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THE arp cache can be risky here is why:

lan or wireless users are at risk, tools an knowhow can be used 2 posion the cache
by adding the ip address OF the hacker to the cache this address is
normal faked and is easyly done what it does is redirects your traffic
past a hackers pc or server which is normaly filled with explots like
the ability to see past encyption ssl ssh an so on, an can be very
dodgy for internet bankers , its bit like dns hijacking arp has the
ability to to redirect you to phish sites ,download scripts to u an so on
,hackers using these tackits tent to be on non windows computers but not always
here is what you can do about it first use ids intrusion detection system
sax2 is alright eset smart security 4 is good but may need configeration
now go to start then run type cmd or (command prompt) type arp -a to see the
for xp users and arp -d to delete the entrys or arp -d * to delete wild card
or arp -an to see the arp tables for vista users right click cmd and run as
anti arp 6 is good or arp watch . Here is Technology, Virtualization and Cloud
in the Web Hosting Worlds view on this matter:

Home > Security > Detect ARP poisoning on LAN

Detect ARP poisoning on LAN
May 1st, 2009
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ARP Poisoning : Potential MITM attack

Occasionally during security audits it may be necessary to check your LAN for
rogue machines. All the potential rogue machine in your LAN needs to do is poison
your ARP cache so that the cache thinks that the attacker is the router or the
destination machine. Then all packets to that machine will go through the rogue
machine, and it will be, from the network�s standpoint, between the client and the
server, even though technically it�s just sitting next to them. This is actually
fairly simple to do, and is also fairly easy to detect as a result.

In this sample case, the rogue machine was in a different room but still on the
same subnet. Through simple ARP poisoning it convinced the router that it was our
server, and convinced the server that it was the router. It then had an enjoyable
time functioning as both a password sniffer and a router for unsupported

By simply pinging all the local machines (nmap -sP will do this
quickly) and then checking the ARP table (arp -an) for duplicates, you can detect
ARP poisoning quite quickly.

$ arp -an| awk '{print $4}'| sort | uniq -c | grep -v ' 1 '
5 F8:F0:11:15:34:51

Then I simply looked at the IP addresses used by that ethernet address in �arp
-an� output, ignoring those that were blatantly poisoned (such as the router) and
looked up the remaining address in DNS to see which machine it was.
Below is a script I wrote to automate this process (perhaps in a cron job) , and
send out an alert email if any ARP poisoning is detected.

ARP Poisoning Check Script

This can ideally run as a cronjob (i.e. 30 * * * *)

# Star Dot Hosting
# detect arp poisoning on LAN

currentmonth=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`


rm $logpath/arpwatch.log

echo "ARP Poisoning Audit: " $currentmonth >> $logpath/arpwatch.log

echo -e "-----------------------------------------" >> $logpath/arpwatch.log
echo -e >> $logpath/arpwatch.log

arp -an | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -c | grep -v ' 1 '

if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]
arp -an | awk '{print $4}' | sort | uniq -c | grep -v ' 1 ' >>
$logpath/arpwatch.log 2>&1
cat $logpath/arpwatch.log | mail -s 'Potential ARP Poisoning ALERT!'
echo -e "No potential ARP poisoning instances found..." >> $logpath/arpwatch.log


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May 1st, 2009 at 12:53 | #1
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pretty snazzy!

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