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Mgr. Jn elonka
Personal details
Needs and Practices of Translation and Interpreting Methods in Slovak Audiovisual
Type of research doctoral research, part-time studies
Academic degree,
Name, Surname
Mgr. Jn elonka
Address Haligovce 215, 065 34 Vek !esn, "lovak #e$%&lic
Email 'an.(elonka)g**
Telephone +421,1-04362,
Period $ro$osed start in .cto&er 2012 / 201502016
Scholarship I shall apply for a scholarship
Academic qualifications
2011 ngoing 1%ll2ti*e 3h42st%dent o1 translation and inter$reting st%dies in the
co*&ination o1 lang%ages "lovak, 5nglish and 6er*an
Academic degree 3h4
Proposed thesis topic 7eeds and $ractices o1 translation and inter$reting in "lovak a%diovis%al
!ni"ersity 8onstantine the 3hiloso$her 9niversit: in 7itra ;"lovak #e$%&lic<, =ac%lt:
o1 >rts, 4e$art*ent o1 ?ranslation "t%dies
Super"isor 3ro1. 3h4r. 5dita 6ro*ov, 8"c.
200# 2011 Master st%dies in the 1ield o1 translation and inter$reting ;co*&ination o1
lang%ages@ 5nglish, 6er*an and "lovak<
Academic degree Mgr. ;Master<
Thesis topic A&erset(en von a%diovis%ellen Medien in der "loBakei %nd in
4e%tschland 2 ":nchronisation, 9ntertitel%ng
!ni"ersity 8onstantine the 3hiloso$her 9niversit: in 7itra ;"lovak #e$%&lic<, =ac%lt:
o1 >rts, 4e$art*ent o1 ?ranslation "t%dies
Super"isor Mgr. Michal 4voreckC, 3h4.
$une 2010 Septem%er 2010 research sta: Bithin 4>>4 ;6er*an >cade*ic 5Dchange
"ervice< at the 9niversit: o1 !ei$(ig ;6er*an:<, Enstit%te o1
>$$lied !ing%istics and ?ranslation "t%dies
Research o%&ecti"es $re$aration o1 theoretical &ackgro%nd and *ethodological &ase
1or the 1inal $re$aration o1 *aster thesis in the 1ield o1
a%diovis%al translation titled FA&erset(en von a%diovis%ellen
Medien in der "loBakei %nd in 4e%tschland 2 ":nchronisation,
Super"isor 9niv.23ro1. 4r. ha&il. 8arsten "inner, Mgr. Michal 4voreckC,
'inter semester 200()200# a 1o%r2*onths research sta: Bithin 5#>"M9" $rogra**e
Su%&ect >*erican "t%dies, 6er*an "t%dies, Entrod%ction to 8onsec%tive
Professional experience
"ince 200, ;32:ears eD$erience< E co2o$erate Bith the co*$anies listed &eloB as a 1reelance
translator and inter$reter 1or 5nglish, 6er*an and "lovak lang%age.
