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TB Activities Database
Number: Level: 1
All levels
Name: Chinese Whispers
Materials needed: Nothing, though can be done ith ord or !lash cards
"ood !or:
%uestions, &entence structures, 'eported speech
( #toninn ) *noal!inn
L,( o ici 111 ) opcaiMiiu
-ut the students in a and hisper something to the !irst student,
ho then hispers it to the ne/t 0 so !orth, The last student reports hat the !irst
student said to the rest o! the class, 1ave the students move one seat to
the le!t)right to change ho the !irst 0 last students are,
Number: Level: 2
All levels
Name: Materials needed: Chinese Whisper.race Mar#ers, 3lash cards or ords cards
"ood !or: &#ills: 4ocabular5, &entence structures, %uestions, etc Listening ) &pea#ing ) riting
Divide the class into to teams 0 put them in ros, -ut a stac# o! !lash cards or
ord cards on the !loor, Whisper a ord to the !irst students in either ro6 have
them hisper it to the ne/t student, ho hispers it to the ne/t and so !orth,
The person at the end o! the ro gets up and pic#s up the right !lash or ord
card)rites the ord on the board, (ncrease the di!!icult5.level b5 using 7uestions
0 ansers 8hisper the 7uestion, pic# up)anser the anser9 or
as#ing the students to put the ords in a sentence,
Number: :
Level: All levels
Name: 'unning dictation
Materials needed: Cut.up sentences put up in the corridor, 7uestion sheet
"ood !or: 4ocabular5, &entence structures, %uestions, etc
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) riting
Divide the class into pairs, Assign a runner and a riter !or each pair 8later 5ou
can sitch hal!a5 through so that the runner becomes the riter, and vise
versa9, "ive the riters the 7uestion sheet 0 have them read the !irst 7uestion to
the runners, Ta#e the runners into the corridor 8ma#e sure the5 come empt5.
handed, no pencils or paper9, !ind the right anser and as# the students to repeat
it to themselves once or tice, Then bring the runners bac# into the room and
have them recite the anser to their respective riters, Ma#e sure
the riters rite it don, 1ave the riters as# the ne/t 7uestion, let the
runners bac# into the hall.a5,, 'epeat until all the 7uestions has been ansered,
Number: ;
Level: All levels
Name: All change
Materials needed: Chairs in a
"ood !or: &entence structures, (mperatives, As#ing 0 ansering <es)No.7uestions
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
Model the 7uestion)sentence 5ou ant used on the board and ma#e sure there are
no spare seats in the classroom, As# a !e e/ample 7uestions and tell the
students ho anser =5es= to stand up and change seats, +nce 5ou$ve done
enough e/amples !or the students to understand the activit5, grab one o! the
students$ chairs 5oursel! hile the5$re changing seats 8)remove a chair !rom the
game9, 3rom here on, it$s up to the student ithout a seat at the end o! a round to
as# the ne/t 7uestion,
Number: >
Level: All levels
Name: Dice drilling
Materials needed: A su!!icient number o! dice, desired 7uestions ) &entence structures on the
"ood !or: %uestions ) &entence structures
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
Model a 7uestion ) 7uestion !orm 5ou ant used on the board and e/plain the
rules to the students, A higher number means as# the 7uestion, a loer number
means listen 0 anser the 7uestion and a dra means as# the Teacher a 7uestion,
-la5 ith a student to begin ith, and then have students pla5 in pairs or bigger
Alternativel5 use one dice and assign a sentence or 7uestion !orm !or each side o!
it, +ne student rolls the dice and as#s a 7uestion)sa5s a sentence to the others in
his group,
Another version is to use one dice, ma#e the students identi!5 the number the5
rolled and count cloc#)anti.cloc#ise in their groups, The person ho gets the
number the5 rolled has to anser the 7uestion and is the ne/t person to roll the
Number: ?
Level: All levels
Name: %uestion pic#.up
Materials needed: 3lashcards ) Word cards ) %uestion cards ) &entence cards
"ood !or: %uestions
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) 'eading
Divide 5our class into pairs, -ut cards ith 7uestions ) !lash cards ) ord cards )
un!inished sentences on the !loor in the middle o! the classroom, Ma#e one out o!
