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Monday, June 23, 2014 by: Michael Ravensthorpe

Tags: magnesium sources, elp, blacstrap molasses

!"atural"e#s$ Magnesium is a vital macromineral that is needed %or
more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body& 't regulates en(yme
reactions, aids the production o% )T*, helps the body transport ions
across the cell membranes and much more& 'ndeed, all o% the body+s
organs re,uire magnesium to %unction properly&
-n%ortunately, magnesium defciencies are pandemic #orld#ide& 'n
the -nited .tates alone, e/perts estimate that bet#een 00 and 10
percent o% the population su2ers %rom a defciency, which can lead
to anxiety, restless leg syndrome, nausea, muscle cramps,
insomnia and a host of other stress-related conditions. !1$
Though poor diets are partially to blame, the biggest reason %or this
pandemic is ongoing soil erosion, #hich has signi3cantly reduced the
mineral content o% the earth& 4onse,uently, many popular %ruits and
vegetables that used to contain magnesium no longer do& !2$
There%ore, i% you #ant to prevent or treat a magnesium de3ciency
through diet, you need to %ocus on certain %oods that still retain their
magnesium content& The best o% these %oods are listed belo#&
-nlie land vegetables, sea vegetables have retained their mineral
compositions %or centuries and remain the best source o% many
essential minerals& 6ne hundred grams !almost 1 cup$ o% elp, %or
instance, contain appro/imately 121 milligrams o% magnesium, or 30
percent o% the recommended daily intae !R7'$& 5elp is also one o% the
best sources o% iodine, another mineral in #hich many individuals are
unno#ingly de3cient& !3$
8orried about radiation in sea#eed9 "umerous reputable sea#eed
suppliers such as Maine 4oast .ea :egetables no# monitor their
products %or possible radiation contamination& )s a general rule,
though, %avor sea#eed sourced %rom the )tlantic rather than the
;lacstrap molasses
.ince the roots o% sugar cane gro# deep into the soil, this tall, <uicy
plant is able to tap into a large number o% nutrients that other plants
cannot reach& This is the reason #hy organic, unsulphured blacstrap
molasses == the treacle=lie byproduct o% sugar cane re3nement == is so
rich in essential minerals lie iron, calcium, manganese, selenium,
potassium and == you guessed it == magnesium& 'n %act, <ust 1
tablespoon o% this dar, viscous molasses #ill provide the body #ith 41
milligrams o% easily digestible magnesium& !4$
There+s a good reason #hy magnesium de3ciencies o%ten mani%est in
the %orm o% chronic chocolate cravings: 4acao beans, the dried and
%ermented beans %rom #hich chocolate is made, are one o% the most
magnesium=rich %oods in the #orld& 6ne cup o% po#dered cacao beans
contains a #hopping 42> milligrams o% magnesium, #hich is <ust over
100 percent o% the R7'& !0$ -n%ortunately, the oxalic acid found in
cacao beans prevent this magnesium from being absorbed
completely, but you still get a good dose of it -- that's why
cacao and cacao products make you feel relaxed and energized
after eating them.
Rice bran tarate de orez!
)ccording to .el%+s ?"utrition7ata,? rice bran is the #orld+s greatest
source o% magnesium& Just 1 cup o% this byproduct o% the rice milling
process contains an incomparable >22 milligrams o% magnesium, or
more than t#ice the R7'& 't is also unusually high in manganese,
phosphorus, iron and the ; vitamins& !@$
Aie blacstrap molasses, rice bran is an e/cellent gluten=%ree nutrient
supplement and can be added to cereals, soups, muBns, caes and
other baed goods& 'n %act, a lot o% recipes that incorporate blacstrap
can also incorporate rice bran, providing you #ith a double dose o%
.ources %or this article include:
!1$ http:CC###&dumblittleman&com
!2$ http:CC###&enotalone&com
!3$ http:CCnutritiondata&sel%&com
!4$ http:CCnutritiondata&sel%&com
!0$ http:CCnutritiondata&sel%&com
!@$ http:CCnutritiondata&sel%&com
)bout the author:
Michael Ravensthorpe is an independent #riter #hose research
interests include nutrition, alternative medicine, and bushcra%t& De is
the creator o% the #ebsite, .pirit%oods, through #hich he promotes the
#orld+s healthiest %oods&
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