15
- Core Beliefs About Others -------------------------------------------------------- pg. 17
- Core Beliefs About the World ---------------------------------------------------- pg. 17
- Core Beliefs About Rules ------------------------------------------------------ pg. 17
15. Task Five: Healing & Clearing Your Relationships --------------------------------- pg. 18
- Roles & Releasing What Doesn't Belong To You ----------------------------- pg. 19
- Clearing The Relationship With Yourself -------------------------------------- pg. 19
16. Task Six: Healing & Clearing Past Experiences of Trauma ------------------------ pg. 20
17. Task Seven: Moving Beyond What You Don't Want ------------------------------- pg. 22
- Process for Manifesting the Things You Want -------------------------------- pg. 23
18. Task Eight: Treating Specific Life Challenges --------------------------------------- pg. 23
- Physical Challenges ---------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 23
- Releasing the Fear of Public Speaking ------------------------------------------ pg. 24
- Healing Love Pain ----------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 25
- Clearing Procrastination ----------------------------------------------------------- pg. 27
19. Long Term Change, The Simple Way (Daily Due Word Routine) ---------------- pg. 29
20. Clearing Master Patterns ---------------------------------------------------------------- pg. 29
21. Discovery Statements for Uncovering Deeper Issues ------------------------------- pg. 30
22. The EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Process --------------------------------- pg. 33
23. Film Reel Process & Matrix Reimprinting ------------------------------------------- pg. 35
24. NLP Anchor Collapsing & Stacking --------------------------------------------------- pg. 36
25. Conclusion & Synopsis ------------------------------------------------------------------ pg. 37
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Introduction to Theta Energetics

Welcome to Theta Energetics. In this ebook, you will learn how this system works, how
to use the included audio files, and how to apply these techniques to your life. There are 4
primary brainwave states that you experience each day. These 4 brainwaves states are
alpha, beta, theta and delta, and each state is defined by specific frequencies of your
brainwaves; beta being the highest/fastest frequency, then alpha, then theta, and delta
being the lowest/slowest frequency.

The alpha state (corresponding to frequencies ranging from 8hz to 12hz) is accessed
during moments of intense focus and concentration, and sometimes meditation where you
are relaxed but remain focused. Alpha states are typically associated with contemplation,
visualization, problem solving and deep levels of creativity. The theta state
(corresponding to frequencies ranging from 4hz to 8hz) is associated with deep
relaxation, meditation, enhanced creativity, stress relief, light sleep and dreaming. The
theta state has been used in meditation for centuries, and has been shown to improve a
persons overall health and well-being. It can also be used to release blocked emotions
and limiting beliefs.

Theta Energetics is a simple step-by-step system designed to help you access both the
alpha state and the theta state, and then re-access these states using a simple physical
action through the combination of brainwave entrainment, guided meditation and NLP, or
Neuro Linguistic Programming.

The Theta Energetics audio sessions will take you to the alpha state and theta state using
binaural and isochronic frequencies and a guided voice track, and once you are in these
states, you will be able to anchor them using NLP. This allows you to recall the alpha
state or theta state wherever you are, whenever you want. You will also be able to
install a cue word that you can mentally repeat whenever you are experiencing an
undesirable thought or emotion, and mentally repeating your cue word will clear and
release this undesirable thought or emotion.

Creating an anchor using NLP only takes about 5 sessions, but you should use the Theta
Energetics sessions at least once a day for 7 days. The audio sessions last 10 minutes
each and will guide to through anchoring either alpha or theta. Using the sessions once a
day for 7 days will make sure that the alpha states and theta states have been properly
anchored, and you can then test the anchor by firing it, and you should feel the alpha
state or theta state within 10-15 seconds.

Imagine what it would be like if you could, in a moment, go from feeling anxious and
stressed to relaxed, focused and confident in a matter of seconds. With Theta Energetics,
you can do this in the way you want to, whenever you need to. You will also be able to
permanently release any limiting thoughts, beliefs or emotions you have by simply
mentally repeating a cue word of your choice. You can start using Theta Energetics right
away, and only takes a few minutes of listening to the included audio sessions and
following the simple step-by-step instructions.
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When You Should Use The Alpha State Anchor

By simply listening to the Alpha Installation Session included with this package and
following the simple instructions, you will be able to enter the alpha state and then recall
the alpha state instantly through a simple action, whenever and wherever you want.

This is good when you are in school, in a business meeting, at work, or anywhere that
requires you to feel focused, motivated and confident while also remaining relaxed and
completely stress-free. While you go about your day, if you encounter something that
upsets you, simply fire your alpha state anchor and you will instantly feel much better.

If some days you are feeling unmotivated, have low self esteem or cant keep focus on a
subject, simply fire your alpha state anchor and you will be feeling good, motivated,
confident, focused and in the zone. The alpha state has many benefits, and with Theta
Energetics you are able to access it instantly whenever you want.

When You Should Use The Theta State Anchor

By simply listening to the Theta Installation Session included with this package and
following the simple instructions, you will be able to enter the theta state- and then recall
the theta state instantly through a simple action, whenever and wherever you want.

This is good when you want to enter a meditative state, have better visualization,
increased creativity, better sleep or simply feel extremely relaxed and stress-free. You
can enter the theta state while still doing everyday tasks, however you will feel much
more relaxed than when you are in the alpha state. If you encounter extreme stress, you
can simply fire your theta state anchor and the stress will be gone instantly.

When you need to meditate, have better creativity, have trouble falling asleep or want to
have better visualize, simply fire your theta state anchor and you will then be in theta
almost instantly. The theta state has many benefits, including healing the body and mind.

When You Should Use The Cue Word Clearing Process

By following the steps in the cue word process in this ebook, you will be able to install
a process in your subconscious mind that allows you to mentally or verbally repeat your
cue word of choice, and a negative emotion or feeling will instantly be released.

As you go about your day, if you encounter something that puts you in a negative state
such as stress, anxiety, sadness or anger, simply repeat your cue word mentally or
verbally and the negative state will be cleared within seconds.

You can also use your cue word to clear negative memories that have caused you pain,
such as traumatic incidents or anything in the past that puts you in a negative state when
something triggers the memory. Simply recall and visualize the negative memory and
then repeat your cue word. The emotions attached to the memory will be cleared.
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How Self Beliefs & Subconscious Memories Affect Our Wellness

It has been scientifically proven that memories are actually not only held in the mind.
They are also stored in every cell throughout our body especially the cells that make up
the human heart. These cellular memories include memories that have been created from
recent events, or they could have been created from events that happened long ago in the
past.. even events we dont consciously remember. In reality, many of the memories that
affect our lives and determine the beliefs we have about ourselves and the world we live
in are created before the age of seven. These memories can be created from traumatic
events, or even the beliefs we were raised with. These events and beliefs are affecting our
current lives in ways we dont even realize. They have been stored in our subconscious
mind our whole lives, as well as in every cell throughout our body.

These negative memories, imprinted into your subconscious mind and the cells
throughout your body, are not only affecting your health and affecting you on a physical
level. These memories and self beliefs are actually being broadcast out into the universe
every single day. This is how our reality is created, and how we attract specific events,
people and situations into our lives. Our lives are based on these subconscious beliefs.

Lets think about what reality really is for a second. Absolutely everything is made up
of energy. Everything we perceive as solid matter is actually energy vibrating at such a
high frequency, that we perceive things to be solid. Yes, that means even we are made of
energy, and with that being said, we also transmit and receive energy. If our energy is
vibrating at a low frequency and we have a low energetic frequency, we perceive things
differently and attract negative events into our lives. If our energy is vibrating at a higher
level, such as the frequency of love, and we have a high energetic frequency, then we will
attract positive events and synchronicities (repeating patterns) into our lives. Whatever
we put out, were going to attract. Its the Law of Attraction on a literal and physical
level. Take this in for a second.. the human heart generates the bodys most powerful
electromagnetic field. This field is 60 times more powerful energetically and 5,000 times
more powerful magnetically than the human brain. The heart radiates electromagnetic
energy up to 10 feet from our bodies in a 360 degree sphere, broadcasting information via
this field every single second, 24 hours a day.

