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Cold Current

But, continuing to own experiments on the identification of the electrical waves, Tesla made a
casual observation that forever changed the course of his experimental research. In trying to
comprehend its own electric waves, where he felt that Hertz does not find the truth, Tesla developed
a powerful method by which he hoped to generate and capture the real electromagnetic waves. art
of his office re!uired the use of very powerful capacitor. This capacitor ban" was charged to a very
high voltage and immediately discharged through a short copper bar. The resulting explosive
discharges produced some of the phenomena that are very impressed with Tesla, as far superior to
any electrical effect that he had ever seen. Here was a mystery, and he had to reveal it.
Instantly create spar"s, which he called #explosive discharges#, were able to vaporize the wire.
They have led to a very powerful shoc" waves that beat him with great force over the entire surface
of the body. Tesla was very intrigued by this amazing physical effect. $ore precisely, he was
completely absorbed in the study of these shots of extraordinary energy than electric spar"s. These
electrical impulses led to effects that are usually associated only with lightning.
%xplosive effects reminded him of similar cases which he observed with high&voltage direct current
generators. 'amiliar experience among wor"ers and engineers occurred at the high&voltage circuit
brea"er circuit ordinary dynamo, it has often led to sensitive electroconvulsive shoc", ta"e for
granted, attributed to residual static charge.
This dangerous condition occurs only upon sudden high voltage DC. Corona deadly static charge
struggled right out of high voltage conductors, and often find a way to the ground, which included
wor"ers and operators. In long cables this sudden charging effect spawned stubble bluish needles,
starting from the line into the surrounding space. This condition occurred at the moment of
circuit switch. Bluish spar"ling crown disappeared after a few milliseconds, with any non&private
life, which she was #struc"#. (fter this short effect, the system behaved as expected. This
phenomenon disappeared when the charges slowly saturated lines and systems. (fter this short flash
currents flowed smoothly to where it was intended.
This effect has a detrimental effect only in small systems. But in large regional power systems,
which used an impressive power, he was deadly. eople die from this effect, which has spread its
broad deadly electrostatic crown of spar"s through the components of power systems. (lthough
generators were designed for several thousand volts, these mysterious emissions generate tension in
the hundreds of thousands, even millions of volts. The problem was solved when we started to use
well insulated and grounded relay switches. Carried out by the time the engineering survey relate
only to those properties of power systems, which related to the steady&state energy production and
consumption. )ow it became clear that large systems require when designing your account as
normal and transient modes.
(daptation to dangerous initial #sverhzaryadu# was a new feature. Investigation of this effect was
for many years the main goal of energy companies and the fuses and spar" gaps became the sub*ect
of many patents and articles. Tesla "new that strange sverhzaryadny effect was observed only when
the dynamo connects to long transmission lines, *ust as in the case of his explosive capacitor
discharges. (lthough both of these cases were completely different, they produced similar effects.
Instantaneous discharge, provided the dynamo for a short time appeared sverh"ontsentrirovannym
in long lines. Tesla calculated that this electrostatic stress concentration was at several orders of
magnitude greater than any dynamo could produce at the time. (ctual energy somehow amplified
or transformed. But how+
%ngineers came to the conclusion that it was the effect of the electrostatic #bloc"ing#. $any
believed that this action #accumulation# of the charge, when a powerful source could not pass the
charge on the system fast enough. $ystery was the fact that the impedance of these systems seemed
influenced the charge carriers before they could escape from the conclusions of the dynamo, It was
li"e that when span" hand !uic"ly through the water, the surface seems solid. It was the same with
electric power charges accumulated before the barrier, which seemed a solid wall. But this effect
lasted only during impact. -nce the charge carriers to #catch# produced by the electric field, the
charges *umped on line in all directions. .hort sverhzaryada effect was observed during the charge
distribution, !uic"ly filling the entire line and system. Thus, the dynamo became the birthplace of a
small shoc" wave. Tesla began to wonder why the electrostatic fields can propagate faster than
the charge itself (3 * 10 ! to ".# * 10 ! m $ s%& the mystery of his puzzled. /as field entity that
served only drive more massive particles+ If this were so, then what does #consisted# field itself+
/as field of tiny particles+ There are more and more !uestions.
0espite the amazing ideas that gave rise to his research, Tesla saw and the practical application of
which he had not previously thought. Thin"ing about the effect sverhzaryada dynamo gave the idea
of a new experimental apparatus. He greatly superior to the dynamic characteristics of a capacitor
ban", which has been used in attempts to detect electrical waves. The source of the electric field
was a simple high voltage 0C generator. Tesla realized that resistance lines or components from the
dynamo was insurmountable #barrier# to *ump through which the charge carriers could not. This
barrier is created the #cumulative# effect. %lectrostatic charges almost stayed and held for a moment
resistance line, a barrier that has existed for a short period of time with millisecond circuit brea"er.
Instant application of forces against this imaginary barrier s!ueezed charge to such a density that
can not be obtained using conventional capacitors. .hort application of force, blow particles of
barrier resistance, caused as a result of this unusual state of the electric condensation. That is why
the wires in his past experiments often explode.
1nmista"able analogy with steam engines2 big steam engines had to run with great care. 3e!uired
consultation with the old and experienced operators who "new how to #warm up# the engine, and it
does not brea" the valves, which led to a deadly explosion hazard. If you run too fast, even steam
engines very large could explode. /e had to run steam in gently until it gently and gradually fills
each nozzle, piping and components. There was also observed a mysterious effect of
#accumulation#, when a large amount of system 'ehaved as an unusually high resistance to any
force applied suddenly.
The academic world is still engaged experimenters past his discovery of alternating currents of high
fre!uency. This meant that the Tesla & the only one who studied pulsed discharges. He received
explosive pulses not previously observed in the laboratory. %ach component has been carefully
insulated, he applied himself insulated conductors and rubberized clothing to achieve complete
security. Tesla watched a lot of electrostatic machines capable of strongly charged insulated metallic
conductors, but this demonstration of *ust surpassed charge conductors at the sudden closure of the
switch. This effect has spawned #*umpy# charge, which is similar in strength Tesla never observed.
/hatever conditions he had not used in previous systems, now he has learned to maximize the
effect. (alancing voltage and resistance at constant capacity& Tesla learned to continuously
create state sverh)aryada such force which could not generate any e*isting device.
%xperienced observations have shown that regular discharge of the capacitor spawned oscillating
current, which can be said to #meta# between the plates of each capacitor is not completely wasted
your energy. High voltage dynamo created such a powerful unidirectional pressure compacted
particles that change their state became impossible. The only possible solution was hesitation. In
this case, the charges created a long series of moves and stops up until sverhzaryad not disappear.
(ny settings that reinforce such fluctuations, the full manifestation of the limited effect
sverhzaryada energy from the power source, and generating exactly the state and sought Tesla. .ure,
he spent a lot of time creating different ways to loc" each oscillation and other complex current
events that could accelerate the loss of his sverhzaryadom concentrated energy. +uperimpuls ,e
needed only going in one direction. /hen all the vibrations and lea"s were eliminated, reveal new
strange effects. These powerful phenomena with high penetrating power never observed when
wor"ing with high&fre!uency currents.
'ast circuit switch now spawned in the laboratory penetrating shoc"wave that could be felt by the
sharp shoc" and penetrating electrically stimulated. #ric".# 'ace and hands were especially
sensitive to the explosive shoc" waves, which are also made fun #tingling# effect at close distances.
Tesla was convinced that the material particles reaching the vapor state, literally pulled from the
wires in all directions. To better understand these effects, it is located behind a glass screen and
continued research. 0espite the screen, and the shoc" waves, and continued to be felt tingling effect
that has puzzled many researchers. This anomaly prompted his curiosity, because no one had seen
anything li"e it. This phenomenon, which is stronger and more penetrating than that of conventional
electrostatic charge metals literally pushes the high voltage charge into the environment that gave
rise to a tingling sensation. In*ections lasted for a small fraction of a second, at the time of circuit
switch. But Tesla was convinced that these strange effects explains the easy spread of ionized shoc"
waves in the air, li"e a thunderclap strongly ionized.
Tesla spent a new series of experiments to measure the pressure of the shoc" wave at large
distances. He used automatic #disconnect switch#. /hen properly configure it became possible to
obtain a more controlled repetition effect when switched on. In addition, it enables remote
measurements that shed light on the phenomenon of penetration through the screen. 4oltage control
was carried out by changing the speed of rotation of the high&voltage dynamo. (fter you configure
these components Tesla could freely move around the room and measure. 0esiring also to avoid
prolonged exposure to shoc" and pressure in*ections spar"s, Tesla defended themselves with special
materials. (pplication !uic"ly interrupted H40C led to radiation piercing rays, which could be felt
at great distances from their source superis"rovogo. In fact, Tesla felt shots even through the shield
of special materials, /hatever released from the wires when circuit brea"er, it easily penetrates
through the screens of glass and copper. There seemed to be no differences, from which they are
made, the effect of penetrating through any substance, as if the screen were not at all. There is
clearly observed electric effect, which goes right through space without material intermediaries.
3adiant electricity,
The observed phenomenon violates the principle of electrostatic charge, experimentally determined
by 'araday. %lectrostatic particle emits usually spread out over the surface of the metallic screen,
they do not penetrate into the metal. )ew same effect was non&electric characteristics. Tesla was
genuinely intrigued by this strange new phenomenon, and began to study literature for references to
its properties. He found no such lin"s, except for the half&forgotten studies two experimenters. In
the first case, 5oseph Henry watched magnetisation of steel needles powerful spar" discharge. The
singularity of this experiment, conducted in 6789, lies in the fact that the :eyden *ar, and produced
spar"s which magnetisation, stood on the top floor of a building, usually impervious to electricity.
Bric" walls, thic" oa" doors, facing a powerful stone and iron, tin ceilings. $oreover, the needles
