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appel cider azijn
cayenne peper
columbus ei
sla (geen ijsberg)
zelfgemaakte pesto
goed fruit: rijpe banaan, kiwi, passiefruit, ananas, rabarber, nangka,
abrikoos, nectarine, perzik, kwets
aardbeien, citroen
Aubergine, banana, Brussels sprouts, carrots, clementine / mandarine,
corn, cucumber, fennel, grapefruit, lemon, potato, pumpkin, radishes, red
currents, rhubarb, sauerkraut, spinach and sweet potato / yam.
papaya, pomelo, banaan, litchi, pompoen, venkel
Vegetables: lentils, squash, corn
Fruits: currants, plums, prunes, cranberries and blueberries
Grains: barley, cornstarch, oatmeal, wheat bran, amaranth, rice, rye,
wheat germ, noodles, macaroni, spaghetti, bread, soda crackers, white
four, rolled oats and wheat four
Beans & Legumes: chick peas, green peas, kidney beans, pinto beans,
red beans, soy beans, black beans and white beans
Dairy Products: butter, ice cream, processed cheese, butter and ice milk
Nuts & Butters: peanuts, pecans, walnuts, cashews and peanut butter
Animal Proteins: bacon, beef, pork, salmon, lamb, fsh, clams, cod,
mussels, sausage, scallops, turkey, enison, shrimp and lobster
Fats & Oils: canola oil, lard, olie oil, sesame oil, sunfower oil, hemp
seed oil and sa!ower oil"
Sweeteners: corn syrup, sugar and carob
Alcool: spirits, hard liquor, wine and beer
!ondiments: inegar, pepper, ketchup and mustard
"igly Al#ali$ing Foods

Artichokes, Arugula, Asparagus, Aocado, baking soda, beet greens, beets,
broccoli, cabbage, cabbage lettuce, carrots, caulifower, celery, celery
root, chard, chicory, chies, cilantro,collards, comfrey, cucumbers,
dandelion greens, eggplant, endie, fennel, garlic, ginger, wheat grass
and its #uice, barley grass, kamut grass, green beans, #icama, kohlrabi,
leeks, lemon, lettuce, lima beans, lime, lotus root, mustard greens, onions,
parsley, peas, peppers, pumpkin, radishes, rhubarb, rutabaga, sea salt,
sea egetables, seaweed, sorrel, soy lecithin, soy beans, soy nuts,
spinach, sprouted beans$grains$seeds in all ariaties, squash, sweet
poatoes, taro root, tomatoes, tomatillos, turnips, wasabi, watercress,

%oderately Al#ali$ing Foods
&aw Almonds, Borage oil, bra%il nuts, buckwheat groats, burdock root,
caraway seeds, chia seeds, cumin seeds, dasheen, fennel seeds fa' seed
oil, fa' seeds, ha%elnuts, herbs, millet, nigella seeds, parsnip, poppy
seeds, pumpkin seeds, radishes, sesame seeds, soy four, steia,
sunfower seeds, tofu.

Low Al#ali$ing Foods
Amaranth, black$eyed peas, Bragg liquid aminos(, apples, apricots,
bananas, black currants, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cold pressed
oils, currants, dates, eening primrose oil, fgs, fa' seed oil, gooseberries,
grapes, grapefruit, kiwi, mandarin oranges, mangos, marine lipids,
nectarines, olie oil, oranges, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples,
plums, pmegranates, raspberries, red currants, rosehips, strawberries,
tangerines, ugli fruit, watermelon. &Note: "ig sugar 'ruits are acidic
in an imbalanced body and are best in season and 'or cleansing
(ur(oses in moderation) Fruit *uice is not recommended+ faa
beans, head lettuce, kamut, miso, pecans, quinoa, rice)brown and
basmati*, spelt, spices, string beans, sunfower oil, te+, egetable broth,
egetables cooked, walnuts, wa' beans, wild rice.

Neutral Foods
,resh coconut meat and water, ghee, 'ylitol

Low Acidic Foods
Agae nectar, brown rice syrup, fresh water fsh, dried fruit, honey raw,
lentils, olies, rye bread, sprouted$grain bread and meal, whole grain
bread and meal.