525D$ert Gratislava@ translations o1 vario%s cross2&order $ro'ect doc%*entations and 1iles 1or
co*&ination o1 lang%ages "lovak / 6er*an ;1ields@ administrati"e te*ts,
international pro&ect communication, international relations<
Gekaert a.s. Hlohovec translations o1 internal doc%*ents, *in%tes and $a$ers 1or internal needs o1
the co*$an: 1ro* and into "lovak, 5nglish or 6er*an lang%ageH inter$reting
1or the needs and $%r$oses o1 technical trainings carried o%t &: the co*$an:
1ro* and into "lovak or 5nglish lang%age ;1ields@ technical te*ts, industry,
technical communication, industry, mechanics<
?echnical 9niversit: in IoJice@ translations o1 con1erence $roceedings, $a$ers, a&stracts and
con1erence *aterials 1ro* "lovak into 5nglish lang%age 1or the
$%r$oses o1 the 4e$art*ent o1 >$$lied Mechanics and Mechatronics
+ $roo1reading 1or co*&ination o1 &oth lang%ages ;1ields@
administrati"e te*ts, mechanical engineering, mechanics, technical
VolksBagen Gratislava@ inter$reting 1or the needs and $%r$oses o1 technical trainings carried o%t &:
the co*$an: 1ro* and into "lovak or 6er*an lang%age ;1ields@ technical
communication, industry, mechanics, mechanical engineering<
Gekaert a.s. Hlohovec inter$reting 1or the needs and $%r$oses o1 technical trainings carried o%t &:
internal and eDternal a%ditors and trainers 1ro* and into "lovak or 5nglish
lang%age ;1ields@ industry, mechanics, +ire processing, technical
"ince 200, E have &een $roviding s$ecialised lang%age $re$aration 1or e*$lo:ees o1 vario%s
co*$anies in "lovakia and other c%sto*ers as a 1reelance teacher o1 1oreign lang%ages ;5nglish,
Research experience
=e&r%ar: 0K, 2012 ?he ?hird Enternational 8on1erence o1 3h42st%dents on ?ranslation "t%dies
?o$ic0"%&'ect ?radition and Ennovation in the #esearch o1 ?ranslation and Enter$reting
8on1erence $a$er F#e1leDia (ahraniLne' literatMr: a inCch (dro'ov na tN*% a%diovi(%ln: $reklad.F
;F#e1leDion o1 =oreign !iterat%re and .ther "o%rces on >%diovis%al ?ranslationO<
4>>4 research sta: J%ne 01, 2010 / "e$te*&er 0,, 2010 / Enstit%te o1 >$$lied !ing%istics and
?ranslation "t%dies o1 the 9niversit: in !ei$(ig ;6er*an:<
.&'ectives "t%d: o1 theoretical so%rces to &%ild %$ theoretical &ackgro%nd and
*ethodological &ase 1or the 1inal $re$aration o1 *aster thesis in the 1ield o1
a%diovis%al translation titled PA&erset(en von a%diovis%ellen Medien in der
"loBakei %nd in 4e%tschland. ":nchronisation, 9ntertitel%ngF ;F?ranslating 1or
a%diovis%al *edia in "lovakia and 6er*an:. 4%&&ing, "%&titlingO<
En *: 1irst :ear o1 1%ll2ti*e 3h4 st%dies at the 4e$art*ent o1 ?ranslation "t%dies ;8onstantine the
3hiloso$her 9niversit: in 7itra, "lovakia< E have $re$ared a $lan o1 research activities 1or the :ear
2012. =or *ore in1or*ation on $lanned research, $lease, see the attached doc%*ent ,Planned
research acti"ities +ithin -epartment of Translation Studies in Nitra for the year 2012 as partial
studies for the purposes of doctoral thesis./

Needs and Practices of Translation and Interpreting Methods in Slovak Audiovisual Environment
0gr/ $1n 2elon3a
8onstantine the 3hiloso$her 9niversit: in 7itra
=ac%lt: o1 >rts
4e$art*ent o1 ?ranslation "t%dies
>%diovis%al translation has &eco*e an integrated $art o1 translation st%dies and is 1%ll: acce$ted as a
rich 1ield 1or a$$lication o1 neB translation and inter$reting *ethods. Qithin the last tBo decades there
has &een an o%t&reak o1 con1erences, research $a$ers, $%&lications and disc%ssions on a%diovis%al
translation not onl: a*ong acade*ics and researchers in the 1ield o1 translation, &%t, in addition,
atte*$ts have &een *ade to *atch the theor: Bith the $ractice. Hence, $ro1essional translators 1or
a%diovis%al *edia contri&%te to the st%dies o1 a%diovis%al translation &: $%&lishing their knoBledge
and eD$erience 1ro* the $ractice.
4es$ite the a&ove2*entioned tendencies, the lack o1 research into a%diovis%al translation can &e
noticed in "lovakia. .n the one hand, there is a groBing interest a*ong "lovak %niversit: teachers,
st%dents and acade*ics in the 1ield o1 a%diovis%al translation. .n the other hand, tho%gh, in the
atte*$t to shed light on the iss%e Be 1ace $ro&le*s concerning co**%nication Bith $ro1essional
environ*ent. ?his %nBillingness to co2o$erate *ight have its gro%nd in rel%ctance to reveal knoB2hoB
or other as$ects o1 $ro1essional Bork 1or a%diovis%al *edia. =or these and o&vio%sl: other reasons,
"lovak researchers and acade*ics 1ind Briting $a$ers and doing research in this area o1 translation
st%dies eDtre*el: di11ic%lt Bhat res%lts in the lack o1 interest.