were placed under the arch of the basement. How could spar" so to act on the needle through
natural barriers+ 0r. Henry was convinced that spar" creates special #rays similar to light,# and
these penetrating agents are responsible for the magnetisation.
The second such incident occurred in 67;9 in the building of the Higher .chool in hiladelphia.
%lihu Thomson, a physics teacher, loo"ing for a way to ma"e a big spar" spar" coils 3um"orrfa
more visible to the lecture. Connect one terminal of the coil to the pipe with cold water, Thomson
was scared that the color changed from blue spar"s on white. /ishing to strengthen this effect,
Thomson Connect the other terminal to a large sheet of metal table. (fter switching on the coil,
there is deafening popped dazzling white spar" visible even from the bac" row. To show this
experiment colleague %dwin Houston, Thomson went to the door and was suddenly stopped.
Touching the bronze door handle on oa" door, he got a sudden sharp electric shoc". Turning off the
coil 3um"orrfa, Thomson found that the effect ceased. (fter discussing the incident with %dwin,
they again started the device. iercing effect repeated. Then the two gentlemen began to run on the
huge building of stone, oa" and iron with electrically isolated metal ob*ects. %very touch of a
pen"nife or screwdriver to any metal ob*ect, regardless of the distance from the coil and the degree
of isolation from the floor, produces a long lasting white spar"s. The research result has been
described in a short note in the *ournal .cientific (merican in the same year.
In the study of each of these early observations, separated by thirty years, Tesla felt that they are
similar to its opening. %ach of these cases was caused by slight variations of the same phenomenon.
<uite by accident every experimenter effect achieved manifestations sverhzaryada. In the case of
0r. Henry, a phenomenon manifested only flash explosion, since the initial charge accumulation
electrostatic machine used. The second case was special because it was observed a continuous and
lasting phenomenon sverhzaryada. This effect was rare, because usually he re!uired very strict
observance of the electrical parameters. Tesla brought this situation from the simple fact that this
effect is rarely observed in laboratories around the world. But he was luc"y to !uic"ly notice
abnormal attributes this phenomenon. Tesla "new that, despite the strong penetrating effect in each
case, but he was able to achieve full and maximum development sverhzaryada. His unit was not
e!ual, it is guaranteed that could release the essence of the electrostatic field, which has been
inaccessible to other devices.
0espite the fact that Tesla made this discovery in 677=, a preliminary review of the effect was
published only after a long series of experiments. #.cattering of electricity#, published before
Christmas in 67=9, was a turning Tesla article. 'rom that moment, he completely abandoned the
study of alternating currents of high fre!uency. Completely departed from field research, Tesla
began to describe the shoc" waves and other effects of the pulse. In addition to those physical
sensations that he described with characteristic restraint, Tesla also drew attention to the #gas#
aspects of the phenomenon. He found that dramatically charged wires in his experiments produce
strange gaseous streams when immersed in an oil bath. (t first he attributed this phenomenon
completely gas absorbed by the conductor, but soon found that this effect lasts for a long time on
the same wire, and no amount of conventional gas absorbed can not explain it. .pecifically, in this
case arose in the oil flows, so hard to tear off all the charged wires that they visually compressed oil,
forming a cavity, sometimes up to five centimeters deep, Tesla began to learn the true nature of
light #gas#, brea"ing with the ends of the wire immersed in oil.
He prepared a series of long&term experiments to find out the real cause and nature of these stri"ing
gas pulses. In his article, Tesla describes waves that penetrate through the screen as #sound waves of
electrified air.# )evertheless, it did description stri"ing sound, heat, light, pressure and shoc", which
he felt during passage through the effect of the copper plate. (ll together, they are #the presence of
the gaseous carrier structure, i.e. one that is composed of independent vectors capable of free
movement#. .ince the air was definitely not such a #carrier#, as he said+ :ater in the same article,
he articulates that #besides the air, there is another carrier.#
/ith the help of a successful experimental e!uipment, Tesla discovered several facts concerning the
education of its effect. 'irst, the reason for it, no doubt, is the interruption of the current. It is the
closure of the switch at the time of #closing the gap and# effect bro"e into the surrounding space.
He was uniquely tied to the time duration of the pulse. .econd, Tesla found that a prere!uisite
was that the process too" place in the form of a single pulse. 3epetition discharge was unacceptable
effect does not appear for the second time. -n this occasion, Tesla made a brief note describing the
role of capacitance in the circuit, emitting spar"s. He found that the effect is greatly enhanced if
the arrester 'etween the dynamo and post condenser. Dielectric capacitor simultaneously
provides impressive energy to produce the effect and served as protection for the windings of
a dynamo.
-ffect could also significantly enhance voltage increases& the acceleration opening& and
shortening time.circuit switch. 1ntil now for their use unidirectional pulses switches Tesla
rotating contacts. /hen these mechanical impulse systems no longer cope with the increase in the
effect, Tesla began to loo" more #automatic# and powerful devices. He found this #circuit brea"er#
in the form of special electrical arc dischargers. High voltage output of a 0C generator was attached
to the coaxial conductors arc through the new mechanism, is a very powerful permanent magnet
mounted transversely of the path of the arc discharge. /rc discharge automatically and
continuously arisen and died out 'y the magnetic field.
To achieve the desired effect of the rare re!uired that the capacitor line and the connection
conductors have been selected so that the receiving and discharging of electrostatic charge is
re!uired in unidirectional intermittent manner. Tesla created a contour similar to the pulsed *et,
where no bac" pressure does not interfere with a mighty stream. %lectrostatic charge increased to its
maximum and discharged very !uic"ly. The constant use of the high&pressured dynamo circuit
which generates a continuous process successfully #charge & !uic" discharge.# %ffect Tesla could
occur at the same time and only under this condition. ulses literally flowed through the apparatus
of the dynamo. Capacitor, spar" gap, and its connecting cables behave as a vibrating valve.
High&voltage electrostatic dynamo remained true to the source machine. Tesla is well appreciated
this fact, feeling the painful effects radiate into space. It was obvious that something has changed in
the dynamo addendum these circuits & #pulsating valves.# 0ynamo, which he used provided deadly
strain capable of "illing a person. 4alve circuit strengthened strange deadly radiation energy of the
field. .omehow energy dynamo erupted into space with a dangerous and painful force. But how+
How mysteriously reached such a state+ 3esult of a series of experiments have spawned a new
concept of Tesla. -f course, he found that it was involved in a mysterious effect of the shoc" field.
It was 3adiant electricity.
In the first place he conducted a carefully designed longitudinal studies for understanding the true
nature of this new electric effect. He realized that a strange #bump box# is actually radiated into
space from the pulse unit. If it was the electrostatic energy, it was more powerful and had more
penetrating than any electrostatic field he had ever seen. If it was *ust a #cho"ed# by the electrostatic
field, then why his power was so big+ Tesla began to be convinced that it has opened a new electric
power, and not a side effect of "nown forces. It is for this reason it is often described its effect as
#electrodynamic# or #electrostatic more.#
By accurate selection of con*ugate circuit parameters, Tesla learned to produce, if necessary,
extremely rapid series of unidirectional pulses. /hen pulses were short, intermittent, and had the
exact se!uence, Tesla found that the shoc" effect can be spread over a very large space with
virtually no loss of intensity. He also found that the stri"ing effect easily penetrated through the bul"
metal shields and most insulators. Developing ways to control the num'er of pulses per second
and the time intervals 'etween successive pulses& he 'egan to discover more and more new
effects. The duration of each pulse was giving her special effects. 'eeling thrusting, even while
the screen at a distance of fifteen feet from the machine, Tesla immediately thought about the
prospects of opening the transmission of electrical energy without wires. Tesla first realized that
electroshoc" wave provides much more flexibility for changing the world than even the use of his
polyphase alternating current system.
Tesla fully intended his opening worldwide. 3adiant electricity had special characteristics of the
un"nown world of science. /or"ing with a simple but powerful incarnation of his apparatus, Tesla
discovered that electricity can 3adiant inducing powerful electrical effects at a distance. These
effects were not interleaved, were conventional transverse waves. These were longitudinal waves,
consisting of successive shoc"s. %ach passage of a shoc" wave followed by a short neutral zone
spawned 3adiant field. 0ector components of these shoc1s were always unidirectional.
Intermittent shoc" waves were able to influence the charges in the direction of propagation.
-b*ects placed near the device, ac!uired a strong electrical charge that preserves its sign for a few
minutes after the magnetic discharger was off. Tesla found a way to enhance these effects charge of
one sign with *ust the asymmetric arrangement of the magnetic discharger. 2hen placing the
magnetic discharger closer to one or the other side of the charging dynamo& you can choose
the design and strength with positive or negative charge vector. Thus, it became possible to send
or receive a charge from any ob*ect in the space enclosed by the field. It was a new electric power.
Tesla is stronger than it ever was, I realized that is on uncharted territory. The fact that these radiant
forces spread li"e rays of light, distinguished them from $axwell>s electromagnetic waves.
Tesla wanted to determine the effect of a gradual decrease in pulse duration, this *ob re!uired a huge
experience and precautions. Tesla "new that puts himself in mortal danger. Controlling the speed of
the process spar" suppression in the magnetic 0C arc, Tesla has released a new range of light&li"e
energy in its vast space laboratory. .imilar varieties of energy the world has ever seen. Tesla found
that the duration of the pulse itself determined the effect of each small segment of the
spectrum. These effects are completely different from each other& and were endowed with
strange additional properties not previously species in nature. / series of pulses& each of which
is superior to one.tenth of a millisecond duration generates mechanical pressure and pain.
This 3adiant field o'4ects noticea'ly vi'rated and even moved as the force field was getting to
them. Thin wires& e*posed to short 'ursts of radiant field evaporated. 5ain and physical
movement occurs when the pulse duration equal to or less than one hundred microseconds.
2hen pulses of one microsecond& there is a strong physiological heat. 6urther reduction of the
pulse duration led to spontaneous luminescence fills the room and vacuum flas1s white light.
/t these frequencies& pulse Tesla achieved appearance effects which were usually
characteristic energy of electromagnetic waves of the visi'le light. +horter pulses create the
course& filling the room cool streams& and accompanied 'y the emergence of feelings of an*iety
and worry. 3educe the pulse duration was no limit. )one of these energy pulse could be repeated
