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Icr Pritcic Circu|ciicn cn|
Goodbye 2011- WeIcome 2012
Hypnotique Circle sincerely thanks all its members, guests and
speakers for extending their unstinted support, cooperation and
contribution and in making the year gone by, worthy of
As we revisit the year, two events, inter-alia, stand out. One,
we celebrated our 38th Anniversary with elan and Two, we
signed off the year with a unique workshop by Mr. Pradeep
Aggarwal, Founder, lnstitute of Mind Control and Development,
Hyderabad, on 'Hypnotic Language of Success'. We have
added 50 new members and all our monthly meetings are
well attended. (Detailed write-up in Page No 2)
We are sanguine that the journey of enrichment, enlightenment
and transformation would continue with vigour in 2012.
As the EIevating EIeven gives way to a TangibIe TweIve,
may you all have a high trajectory of learning, personal growth
and excellence.
Wishing you all a gIowing, growing and a gIeaming 2012!
Joint Secretary
8. 60Fklkk8I8h8k8
98844 81760
M0IhIkh 8kMk8kIhk8
93810 34310
Vice President
0r. I M FF80Mkl
93810 65016
Vice President
0r 0 8 8kM60Fkl
94442 90841
Mk!08 8k8kIk8k8
91500 00615
Joint Secretary
6 6k8F8k8
98404 48011
0 M 8kF8k
98415 34999
Block S-27 C, Rainbow Flats, Ponnambalam Salai, K K Nagar, Chennai 78
Hypnotique CircIe - HighIights of 2011
Anniversary CeIebrations
We celebrated our 38
Anniversary on 14
August 2011 at
Asha Nivas.
We had 80 participants.
Eminent Psychologists, Professors, Trainers and Doctors
presented papers on the Occasion.
Dr. Prithika Chary, Neuro Physician and Neuro Surgeon, Apollo
Dr. J N Peddy, Founder, Max Academy of Excellence
Dr. M v Sudhakaran HoD, Psychology, Tamilnadu Open
Prof Jeyanthi Pani, HoD, Psychology, Ethiraj College
Prof Jacob Paju, Hypnotherapist, Bangalooru
Ms. Saras Bhaskar, Clinical Psychologist, Chennai Counselors`
Dr Shamanna Pamaswamy, Petd HoD, Physiology, Anatomy
& Past President
Dr. T M Perumal, Specialist in Diabetes, vice President
Dr C N Pamgopal, Cognitive Behavioural Psychologist, vice
Muthiah Pamanathan, Director, Mind Dynamics Center &
Paper presentations were followed by 4 Panel Discussions :
1. Brain and Mind
2. lnter Personal Pelationships
3. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
4. Psychological Well-being
The Panel di scussi ons were presi ded over by
Mr. Muthiah Pamanathan, Dr C N Pamgopal, Dr. T M Perumal
and Major v v Narayanan respectively.
6 CDs on various aspects of Self Development by Mr. Muthiah
Pamanathan were released on the occasion by the Dignitaries
Ms. Ananthi Karthic, Clinical Psychologist, did a wonderful job
as Master of Ceremonies.
Dr. Shamanna Pamaswamy, 88 years old youngster presented
mementos to all the Organizing Committee Members and
greeted them.
Mr. P v Subbiah, Ms. Amba Sankari, Ms Komala,
Mr. Narasimhan, Mr. Arunkumar have played a vital role in
coordinating every aspect of the event.
Mr. Sivarama Krishnan took care of Audio, video arrangements.
Mr. G Ganesan and Dr. Maharaja Siva Subramanian have
enrolled large number of participants.
Mr. v Baktha sponsored participation for 2 College Students.
Mr G P Seethabathy voluntarily extended financial support for
the smooth conduct of the event.
Mr. K Paja, religiously sends messages
1. About our Circle and our Programs to other Circles
and their Members
2. About other similar Circles and their Programs to all
of us
Pre Conference Workshop - Hypnosis 101
We have also had Pre conference Workshop on the
August 2011 at Nahar Hall, Deshbandhu Plaza.
Muthiah Pamanathan presented :
Hypnosis 101 An lntroduction to Hypnosis and Success.
We had 70 participants.
He made the Participants go through the process of Hypnotic
Pelaxation several times and also made them to :
1. Hypnotize other Participant
2. Get Hypnotized by another Participant
3. Be an Observer to Hypnotic lnduction at close quarters
and learn
Hypnotic Language of Success
Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal, Founder, lnstitute of Mind Control and
Development, Hyderabad, presented a Workshop on `Hypnotic
Language of Success` on 16
December 2011 at Hotel
We had 110 participants.
