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Over 15 Years in the IT fled
Was a Project Manager for many fortune 500 comanies
Was a !enior "usiness #nalyst $ith "I% 5 &irms
'ororate "usiness #nalyst Trainer for many reuted organi(ations)
How the Entie Co!se "o#
The most comrehensive training on "# availa*le in +!) We teach you all the
modeling tools ,-nterrise #rchitect. /isio. 0ational 0ose. and 0ational 0e1uisite
Pro2 and rovide you lot of grou e3ercise and ractical la*s) On the frst day of
the course itself you $ill *e given a roject to $or4 indeendently) #fter each
session you $ill *e given tas4s to fnish related to the roject *ased on the
4no$ledge you ac1uired during the session) -very student must su*mit the
comleted tas4 *efore the *eginning of the ne3t session) Instructor $ill *e there
to hel. 5ust in case you have still 1uestions)
"y the time the course is fnished. every student $ill *e fnished u one roject)
This gives you the confdence to go and $or4 as "usiness #nalyst. right after
comletion of the course)
We e3ect you to $or4 6#07 during the duration of the course then $or4 !M#0T
after the course8
Into$!ction to '!siness An(%)sis
!tructure of "usiness +nits ,"+s2. 7eveloment teams. 9uality #ssurance ,9#2.
Project Management ,PMO2)
0ole of a "usiness #nalyst
Ingredients of a "usiness #nalyst
Why a "usiness #nalyst :
!tructure of 7eveloment Team
Position of a "usiness #nalyst in the 7eveloment Team
S)ste* +e,e%op*ent -i.e C)c%e (S+-C)
+nderstating concet of "usiness Modeling
0e1uirement %athering
Mo$!%e / (+E0INE1RE2UIREMENT PHASE) En3ineein3 Metho$s
Waterfall Method
0ational +nifed Process ,0+P2
0#7 methodologies
#%I;- Methodology
!ynchroni(e < !ta*ili(e Methodology
Prototye Model
'omarison *et$een Waterfall < 0+P
#rtifacts 7elivered at -ach hase of 0+P
Re4!ie*ent 5(thein3 St(te3)
Imortance of 0e1uirement %athering
0e1uirement %athering Techni1ues
7i=erent Tye of re1uirement
5#7 !ession
0ole of a "# in 5#7 !ession
Prearing 5#7 !ession #genda
6o$ to conduct 5#7 !ession :
'reating &unctional 0e1uirement 7ocuments
'reating !oft$are 0e1uirement !ecifcations
Mo$!%e 6 (+ESI5N PHASE)
Use C(se
+nderstanding +se 'ases
+se 'ase 0elationshis
+se 'ase "rainstorming
'reating +se 'ases from 0e1uirements
'reating +se 'ase >arratives
'hange Management < /ersion 'ontrol 'oncet
Use C(se
+se 'ase 7iagrams
#ctivity 7iagrams
!e1uence 7iagrams
!tate 'hart 7iagrams
Mo$!%e 7 (TESTIN5 PHASE) Testin3
Introduction to 9# Methodology
0ole of "# in Testing
'reating Test Plans
'reating Test 'ases
7i=erent Testing Methods
&unctional and 0egression testing
White "o3 and "lac4 "o3 Testing
Positive and >egative Testing
%+I and +nit Testing
+ser #ccetance Testing
9uality 'enter ,Test Management Tool2
Introduction to #utomation ,9TP2
UAT Testin3
Re,iew Sessions
0evie$ing the entire "usiness #nalyst course
9uestion and #ns$er !ession
0evie$ing otential intervie$ 1uestion
Mo$!%e 9 S2- Concept .o '!siness An(%)sts
Into$!ction to R'MS, Co**on%) !se$ S2- S)nt(:
0elational 7ata*ase #rchitect. +nderstand 7ata*ase 'onstraints
Introduction to !9; and !9; 9ueries
A$$ition(% M(tei(% Th(t wi%% ;e po,i$e$
"# >otes
#round ?0 real Intervie$ 1uestions and #ns$ers
!amle temlates on "07. Project Plan. 'hange 'ontrol 7ocuments. &7!.
'harter 7ocuments
Project #ssignment

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