each pair pic# up a card, read it and as# it to their partner, ho ansers)!inishes or
ma#es a sentence, Ne/t the5 put don the card and pic# up a ne one,
Alternativel5 do it ith smaller prompt cards in groups,
With higher level classes a stage o! the activit5 can be the students riting their
on 7uestions to use,
Number: @
Level: All levels
Name: Conversation cards
Materials needed: 3lashcards ) Word cards ) %uestion cards ) Conversation cards ) An!inished
"ood !or: %uestions ) &entence structures ) 4ocabular5 ) etc
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) reading
This is a version o! the above that doesn$t involve students moving around, Divide
students into pairs or larger groups and put a stac# o! cards upside don on their
des#s, +ne student ta#es a card and as#s the 7uestion ) sa5s the ord, The other
student8s9 ansers ) ma#es a sentence, With high level classes, alternativel5 have
the student ho pic#s the card describe the ord and the other student8s9 guess
hat it is,
Number: B
Level: All levels
Name: Don$t laugh
Materials needed: Nothing
"ood !or: %uestion !orms
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
There are a !e versions o! this game but all rel5 on the same set.up, -ut a !e
students at the !ront o! the classroom, !acing the rest o! the class, Tell these
people that no matter hat 7uestions the5 are as#ed the5 have to anser them,
that the5 are not alloed to laugh no matter hat and that i! the5 do, the5 have to
return to their seats, No, have other students in class as# 7uestions using either
hat 5ou have previousl5 modeled or !rom the top o! their heads,
1ere are a !e versions o! the game:
<es or No 7s C Assign the students at the !ront an anser 85es or no9, No matter
the 7uestion the students have to use that anser,
Wh.7uestions, Tomato C Assign the students at the !ront a ord ith hich the5
have to anser an5 7uestion the5 get,
Wh.7uestions, truth onl5 C &uitable !or higher levels, The students has to anser
an5 7uestions the5$re as#ed truth!ull5,

Number: D
Level: All levels
Name: Truth or dare
Materials needed: Nothing
"ood !or: %uestions 0 (mperatives
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
As the title sa5s, Tell the class that truth means 5ou have to anser an5 7uestion
and that dare means being told to do something, "ive the students a short hile to
rite don 7uestions as ell as imperatives, The activit5 itsel! can be conducted
ith the entire class or in groups, as a mill drill or even as part o! the attendance,
Number: 1E
Level: All levels
Name: &tand up on 5es
Materials needed: Nothing
"ood !or: <es or no 7uestions, (mperatives
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
This is a simple activit5 !or drilling 5es or no 7uestions, Tell the students that
ansering 5es means the5 have to stand up hereas ansering no means the5
have to sit don, (! needed, model it a !e times, To begin ith, as# a !e
7uestions 5oursel! and chec# that the students understand the activit5, Later on,
rel5 on stronger students in class to as# the 7uestions,
Number: 11
Level: TB1B F
Name: &pot the di!!erence
Materials needed: Nothing ) realia
"ood !or: -repositions o! place, -ast 0 present o! =to be=
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
3irst, chec# that the students #no basic prepositions o! place and the past 0
present !orms or =to be=, Ase it to describe di!!erent students$ position in the
classroom 81e or she is ne/t to ) beteen ) opposite him or her9, Ne/t, send one or
to students out o! the room, While the5 are aiting outside, sitch a !e o! the
students around in the classroom, +nce 5ou$ve brought the aiting students bac#
inside, tell them to tr5 and spot hat$s di!!erent !rom hen the5 le!t the room,
Alternativel5 use realia on an GL table or on the !loor 8!or instance, the pen is ne/t
to ) on ) under the eraser, etc9,
A di!!erent version is to present something to the class 8sa5, a student or a thing9
and then send it out o! the room, Ne/t have the class describe hat 5ou Hust
shoed them,
Number: 12
Level: All levels
Name: "uess ho ) hat
Materials needed: 3lash cards or ord cards
"ood !or: AdHectives ) comparatives ) superlatives and other a5s !or describing people,
animals, places or things
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) Writing ) 'eading
This can be done in di!!erent a5s and on several topics, 3or people, have the
students describe a person in class ithout sa5ing his or her name, The other
students listen and guess ho it is, To e/pand on the activit5, have the students
rite it don !irst, Later the results can be sitched around beteen groups or
read to the class b5 one o! the students,
(! 5ou ant the students to describe a place, an animal or a thing 8or even people
not in class9 5ou can put ords or !lash cards on the board !or it,
Number: 1:
Level: All levels
Name: "iving instructions
Materials needed: Desired realia, instruction cards
"ood !or: (mperatives, -repositions o! place
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) 'eading
-ut realia and a stac# o! instruction cards on a table in the middle o! the
classroom, Chec# that the students can sa5 here the items are in relation to
one another 8!or instance the pen is ne/t to ) on ) in the boo#9, Ne/t, pic# up an
instruction card and read it out aloud, -ic# one student to carr5 out that
i IJJJJJJJJJ instruction Kpui ine ne/i 1E ine ) put tne unaer ine laoie, eicH ana have him or her
pic# up another instruction card, 1e or she reads it to the class
ana PICKS anoiner siuaeni io carr5 oui nis insiruciions, eic,
Number: 1;
Level: All levels
Name: +ne.out
Materials needed: 3lash cards or ord cards
"ood !or: &#ills.
