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SECTION 31 35 19.

16 [02373]
This guide specification has been prepared by Propex Inc. to assist design professionals in the preparation of a
specification section covering RECPs to protect newly constructed or excavated stable soil slopes intended to be
seeded and vegetated. It may be used as the basis for developing either a project specification or an office master
specification. ince it has been prepared according to the principles established in the !anual of Practice published
by The Construction pecifications Institute "CI# including the use of section numbers and titles from the $%%&
Edition of !aster'ormat( this guide specification may be used in conjunction with most commercially available master
specifications sections with minor editing.
The following should be noted in using this guide specification)
*+ptional text re,uiring a selection by the user is enclosed within brac-ets( e.g.) .ection /%0 11 %%2 /333332.4
*Items re,uiring user input are enclosed within brac-ets( e.g.) .ection /33333 5 33333332.4
*+ptional paragraphs are separated by an .+R4 statement( e.g.)
6666 +R 6666
This guide specification is available in both hard copy and a variety of electronic formats to suit most popular word
processing programs and operating platforms. Please contact Propex Inc. at "7%%# 8$050$91 for additional copies or
for information on available electronic formats.
The information( including technical and engineering data( figures( tables( designs( drawings( details( suggested
procedures( and suggested specifications( presented in this publication are for general information only. The
information contained herein is subject to change without notice. :hile every effort has been made to ensure its
accuracy( this information should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without independent
professional examination and verification of its accuracy( suitability and applicability. The user shall be solely
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Propex Inc. be liable to user for any indirect( special( conse,uential or incidental damages arising out of the use( the
results of use or inability to use the information.
A. Erosion control material to protect newly constructed or excaated sta!le soil slopes to !e seeded and
Edit the following paragraphs to coordinate with other sections of the Project !anual.
A. Section %&1 #' '' ( Eart) *oin"+ %,,,,, - ,,,,,,,+.
.. Section %&# /' '' - 0lantin"+ %,,,,, - ,,,,,,,+.
Include the following article only for unit price contracts or lump sum contract with unit price adjustments. <elete for lump
sum contracts.
May 2011 31 35 19-1
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
A. *et)od o1 *easurement2 .y t)e s3uare meter 4or s3uare yard - as speci1ied in contract documents5
includin" seams6 oerlaps6 anc)or trenc)es6 and wasta"e.
.. .asis o1 0ayment2 .y t)e s3uare meter 4or s3uare yard - as speci1ied in contract documents5 installed.
1.7 $E8E$ENCES
The following article assumes that the date of each reference standard will be the latest edition as of the date of the
project specification. This provision must be defined in <ivision 0= coordinate with <ivision 0 statements.
A. American Society 1or Testin" and *aterials 4AST*52
1. D 9:' - Standard Test *et)ods 1or ;ater A!sorption o1 0lastics.
#. D <9#7 ( Standard Test *et)od 1or *easurin" t)e $esiliency o1 Tur1 $ein1orcement *ats
&. D <9#9 - Standard Test *et)od 1or *easurin" Nominal T)ic>ness o1 0ermanent Erosion Control
7. D <9<< - Standard Test *et)od 1or *easurin" *ass per Unit Area o1 Tur1 $ein1orcement *ats.
9. D <9<: ( Standard Test *et)od 1or *easurin" Li")t 0enetration o1 Tur1 $ein1orcement *ats.
<. D <9:9 ( Test *et)od 1or Sti11ness o1 ?eosynt)etics Used as Tur1 $ein1orcement *ats.
:. D 7&97 - 0ractice 1or Samplin" o1 ?eosynt)etics 1or Testin".
@. D 7&99 - Test *et)od 1or Deterioration o1 ?eotextiles 1rom Exposure to Ultraiolet Li")t and
;ater 4Aenon-Arc Type Apparatus5.
/. D 77&/ - Terminolo"y 1or ?eotextiles.
1'. D 79/9 - Test *et)od 1or Tensile 0roperties o1 ?eotextiles !y t)e ;ide-;idt) Strip *et)od.
11. D <@1@ - Test *et)od 1or Ultimate Tensile 0roperties o1 Tur1 $ein1orcement *ats.
1#. D 7:9/ - 0ractice 1or Determinin" t)e Speci1ication Con1ormance o1 ?eosynt)etics.
1&. D 7@:& - ?uide 1or Identi1ication6 Stora"e6 and Bandlin" o1 ?eotextiles.
17. D 9'&9 - Standard Test *et)od 1or .rea>in" 8orce and Elon"ation o1 Textile 8a!rics 4Strip
19. D <7:9 - Test *et)od 1or *easurin" *ass 0er Unit Area o1 Erosion Control .lan>ets.