Slo!a" audio!isual en!ironment

>ccording to Study on du%%ing and su%titling needs and practices in the European audio"isual
industry ;200K@ 6<
, "lovakia can &e seen as a d%&&ing co%ntr: as regards Borks &roadcast on
television. >s 1or a%diovis%al Borks distri&%ted in cine*as, "lovakia can no longer &e %nderstood as a
d%&&ing co%ntr: Bith the *a'orit: o1 s%ch Borks $resented in original lang%age version Bith s%&titles.
?he onl: eDce$tion to this $ractice are 1oreign a%diovis%al Borks 1or *inors %$ to the age o1 12, Bhere
legal $rovisions o1 the >ct 7o. 3430200K 8oll. on >%diovision ;>%diovis%al >ct< a$$l:.
>1ter dissol%tion o1 the 8(echoslovak #e$%&lic on the &rink o1 the ,0s 8(ech d%&&ing started taking
$redo*inance in "lovak television. ?he tendenc: to s%$$l: 8(ech d%&&ing in "lovak television
reached its to$ aro%nd 1,,K. Qith the introd%ction o1 the 1irst "lovak co**ercial ?V &roadcaster ?V
MarkR(a 1oreign a%diovis%al $rod%cts started &eing $resented *ore 1reS%entl: than "lovaks Bere %sed
to as 1ar as $%&lic "lovak ?elevision ;"?V< Bas concerned. Qith the increase o1 1oreign a%diovis%al
Borks &roadcast on television there Bas an increased need 1or lang%age *%tations o1 s%ch Borks that
the "lovak a%dience Bo%ld %nderstand. HoBever, *a: it &e 1or 1inancial reasons, "lovak ?V
&roadcasters 1o%nd advantageo%s to $%rchase 8(ech d%&&ing rather than ask 1or "lovak lang%age
*%tation that Bo%ld have reS%ired considera&l: higher a*o%nt o1 1inancial *eans. ?he >ct on the
"tate !ang%age o1 the "lovak #e$%&lic $revio%sl: indirectl: s%$$orted 8(ech d%&&ing in "lovak
a%diovis%al *edia, Bhere there is an indirect re1erence to 8(ech lang%age as Fa lang%age *%tation
that *eets the criterion o1 &asic co*$rehensi&ilit: in relation to the state lang%ageO ;"ection 5 ;1<;g<<.
8%rrentl:, tho%gh, the >%diovis%al >ct reg%lates the %se o1 8(ech d%&&ing in "lovak *edia in the
sense that ever: 1oreign a%diovis%al Bork &eing $resented in an: "lovak television 1or the 1irst ti*e
;$re*iere< shall &e d%&&ed into "lovak.
>$art 1ro* television, 8(ech d%&&ing is a$$lied al*ost eDcl%sivel: in 4V4 distri&%tion. "lovakia and
the 8(ech #e$%&lic share one co**on 4V4 *arket and do*inant 4V4 distri&%tion co*$anies have
their seat *ostl: in the 8(ech #e$%&lic. "ince the $rovisions o1 the "lovak >%diovis%al >ct do not
a$$l: 1or s%ch distri&%tion o1 1oreign a%diovis%al Borks, it is hard to 1ind "lovak d%&&ing versions on
F?he distri&%tor o1 an a%diovis%al Bork Bho $%&licl: distri&%tes cine*atogra$hic Borks in its
original lang%age versions other than "lovak lang%age version, and in the case that the
M54E> 8.7"9!?E76 6#.93 ;200K<@ Study on du%%ing and su%titling needs and practices
in the European audio"isual industry/ =inal re$ort 1ro* 14 7ove*&er 200K.