We thank Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal for conducting the workshop
and also Mr. S. Narayanan, Founder Member and Past
President for coordinating and arranging this event successfully.
Membership :
We have added nearly 50 new Members to our Circle from
these 3 Programs.
FinanciaI Position :
Our Finance Minister, Mr. Umedmul Bafna does a meticulous
job of taking care of Accounts in his own inimitable budgeting style.
With the result our Financial position is in good shape.
PunctuaIity and Attendance :
As usual we have always started our monthly meetings on
the dot : by 2.29 p.m.
The meetings usually came to a close between 6.00 and
6.30p.m. depending upon the number of people who gave
Talks, the supplementary discussions, interactions and Question
& Answer sessions.
Always and as usual, our average attendance in all our Monthly
Meetings is around 80. ( Please remember, our meetings were
always held on Sunday Afternoons ! )
Budding Speakers, New entrants and First Timers :
Mr. G Ganesan, Joint Secretary gave talks on `Yoga, Meditation,
Hypnosis, EQ and Dream analysis`
Mr. Sivarama Krishnan spoke on the `Art of Pranayama`
Mr. v Baktha spoke on `Be the Best You can Be`.
Mr. Kannan Padmanabhan spoke on `Golden Tips for your
Platinum Jubilee`
Ms. Amba Sankari, Psychologist and Counselor spoke on
`Emotional lntelligence`
Mr. S Pamalingam, Psychologist, spoke on `lntrapersonal
Mr A S Pamamurugesh spoke on `Emotional Quotient`
Mass ReIaxation
Dr T M Perumal, Major vv Narayanan, Mr P Gopalakrishnan
have started presenting Mass Pelaxation.
Mr. S Narayanan and Mr. K Aravamootham, Senior Members
and Past Presidents have also presented Mass Pelaxation
with their years of experience, they were the best Pelaxation
processes we have had.
Mr. Muthiah Pamanathan presented Mass Pelaxation on all other
occasions with various visualization Techniques.
Major Topics of Presentations
1. Goal setting by Mr. Muthiah Ramanathan
2. Parenting Styles, Emotional lntelligence and Anger by
Ms. Ananthi karthic
3. various Types of Hypnotic lnductions by
Mr. Muthiah Ramanathan
4. Personality Development by Dr C N RamgopaI
5. Holistic view of Health by Dr. Maharaja Siva Subramanian
6. Colourful Personality by Mr. Ashraf, Founder, Life Academy
7. Emotional Quotient & Emotional lntelligence by
8 Speakers
Topics on,
various Types of Hypnotic lnductions
Holistic view of Health and
Emotional Quotient and Emotional lntelligence
got extended because of enthusiastic interactions from
participants and we had continued our presentations in the
next monthly meeting also.
Major v v Narayanan, Secretary, spoke on almost all the Topics
in all our meetings.
He also takes care of publishing the Bulletin.
Dr T M Perumal, vice President gave Medical Tips for Physical
and Psychological Well-being in most of the meetings.
Mr Bafna takes care of mailing the Bulletin to all our Members
and Guests.
Mr S Narayanan happily lends his Office for administrative
and accounting works.
We thank all our Members, Guests, Speakers, Psychologists,
Professors, Doctors and Trainers for their contributions in
making 2011 a grand Success.
We look forward to your continued support and contributions
in making 2012 still more Successful !
Towards an enriching and enchanting Happy New year !
Executive Committee
Hypnotique CircIe
The CharIes SchuIz PhiIosophy
(There are two sets of questions. ScroII sIowIy and
read carefuIIy to receive and enjoy fuII effect)
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator
of the `Peanuts` comic strip.
You don`t have to actually answer the questions.Just ponder
on them.
Just read the e-mail straight through, and you`ll get the point.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for
best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade`s worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish..
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here`s another quiz. See how you do one this one :
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult
3. Name five people who have taught you something
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated
and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
Easier? The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the
ones with the most credentials, the most money...or the most
They simply are the ones who care the most !
Pass this on to those people who have either made a
difference in your life, or whom you keep close in your heart,
like l did.
`Don`t worry about the world coming to an end today.