Memories are only memories to the conscious mind. To the unconscious mind and the
heart, they are current events. These current events can keep us from getting what we
want. They can keep the body from healing. They are the cause of many problems in both
the body and the mind. If painful events, memories and beliefs are never cleared and
released, you will not be able to easily attract the things you want. To be able to get what
you want, you first have to let go. To take it a step further, those memories and past
events are directly linked to every other event or memory that occurred at that time. If
you were listening to a certain song at the time, for example, that song is always going to
remind you of that past event.. it becomes a trigger for that negative memory, either
consciously or subconsciously.

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Many times, negative memories and self beliefs affect our health as well. If you have any
health problems (physical or psychological) most of the time, it has been caused by a
traumatic event we have experienced in the past, and we probably dont even remember
the specific event. When we experience a traumatic event, many times our conscious
mind blocks out many aspects of the event (or the whole event in general) so that we
wont have to re-experience it, mentally or physically. However, even though we dont
remember it.. its still there, being stored in our subconscious mind, throughout the cells
in our body, and stored in our energetic field.

Emotional & Limiting Belief Clearing Techniques

You now understand that it is our subconscious beliefs that not only affect our physical
and mental health but also create our reality. Many of our subconscious beliefs are
limiting ones that keep us from getting what we want. This is why it is so important to
discuss the clearing of negative emotional patterns and limiting beliefs.

The following processes will allow you to clear emotional blockages, negative beliefs
and traumatic experiences. This will help you to improve your life in many ways.

The first thing you want to do is choose a negative emotion, feeling or self belief you
have and take a second to think about whats really causing the stress or negative
emotion. Ask yourself, why am I stressed? or whats really causing this? and ask
yourself if its really worth worrying about. Its probably not helping you in any way.

You want to get to the root of the problem and figure out what it is. It could be a certain
event, person, place, ect. Whats really creating the stress or the problem?

Ask yourself these questions:

When did the stress, anxiety or problem first start?
What was happening in your life at that time?
What is the earliest time in your life that you remember having this feeling?
Who or what does the feeling remind you of?
Do you experience the stress, anxiety or feeling in a certain region of your body?

Once you figure out whats causing the stress or the problem, you should consider this.
Is there really a problem? Or did I create a problem out of something that initially was
never a problem? Did I create a problem when there doesnt even need to be a problem at
all? Hopefully, most of the time, youll come to the realization that the only problem
was one that you created. But that doesnt mean it cant be fixed.

Ask yourself these questions:

What choices have I made or am I still making that is causing the problem?
What am I willing to change that is holding this problem in existence?
What does this problem mean to me, and how can I make it meaningless?
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Realize that the problem you have is not worth holding onto. Realize that your problem,
feeling or situation can be changed.

Simply by identifying the true cause of the problem or negative emotion is enough to
start releasing it. Realize all of the ways that you have created the problem yourself,
and decide that you truly want to change it.

Take 100% responsibility for the situation you are in, but forgive yourself for it. Realize
that its not your fault for being in the situation you are in, because its only a part of
life... but decide that you truly want to change it.

Ask yourself these questions:

Is it only a repeat of a similar situation that youve had in the past?
Are you stuck repeating these same types of situations?
Have you created a pattern in which these same types of events keep coming up?

Most of the time, youll realize that the problem or situation that you are in is simply a
pattern youve been running your whole life, and its showing itself over and over again
until you decide to release it and finally create change. Decide you want to finally let go
of the pattern, so that it will no longer affect you.

Decide that youre finally able to completely let go of anything that has caused the
problem, as well as any patterns that youve been running your whole life which may
have created or contributed to the problem.

Once you do this, its time to move on and permanently release it all.

Theres many different ways to actually do this, but for now we are going to cover some
of the easiest and quickest ways to release it. We will start with the cue word
technique, in which you will install a subconscious command to release any negative
feeling, emotion or belief when you mentally or verbally repeat your cue word. This
process was initially created as the ZPoint process but has been slightly modified.

The Cue Word Installation Process

The cue word process begins with a simple, one-time installation program. You only
need to read the following installation program one time. After that, you will not need it
again. You may also simply listen to the included Cue Word Installation audio session.

First, choose a cue word. Some good cue words or phrases include zap, peace, and
ice blue but you may use any word you want, as long as it does not have a strong
emotion attached to it (such as money or sex).

Once you have chosen a cue word, read the following paragraph, aloud if possible:
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I hereby set a powerful intention within you, my subconscious mind, to effect the best of
all possible outcomes by this clearing, and that each time I notice a pattern or patterns I
wish to eliminate, as I say or think my cue word, you will eliminate all such patterns and
components of patterns completely and safely. Each time I repeat my cue word in
sequence, you will access deeper and deeper layers and all parts and aspects of my

The Cue Word Activation Three-Step Process

This process is quite simply. Focus on the problem, emotion or feeling and say the
following three statements either aloud or mentally to yourself. At the end of each
statement, repeat your cue word, aloud or mentally with about 3-4 seconds in between
each word until your experience a shift. A shift usually feels like a sense of release or a
relaxing of the body and occurs within 15 to 30 seconds.

1. I clear all the ways that [I feel depressed, angry, resentful, jealous, ect.]
<repeat cue word for 15 to 30 seconds>

2. I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <repeat cue word>

3. I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <repeat cue word>

Explanation Of Each Step

1. In Step One, you are clearing and releasing all of the ways you feel a specific
emotion or group of emotions. Using this statement, you literally clear all the
possible ways you feel that emotion.

2. In Step Two, you are clearing the patterns associated with that emotion. Patterns
are the pre-recorded responses we have to certain situations. We may have
thousands of these stored in our subconscious mind.

3. In Step Three, you are clearing all the emotions associated with those patterns.
Emotions become attached to patterns and create blockages in the energy system.
By clearing these blockages, you are easily able to attract the things you want.

Linking The Ways (Expanding on Step One)

You can link statements in step one. Linking is simply clearing a number of related
emotions, one after another working from the general to the specific, and then continuing
with steps 2 and 3. Here is an example:

I clear all of the ways that I am stressed. <repeat cue word>
I clear all of the ways that driving in traffic makes me stressed. <repeat cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am impatient. <repeat cue>
I clear all of these issues held in my body. <repeat cue>
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I clear all of these issues held in my energy field. <repeat cue>

Clearing Psychological Reversal

Many times when using the Cue Word process, psychological reversal is not a
problem but occasionally it does need to be corrected for. Psychological reversal
refers to what is occurring when you consciously want to heal something, yet part of
you is trying to prevent this from happening.

Often when part of you is trying to prevent a change from occurring, it is because that
part is getting something out of holding onto the problem. This frequently relates to
feeling safer. In order to correct psychological reversal, simply use these statements:

I clear all the ways that I have psychological reversal. <repeat cue>
I clear all the ways its not possible to me to clear these issues. <repeat cue>
I clear all the ways its not safe for me to clear these issues. <repeat cue>
I clear all the ways its not safe for others for me to clear these issues.
<repeat cue>
I clear all the ways parts of me get something out of holding onto these issues.
<repeat cue>
I clear all the ways parts of me get something out of these issues. <repeat cue>
I clear all the ways I dont believe that this could ever work for me. <repeat cue>

Follow these statements with steps 2 and 3.

Introduction To The 8 Tasks For Emotional, Energetic & Spiritual Homeostasis

In the following chapters, we will explore the prerequisites to achieving emotional,
energetic and spiritual homeostasis. Although these tasks by themselves wont solve
deep-rooted problems, emotions and situations, these will put you into a place where
major shifts can more easily happen.

NOTE: These tasks are not required, and you may move on to the next clearing
technique on page 33. You can also come back to this module after reading the rest of the
ebook if you wish. However, doing these tasks at some point is highly recommended.

