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William Vitin
ENG 102
July 28, 2014
Cynthia Hamlett
Illegal Immigrant Benefits: An Annotated Bibliography
A Day without a Mexican. Dir. Sergio Arau. Perf. Yareli Arizmendi, John Getz, Maureen
Flannigan. Altavista Films, 2004. DVD.
In the film, it gives the audience different perspectives about how life would be like if
there were no immigrants to work in jobs that many American citizens would not consider an
ideal career. Jobs such as working in slaughter houses, harvesting farms, or city janitors. Its
argument is about if immigrants were nonexistent, the lives of Americans would go chaotic.
There would be no food to be processed or distributed to stores, or no one to clean or be our
handy man when something breaks. The movies also gives our statistical facts about the ratio
between an illegal immigrant workers vs. American workers in a job.
The film is a useful source due to its statistical facts given throughout the movie. Unlike
the other sources, this movie is a comical movie. It is supposed to be funny towards the audience,
but also very informative without making it into a boring documentary. This source is an
objective source because throughout the movie, it gives two sides from the American people.
People who are glad the immigrants are gone, and others who are stressing out that they are gone.
The goal for this source is to use it for my value claim. That Americans overlook these
immigrants in a negative manner, and that it is unjust to be verbally and physically vicious
towards them when they are making below ends meet.
The film will fit into my essay towards its value claim. The film gave out important
statistical facts that will allow me to back up my argument on how illegal immigrants are being
overlooked on taking over American jobs. The film has only given me more confidence to stick
with my argument.

Gleeson, Shannon and Robert G. Gonzales. When Do Papers Matter? An Institutional Analysis
of Undocumented Life in the United States. Wiley-Blackwell. 2013. Web. 26 July. 2014.
The article talks about how school and work shape the experiences of undocumented
immigrants from two studies of undocumented immigrant incorporation in California. The
findings were that workplaces produce different experiences for undocumented immigrants. One
being that workplaces learn to come to terms with and endure life in the shadows. Gleeson and
Gonzales conclude that immigrants who are adults are forced to adapt and accept their roles in
whatever they are given, while their children are being welcomed with open arms to their
educational system.

This source is a useful source for my paper because it talks about the struggles immigrant
workers have to endure in their life to adapt to American work style. The information given from
this article is valid from all the sources that were cited at the end of their research paper. This
source is an objective source because it talks about two different groups specifically, being
immigrant workers and immigrant children adapting to their lifestyles.
The article will play a role on my value claim. I will incorporate it by talking about how
life for an immigrant is hard especially when corporations treat them with no respect. I will also
use this source to talk about how immigrant workers have to endure their lives in the shadows of
their bosses and accept where they are.

Immigration Issues. Federation for American Immigration Reform. 2013. Web. 26 July. 2014.
This web source talks about why illegal immigrants come to the United States to find
jobs. It goes on to talk about how they are willing to take on jobs that American people would
not take as a job. It also talks about why Americans stopped working at those jobs the
immigrants took over. It gave a chart on how many illegal immigrants work at each state.
This source is a very helpful source. This source was posted to inform the reader on how
and why Americans claim that the immigrants had taken over their jobs. The source is an
objective source since it is talking about how Americans are losing their jobs from immigrants
who come into the states undocumented and are being paid with below minimum wage.
This source fits well into my paper for it will be incorporated into my fact claim. The
source was helpful in a way where I can talk about why these immigrants choose to work for
these corporations, and why these corporations choose to hire these undocumented aliens.

Loftsrom, Magnus. Wage and Mobility Effects of Legalization: Evidence from the New
Immigrant Survey. Wiley-Blackwell. 2012. Web. 26 July. 2014.
In this source, it talks about how our economy will be boosted if corporations start to
legalize their undocumented workers. It goes onto if these illegal immigrants were to be
legalized as a citizen and are able to work, they would be able to work for higher earnings and
productivity gains. The article also gives many statistics on yearly incomes from an illegal
immigrant work against an American worker who work at the same company and do nearly the
same job. Also, wages are also determined on what region they come from, gender, and how well
of producers they are.
The source may be a useful source for my paper. Unlike the other sources, it gives yearly
incomes from both immigrants and American workers for me to compare for my essay. It also
talks about a way for government to control and see how and who corporations hire for their
company. Allowing the government to keep corporations from hiring anymore immigrant. Those
facts will be backing up my policy claim as I give examples on how the government can improve
life for the immigrant and for the United States.
This source was very helpful. I was able to pick out a few facts for both my fact and
policy claims. It had given me just enough information to pick out of to make it work into my
paper. I hope the facts that I represent towards the reader will open their eyes on how big of a
gap these immigrants yearly income against American yearly income.


