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October 200
De&e'(e Lo)%(t%c( M*'*)e+e't St*',*r,( O&&%ce
T*b-e o& Co'te't(
.# Ge'er*- De(cr%/t%o' o& O/er*t%o'*- C*/*b%-%t0111111111112
a. Summary of Mission Needs...........................4
b. Overall Mission Area.5
c. Proposed IT Capabiliy..5
d. Sysem Mission..!
e. Operaion and Suppor Concep.!
2# T3re*t11111111111111111111111111114
# S3ortco+%')( o& E5%(t%') Ser6%ce(1111111111111111#7
2# C*/*b%-%t%e( Re89%re, &or Ree')%'eer%') t3e DODAAD/DODAAF1###1
a. Soluion Performance..""
b. Informaion #$c%an&e Suppor 'e(uiremens")
c. *o&isics and 'eadiness.."+
d. O%er Sysems Soluion C%aracerisics.."+
:# F9'ct%o'*- Re89%re+e't(111111#11111111111#11.
a. Sysem Access 'e(uiremens.."5
b. ,aabase ,esi&n 'e(uiremens..."-
c. ,aabase .pdae 'e(uiremens..."/
d. ,aa 'e(uiremens..."/
e. ,aabase In(uiry and ,o0nload 'e(uiremens.."/
f. Applicaion In(uiry 'e(uiremens.."1
;# Pro)r*+ S9//ort1111111111111111111111##.7
a. Mainenance Plannin&.)2
b. Suppor #(uipmen.)2
c. ,4I3Sandardi4aion5 Ineroperabiliy5 and Commonaliy..)2
d. Compuer 'esources...)2
e. 6uman Sysems Ine&raion 76IS8..)2
f. O%er *o&isics and 9aciliies Consideraions.)2
&. Transporaion and :asin&...)2
%. ;eospaial Informaion andServices)"
i. Naural #nvironmenal Suppor...)"
<# Force Str9ct9re11111111111111111111111##2.
4# Sc3e,9-e11111111111111111111111111##2.
A//e',%5 A= Sc3e,9-e111111111111111111111####22
A//e',%5 >= Ne? or E5/*',e, D*t* E-e+e't Re89%re+e't(11111122
A//e',%5 C= Abbre6%*t%o'( *', Acro'0+(1111111111111##22
A//e',%5 D= Dro/ Do?' Me'9 C3o%ce( &or D*t* E'tr0
9i&ure "< Proposed ,O,AA,3,O,AA9
9i&ure )< Curren ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 Arc%iecure.
9i&ure +< Curren ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 Arc%iecure....
9i&ure 4< =ey Performance Parameers"2
.# Ge'er*- De(cr%/t%o' o& O/er*t%o'*- C*/*b%-%t0

*# S9++*r0 o& M%((%o' Nee,(
T%e presen ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 0as desi&ned usin& "1-2>s ec%nolo&y
and %as remained basically unc%an&ed since is incepion. Ne0 more capable
me%ods are no0 available %a mus be evaluaed and implemened o move %e
,O,AA,3,O,AA9 process ino %e 0eny?firs cenury. T%is 9uncional
'e(uiremens ,ocumen 79',8 provides %e preliminary re(uiremens for
reen&ineerin& and ine&rain& %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA95 a @ey ,O, reference
reposiory. T%is is a 0o par effor 0i% P%ase I addressin& improvemens in
suppor of %e ,efense *o&isics A&ency 7,*A8 and P%ase II coverin& %e
remainder of ,O, and o%er paricipain& a&encies.
Numerous audis %ave been %i&%ly criical of %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9
process. Criicisms of %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 process include<
"8 Arc%iecural deficiencies include<
a8 :ac% ransacional updaes vice 0eb?based real?ime
b8 Au%oriaive source file lac@s daa elemens in
Componen files
c8 ,oes no allo0 au%oriaive file o auomaically
updae dispersed local copies
)8 ,O, Componen service poins do no validae and reconcile
%eir files 0i% %e ,efense Auomaic Addressin& Sysem
Cener 7,AASC8
+8 ,O, Componen files %ave ,O, Aciviy Address Codes
7,O,AACs8 no in %e ,efense Auomaic Addressin&
Sysem7,AAS8 maser file
48 Presen process allo0s unau%ori4ed re(uisiionin&
58 Some ,O, aciviies obained e$cess propery usin& invalid
-8 Some ,O, Componens esablis% and mainain %eir o0n
To ac%ieve %e &oals of %e ,*A Ine&raed ,aa #nvironmen and ,O,
lo&isics5 %e arc%iecure5 mana&emen5 and accessibiliy o @ey reference
reposiories mus be reen&ineered.
b# O6er*-- M%((%o' Are*
T%e ,O,AA9 conains addressin& and o%er informaion abou ,O,
aciviies %a is needed by applicaion pro&rams and sysems. T%e ,O,AAC
serves as a reference code in %e ,O,AA9 0%ic% provides in %e clear5 mac%ine?
readable addressin& informaion on aciviies %a ac(uire maerial from %e
Naional Supply Sysem 7NSS8 and for ,O, aciviies %a are NSS suppliers.
