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The concept of Argala

Here is a small writeup on Argala to ignite your curiosity more and give some guideline on
working with Argala. Study this and try out the argala and its obstruction in your seconds
house. It is written in jyotisha shastras that signs/ planets placed in the 2nd, th and !!th
"rom a house/ karaka have argala to it. #hereas planets placed in the !2th shall oppose
the argala o" 2nd, $rd will oppose !!th and !%th shall oppose the argala o" th. &he
secondary argala is caused by signs/ planets in 'th and (th "rom a house/ karaka and
planets/ signs in )th and *th "rom it shall oppose it. +ets see what is the practical use o"
the concept o" argala.
#e know that none o" the activities in this world happen in isolation. &here are many
"actors which each activity in our li"e. Argala is a ,yotish&ool to analyse how the argala
in"luence our activities. &o understand thislets take an e-ample.
+ets "ind out what are the "actors which in"luence our workli"e or karmakshetra indicated by
the !%th house. &hey are.
!. /ur Attitudes and 0ersonlity
2. Intelligence
$. 1rive and 2itality
. Health
'. ,ob3Satis"action
*. Income "rom the ,ob
4. 5riends circle
(. Stress and &ension
). How much tiring the job is6
7ow we can broadly classi"y these indications into the "ollowing houses.
!. /ur Attitudes and 0ersonlity
2. Intelligence
$. 1rive and 2itality
. Health
'. ,ob3Satis"action
11th house
*. Income "rom the ,ob
4. 5riends 8ircle
8th house
(. Stress and &ension
). How much tiring the job is6
7ow we see that the common link between these three houses are that, they have argala
on the !%th house or work. 7ow the planets placed in these houses shall positively or
negetively a""ect the work. +ike i" 9ahu is placed in the +agna, the person shall have no
job satis"action and prone to take wrong decisions at job as 9ahu is an enemy to the
:araka "or Intelligence and wisdom, ,upiter.
7ow lets see how to analyse the argala o" a planet on a given house. #e shall take a step
by step approach to look at that.
1. Find the Karaa o! the House under !o"us.
5or the present case, this happens to be !%th and the karakas are.
a. Sun3 9ecognition at workplace
b. ;ercury 3 Intelligence and communication
c. Saturn 3 0ersistence, 0atience and Hardwork
d. ;oon3 7ature o" #orkplace
#. Find the re$ationshi% o! the %$anet "ausing arga$a and the araa o! the house. I"
the relationship is "riendly then that will have positive in"luence on the signi"ications ruled
by the :arakas under consideration.
Here we have to look at two things.
a. &he in"luence due to the natural nature o" the planet
b. &he in"luence based on the house <!!th, +agna, (th= causing the argala on the
concerned house <!%th=
+ets take an e-ample, where ,upiter is causing Argala "rom the !!th. &his shows that, the
native shall get due recognition at the workplace as ,upiter is a "riend o" Sun <point a=.
>ecause o" the Subhargala, there will be some good "rinds who shall help the native at his
workplace <point b= and he will get pretty decent income commensurating his work <0oint
&. Find the Karaa o! the House' (here the )rga$a "ausing %$anet is %$a"ed. &he
e-tent to which the Argala causing planet shall promote or diminish the result o" the house
under consideration is based on how much support it is getting "rom the :araka o" the
house it is placed.
#e know that the karaka "or gain is ,upiter "or the !!th house. I" ,upiter is placed in the
!!th, then the person?s income is supported.
*. Find the Lord o! the house' (here the )rga$a "ausing %$anet is %$a"ed. Along with
the :araka, the dispositor o" the Argala causing planet can support or oppose it based on
its relationship with the karakas o" the house under consideration and also the argala
causing planet.
+. ,irodharga$a:
2irodha means opposition. Here we shall see the strength o" opposition on e-isting argala.
;ore planets or stronger planets in the virodhargala causing house show one o" the
"ollowing situation.
<a= 2irodha is stronger, i" the virodhargala planet is "avourable, whereas the argala in
<b= 2irodha is un"avourable whereas the argala is "avourable to the karaka o" the house
under consideration.
Prana IV: Use of prasna arudha
&here are many methods o" prognosticating the nature o" the @uery and the "uture "rom the
0rasna 8hart. I am narrating here one o" the methods "rom the our tradition. &his method
involves use o" a number between ! to !%( to "ind the nature o" the @uery, hidden aspects
o" the @uery and the answer too.
&here are two ways o" using this method which are as "ollows.
-ethod 1:
1ivide the number by ) and "ind the rasi and navamsa "rom the @uotient and remainder
respectively. Add ! to the @uotient to get the rasi in the "ollowing order, !3 Aries to !23
0isces. In this case, !$ would be treated as Aries again <"or number !%(=. Similarly the
navamsa gained in the sign can be seen "rom the remainder. In this case i" the remainder
is %, then it is taken as ) <the last navamsa= and "or such cases the @uotient will not be
added with !.
