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The Rise of The Cookiepreneur - and A


August 25, 2013 8:45 PM
by Wacky Cookies
I dont know about you, but I have faced many challenges in my lifetime, the biggest of which
knocked me down so hard I thought I would never survive. Oddly enough, it was through that
challenge that I found my true calling and built a small cookie business that is successful beyond
what I ever thought possible.

I started my cookie business in 2008, from my home with 800 dollars. By my second year, I
barely broke even. My business nearly quadrupled during my third year, bringing me from
approximately seven to about 28 orders per week. And last year, I averaged about 47 orders per

Admittedly, I am an optimist, but if you had told me ten years ago that I would be able to build a
cookie business from my home, doing what I am absolutely passionate about and grossing six
figures into my fifth year in business, I would have certainly told you, "You are NUTS!"

By no means did these results come without much hard work, many long hours, adding a candy
line to my cookie business, and other sacrifices that we will get into in future blog posts. But it is
my belief that similar results are possible for you as well, if this is what you wish to accomplish.

2007 was an insane year for me, as for so many Americans, because of both the economy and a
handful of personal challenges. I was in the midst of a devastating divorce; my mother, who was
my best friend, had died after a bout with Alzheimers Disease; and I had just sold off my
interests in a lucrative mortgage business I co-founded for much less than I felt I deserved.

I was left with a huge mortgage and car payment, and a three-year-old son and 76-year-old father
to care for. I was emotionally devastated, and things just continued to get worse until they hit
critical mass in August 2008, when every stream of income that I depended on dried up.

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I cant remember exactly when the idea hit, but it was certainly at a moment when I was so low
that I felt I could hardly breathe. I kept asking myself: How can I make money from home? What
am I good at that people want? How can I use my creativity and skill set so that it benefits others
and myself?

Cookie/Photo Credit: Aymee VanDyke

The immediate answer that popped up for me was: I will bake cookies! At that moment, I
thought it would be a breeze because I have always felt comfortable in the kitchen. You see, my
parents owned a catering business and a couple of restaurants when I was a child. My
grandfather was a chef, so cooking and baking were natural choices for me.

What I did not realize at the time I got started were the challenges I would face as far as
improving my decorating skills, building a client base, and finding a forum where my cookies
would reach a wide audience.
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Cookie/Photo Credit: Aymee VanDyke

Creative Destruction

During my first year of business school, I learned about the concept of creative destruction in
capitalist society. J oseph Schumpeter, the Austrian American economist and political scientist,
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coined the term. Basically what it means is that, when certain sectors in an economy are
destroyed, others will naturally grow as a result, and that is exactly what we are living at the
current moment.

Since the economic crash of 2008, the number of cottage food businesses has grown in the
United States, which has, in turn, given rise to the cookiepreneur. How many people do you
know who are selling baked goods out of their homes and at farmers' markets?

When I sought estimated annual figures for the cottage food industry, I found it difficult to come
up with a national number. This was not surprising to me considering the overall lack of state
regulation and current number of businesses that are operating under the radar, so to speak.

However, due to the increasing number of states passing cottage food legislation, I would hazard
an educated guess that we will begin to see good, solid figures on cottage food industry size in
the near future.

(I thought it worth mentioning that, even though I do not have solid market figures, there is
clearly a growing supply of cottage food businesses and products as reflected in the recent push
for cottage food legislature to be passed in a number of states.)

Taking the Leap

I have spoken to so many women who have started their businesses out of a need to either
survive financially or to contribute to their spouses income. I have also spoken to other ladies
who started their business out of massive inspiration and the encouragement of loved ones.

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One of these extraordinary ladies is Shannon Harman the owner of The Sweet Shop Cookie
Company. Her mother was also her best friend, and her passing prompted Shannon to pursue her
dreams of using her talent to build a successful cookie business.

Shannon is a force of nature, and her store can be found on Etsy. She has built an amazing
business where she has consistent demand for 20 dozen-plus cookie orders per week. I recently
asked her a bit about her business and how she got into it, and here is what she told me:

AVD: Shannon, how were you first introduced to baking/decorating cookies?

SH: I can remember as a young girl always baking with my mom and grandma. We were always
baking cakes, pies, and cookies. Every meal ended with a yummy dessert.