using the high&fre!uency harmonic oscillation. .ome researchers have been able to reproduce these
effects, because they understood the absolute necessity of studying the parameters set by Tesla.
These facts were explained %ric 0ollard, who also successfully got weird and different effects,
which opened Tesla.
By 67=?, the ninth year, after a period of intense experimentation and e!uipment design, Tesla
described the combination of components re!uired for the practical application of the radiant
distribution of electrical energy. He opened one amazing fact that pulses of less than one hundred
microseconds can not 'e felt and not 'ring physiological harm. He planned to use this fact in its
electrical distribution system. $oreover, shoc" waves lasting a hundred microseconds penetrated
through any substance, ma"ing them the ideal form for the transfer of energy in cities that re!uire
large amounts of energy.
7n the same year& Tesla made even more surprising discovery when placed near the magnetic
discharger long cylindrical single.layer copper coil. Coil& which had a'out si*ty centimeters in
length& was not 'ehaving as straight copper tu'e or other o'4ects. Coil of thin copper wire has
acquired the crown of white spar1s. Twist crown were very long and sailed silver.white
threads& soft 'its that seemed to 'e much higher voltage. These effects are greatly increased
when a single.layer cylindrical coil placed in the coil wire from the spar1 gap. 7nside this
8stri1e )one8 was surrounded 'y a cylindrical coil e*plosively flash that around her face and
pulled away from the open end of the coil. 7t seemed as if the shoc1 wave pushed herself up
from the environment to connect to a coil in a strange attracting preference. +hoc1 wave
flowing into the coils at right angles to the winding that was un'elieva'le. -*plicit length
discharges leaping from the crown of the cylindrical coil was incredi'le. 7f the magnetic spar1
arrester slipped two and a half centimeters& the shimmering white discharge flowed from the
reel more than si*ty centimeters. These discharges were compara'le with the si)e of the coil
itself9 7t was une*pected and the un1nown transformation.
Here observed effect, almost #electrostatic# in nature, even though he "new that academia does not
allow the use of this term in relation to a given situation. %lectrostatic energy does not fluctuate, as
do shoc" waves. The explosive shoc" waves have characteristics dissimilar to those of any existing
electric cars. @et Tesla speculated that the shoc" wave for a brief moment its manifestations are
more explosively li"e electrostatic field than any other "nown electrical phenomenon. In
electrostatic friction machines where currents and magnetism are scanty, very energetic field fills
the space between the radiant lines. This is the #dielectric# field is normally passes through space,
slowly growing up, until charges are accumulated. Here was a case where a 0C generator produced
a strong tension. This voltage charges insulated copper coil, growing to a maximum value. If all
values in the circuit is in a certain combination, Tesla established, the charge suddenly collapses.
0uring this collapse had to be shorter than the interval re!uired to charge the coil. The collapse
occurred when the magnetic discharger interrupted arc. 7f the circuit has 'een configured
properly& the fluctuations in the opposite direction did not arise ever.
1nidirectional se!uence of pulses of charge & discharge forced to spread out very strange field,
which is slightly li"e a #stutter# or #intermittent# electrostatic field. But these terms can not
successfully describe the state actually measured around the machine powerful radiant effect
exceeding all expectations electrostatic value. Calculate ratios of these discharges confirmed their
impossibility. erforming a standard calculation of the transformation ratio Tesla could not figure
out a huge effect voltage amplification. Typically, the ratio did not help, and Tesla hypothesized that
the effect is completely subordinate to the radiant transformation rule o'viously requires
e*perimental determination. .ubse!uent measurements of the length of the discharge parameters
and helical coils provided him with the necessary mathematical relationships.
He discovered a new law of induction, in which radiant shoc"waves actually strengthened
themselves with pitting with segmented ob*ects. .egmentation was the "ey to the emergence of
such exposure. 3adiant shoc" waves included in the helical coil and #thrown away# through its
surface from one end to the other. This shoc" wave does not pass through a coil behaving on its
surface, as the air in an aircraft wing. The gradual increase in electrical pressure measured along the
surface of the coil. Tesla clearly esta'lished that the voltage can 'e increased to impressive
figures of 10 000 volts per inch coil height. This meant that the #".inch coil can collect radiant
shoc1 waves initially measured input voltage of 10&000 volts& and raise it to a ma*imum of #"0
00009 +uch stress ratio was previously impossi'le for vehicles of this si)e and simplicity.
+u'sequently Tesla discovered that the output voltage associated with the resistance of the coil
windings. ,igher resistance of the coil leads to the highest voltage thereon.
He called his chopper #primary# and a single&layer cylindrical coil placed inside the shoc" zone &
#secondary#. But he never compared these terms to those used in conventional electromagnetic
transformers. His discovery was completely different from the magnetic induction. (nd there was a
reason & to enter the actual wording outlandish. /as one phenomenon that sometimes frustrating
Tesla. He measured zero current in those long copper secondary coils. He determined that the
current, which would have to appear completely absent. )et voltage increased with every inch of
the surface coil. Tesla constantly referred to his #electrostatic induction laws# that few comprehend.
He called the combination of his chopper and secondary cylindrical single&layer coil #transformer#.
Tesla transformers were not electromagnetic devices, they used radiant shoc" waves and produces
pure voltage without current. %ach transformer is conducted only specific pulse with particular
force. It followed that each of them had to be #tuned# by ad*usting spar" gap to a certain pulse
width. Changing the length of the arc provided such ad4ustment. /hen one transformer was set
to its own characteristic response Ali"e resonanceB, the pulses can safely flow through the system,
li"e a gas in the pipe. 'inding gasdynamic analogies that are consistent with the available data and
assessment were successful in this respect, Tesla began to study whether the white flame discharges,
so different from what he had seen before, gaseous manifestation of electrostatic force. There was a
considerable number of experiments, which clearly manifested their true gaseous nature, so unli"e
anything electrical. The way in which radiant shoc"waves proceeded by conducting windings
shimmering white laminar *ets, brought a new revolution in thought Tesla. 4oltage pulses crossed
the surface of the secondary coil li"e gas pulse under increasing pressure. /hile gaseous impulses
do not reach the free end of the coil, they streamed down her copper surface without penetrating
inside. Tesla called this specific phenomenon of #s"in effect.# In this regard, the discharge behaved
very much li"e a gas moving over the surface of the pipe.
$oreover, when the upper conclusion of one of its transformers was attached a metal tip, the flow
became more directional. He behaved li"e a stream of water in the pipe. /hen the white serpentine
flow was directed at distant metal plates, he was doing *ust their electrical charges. This appearance
of the charge can be measured as a current, #current#, on the reception side. In the transmitting
space, however, no current does not arise. Current appeared only at the receiver. %ric 0ollard found
that the space around the pulse transformer Tesla emitted a stream that #adopted current# could
reach hundreds and even thousands of amperes. But from what was this mysterious stream+ Tesla
was struggling with the uncertainty that his discharge phenomenon could be a conventional
electricity behaving in an unusual way. But could it have the electricity smooth, soft, writhing
nature+ %lectricity, to which he was accustomed, it was hitting, hot, burn, death, piercing, piercing,
all of its attributes were annoying. But this phenomenon of discharge, whether it was cold or warm
to the touch, remained soft and tender. It could not "ill.
%ven the way the pulse burst, forming a bright white discharge incredibly amplified voltage was
similar to the behavior of the gas escaping from the pipe under pressure. These considerations
prompted Tesla to the conclusion that this effect was not purely electrical in nature. In more detail
by studying white flame, Tesla discovered why crown wor"ing coil had measurable #electric
current.# Conventional heavy charge carriers, electrons can not move as fast as himself 1nder floor
momentum. .tuc" in the crystal lattice of the coil, the electrons become immobile. )one of the
electrons do not move in the coil. -mitted pulse& which moved along the surface of the coil was
not& therefore& an electronic in nature.
In addition to that, Tesla discovered a surprising phenomenon that resolved all doubts about the
nature of energy carriers in his unit. Tesla set a very heavy 1&shaped copper bar connecting both her
legs directly to the surge. Between the legs of the 1&shaped tires were located a few light bulbs.
Their location to form a short circuit. :amp shone spar"ling cool white light, while they themselves
were shorted thic" copper shunt. It was unusual for conventional electricity, glowing brightly, but
the lamp cold showed that through #short&circuited# chain runs another energy current.
2atching this e*periment had e*pected when it is running chopper circuit& and then 'oth
dynamo 'urn. 7nstead& they saw a miracle. :amps were lit with e*traordinary 'rightness.
This simple demonstration was 4ust one of the proofs of correctness theories Tesla. -lectronic
charges preferred path with less resistance& and must 'end around the filament lamp at a
copper shunt. 3adiant same current in this situation prefer the opposite principle. 5ro'a'ly& it
was so& 'ecause the currents were not electric. Tesla constantly used this demonstration to
show 8separation8 from the current electronic neutral currents.
3emained one simple !uestion, the answer to which would give the necessary information to create
new technology. 2hat e*actly is shared& or 8fractionated8 various carriers in its transformer;
7t was the geometric configuration of the coil& which inadvertently shared each component.
-lectrons are 'loc1ed in the wire while <nder floor pulse is released on the coil surface as a
gaseous pulse. %lectrons would have to pass through the wire, but during each pulse period,
bloc"ed resistance line. Thus, the gas released mobile carriers and flowed over the wire, the pulse
traveling along the outer surface of the coil from one end to the other. This was evidence that
electrical discharges simultaneously definitely consisted of several moving particles. Tesla now
understand why it charges high fre!uency variables of the first experiments never showed such
powerful manifestations. It intermittence furious pulse discharge, attributed this unexpected
#gaseous# component able to move freely. ulses unidirectional pulses were the only reason by
which it could be released potential. .inusoidal oscillations in this regard were absolutely useless.
$oreover, because the vibrations could not release the second gas&dynamic component, they were
useless and had a pathetic power. Tesla began to treat all their devices high&fre!uency oscillations as
a failed pro*ect. That was the reason it is extremely critical comments about the wor" of $arconi
and other researchers who wor"ed on radio waves at high fre!uency. Tesla began wor"ing in the
area, which now has more enemies and critics, than in any other region in this century. )ow Tesla
with great interest began to explore the #ether#.
.hoc" waves of )i"ola Tesla
ublished on 5une 9?, 9??;, in the section #'ree %nergy C posted2 umaxse