5or e-ample, lets see what should be the rasi and navamsa "or number '. In this case
@uotient will be ' and remainder %. &hus the rasi would be +eo <@uotient ' and the
7avamsa would be the last navamsa o" +eo which is Sagittarius.
&his principle is based on 7avamsa since there are !%( navamsas in the Aodiac, each
number will correspond to a particular rasi and navamsa. &hus the duration o" each
number can be e@uated with $d 2%?, which is the duration o" ! navamsa or a nakshatra
-ethod #:
.te% 1. Find the Nu/0er P$anet:
#hen the number is divided by !2, the @uotient added with ! will show the number planet.
Since the number can vary "rom ! to !%(, the @uotient can vary "rom % to ). Here % and )
signi"y the Sun <since %B! C ! and ) B ! C !%, which is same as !=, ! signi"ies the ;oon < !
B !=. &hus in similar "ashion, the number planet can "ound "rom the @uotient in the week
day order which is Sun, ;oon, ;ars, ;ercury, ,upiter, 2enus, Saturn, 9ahu and :etu.
In our e-ample o" ', number planet will be @uotient $ B ! C i.e, ;ercury.
.te% #: Find the %$a"e/ent o! the nu/0er %$anet:
#hen the number is divided by ), the remainder when added with ! will show the rasi
where the number planet is supposed to be placed. Since the number is divided by ), the
remainder can vary between % to (, showing that the rasi would be one o" Aries to
Sagittarius. 0lace the number planet in this sign.
In our e-ample o" ', the sign where the number planet ;ercury to be placed is Aries <%
remainder a"ter division by )=.
.te% &: Find the nu/0er rasi and na1a/sa as gi1en in /ethod 1.
In our e-ample number rasi is +eo and number navamsa is Sagittarius.
.te% *: Find the %rasna arudha.
>ring the number navamsa to the rasi chart and count it "rom the number planet. 5ind the
planet in the prasna chart and count as many houses "rom it to arrive at the prasna
In our e-ample we have placed ;ercury in Aries. 8ounting "rom Aries to Sagittarius
<number navamsa= we arrive at ) signs. 7ow we "ind ;ercury in the prasna chart, which is
in Sagittarius. 8ounting ) signs "rom Sagittarius, we arrive at +eo. &hus +eo becomes the
prasna arudha.
Prin"i%$es o! Use:
I am giving here the e-planation on the use o" the 2nd method using a real li"e prasna.
1ue to con"identiality, details o" the prasna <who asked etc.= are witheld. &his prasna was
regarding the"t o" money.
&o allow the reader to cast the prasna chart, the details are given below.
1ate . 1ecember 2), 2%%4
&ime . !!.2*.'! am
&ime Done. (.%%.%% <East o" F;&=
0lace . !%$ E '!? %%G, ! 7 !4? %%G
Singapore 8ity, Singapore
Prasna Nu/0er 2 *+.
1. The root "ause: &he Arudha +agna <A+= in the prasna chart becomes very important. It
shows the root o" the problem. Since the arudha lagna cannot "all in !, 2, *, 4, ( H!2
houses, the root cannot be in these houses. &hus the root o" a problem can only be traced
to $rd, th, 'th, )th, !%th and !!th houses.
&he e-act problem / @uery can be seen "rom the lord o" the Arudha +agna <A+=. It happens
many times that the @uery asked is di""erent "rom the root cause troubling the native. &hus
even though a @uery can be o" any thing, it can be traced to a root in the mentioned
houses<$ to ' and ) to !!th=.
In an illustration which I will give below, the native asked about a the"t. &he Arudha +agna
is placed in the !%th house while its lord ;ars is placed in the 'th house and co3lord :etu
is in the 4th house with *th lord ;oon and the :araka Saturn. Showing the"t o" money and
also some 4th house problems. &he the"t was most likely done by servants as shown by
the lord o" the arudha lagna. &he placement o" Arudha +agna in the !%th shows root cause
o" the problem is with authority and 2enusine matters. In addition, 2enus is the )th lord
showing her inability in e-plaining the situation to her "ather.
#. 3ueriest -ind: #hat?s there in the mind o" the @uerist can be seen "rom the 0rasna
9asi, which our illustration is in +eo, in the 4th house "rom the +agna with a""licted ;oon,
showing concerns o" the native and inappropriate advances by male servants towards the
&. Hidden )ns(ers: &he hidden answers can be seen "rom the 0rasna Arudha, which in
our case also comes to the 4th house, +eo, which shows the the *th lord coming to the 4th
house with karaka Saturn and :etu. &his shows that problem o" inappropriate advances
"rom the servants towards the native. &here could be serious trouble due to involvement o"
:etu as well. &he native was asked to "ire the servant immediately.

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