.. 8ederal Test *et)od o1 America 48T*A5 CCC-9-1/1. - Smolder $esistance o1 Textile *aterials.
C. ?eosynt)etic Accreditation Institute 4?AI5 - La!oratory Accreditation 0ro"ram 4LA05.
D. International Standards Or"aniCation 4ISO5 /''12#''' - Duality System Certi1ication.
A. *inimum Aera"e $oll Ealue 4*A$E52 0roperty alue calculated as typical minus two standard
deiations. Statistically6 it yields a /:.: percent de"ree o1 con1idence t)at any sample ta>en durin" 3uality
assurance testin" will exceed alue reported.
.. Typical $oll Ealue2 0roperty alue calculated 1rom aera"e or mean o!tained 1rom test data.
C. $olled Erosion Control 0roduct 4$EC05 ( A temporary de"rada!le or lon"-term non-de"rada!le material
manu1actured or 1a!ricated into rolls desi"ned to reduce soil erosion and assist in t)e "rowt)6
esta!lis)ment and protection o1 e"etation.
May 2011 31 35 19-2
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
D. Tur1 $ein1orcement *at 4T$*5 ( A lon"-term6 non-de"rada!le $EC0 composed o1 UE-sta!iliCed6 non-
de"rada!le6 synt)etic 1i!ers6 nettin"s andFor 1ilaments processed into t)ree-dimensional rein1orcement
matrices desi"ned 1or permanent and critical )ydraulic applications w)ere desi"n disc)ar"es exert
elocities and s)ear stresses t)at exceed t)e limits o1 mature natural e"etation. T$*s proide su11icient
t)ic>ness6 stren"t) and oid space to permit soil 1illin" andFor retention and t)e deelopment o1
e"etation wit)in t)e matrix.
E. Erosion Control .lan>et 4EC.5 ( A temporary6 de"rada!le $EC0 composed o1 processed natural or
synt)etic 1i!ers mec)anically6 structurally or c)emically !ound to"et)er to 1orm a continuous matrix.
Edit the following to coordinate with <ivision 0.
A. Su!mit under proisions o1 Section %'1 && ''+ %,,,,,+2
1. Certi1ication2
a5 T)e Contractor s)all proide t)e En"ineer a certi1icate statin" t)e name o1 t)e $EC0
manu1acturer6 product name6 style6 c)emical compositions o1 1ilaments or yarns and
ot)er pertinent in1ormation to 1ully descri!e t)e "eotextile.
!5 T)e *anu1acturer is responsi!le 1or esta!lis)in" and maintainin" a 3uality control
pro"ram to assure compliance wit) t)e re3uirements o1 t)e speci1ication.
Documentation descri!in" t)e 3uality control pro"ram s)all !e made aaila!le upon
c5 T)e manu1acturer=s certi1icate s)all state t)at t)e 1urnis)ed $EC0 meets *A$E
re3uirements o1 t)e speci1ication as ealuated under t)e manu1acturer=s 3uality control
pro"ram. T)e certi1icate s)all !e attested to !y a person )ain" le"al aut)ority to !ind
t)e *anu1acturer.
#. *anu1acturin" Duality Control 4*DC5 test results s)all !e proided upon re3uest.
&. Independent 0er1ormance Test $esults s)all !e proided upon re3uest.
A. $EC0 la!elin"6 s)ipment and stora"e s)all 1ollow AST* D 7@:&.
.. 0roduct la!els s)all clearly s)ow t)e manu1acturer or supplier name6 style name6 and roll num!er.
C. Eac) s)ippin" document s)all include a notation certi1yin" t)at t)e material is in accordance wit) t)e
manu1acturer=s certi1icate.
D. Eac) $EC0 roll s)all !e wrapped wit) a material t)at will protect t)e "eotextile 1rom dama"e due to
s)ipment6 water6 sunli")t6 and contaminants.
E. T)e protectie wrappin" s)all !e maintained durin" periods o1 s)ipment and stora"e.
8. Durin" stora"e6 $EC0 rolls s)all !e eleated o11 t)e "round and ade3uately coered to protect t)em 1rom
t)e 1ollowin"2 Site construction dama"e6 extended exposure to ultraiolet 4UE5 radiation6 precipitation6
c)emicals t)at are stron" acids or stron" !ases6 1lames6 spar>s6 temperatures in excess o1 :1 de" C 41<'
de" 85m and any ot)er enironmental condition t)at mi")t dama"e t)e $EC0.
A. $EC0 s)all !e su!Hect to samplin" and testin" to eri1y con1ormance wit) t)is speci1ication. Samplin" 1or
testin" s)all !e in accordance wit) AST* D 7&97.
May 2011 31 35 19-3
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
.. Acceptance s)all !e in accordance wit) AST* D 7:9/ !ased on testin" o1 eit)er con1ormance samples
o!tained usin" 0rocedure A o1 AST* D 7&976 or !ased on manu1acturer=s certi1ications and testin" o1
3uality control samples o!tained usin" 0rocedure . o1 AST* D 7&97.
C. Duality Assurance Samplin" and Testin" will !e waied 1or ISO /''12#''' Certi1ied *anu1acturin"
8acilities. Documentation o1 ISO /''12#''' Certi1ication s)all !e proided upon re3uest.
A. 0ropex Inc.6 C)attanoo"a6 Tennessee &:7## USA6 0)one 4@''5 <#1-1#:& - 8ax 47#&5 @//-9''9
Edit the following to coordinate with <ivision 0.
.. Su!stitutions2 Under proisions o1 Section %'1 #9 ''+ %,,,,,+.
Include the following for Type I RECP >andlo-

