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... through Bertha Dudde

Concept of time and space .... Bliss ....
You ill glorif! "! name for all eternit! .... You ill gi#e than$s
and sing !our praises to the One Who created !ou and Who ill
ma$e !ou profusel! happ! ....
You ill recognise !our God and Creator as !our Father Who is
connected to !ou in profound lo#e% Who created !ou out of &is
lo#e% 'ecause &e as filled '! immeasura'le strength and
'ecause &e found &is 'liss '! ma$ing use of this strength ....
You ill lo#e "e ith all !our heart% for !ou ill ha#e to
reciprocate "! lo#e once !ou ha#e de#eloped into lo#e again as
!ou ere in the 'eginning.
But infinitel! long periods of time ill still pass '! until
e#er!thing created ill ha#e changed into lo#e once more% until
all created 'eings ill grant "e the lo#e again hich the! initiall!
felt for "e.
Yet time does not e(ist in eternit! and the concept of time is onl!
applica'le to !ou humans ho still li#e on earth in a state of
imperfection. )nd earthl! life% too% is 'ut an instant compared to
the infinitel! long time 'efore !our life on earth as a human
and if !ou onl! enter the spiritual $ingdom ith *ust a glimmer of
realisation% ith *ust a slight degree of light and lo#e% then this
pre#ious time ill alread! appear to !ou li$e a short process of
de#elopment toards !our ascent+ !et hat lies ahead of !ou ill
ne#er end ....
)nd thus e#er! concept of space ill also 'e e(cluded in the
state here the light from "e can alread! permeate !ou in the
spiritual $ingdom .... ,hen !ou ill 'e a'le to sta! here#er !ou
mo#e to in !our thoughts% no distance ill e(ist for !ou% no
inaccessi'le goals% onl! !our degree of maturit! ill determine
the spheres of !our sta!% and !ou ill not ant to enter into an!
other spheres of !our on accord either% 'ecause !ou ill $no
!oursel#es that an! sphere ill correspond to !our degree of
light and lo#e.
But !our lo#e for "e ill flare up 'rightl! ithin !ou% and the soul
ill long for "e ith e#er more !earning% and - ill grant it
fulfilment% - ill let "! lo#e flo e#er stronger and constantl!
intensif! its 'liss.
Were !ou humans on earth aare of this state of 'liss% trul!% !ou
ould do hate#er it ta$es in order to attain it% !et !ou can onl!
'e informed of it% the e#idence of it% hoe#er% cannot 'e gi#en to
!ou% for this 'eatitude is so inconcei#a'l! immense that it can
onl! 'ecome the fate of those ho #oluntaril! stri#e toards this
degree of maturit!% hich is the condition for the receipt of
'eatitude hich - ha#e prepared for "! li#ing creations.
&oe#er% people need onl! 'ehold the onders of creation hich%
admittedl!% no longer appear unusual to them 'ecause the! ha#e
'ecome accustomed to seeing them% 'ut the! ne#ertheless
testif! to a Creator Who uses &is strength ith lo#e and isdom
in order to also gi#e pleasure to people on earth alread! .... )nd
such a Creator still has countless possi'ilities in order to grant
&is li#ing creations e#idence of &is lo#e% !et he re.uires people
to ta$e the path to &im% to let their frame of mind 'e dominated
'! &im ....
- re.uire people to li#e in and ith "e 'ut in order to then also
prepare a fate for them hich the! cannot e#en imagine on earth
.... - onl! ant to recei#e !our lo#e% 'ut then - ill also consider
"! children ith "! lo#e and create 'eatitudes hich no human
'eing can possi'l! dream of ..... hich no e!e has e#er seen and
no ear has e#er heard of ....
)nd - thus often step into a human 'eing/s life so that he can
recognise "e as a God of lo#e and he ould onl! ha#e to respond
to "! lo#e in order to approach this 'lissful fate .... )nd one da!
he ill not 'e a'le to understand h! he denied "e his lo#e for
so long .... one da! it ill 'e incomprehensi'le to him that he
$ept himself far0aa! from "e for such long periods of time%
and then he ill onl! 'e concerned ith helping people to gain
realisation faster% since he ill 'e alloed to loo$ after them
hen he is in the spiritual $ingdom. Being inconcei#a'l! happ!
himself in his lo#e he ill also ant to help those attain
happiness ho ha#e not !et reached the degree in order to 'e
gi#en "! gifts of lo#e directl!.
)nd this is h! constant redemption or$ is 'eing carried out
from the spiritual $ingdom% for e#er! redeemed soul ta$es part in
it as soon as it is enlightened itself and can also o'ser#e all
e#ents on earth% the e#er0increasing decline of spiritualit! as ell
as the flashes of ra!s of light in this dar$ orld.
)nd e#er! redeemed soul ill then alread! 'e a'le to emanate
light itself and penetrate the dar$ness for the sal#ation of people
ho are of good ill. )nd the redemption of e#er! soul ill cause
great re*oicing in the spiritual $ingdom% their lo#e for "e ill
increase and "! children ill praise and e(tol "e ithout end% for
their e#er! feeling is a pra!er of gratitude in ardent lo#e for
"e ....
1o#e% hoe#er% is 'liss and can intensif! ithout end .... - "!self
as 2ternal 1o#e ill ala!s 'e the !earning and the goal of all
illuminated spiritual 'eings hich constantl! recei#e "!
emanation of lo#e and are continuousl! acti#e 'ecause lo#e is
also strength hich can ne#er remain inacti#e .... )nd !ou
humans should $no a'out God/s infinite lo#e% so that !ou% too%
ma! recei#e it as soon as !our on degree of lo#e allos for a
constant illumination in hich !ou ill 'e and remain
immeasura'l! happ! ....
3u'lished '! friends of ne re#elations of God 4 -nformation%
donload of all translated re#elations% theme0'oo$lets at5


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