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Where: 8aku, Azerba|[an
When: 28th to 30th Cctober, 2014
now to app|y: www.youthpo||]app|y
Costs: Covered by the M|n|stry of outh and Sports of Azerba|[an
Contact: app||cat|onsQyouthpo||

We have Lhe pleasure Lo announce LhaL Lhe I|rst G|oba| Iorum on outh o||c|es, co-convened by Lhe
Cfflce of Lhe unlLed naLlons SecreLary Ceneral's Lnvoy on ?ouLh, unu, unLSCC and Lhe Councll of
Lurope wlll Lake place ln 8aku, Azerbal[an from 28-30 CcLober 2014, wlLh Lhanks Lo Lhe generoslLy of
our hosL, Lhe MlnlsLry of ?ouLh and SporL of Lhe CovernmenL of Lhe 8epubllc of Azerbal[an, ln Lhe
framework of Azerbal[an's Chalrmanshlp of Lhe Councll of Lurope's CommlLLee of MlnlsLers.
1he lorum wlll be supporLed by, an organlsaLlon LhaL generaLes and consolldaLes
knowledge and lnformaLlon on youLh pollcles across Lhe pollcy cycle, ranglng from analysls and pollcy
formulaLlon Lo lmplemenLaLlon and evaluaLlon.

1he 2014 Clobal lorum on ?ouLh ollcles ls Lhe flrsL of lLs klnd and wlll brlng LogeLher pollcymakers, clvll
socleLy organlsaLlons, experLs, academla, youLh advocaLes, parllamenLarlans and un agencles. lL wlll
provlde Lhose presenL wlLh a mulLl-sLakeholder opporLunlLy Lo assess Lhe sLaLe of youLh pollcy, ln
parLlcular 20 years afLer Lhe adopLlon of Lhe World rogramme of AcLlon for ?ouLh (1993).
WlLh 130 counLrles currenLly lmplemenLlng naLlonal youLh pollcles, Lhe co-organlsers of Lhe lorum alm
Lo provlde a plaLform for ldenLlfylng and produclng a seL of guldlng prlnclples and a renewed
commlLmenL Lo effecLlve youLh pollcles aL naLlonal, reglonal and global levels. 1he lorum wlll provlde an
opporLunlLy Lo all sLakeholders lnvolved ln youLh pollcy developmenL, lmplemenLaLlon, monlLorlng and
evaluaLlon Lo develop a global overvlew of Lhe sLaLus of youLh pollcles and Lo bulld an lnLernaLlonal
communlLy of experLs who can supporL youLh pollcy developmenL. lL wlll also offer a unlque plaLform for
counLrles Lo showcase good pracLlces and lessons learned, as well as Lo share challenges and gaps.
1hrough Lhe forum Lhe co-conveners alm Lo lnsplre a broad-based, yeL ln-depLh dlalogue LhaL wlll help
bulld parLnershlps and synergles for acLlon across dlfferenL dlsclpllnes.
1hls llrsL Clobal lorum on ?ouLh ollcles wlll be Lhe basls for provldlng unlLed naLlons member sLaLes
and oLher sLakeholders wlLh a unlque opporLunlLy Lo engage ln a meanlngful dlalogue whlch wlll yleld
concreLe suggesLlons for speclflc follow-up acLlon and Lhe way forward for effecLlve youLh pollcles.

It |s expected that the Iorum w||| br|ng together an est|mated 700 part|c|pants |nc|ud|ng
representat|ves of governments, the youth commun|ty, c|v|| soc|ety, |nternat|ona| deve|opment
partners, academ|a and research |nst|tut|ons, donors, the pr|vate sector, and more. W|th|n th|s overa||
context, and comp|ementary to youth po||cy pract|t|oners nom|nated by the Iorum co-convenors and
part|c|pat|ng governments, 200 youth po||cy pract|t|oners w||| be se|ected based on th|s open ca||.

What are the e||g|b|||ty cr|ter|a?
Lllglble candldaLes for Lhese 200 'open spoLs' lnclude:
?ouLh pollcy pracLlLloners,
?ouLh acLlvlsLs and members of youLh movemenLs worklng on youLh pollcy,
8epresenLaLlves/experLs of youLh-led organlzaLlons, clvll socleLy organlzaLlons, and neLworks
worklng on youLh pollcy,
8esearch experLs from lnsLlLuLes, unlverslLles and Lhlnk Lanks wlLh a focus on youLh pollcy,
uevelopmenL experLs from organlzaLlons, agencles and lnsLlLuLlons ln Lhe youLh secLor,
rogrammlng experLs from donors acLlve ln supporLlng pollcy change ln Lhe youLh fleld.
AppllcanLs should:
referably be aged 18-33,
8e able Lo communlcaLe professlonally ln Lngllsh,
8e experlenced ln formulaLlon, lmplemenLaLlon and/or monlLorlng of youLh pollcy aL Lhe
naLlonal, reglonal or global level.

AppllcaLlons from Azerbal[an wlll be consldered ln Lhe same manner as appllcaLlons from oLher

AppllcanLs should compleLe Lhe AppllcaLlon lorm ln lLs enLlreLy.

DLADLINL ICk ALICA1ICNS: 27th August 2014 (app||cat|on w||| c|ose at 23.S9 CL1). Any appllcaLlon
recelved afLer Lhls Llme wlll noL be consldered.
1he selecLlon of parLlclpanLs wlll Lake lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe followlng crlLerla:
Interest: 1he appllcanL ls hlghly moLlvaLed Lo aLLend and wlll subsLanLlvely conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe
Lxposure: 1he appllcanL has shown pasL experlence of mlnlmum 2 years relaLed Lo youLh pollcy
formulaLlon, lmplemenLaLlon and/or research,
Impact: 1he appllcanL and hls/her organlzaLlon have Lhe capaclLy Lo dlssemlnaLe Lhe resulLs of
Lhe lorum back Lo Lhe youLh communlLy,
Gender and geograph|ca| balance,
?oung people from underrepresented and marg|na||sed groups and youLh pollcy pracLlLloners worklng
wlLh underrepresenLed and marglnallsed groups (such as young people wlLh dlsablllLles, lndlgenous
youLh, youLh from rural communlLles/young farmers, young people from confllcL affecLed areas,
marglnallzed eLhnlc and culLural groups, young people from low soclal and economlc backgrounds,
mlgranLs and refugees, young people noL ln educaLlon, employmenL and Lralnlng) are encouraged to
A|| app||cants w||| be not|f|ed by September 1S, 2014. Successfu| app||cants w||| be asked to conf|rm
the|r part|c|pat|on by September 20.
SelecLed parLlclpanLs wlll be provlded wlLh roundLrlp alr or ground LransporL LlckeL: clLy of deparLure -
8aku - clLy of reLurn. AccomodaLlon and meals durlng Lhe days of Lhe lorum wlll also be provlded.
arLlclpanLs wlll be requesLed noL Lo book lndlvldually wlLh hoLels ln 8aku. All expenses are covered by
Lhe MlnlsLry of ?ouLh and SporLs of Azerbal[an and unu Azerbal[an. AccomodaLlon and meals before or
afLer Lhe lorum are Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe parLlclpanL. Lach parLlclpanL wlll recelve a free vlsa upon
arrlval ln 8aku alrporL.
All lnformaLlon abouL Lhe lorum ls avallable on Lhe webslLe:
lf you experlence any Lechnlcal dlfflculLles wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon or have quesLlons abouL Lhe appllcaLlon
process, please conLacL us aL appllcaLlons[

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