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A man stopped at a fower shop to order some fowers to be
wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away.
As he got out of his car he noticed a young girl sitting on the
curb sobbing.
He asked her what was wrong and she replied, I wanted to buy
a red rose for my mother.
But I only have seventy-fve cents, and a rose costs two dollars.
The man smiled and said, Come on in with me. Ill buy you a
He bought the little girl her rose and ordered his own mothers
As they were leaving he offered the girl a ride home.
She said, Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.
She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on
a freshly dug grave.
The man returned to the fower shop, canceled the wire order,
picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles to his
mothers house.
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(That Tricked People Into Thinking they were Geniuses And
the Surprising Results!)
In the early 1960s, Russia and Germany got together to perform an
experiment. Two highly respected psychologists - Dr Vladimir Raikov
of Moscow, and Dr Milan Ryzl of Prague - set on a mission to help
further understand the human mind.
One of their experiments involved hypnosis, and seemed quite
They hypnotized subjects into believing they were someone else.
It sounds basic. Yet the results were phenomenal. One subject was
interested in playing the violin. She had only ever attended one basic
lesson. During the hypnosis experiment, she was asked to believe she
was a powerful classical violinist. On her second lesson, the instructor
was astonished at her new-found level of skill - and immediately
enrolled her into the advanced class.
Despite no longer believing she was someone else, her new
genius skills remained.
Another subject was hypnotized into thinking she was the artist
Raphael. Despite not being able to paint so much as a smiley face,
her drawing ability suddenly rocketed after the hypnosis. Within a
month, she had the drawing skills of a professional designer.
Later experiments showed that this hypnotic trance wasnt even
Simply by following a mental technique, individuals could pretend
and adapt the genius skills of absolutely anyone - all within just a
few sessions.
Depending on the genius they chose, people became more
business-savvy... more confdent... more creative... more artistic...
better at sports... were able to write better...
It was called the Raikov Effect . And a lot has happened over the
past 40 years.
Enhancing the Raikov Effect: Using the Powerful NLP
Anchoring Technique:
Since the discovery of the Raikov Effect, psychologists and brain
experts have adopted and enhanced that secret mental technique for
becoming anyone.
Genius expert Win Wenger developed it into a process known
as Borrowed Genius. Hypnotherapist and NLP master Paul
McKenna created something known as the Possibility Generator.
But the biggest breakthrough came this year by incorporating
the techniques of NLP.
One of the most basic NLP premises is known as anchoring.
Anchoring is when you have a physical trigger connected to an
emotional state. For example, when you feel your stomach rumble,
you suddenly feel hungry. When you hold the microphone to give
that speech, you get sweaty and nervous.
Now, anchoring can also be used as a trigger - to bring about
certain states of mind.
For example, imagine using the mental technique to switch on
the Raikov Effect, and activate the genius skills of your choice.
Then you can use the anchoring process to connect that genius
state with a physical trigger - such as pressing your thumb and
forefnger together.
In future, whenever you wish to recreate that genius state, just
press your thumb and fnger together again - and watch as that
state immediately rushes back.
Can you imagine having your own SECRET SWITCH like that
- to automatically turn on ANY genius skill you like? Whether its
the leadership of Winston Churchill, the sporting skills of Tiger
Woods, the confdence of Oprah Winfrey, or the writing talent of
Stephen King..
Just activate your trigger. Practice and only then you will believe.
Happy Anchoring !
(Excerpts from Ms M.Rajanisrees talk on 10th Nov 2013)
Zig ziggler, a world class Motivational Speaker says Attitude
is altitude.
What we need to do is different from what we want to do and
what we can do.
With the right attitude human beings can move mountains. With
the wrong attitude they can be crushed by the smallest of grains.
We become a powerful force when each of us understand how
powerful all of us are and when all of us understand how valuable
each of us are.
Various types of Attitude.: Positive, Negative, Immature,
wrong (bad) , toxic.
Barrier for attitude is Fear:
Steps for cultivating a positive Attitude:
1.Goal setting, 2. Visualizing 3. Making Time 4. Self talk 5.
Affrmations 6. Acting as if .
Principle of Attitude : Change and Choice
The Power of Atitude - For creating success and prosperity
1. Start and end the day by being grateful.
2. When good things come, be grateful.
3. When you think youre only receiving bad things, be all the
more grateful.