5ames Cler" $axwell&predicted possibility of the existence of electromagnetic waves. In theoretical
discussions conducted for a more complete explanation of his theoretical calculations, $axwell
as"ed his readers to speculate about the two different "inds of electrical waves that may exist in
nature. The first argument to the longitudinal electric waves, a phenomenon which re!uired the
presence of variable concentrations of the lines of force of the electrostatic field. This ripple
condensation and rarefaction electrostatic fields could arise only if, there is a unidirectional field
vector which would be recorded in the same direction. The only variable in the event permissible
longitudinal waves, was the concentration field. .ubse!uent propagation along the lines of the
electrostatic field caused by the pulsating charge pressures, and these pulsations moved in one
direction. These #electric sound waves# were re*ected by $axwell. He concluded that such
conditions can not be achieved.

His second argument concerning the existence of transverse electromagnetic waves. They
demanded the rapid change of the electric field along a fixed axis. %lectrical lines extending in
space, may have to be #roc"ed bac" and forth# under its own momentum, while away from their
source to the light velocity. Corresponding forces that are exact replicas of the oscillations in the
source should have been detected at considerable distances. $axwell inspired experimenters to
search for such waves, suggesting possible ways to achieve the result. Thus began the great
campaign for electromagnetic waves.

In 677;, Heinrich Hertz said that he discovered electromagnetic waves, which was not a small
achievement for the time. In 677=, )i"ola Tesla tried to reproduce the experiments of Hertz. In his
laboratory at the elegant 'ifth (venue .outh with absolute certainty he repeated all experimental
conditions Hertz, but found that he could not get the effects that have been reported. However, the
e!uipment has produced effects that were re!uired Hertz. Tesla began experimenting with short and
powerful electric discharges, using capacitors charged to very high voltages. He found that using
such sharp bits may explode thin wires. 4ague feeling that he had stumbled upon something
important, Tesla left these experiments, focusing on the mystery, "nowing that somehow mistoo"
Hertz electrostatic induction or electrical shoc" waves in the air that have arisen as a result of an
electrical discharge, for these electromagnetic waves. In fact, even Tesla visited Hertz and
personally proved their observations to Hertz, who, being convinced that Tesla was right, concluded
that his findings were correct, and was ready to move away from his thesis. Hertz was really
disappointed, and Tesla deeply regretted that he had to do so with a respected academic, the proof of
the truth.

But, continuing to own experiments on the identification of the electrical waves, Tesla made a
casual observation that forever changed the course of his experimental research. In trying to
comprehend its own electric waves, where he felt that Hertz does not find the truth, Tesla developed
a powerful method by which he hoped to generate and capture the real electromagnetic waves. art
of his office re!uired the use of very powerful capacitor. This capacitor ban" was charged to a very
high voltage and immediately discharged through a short copper bar. The resulting explosive
discharges produced some of the phenomena that are very impressed with Tesla, as far superior to
any electrical effect that he had ever seen. Here was a mystery, and he had to reveal it.

Instantly create spar"s, which he called #explosive discharges#, were able to vaporize the wire.
They have led to a very powerful shoc" waves that beat him with great force over the entire surface
of the body. Tesla was very intrigued by this amazing physical effect. $ore precisely, he was
completely absorbed in the study of these shots of extraordinary energy than electric spar"s. These
electrical impulses led to effects that are usually associated only with lightning.

%xplosive effects reminded him of similar cases which he observed with high&voltage direct current
generators. 'amiliar experience among wor"ers and engineers occurred at the high&voltage circuit
brea"er circuit ordinary dynamo, it has often led to sensitive electroconvulsive shoc", ta"e for
granted, attributed to residual static charge.

This dangerous condition occurs only upon sudden high voltage 0C. Crown deadly static charge
struggled right out of high voltage conductors, and often find a way to the ground, which included
wor"ers and operators. In long cables this sudden charging effect spawned stubble bluish needles,
starting from the line into the surrounding space. This condition occurred at the moment of circuit
switch. Bluish spar"ling crown disappeared after a few milliseconds, with any non&private life,
which she was #struc"#. (fter this short effect, the system behaved as expected. This phenomenon
disappeared when the charges slowly saturated lines and systems. (fter this short flash currents
flowed smoothly to where it was intended.

This effect has a detrimental effect only in small systems. But in large regional power systems,
which used an impressive power, he was deadly. eople die from this effect, which has spread its
broad deadly electrostatic crown of spar"s through the components of power systems. (lthough
generators were designed for several thousand volts, these mysterious emissions generate tension in
the hundreds of thousands, even millions of volts. The problem was solved when we started to use
well insulated and grounded relay switches. Carried out by the time the engineering survey relate
only to those properties of power systems, which related to the steady&state energy production and
consumption. )ow it became clear that large systems re!uire when designing your account as
normal and transient modes.