AVD: When did it become obvious to you that decorating was a passion of yours?

SH: I always loved baking. I discovered after years of baking Christmas cookies that it just
wasnt enough. Cookies had to be for more than just Christmas. I was soon the cookie lady for
every occasion. I have heard people say, You just know when you are meant to do something."
This is so true! I felt it in my heart that one day I would own my own bakery.
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AVD: At what point did you decide that you would turn your passion into a business?

SH: My mom urged me to take the step towards my own cookie company. I kept saying, Ill do
it one day." Three years ago my mom passed away and, in memory of her, I decided to give it a
try. This was what she wanted for me. I am thankful because here I am today as the owner and
lead decorator of The Sweet Shop Cookie Company.

AVD: Tell me a bit about your self confidence and your level of expertise at the time that
you decided to do this professionally. What was the process? Were you incredibly confident
or did you have concerns about your readiness to start the business?

SH: I am such a perfectionist. When you are baking for your family, you can say, They are
good enough." When you are baking for a customer, its different. I remember, when I first
began, I would stress over every single cookie. They would take forever! To me, they were good,
but never good enough. Over time, I did a lot of research. I created a lot of practice cookies
(which my husband is thankful for). I am finally to the point where I am very confident with my
product. Through trial and error, you learn what works. And when a customer raves over your
product, you know you must be doing something right.

AVD: What is your favorite part of running your own business?

SH: My favorite part is being my own boss and working my own hours. I have the freedom to
take a few hours during the day to go to lunch or a movie with my husband. Its nice to know I
am not on a set schedule.

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Cookie/Photo Credit: Shannon Harman

AVD: Which is your favorite part of the cookie business and why?

SH: I love to talk to people about cookies. I love that they come to me to create something
special for their special occasions.

AVD: And your least favorite and why?

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SH: Decorated cutout cookies take time. They are not something you whip together in minutes.
Sometimes it gets overwhelming. I would be lying if I said Ive never had to step back and
regroup. I do this from time to time.

AVD: What has been your biggest challenge thus far?

SH: It doesnt happen often, but cookies do get broken in the mail. Its very frustrating when you
put time and effort into creating something amazing and the mail shatters them. Its so sad.

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Cookie/Photo Credit: Shannon Harman

AVD: And your greatest reward?

SH: Feedback from my wonderful customers. When I hear them say that the cookies were
wonderful and they really added to the event, it makes all the hard work worth it!

AVD: What would be your best advice to women (or men) who want to start baking
businesses at home by turning their hobby/passion into a business?
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SH: Go for it! If you love baking, why not give it a try? I have grown so much over the past
three years. I recently looked at cookies from when I first began. Boy, have I learned so much!
Practice makes perfect! If owning your own cookie business has been your dream, only you can
make your dream a reality.

When I asked Shannon about her overall vision for her company, she responded, "My vision for
my company is to create not only uniquely designed cookies but ones that are absolutely
delicious. I want my customers to be wowed when they look at the cookies and double-wowed
when they taste them."

She also went on to tell me that she is going to concentrate on expanding her client base in the
next year. Her three- to five-year plans include having her own brick-and-mortar bakery where
she will expand into drop cookies, cupcakes, and cakes.

So there you have it! Sounds to me like Shannon has a clear vision for what she wants. I wish her
the best of luck with her lovely shop.

No matter what your inspiration or motivation, its a new day filled with opportunity for the
aspiring cookiepreneur.

He Who Works Hard Gets Lucky

Now I dont know who you are or where you live, but what I can tell you is that there is nothing
you cannot accomplish with hard work and dedication. I have spent hours on Cookie Connection,
and I have seen your work. I have to say, honestly, that I am in awe of your creativity and talent.