Task One: Balancing and Strengthening the Energy Pathways
Task Two: Releasing Sacred Agreements
Task Three: Moving Into Your Own Power
Task Four: Transforming Core Beliefs
Task Five: Healing Your Relationships
Task Six: Healing Past Experiences of Trauma
Task Seven: Moving Beyond What You Dont Want
Task Eight: Treating Specific Life Challenges

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Task One: Balancing & Strengthening the Energy Pathways

Homolateral Energy

When your body is functioning well energetically, your energy crosses over from one
side of your body to the other. If energy is moving straight up and down each side of your
body instead of crossing over, it is running homolaterally. Signs up having homolateral
energy include being more clumsy, taking longer to heal physical from physical and
emotional challenges, tripping over words, and becoming easily upset at little things.

Everyone is homolateral some of the time. Stress or illness can cause you to go
temporally homolateral. Most people move in and out of being homolateral. However,
some people are chronically homolateral, which can make it very difficult to heal
properly and to function in the world. This is why its so important to correct.

The following statements are ones that have been found to be extremely useful in
correcting a pattern of chronic homolateral energy. As previously explained, at the end of
each statement, repeat your cue word for 15 to 30 seconds until you experience a shift.

I clear all the ways that my energy is homolateral. <repeat cue>
I clear all the ways that my energy is chronically homolateral. <repeat cue>
I clear all the reasons my energy began running homolaterally. <repeat cue>
I clear all of the ways that these ways and reasons have been held in my body.
<repeat cue>
I clear all of the ways that these ways and reasons have been held in my energy
field. <repeat cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <repeat cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <repeat cue>
I install new ways of my energy crossing over. <repeat cue>
My energy crosses over in a continuous way. <repeat cue>
If something startles me I am able to stay not homolateral. <repeat cue>
If my energy ever does go homolateral, I notice this and easily correct it. <repeat
All of this clearing is completely effective for all of the past, the present, and the
future. <repeat cue>

The Triple Warmer Meridian

It has been found that people who have experienced significant traumas, especially when
they have been severe or repeated, and/or have occurred in childhood, have triple warmer
meridians that are over-energized.

The meridian system is the bodys own energy system. In acupuncture, needles are
placed in different meridian points. In EFT (which we will cover later in this ebook) as
well as Thought Field Therapy involve tapping on different meridian points to clear
congested energy and release fears, traumas, phobias and other problems. The triple
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warmer meridian governs the fight/flight/freeze response. With repeated traumatic
incidents, the body can become locked in a fight/flight/freeze state and the triple warmer
meridian thus becomes chronically over-energized.

Some symptoms of this include stress, anxiety, insomnia, difficulty focusing and so on.
Because the triple warmer meridian is connected with the sleep meridian which supports
the immune system, an over-energized triple warmer draws energy out of the spleen
meridian and results in a weakened immune system. This can cause autoimmune
disorders such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue.

The following statements will help correct an over-energized triple warmer meridian, but
it is highly recommended that you first correct for psychological reversal (see the
previous module). Here are the statements for correcting an over-energized triple warmer:

I clear all of the reasons I have a chronically over-energized triple warmer.
I clear all of the ways that this is held in my body. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all these reasons and ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all these patterns. <cue>
I install new patterns of feeling calm and relaxed, and I am able to distinguish
when I need to be on alert and when I do not. <cue>
My triple warmer meridian is now sedated. <cue>
My spleen meridian is now strengthened. <cue>
My triple warmer meridian and spleen meridian are in perfect and natural balance.
All of this clearing is completely effective for all of the past, the present and the
future. <cue>

These statements should be enough to help you be less reactive to having the
fight/flight/freeze response triggered when it is not needed. When you encounter a
situation that does set off the triple warmer and you experience intense anxiety, stress or
fear, simply focus on the emotional and physical sensations and mentally repeat your cue
word. Then say to yourself, I am safe now and continue repeating your cue word.

Balancing The Chakras

When the chakras are blocked or out of alignment, you may experience a variety of
symptoms based on which chakra is blocked or out of alignment. Clearing these
blockages and bringing them into a state of balance will help with these problems as well
as strengthen the overall energy system. Use the following statements:

I clear all of the ways that my root chakra is blocked. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my sacral chakra is blocked. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my solar plexus chakra is blocked. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my heart chakra is blocked. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my throat chakra is blocked. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that my third eye chakra is blocked. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my crown chakra is blocked. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions and all of the meanings connected to all of these
patterns. <cue>
I bring all of my chakras into a perfect state of alignment. <cue>
All of my chakras are balanced as they were designed to be. <cue>
My entire chakra system is now functioning optimally. <cue>

You may experience very powerful energy surges during this clearing. Many people will
experience the sensation of an opening of the core channel of their body that is similar
to a kundalini rising, but less overwhelming.

Clearing The Energy Grids

The body contains an energy grid system that supports the overall energy system of the
body. During times of shock or trauma, the individual grids may break. Having breaks in
the energy grids can result in energy work not being completely effective. Before using
clearing statements to repair energy grids, first use the chakra balancing statements in
the module above. The energy grid system requires a strong chakra system to function
optimally. The statements for repairing the energy grids are as follows:

I clear all of the ways that my energy grids are broken. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my energy grids are misaligned. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons my energy grids originally broke. <cue>
I allow my grids to repair gently and easily. <cue>
I allow my energy field to realign to its natural state. <cue>
I allow my energy grids to connect with the grid lines of the earth. <cue>
I allow my grids to repair completely. <cue>
My energy grids are now realigned. <cue>
My energy flows in all the ways it was designed to. <cue>
I clear all of the ways any and all other energy pathways are misaligned. <cue>
I clear all the reasons why these other grids may be misaligned. <cue>
I clear any energetic imbalance between my right side and left side. <cue>
I clear any energetic imbalance between my top half and bottom half. <cue>
I clear any energetic imbalance between my front and back. <cue>
I clear any energetic imbalance between my inside and outside. <cue>
I clear any energetic imbalance between all these eight aspects. <cue>
I allow my energy to flow without hinderance or blockage. <cue>
My grids are now resistant to shock. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my energy field.
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways and reasons. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>
I allow my subconscious mind to create statements based upon the content of this
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clearing and run them now. <cue>
I extend all of this clearing to my part, present and future. <cue>
I now retroactively repeat all of the clearings that I have ever done. <cue>
I now run all statements from my higher self that I would benefit from hearing
right now. <cue>
I clear all of the statements I did not say but could have, would have or should
have said. <cue>

Task Two: Clearing & Releasing Sacred Agreements

When we are confronted with a situation that causes us great pain, we often make an
agreement with ourselves not to put ourselves in a position where we would be
vulnerable to feeling this way again. These contracts with ourselves remain hidden within
our subconscious minds and act as a filter, letting in only experiences which dont act
against or break the contract.

Although these agreements are created for our protection, a difficulty arises sooner or
later when an individual reaches a certain level of awareness or spiritual growth. These
contracts and agreements must be released and set aside. Use the following statements to
clear sacred agreements with yourself and between yourself and others:

I set the intention to be my authentic self completely. <cue>
I acknowledge that I am a spiritual being. <cue>
I acknowledge that my natural state is one of grace and acceptance. <cue>
I fully allow myself to be my authentic self completely. <cue>
All false beliefs and ideas that do not serve my joy fall away now. <cue>
I am at peace. <cue>
I am enough. <cue>
I am wonderful. <cue>
I am amazing. <cue>
I am filled with light. <cue>
I am filled with joy. <cue>
I acknowledge my connection with all that is. <cue>
I acknowledge my connection with all aspects of myself. <cue>
I am grateful to be alive. <cue>
I am grateful for my place in this web of life. <cue>
I acknowledge that I am a powerful spiritual being. <cue>
I clear all of the agreements that I made with myself before coming into this life.
I clear any and all agreements made with anyone before coming into this life.
I release everyone and everything that no longer serves the divine plan of my life.
I affirm that everyone and everything that no longer serves the divine plan of my
life releases me. <cue>
I release any and all sacred contracts that no longer serve my joy. <cue>
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I clear all of the patterns connected with all of these contracts. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected with all of these patterns. <cue>
I extend this clearing to my past, my present and my future. <cue>

Task Three: Moving Into Your Own Power

This clearing is quite simple, and will help you to remove fears about coming in your
own power, your responsibility, your happiness and prosperity.