4ocabular5, &entence structures
( #tpninn ) &npa#inn
-ut !our !lash ) ord cards on the board, G/plain to the students that one !lash )
ord card doesn$t !it in and that 5ou$re not so sure hich, The students have to
give 5ou suggestions and tell 5ou h5 8!or instance, =The cat, because the cat
doesn$t li#e ater=, etc9, Can be conducted as a hole.class activit5 or as a
team game, and can be e/panded on b5 alloing students to choose the !lash
cards themselves and have the class guess hich one is out,
Number: Level: 1> TB:A F
Name: Materials needed: Liar Liar ) 1ave 5ou ever,,, -en 0 paper, 7uestions 8optional9
"ood !or: -resent per!ect
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
Assuming 5ou have introduced present per!ect !or e/periences, go over =1ave
5ou ever,,= as a 7uestion !orm and either have the students thin# o! their on
7uestions or suppl5 them ith read5.made ones, 1ave them as# 5ou the
7uestions6 give true ansers to all apart !rom one, A!terards, tell the students
5ou lied and as# them hat about, Let them guess and allo them to as# 5ou
additional 7uestions 8=1o as itL ) What did it !eel li#e=, etc, i! an5 comes up, put
them on the board, (! none, this is a good opportunit5 to teach some9 Divide the
class into groups o! !our or !ive and tell the students to rite don their ansers
to the 7uestions6 hoever, !or each group one student has to lie !or ever5 7uestion
8(t shouldn$t be the same person ho lies !or each 7uestion9, Also tell the students
to thin# o! the ansers to an5 potential 7uestions the5 might be as#ed
+nce the students are done, tell the students to as# 7uestions and tr5 to !ind the
liars in the other group,
Number: 1D
Level: TB:A F
Name: &na#e stor5, ritten !orm
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards
"ood !or: Lin#ers, "rammar, 4ocabular5
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing
"ive each student a paper and e/plain to them that 5ou$re going to rite stories,
1ave each student rite a !irst sentence on their respective pieces o! paper, Ne/t,
tell them to pass their papers to the le!t, Tell the students to read the !irst sentence
and rite a second sentence on their ne papers, and then pass them on to the
le!t ) right, Continue until all students have contributed to each stor5, As a !ollo.
up activit5 5ou can put the stories up around the room and have the students vote
!or the best o! the class,
Number: 2E
Level: All levels
Name: Letter Tile &crabble
Matenals needed: Letter tiles
"ood !or: &pelling
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing
Divide the class into teams o! appropriate siMe, "ive each a set o! letter tiles in a
particular color 0 name the teams a!ter their colors 85ello ) green ) red9, Asing
letter tiles, spell a ord on the !loor in the middle o! the classroom and give
5oursel! 8team teacher9 as man5 points as letters 5ou used, &ho the students
ho the5 have to use letters that are alread5 on the !loor to spell ne ords, That
done, allo each team to add ords in turns, (! the5 misspell or can$t thin# o! a
ord in good time, the5 have to s#ip a turn and let another team have a go, The
group ith the highest number o! points toard the end o! class ins,
Number: 21
Level: All levels
Name: "rammar auction
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards
"ood !or: "rammar
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) 'eading ) Writing
Divide the class into an appropriate number o! teams and give them a total o! 1EE
points each, Then rite a sentence ith a simple grammatical mista#e on the
board, As# the students hether it is right or rong and ho sure o! it the5 are in
percentage 8>EN sure ) @> N sure 0 so on9, Tell them to rite it as ell as the
correct !orm 8i! the5 thin# it$s rong9 o! the sentence don on a piece o! paper,
Chec# each teams$ sentence 0 number6 i! the5 are correct, give as man5 points as
the number the5 rote, (! the5$re rong, ta#e the same number aa5 !rom their
points tall5, Tell the students that 5ou are going to rite more sentences on the
board that might be right or rong6 the5 can bet points on either, though i! it$s
rong the5 have to sa5 h5, 3rom no on do not use percentage, Hust numbers,
Asing appropriate grammar !rom the course, this can be a good revision activit5
!or an5 TB level, (t can be e/panded on b5 ma#ing the teams put up their on
sentence 8right or rong9 toard the end o! the game,
Number: 22
Level: All levels
Name: -la5ing cards
Materials needed: A dec# o! cards
"ood !or: %uestions 0 Ansers
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
3irst, introduce the s5mbols and values o! the card, Depending on the siMe o! 5our
class, do not use a !ull dec# 8onl5 to or three s5mbols, onl5 numbers ) !ace
cards9, "ive each student a card, Ne/t, e/plain to them that 5ou$ll call out a
random number, The student ho has it has to stand up and anser a 7uestion,
Ne/t, that person has to call out another number and as# that person a 7uestion,
and so !orth,
Number: 2:
Level: Communicative Crossord
Name: All levels
Materials needed: Crossord sheets
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) 'eading
Ma#e a crossord ord sheet ith onl5 hal! the clues on the !irst sheet and the
other hal! o! the clues on a second sheet6 sa5, clues !or don on sheet A and clues
!or across on sheet B, Glicit 7uestions to use and divide the class into pairs, That
done, let the students tr5 to solve to solve the crossord b5 as#ing each other !or
the clues,
Alternativel5 leave onl5 one clue on each person$s crossord, ith an empt5
crossord and blan#s !or the clues, As# the students to stand up and as# other
people in class !or their clues in order to solve the puMMle,
Number: 2;
Level: Loer levels
Name: &pelling bee
Materials needed: &tudents
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) Writing ) 'eading
-ut a ord on the board, As# a student to come up and rite a ord that starts
ith the !inal letter o! the !irst ord, Ne/t student rites a ord that ends ith the
!inal letter o! the second ord, and so !orth, Alternativel5 do a verbal version
here the students listen and sa5 it instead o! riting it don,
Number: 2>
Level: All levels
Name: 3our corners
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards
"ood !or: &entence structures, Adverbs o! !re7uenc5, G/pressing opinions, etc
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
-ut !our or !ive ord cards on the !loor around the room6 pre!erabl5 not too close
to one another, As# the students a 7uestion and tell them to go to the ord card
that ould be an appropriate anser !or them 83or instance, i! 5ou$re practicing
e/pressing opinions, the 7uestion could be =What do 5ou thin# about simmingL=
and the options might be =1 li#e=, =1 don$t care !or=, =1 hate= and =($m craM5
about=9, Ma#e sure the5 not onl5 go to the ord card but also give 5ou an anser,
To ma#e it slightl5 more di!!icult, have one o! the students as#ing the 7uestions,
To ma#e it even more di!!icult, have the students at each option as# each other a
7uestion about it 8Wh5 don$t 5ou li#e itL ) Wh5 do 5ou do itL ) 1o man5 times a
ee# do 5ou,,, etc9
Number: 2?