How To DeveIop A Happy Brain - By Marci
(CompiIed by Hypno S Narayanan)
Almost five years ago, Carol and l interviewed a fascinating
neuropsychologist named Pick Hanson for our book, Happy
for No reason. Pick brilliantly explained how a happy brain"
works. He shared with us the great analogy that our brains
are like velcro for the negative, but Teflon for the positive-the
negatives stick to us while the positives tend to slide right off.
More importantly, he shared simple ways we can reverse that
negativity bias.
l`ve continued to be a huge fan of Pick and his work-we even
began a book together. l avidly read Pick`s just one thing"
articles, which are wonderful short pieces about easy, powerful
practices that can make a big difference in our happiness and
well-being levels. ln this article, l`d love to share one of my
favorite just one thing" ideas that l think you`ll find really
helpful. Here are Pick`s wise words about Don`t Take lt
Personally" (excerpted from his wonderful new book called
Just One Thing):
Here`s an updated parable from the ancient Taoist teacher
Chuang-Tzu: lmagine that you are floating in a canoe on a
slow-moving river, having a Sunday picnic with a friend.
Suddenly there is a loud thump on the side of the canoe,
and it rolls over. You come up sputtering, and what do you
see? Somebody has snuck up on your canoe, flipped it over
for a joke, and is laughing at you. How do you feel?
Okay. Now imagine the exact same situation again: the picnic
in a canoe, loud thump, dumped into the river, coming up
sputtering, and what do you see? A large submerged log has
drifted downstream and bumped into your canoe. This time,
how do you feel?
The facts are the same in each case: cold and wet, picnic
ruined. But when you think you`ve been targeted personally,
you probably feel worse. The thing is, most of what bumps
into us in life-including emotional reactions from others, traffic
jams, illness, or mistreatment at work-is like an impersonal log
put in motion by ten thousand causes upstream.
Say a friend is surprisingly critical toward you. lt hurts, for
sure, and you`ll want to address the situation, from talking
about it with the friend to disengaging from the relationship.
But also consider what may have caused that person to bump
into you, such as misinterpretations of your actions; health
problems, pain, worries or anger about things unrelated to
you; temperament, personality, childhood experiences; the
effects of culture, economy, or world events; and causes back
upstream in time, like how his or her parents were raised.
Pecognize the humbling yet wonderful truth: most of the time,
we are bit players in other people`s dramas.
When you look at things this way, you naturally get calmer,
put situations in context, and don`t get so caught up in me-
myself-and-l. Then you feel better, plus more clearheaded
about what to do.
To begin with, have compassion for yourself. Getting smacked
by a log is a drag. Also take appropriate action. Keep an eye
out for logs heading your way, try to reduce their impact, and
repair your boat"-relationship, health, finances, career-as best
you can. And maybe think about finding a new river!
1. Notice when you start to take something personally. Be
mindful of what that feels like-and also what it feels like to
relax the sense of being personally targeted.
2. Be careful about making assumptions about the intentions
of others. Maybe they didn`t do it on purpose." Or maybe
there was one not-so-good purpose aimed at you that was
mixed up with a dozen other purposes.
3. Peflect on some of the ten thousand causes upstream. Ask
yourself: What else could be in play here? What`s going
on inside the other person`s mind and life? What`s the
bigger picture?
4. Beware getting caught up in your case" about other
people, driven by an inner prosecutor that keeps pounding
on all the ways they`re wrong, spoke badly, acted unfairly,
picked on you, really really harmed you, made you suffer,
etc., etc. lt`s good to see others clearly, and there`s a place
for moral judgment-but case-making is a kind of obsessing
that makes you feel worse and more likely to overreact and
create an even bigger problem.
5. Try to have compassion for the other people. They`re
probably not all that happy, either. Having compassion for
them will not weaken you or let them off the moral hook;
actually, it will make you feel better.
And-really soak up the sense of strength and peacefulness
that comes from taking life less personally.
Apply these ideas over the next days and see how you relax
and enjoy your life more.
Design your Destiny
The wisdom of the ages tells us what precedes great results.
So if we tap into the `starting point`, the CAUSE, what precedes
great results, we can practically guarantee any effect/result we
You want to know more ? Great. Onward.
Many of the great religious/spiritual texts mention this, so did
the GPEAT writer James Allen early in the 1900`s, as well as
master teacher Earl Nightingale.
We know that if we disrespect this LAW, we guarantee strife,
worry, struggle and more. We know that if we`re unconscious
of this principle it`s still working 24/7 in our lives.