I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to be powerful. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I need to hide. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my happiness. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my prosperity. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my joy. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my peace. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let others hold the keys to my moving forward in life.
I clear all of the ways that I hide my potential. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I fear coming into my power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I block myself from coming into my power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I pretend I dont have power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I choose to not use my power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I take on less than roles. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I take on responsibility for how others feel. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my past-life issues affect my feelings about being
powerful. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my past-life issues affect my willingness to be
powerful. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am scared what will happen if I come into my power.
I clear all of the ways that I will not allow my power to flow. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I see myself as less than others. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I am unwilling to come into my power. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I have anxiety about coming into my power. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I dont want to come into my power. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I resist knowing who I am. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid I wont know who I am if I embrace my
power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I sabotage myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I fear getting lost in my ego if I embrace my power.
I clear all of the ways part of me would choose to get lost in my ego if I
embraced my power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I still uphold belief systems about empowerment that
no longer serve my best interests. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my body. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that all of these issues have been held in my energy field.
I clear any and all past-life issues connected to all of this clearing. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways, decisions, reasons and
issues. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>
I clear any mechanism or vulnerability within me that would allow any of these
issues to return. <cue>
I now am aware of who I am. <cue>
I fully embrace my power. <cue>
I fully embrace my strength. <cue>
When the opportunity comes, I take it and do it. <cue>
It is safe to be powerful. <cue>
It is safe to fully be who I am. <cue>
It is safe to let energy flow through me. <cue>
It is safe for me to use my voice. <cue>
It is safe for me to hold strong to who I am. <cue>

Task Four: Transforming Core Beliefs

Many of us tend to play out certain themes in our lives over and over again. This is
because, early in life in response to things we are told or an experience, we make a
decision about ourselves, others or the world. Our later experiences then play out and
reflect these earlier decisions or core beliefs. In order to change our core beliefs, we must
work on clearing the original decisions that were made. It doesnt matter if you remember
when or why you first came to these decisions, your subconscious mind will clear them
for you if you simply ask it to. You can then be more open to having new experiences
and create new life patterns that are reflective of the essence of who you really are.

Some clearing statements for common core beliefs are as the following. Not all of these
will apply for everyone, but many people will relate strongly to at least some of them. In
order to figure out what your core beliefs are, when you experience being upset, distress
or confusion, first work on clearing the negative emotion, with an awareness of noticing
any beliefs hiding behind it. The following statements are decided into sections.

Core Beliefs About Self

I clear the original decision I made that I am not good enough. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am incompetent. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am alone. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am unwanted. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am inherently flawed. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am defective. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am powerless. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am less than. <cue>
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I clear the original decision I made that I am wrong. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am inferior. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am nothing. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am worthless. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am invisible. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am insignificant. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am unacceptable. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I dont belong. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am unwelcome. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I dont fit in. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am a nobody. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am nothing. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am boring. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I dont matter. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am ugly. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am dirty. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its all my fault. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am crazy. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I have no control. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am out of control. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am a failure. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I will fail. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am undeserving. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that there is something wrong with me.
I clear the original decision I made that I am weak. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I have to be strong. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am ineffective. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am a victim. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I have no choice. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I cant stand up for myself. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am a loser. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am not worthy. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I dont matter. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am not interesting. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am wrong. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am stupid. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I cant understand. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am not understood. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am a mistake. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am bad. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am not safe. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am helpless. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am vulnerable. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am afraid. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am uncertain. <cue>
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I clear the original decision I made that bad things that happen are my fault.
I clear the original decision I made that I am not capable. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I cant say no. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I cant say what I need. <cue>

Core Beliefs About Others

Many of the previous statements can simply be reworded with the word others. In
addition, the following statements may be relevant:

I clear the original decision I made to not let anyone get close to me. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that men/women are bad. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that men/women are less than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that racial minorities are less than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that children are less than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that the elderly are less than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that people with disabilities are less than.
I clear the original decision I made that people who are gay or lesbian are less
than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that any minority group is inherently less
than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that any member of any spiritual faith is
inherently less than. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that anyone who is different from me is
inherently less than. <cue>

Core Beliefs About The World

I clear the original decision I made that the world is bad. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that the world is not safe. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that the world is evil. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I am alone in the world. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that I cant trust God/the universe to protect
me. <cue>

Core Beliefs About Rules

I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to be myself. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not okay to show feelings. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not okay to express feelings. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not okay to feel feelings. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to be happy. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that all good things must come to an end.
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I clear the original decision I made that we get what we deserve. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that there isnt enough to go around. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that you have to work very hard to get ahead.
I clear the original decision I made that true love is only found in fairy tales.
I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to say no. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to say what I need. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not okay to ask for help. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to ask for help. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to feel good. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that its not safe to stand up for myself.
I clear the original decision I made that life is not fair. <cue>
Following the core belief clearing, do the following clearing:
I clear all of the ways that all of these decisions were being held in my body.
I clear all of the ways that all of these decisions were being held in my energy
field. <cue>

Finally, finish with steps 2 and 3:

I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these decisions. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

You may also want to take the time to figure out what new core beliefs you would like to
embrace to take the place of the ones you have cleared, and install them accordingly.

Task Five: Healing & Clearing Your Relationships

Healing relationships is a very simple process that clears away the debris of past anger,
resentment, disappointment, hatred and other negative emotions that are often express
through everyday relationships. By clearing these negative emotions regarding
relationships, you will find yourself able to only hold love in your heart, allowing you to
move forward and experience personal growth, love and self expression.

First, decide on the relationship you wish to heal. It can be somebody you love,
somebody you hate, somebody you currently have a relationship with or somebody you
had a relationship with in the past. Write down the name of the person you are working
with to make sure your subconscious knows exactly what you are clearing. On a scale of
0 to 10, with 10 being the highest level of discomfort, how intense are your feelings with
this relationship right now? After setting your intention to heal the relationship, say the
following statements.

I clear all of the ways that I feel anything less than love for [name of person].
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I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

If after completing these 3 steps and you dont feel completely peaceful towards the
person you are working on, use the following statements:

I clear all of the ways that I feel any anger toward [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I judge [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel critical toward [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I blame [name of person] for anything. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel shame in connection with [name of person].
I clear all of the ways that I feel resentment toward [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel guilt in connection with [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel any fear toward [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I remain unforgiving toward [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the sadness I feel in relation to [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the worry I feel in relation to [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the anxiety I feel in relation to [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the loss I feel in relation to [name of person]. <cue>

Then do steps 2 and 3:

I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

Roles & Releasing What Doesnt Belong To You

Many times, we accept roles for ourselves and also assign roles to others that are not in
either of our best interests. When we allow others to define us, we limit how we see
ourselves. Similarly, when we define others, we limit how they see themselves.