cine*atogra$hic Bork is not in a lang%age version Bhich 1%l1ils the criteria 1or &asic intelligi&ilit:
1ro* the vieB$oint o1 the state lang%age, shall also ens%re a "lovak lang%age version o1 the
res$ective cine*atogra$hic Bork, &: a< d%&&ing it in the "lovak lang%age, or &< s%&titling it in
the "lovak lang%age.O ;>%diovis%al >ct, "ection 1K;1<<
Purpose of the study
6enerall:, the st%d: is to assess gained data and $resent the res%lts o1 the research into "lovak
a%diovis%al ind%str: in relation to a%diovis%al translation and a$$lied $ractices. ?he st%d: is *eant to
cover those 1ields o1 a%diovis%al translation ordinar: "lovak a%dience is aBare o1, i.e. d%&&ing,
s%&titling, s%&titling 1or the dea1 and hard2o12hearing a%dience and voice2over. >s a res%lt, the st%d:
sho%ld reveal the act%al $rocess and $ractices in the 1ield o1 a%diovis%al translation in "lovakia and
$in$oint $ro&le*atic 1ields o1 a%diovis%al translation and *ake $ro$osals and s%ggestions 1or 1%rther
> s$eci1ic $%r$ose o1 the st%d: is to $resent, anal:se and disc%ss legal $rovisions Bhich are dedicated
to reg%late a%diovis%al environ*ent and the a$$lication o1 a%diovis%al translation in "lovak *edia.
9nderstanding o1 s%ch legal &ackgro%nd in relation to the 1ield o1 a%diovis%al translation is cr%cial 1or
1%rther %nderstanding and $resentation o1 the $ro$osed 1ields o1 the st%d:.
Et needs to &e e*$hasised that the $ro$osed st%d: does not ai* to &e a translation anal:sis o1 a
$artic%lar target a%diovis%al teDt ;or teDts<, &%t rather concentrates on socio2c%lt%ral setting o1
a%diovis%al translation Bithin "lovak a%diovis%al *arket.
O#$ecti!es and su%%ested fields of the study
?he st%d: ai*s to 1oc%s on the 1olloBing $oints and ansBer the 1olloBing earl: S%estions@
a short introduction to Slo"a3 audio"isual en"ironment and translation needs and practices +ithin
such en"ironment
Qhat is the &ackgro%nd o1 "lovak a%diovis%al translationT Qhat 1or*s o1 a%diovis%al translation
are %sed in "lovak *edia and Bhat are the reasons 1or their a$$licationT
%rief historical %ac3ground of Slo"a3 audio"isual translation
HoB does translation 1or "lovak a%diovis%al *edia develo$ and Bhat $rogress ;i1 an:< has it
*ade Bhen co*$aring the earl: stage o1 a%diovis%al translation in "lovakiaT
professional preparation and re4uirements 5a profile of a professional +ho ta3es part in the process
of audio"isual translation6
Qhat are the reS%ire*ents $ro1essionals Bho are active in the 1ield o1 a%diovis%al translation in
"lovakia ;translators, d%&&ing actors, directors, technical Borkers, $roo1readers etc.< *%st 1%l1ilT
>re there an: ed%cation and training $ossi&ilities 1or s%ch $ro1essionals and 1%t%re candidatesT
preparation of du%%ing for the Slo"a3 pu%lic tele"ision 5ST76 and for commercial tele"isions 5T7
0ar389a, T7 $$6
HoB does the $rocess o1 d%&&ing Bork in "lovak $%&lic television and in co**ercial
televisionsT HoB do these tBo kinds o1 ?V &roadcasters di11er in the Ba: d%&&ing is $re$aredT
legal pro"isions that regulate audio"isual translation in Slo"a3ia and related pro"isions 5the use of
:9ech du%%ing in Slo"a3 media, preparation of su%titles for specific purposes etc/6
>re there in "lovakia an: legal reg%lations as regards a%diovis%al translation and a%diovis%al
environ*entT E1 so, hoB are the needs and $ractices o1 a%diovis%al translation governed Bithin
the 1ra*eBork o1 "lovak legal $rovisionsT
1< Study of theoretical resources and literature
2 in this stage it is highl: needed to start Bith a theoretical $re$aration in order to a$$l: relevant
2 $ro$er theoretical 1o%ndations o1 an: research are inevita&le 1or 1%rther develo$*ent o1 the