No way, we don`t want to be unconscious of it. No way, we
don`t want to bring struggle into our lives. (who wants that?)
You want to stand up strong and demand that life give you
the results & rewards you desire.
You want to become a master of your reality, a designer of
your destiny.
You want to be the maker of your circumstances, not the
slave of them, right?
Here`s what precedes great results.
GPEAT thoughts precede GPEAT results. Weak thoughts
guarantee weak results.
Throughout the ages, we`ve been told, whatever we think
about consistently, we become. Here`s how to become a
GIANT in whatever you do.
1) Figure out the effect/result you desire. (Ex, more money,
job promotion, health, happiness, etc..)
2) ldentify the cause, the starting point for what you want.
Every effect/result has a CAUSE. Become the cause in you
thoughts/ feelings/ actions and you`ll practically guarantee the
effect you desire.
A farmer wants a harvest, he plants a seed.
A golfer wins a tournament, he spent hours practicing.
Every effect you can trace back to a cause in your own
Do it, you`ll be astonished at what YOU see.
All that we are is the result of what we have thought."- Buddha
What You Need is a Change in Perspective!
by Kristen Howe
lf your life isn`t working in any way, if you feel like you have
been slamming your head against a wall or if you feel you
were dealt a really bad hand, what you need is a change of
l`m telling you this with 100% certainty, that getting a fresh
perspective is the FlPST step to getting out of being stuck.
And l am going to say something that pushes a lot of buttons
(but l`m going to say it anyway:)
You DECIDE how you interpret everything - and your
interpretation defines your experience!
Here`s the deal, your interpretation comes from your
perspective - so, if you need to change your interpretation...
what do you need to change first?
You got it - you need to change your perspective!
Let me give you a really simple example of how perspective
determines focus and vision.
Picture a racehorse with blinders on. Now, tell me this - why
do they put blinders on the racehorse? They put the blinders
on to define the horses focus and vision. They also do it to
keep out distractions that would potentially take the horse off
track or slow him down.
So, when it comes to race time, blinders are essential for a
Later on, when the horse is free in the paddock, those same
blinders would actually be harmful and would limit the
information he could take in to help him thrive there. ln other
words, to be successful in a different environment the horse
needed a change of perspective.
Now here`s the thing - most of us were born and due to
whatever our situation was, we developed a certain perspective.
Our perspective when we were young was formed by the
people around us, their words, their thoughts and their feelings
were all soaked up like a sponge by our young minds and
from that we created filters.
From those filters came perspective - those filters became our
blinders. And, to be honest, those blinders probably served
us, in one way or another, at the time.
Perhaps they protected us or helped us thrive in the
environment we were in. But as we grew older and as we
changed and as our desires and influences and environments
changed, our filters became outdated, they stopped serving
us and started holding us back.
So, here`s the good news, if things aren`t working in your life,
you never changed our perspective and perspective can always
be changed - sometimes in an instant. Let me give you an
ln 2009, Mark Herzlich, a college football player was diagnosed
with a rare form of cancer. After the normal (and completely
understandable) reaction of despair and defeat, it is reported
that Herzlich closed himself in a room, and when he came
out, he had completely changed his attitude.
And he did this (in my opinion) by changing his perspective
from - wondering why it happened to him to deciding he was
going to do whatever it took to prevail over cancer, with that
perspective shift, everything changed he is now (2 years
later) cancer free and just had his first start in a professional
football game.
l`m telling you, it`s all a matter of perspective.
Do this exercise...
1. Look around you - it doesn`t matter where you are - just
stop and take a minute or two to really take in your
surroundings. Notice what you see, what you hear, what you
can feel etc. Use all of your senses.
2. Now, go find something that is at least 1-2 feet off the
ground - a step stool, a bench, a chair - anything. Put it in
the same spot you were just in and stand on it.
3. Now what do you see? What do you feel, and hear etc.
Pay attention to the different things you notice from this new
This is exactly what you need to do with anything in your life
that isn`t working. Now Do this exercise...
1. Write down one area of your life where you feel like you
are really struggling. Write down everything you believe about
this area. Write down how you feel, what seems to be true,
what it feels like, what it looks like etc.
2. Write down the story you tell yourself and other people
about this area of your life.
3. Write down the proof that you have that makes you believe
this story is true. Once you are done, ask yourself this power
question: "If I Iooked at this from a different perspective,
what might I see?"