You can clear these roles by making a list of everyone you may have assumed roles from,
or assigned roles to, and plugging in their names in the following statements:

I clear all of the ways that I took on any roles that werent mine from [name of
person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I assigned any roles to [name of person] that were not
hers/his. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

Clearing The Relationship With Yourself

Clearing the relationship that you have with yourself can literally have the most profound
and lasting impact on your life. Your relationship with yourself affects almost every
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single aspect of your life, including your relationship with money and abundance. There
is a direct correlation between how we feel about ourselves and how willing we are to
allow ourselves joy, ease and financial abundance. The more we love and accept
ourselves, the more good we will allow into our lives. Use the following statements:

I clear all of the ways that I am angry with myself for anything. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I sit in judgment over my actions. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I criticize myself. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I blame myself for anything. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am ashamed of anything Ive ever done. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am guilty about anything Ive ever done or by
omission refused to do. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont trust myself. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I seek to limit myself or limit my feelings. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel resentful toward anyone because of the choices
Ive had to make in my life. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I fear my own power. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I wont forgive myself. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel responsible to others for anything. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I wont nurture myself. < cue>
I clear all of the ways that I refuse to love and accept myself completely. <cue>
I love myself. < cue>
I love who I am. < cue>
I accept myself fully and completely. < cue>
I accept who I am. < cue>
I accept my life completely. < cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

Task Six: Healing & Clearing Past Experiences Of Trauma

All of us have experienced trauma in some form or another at various points throughout
our lives, although not everybody recognizes this. There are two types of trauma: Big-
T traumas and small-t traumas. Some examples of Big-T traumas include physical or
sexual abuse, war or kidnapping. Many people who experience Big-T traumas will
experience nightmares, insomnia, flashbacks, intrusive thoughts, etc.

Whether or not we have encountered big-T traumas, we have all experienced small-t
traumas. These may appear to be seemingly minor events in childhood such as getting
lost, being called named or being ignored or ridiculed rather than comforted when were
sick or upset. Although these are much less drastic than big-T traumas, when left
unprocessed, they can create areas of vulnerability that last for a long time, causing
problems such as low self-esteem, feelings of being alone, as well as other possibilities.
In addiction, these small-t traumas leave you at risk of being more seriously affected by
big-T traumas if they do occur.

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In cases of continuous and repeated experiences of small-t traumas, this can lead to
feelings of hopelessness, attachment difficulties and other problems. The bodys natural
responses to danger are fight, flight or freeze. If you have experienced a significant
trauma, you can become stuck in any one of these responses, or in different ones at
different times. Most commonly, people tend to get stuck in the freeze response because
at the time, fight or flight wasnt an option.

Using the cue word process to work on issues has a tremendous benefit for those who
have experienced severe trauma and can be either intensely flooded and overwhelmed
with emotion if they focus on it, or become completely blank and disconnected from the
issue. It is possible to avoid feeling anything worse than very mild stress using a cue
word process when dealing with trauma, yet to experience profound and lasting healing.

When targeting trauma, first check in by thinking of the traumatic experience and get a
Subjective Units of Distress (SUDs) rating on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is no distress at
all and 10 is the highest level of distress possible. Then, use the following statements:

I clear all the decisions I made when [name of the incident] occurred. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that all the parts of me experienced this. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that this incident has been held in my body. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that this incident has been held in my energy field. <cue>
I clear all aspects of this incident that I may not remember. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these decisions, ways and aspects.
I clear all of the emotions and all of the meanings connected to all of these
patterns. <cue>
I allow all of this clearing to reach all the different parts of me. <cue>
It happened, its over and I am safe now. <cue>
It is safe for me to completely let go of all of my upset surrounding this event.
I install new ways of feeling at peace with this incident. <cue>
I install new ways of feeling at peace with myself in relation to this incident.
All of this clearing is completely effective for all of the past, all of the present and
all of the future. <cue>

After the previous statements, picture the traumatic incident and find the SUDs rating
now. It is important to continue with the processing until the SUDs rating drops to 0 and
your body feels calm and completely relaxed. If the incident doesnt feel entirely cleared,
continue using the cue word process on any thoughts, feelings and emotions that are left.

After clearing trauma, there will be space made for new possibilities. As you clear
trauma, it is important to fill this space and install new ways of being. You can use
statements such as, I install new ways of feeling safe in the world or I deserve good
things, followed by repeating your cue word.

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Sometimes, it is good to clear the connections you have to those who have harmed you.
Here are statements that may be useful in clearing unhelpful connections with others:

I clear all of the ways that I am energetically connected to [name of person].
I clear all of the ways that thoughts of [name of person] have an emotional
impact on me. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that thoughts of [name of person] have an energetic impact
on me. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that thoughts of [name of person] have a physiological
impact on me. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that all of these ways have been held in my body. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that all of these ways have been held in my energy field.
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>
All of this clearing is completely effective for all of the past, the present and the
future. <cue>

In situations where you still encounter or may encounter the individual, you may want to
add the following statements:

I can now see [name of person] and keep my power. <cue>
I am able to keep myself emotionally, physically and energetically safe if I see
[name of person]. <cue>

Task Seven: Moving Beyond What You Dont Want

It seems to be a law of life that whatever we put our focus on, tends to expand. Put
simply, if you focus your attention on the things you dont want in life, you will get more
of them. But if you put your attention on only the things you do want, you will be more
likely to attract them into your life.

If you have followed through all of these modules, youve cleared away a lot of the
emotional baggage that you carried around for years. The first step now is to decide what
you want to do with the rest of your life. This isnt always an easy thing. Think back to
when you were a teenage and remember what it felt like to look at your future as a thing
of infinite possibilities. What were your dreams? What did you want to make of your
life? Who did you want to become? What is it that you wish to attract into your life?

This is an extremely important step, so take your time and really think about this. You
have cleared the issues bothering you and focused on what you didnt want, but now you
will be focusing on what you do want.

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Process For Manifesting The Things You Want

To begin the process of manifesting your dreams into reality, here is a process that has
been proven to be incredibly effective in focusing your intent and attracting the things
that you do want into your life.

Step 1. Decide exactly what it is that you want. If you dont know, use ZPoint to clear
all the ways that I dont know what I want or clear all the ways that I wont let myself
be clear about what I really want.

Step 2. Take a piece of paper and list on it everything you can about what you really
want. Be as specific as possible. If you wish to have a loving relationship, write down
each and every quality youd like to see in the type of person youre seeking. This is your
wish list, so ask for exactly what you want and decide on a time frame within which you
want your desire to manifest in your life.

Step 3. Read the list, with every single quality and every line of information, stop for 10
seconds and simply repeat your cue word to yourself. Then, move on to the next thing on
your list and do the same thing. Do this for every item on your list. Then, hold the entire
document in your hand and repeat your cue word for another 20 seconds. This will
imprint your intent upon your subconscious mind.

Step 4. Put the list in a small jar. Fill the jar two-thirds full of fresh water and seal the jar
tightly. Write your due date, the date when you want your desire to be manifested,
clearly on the side of the jar.

Step 5. Place your jar in the freezer and simply leave it there until the due date arrives.
Chances are, by the time it does, your desire will have arrived as well.

There is a symbolic meaning to this process. You are taking your intention, your thoughts
and desires, and immersing them in water. The water represents spirit, or life energy.
When you freeze the water, you are slowing down the vibrations so that your desires
physically manifest in reality. You are, in essence, symbolizing the solidification of your
desires. The subconscious mind loves symbolism, and when you combine it with the cue
word process, its power will simply amaze you.

Task Eight: Treating Specific Life Challenges

Physical Challenges

We all encounter certain challenges that force us to experience life in ways that we
normally wouldnt, and one of those challenges is physical illness. If you have an illness,
think about how your life is different now than how it was before you became ill.

What are your fears? Sit down and list all of them. One of these fears could be that you
are simply afraid that you will never get well. What would happen to you if you couldnt
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get well? Would you need to be taken care of by others? Who will look after you? If you
got well, would that relationship change? How does that make you feel? Look at all of
the differences and write down how they make you feel. Then, create statements based on
the ways you feel those feelings and clear them using the cue word process.

The idea here is to clear all of he ways you are afraid to be dependent on others, and you
will therefore clear at least part of the need to be ill in the first place. There are usually
multiple needs being served by a particular illness, so you will have to clear all of the
ways that you resist experiencing various aspects of it. It comes down to clearing all of
the ways you resist being ill.