(daptation to dangerous initial #sverhzaryadu# was a new feature. Investigation of this effect was
for many years the main goal of energy companies and the fuses and spar" gaps became the sub*ect
of many patents and articles. Tesla "new that strange sverhzaryadny effect was observed only when
the dynamo connects to long transmission lines, *ust as in the case of his explosive capacitor
discharges. (lthough both of these cases were completely different, they produced similar effects.
Instantaneous discharge, provided the dynamo for a short time appeared sverh"ontsentrirovannym
in long lines. Tesla calculated that this electrostatic stress concentration was at several orders of
magnitude greater than any dynamo could produce at the time. (ctual energy somehow amplified
or transformed. But how+

%ngineers came to the conclusion that it was the effect of the electrostatic #bloc"ing#. $any
believed that this action #accumulation# of the charge, when a powerful source could not pass the
charge on the system fast enough. $ystery was the fact that the impedance of these systems seemed
influenced the charge carriers before they could escape from the conclusions of the dynamo, It was
li"e that when span" hand !uic"ly through the water, the surface seems solid. It was the same with
electric power charges accumulated before the barrier, which seemed a solid wall. But this effect
lasted only during impact. -nce the charge carriers to #catch# produced by the electric field, the
charges *umped on line in all directions. .hort sverhzaryada effect was observed during the charge
distribution, !uic"ly filling the entire line and system. Thus, the dynamo became the birthplace of a
small shoc" wave. Tesla began to wonder why the electrostatic fields can propagate faster than the
charge itself, the mystery of his puzzled. /as field entity that served only drive more massive
particles+ If this were so, then what does #consisted# field itself+ /as field of tiny particles+ There
are more and more !uestions.

0espite the amazing ideas that gave rise to his research, Tesla saw and the practical application of
which he had not previously thought. Thin"ing about the effect sverhzaryada dynamo gave the idea
of a new experimental apparatus. He greatly superior to the dynamic characteristics of a capacitor
ban", which has been used in attempts to detect electrical waves. The source of the electric field
was a simple high voltage 0C generator. Tesla realized that resistance lines or components from the
dynamo was insurmountable #barrier# to *ump through which the charge carriers could not. This
barrier is created the #cumulative# effect. %lectrostatic charges almost stayed and held for a moment
resistance line, a barrier that has existed for a short period of time with millisecond circuit brea"er.
Instant application of forces against this imaginary barrier s!ueezed charge to such a density that
can not be obtained using conventional capacitors. .hort application of force, blow particles of
barrier resistance, caused as a result of this unusual state of the electric condensation. That is why
the wires in his past experiments often explode.

1nmista"able analogy with steam engines2 big steam engines had to run with great care. 3e!uired
consultation with the old and experienced operators who "new how to #warm up# the engine, and it
does not brea" the valves, which led to a deadly explosion hazard. If you run too fast, even steam
engines very large could explode. /e had to run steam in gently until it gently and gradually fills
each nozzle, piping and components. There was also observed a mysterious effect of
#accumulation#, when a large amount of system behaved as an unusually high resistance to any
force applied suddenly.

The academic world is still engaged experimenters past his discovery of alternating currents of high
fre!uency. This meant that the Tesla & the only one who studied pulsed discharges. He received
explosive pulses not previously observed in the laboratory. %ach component has been carefully
insulated, he applied himself insulated conductors and rubberized clothing to achieve complete
security. Tesla watched a lot of electrostatic machines capable of strongly charged insulated metallic
conductors, but this demonstration of *ust surpassed charge conductors at the sudden closure of the
switch. This effect has spawned #*umpy# charge, which is similar in strength Tesla never observed.
/hatever conditions he had not used in previous systems, now he has learned to maximize the
effect. Balancing voltage and resistance at constant capacity, Tesla learned to continuously create
state sverhzaryada such force which could not generate any existing device.

%xperienced observations have shown that regular discharge of the capacitor spawned oscillating
current, which can be said to #meta# between the plates of each capacitor is not completely wasted
your energy. High voltage dynamo created such a powerful unidirectional pressure compacted
particles that change their state became impossible. The only possible solution was hesitation. In
this case, the charges created a long series of moves and stops up until sverhzaryad not disappear.
(ny settings that reinforce such fluctuations, the full manifestation of the limited effect
sverhzaryada energy from the power source, and generating exactly the state and sought Tesla. .ure,
he spent a lot of time creating different ways to loc" each oscillation and other complex current
events that could accelerate the loss of his sverhzaryadom concentrated energy. He needed only
superimpuls going in one direction. /hen all the vibrations and lea"s were eliminated, reveal new
strange effects. These powerful phenomena with high penetrating power never observed when
wor"ing with high&fre!uency currents.

'ast circuit switch now spawned in the laboratory penetrating shoc"wave that could be felt by the
sharp shoc" and penetrating electrically stimulated. #ric".# 'ace and hands were especially
sensitive to the explosive shoc" waves, which are also made fun #tingling# effect at close distances.
Tesla was convinced that the material particles reaching the vapor state, literally pulled from the
wires in all directions. To better understand these effects, it is located behind a glass screen and
continued research. 0espite the screen, and the shoc" waves, and continued to be felt tingling effect
that has puzzled many researchers. This anomaly prompted his curiosity, because no one had seen
anything li"e it. This phenomenon, which is stronger and more penetrating than that of conventional
electrostatic charge metals literally pushes the high voltage charge into the environment that gave
rise to a tingling sensation. In*ections lasted for a small fraction of a second, at the time of circuit
switch. But Tesla was convinced that these strange effects explains the easy spread of ionized shoc"
waves in the air, li"e a thunderclap strongly ionized.

Tesla spent a new series of experiments to measure the pressure of the shoc" wave at large
distances. He used automatic #disconnect switch#. /hen properly configure it became possible to
obtain a more controlled repetition effect when switched on. In addition, it enables remote
measurements that shed light on the phenomenon of penetration through the screen. 4oltage control
was carried out by changing the speed of rotation of the high&voltage dynamo. (fter you configure
these components Tesla could freely move around the room and measure. 0esiring also to avoid
prolonged exposure to shoc" and pressure in*ections spar"s, Tesla defended themselves with special
materials. (pplication !uic"ly interrupted H40C led to radiation piercing rays, which could be felt
at great distances from their source superis"rovogo. In fact, Tesla felt shots even through the shield
of special materials, /hatever released from the wires when circuit brea"er, it easily penetrates
through the screens of glass and copper. There seemed to be no differences, from which they are
made, the effect of penetrating through any substance, as if the screen were not at all. There is
clearly observed electric effect, which goes right through space without material intermediaries.
3adiant electricity,

The observed phenomenon violates the principle of electrostatic charge, experimentally determined
by 'araday. %lectrostatic particle emits usually spread out over the surface of the metallic screen,
they do not penetrate into the metal. )ew same effect was non&electric characteristics. Tesla was
genuinely intrigued by this strange new phenomenon, and began to study literature for references to
its properties. He found no such lin"s, except for the half&forgotten studies two experimenters. In
the first case, 5oseph Henry watched magnetisation of steel needles powerful spar" discharge. The
singularity of this experiment, conducted in 6789, lies in the fact that the :eyden *ar, and produced
spar"s which magnetisation, stood on the top floor of a building, usually impervious to electricity.
Bric" walls, thic" oa" doors, facing a powerful stone and iron, tin ceilings. $oreover, the needles
were placed under the arch of the basement. How could spar" so to act on the needle through
natural barriers+ 0r. Henry was convinced that spar" creates special #rays similar to light,# and
these penetrating agents are responsible for the magnetisation.

The second such incident occurred in 67;9 in the building of the Higher .chool in hiladelphia.
%lihu Thomson, a physics teacher, loo"ing for a way to ma"e a big spar" spar" coils 3um"orrfa
more visible to the lecture. Connect one terminal of the coil to the pipe with cold water, Thomson
was scared that the color changed from blue spar"s on white. /ishing to strengthen this effect,
Thomson Connect the other terminal to a large sheet of metal table. (fter switching on the coil,
there is deafening popped dazzling white spar" visible even from the bac" row. To show this
experiment colleague %dwin Houston, Thomson went to the door and was suddenly stopped.
Touching the bronze door handle on oa" door, he got a sudden sharp electric shoc". Turning off the
coil 3um"orrfa, Thomson found that the effect ceased. (fter discussing the incident with %dwin,
they again started the device. iercing effect repeated. Then the two gentlemen began to run on the
huge building of stone, oa" and iron with electrically isolated metal ob*ects. %very touch of a
pen"nife or screwdriver to any metal ob*ect, regardless of the distance from the coil and the degree
of isolation from the floor, produces a long lasting white spar"s. The research result has been
described in a short note in the *ournal .cientific (merican in the same year.

In the study of each of these early observations, separated by thirty years, Tesla felt that they are
similar to its opening. %ach of these cases was caused by slight variations of the same phenomenon.
<uite by accident every experimenter effect achieved manifestations sverhzaryada. In the case of
0r. Henry, a phenomenon manifested only flash explosion, since the initial charge accumulation
electrostatic machine used. The second case was special because it was observed a continuous and
lasting phenomenon sverhzaryada. This effect was rare, because usually he re!uired very strict
observance of the electrical parameters. Tesla brought this situation from the simple fact that this
effect is rarely observed in laboratories around the world. But he was luc"y to !uic"ly notice
abnormal attributes this phenomenon. Tesla "new that, despite the strong penetrating effect in each
case, but he was able to achieve full and maximum development sverhzaryada. His unit was not
e!ual, it is guaranteed that could release the essence of the electrostatic field, which has been
inaccessible to other devices.