%oderately Acid Foods
Barley, beans, carob, cashews, cranberries, fructose, granola, legumes,
pistachios, turbinado sugar, anilla, wheat, stored potatoes, soy sauce,
tamari, tapioca,

"igly Acidic Foods
Bacon, Barley malt sweetener, Biscuits, Butter, Bread$white bread,
chicken, cheese, eggs, cakes, corn, corn meal, crab, lobster, mushrooms,
organic cheese, oatmeal, oats, ocean fsh, pasta, pastries, pork, rice,
sausages, shrimp, turkey, eal, Alcohol of all kinds, artifcial sweeteners,
candy, cheese, cocoa, co+ee and black tea, cottonseed oil, refned oils,
both raw milk and cow-s milk that has been homogeni%ed and
pasteuri%ed, fried foods of all kinds, game birds, hydrogenated oil, ice
cream, #am, #elly, hops, malt, margarine, milk chocolate, msg, processed
foods, pudding, refned sugar, white sugar, table salt).a/l*, inegar of all
kinds, yeast, soft drinks, candy, processed foods of all kinds.
0o make this mi'ture, combine 1 tsp. laender essential oil, 1 tsp. basil
essential oil and 2 tsp. macadamia nut oil in a small bottle and shake or
stir to combine.
0ry making spaghetti sauce out of squash and beets instead of tomatoes.
0he red color of the beets and some fresh 3talian herbs will satisfy your
craing while alkali%ing your blood. 4acrobiotic cookbooks contain great
suggestions for how to substitute neutral egetables for nightshades. 50he
6ip /hick-s 7uide to 4acrobiotics5 by 8essica 9orter is an e'cellent book to
start with, as is 5,resh ,rom a :egetarian ;itchen5 by 4eredith 4c/arty.
<ou will fnd recipes for eerything from lasagna to enchiladas in these
books, all without nightshades or animal products.
Natural ,o-ins in Food
0he to'ins in food are not limited to manmade chemicals. 0here are
seeral to'ins which are found in natural foods.
=ome can be neutrali%ed through the proper preparation techniques of
soaking, fermenting or cooking the food substance, others are poisonous
in any form. 6ere>s a list of some natural food to'ins:
A.ato-in: carcinogenic to'ins in food which is produced by the
Aspergillus faus fungus. 0his fungus can contaminate foods such
as grain, nuts and legumes such as peanuts. Afato'in$producing
members of Aspergillus are common and widespread in nature.
0hey can contaminate grain before harest or during storage.
Aspergillus lies in soil, decaying egetation, hay, and rancid grains
and nuts. /rops which are frequently infected include:
7rains such as corn, sorghum, pearl millet, rice, and wheat
?ilseeds such as peanuts, soybeans, sunfower seeds, and
=pices such as chile peppers, black pepper, coriander, turmeric,
0ree nuts including almonds, pistachios, walnuts, coconuts, and
bra%il nuts.
0he to'in can also be found in the milk of animals which are fed
contaminated feed. :irtually all sources of commercial peanut butter
contain minute quantities of afato'in, but it is usually far below the
@= ,ood and Arug Administration-s ),AA* recommended safe leel.
/rgot: a to'in produced when the /laiceps 9urpurea mold infects rye
and other grains. 3n medieal times, outbreaks of the disease
BergotismC were common and known as =t. Anthony>s fre. 0he
name was in reference the seere burning sensations in the limbs
caused by asoconstriction of blood essels. 0he asoconstriction
sometimes resulted in gangrene and loss of limbs due to seerely
restricted blood circulation. 0he neurological symptoms of an ergot
infection included hallucinations and irrational behaior,
conulsions, and death.
Goitrogens: a class of to'ins in food which suppress the function of the
thyroid gland by interfering with iodine uptake. Dong term e'posure
can cause an enlargement of the thyroid )goiter*. ,oods containing
these substances include soybeans )and soybean products such as
tofu*, pine nuts, peanuts, millet, strawberries, pears, peaches,
spinach, bamboo shoots, radishes, horseradish, and egetables in
the genus Brassica )bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage,
canola, caulifower, /hinese cabbage, collard greens, kale, kohlrabi,
mustard greens, rutabagas, and turnips.
"ydra$ines: olatile carcinogens found in many raw mushrooms,
including shiitake and the white button mushrooms common to the
grocery store produce section. 4ice display a signifcant increase in
the incidence of seeral types of tumors after they are fed uncooked
mushrooms. /ooking the mushrooms destroys a third of the
hydra%ine compounds.
Lectins: to'ic protein compounds found in most foods, but in heay
amounts in many seeds, grains and legumes. Darge amounts of
lectins can damage the heart, kidneys and lier, lower blood clotting
ability, destroy the lining of the intestines, and inhibit cell diision.
/ooking neutrali%es lectins to some e'tent, and digestie #uices
further destroy them. 9eople liing at high altitudes, where water
boils well below EFE degrees should cook lectin containing foods in
pressure cookers to aoid lectin poisoning. Dectin to'ins in food are
found in:
7rains, especially wheat and wheat germ but also quinoa, rice,
buckwheat, oats, rye, barley, millet and corn, and all products
made from them )oils, inegars, alcohols, fours, etc..*
Degumes )all dried beans, including soy and peanuts and the
products made from them*
Aairy foods, if the cows producing the milk are fed grains instead
of grass )this would include most commercial milk products*
9lants in the .ightshade family, including potatoes, tomatoes,
eggplant and peppers.
0he lethal to'in &icin is made from castor beans, which contain large
quantities of a particularly deadly lectin. &aw black beans contain
enough lectins to kill rats in one week. 0his article discusses in
depth the health e+ects of lectin consumption. 0n addition1 tis
(a(er discusses te ability o' lectins to bind to insulin
rece(tors on your cells, enabling the transport of glucose into the
cell, much like insulin does. 0he import of this is that een
egetables and nuts, which are staples in a low carb diet, can stall
weigt loss if they contain actie lectins which mimic insulin.
O(ioid Pe(tides: 4ost people with food intolerances hae gigestie
issues with wheat and diary products. 0he common factor between
these foods seems to be the opiate$like substances produced when
the proteins from these foods are broken down during digestion.
0hese opiate substances act on the body-s internal opioid receptors,
and can alter the perception of pain and a+ect respiration, digestion
and mood. 0hese opiate substances are found in the following
/asomorphin )milk*
7luten e'orphin )wheat gluten*
7liadorphin/gluteomorphin )wheat gluten*
&ubiscolin )spinach*