When we resist anything, we set up an energy dynamic that attracts more of the same.
When we are ill, our focus is always on being ill and getting well. If we shift our focus to
thoughts of wellbeing, we will get well sooner simply because our focus has shifted.
However, do allow this shift, we need to clear all of the emotions that anchor our
awareness to thoughts of being ill or thoughts of the need to get well. If this clearing isnt
done first, when you attempt to manifest good health, mixed with the energy you are
sending will be thoughts of But what if I dont really deserve it?, Who am I to ask for
this? and This will never work for me. The results you get will be quite limited.

If a person could only think thoughts of being healthy and well, any illness would
disappear quite quickly. We can use the cue word process to clear every emotion that ties
our thoughts to thinking about ourselves as being ill. Through doing this, we can then
easily shift our thoughts to wellness and health, which in turn attracts the wellbeing we
are focused on. After you have cleared the emotions that are anchoring you to thoughts
that assist in keeping you in a state of illness, you can further strengthen this process
through positive affirmations focused on what you wish to attract. For example:

My body is restored to perfect physical health. <cue>
I am filled with vibrant energy. <cue>
I install new ways of feeling relaxed and free of pain. <cue>

Releasing The Fear of Public Speaking

The fear of public speaking is one of the most common and self limiting phobias. Most of
us have experienced the physical manifestations of this phobia: increased heart rate, fast
breathing, sweaty palms and an inability to look our audience in the eyes. In fact, being
able to overcome these feelings and speak to large groups is often what separates the
successful people from the unsuccessful ones.

Lets define the feelings and behaviors associated with this fear. The first is feeling
embarrassed at being the center of attention. Clear this feeling with these statements:

I clear all of the ways that I feel embarrassed when speaking in front of others.
I clear all of the ways that I hate being the centre of attention. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that I avoid being the centre of attention. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I avoid looking foolish. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel I look foolish when I speak up. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am certain I will make a fool of myself when I speak
publicly. <cue>

Pay close attention to how you are feeling, the thoughts running through your head. If
other ways occur to you, write them down and include them in the list. Then continue:

I clear all of the ways that I feel this tightness in my chest. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel this tightness around my throat. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel this tight band across my chest. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel these butterflies in my stomach. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel these sweaty palms. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel like throwing up. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I imagine myself making a fool of myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I imagine everyone laughing at me. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I imagine everyone feeling embarrassed for me. <cue>

Once again, pay close attention to how your body is feeling. Has your breathing changed?
Continue to watch your thoughts and add new ways that seem appropriate to you.

I clear all of the ways that my body stores these feelings of embarrassment.
I clear all of the ways that these feelings of embarrassment are stored in my
energy field. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive assigned meanings to looks, glances, feelings and
imaginings from myself and others dealing with my embarrassment about
speaking in front of others. <cue>

Finally, conclude with the following statements:

I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

Healing Love Pain

This clearing process is good for clearing any negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs
associated with a past relationship that may have ended in a way that has caused you
pain. It starts with tapping on one of the meridian points as used in the EFT process.

Begin by tapping the karate chop point (the outer edge of your hand just below the
bottom knuckle at the base of the pinky finger) and say the following statement:

Even though its apparently not possible for me to be loved by [name of person], and
even though Ive tried my best and it didnt work, and even though it hurts so much and I
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may never recover from this pain, and even though I may be getting something out of
holding onto my pain, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself and I forgive
myself completely.

Now do the cue word process with the following statements:

I clear the original decision I made that I am not worth loving. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that love hurts. <cue>
I clear the original decision I made that it is not safe for me to be loved. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons my needs for love are never met. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I need to experience rejection. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I need to be abandoned. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I need to stay alone. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons my relationship with [name of person] didnt work.
I clear all of the ways that I dont understand what happened. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ill never recover from this relationship with [name of
person] <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ill never again find someone as wonderful as [name of
person] <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ill never love again. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I wasnt enough in this relationship with [name of
person] <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive been abused in this relationship with [name of
person] <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let [name of person] take advantage of me. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive been lied to. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive been deceived. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Im profoundly disappointed. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that my dream life with [name of person] is on hold or will
never happen. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ill never be sexually fulfilled again. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am so unhappy. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am obsessed with [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I cant accept this break-up with [name of person].
I clear all of the ways that my life is empty without [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I hurt so much now that [name of person] is gone.
I clear all of the reasons I needed to experience this break-up with [name of
person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I benefited from this break-up with [name of person].
I clear all of the ways that Im enjoying my pain and suffering. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I played a huge part in this break-up with [name of
person]. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that I sabotage each one of my love relationships. <cue>
I clear all of my reasons for sabotaging this relationship with [name of person].
I clear all of the ways that I didnt see it coming. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I fear losing my freedom when I am in a relationship.
I clear all of the ways that there is no room for someone else in my life. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that sex matters most in my relationships. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I fear change. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I let [name of person] hold the key to my fulfillment.
I clear all of the ways that I let [name of person] hold the key to my joy and
happiness. <cue>

Conclude the clearing process with the following statements:

I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways, reasons, decisions and
issues. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

Now do the following installation process:

I have now cleared and healed all of the roots of my love pain for [name of
person]. <cue>
Whatever happens now with [name of person] is for our highest good. <cue>
No matter what, this relationship with [name of person] has been a blessing in my
life. <cue>
I am willing to love again fully and completely. <cue>
I dont need to be perfect to be loved. <cue>
I accept being loved and cherished exactly the way I am, with all of my
shortcomings. <cue>
All the losses Ive suffered because of my relationship with [name of person] are
given back to me a thousand fold in the most rapid, joyful and fulfilling ways.
I am now ready to live in peace and joy no matter what happens next in my love
life. <cue>
I am a wonderful person in all aspects of my being. <cue>
So be it, and so it is! <cue>

Clearing Procrastination

Procrastination is an umbrella for a number of different self-destructive behaviors. The
main rule of procrastination is, Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow? To
get rid of this behavior, clear using the following statements:

I clear all of the ways that I have difficulty making good decisions. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that I resist making decisions. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I hate making decisions. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of making decisions. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to rebel. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I avoid the status quo. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I hide from myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I avoid facing difficulties. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of succeeding. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of moving on with my life. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I get something out of not succeeding. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I stop myself from moving forward. <cue>
I clear all the ways/reasons I am afraid of failing. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I sabotage myself intentionally. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I sabotage myself unconsciously. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I see myself as a failure. <cue>
I clear all the ways/reasons I am afraid to step into my own power. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to be perfect. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of making mistakes. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I have unreasonable expectations about my
performance. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I seek to avoid making mistakes. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I carry this fear of making mistakes in my body. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I carry this fear of making mistakes in my energy field.
I clear all the ways/reasons I am afraid to set goals. <cue>
I clear all the ways/reasons I avoid setting goals. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I resist believing that I can achieve my goals. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I cant see myself achieving my goals. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I choose not to set goals. <cue>
I clear all the hidden ways I fail to set goals. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I have difficulty achieving goals. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I sabotage myself from achieving my goals. <cue>
I clear all the hidden ways that I stop myself from having what I want from life.
I clear all of the ways that I distract myself from reaching my goals. <cue>

Then the following statements:

I clear all of the ways that I assigned meaning to looks, glances, thoughts,
emotions, gestures or anything else, either my own or someone elses, that
supported any of the above ways. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>

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Long Term Change, The Simple Way (Daily Cue Word Routine)

This is a simplified cue word process that covers multiple aspects of your life. It is very
easy and fast to do, and can give you positive results. We suggest you try it every day for
a week, a month, or even a year and see how it works for you.