Lutz, William. Weasel Words: The Art of Saying Nothing at All. Language Awareness
Reading for College Writers. Ed. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, Virginia Clark. 10
Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 442-451. Print.
The essay from Language Awareness Reading for College Writers, talks about how
words such as help are to deceive the consumers mind by thinking that it will cure all problems.
He uses examples about how over the counter medicines label their products by labeling help
sever coughs. When a term such as help are being used in an advertising, it is to make people
believe that it would be a cure to their problems, when in all reality it does not meaning to cure,
but means to assist.
This essay will work well into my essay by using as an example on how corporations
claim that they do not support illegal immigrants coming into their country and taking their jobs.
Yet, they are the ones who are hiring undocumented workers to help benefit their profits. The
essay also gives out various words that corporations may use as an advertisement. The examples
that were stated in the essay go hand in hand with how I want to talk about how corporations
claim to be against illegal immigrants.
The source will be a great asset towards my paper. With all the examples of weasel words,
I will be able to tie it with how corporations mislead the crowd in believing that they are on their
side when all reality, they are being hypocrites to the people.

Martin, Philip. Immigration Reform and California Agriculture. California Agriculture 67.4. 5
Dec. 2013 Web. 26 July. 2014.
The source talks about immigration reforms, enforcement, and legalization. It states the
implications for California by giving percentages of how many illegal immigrants work at the
state of California. It gives age groups of how old the average immigrant worker is and how
many of these immigrants were hired by California farm growers. It goes on to talk about their
hourly/day wages.
The source is a useful source, I will be able to incorporate the facts into both my fact
claim and possibly as a counter argument for my policy claim. The goal for this source is to open
eyes of how farming corporations work alongside with both the Senate and House to control
undocumented workers.
Like mentioned, the source will be incorporated into both my fact and policy claim as a
counter argument. The source was helpful because I am now able to find a specific state where
corporation employers give information on how much they pay their undocumented workers per
hour and day.

Patrick, Glen. Health Care and The Illegal Immigrant. Georgetown Law Faculty Publications
and Other Works. 2012. Web. 26 July. 2014.
The article talks about if illegal immigrants should be entitled to some form of health
coverage in the United States. Both tackling the health reform and immigration reform. The

article concluded that health coverage for illegal immigrants is not required under constitutional
norms, but extending coverage as a matter of policy would serve the United States a broader
I find this source useful for my policy claim. Unlike the other sources, this source talks
about illegal immigrants receiving health care benefits. Benefits that has not been available to
them through the corporations due to their undocumented papers at work. This is an objective
article, it talks about both sides of illegals getting health care or not receiving health care.
The source will be able to go into my policy claim. I will be able to talk about what will
happen if immigrants receive health care and what will happen if they will not receive any.
Although the source lacks statistical information, I will be able to quote off the author herself to
prove my point to my readers.

Winne, Mark. The Poor Get Diabetes, the Rich Get Local and Organic. Language Awareness
Reading for College Writers. Ed. Paul Eschholz, Alfred Rosa, Virginia Clark. 10
ed. Boston:
Bedford/St. Martins, 2009. 599-603. Print.
In this essay, it talks about how low income people are faced with hunger and health
problems. Majority of low income families live in low end neighborhoods. Where there are low
end neighborhoods, there are low end supplies. Leaving families with no choice but buying food
that they know are unhealthy for them and their family. Because the jobs that these individuals
work at do not pay so great, they are left to make poor choices for themselves and their families.
This source is very useful, it will be able to tie with my policy claim. Unlike the other
sources, this source talks about how low income individuals face hardships from work to their
own personal lives. This is an objective essay for it talks about low income families and what
they can afford, and it also talks about high income families are able to afford anything they
could possibly want or need.
This essay fits well into my policy claim. I will use this essay to talk about how
corporations leave their undocumented workers with barely anything to survive with. Leaving
them in poor areas, conditions, and food availability. This will help me prove my point that to
end poverty for immigrant workers who work hard to keep Americans fed, so that they too can
enjoy the American life they had dreamed for.

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