Now, from this different perspective, answer the same questions
again (remember how different everything looked earlier when
you stood at a higher level and looked around) -
1. Now that you are looking from a different perspective, write
down everything you believe about this area. Write down how
you feel, what seems to be true, what it feels like, what it
looks like etc.
2. From this new perspective, write down the story you could
tell yourself and other people about this area of your life.
3. From this new perspective, write down the proof you could
find that would make you believe this story is true.
Your most important job from this moment on, is to constantly
look for a better perspective. lf you were trapped in a huge
hole in the ground would you just accept that you could
never get out or would you try to look at where you were
from a different perspective to see if there were options you
hadn`t seen yet?
You get the idea - your life is the same way - are you looking
at the problem or are you looking for solutions? That is the
biggest perspective shift you can ever give yourself.
When you feel stuck, ask yourself, Am l looking at the problem
or am l looking for solutions?"
The second you ask yourself the question your perspective
will shift, l promise!
lf you are having trouble finding things in your life to be
grateful for - ask yourself this, Am l looking at what l don`t
have or am l looking for all of the things l can be grateful
You can ALWAYS change your perspective - ALWAYS! So if
something isn`t working, look at it from a different angle, look
at it through different eyes, get your focus off the problem
and onto the possible solutions, start telling a different story,
and your perspective will change - and when your perspective
changes, so does your life!
Have you ever heard someone you love describe themselves
and wished they could just see themselves how you see them?
Now think about that in reverse - what if you could see yourself
how the people who love you see you?
I am a CaterpiIIar
One day, while sitting in the warm sunshine, l spotted a
caterpillar making his journey from the grass to the concrete
of the patio. l sat there and watched him for the longest time.
He seemed to be moving at a steady pace, when suddenly,
he stumbled. His back end twisted and turned over, but his
front end stayed in place.
Struggling to continue his journey, he managed to straighten
out his back end. On he went toward his destination, when
shortly after, he stumbled again. Continuing this routine, he
finally made it across the patio. A dark shadow covered him
as the sun went behind a cloud. l did not watch him any
longer, though he had not finished his journey. l did not know
his destination, but he did. Suddenly l realized that his ultimate
destination was to get to a place where he would transform
into a beautiful butterfly.
l am like the caterpillar, traveling through this life, stumbling
along the way and fighting the darkness of sin. Do l know
my destination? The answer is yes, and alas, when l get there
l will become that beautiful butterfly that God wants me to be!
Geri L. PhiIIips
1. Keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspiration with
others." - Pobert Louis Stevenson
2. Every time you appreciate something; every time you praise
something; every time you feel good about something, you
are telling the Universe: MOPE OF THlS, PLEASE!" You
need never make another verbal statement of this intent
and, if you are mostly in a state of appreciation, all good
things will flow to you." - Esther Abraham-Hicks
3. A philosophy of life: l`m an adventurer, looking for treasure."
Paulo Coelho
4. When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain
place on the floor. lt`s to enjoy each step along the way."
- Wayne Dyer
5. Are you a pauper or a superstar? So you act, so you feel,
so you are!" - lndia Arie
6. lf you have the opportunity to play this game of life you
need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don`t
appreciate the moment until it`s passed." - Kanye West
7. You are Larger than the circumstances" - Mastin Kepp
8. Welcome those big, sticky, complicated problems. ln them
are your most powerful opportunities." Palph Marston
9. Never mind what others do; do better than yourself, beat
your own record each and everyday, and you are a
success." -William Boetcker
If undelivered, please return to :
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: 24833090, 98410 01347, 98410 91842 (Per)
HypnoIique Circle {Hadras)
cordiall inviIes all iIs members and guesIs for Ihe monIhl meeIing on
Sunda, Ihe 8
Januar 212 aI
HoIel Palmgrove, Kodambakkam High Road, Chennai ~ 34.
2.29 pm : WeIcome Address
2.35 pm : SeIf In(tro)duction by Members and Guests
2.45 pm : Setting and Achieving GoaIs - 2012
(A practicaI workshop -
PIease bring your note books and pens)
By Mr. Muthiah Ramanathan and Team
5.45 pm : Mass ReIaxation
Prof Rooshikumar Pandya's
CDs and DVDs
on Hypnosis, Communication,
Assertiveness and ReIaxation
CaII : Mr S Narayanan - 98410 70076

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