$ EC?. @se Type I on 1A) 0B and flatter slopes where vegetation is

expected to be fully established in 0$ months or less.
A. Type I $EC02
1. *ac)ine 1a!ricated EC. coered on !ot) sides !y nettin" and sewn to"et)er on two inc) centers
wit) minimum 1''' denier p)otode"rada!le6 polypropylene t)read.
#. Straw 1i!er s)all !e )omo"eneously !lended and distri!uted eenly t)rou")out t)e EC..
&. Nettin" s)all !e p)otode"rada!le polypropylene wit) mes) openin"s o1 approximately '.&@ in !y
'.&@ in.
7. Typical Ealues2
Propr!" T#! $!%o& U'(!# Propr!"
T)ic>ness AST* D-<9#9 mm
Tensile Stren"t) AST* D-<@1@ >NFm
1.' x 1.'
4:9 x :95
Tensile Elon"ation AST* D-<@1@ percent #9
Include the following for Type II RECP >andlo-

C$ EC?. @se Type II on $.CA)0B and flatter slopes where vegetation

is expected to be fully established in 0 to $ years.
.. Type II $EC02
1. *ac)ine 1a!ricated EC. coered on !ot) sides !y nettin" and sewn to"et)er on two inc) centers
wit) minimum 1''' denier p)otode"rada!le polypropylene t)read.
#. 8i!er s)all !e :' percent straw and &' percent coconut 1i!er6 )omo"eneously !lended and
distri!uted eenly t)rou")out t)e EC..
&. Top nettin" s)all !e UE sta!iliCed polypropylene wit) mes) openin"s o1 approximately '.&@ in !y
'.&@ in. .ottom nettin" s)all !e p)otode"rada!le polypropylene wit) mes) openin"s o1
approximately '.&@ in !y '.&@ in.
7. Typical Ealues2
May 2011 31 35 19-4
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
Propr!" T#! $!%o& U'(!# Propr!"
T)ic>ness AST* D-<9#9 mm
Tensile Stren"t) AST* D-<@1@ >NFm
1.9 x 1.9
41'' x 1''5
Tensile Elon"ation AST* D-<@1@ percent &'
Include the following for Type III RECP >andlo-

C$ EC?. @se Type III on $A)0B "non5reinforced see Type IB for

mechanically reinforced slopes# and flatter slopes where vegetation is expected to be fully established in 0 to 1 years.
C. Type III $EC02
1. *ac)ine 1a!ricated EC. coered on !ot) sides !y nettin" and sewn to"et)er on two inc) centers
wit) minimum @7' denier6 Ultraiolet 4UE5 sta!iliCed polypropylene t)read.
#. 8i!er s)all !e 1'' percent mattress "rade6 coconut 1i!er6 )omo"eneously !lended and distri!uted
eenly t)rou")out t)e EC..
&. Nettin" s)all !e UE sta!iliCed polypropylene wit) mes) openin"s o1 approximately '.<#9 in !y
'.<#9 in.
7. Typical Ealues2
Propr!" T#! $!%o& U'(!# Propr!"
T)ic>ness AST* D-<9#9 mm
Tensile Stren"t) AST* D-<@1@ >NFm
#.# x #.#
419' x 19'5
Tensile Elon"ation AST* D-<@1@ percent #9
Include the following for Type IB RECP ">D;<>+E