Level: All levels
Name: To sides, pre!erences
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards
"ood !or: <es ) No 7uestions, &entence structures, "iving reasons
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
This is slightl5 di!!erent version o! the activit5 above, Tell the students that one
side o! the classroom means 5es and the other one means no, As# them a !e
<es)No . 7uestions and have them choose hich side o! the classroom to go to,
Alternativel5 give the students to options and tell them to go to the one the5
pre!er 8!or instance cit5 vs, countr5.side9,
To up the di!!icult5 level, ma#e some o! the students as# the 7uestions, To ma#e
it even more di!!icult, have the students at each side as# each other h5 the5
chose ) ansered hat the5 did,
Number: 2@
Level: All levels
Name: Categories
Materials needed: Whiteboard, -en 0 paper
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing
Divide the students into teams and put a !e categories the5 should be !amiliar
ith on the board, As# !or a letter !rom the alphabet, Tell the students that 5ou
ant a ord !rom each categor5 starting ith this letter, Conduct a practice round
together !irst, Then e/plain that each ord is orth one point as long as no other
team rote don the same ord, that onl5 one ord is alloed !or each categor5
and that the5 onl5 have to minutes to rite them don, -la5 it !or a !e letters o!
the alphabet, chec#ing up on hat each team has ritten at the end o! each round,
The team ith the most points toard the end o! the game ins,
Number: 2B
Level: All levels
Name: CraM5 &entences
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards, pen 0 paper
"ood !or: 4ocabular5, "rammar
&#ills: 'eading)Writing
Divide the class into groups o! to or more and put a mi/ed stac# o! !lash cards in
the middle o! the room, As# a student !rom each team to pic# up a certain number
o! !lash cards at random, That done, as# the students to rite a
sentence using all the ords the5 got, +nce the5 are done, put bac# the !lash
cards and as# someone to mi/ them up, Do it !or a couple o! rounds,
Alternativel5 this activit5 could be used as a !ollo.up to either categories or
Tutti 3ruti 8i,e, using the ords that the students came up ith in either o! those
Number: 2D
Level: All levels
Name: -ictionar5
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards, Whiteboard
"ood !or: 4ocabular5, &tructures
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
Divide the class into teams and bring to students to the hite.board, Tell them to
be 7uiet, either sho them a !lash card or hisper a ord to them and as# them to
dra it on the board, The !irst team to guess hat the picture is gets a point,
To increase the di!!icult5 level, use ords that consist o! to or more simpler
ords and tell the students that the5 ma5 onl5 dra individual parts o! the ord
8!or e/ample, hairbrush, The student ma5 onl5 dra hair 0 brush9, Alternativel5 do
a bac#ard version here the rest o! the class see$s the picture and has to tell the
draers hat it is in Gnglish, (! competitive, the !irst draer to !inish a decent
illustration o! hat he heard earns a point !or his team,
Number: :E
Level: All levels
Name: Tutti 3ruti
Materials needed: Whiteboard, -en 0 -aper
"ood !or: &pelling, Meta language 8optional9
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing
&omehat similar to the activit5 above, this game is more o! a !iller than
educational o! nature, Divide the students into teams and dra a grid on the
board ith numbers 2, :, ; and >, As# !or a letter o! the alphabet and tell the
students that 5ou ant a ord !or each number 8as in a ord ith so and so man5
letters9 that$s starting ith that letter, "ive one point a ord, The group ith the
most points at the end o! the game is the inning team,
Alternativel5 use Meta language points instead o! numbers and as# !or, sa5, a
verb, a noun, an adHective, a preposition and an adverb starting ith that letter,
"ive one point !or each ord, The group ith the most points at the end o! the
game is the inning team
Number: :1
Level: All levels
Name: Telephone numbers
Materials needed: &tudents
"ood !or: Telephone Gnglish, Dialogues, Numbers
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) Writing
-ut 5our on the board, As# !or the students to do the same, That done,
model calling on the phone and e/plain to the students that their birthdates no
are their phone.numbers, -retend to dial one o! the numbers on the board
8pre!erabl5 that o! a strong student in the class9, reading it out loud as
5ou do, and sa5 start tal#ing to him ) as#ing him 7uestions ) ideall5 doing a
dialogue 5ou$ve previousl5 introduced, When 5ou !inish the dialogue, as# the