0espite the fact that Tesla made this discovery in 677=, a preliminary review of the effect was
published only after a long series of experiments. #.cattering of electricity#, published before
Christmas in 67=9, was a turning Tesla article. 'rom that moment, he completely abandoned the
study of alternating currents of high fre!uency. Completely departed from field research, Tesla
began to describe the shoc" waves and other effects of the pulse. In addition to those physical
sensations that he described with characteristic restraint, Tesla also drew attention to the #gas#
aspects of the phenomenon. He found that dramatically charged wires in his experiments produce
strange gaseous streams when immersed in an oil bath. (t first he attributed this phenomenon
completely gas absorbed by the conductor, but soon found that this effect lasts for a long time on
the same wire, and no amount of conventional gas absorbed can not explain it. .pecifically, in this
case arose in the oil flows, so hard to tear off all the charged wires that they visually compressed oil,
forming a cavity, sometimes up to five centimeters deep, Tesla began to learn the true nature of
light #gas#, brea"ing with the ends of the wire immersed in oil.

He prepared a series of long&term experiments to find out the real cause and nature of these stri"ing
gas pulses. In his article, Tesla describes waves that penetrate through the screen as #sound waves of
electrified air.# )evertheless, it did description stri"ing sound, heat, light, pressure and shoc", which
he felt during passage through the effect of the copper plate. (ll together, they are #the presence of
the gaseous carrier structure, i.e. one that is composed of independent vectors capable of free
movement#. .ince the air was definitely not such a #carrier#, as he said+ :ater in the same article,
he articulates that #besides the air, there is another carrier.#

/ith the help of a successful experimental e!uipment, Tesla discovered several facts concerning the
education of its effect. 'irst, the reason for it, no doubt, is the interruption of the current. It is the
closure of the switch at the time of #closing the gap and# effect bro"e into the surrounding space.
He was uni!uely tied to the time duration of the pulse. .econd, Tesla found that a prere!uisite was
that the process too" place in the form of a single pulse. 3epetition discharge was unacceptable
effect does not appear for the second time. -n this occasion, Tesla made a brief note describing the
role of capacitance in the circuit, emitting spar"s. He found that the effect is greatly enhanced if the
arrester between the dynamo and post condenser. 0ielectric capacitor simultaneously provides
impressive energy to produce the effect and served as protection for the windings of a dynamo.

%ffect could also significantly enhance voltage increases, the acceleration opening, and shortening
time&circuit switch. 1ntil now for their use unidirectional pulses switches Tesla rotating contacts.
/hen these mechanical impulse systems no longer cope with the increase in the effect, Tesla began
to loo" more #automatic# and powerful devices. He found this #circuit brea"er# in the form of
special electrical arc dischargers. High voltage output of a 0C generator was attached to the coaxial
conductors arc through the new mechanism, is a very powerful permanent magnet mounted
transversely of the path of the arc discharge. 0ischarge arc automatically and continuously arose
and faded away by the magnetic field.

To achieve the desired effect of the rare re!uired that the capacitor line and the connection
conductors have been selected so that the receiving and discharging of electrostatic charge is
re!uired in unidirectional intermittent manner. Tesla created a contour similar to the pulsed *et,
where no bac" pressure does not interfere with a mighty stream. %lectrostatic charge increased to its
maximum and discharged very !uic"ly. The constant use of the high&pressured dynamo circuit
which generates a continuous process successfully #charge & !uic" discharge.# %ffect Tesla could
occur at the same time and only under this condition. ulses literally flowed through the apparatus
of the dynamo. Capacitor, spar" gap, and its connecting cables behave as a vibrating valve.

High&voltage electrostatic dynamo remained true to the source machine. Tesla is well appreciated
this fact, feeling the painful effects radiate into space. It was obvious that something has changed in
the dynamo addendum these circuits & #pulsating valves.# 0ynamo, which he used provided deadly
strain capable of "illing a person. 4alve circuit strengthened strange deadly radiation energy of the
field. .omehow energy dynamo erupted into space with a dangerous and painful force. But how+
How mysteriously reached such a state+ 3esult of a series of experiments have spawned a new
concept of Tesla. -f course, he found that it was involved in a mysterious effect of the shoc" field.
It was 3adiant electricity.

In the first place he conducted a carefully designed longitudinal studies for understanding the true
nature of this new electric effect. He realized that a strange #bump box# is actually radiated into
space from the pulse unit. If it was the electrostatic energy, it was more powerful and had more
penetrating than any electrostatic field he had ever seen. If it was *ust a #cho"ed# by the electrostatic
field, then why his power was so big+ Tesla began to be convinced that it has opened a new electric
power, and not a side effect of "nown forces. It is for this reason it is often described its effect as
#electrodynamic# or #electrostatic more.#

By accurate selection of con*ugate circuit parameters, Tesla learned to produce, if necessary,
extremely rapid series of unidirectional pulses. /hen pulses were short, intermittent, and had the
exact se!uence, Tesla found that the shoc" effect can be spread over a very large space with
virtually no loss of intensity. He also found that the stri"ing effect easily penetrated through the bul"
metal shields and most insulators. 0eveloping ways to control the number of pulses per second and
the time intervals between successive pulses, he began to discover more and more new effects. The
duration of each pulse was giving her special effects. 'eeling thrusting, even while the screen at a
distance of fifteen feet from the machine, Tesla immediately thought about the prospects of opening
the transmission of electrical energy without wires. Tesla first realized that electroshoc" wave
provides much more flexibility for changing the world than even the use of his polyphase
alternating current system.

Tesla fully intended his opening worldwide. 3adiant electricity had special characteristics of the
un"nown world of science. /or"ing with a simple but powerful incarnation of his apparatus, Tesla
discovered that electricity can 3adiant inducing powerful electrical effects at a distance. These
effects were not interleaved, were conventional transverse waves. These were longitudinal waves,
consisting of successive shoc"s. %ach passage of a shoc" wave followed by a short neutral zone
spawned 3adiant field. 4ector components of these shoc"s were always unidirectional. Intermittent
shoc" waves were able to influence the charges in the direction of propagation.

-b*ects placed near the device, ac!uired a strong electrical charge that preserves its sign for a few
minutes after the magnetic discharger was off. Tesla found a way to enhance these effects charge of
one sign with *ust the asymmetric arrangement of the magnetic discharger. /hen placing the
magnetic discharger closer to one or the other side of the charging dynamo, you can choose the
design and strength with positive or negative charge vector. Thus, it became possible to send or
receive a charge from any ob*ect in the space enclosed by the field. It was a new electric power.
Tesla is stronger than it ever was, I realized that is on uncharted territory. The fact that these radiant
forces spread li"e rays of light, distinguished them from $axwell>s electromagnetic waves.

Tesla wanted to determine the effect of a gradual decrease in pulse duration, this *ob re!uired a huge
experience and precautions. Tesla "new that puts himself in mortal danger. Controlling the speed of
the process spar" suppression in the magnetic 0C arc, Tesla has released a new range of light&li"e
energy in its vast space laboratory. .imilar varieties of energy the world has ever seen. Tesla
discovered that the duration of the pulse itself determined the effect of the spectrum of each small
segment. These effects are completely different from each other, and were endowed with strange
additional properties not previously species in nature. ( series of pulses, each of which is superior
to one&tenth of a millisecond duration generates mechanical pressure and pain. This 3adiant field
ob*ects noticeably vibrated and even moved as the force field was getting to them. Thin wires,
exposed to short bursts of radiant field evaporated. ain and physical movement occurs when the
pulse duration e!ual to or less than one hundred microseconds.

/hen pulses of one microsecond, there is a strong physiological heat. 'urther reduction of the pulse
duration led to spontaneous luminescence fills the room and vacuum flas"s white light. (t these
fre!uencies, pulse Tesla achieved appearance effects which were usually characteristic energy of
electromagnetic waves of the visible light. .horter pulses create the course, filling the room cool
streams, and accompanied by the emergence of feelings of anxiety and worry. 3educe the pulse
duration was no limit. )one of these energy pulse could be repeated using the high&fre!uency
harmonic oscillation. .ome researchers have been able to reproduce these effects, because they
understood the absolute necessity of studying the parameters set by Tesla. These facts were
explained %ric 0ollard, who also successfully got weird and different effects, which opened Tesla.

By 67=?, the ninth year, after a period of intense experimentation and e!uipment design, Tesla
described the combination of components re!uired for the practical application of the radiant
distribution of electrical energy. He opened one amazing fact that pulses of less than one hundred
microseconds can not be felt and not bring physiological harm. He planned to use this fact in its
electrical distribution system. $oreover, shoc" waves lasting a hundred microseconds penetrated
through any substance, ma"ing them the ideal form for the transfer of energy in cities that re!uire
large amounts of energy.