Unlike Shannon, I admittedly was not a perfectionist when I started and am still not the greatest
cookie decorator who ever existed. In fact, when it comes to decorating, my designs are not
spectacular compared to many of yours.
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I have made a very calculated business decision not to sell very intricate cookies that take days to
create. It was a difficult decision, but one of the trade-offs I made in order to make my business
profitable - and I make no bones about sharing this information. After all, we are talking
business here.
If you are wondering what it takes to build a cottage cookie business and make a profit, let me
just say: you dont have to be the most skilled or experienced decorator in the world, but you do
need to have a consistently executed product formulated with great ingredients, a solid business
formula, encyclopedic knowledge of your customer base, a good bit of determination, an
impeccable work ethic, and nothing short of the psychological resiliency of a world class
athlete. These things, along with good, practical advice, will surely help you navigate your way
to success.

The Challenges

There are many challenges that you will face as a cookiepreneur. If your decorating skills are
already there (mine were not), you are off to a great start. But as you will soon find out, it takes
much more than just being a talented decorator and baker to turn a profit in this business.

You will have to learn the nature of the business and to deal with the fact that no matter how
prepared you are, you will be thrown curve balls. You need to have the emotional dexterity to
handle, learn, and even grow from them.

Although the purpose of this blog is to encourage you to build your own business, some of you
will inevitably find that the business of cookies is not for you, and perhaps you will just continue
to do it as a hobby.

The Tools

What I hope to achieve though this blog is to provide you with the necessary tools so that you
can create your own formula for success as a cookiepreneur.
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I will take a two-pronged approach with this blog. The first will consist of the mechanics and the
second will be mindset.

The mechanics part will include technical and practical information and advice on how to build a
successful cottage sweets business, such as how to create a clear vision for the kind of a business
(volume) you wish to generate, how to build a costing model for your products, basic business
planning, licensing, food safety, branding, and more.

The second prong, which is mindset, is my strongest area of expertise and carries just as much
weight as the mechanics, if not more. It's aimed at helping you achieve the attitude of a winning

For many years, I have made it my business to study the habits and philosophies of the worlds
most successful men and women. What I have learned from both my personal experience and the
masters I've studied is that mindset most often determines whether a business succeeds or fails.

You can have the most impeccable business plan and abundant capital and human resources, but
if you do not have the proper mindset to deal with the day-to-day challenges, along with the
inevitable defeats, your business can eventually fail.

Being an entrepreneur means hard work, thick skin, patience, dedication to a quality product,
flexibility, passion, and commitment. In short, success comes with a price tag, but the rewards
are much more than the monetary remuneration. A great sense of pride and personal achievement
comes from building a successful small business.

In the coming months, I aim to provide you with a wealth of information, not only from my
perspective, but from many other cookiepreneurs who own and operate successful cottage food

We will discuss what they are doing right, as well as the mistakes we have all made, so you can
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draw from those experiences and create your own recipe for success.

Whats Your Story?

I would love to hear your story. How did you get into the business of cookies? If you are an
aspiring cookiepreneur, tell me what your inspiration/motivation is to do this. As J ulia had
mentioned in her introduction, I expect reader participation! After all, this blog is all about and
for you.

My definition of success is being paid to use your gifts and do what you absolutely love. I look
forward to our journey together and hearing your stories of success in cookiepreneurship.

Until next time, always remember: the ultimate key to success is persistence! Never give up,
never! [EDITOR'S NOTE: Keep reading to learn more about Aymee and the challenge
mentioned in this post's title.]

Aymee VanDyke, also known as Cookiepreneur, is a successful entrepreneur and business
consultant whose main focus is to help women in the cottage food industry build profitable and
rewarding businesses. She is the founder and owner of Cookiepreneur and The Wacky Cookie
Company, a four-year-old cottage/commercial cookie business that has operated in the black for
most of its existence. Aymee has an extensive background in personal development and attended
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the Norwegian School of Business in Oslo. Her articles have been published in BISSI, the
magazine of the Norwegian School of Business, and Somos Magazine.

Photo credit: Aymee VanDyke

Note: This column, which has yet to be named, is a regular Cookie Connection blog feature that
provides business planning, marketing, and other tips for starting a cottage cookie business and
taking it to the next level. Its content expresses the views of the author and interviewees, and not
necessarily those of this site, its owners, its administrators, or its employees.

COLUMN by posting a pithy title, along with any other remarks you might have for
Aymee, in the comments area below. Aymee and I will choose the winning title before her
next article is posted in about a month. And that's not all: the winner will receive a free
copy of Julia's cookie decorating DVD!]