I clear all of the ways that I am psychologically or energetically reversed. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel less than love for anyone including myself and
God [the creator, the universe, life, etc.]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I have any health challenges. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that these health challenges are stored in my body and my
energy field. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel anything less than love for money. <cue>
I clear all of the patterns connected to all of these ways. <cue>
I clear all of the emotions connected to all of these patterns. <cue>
I make new ways to feel centered and connected today. <cue>
I make new ways to fully accept myself and God [the creator, the universe, life,
etc.] today. <cue>
I make new ways to accept the abundance and joy flowing into my life today.
I make new patterns that connect all of these new ways. <cue>
I make new ways to express my love and joy each day. <cue>

Clearing Master Patterns

This clearing process begins by defining the master pattern you wish to remove. This can
be any pattern in your life that you are aware of and wish to change. Be as broad and
general as possible when doing this. Write the pattern down so your subconscious knows
exactly what you are clearing. On a scale of 0 to 10, how intense are the feelings
associated with this pattern right now? Then continue with the following statements:

1. I set my intent to completely clear the master pattern of at every level of my

2. I clear all of the self-agreements holding the master pattern of in place and do
so at every level of my being. <cue>

3. I clear all of the unfinished business holding the master pattern of in place
and do so at every level of my being. <cue>

4. I clear any unknown factors holding the master pattern of in place and do so
at every level of my being. <cue>

5. I clear any and all roots holding the master pattern of in place and do so at
every level of my being. <cue>

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6. I clear any and all patterns connected to or similar in any way to the master
pattern of and do so at every level of my being <cue>

7. I clear all of the anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame, resentment or
unforgiveness directed toward anyone (including God) holding the master
pattern of in place and do so at every level of my being. <cue>

8. I clear all of the anger, judgment, criticism, blame, shame or unforgiveness
directed toward myself holding the master pattern of in place and do so at
every level of my being. <cue>

9. I clear this master pattern and all of the patterns related to this master
pattern being held in my body and/or energy field. <cue>

10. I clear any mechanism or vulnerability within me that would allow the master
pattern of to return and do so at every level of my being. <cue>

11. I install the master pattern of to overwrite and replace the pattern and
install any self-agreements, unfinished business, unknown factors, roots and
similar/connected patterns necessary to support the pattern being installed. <cue>

Check In: How relaxed and peaceful are you feeling right now? If you arent feeling
completely peaceful and relaxed, go through the above process again if necessary, and
check for related patterns that you havent addressed.

Discovery Statements For Uncovering Deeper Issues

This is the last module of the cue word process. This module is a series of statements of
ways, reasons and decisions outlining general issues that may be affecting your life in a
negative way. Simply look them over and if one or more of the statements resonate with
you, say the statement, repeat your cue word and pay attention to any thoughts that pop
into your mind or feelings in your body.

I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of [name of fear]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of never having enough [name of lack].
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of missing out on things. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of change. <cue>
I clear all the reasons I am afraid of change. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am always afraid of being afraid. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of feeling these feelings. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of being rejected. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I always seem to be anxious. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of being successful. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of failing. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of winning. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of standing out from the crowd. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am afraid of speaking out or speaking up. <cue>
I clear all of the reasons I am afraid of speaking out or speaking up. <cue>
I clear all of the decisions I made that prevent me from speaking out or speaking
up. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel separate from God/source energy. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am a victim. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I judge situations and people. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I choose friends I cant trust. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I choose relationships with people I cant trust. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I keep choosing the wrong man/woman. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont trust myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I cant trust others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel abandoned. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that life just isnt worth living. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I discount my own self-worth. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I cant trust [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I cant commit to anyone. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I never fully commit to anything. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I never finish what I start. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am always rushing into things. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am not able to make up my mind. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that it may cost me if I am successful. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I stand to lose if I am successful. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am vulnerable. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I sabotage myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am a binge eater or binge drinker. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am irresponsible. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I fall back into doubt. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I cant help doubting what I [read, hear, see, imagine].
I clear all of the ways that Ive given up on life. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive given up on myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive given up on having [name of desire]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to have someone look after me. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am tired of not being supported. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am angry at not being supported. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am sick of looking after other people. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to hurt myself physically. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to hurt myself emotionally. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont do what I know needs to be done. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel helpless. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel unloved/unlovable. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am unable to love myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am unable to love anyone else. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am empty inside. <cue>
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I clear all of the ways that I feel lonely. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am dependent on others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am dependent on [name of dependency]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am jealous. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I am jealous of [name of person]. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to humiliate others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to humiliate myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont feel Im good enough. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I never feel Im good enough. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I hate myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont believe in myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I show disrespect to myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I show disrespect to others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont live up to others expectations. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I allow myself to be abused physically. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I allow myself to be abused emotionally. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I allow myself to be taken advantage of by others.
I clear all of the ways that I feel ashamed. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I need to be perfect. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I expect perfection in others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I blame myself. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel invisible to others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I dont feel that I count for anything. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Ive lost my faith. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel inferior to others. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel stupid. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel like a moron. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel worthless. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I feel like a coward. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Im afraid of being intimate. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that Im afraid to ask for what I really want. <cue>
I clear all of the ways that I expect specific outcomes. <cue>

This is the end of the Eight Tasks and other routines using the cue word process for
clearing negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs. In the next chapter, we will talk about
using a process called Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, for clearing negative
thoughts, beliefs and emotions. This clearing technique works with the meridian points in
the body similar to acupuncture, but instead of using needles, you only need to gently tap
on each meridian point with your fingers.

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The EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Process

When you need to release emotions, stress or any type of negative feeling, another great
way to do this is by using the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT.

EFT combines new discoveries and research with ancient traditional methods of healing
the mind and body similar to acupuncture. It balances the bodys subtle energies that flow
through the body, in the same way blood flows through the veins. Instead of using
needles, specific points on the body are stimulated by tapping them with the fingertips.
This method is so simple that it can be easily learned by anyone, and can be self<applied.

When tapping, you dont need to use much pressure or firmness, but about the same
firmness you might drum your fingers on a desk. You can use two or three fingers of
either hand when tapping, and you do not need to be worried about the exact location of
the point. As long as you are tapping the general location, it will work just fine.

The tapping is combined with a focusing phrase that keeps your awareness on the
problem that you are clearing. When we focus on the problem while tapping on the
meridian points, the energy is balanced and this gives us emotional relief. You want to
use a focusing phrase for your stress or anxiety such as this stress of having too much
work or this job interview anxiety or this need to get all of this work done or this
intense anxiety in my chest/stomach/wherever.

The more specific you are about the reason for the stress, the better. Stating the location
of the negative feeling greatly helps as well. If you are sure not where the feeling is
located in your body, simply put your awareness on the negative feeling and try to
determine where you feel it the most in your body. Decide the focusing phrase that you
want to use, and remember this phrase.

First, feel the negative feeling as much as you can. Put your complete awareness on the
negative feeling that you have. Dont focus on anything else. Dont think about the
problems that caused it, dont think about what you need to get done and dont even think
about the process of clearing out the negative feeling. Put your complete awareness on
your negative feeling and hold it there. Feel it as much as you can. Spend a couple
minutes completely feeling it.

Take a SUDs (Subjective Units of Distress) reading of the feeling, from 0 to 10, where 0
is completely relaxed and 10 is the absolute worst feeling that youve ever experienced.
Keep that number in mind, or write it down so that you can compare after the process.

Start tapping on your karate chop point (the point on the side of your hand in between
your wrist and pinky finger) and state the following clearing statements:

Even though I feel this [negative feeling] about [problem], I completely accept how I
feel right now.

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Even though I feel [negative feeling] about [problem], I choose to take this moment
right now to relax.

Even though I feel [negative feeling] about [problem], I completely love myself, forgive
myself, and accept myself as human.

Even though I feel [negative feeling] about [problem], I thank myself for showing me
this emotion so that I can correct the problem.

You will then continue tapping on the remaining meridian points, starting from the head
down, while stating the focusing phrase. Start tapping on the eyebrow point saying your
focusing phrase and then move down to the next point while repeating your focusing
phrase and so on.

You only need to spend about 5 to 10 seconds tapping on each point, but you may spend
longer tapping each point if you would like.