student to call someone else in class, 'epeat as !e times 5ou ant or until all
students have participated once,
Consider !olloing up b5 ma#ing students rite their on telephone conversation
in pairs,
Number: :2
MM levels -ass the !lash cards
Materials needed: Nothing ) White.board and mar#ers
"ood !or:
4ocabular5, %uestions, &entence structures, etc
opeaOing ) Listening
This is a conversational variant o! pass the parcel, Divide students into pairs and
model 7uestions 5ou ant the students to use on the board, "ive a !lash card to
each pair and have them as# each other about !or hoever long their
language level allos them to, &top them at an appropriate time and ma#e them
pass their !lash cards to the le!t ) right, "ive them a reasonable amount o! time to
as# about their ne !lash card until 5ou sitch them around again, etc etc,
, ====(&. @:
uan De aone Hust as en un topics or orci caras at mgner levels,
Number: ::
Level: All levels
Name: Word association
Materials needed: &tudents, !lash cards ) 'ealia
"ood !or: 4ocabular5 0 Categories
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
As#s the students to stand up in !ront o! their chairs, G/plain to them that 5ou$ll
tell them a categor5 and that the5 have !ive seconds to tell 5ou a ord !rom it, (!
the5 can$t thin# o! a ord the5 have to sit don,
With higher levels, alternativel5 have to thin# o! something the5 associate ith a
ord and h5,
Number: :;
Level: All levels
Name: &pelling rela5
Materials needed: Mar#ers ) Word cards
"ood !or: 4ocabular5 0 &pelling
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing ) Listening
Divide the class into teams and spread out to sets o! ord cards at one end o!
the room, Tell the students a ord and as# them ho to spell it, though ma#e it
clear that onl5 one person a team ma5 stand up and that the5 ma5 onl5 get one
letter at the time, When a student has !etched a letter he or she must sit don
and let another person sit up, The !irst team to spell the ord 8on the board,
using blueta#, or even on the !loor9 is the inning team,
Ma#e them pic# up the letters using chopstic#s !or laughs and upped di!!icult5,
Alternativel5 use the board and a mar#er a team,
Number: :>
Level: All levels
Name: &pin the bottle
Materials needed: Gmpt5 bottles
"ood !or: As#ing and ansering 7uestions
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing
Model the 7uestion !orms 5ou ant used and place an empt5 bottle in the
middle o! the classroom, &pin it once and as# the student ho the bottle is
pointing at, +nce the5 have ansered the 7uestion, have them spin the bottle
again and as# hoever the bottle chooses !or them, Can be pla5ed as a hole.
class activit5 or in smaller groups,
mOer: :?
Level: All levels
Name: Battleships
Materials needed: Battleship grids
"ood !or: 4ocabular5 ) %uestions ) +rdinal numbers
&#ills: Listening ) &pea#ing ) 'eading ) Writing
This is a classroom version o! the actual game that can be done either individuall5
in pairs, -rovide each student ith a grid and a set o! vocabular5 items 5ou ant
them to use, These vocabular5 items are the =ships=, 3irst have the students place
their ships, then pre.teach the 7uestion ) phrase 5ou ant them to use and put
them !!ace, The5 have to !ind here on the grid their opponent$s items are
8A1, C>, etc9,
Alternativel5 use a small grid 8three or !our columns9 and assign a categor5 to
each column 8!or e/ample in the living room, in the bedroom and in the #itchen9,
3irst have the students !ill out the grids ith items !or each categor5, Ne/t, put the
students !!ace and pre.teach an appropriate 7uestion 8!or e/ample =Do 5ou
have a in the #itchen ) living room ) bedroomL=9, 3irst to guess hat their
opponent rote !or one or all categories is the inner,
Number: :@
Level: All levels
Name: Peopard5
Materials needed: Whiteboard, Appropriate 7uestions and ansers
"ood !or: %uestions and ansers
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) Writing ) 'eading
Divide the class into teams and e/plain to them that 5ou ill tell them a sentence,
The5 have to thin# o! a 7uestion to hich the sentence could be an anser, (!
the5$re !irst to anser correctl5 the5 earn points !or their respective teams, The
sentences can be supplied verball5, one point an anser, or 5ou can dra a proper
grid on the board ith topics and di!!icult5 levels 8more points !or more di!!icult
7uestions9 and let the inner o! a round choose ne/t topic and di!!icult5 level,
To e/pand on the activit5, !ollo up ith a !inal round here each team thin#s o! a
sentence to tell the class, +ther teams have to guess the 7uestion !orm and bet
hoever much o! hatever points the5 collected over the !irst stage o! the game, (!