Last edited by Julia M. Usher August 30, 2013 7:45 PM


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Comments: 40

Sarah's Sweets
August 25, 2013 9:49 PM
So,so awesome, I have had my little cookie business for just over two years and have spent a lot
of time trying to figure out how to actually make money! I am starting to get more and more into
it and am really excited about learning more from you - thanks so much for this!

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Bear Clan Cookies
August 25, 2013 10:16 PM
Title-- Making Cookie "Dough"

I am very excited about this new strand to the blog. My husband was on deployment when I first
began making "cookies for sale." He is preparing to deploy again in October so I have decided
to use the time more wisely-instead of pacing the floors until his return, to use this precious time
to build a client base and follow these steps you are suggesting! Thanks all for sharing your
experiences! Maybe I really CAN do this!

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Delightful Bitefuls
August 25, 2013 11:36 PM
I am so happy that you are doing this right now.. I so need this information!! Looking forward
to the next installment.....

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J asmine McAfee
August 26, 2013 12:43 AM
This blog post brought me to this site for the first time and I am very excited to see what is to
come of it! I recently (two months ago) got the keys to my new store front bakery!Expansion
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from a home based business has been crazy! I've run the business from my home for the last
three years. I have scaled cookie orders back to one week each month as they require so much
time. Although I have a larger focus on cakes than I do cookies, I still feel as though I can learn a
lot from this blog. My biggest struggle is time management skills. I built my business while
completing my small business degree. I'm very excited to learn and hopefully share my

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August 26, 2013 1:17 AM
I am in the autumn of my life. An unexpected and very costly divorce left me nearly destitute.I
am living off of a very small pension and haven't been able to find a job. I always baked a lot and
did many crafts all of my life, so I decided that the solution would be to do what I love best and
that was always baking cookies, thinking up new recipes for my family and friends, although
these weren't decorated, I only discovered, in the past few months, how cookies can be canvases
for works of art and that hit me like " why didn't I think of doing this a long time ago " and also
only discovered this amazing website a few weeks ago when I came across a link for J ulia's
cookies. I never had a business, so I need all the help I can get, I know it will take time to build. I
don't know if this sort of business will be successful in my area, I don't know if people would be
willing to pay this much for cookies instead of the usual cakes, I'm not sure if I should
incorporate at this stage without knowing if I will have any customers, my son in law has a
restaurant where I could leave business cards, and there is a hospital at 5 minute walking
distance from my house where I could make some " free" sample cookies and bring them to the
delivery ward for new Moms in hopes that they will order cookies for christenings and so on.
What would you suggest a business card should state on it? will you suggest we make a little
pamphlet too? I have no idea where to start and I know I am not the only one so I am really
happy that you started this blog

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4 The Love of Cookies
August 26, 2013 4:05 AM
Thank you for your blog. I have been selling cookies here and there for a few years while also
teaching. We've moved to different states 8 times in 15 years with my husband's job. This is the
first year in 22 years that I won't be teaching. Now I can focus on my cookie business. It is
awesome to hear how others are doing this with great success. My challenge is constantly finding
ways to get my name out into the community since I move so often. I've always introduced my
cookies at my school functions. Now I don't have that connection. I do plan on treating several of
the teachers at nearby schools to some "Back to School" cookies with my business card in
September. I would love to hear how others get their name out in their communities.
Didi Romero
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4 the Love of Cookies

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Gigi's Fresh Baked
August 26, 2013 5:00 AM
In reading your back story, I felt it could have said 'INSERT NAME HERE', and it would be me!
Boy, could I give you a story too! I bet most of us could, and they'd all sound remotely similar.
Thank you for sharing. Every so often (almost daily) I get this pang of anxiety ~and think ~
what am I doing?! But I get new orders, and start baking and I'm settled in 'my world' again (for
the moment). It certainly helps reading other peoples ventures.
I look forward to reading more, and the comments from other 'cookiers'!

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dots delights
August 26, 2013 5:40 AM
Loved reading your story. Very inspirational!