These are the points you will tap on:

< karate chop point (side of hand)
< eyebrow point (between eyebrows)
< side<of<eye (near temple)
< directly below eye
< bridge (between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip)
< chin (below lower lip)
< collar bone (the bone below your neck to the left or right side)

Go back to tapping the karate chop point after you complete the cycle, and then repeat 2
more cycles. After youre done running these 3 cycles, try to focus on the feeling again.
Try to feel the negative feeling as much as you can, and do another reading from 0 to 10.

The SUDs reading should now be much lower than it was before the EFT process. If you
still feel distress, or the reading is still above 5, repeat another few cycles, until the
feeling is completely gone. You should usually only have to run a few cycles of EFT to
completely clear out the negative emotion. It usually takes between 5 to 10 cycles, or
possibly more, depending on the intensity of the negative emotion.

Thats it for the EFT process. This process works for just about everything, and can be
used to clear out any type of emotional problem, stress, anxiety, worry, or pattern.

Film Reel Process & Matrix Reimprinting
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Moving on to a secondary method of clearing and releasing negative emotions and
memories. As previously stated, you should have identified the problem and the root
cause of the negative emotion.

The root cause that has caused the emotions or patterns that you are working on could
have been a recent event, or even something from childhood. What you are going to do is
mentally go back in time to the time of the incident that the emotion or pattern was
created, and change it. When this process is combined with EFT, this is known as Matrix
Reimprinting. However, EFT is not necessary to run this process.

You will need to visualize the event as clearly as possible, so I recommend going into the
theta state. If you have used the Theta Installation Process included with this Theta
Energetics package, you can simply recall the theta state using your NLP anchor. If you
have not installed the theta state to an anchor, use the following process:

Close your eyes and start a slow inhale. As you inhale, gently roll your eyes up as if you
are looking up at or eye brows. You can also imagine you are looking out the top of your
head. It may take some practice, but you will get used to it. As you roll your eyes up, you
may feel a slight flickering. This is completely normal, and is called REM. This happens
while we sleep, because we are putting ourselves in the same brain state, but consciously.

Hold your eyes up for a couple seconds and begin to exhale. As you exhale, lower your
eyes back down. Then, as you begin to inhale again, gently roll your eyes up and repeat
the process. Do this a few times, and you will become very relaxed, since you will be
entering the Theta state. Theres nothing to worry about this, its completely normal and
this technique is used in many forms of meditation. Being in the Theta state not only
allows our bodies to physically heal, but allows us to relax, visualize, create subconscious
change, and even program our minds with new positive beliefs. Once you feel that you
are relaxed and ready to start the clearing, visualize the time or event where your negative
emotion or pattern was first created.

Visualize everything as vividly as you can, and if you want, you can picture everything
happening in 3rd person. There is really no right or wrong way to do it, as long as you
picture the event that has caused the negative emotion or situation that you are in.

When you get to the point you need to be, freeze-frame that image. Just like youre
rewinding a video and then pausing on a certain scene, pause the scene and wait a few
seconds, and then let it play. Let the entire event replay in your mind. You can rewind it
again and play it multiple times. It may bring up some feelings or emotions, but thats
okay. Let it happen.

Now, when youre ready, its time to change that event. Decide what you would have
wanted to happen instead, and play that new scene. You want to create a brand new,
positive scene that makes you feel good. It can be with anyone you want, it can be
anywhere, and anything can happen. Create the scene that feels best to you, and let that
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new scene play a few times. Go ahead and play the new scene over and over, until you
feel completely good about it.

Once youve played out the new scene a few times, youre ready to come back to the
present. Visualize moving back to the present time. Focus completely on the present time,
relax for a little bit, and whenever youre ready, open your eyes. You have now installed
a new positive event in your mind that has replaced the negative one, and you will no
longer experience similar events that trigger negative feelings or motions.

NLP Anchor Collapsing

This clearing technique uses NLP anchors to assign a negative feeling or emotion to one
anchor and a positive feeling to a different anchor. You will then fire both anchors at the
same time, resulting in a collapse of the negative emotion or feeling, and it will be
completely replaced by the positive feeling.

First, choose two anchors that you have not used for anchoring the alpha state or theta
state. If you have not used the Alpha or Theta Installation sessions yet, then make sure
you do not use anchors that you will want to use with the alpha or theta states. For
example, you can use rubbing the thumb and finger of your left hand together for the
negative state in this technique, and rubbing the thumb and finger of your right hand
together for the positive state. You would then use different anchors when using the
Alpha and Theta Installation process, such as rubbing your left earlobe for alpha and
rubbing your right earlobe for theta.

After choosing two anchors that you want to use for this process, you will need to define
the negative emotion or feeling that you want to be collapsed. Try to choose a specific
scenario or even which causes the negative emotion, as this process will be more
effective that way. Next, choose a positive state that you would like to replace it with.
Some good states to choose from include happiness or relaxation. Again, try to choose a
specific time you have been in this state to make it more effective.

Your positive state must be stronger than the negative state, or this technique wont work
as well as it could. First, anchor the negative state by firing your first anchor while
visualizing the memory and feeling the negative emotion. Make sure you are fully
associated with it, feeling what you felt, seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard.

Anchor the memory just as it is, dont try to make the feeling any more or any less
intense. Do this just once and release the anchor at the peak of the emotion. Then, break
the state by doing something else for 30 seconds. Sing, write, dance or do anything to
briefly take your mind completely off this process.

Now, test your anchor by firing it. If the negative feeling comes back, the anchor has
worked. Break state again for 30 seconds. Now the fun part its time to anchor the
positive state. Start to visualize the positive memory and feel the positive emotion by
completely associating with it, seeing what you saw, hearing what you heard and feeling
34 2 34
what you felt. Make the picture bigger, brighter, more colorful and vivid. Pull it closer
towards you and surround yourself with the positive emotions.

Anchor this positive state by firing your second anchor while feeling all of the positive
emotions, and release the anchor when the emotion is at its peak. Break state for 30
seconds, and then repeat the previous step of anchoring the positive emotion using a
different memory (recommended), or the same memory again. Do this 2 or 3 more times,
and have fun while you do this! Then, break state again and test your positive anchor. If
you have done it right, you will feel extremely positive and good.

Its now time to collapse the negative feeling. Do this by firing both of the positive and
negative anchors at the same time. The next 30 seconds to 2 minutes are likely to seem
quite odd. Your brain will start to integrate the two different states, which may feel
strange at first, almost like an internal short-circuit which may cause you to feel a bit of
slight confusion. As you keep holding the anchors, however, you will soon break clear of
all negative feelings and start to feel the full power of only the positive emotions.

When you feel that the anchors have collapsed (and you feel good and positive) let go of
the negative anchor, while holding the positive anchor for another 5 to 10 seconds. Then
let go of the positive anchor. You have just collapsed the negative emotion and
completely replaced it with your positive emotion. Thats it for NLP anchor collapsing!

NLP Anchor Stacking

After using an NLP anchor to install a positive state or emotion, you can stack
additional positive emotions onto that anchor by firing your anchor whenever you are in a
positive state and feeling good. You can also stack positive emotions onto your alpha
state and theta state anchors after using the Installation Sessions included with this ebook.

Conclusion & Synopsis

I hope you have enjoyed all of the information in this ebook, and I truly hope it helps you
in as many ways as possible. Now that you have learned some of the most powerful
clearing techniques available, you can share these techniques with others, helping people
heal themselves mentally, physically, energetically and emotionally. There are no limits
to the techniques in this ebook, and you can apply these techniques to any problem you
encounter, and any negative feeling or emotion you want to release.

If you have not yet used the Alpha Installation Session and Theta Installation Session
included with this package yet, I highly recommend you use those sessions so that you
can instantly recall the alpha and theta states whenever you want. Once again, please use
the information you have used in the ebook to help others in any ways that you possibly
can. The techniques in this ebook can be used not only to change your life in a huge way,
but may change the lives of others as well. Thank you for purchasing the Theta
Energetics package and I wish you an awesome and amazing life!

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