&C%# TR!. @se Type IB on 0.CA)0B "mechanically reinforced or

non5reinforced# and flatter slopes where vegetation establishment is expected to be slow.
D. Type IE $EC02
1. Dense we! o1 "reen polyole1in 1i!ers positioned !etween two !iaxially-oriented nets6
mec)anically !ound !y parallel stitc)in" wit) polyole1in t)read.
#. *atrix to possess stren"t) and elon"ation properties to limit stretc)in" and !e maintained in
water saturated condition.
&. All components o1 matrix sta!iliCed a"ainst ultraiolet de"radation and inert to c)emicals
normally encountered in natural soil enironment.
7. *inimum Aera"e $oll Ealues2
Propr!" T#! $!%o& U'(!# Propr!"
T)ic>ness AST* D-<9#9 mm
$esiliency AST* D-<9#7 percent /'
*ass 0er Unit Area AST* D-<9<< ?Fs3 m
May 2011 31 35 19-5
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
Tensile Stren"t) AST* D-<@1@ >NFm
9.@ x 7.&
47'' x &''5
Tensile Elon"ation AST* D-<@1@ percent 9' 4max5
Li")t 0enetration
4J 0assin"5
AST* D-<9<: percent #'
*oisture A!sorption AST* D-9:' percent '.'1 4max5
UE $esistance AST* D-7&99 percent @' at 1''' )rs
9. *anu1acturin" Duality Control2 Testin" s)all !e per1ormed at a la!oratory accredited !y ?AI-
LA0 1or tests re3uired 1or t)e "eosynt)etic6 at 1re3uency exceedin" AST* D 7&976 wit)
1ollowin" minimum accepta!le testin" 1re3uency2
Propr!" T#! Fr)*',"
S) + -#) "&.
*ass 0er Unit Area 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Tensile Stren"t) 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Tensile Elon"ation 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Li")t 0enetration 4J 0assin"5 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Include the following for Type IB RECP ">D;<>+E

1%%# TR!. @se Type IB on 0.CA)0B "mechanically reinforced or

non5reinforced# and flatter slopes where vegetation establishment is expected to be slow or where exceptional strength
and durability are re,uired.
E. Type IE $EC02
1. T)ree-dimensional6 lo1ty woen polypropylene "eosynt)etic specially desi"ned 1or erosion control
applications on steep slopes and e"etated waterways.
#. *atrix composed o1 mono1ilament yarns woen into uni1orm con1i"uration o1 resilient pyramid-
li>e proHections.
&. *aterial to ex)i!it ery )i") interloc> and rein1orcement capacity wit) !ot) soil and root systems
and demonstrate )i") tensile modulus.
7. *inimum Aera"e $oll Ealues2
Propr!" T#! $!%o& U'(!# Propr!"
T)ic>ness AST* D-<9#9 mm
$esiliency AST* D-<9#7 percent :'
*ass 0er Unit Area AST* D-<9<< ?Fs3 m
Tensile Stren"t) AST* D-<@1@ >NFm
#/.# x #<.&
4#''' x 1@''5
Tensile Elon"ation AST* D-<@1@ percent 9' 4max5
Li")t 0enetration
4J 0assin"5
AST* D-<9<: percent 9' 4max5
*oisture A!sorption AST* D-9:' percent '.'1 4max5
UE $esistance AST* D-7&99 percent /' at &''' )rs
May 2011 31 35 19-6
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
9. *anu1acturin" Duality Control2 Testin" s)all !e per1ormed at a la!oratory accredited !y ?AI-
LA0 1or tests re3uired 1or t)e "eosynt)etic6 at 1re3uency exceedin" AST* D 7&976 wit)
1ollowin" minimum accepta!le testin" 1re3uency2
Propr!" T#! Fr)*',"
S) + -#) "&.
*ass 0er Unit Area 1F9@'7 41F</7#5
Tensile Stren"t) 1F9@'7 41F</7#5
Tensile Elon"ation 1F9@'7 41F</7#5
Li")t 0enetration 4J 0assin"5 1F9@'7 41F</7#5
Include the following for Type B RECP "PFRD!DT