2 the attached list o1 reso%rces sho%ld &e seen tentative, since it is eD$ected 1or other so%rces o1
in1or*ation to occ%r d%ring the research
2< Esta%lishment of communication +ith professional en"ironment 5translators, du%%ing companies,
representati"es of T7 %roadcasters, organisers of film festi"als etc/6
2 co**%nication a co2o$eration Bith relevant $ro1essional environ*ent in the 1ield o1
a%diovis%al translation needs to &e esta&lished at the ver: &eginning o1 the research as a
*eans o1 1eed&ack and 1or the $%r$ose o1 1%rther cons%ltations
2 the list o1 cons%ltants cannot &e li*ited to one gro%$ o1 $ro1essionalsH the ai* is to address a
&road s$ectr%* o1 $eo$le Bho Bo%ld $rovide relevant in1or*ation and cons%ltations
;acade*ics, researchers, %niversit: teachers, translators, directors, d%&&ing actors, d%&&ing
st%dios, s%&titling co*$anies etc.<
3< :ollecting information and data on the fields stated a%o"e
?he collection o1 in1or*ation and relevant data on the to$ic o1 the research is s%ggested to &e
carried o%t as 1olloBs@
2 assess*ent and a$$lication o1 theoretical 1o%ndations &ased on the st%dies o1 literat%re and
other reso%rces
2 assess*ent and $rocessing o1 cons%ltations and intervieBs Bith s%$ervisors and cons%ltants
2 a$$lication o1 oBn research into relevant iss%es s%ch as eDa*ination o1 ann%al re$orts o1 ?V
&roadcasters, legal $rovisions, other re$orts concerning "lovak a%diovis%al *arket
2 $ractical research into ?V $rogra**es and *ethods o1 a%diovis%al translation a$$lied ;4o
the: *eet the reS%ire*ents o1 legal $rovisionsT 4oes $ractice *atch theor:T HoB o1ten does
8(ech d%&&ing occ%r in "lovak *ediaT<
4< Assessment of gained data and information
En this stage, it is cr%cial to 1ind o%t to Bhat eDtend does theor: a$$l: 1or $ractical $er1or*ance
o1 a%diovis%al translation in "lovakia ;e.g. 4o translators 1or a%diovis%al *edia $ossess reS%ired
knoBledge and skillsT 4oes 8(ech d%&&ing take $redo*inance in "lovak a%diovis%al *ediaT Es
s%&titling 1or the dea1 and the hard2o12hearing 1alling &ehindT 4oes the $rocess o1 d%&&ing in the
$%&lic television di11er 1ro* that in co**ercial televisionsT etc.<
5< ;ormulation of results and proposals
2 this ste$ incl%des not onl: 1or*%lation o1 the research o%tco*e in the 1or* o1 a st%d:, &%t also
its $resentation at con1erences and as $artial st%dies $%&lished in vario%s $rinted or online
'o%rnals and con1erence $roceedings
6< ;inal study in +ritten form
"ince the st%d: shall co**%nicate $ro1essional environ*ent and $rocesses in it, $ersonal
cons%ltations and disc%ssions Bith $ro1essionals and acade*ics are the ke:stone o1 the st%d:.
=%rther*ore, 1or the $%r$oses o1 1eed&ack, $artic%lar $arts o1 the research shall &e disc%ssed and
$resented Bithin con1erences and acade*ic disc%ssions.
Possi#le partnerships
8%rrentl:, $artnershi$s Bith the 1olloBing instit%tions and organisations are &eing esta&lished as
regards 1%t%re co2o$eration Bithin the research o1 a%diovis%al translation in "lovakia@
4e$art*ent o1 ?ranslation "t%dies, =ac%lt: o1 >rts o1 the 8onstantine the 3hiloso$her 9niversit: in
7itra ;htt$@00BBB.ktr.11.%k1.sk0<
=ac%lt: o1 H%*anities, Mate' Gel 9niversit: in Gansk G:strica
4%&&ing =or%* ;htt$@00BBB.da&ing1or%*.61.sk0<
?itel&ild 6*&H %nder the leadershi$ o1 Mar: 8arroll ;htt$@00titel&ild.de0<
'entati!e time schedule
?he 1olloBing ta&le re$resents a dra1t o1 ti*e sched%le 1or the %$co*ing :ears as regards $re$aration
o1 doctoral thesis and ti*e *anage*ent. En addition, there is a doc%*ent Bhich incl%des $lanned
research activities 1or the :ear 2012. ?he $lan is co*$ati&le Bith this ti*e sched%le and is a $art o1
this $ro$osal.