the5$re right, the5 get their points, (! the5$re rong, their points go to the team that
rote the 7uestion,
Number: :B
Level: All levels
Name: Logic -uMMle
Materials needed: Cut.up clues, "rid sheet 8optional9
"ood !or: 4ocabular5, -repositions o! place, "rammar
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) 'eading ) Writing
Divide the class into groups, dra a : / : grid on the board and provide the
students ith nine vocabular5 items, Tell them each vocabular5 item has a place in
the grid and that the5 have to !ind it 8assign a relevant name !or the grid6 a !ield !or
vegetables, shelves in a to5 store !or to5s9,
Ne/t, give the each group a set o! clues 8These should be prepared be!ore.hand
and should not tell 5ou the e/act location o! an item, but rather its relationship to
another item in the grid9, Ma#e sure that each student gets at least one or to, Tell
them to read the clues to their group in order to !igure here each item belongs in
the grid,
This is Hust an e/ample o! a communicative lateral thin#ing activit5, -lent5 more
can be done ith some time and preparation,
Number: :D
Level: All levels
Name: "uess the out!it
Materials needed: &tudents, !lash cards 8optional9
"ood !or: <es ) no . 7uestions, 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
-ut the students in to ros, bac# to bac#, and model the 7uestion =Are 5ou
earing,,,= F relevant ansers, &tudents have to guess hat the person behind
them is earing, &itch students around a !e times to e/tend activit5, Thro in
adHectives to ma#e it slightl5 more challenging 8i,e, =Are 5ou earing a green
seaterL=, etc9
Can be done ith bod5 parts or adHectives as ell, or even ith !lash cards that
the students are holding,
Number: ;E
Level: All levels
Name: Dominoes
Materials needed: Domino cards, GL.table 8optional, the !loor can be used9
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) 'eading
This is another activit5 that re7uires 7uite a bit o! preparation, Ma#e a set o!
domino cards !or hoever man5 teams 5ou ant in 5our class, 'andoml5 put
either pictures and ritten !orms o! vocabular5, items associated ith one another
or ords and de!initions on them 8or an5 other alternative 5ou can thin# o!9, &et up
the activit5 b5 having the students loo# at the cards and match them to the best o!
their abilit5 in their groups 8this is a basic activit5 in itsel!9, +nce the5$re read5 to
start, e/plain to them that the point o! the game 5ou$re about to pla5 is to get rid o!
as man5 domino cards as possible, The5 can onl5 put don cards in turns and i!
the5 ma#e a mista#e, the5 have to ait until the ne/t turn, &tart b5 putting a card
don on the middle o! the table, (! the !irst team can match one o! their cards to
either end o! 5ours, the5 ma5, (! the5 haven$t ithin a reasonable amount o! time,
move on to the ne/t team, The group ith the least amount o! cards toard the
end o! the activit5 is the inning team,
Number: ;1
Level: All levels
Name: "uess the out!it
Materials needed: &tudents, !lash cards 8optional9
"ood !or: <es ) no . 7uestions, 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
-ut the students in to ros, bac# to bac#, and model the 7uestion =Are 5ou
earing,,,= F relevant ansers, &tudents have to guess hat the person behind
them is earing, &itch students around a !e times to e/tend activit5, Thro in
adHectives to ma#e it slightl5 more challenging 8i,e, =Are 5ou earing a green
seaterL=, etc9
Can be done ith bod5 parts or adHectives as ell, or even ith !lash cards that
the students are holding,
Number: ;2
Level: Loer levels
Name: "ame.sho
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
This is a simple a5 o! drilling vocabular5, -ut !lash cards o! ords 5ou have
introduced on the !loor or the hite.board so that the students can$t see them, As#
them here something is, The5 turn a !lash card around6 i! the5$re right, the5 #eep
it, i! the5$re rong, the5 put it bac#, "o on until ever5 vocabular5 item has been
Number: ;:
Level: All levels
Name: Memor5
Materials needed: 3lash cards and Word cards
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) 'eading
3irst, divide the students in pairs and give them a set o! !lash cards and ord
cards a pair 8ideall5 the !lash cards and the ord cards are on di!!erent colored
paper9, Tell them to match the pictures to the ords, That done, tell them to put the
cards upside don and mi/ them up, No, tell them to ta#e turns and pic# up one
!lash and one ord card, (! the5 get a match, the5 #eep it, The person ho got the
most matches at the end is the inner,
Can also be done as a hole.class activit5 ith !lash cards and ord cards on
the !loor,
Number: ;;
Level: Loer levels
Name: What$s missing
Materials needed: 3lash cards ) Word cards
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
This is 5et another a5 to cover vocabular5, -ut a set o! vocabular5 items on the
board or the !loor and give the students a moment to loo# at them, Ne/t, tell
the students to close their e5es !or a second, While the5$re not loo#ing, remove
an item and as# the students hat$s missing,
Alternativel5 rite a list o! vocabular5 on the board and give the students a minute
to go over them, That done, ta#e them o!! the board, No as# the