4. Believe that the infnite Intelligence wants you to prosper.
Five Ways Gratitude Can Be the Key to Amazing Success
1. Enrich your relationships by turning complaining and
animosity into understanding.
Contd. on Next Page...
2. Raise your self-esteem by turning self-doubt into peace of
3. Feel a greater sense of joyfulness by turning a dreaded day
into the fnest day yet.
4. Enhance feelings of wellness by transforming anxiety into a
sense of balance.
5. Develop more success by turning fear of failure into
appreciation of progress.
Here are a few ideas on building a great attitude:
1. Carry an attitude of gratitude for all that you already have,
this will amplify what you already have in your life.
2. Work from a place of serving others.
3. Accept people as they are.
4. Nurture your body, mind and spirit. It affects everything.
5. Look for 3 positive points in every situation before fnding
6. Find a compelling inner motivation for doing this - something
that really matters to you
7. Set this new attitude as your frst and only standard
8. Focus on the small steps daily that indicate that you are
changing your attitude
9. Do some self-to-self comparison, acknowledging how far you
have come since yesterday or the previous week
10. Lastly, write a list of actions you will take now to get you there,
and, above, all have fun with it!
By John C Maxwell
1. Figure out where you need to focus your energy, and then
use the 80/20 rule
Devote 80% of your energy to the most important 20% of your
activities. Remember that you cant be everywhere, know everyone,
and do everything. And avoid multitasking: it can cost you 40%
2. Thinking is a discipline. If you want to be better at it, youve
got to work at it
Consider developing a thinking schedule like Chick-fl-A CEO
Dan Cathy, who sets aside a half day every two weeks, a whole
day every month, and two or three full days every year.
3. Smart thinkers expose themselves to different ideas and
types of people
Theyre also selective about spending most of their time with
people who challenge them.
4. Its one thing to have an idea, another to follow through
Ideas have a short shelf life. You must act on them before the
expiration date.
5. Thoughts need time to develop. Dont just settle on the frst
thing that comes to mind
Remember the last time you had a brilliant idea at 2 a.m., but
it sounded sort of ridiculous when you woke up the next morning?
Thoughts need to be shaped until they have substance and need
to stand the test of clarity and questioning.
6. Smart people collaborate with other smart people
Thinking with others yields higher returns. Its like giving yourself
a shortcut. Thats why brainstorming sessions are so effective.
7. Reject popular thinking (which often means not thinking at
Too many people act, hoping that others have thought things
through frst.To reject popular thinking you must be OK with feeling
uncomfortable. Also remember that right now, there are a bunch
of other people out there deciding to think for themselves and
theyre the ones who are successful.
8. The best thinkers plan ahead, while leaving room for some
When youre strategic, you reduce your margin of error. Simply
having vague ideas of where you are and what you want to
accomplish will get you no where.The keys to being strategic: 1.
break the issue down, 2. ask why the problem needs to be solved,
3. identify the key issues, 4. review your resources, 5. put the right
people in place.Henry Ford once said, Nothing is particularly hard
if you divide it into smaller parts.
9. To think differently, do different things
Try new routes to work, meet new people, read books you
might even consider boring. The key is exposure to new ideas
and ways of life.
10. To appreciate others ideas, you need to value other ideas
You cant think youre always right. Give other concepts a
11. Have an agenda for the day, and when you meet with
Too many people only plan for the day. Smart thinkers take time
to plan out their weeks, months, and long-term goals and then
they follow through.They also dont walk into meetings, parties
and coffee dates blind. They decide what they want to learn from
people before walking through the door.
12. Refective thinking gives you perspective and confdence
in your decision-making skills
If youre not refecting, its holding you back more than you think.
As Socrates said, An unexamined life is not worth living.
13. Get over negative self talk. Winners think in terms of I
will and I can
Smart people dont see limitations. They see possibilities.
Former baseball star Sam Ewing once said that nothing is so
embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said
could not be done.
14. Creative people are dedicated to ideas
They embrace ambiguity, dont fear failure, and hang out with
other creative people.
15. Naturally optimistic people fnd it hard to be realistic
A realistic perspective allows you to get close enough to a
problem in order to tackle it. Facing potential consequences also
helps you be more effcient, and it gives you credibility.To become a
more realistic thinker, you must: 1. appreciate the truth, 2. do your
homework and get the facts, 3. think through the pros and cons, 4.
consider the worst-case scenario, and 5. align your thinking with
your resources.