Septem%er -ecem%er
Slo!a" audio!isual en!ironment
1< st%d: o1 relevant literat%re + $rocessing o1 so%rces and in1or*ation
relevant to the to$ic
2< co**%nication and cons%ltations Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors ;$ro1.
3h4r. 5dita 6ro*ov, 8"c., the Head o1 the 4e$art*ent o1 ?ranslation
"t%dies in 7itra<
3< co**%nication Bith relevant cons%ltants, instit%tions and co*$anies
Bith the atte*$t to 1a*iliarise the cons%ltants Bith the $%r$ose, ai*s and
o&'ectives o1 the st%d:
4< collection o1 relevant data, assess*ent o1 data relevance, $reli*inar:
1or*%lation o1 $artial res%lts
$anuary 0arch
istorical #ac"%round of Slo!a" audio!isual translation
1< >s a *atter o1 1act, there are no $%&licl: availa&le data and so%rces on
historical &ackgro%nd and develo$*ent o1 "lovak >V translation / one
reasona&le Ba: to collect in1or*ation is to esta&lish a disc%ssion Bith
$ro1essionals Bho Bere active in the 1ield &e1ore 1,,0 too.
2< 8ollection o1 in1or*ation 1ro* vario%s ;$ersonal< so%rces
3< E*$le*entation o1 $artial res%lts into a general overvieB o1 "lovak >V
4< 8ons%ltations Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors
April August
Professional preparation( requirements and education
1< 8ollection o1 in1or*ation &ased on co2o$eration and co**%nication
Bith "lovak ed%cational instit%tions ;%niversities Bhich $re$are 1%t%re
translators and inter$reters<, artistic instit%tions and co**%nities,
d%&&ing st%dios, s%&titling co*$anies, ?V &roadcasters, organisers o1
1estivals etc.
2< 8ollection o1 in1or*ation &ased on co2o$eration and co**%nication
Bith "lovak translators and inter$reters 1or >V *edia, d%&&ing actors,
directors, translators o1 s%&titles etc.
3< >ssess*ent o1 gained data, 1or*%lation o1 $reli*inar: res%lts
4< 8ons%ltations Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors
Septem%er -ecem%er
Le%al pro!isions rele!ant for A) translation and policy in Slo!a"ia
1< Edenti1ication o1 the *ain and s%&ordinate acts and other $rovisions
;also at 5%ro$ean level<
2< 3ersonal st%d: o1 collected *aterial ;acts, reg%lations etc.<
3< 3ersonal eDa*ination o1 the a$$lication and i*$le*entation o1
relevant $rovisions in >V environ*ent
4< 8ons%ltations Bith eD$erts 1or *edia $olic: + co**%nication Bith
instit%tions, co*$anies and individ%als Bho Bork in the 1ield o1 >V
translation and *edia
5< >ssess*ent o1 gained data, 1or*%lation o1 $reli*inar: res%lts
6< 8ons%ltations Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors
$anuary April
Du##in% in Slo!a" tele!isions
1< 5sta&lish*ent o1 co**%nication Bith 3 *ain "lovak televisions ;"?V,
MarkR(a, ?V J.J<
2< #esearch on the $rocess o1 d%&&ing $re$aration and its %se in "lovak
$%&lic television ;"?V<
3< #esearch on the $rocess o1 d%&&ing $re$aration and its %se in ?V
MarkR(a and ?V J.J
4< >ssess*ent o1 gained in1or*ation
5< 8o*$arison o1 the $rocess o1 d%&&ing in the "lovak $%&lic television
and co**ercial televisions
6< 8ons%ltations Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors
K< =or*%lation o1 $reli*inar: res%lts
0ay < August *eeds and practices of su#titlin% in Slo!a" A) en!ironment
1< Edenti1ication o1 sit%ations, o$$ort%nities, $%r$oses and *edia Bhere
s%&titling is a$$lied
2< 8ollection o1 in1or*ation, statistical data and other so%rces relevant 1or
the to$ic
3< 4isc%ssions and cons%ltations Bith instit%tions and individ%als Bho
Bork in the 1ield o1 s%&titling