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August 26, 2013 6:06 AM
Possible Title: "How to Bake Up a Cookie Business"

WOW! What timing! I am in the process of setting up "shop". Alabama is trying to get a
cottage food law passed, but we didn't make it last year. We're trying again, but I'm not waiting.
I've worked out an agreement with our church to use the huge, mostly unused, commercial
kitchen there in order to launch my own bakery business. Now that I have that...I have to get to
work. Can't wait to read the next blog entry.

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Ali's Sweet Tooth
August 26, 2013 7:19 AM
You are all an inspiration! I admire your strength when times were tough and you got motivated,
not held back!
Wonderful article. Thank you all for sharing!

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August 26, 2013 8:23 AM
Particularly paid attention to the firm decision to not commit to the 'highly' decorated cookies. I
have been pondering this and I want to start raising money for my grandson's health costs. I think
this is a great philosophy - have great tasting cookies that look good. I can do that! It will
actually be part of my philosophy! Thanks for the inspiration. My blog name suggesting would
be: The Three "C's" - or Cookiers Comment Constructively! (sad, I know, but sort of a play on
Tres Leches! <sigh>

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August 26, 2013 8:44 AM
How about calling the blog : Cookiebiz Bootcamp?

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August 26, 2013 6:07 PM
So glad to read each and every one of your comments. I am so excited about this journey with
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all of you. I agree with Gigi's Fresh Baked that many of us have gone through challenges that
have brought us here. That's the great part though, uncovering your gifts through the defeats and
making the best out of them. Give a baker lemons, and watch her turn around and give you the
most amazing Lemon Cookies you have ever tasted . Keep the stories coming and don't
forget to vote for a name.. you may actually be the one to win J ulia's Decorating DVD .

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August 26, 2013 6:09 PM
Of course you can do it ! Thanks for sharing. Originally Posted by BearClanCookies:
Title-- Making Cookie "Dough"

I am very excited about this new strand to the blog. My husband was on deployment when I first
began making "cookies for sale." He is preparing to deploy again in October so I have decided
to use the time more wisely-instead of pacing the floors until his return, to use this precious time
to build a client base and follow these steps you are suggesting! Thanks all for sharing your
experiences! Maybe I really CAN do this!

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Cookies and Cakes by J amie
August 26, 2013 7:54 PM
Thank you so much for sharing with us! I am starting out small, as I still have a full time job that
for the time being, need to keep. But, as I get closer to retirement from full time work I hope to
build a cookie/cake business enough to supplement my retirement income. I can not even believe
I am talking about this because I just don't feel old enough, but I am getting there fast! Your
determination through devastating times is such an inspiration! You have given very useful
advice and I will be reading this several times to absorb all I can. This website has been a gift
from God in my eyes. I do not yet have the quality of cookie that I feel I should, but I am trying
to just grow my talent and experience. I have such good feedback from friends and customers,
that it gives me the confidence to continue, even though I do not truly produce the quality I feel I
should. I am receiving help from special ladies on this site all over the world and it is so exciting
to have a family of cookiers willing to share advice, techniques and support.

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J ulia M. Usher
Founder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a
Sweet Life
August 26, 2013 8:23
Thanks, J amie. Your very kind words really touched me . . . I'm so glad this site resonates with
you. Each day the talent and generosity of those here amazes me.

Aymee is a prime example; she put her heart and soul into this piece, and I know she will
continue to do so.

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Ruth Loughlin
August 27, 2013 7:45 AM
My Title would be " Good Enough". Why because like Aymee said cookie for family are always
good enough, But cookies for sales Have to be better. So get baking and decorating and make
them better. This is about the beginning, so where is a better place to start but with family. Keep
up the good work Aymee !!!

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Dulces Nancy
August 27, 2013 8:03 AM
Title: Cookies, a business opportunity.
Thanks for this post, I've read it twice and would love to do a business that I love so much, the
cakes, but in Spain things are not so easy because there are too riquisitos to open a store or
something, not allowed do at home for sale and I cut the wings, but I see that there may be a way
out, thanks to this post. Thank you!

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August 27, 2013 8:17 AM
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What an excellent idea, and inspiring first blog post! Thank you SO much!

For a name, Dough (nuts) to Dollars immediately came to mind, tapping into our passion for
rolling out the dough, then wanting to turn it into something profitable.