At the end of the day, its important to remember we can all
change the way we think
Learning how to master the process of thinking well leads you
to productive thinking. If you can develop the discipline of good
thinking and turn it into a lifetime habit, then you will be successful
and productive all of your life.
- By Ms Ananthi Karthic
Life is full of choices and opportunities. However, some choices
will have a greater impact on your life than others. There are a
few choices that will dramatically impact the quality of your life no
matter when you make that choice. So one must know them and
the best of them!
Friendships: If there is any area in life where you should
choose wisely, it would be your friendships. Numerous studies have
shown that you become a byproduct of the people you surround
yourself with. If you surround yourself with losers, then youre
well on your way to becoming one. If you surround yourself with
winners, then youre on your way to becoming one. Another thing
that you want to do is choose friends who reinforce your positive
self image. Theres a big difference between friends who joke about
you endearingly versus those who seem to get a kick by putting
you down. If you have some toxic friends, its time to detox!
Careers: Making the choice between passion and practicality is
something you really should take seriously in your career. A career
takes up a signifcant part of your life, up to 65% of your day in
many cases. If you hate what you do, then think about what kind
of things you are going to attract into your life. The majority of your
time, energy, and thoughts are being directed to your misery. Its
a simple application of the law of attraction at work.
Relationships: Your choice in relationships not only alters the
quality of your life, but the quality of someone elses. So, if you
make a bad choice you run the risk of making two peoples lives
miserable. Of course the opposite is true as well. If you make the
right choice then you double the joy that goes out into the world
and bring more of it back to you. Have you ever noticed how at
the beginning of a relationship when you start dating somebody,
everything seems to be perfect. You have a great time together and
everything goes smoothly and you seem to be on a roll of attracting
positive experiences into your life. Then, you stop getting along, and
everything else goes to hell too. So, make sure you choose wisely.
Reactions: This is the most overlooked choice that one has! It
has been said over and over that life is not about what happens
to you, but how you react to what happens to you. Once we learn
how to control our reactions to everything that happens we manage
to achieve complete control over our lives. We are no longer
impacted by circumstances and events because we are choosing
our reactions. So choose wisely !
by Rex Steven Sikes
The map is not the territory.
The father of general semantics, Alford Korzybski stated, A
map is not the territory it represents, but if correct, it has a similar
structure to the territory, which accounts for its usefulness. What
this means is that our perception of reality is not reality itself but
our own version of it, or our map.
No two people can have exactly the same map. While we all
have similar neurological structure, it functions differently in all of
us. This is the basis for our problems in communication when we
try to impose our map upon another person. Learning to recognize
the structure of another persons map allows us to see the world
though their eyes and therefor understand and relate to others
respectfully and accurately.
Our maps are created through gathering data through the
fve senses. Our senses bring certain aspects of the world to
our attention, which go through neurological processes or flters,
forming our values, beliefs, criteria (rules), and capabilities. These
are often expressed consciously, yet most of the time they operate
outside of our awareness and we dont realize that they can be
changed to serve us in better ways.
When we pour water through a flter not everything passes
through. Likewise, as information pours in from the outside
world, it is output (our language and behavior) according to what
we delete (fltering out unneeded information), distort (picture a
giraffe with an elephants head), and generalize (all redheads have
fery tempers).
Generalization is the basis for the formation of our beliefs.
(Although, which came frst, the chicken or the egg?) What we
believe about the world is how we interact within it. Most often it
is our beliefs that limit us. We have beliefs about spirituality, the
world, our capabilities and our environment, right and wrong, what
is just and unjust, and whether or not we can change.
Values are the things we invest our time, money and effort in
trying to attain. Examples: Fun, freedom, money, love, honesty,
integrity. They are what is important to us. And we have very defnite
criteria or rule structures about how we go about attaining them.
NLP offers us a means of understanding our own and others
maps of reality. This knowledge allows us to create change for
ourselves and others. It also allows us to generate unbelievable
trust, rapport, and infuence in communication while preserving the
integrity of the other person(s).
NLP can assist you to begin to create trust, warmth and
understanding with another person, friend or stranger, by learning
what is important to know when communicating. Learning what
to pay attention to and how to become more skilled in interacting
with others will prevent you from imposing your own map upon
those around you.
I am saddened that our human evolution has not yet taught us
how to effectively deal with the condition of being human. Weve
made great strides in inventing weapons, pollution and waste, as
well as great worthwhile achievements - yet we still struggle with
issues of fairness, respect, integrity, tolerance and acceptance.