students hat the ords ere,
Number: ;>
Level: TB1B F
Name: (ntervies
Materials needed: -en 0 paper
"ood !or: %uestions 0 ansers
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening ) Writing
This is a role.pla5 activit5 that can be done on a variet5 o! topics, Depending on
hat 5ou$re doing, set up a relevant conte/t 8radio intervie, Hob intervie, T4
intervie, etc9 and divide the class into intervieers and intervieees, Depending
on their level, 5ou can have each person thin# o! individual 7uestions and ansers
at this point, That done, pair up each intervieer ith an intervieee and get
To e/tend activit5, sitch pairs around a!ter a !e minutes,
Number: Level: ;? All levels
Name: Travel -oem
Materials needed: -en 0 -aper
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing ) &pea#ing ) Listening
Assuming 5ou$ve taught 5our class the senses, bring them on a al# around
school and tal# about hat 5our senses register in di!!erent rooms, Ne/t, divide
the class into pairs and tell the class that 5ou$ll give them ten minutes to al#
about on their on, +ver these ten minutes the5 should choose a !e places in the
school and rite don hat the5 can see, hear, smell and perhaps even !eel there,
+nce 5our students have !inished, 5ou can as# the pairs to sap papers around
and give them !ive to ten minutes to !ind hich places the other groups rote
about, Alternativel5 bring them bac# into the classroom, have students report
hat the5 rote 8as a hole.class or pair to pair activit59 and the listeners to
guess hich room the5$re tal#ing about,
Number: ;@
Level: All levels
Name: 1angman
Materials needed: Whiteboard
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
There are plent5 o! variations o! this !iller, <ou can do the classic version,
as#ing 5our class !or letters to or# out the sentence 5ou ant on the board,
Alternativel5 5ou can as# them 7uestions !or each letter6 having !igured out the
anser, the students put the initial letter o! the anser #e5ord into the puMMle,
Another version is to onl5 thin# o! a ord, The students have to as# 7uestions in
order to guess the verb, Gver5 7uestion as ell as ever5 rong guess adds a
line to the hangman draing,
Gach version can be done b5 a student,
Number: ;B
Level: TB:A F
Name: Materials needed: no en QO 5ou Ono meR -repared 7uestions 0 ansers
"ood !or: %uestions 0 Ansers
&#ills: 'eading ) &pea#ing ) Listening Thte activit5 renuires a hit o! oreoaration <ou need
a set o! cards !or each
groups ith relevant 7uestions 8hichever 7uestion !orms 5ou ant to use,
though it is perhaps better !or conditional practice9 and three possible ansers,
Model ith the hole class b5 reading one o! the cards 87uestion and ansers9
out loud, Tell the students to guess hat 5our anser ill be, "ive the student
ho !irst guesses the right anser 5our card, No, divide the class into groups o!
three or !our and give them a set o! cards each, Tell them to put them in a stac#
upside don, The students have to dra cards in turns and read them to their
groups, The listeners have to guess hich anser the5$d choose and collect as
man5 cards as possible,
Number: ;D
Level: All levels
Name: %uestion match
Materials needed: %uestions cards, &ituation cards
"ood !or: -ast simple, %uestions
&#ills: 'eading ) &pea#ing ) Listening
-repare a !e sets o! cards 8as man5 as ho man5 groups 5ou ant9 ith simple
situations on them and cards ith 7uestions on !or each individual student, Gach
7uestion should match ith one o! the situation cards, Divide the class into pairs
o! !our and !ive, give each group a stac# o! situation cards and each student a set
o! 7uestion cards, &tart the game b5 turning up a situation card, (! an5 student has
a relevant 7uestion 8!or instance, =What did 5ou eatL= !or =1 ent to dinner last
night,=9 the5 ma5 put their card on the table, Tell the class that the !irst person to
lose all o! his or her cards is the inner,
Number: >E
Level: All levels
Name: 3ashion &ho
Materials needed: Nothing
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
This is a good a5 to revie clothes and accessories, Glicit hat a model does or
perhaps even sho the class a video clip o! a catal# sho, Ne/t, tell the students
that 5ou$re going to have a !ashion sho in the classroom, Model !irst, Then
assign one student to be a reporter and another to be a model6 have the reporter
describe the model$s out!it as he or she al#s around the room 8to up the class
participation, have listening students as# 7uestions6 =Where as it made=, =What
is it made o!=9 That done, the model becomes the reporter and another student
stands up to be the model,
Do until each student has participated at least once, Alternativel5 divide the class
into groups and have each group prepare their on sho,
Number: >1
Level: All levels
Name: Dictation
Materials needed: -en 0 -aper ) Dictation 1andout
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
s#iii*. 'eading ) Writing ) &pea#ing ) Listening
-repare a stor5 handout ith omitted ords, G/plain to the students that 5ou$re
going to tell them a stor56 the5 have to listen, !ollo the stor5line on the handout
and rite don the missing ords, 'epeat the stor5 tice or thrice to give all the