In the same year, Tesla made even more surprising discovery when placed near the magnetic
discharger long cylindrical single&layer copper coil. Coil, which had about sixty centimeters in
length, was not behaving as straight copper tube or other ob*ects. Coil of thin copper wire has
ac!uired the crown of white spar"s. Twist crown were very long and sailed silver&white threads, soft
bits that seemed to be much higher voltage. These effects are greatly increased when a single&layer
cylindrical coil placed in the coil wire from the spar" gap. Inside this #stri"e zone# was surrounded
by a cylindrical coil explosively flash that around her face and pulled away from the open end of the
coil. It seemed as if the shoc" wave pushed herself up from the environment to connect to a coil in a
strange attracting preference. .hoc" wave flowing into the coils at right angles to the winding that
was unbelievable. %xplicit length discharges leaping from the crown of the cylindrical coil was
incredible. If the magnetic spar" arrester slipped two and a half centimeters, the shimmering white
discharge flowed from the reel more than sixty centimeters. These discharges were comparable with
the size of the coil itself, It was unexpected and the un"nown transformation.

Here observed effect, almost #electrostatic# in nature, even though he "new that academia does not
allow the use of this term in relation to a given situation. %lectrostatic energy does not fluctuate, as
do shoc" waves. The explosive shoc" waves have characteristics dissimilar to those of any existing
electric cars. @et Tesla speculated that the shoc" wave for a brief moment its manifestations are
more explosively li"e electrostatic field than any other "nown electrical phenomenon. In
electrostatic friction machines where currents and magnetism are scanty, very energetic field fills
the space between the radiant lines. This is the #dielectric# field is normally passes through space,
slowly growing up, until charges are accumulated. Here was a case where a 0C generator produced
a strong tension. This voltage charges insulated copper coil, growing to a maximum value. If all
values in the circuit is in a certain combination, Tesla established, the charge suddenly collapses.
0uring this collapse had to be shorter than the interval re!uired to charge the coil. The collapse
occurred when the magnetic discharger interrupted arc. If the circuit has been configured properly,
the fluctuations in the opposite direction did not arise ever.

1nidirectional se!uence of pulses of charge & discharge forced to spread out very strange field,
which is slightly li"e a #stutter# or #intermittent# electrostatic field. But these terms can not
successfully describe the state actually measured around the machine powerful radiant effect
exceeding all expectations electrostatic value. Calculate ratios of these discharges confirmed their
impossibility. erforming a standard calculation of the transformation ratio Tesla could not figure
out a huge effect voltage amplification. Typically, the ratio did not help, and Tesla hypothesized that
the effect is completely subordinate to the radiant transformation rule obviously re!uires
experimental determination. .ubse!uent measurements of the length of the discharge parameters
and helical coils provided him with the necessary mathematical relationships.

He discovered a new law of induction, in which radiant shoc"waves actually strengthened
themselves with pitting with segmented ob*ects. .egmentation was the "ey to the emergence of
such exposure. 3adiant shoc" waves included in the helical coil and #thrown away# through its
surface from one end to the other. This shoc" wave does not pass through a coil behaving on its
surface, as the air in an aircraft wing. The gradual increase in electrical pressure measured along the
surface of the coil. Tesla clearly established that the voltage can be increased to impressive figures
of 6? ??? volts per inch coil height. This meant that the 98&inch coil can collect radiant shoc"
waves initially measured input voltage of 6?,??? volts, and raise it to a maximum of 98? ???4,
.uch stress ratio was previously impossible for vehicles of this size and simplicity. .ubse!uently
Tesla discovered that the output voltage associated with the resistance of the coil windings. Higher
resistance of the coil leads to the highest voltage thereon.

He called his chopper #primary# and a single&layer cylindrical coil placed inside the shoc" zone &
#secondary#. But he never compared these terms to those used in conventional electromagnetic
transformers. His discovery was completely different from the magnetic induction. (nd there was a
reason & to enter the actual wording outlandish. /as one phenomenon that sometimes frustrating
Tesla. He measured zero current in those long copper secondary coils. He determined that the
current, which would have to appear completely absent. )et voltage increased with every inch of
the surface coil. Tesla constantly referred to his #electrostatic induction laws# that few comprehend.
He called the combination of his chopper and secondary cylindrical single&layer coil #transformer#.

Tesla transformers were not electromagnetic devices, they used radiant shoc" waves and produces
pure voltage without current. %ach transformer is conducted only specific pulse with particular
force. It followed that each of them had to be #tuned# by ad*usting spar" gap to a certain pulse
width. Changing the length of the arc provided such ad*ustment. /hen one transformer was set to
its own characteristic response Ali"e resonanceB, the pulses can safely flow through the system, li"e
a gas in the pipe. 'inding gasdynamic analogies that are consistent with the available data and
assessment were successful in this respect, Tesla began to study whether the white flame discharges,
so different from what he had seen before, gaseous manifestation of electrostatic force. There was a
considerable number of experiments, which clearly manifested their true gaseous nature, so unli"e
anything electrical. The way in which radiant shoc"waves proceeded by conducting windings
shimmering white laminar *ets, brought a new revolution in thought Tesla. 4oltage pulses crossed
the surface of the secondary coil li"e gas pulse under increasing pressure. /hile gaseous impulses
do not reach the free end of the coil, they streamed down her copper surface without penetrating
inside. Tesla called this specific phenomenon of #s"in effect.# In this regard, the discharge behaved
very much li"e a gas moving over the surface of the pipe.

$oreover, when the upper conclusion of one of its transformers was attached a metal tip, the flow
became more directional. He behaved li"e a stream of water in the pipe. /hen the white serpentine
flow was directed at distant metal plates, he was doing *ust their electrical charges. This appearance
of the charge can be measured as a current, #current#, on the reception side. In the transmitting
space, however, no current does not arise. Current appeared only at the receiver. %ric 0ollard found
that the space around the pulse transformer Tesla emitted a stream that #adopted current# could
reach hundreds and even thousands of amperes. But from what was this mysterious stream+ Tesla
was struggling with the uncertainty that his discharge phenomenon could be a conventional
electricity behaving in an unusual way. But could it have the electricity smooth, soft, writhing
nature+ %lectricity, to which he was accustomed, it was hitting, hot, burn, death, piercing, piercing,
all of its attributes were annoying. But this phenomenon of discharge, whether it was cold or warm
to the touch, remained soft and tender. It could not "ill.

%ven the way the pulse burst, forming a bright white discharge incredibly amplified voltage was
similar to the behavior of the gas escaping from the pipe under pressure. These considerations
prompted Tesla to the conclusion that this effect was not purely electrical in nature. In more detail
by studying white flame, Tesla discovered why crown wor"ing coil had measurable #electric
current.# Conventional heavy charge carriers, electrons can not move as fast as himself 1nder floor
momentum. .tuc" in the crystal lattice of the coil, the electrons become immobile. )one of the
electrons do not move in the coil. The emitted pulse, which moved along the surface of the coil was
not, therefore, an electronic in nature.

In addition to that, Tesla discovered a surprising phenomenon that resolved all doubts about the
nature of energy carriers in his unit. Tesla set a very heavy 1&shaped copper bar connecting both her
legs directly to the surge. Between the legs of the 1&shaped tires were located a few light bulbs.
Their location to form a short circuit. :amp shone spar"ling cool white light, while they themselves
were shorted thic" copper shunt. It was unusual for conventional electricity, glowing brightly, but
the lamp cold showed that through #short&circuited# chain runs another energy current.

/atching this experiment had expected when it is running chopper circuit, and then both dynamo
burn. Instead, they saw a miracle. :amps were lit with extraordinary brightness. This simple
demonstration was *ust one of the proofs of correctness theories Tesla. %lectronic charges preferred
path with less resistance, and must bend around the filament lamp at a copper shunt. 3adiant same
current in this situation prefer the opposite principle. robably, it was so, because the currents were
not electric. Tesla constantly used this demonstration to show #separation# from the current
electronic neutral currents.

3emained one simple !uestion, the answer to which would give the necessary information to create
new technology. /hat is shared, or #fractionated# various carriers in its transformer+ It was the
geometric configuration of the coil, which inadvertently shared each component. %lectrons are
bloc"ed in the wire while 1nder floor pulse is released on the coil surface as a gaseous pulse.
%lectrons would have to pass through the wire, but during each pulse period, bloc"ed resistance
line. Thus, the gas released mobile carriers and flowed over the wire, the pulse traveling along the
outer surface of the coil from one end to the other. This was evidence that electrical discharges
simultaneously definitely consisted of several moving particles. Tesla now understand why it
charges high fre!uency variables of the first experiments never showed such powerful
manifestations. It intermittence furious pulse discharge, attributed this unexpected #gaseous#
component able to move freely. ulses unidirectional pulses were the only reason by which it could
be released potential. .inusoidal oscillations in this regard were absolutely useless. $oreover,
because the vibrations could not release the second gas&dynamic component, they were useless and
had a pathetic power. Tesla began to treat all their devices high&fre!uency oscillations as a failed
pro*ect. That was the reason it is extremely critical comments about the wor" of $arconi and other
researchers who wor"ed on radio waves at high fre!uency. Tesla began wor"ing in the area, which
now has more enemies and critics, than in any other region in this century. )ow Tesla with great
interest began to explore the #ether#.