4< V%alit: o1 s%&titles / are there g%idelines 1or $ro1essional translators,
s%&titling st%dios or >V *ediaT
5< 8ons%ltations Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors
Septem%er -ecem%er
Su#titlin% for the deaf and hard-of-hearin% audience
1< 3ersonal identi1ication o1 sit%ations and *edia ;?V stations< Bhich
o11er "4H
2< =or*al and ling%istic 1eat%res o1 "4H co*$ared Bith traditional
3< !egal reg%lation ;also at 5%ro$ean level< + eDa*ination o1 1%l1il*ent
4< 8o**%nication Bith individ%als or instit%tions Bhich are in charge o1
"4H in "lovak >V *edia
5< >ssess*ent o1 gained data, earl: 1or*%lation o1 res%lts + cons%ltations
Bith a s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors and other cons%ltants
$anuary April
)oice-o!er in Slo!a" tele!isions
1< Edenti1ication o1 sit%ations, o$$ort%nities, $%r$oses and *edia Bhere
voice2over is a$$lied
2< 8o*$arison o1 $rod%ction $roced%res in d%&&ing and voice2over
3< "ocio2c%lt%ral reasons 1or a$$l:ing voice2over ;Es it c%lt%rall: &o%ndT
Es it 1or 1inancial reasonsT Qh: doc%*entariesT<
4< 8o**%nication Bith relevant individ%als, televisions and instit%tions
5< =or*%lation o1 earl: res%lts + cons%ltations ;s%$ervisor0s%$ervisors<
0ay Septem%er
5possi%ly anytime
throughout the research
Presentation of partial results of the study
1< Enternational 8on1erence o1 3h42st%dents, 8onstantine the
3hiloso$her 9niversit: in 7itra
2< other con1erences
3< con1erence $a$ers
4< articles, $%&lications and other 1or*s o1 $resentation
Septem%er 201= <201>
1< >dditional research on the to$ic
2< =inal corrections + cons%ltations
3< =inal 1or*%lation o1 research res%lts
4< =inishing o1 doctoral thesis, 1or*al arrange*ents + $roo1reading
5< +inal thesis in ,ritin%
Proposed tentati!e ta#le of contents
- Slo!a" audio!isual mar"et and practices of audio!isual translation
1.1 4%&&ing in "lovak a%diovis%al *edia
1.2 "%&titling in "lovak a%diovis%al *edia
1.3 Voice2over in "lovak a%diovis%al *edia
1.4 "%&titling 1or the dea1 and the hard2o12hearing in "lovak a%diovis%al *edia
. Early periods( historical de!elopment and current state of Slo!a" audio!isual translation
/ 'he process of translation in Slo!a" audio!isual en!ironment
3.1 4%&&ing
3.2 "%&titling and s%&titling 1or the dea1 and hard2o12hearing vieBers
3.3 Voice2over
0 'ranslators and interpreters for audio!isual media
4.1 #eS%ire*ents 1or translators and inter$reters 1or a%diovis%al *edia
4.2 Enstit%tional $re$aration o1 translators, inter$reters and other $ro1essionals in a%diovis%al
4.3 ?he role o1 translators and inter$reters in the $rocess o1 a%diovis%al translation
4.4 Qorking conditions o1 translators and inter$reters 1or a%diovis%al *edia
4.5 "%**ar: and $ro$osals
1 'ranslatin% for Slo!a" tele!isions 5can possi%ly %e implemented in chapter ? or "ice "ersa6
5.1 ?ranslation $rocess in "lovak $%&lic television "?V
5.2 ?ranslation $rocess in ?V MarkR(a and ?V J.J
5.3 "%**ar: and $ro$osals
2 Le%al re%ulations and e!eryday practice
6.W "%**ar: and $ro$osals
3 Summary of study results
4 Conclusion
Literature and other resources
Selected pu#lications on audio!isual translation5
G.98H5H#E, #egina ;200-<@ ;ilmtitel im inter3ulturellen Transfer/ Gerlin@ =rank X ?i**e.
8545Y. #.J>", Mari&el ;200K<@ Ar%eitsmittel und Ar%eitsa%l@ufe %eim A%erset9en audio"isueller
0edien/ Synchronisation und !ntertitelung in 7ene9uela und in -eutschland/ ?rier@ Qissenscha1tlicher
Verlag ?rier.