students a !air chance o! !inishing the activit5,
Alternativel5 divide the class into pairs and give each student one hal! o! the
complete stor5, the other hal! ith ords le!t out, The students have to read their
hal! o! the stor5 to their partner, ho has to listen and tr5 to !ill in the gaps on his
cop5, As the5 move on to the second passage o! the stor5 the5 sitch roles,
3or a simpler version, s#ip the stor5 and use simple vocabular5 onl5,
Number: >2
LCVCI. All levels
Name: %uestion gap !ill
Materials needed: -repared handouts
"ood !or: 4ocabular5, %uestion production
&#ills: 'eading ) Writing ) &pea#ing ) Listening
&imilar to a pair dictation, prepare to separate handouts ith, sa5, to di!!erent
parts o! a stor5, Gach part o! the stor5 should have ords le!t out as ell as
7uestion prompts in brac#ets, The students have to loo# at the 7uestion prompts,
as# their partner and rite don his or her anser, +nce !inished, have the
students read the results . most li#el5 it$s a rather hilarious stor5,
Number: >:
Level: All levels
Name: "ist hand clap
Materials needed: Boo# listening, 1ands Q,Q
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: Listening
This is a good activit5 !or gist.listening, -ut ords or !lash cards 5ou$ve taught on
the board, Tell the students to clap their hands 8or an5 other simple action 5ou$d
rather have them do9 hen the5 hear one o! the ords, Concept.chec# !irst b5
telling them ords to see hether the5 do it or not, That done, pla5 the listening,
A!terards, as# the students ho man5 times the5 clapped and hat the ords
Number: >;
Level: All levels
Name: -ut the l5rics in order
Materials needed: CD 8optional9, Cut.up l5rics
"ood !or: Listening
&#ills: 'eading ) Listening
Description: R
"ive the students a cut.up version o! the song l5rics 5ou ant to use and tell them
that 5ou$re going to listen to a song, Ne/t, start the CD ) start singing and have the
students tr5 to or# out in hich order to put the sentences, Be prepared to sing
or pla5 the CD a couple o! times be!ore the5 get it all right,
A good !ollo.up to the activit5 could be to actuall5 sing the song,
Number: >>
Level: All levels
Name: (sp5
Materials needed: -en 0 -aper
"ood !or: 4ocabular5
&#ills: &pea#ing ) Listening
This is a simple a5 to revie vocabular5, +riginall5 5ou tell the students the
initial letter o! a thing 5ou see 8=1 sp5, ith m5 little e5e, something beginning
ith,,,=9, This is a good enough activit5 ith loer level students, 3or higher level
classes, have the students describe the item the5$re seeing or thin#ing about
using more advanced language,
Number: Level:
Name: Materials
needed: "ood !or:
All levels Bingo -en 0 -aper 4ocabular5
'eading ) Writing ) &pea#ing ) Listening This is a basic
activit5 that$s good !or revieing vocabular5, 1and out grids to each student
8>/>,;/; or hoever big or small 5ou ant9 and tell them to rite a ord in each
s7uare, (t$s best to limit the vocabular5 to a categor5 or to 8!ood ) adHectives !or
people ) etc9, Tell the students to listen to the ords 5ou call out
Number: and chec# them i! the5 are on their grids, When the5 get: a !ull ro 8don, across
or diagonall59 the5 call out =bingo=,
>@ T'D' F
Levei, Name: Materials needed:
"ood !or:
Murder game -repared sentence prompts -ast continuous
'eading ) opeaOing ) Listening Tell the students that
there as a murder at G3 last night, According to the police investigation the
murder occurred at about > -M, No, tell them that the5, as students at G3, are all
suspects, All but to o! them,
Assign to students to be police o!!icers and send them out o! the room, That
done, hand out anser prompts to all the other students, To o! the students$
anser prompts have a logical !la to it 8eat brea#!ast, !or instance96 these
students are the murderers, Tell the students that hen the police as# them
1 ouol$
7uestions the5 have to anser hat the5 have on their paper,
No, let the police o!!icers bac# in and elicit hat to as# the suspects 8=What ere
5ou doing at > -M 5esterda5L=9, 1ave the police al# around and 7uestion the
class 8as ell as rite don the ansers, i! 5ou so ish9 until the5$ve !ound the
robbers, (t ill probabl5 ta#e them several turns,
Name: Materials needed: "ood
!or: &#ills:
Alibi game None
%uestions and Ansers 'eading ) Writing ) &pea#ing
) Listening This is a good !ollo.up to the activit5 above, Gstablish ho the
murderers are and as# the class ho sure the5 are about it, Then tell the class
that the murderers have an alibi, Teach hat an alibi is and tell the murderers to
leave the room in order to get their stories straight,
While the murderers are sorting out their stories, setup the rest o! the class to be
a court, Divide it into to groups and tell them the5$ll interrogate each murderer in
turns, (! needed, elicit a !e 7uestions the5 could as#, Tell them to rite don the
ansers and tr5 to !ind an5 di!!erences to the murderers$ stories, Ne/t, let the
murderers in and have the groups interrogate them !or !ive minutes each, Toard
the end o! the activit5, have the entire class report hat the5 !ound out and sa5
hether the murderers are guilt5 or not,

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