Of it we want to really think positive, "Rolling In The Dough"!

Whatever the name, I look forward to future posts!

Thank you again!!

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August 27, 2013 1:41 PM
Thanks for being an inspiration to all of us cookie lovers.

My name suggestion for your column is "Crumbs".

Looking forward to new experiences and cookie friends.

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Custom Cookies
August 27, 2013 4:51 PM
This came at the perfect time for me because I am just starting the process of trying to turn my
hobby into a business. I can't wait for your next post!
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Custom Cookies
August 27, 2013 4:53 PM
What about using your own words for a title? "Taking the Leap" is what it's all about.

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August 27, 2013 6:14 PM
I thought the name of the column WAS The Rise of The Cookiepreneur. That title got me to
click on the post and pretty much sums up what most of us are interested in. But maybe there's a
reason that doesn't work or that title belongs to someone else?

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August 27, 2013 11:06 PM
My first thought for column name:
Cookies Into Cash: Becoming a Cookiepreneur

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August 28, 2013 3:42 AM
Great idea!!

Originally Posted by Karen-Sugardeaux:
My first thought for column name:
Cookies Into Cash: Becoming a Cookiepreneur

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J ulia M. Usher
Founder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a
Sweet Life
August 28, 2013 8:44
Hi, Patty! Not many of us here speak Italian and the site translator only converts from English to
other languages. You might want to translate your posts using Google Translate
( so that more people can read them. It's super easy to use and
reasonably accurate. Here's what it came up with for your recent post; it's a wonderful story and I
didn't want people to miss it:

My name is Partizia, I have 60 years old, I never thought that at this point in my life where so
many made merry now happily retired, I would find myself without a job and no pension, my
company has failed and the state I moved the retirement date.

My passion is cooking, we go crazy for Italian pasta at home, made with a rolling pin, I found
myself with lots of time available and I have cultivated my passions making lasagne, cannelloni,
ravioli and Cappelletti, friends and neighbors, trying to earn some money to pay for the
contributions for 2 years that were to go to retirement.

Then my son has started a blog called
I gave him the name of my other passion depending on the yeast ... so I started to surf the
internet discovering the world sugar .. and from there I met many very respectable girls who now
find myself here ... and also I have started making decorated cookies and I realized that I really
following many girls who make biscuits I have learned various techniques that I did not know ...

Thank you so much this group and are happy to be part of it ... my knowledge is very limited, I
will try to learn something from each of you that you are really brave.

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August 28, 2013 9:43 AM
I think the title of Amy's column should be One Smart Cookie.

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I too am glad J ulia has put together this site. I am learning from everyone. I have learned that
where I live makes decorated cookies nearly impossible because of the humidity so I have to lean
on my experience as a cake maker for now. But I am still here and will stay because the
community is so giving and caring.

Thank you J ulia!

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Cakes And Cookies - Terry
August 28, 2013 12:31 PM
Well, firstly my name suggestion. "Dough Raymee" (The Ray is the sunshine she sends out in
broad beams). Secondly, I cannot go into my story in depth. Essentially I lost my home and
business in a devastating flood in 1996, and also got divorced within weeks of that. Enough said.
You can either be the victim or the victorious!..You go Aymee, wherever the wind and your
heart takes you. You have done great. Continue to nurture the sweetness in your life. xx

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Tina At Sugar Wishes
August 28, 2013 12:56 PM
Firstly let me say I am absolutely the worst person for choosing names. My dog's name is
Charlie for lack of imagination and my kids are named after their grandparents, as part of
tradition. But I like the Cookies into Cash....title. That's what most of us are trying to do one way
or another. It got all of us reading this great blog.
I love hearing success stories, it great for giving us hope. Here in Greece we are in the 7th year
of a depression and seeing no light. No cottage laws and trying to learn all I can before I
somehow figure out a way to unleash myself.
I am so looking forward to following your blog!

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August 28, 2013 4:20 PM
What a great blog!!! Lots of information....I think you should call it...
"Sweet Thoughts" are providing sweet and wonderful information for us

Sweet Tooth Creationz

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J ulia M. Usher
Founder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a
Sweet Life
August 28, 2013 7:23
Originally Posted by robynski:
I think the title of Amy's column should be One Smart Cookie.