# TR!. @se Type B on 0A)0B "mechanically reinforced or non5

reinforced# and steeper slopes where vegetation establishment is expected to be slow or where exceptional strength and
durability are re,uired.
8. Type E $EC02
1. T)ree-dimensional6 lo1ty woen polypropylene "eosynt)etic specially desi"ned 1or erosion control
applications on steep slopes and e"etated waterways.
#. *atrix composed o1 mono1ilament yarns woen into uni1orm con1i"uration o1 resilient pyramid-
li>e proHections.
&. *aterial to ex)i!it ery )i") interloc> and rein1orcement capacity wit) !ot) soil and root systems
and demonstrate )i") tensile modulus.
7. *inimum Aera"e $oll Ealues2
Propr!" T#! $!%o& U'(!# Propr!"
T)ic>ness AST* D-<9#9 mm
$esiliency AST* D-<9#7 percent @'
*ass 0er Unit Area AST* D-<9<< ?Fs3 m
Tensile Stren"t) AST* D-<@1@ >NFm
9@.7 x 7&.@
476''' x &6'''5
Tensile Elon"ation AST* D-<@1@ percent 7' x &9
Li")t 0enetration
4J 0assin"5
AST* D-<9<: percent 19 4max5
UE $esistance AST* D-7&99 percent /' at <''' )rs
@9 at 1'''' )rs
9. *anu1acturin" Duality Control2 Testin" s)all !e per1ormed at a la!oratory accredited !y ?AI-
LA0 1or tests re3uired 1or t)e "eosynt)etic6 at 1re3uency exceedin" AST* D 7&976 wit)
1ollowin" minimum accepta!le testin" 1re3uency2
Propr!" T#! Fr)*',"
#) + -#) "&.
May 2011 31 35 19-7
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
*ass 0er Unit Area 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Tensile Stren"t) 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Tensile Elon"ation 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
Li")t 0enetration 4J 0assin"5 1F#'6''' 41F#76'''5
A. ?round Anc)orin" Deices2
1. Len"t)2 #'' to 79' mm 4@ to 1@ inc)es5K su11icient "round penetration to resist pullout. Use
lon"er anc)ors 1or loose soils.
#. U-s)aped wire staples6 metal pins6 or trian"ular wooden sta>es.
&. ;ire staples2 *inimum @ "au"e.
7. *etal pins2 Steel6 minimum 9 mm 4'.#' in5 in diameter wit) 7' mm 41.9 in5 steel was)er.
&.1 0$E0A$ATION
A. ?rade and compact areas to !e treated wit) $EC0 and compacted as indicated or as directed !y En"ineer.
.. $emoe lar"e roc>s6 soil clods6 e"etation6 and ot)er s)arp o!Hects t)at could >eep $EC0 1rom intimate
contact wit) su!"rade.
C. 0repare seed!ed !y loosenin" 9' to :9 mm 4# to & in5 o1 soil a!oe 1inal "rade.
D. Select and apply soil amendments6 1ertiliCer6 and seed in accordance wit) Section %&# /' '' - 0lantin"+
%,,,,, - ,,,,,,,+ to scari1ied sur1ace prior to installation o1 $EC0.
E. Construct 19' x &'' mm 4< in x 1# in5 anc)or trenc) at top o1 slope.
A. Install $EC0 at eleation and ali"nment indicated.
.. Extend $EC0 <'' to /'' mm 4# to & 1eet5 oer crest o1 slope6 secure into trenc) wit) anc)orin" deices6
!ac>1ill6 and compact wit) speci1ied soil or as directed !y En"ineer.
C. Unroll $EC0s downslope6 oerlappin" adHacent rolls minimum :9 mm 4& in5. Lay material loosely6
maintainin" direct contact wit) soil.
D. Secure $EC0 to slope wit) "round anc)orin" deices as 1ollows2
S0op Gr1& -B1!!r. A',%or('2 Fr)*',"
Up to &B21E 1.# anc)orsFs3uare meter
41 anc)orFs3uare yard5
&B21E to #B21E 1.@ anc)orsFs3uare meter
41.9 anc)orsFs3uare yard5
#B21E to 1B21E #.9 anc)orsFs3uare meter
4# anc)orsFs3uare yard5
Steeper t)an 1B21E & anc)orsFs3uare meter
4#.9 anc)orsFs3uare yard5
May 2011 31 35 19-8
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes
E. Alternate installation met)ods must !e approed !y En"ineer prior to execution.
Include the following for Type IB and B RECPs used over media that will support vegetative growth.
8. ;)ere applica!le soil 1ill and seed t)e $EC02
1. Spread and li")tly ra>e 1# to #' mm 4'.9 to '.@ in5 o1 1ine topsoil into $EC0 to completely 1ill its
#. ;)en usin" li")twei")t power e3uipment to 1ill $EC06 aoid s)arp turns. Do not drie trac>ed
or )eay e3uipment oer $EC0.
&. Smoot) out soil !y !arely exposin" top portion o1 $EC0. Do not place excessie soil a!oe
7. .roadcast additional seed or mulc) a!oe soil-1illed mat and water.
May 2011 31 35 19-9
Erosion Control for Protection of Stable Soil Slopes

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