8H>9M5, =rederik ;2004<@ Synchronisation in du%%ing A translational approach/ En@ .#5#., 3ilar
;2004<@ Topics in Audio"isual Translation/ >*sterda*03hiladel$hia@ John Gen'a*ins 3%&lishing, $ 35 /
4Z>[28E7?>", Jorge ;200,<@ Ne+ Trends in Audio"isual Translation/ Gristol0G%11alo0?oronto@
M%ltiling%al Matters.
4Z>[28E7?>", Jorge0>745#M>7, 6%nilla ;200,<@ Audio"isual TranslationB Canguage Transfer on
Screen/ Gasinstoke@ 3algrave Mac*illan.
4Z>[28E7?>", Jorge0.#5#., 3ilar0#5M>5!, >line ;200K<@ 0edia for All/ Su%titling for the -eaf,
Audio -escription, and Sign Canguage/ >*sterda*07eB \ork@ #odo$i.
4Z>[28E7?>", Jorge0#5M>5!, >line ;200K<@ Audio"isual TranslationB Su%titling/ Manchester@ "t.
Jero*e 3%&lishing.
4Z>[28E7?>", Jorge ;200-<@ The -idactics of Audio"isual Translation/ >*sterda*03hiladel$hia@ John
Gen'a*ins 3%&lishing.
JA76"? 5., Heike ;2012<@ Audio"isuelles A%erset9enB Ein Cehr< und Ar%eits%uch/ ?]&ingen@ 7arr
!.MH5EM, ":l1est ;1,,,<@ The +riting on the Screen/ Su%titlingB A :ase Study from Nor+egian
Droadcasting 5NRE6, slo/ En@ >745#M>7, 6.0#.65#", M. ;1,,,<@ 'ord, Te*t, Translation/
8levedon@ M%ltiling%al Matters, $. 1,2 / 20K.
M>E5#, Qol1gang ;1,,K<@ Spielfilmsynchronisation/ =rank1%rt a* Main@ 3eter !ang Verlag.
M8!.96H!E7, E. !a%ra ;2011<@ Audio"isual TranslationB Su%titles and Su%titling Theory and Practice
5Ne+ Trends in Translation Studies6/ .D1ord etc.@ 3eter !ang.
M54E> 8.7"9!?E76 6#.93 ;200K<@ Study on -u%%ing and Su%titling Needs and Practices in the
European Audio"isual Fndustry/ 3aris@ Media 8ons%lting 6ro%$.
7>65!, "ilke et. al. ;200,<@ Audio"isuelle A%erset9ungB ;ilmuntertitelung in -eutschland, Portugal
und Tschechien/ =rank1%rt a* Main@ 3eter !ang Verlag.
3>H!I5, "a&ine ;200,<@ Gand%uch Synchronisation/ !ei$(ig@ Henschel Verlag.
"8H#5EG5#, Michael ;1,,3<@ A%erset9ung und Dear%eitung/ Hur -ifferen9ierung und A%gren9ung
des A%erset9ungs%egriffs/ ?]&ingen@ 6%nter 7arr Verlag.
"5#G>7, >driana0!>\>9#, Jean2Marc0M>?>M>!>, >nna ;2011<@ Audio"isual Translation in :lose<
up/ .D1ord etc.@ 3eter !ang.
Selected internet resources5
>%diovi(%lne in1or*aLnN centr%* ;<
5%ro$ean >%diovis%al .&servator: ;BBB.o&<
5%ro$ean >ssociation 1or "t%dies in "creen ?ranslation ;<
5%ro$ean 8o**ission, >%diovis%al and Media 3olices
Meta@ ?ranslator_s Jo%rnal
Ministr: o1 8%lt%re o1 the "lovak #e$%&lic ;<
M%?ra / M%ltidi*ensional ?ranslation 8on1erence 3roceedings
"lovenskC 1il*ovC Mstav ;<
?he Jo%rnal o1 "$ecialised ?ranslation ;BBB.'<
[eitschri1t 1]r ?ranslationsBissenscha1t %nd =achko**%nikation ;BBB.trans2ko*.e%<

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