,O,AACs are assi&ned o provide %e ac(uisiion5 lo&isics5 and financial
communiies 0i% a s%or%and coded address for re(uisiionin&5 receip5 sora&e5
issue5 s%ipmen5 mainenance5 and billin& for maeriel5 supplies5 and services.

In addiion o %e basic addressin& and rouin& funcion5 %e ,O,AAC
carries a si&nifican level of embedded inelli&ence. T%is embedded inelli&ence
permeaes %e lo&ic in ,O, lo&isics sysems. In addiion o %e basic addressin&
funcion i serves as<
"8 An edi of incomin& re(uisiions o validae %e re(ues is
comin& from an au%ori4ed user. T%e ,O,AAC acs as a
pass0ord in %is capaciy and reAecs invalid ,O,AACS.
)8 A business rule @ey5 applicaion pro&rams @ey on %e
,O,AAC in par5 in oal5 or in combinaion 0i% o%er
codes o selec appropriae business rules o be applied o a
paricular funcion o be performed.
+8 A rac@in& and inerro&aion @ey5 by iself and as a sub?
elemen of lar&er idenifiers5 li@e %e documen number and
ransporaion conrol number. I is used e$ensively as a @ey
for rac@in& %e saus of cusomer re(uisiions and locaion
of re(uesed maeriel from %e ime of re(ues o poin of
delivery. T%e ,O,AAC is @ey o obainin& curren saus
and %isorical informaion for analysis in lo&isics sysems.
48 A me%od o summari4e and a&&re&ae lo&isics informaion
ino differen cae&ories.
c# Pro/o(e, I'&or+*t%o' Tec3'o-o)0 (IT) C*/*b%-%t0
T%e proposed ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 arc%iecure5 illusraed a 9i&ure "5
provides an ine&raed and cenrally mana&ed reposiory. T%e ,O, Componen
Cenral Service Poins 7CSPs8 0ill updae %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 au%oriaive
source reference reposiory mainained by ,AASC uili4in& sandard Borld Bide
Beb 70008 ec%nolo&y. T%e ,efense *o&isics Mana&emen Sandards Office
7,*MSO8 0ill specify %e business rules and daa sandards and ,AASC 0ill
e$ecue %em o include validaion of CSP inpu. CSP inpu 0ill be validaed real
imeC if a daa elemen fails validaion %e ransacion 0ill no &e pas %e CSP
user inpu screen unil %e enry is correc.
F%)9re . @ Pro/o(e, DODAAD/DODAAF Arc3%tect9re
T%e ,AASC mainained au%oriaive source ,O,AA9 0ill conain daa
elemens %a are currenly in %e ,O,AA,3 ,O,AA9 plus %ose %a are %ave
been included in %e ne0ly esablis%ed ,O, Tradin& Parner Number 7TPN8 file
as 0ell as %ose bein& used by %e ,O, Componens for %eir o0n specific
purposes. Once %e updae is complee5 %e ne0 informaion 0ill auomaically
updae remoe ,O,AA,3 ,O,AA9 servers uili4in& sandard auomaed
sync%roni4aion ools. T%e ,AASC maser reposiory 0ill be %e au%oriaive
daa sourceC replicae files 0ill be @ep in sync%roni4aion 0i% %e maser.
'eplicaes 0ill only be updaed via %e ,AASC maser file. T%e replicae files
0ill be read only5 eliminain& %e need for file reconciliaions.
Componen applicaions 0ill %ave %e opion of accessin& remoe servers
or direcly accessin& %e ,AASC au%oriaive source reposiory server. 'emoe
servers 0ould be locaed a @ey ,O, lo&isic faciliies suc% %a criical ,O,
lo&isics applicaions can (uery %e daabase 0i%ou raversin& lon& %aul
communicaions. In addiion5 %ey can be provided 0i% bac@up server addresses
in %e even of an emer&ency. T%ese servers 0ould be o0ned and mainained by
,AASC and be locaed be%ind %e faciliiesD fire0alls conneced o %eir local area
ne0or@ and 0ould run no o%er applicaions o%er %an %ose %a suppor %e
,O,AA,3,O,AA9 server sof0are. ,AASC 0ould be responsible for
moniorin& and mainainin& %ese remoe servers. CSPs 0ill no lon&er need %eir
o0n Componen specific ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 daabases since updaes 0ould be
applied direcly o %e ,AASC au%oriaive source. T%e ,O, Componens 0ill
no lon&er need o creae and mainain %eir o0n ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 uni(ue
daa elemens. :enefis of %e proposed arc%iecure are<
"8 Provides real?ime 000 CSP ,O,AA,3,O,AAC updaes.