Tesla believed that the dielectric field is actually composed of ether flows. Theoretically, then you
can get an unlimited amount of energy, catching and drove in a natural line conductor dielectric
field. The problem was that none of the usual materials available can not !uite resist the airwaves to
get out of it the slightest impulse power. /hen the flow is so rarefied that it penetrates through any
"nown material, the "inetic energy contained in the dielectric field lines remained unavailable
energy source. Tesla believed he could find the secret of how to capture this energy, but it will
re!uire an unusual variety of materials. Tesla considered as voltage flows ether under different
pressure conditions. Increasing the pressure, could generate enormous energy from the air of
tension would be extremely high and luminescent. This was exactly what the state, which is
believed Tesla, and he got in his Transformers.

In fact, Tesla never tired of repeating that his Transformers produce powerful movements in the air.
-ne really amazing experiments demonstrate this phenomenon, he described receiving se!uence
very fast pulses, followed by the appearance of #cold misty white streams penetrating a yard in the
surrounding area.# They were cool to the touch and safe. If they were electrical in nature, they had
to reach a capacity of several million volts. Their harmlessness associated with their wave&li"e
nature, !uite unusual for electric currents.

-f course, for the understanding of the technology Tesla must abandon the idea that electrons were
#wor"ing fluid# in its devices, radiating energy. /hen the lower end of the coil is connected directly
to the dynamo, the ether stream high voltage emitted from the upper terminal. /hen Tesla described
his new technology in their patents, he spo"e of the #light&rays# and #natural environment.# The
first term refers to the tightly compressed ether *ets that emit from his Transformers along
infinitesimal rays, and the latter refers to esters of the atmosphere, which has been impregnated
using all its technology. Impossible to understand Tesla technology without opposing points of view
on the air. $any analysts re*ect his concept without preliminary searches and studies that have been
obtained in a variety of experiments, such as %ric 0ollard. Tesla advocated the idea that flows
through the ether pushed him under the influence of natural Transformers hypertension, and
accelerated in the form of a sharp electric shoc". Tesla apparatus can not fully understand or explain
how the electrical system. -n Tesla technology necessary to see how the technology essential gas
that can only be explained through the gas&dynamic analogy.

)ow it is easy to understand how these beams, broadcasting streams of high pressure gas, may
permeate through the metal as well as through insulators. These powerful rays often can penetrate
through various materials with inexplicable ease. %lectricity is not capable of generating such a
miracle. Tesla also understand now why these bit streams produce !uiet hiss as the gas escaping at
high pressure. The ether pressurized gas. Tesla was intrigued. He successfully freed the mysterious
1nder floor heating current, usually bound and compressed in the carriers of electric charge. His
release unidirectional pulsed discharges high voltage and short duration. /hat other opportunities
can bring essential technology of gas+

-riginal cylindrical coils were replaced !uic"ly tapered. 1sing such a strange geometry, Tesla could
focus gasdynamic component which now grew out of the tip of the coil as a sizzling splash of white
light. Tesla recognized that these discharges, exciting and awe&inspiring white, were in fact energy
losses. owerful energy distribution station now broadcasts an energy radiation in all directions.
lamyapodobnye energy level allowed the possibility to form a wave in the space. This could lead
to an undesirable loss of energy over long distances. Consumers would not get the re!uired and a
constant flow of energy. If he was going to use their energy transformers for transmission with high
efficiency, it was necessary to suppress these plamyapodobnye discharges. But the suppression of
excessive splashing ether proved problematic.

Tesla found that white shimmering streams absorb large volumes and masses, which flows san",
filtered and destroyed. 1sing copper spheres on top of transformers urged flows considerably damp
white flame. )ow the energy spread in the space as it was intended. But a new problem. Copper
sphere, which hit high flows becomes conductive and destroy electronic components. This
phenomenon has been inseparable from the radiation, and gave rise to a very dangerous
phenomenon. The problem arose due to conduction, when the spherical copper ball shran" over the
entire volume. /hite shimmering streams penetrated the copper and torn from her electrons. These
contaminants are concentrated and bro"e a dangerous piercing blue arrows. 'or comparison, white
plamyapodobny discharge was bland and safe flow.

Comparing both cases, Tesla saw the difference in the charge carriers. -nce he was nearly "illed
when one of these arrows *umped a meter in the air and hit him right in the heart. Copper sphere
had to be replaced by other components of the scattering. $etals is not good, because they were
natural repositories of electrons. Tesla came to the conclusion that the metals produce electrons
when exposed to these special flame&white threads when white flame carriers begin to concentrate
in the metal lattice.

)ow he studied how the very air around transformers produces a strange self&luminescence. .uch a
high fre!uency coil light did not produce ever2 bright white crown, which even increased in
diameter. The glow of the Tesla transformer gradually increased. Tesla described the growing
column of light that surrounded each conductive line upward in the air, to *oin his transformer.
1nli"e conventional high&fre!uency oscillations, the effects of radiant energy Tesla increased over
time. Tesla found the cause of the process of their growth. (lthough the source of the discharge
there was no change, radiant energy never reduces the wor" to be performed on any space or
materials sub*ected to exposure. (s unidirectional pulsed discharges, electrical effects radirantnye
evolved and accumulated. In this respect, Tesla saw the multiplication of energy that seemed totally
abnormal for ordinary engineering calculations.

It was easy to control the lighting in the room that controls the output voltage of the transformer.
:ight from this type of illumination was very bright for human perception, but it was almost
impossible to photograph. To do this, Tesla used the long exposure, and only if, a wea" image
streams. This strange impossibility of capturing photographic brilliance was the complete opposite,
I feel the eye, which re!uired delicate control. Tesla also developed, made and used large spherical
lamps that re!uire a single external input for their radiant energy. 0espite the different distance
from the source of radiant energy lamp is always a bright light. Brightness they approached the arc
lamp, and surpassed any standard %dison light bulb of the same dimensions. Tesla also easily able
to control the heating of any space. By varying the voltage and pulse duration of its transformers, he
could warm up the room. Cool streams could also be caused by certain settings of pulse duration.

The "ey to the production of any action over the ether was a secret approach to changing
inhomogeneities ester, a process that ta"es only Tesla. .ir -liver :odge suggested that the only way
to #get air# was #electrical path#, but none of the members of the 3oyal .ociety could not reproduce
this process, with the sole exception in the person of .ir /illiam Croo"es. Tesla used the same
method to change ether ether, The secret was to separate contaminants from ether ether currents at
the source, a feature which he received in his Transformers and magnitodugovyh brea"ers.

Tesla used the power arcs punctuated magnet for randomization and essential electronic charge
carriers in metallic conductors. /hen bro"en lin"s connecting them, each component was freed for
sorting. This condition could not be obtained in the arc gap, where charges could fluctuate in
opposite directions. In such devices electronic media suppressed the release of ester and ether until
the present in the discharge, he could not be separated from the mixed current. Incredible efficiency
magneto&arc gap for the production of essential currents resulted from several principles. Tesla saw
that the electric current was actually a complex combination of ether and electrons. /hen electricity
is passed through the gap, the main separation process began. %lectrons e*ected from the force of
the discharge gap a strong magnetic field. However flows ether, neutral in charge, continued to flow
through the circuit. $agnetic discharger was mainly in the department of electrons from the ether

%thereal particles were extremely mobile, almost weightless in comparison with electrons, and
could, therefore, to penetrate through the material with very little effort. %lectrons could #catch up#
with ether speed and penetration ability. (ccording to this view, the ether particles were infinitely
small, much smaller than electrons.

%ther particles carried with them a boost. Their great speed consistent with their massless nature,
the combination of these properties was observed when large !uantities. They were moving at a
speed exceeding the speed of light, which was the result of their lac" of mass and incompressibility.
/henever a directed energy pulse 1nder floor immediately arose incompressible motion in space to
all points located in its path. This movement manifested itself in a solid beam, which defied modern
concepts of signal delays in space. Incompressible rays could instantly move any distance. %ven
ahead distance was D?? ??? "ilometers in length, the momentum reached this point as fast as any
other. This superluminal speed, instantaneous transmission. 3adiant matter behaves incompressible.
%ffect of this is that the flow of radiant matter, almost no mass and hydrodynamic incompressible, is
pure energy, 3adiant energy Afree energyB.

It definitely was a phenomenon that does not agree with the other manifestations of the pulse. Tesla
called this in contrast to pure essential emissions #radiant matter# and #radiant energy.# )eutral in
charge and an infinitesimal mass and size, 3adiant %nergy was not li"e anything. If you as" whether
it is possible to compare the radiant energy with any other physical phenomenon "nown today, the
answer is no. /e can not draw parallels between the radiant energy and the energy of light, as
earlier believed science. %ven being very similar to the light, 3adiant %nergy has properties that do
not have the light we can get. Therein lies the problem. Tesla technology & this ulse Technology.
/ithout intermittent unidirectional pulses impossible to obtain effects of 3adiant %nergy. 3adiant
%nergy production re!uires special power e!uipment, e!uipment which produces short fast pulses.
These pulses must be obtained by the )C vzryvoobrazuyuschego brea"er as prescribed Tesla.

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