Pytates and Pytic acid: compounds found in many foods, but

especially soybeans, whole wheat and rye. 3n the human gut, phytic
acid acts as an anti$nutrient. 3t reduces the absorption of aluable
minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and %inc by binding the
minerals into an insoluble salt. &elatiely high concentrations of
phytic acid occur in the following foods: whole grain cereal foods
)wheat, rye, rice, oats*, nuts and seeds, soybeans, other types of
beans, potatoes, artichokes, blackberries, broccoli, carrots, fgs,
green beans and strawberries. =oaking or sprouting the grain foods
will neutrali%e much of the phytic acid, e'cept in soybeans, which
must be cooked for more than FG hours at ery high temperatures
to remoe the anti$nutrients.
Psoralens: natural to'ins in food products such as celery, parsley and
parsnips. 0hese compounds sensiti%e the skin to the harmful e+ects
of ultraiolet radiation in sunlight, and as such are said to be
photocarcinogenic. 0hey are not destroyed by normal cooking
procedures )boiling or microwae*H thus humans are e'posed to
appreciable leels of psoralens through the consumption of celery,
parsnips and other psoralen$containing foodstu+s. 9soralens are
used to treat pigment disorders of the skin and other skin diseases
such as psoriasis and nonmelanoma skin cancers.
Solanines: a to'ic alkaloid found in high concentrations in the green
patches on and #ust under potato skins and eyes. 0hey are also
found in tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. =olanine has both
fungicidal and pesticidal properties, and it is one of the plant-s
natural defenses. 0he human body conerts solanines into a poison
called solanidine. =olanine poisoning is primarily displayed by
gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. =ymptoms include
nausea, diarrhea, omiting, stomach cramps, burning of the throat,
heart arrhythmia, headache and di%%iness. 6allucinations, loss of
sensation, paralysis, feer, #aundice, dilated pupils and hypothermia
hae been reported in more seere cases. I'perts say that a
hundred grams of raw potatoes contain between E and FJ
milligrams of solanine. I'perts beliee that doses of EGG milligrams
of solanine eaten at one sitting may cause problems. =ymptoms can
be gastrointestinal )abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, omiting* or
neurological )apathy, drowsiness, mental confusion, shortness of
breath, weak and rapid pulse*. <ou can aoid solanine and another
similar to'in called chaconine by aoiding green potatoes. I'posure
to light or stress )or een aging* causes a potato to synthesi%e a
green pigment called chlorophyll. Dight, stress, and aging also cause
the potato to produce chaconine and solanine. 0he appearance of
chlorophyll is a warning that something is wrong with the potato.
<ou should also aoid eating potato peels. About JGK to 2GK of the
to'in content of a potato is in its peel. ,ortunately, these
compounds are not well absorbed by the gastrointestinal system
and are soon eliminated in the feces.
,ry(sin inibitors: to'ins in food that reduce the aailability of trypsin,
an en%yme essential to protein digestion and metabolism for
humans and animals. 0hey are found in abundance in soybeans, and
in lesser amounts in raw egg whites and lima beans.
,irst, ask your doctor to check you for Banti$gliadin antibodies and
endomysium antibodies,C and if either test is positie, request a Bceliac
panelC to rule out other serious digestie issues.
And be sure to include quality supplements in your daily diet regimen
such as .$Acetyl glucosamine ).A7*, bladderwrack, okra powder, A$
mannose, mucins, sodium alginate and pepsin.

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