It is amazing that in this day and age, with such a marvelous
technology as Neuro Linguistic Programming, that people arent
doing more to improve the most frequent and common behavior to
humans: communication. We have a technology which emphasizes
simple principles of integrity and respect for fellow human beings
regardless of race, color or creed. Even some of those people
involved in NLP training do not practice what they preach!
NLP is about creating rapport, a favorable communication
climate, respect and infuence. It is about resourcefulness and
attitude change. NLP offers us a way to improve the human condition
through the appreciation and understanding of others. The number
one assumption of NLP is to appeal to others through their unique
map rather than imposing ours upon them. We need to educate
people to the idea that there are better ways to communicate with
each other. As NLPers, we need to be a model for others. We
need to make a difference and begin to ease tensions.
A great person once said You can light a million candles off
just one. As each of us begins to take responsibility for the way
we communicate, we can discover what make us wonderful as
a species is our differences. We can help young people grow up
with self esteem. We can assist adults in fnding jobs and being
productive. We can ease tension between ethnic groups, parents
and children, teachers and students and become proud that we
took steps to make the world a better place. It all begins one on
one, the way most communication occurs anyway. The thing about
lighting a million candles is that your candle needs to be lit frst!
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift,
which is why we call it the present. - Bil Keane
Why would you ever want to compromise something thats beautiful
and true to create something unpleasant and fake? Youre lucky
enough to BE; make your being count.
Lose track of the negativity and dishonesty. Live positively and
1. When you wake up to a new day, BE grateful for another chance.
2. When others take the easy road, BE the one who takes the right
3. When something must be done, BE proactive.
4. When several possibilities present themselves, BE decisive with
your priorities.
5. When achieving something is important to you, BE open about
it and go for it.
6. When the work seems overwhelming, BE concerned only with
the next small step.
7. When worries cross your mind, BE sure to focus on what you
can control.
8. When real problems arise, BE ready to address them upfront.
9. When mistakes are made, BE okay with them and learn from
10. When you have something to say, BE willing to speak up.
11. When what has been done in the past still isnt working, BE the
needed change.
12. When doubt is lingering in your mind, BE confdent in your
13. When others have a different opinion, BE open to new ideas.
14. When others insist that it has to be a certain way, BE one with
your intuition.
15. When youre feeling down, BE bold enough to smile anyway.
(ReadLearned Optimism .)
16. When you feel stress building, pause for a moment and just BE
and breathe.
17. When the unexpected occurs, BE fexible and adaptable.
18. When something doesnt make sense, BE assertive and ask
19. When someone hurts you, BE willing to forgive and love again.
20. When a relationship continuously hurts you, BE willing to let go
and refocus your love and respect inward.
21. When someone has something you want, BE happy for them.
22. When everyone seems to be competing, BE your own
competition beat your own records.
23. When you feel pressured to be someone youre not, just BE
yourself. (Read 1,000 Little Things.)
24. When you arent sure what you have to offer, BE sincere and
offer honesty.
25. When you cross paths with a stranger, BE the reason they smile.
26. When you feel on top of the world, BE the hands that pull others
up with you.
27. When someone you care about needs you, BE there without
question or hesitation.
28. When you truly love someone, BE loving in words and deeds.
29. When its time to relax with your family, let go of everything else
and BE fully present.
30. When the day fnally comes to an end, BE at peace knowing
you did your best.
2.29 pm : Welcome Address
2.35 pm : Self In(tro)duction by Members and Guests
2.45 pm : Managing Self thro Celebration
- Dr T T Srinath, Applied Behavioural Practitioner
4.15 pm : Tea
4.45 pm : Lessons from Life
- Mr V Bhakta, Film Producer & Life Member
5.15 pm : Belief System - Mr S Ramalingam, Psychologist
5.50 pm : Mass Relaxation
- Mr R.Gopalakrishnan, Joint Secretary
Hypnotique Circle (Madras)
Cordially invites all its Members and Guests for the
Monthly Meeting on Sunday, the 8th December 2013
at Hotel Palmgrove, Kodambakkam High Road, Chennai-34
* Free for Members * Guest Investment Rs 150/-
If undelivered, please return to :
Mr. J.UMEDMAL BAFNA, Old # 2, New # 3, Akbar Sahib St, Triplicane,
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