I too am glad J ulia has put together this site. I am learning from everyone. I have learned that
where I live makes decorated cookies nearly impossible because of the humidity so I have to lean
on my experience as a cake maker for now. But I am still here and will stay because the
community is so giving and caring.

Thank you J ulia!
Thanks so much, Robyn! Thrilled to hear that you're finding the site a useful learning experience
- that was my hope in setting it up, so your kind words mean quite a lot to me!

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Cakes And Cookies - Terry
August 29, 2013 5:39 AM
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Some more suggestions:
"On The Cottage Porch - With Aymee"
"Cottage Conversations" - With Aymee
"Baked Not Beaten" - The Aymee Way
"On The Rise - By Aymee

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August 29, 2013 7:14 AM
My name is Partizia, I have 60 years old, I never thought that at this point in my life where so
many made merry now happily retired, I would find myself without a job and no pension, my
business has failed and the state I moved the date of retirement.
My passion is cooking, let's go crazy for Italian pasta at home, done with a rolling pin, I found
myself with lots of time available and I cultivated my passion to make lasagne, cannelloni,
ravioli and Cappelletti, friends and neighbors home, trying to earn a bit 'of money to pay the
contributions for 2 years which were to retire.
Then my son started a blog called
I gave him the name of my other passion, depending on the yeast ... so I started surfing the
internet to discover the world of sugar .. and from there I met many girls very respectable now
I'm here ... and also I have started making decorated cookies and I realized that I really like.
Following many girls who make cookies I learned various techniques that I did not know ...
Thank you so much to this group and I'm happy to be part of ... my knowledge is very limited, I
will try to learn something from each of you, that you are really brave.
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TinaMaree Velvet Icing
August 29, 2013 9:40 AM
Title?: Creative Leadership, one cookie at a time
Title? : Creative Cottage
Title? : Taking The Lead, one cookie at a time!

This is exactly the blog I need to follow , I've been so inspired by all of the cookiers on this site.
Although I get amazing feedback and encouragment from family and friends, I still give a place
to those voices of doubt in my head, but through faith and inspiration that comes from people
like you, I know that I can overcome lots of obstacles. I'm working on getting my cottage license
(which the law just passed this J an in California! !!!), so I could move further. So excited!!!
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August 29, 2013 6:53 PM
Thank you so much for starting this blog and sharing your information. I have been working as a
pastry cook/baker for the past 3 years and occasionally was doing orders for family and friends.
I have decided to get serious about things to help supplement our income hoping I can do this
full-time and things are beginning to take off. This is very timely and can't wait for your next

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J ulia M. Usher
Founder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a
Sweet Life
September 1, 2013 8:32

Thanks for the many great blog title ideas posted here. Aymee and I had an extremely tough time
deciding, but when it came down to it, we really liked the ring of Suzie's suggestion, "From
Dough to Dollars". So there you have it! From here on, you'll find all of Aymee's posts on this
theme in the blog category bearing this name.

Suzie, congrats! Please email me (or dialog me) at your convenience with your mailing address,
and I'll get the video series out to you as soon as possible.

Thanks again for the collective creativity!

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September 1, 2013 9:39 AM
Eeeek!!! Oh! My! Stars!! I'm doing a major Happy Dance here! You've made my day! My
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month! My year!!! You have no idea what this means to me, and how you have lifted my

Thanking you SO much!!!
Huge Hugs to you both!

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J ulia M. Usher
Founder and Host, Cookie Connection; Owner, Recipes for a
Sweet Life
September 1, 2013 12:15
You're so welcome, Suzi!

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September 4, 2013 10:57 AM
Love this! Success stories are a wonderful thing, and helps us all dream a little bigger! My
dream: have a business selling chocolate covered oreos, with decorated sugar cookies as a
specialty sideline.

I've been AWOL after coming back from vacation and being swamped with cake orders, but
hope to spend more time here. Reading this blog was a great way to get started!

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Michelle west Sion
J anuary 13, 2014 5:05 AM
I love this blog. Had to read it again. So inspirational. I live in NY state so the cottage law
poses plenty of road blocks. Not discouraged though. I love a challenge. Thank you
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