)8 #nsures ,AASC real?ime validaions and eliminaes
erroneous daa.
+8 #nsures auomaed file sync%roni4aion process and
eliminaes reconciliaions.
48 Provides easy addiion of %e ,O, Componen uni(ue daa
58 Provides Componen applicaions near real?ime access o %e
au%oriaive source daa.
,# S0(te+ M%((%o'
T%e ,*MSO is responsible for %e developin& and mainainin& %e
business rules and daa sandards associaed 0i% %e ,O,AACs and Aciviy
Address Codes 7AACs8. T%e use of %e ,O,AAC is prescribed in ,O, 4"42."?
'5 ,O, Maeriel Mana&emen 'e&ulaion. .nder %e au%oriy of ,O, 4"42."?
'5 ,O, 4222.)5?-?M 7for ,O,AAC and AAC8 provides %e uniform me%ods5
codes5 formas5 and sandards for %e esablis%men5 mainenance5 publicaion5 and
disseminaion of address daa o re(uirin& ,O, Componens5 9ederal A&encies5
civil a&encies5 forei&n &overnmens and conracors.
,AASC is %e cenral conrol poin for %e 9ederal ;overnmen and %e
au%oriaive reference reposiory for ,O,AACs and AACs. T%e ,AASC
mission is o receive5 edi5 ranslae5 roue and arc%ive ,O, lo&isics ransacions.
e# O/er*t%o' *', S9//ort Co'ce/t
T%e reen&ineered ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 s%all coninue o be adminisered
by ,*MSO 0i% ,AASC as %e daabase cusodian and operaor. T%e
,O,AA,3,O,AA9 0ill operae in %e fuure ,*A and ,O, lo&isics
informaion environmens5 levera&in& %e curren5 and implemenin& fuure5 daa
and service capabiliies.
T%e ,*MSO5 0i% ,AASC and %e ,O, Componens5 s%all oversee5
e$pand5 and operae %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 usin& appropriae ;overnmen or
conrac suppor resources. ,AASC s%all develop5 operae5 and mainain %e
,O,AA,3,O,AA95 mainainin& cenral desi&n aciviy. T%e infrasrucure
needed o suppor %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 s%all ad%ere o publis%ed ,*A
ec%nolo&y soluion &uidelines and ,O, ec%nical arc%iecure mandaes. T%e
supporin& infrasrucure includes %e insalled base of %ard0are5 sof0are5
elecommunicaions5 and securiy soluionsC plus addiional ,AASC mana&ed and
mainained remoe servers and sof0are up&raded o mee revised arc%iecural
re(uiremens. ,ue o %e addiional daa elemens in %e reen&ineered file5 %e
securiy classificaion of %e file 0ill be reevaluaed.
2# T3re*t
T%e vas amoun of informaion sored5 processed5 and ransferred by %ese
sysems ma@es %em a lucraive ar&e of a diverse 0orld0ide %rea inen on
compromisin& and corrupin& daa5 disrupin& service or desroyin& %e acual
p%ysical sysem. T%e %rea is diverse in source5 moivaion5 sop%isicaion5
ec%ni(ue5 and ime. I includes %ac@ers fascinaed by ec%nical c%allen&e5 forei&n
&overnmens moivaed by miliary and economic ineress5 dis&runled
employees5 and inadveren sof0are errors. B%ile %e %rea is predominanly in
%e operaional p%ase of %e sysem life cycle5 i is presen %rou&%ou sysem
developmen and susainmen. T%reas o %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 are %e %reas
%a apply o any ,O, lo&isics daa ine&raion capabiliy 0i% is associaed
communicaions infrasrucure. Sandard %reas applicable o
,O,AA,3,O,AA9 are<
*# N*t9r*- ,%(*(ter( suc% as fire5 ear%(ua@es5 and floods.
b# Acc%,e't*- *ct( suc% as elecrical po0er inerrupion and operaor or
user error.
c# I'te't%o'*- *ct( suc% as bomb %reas5 saboa&e5 %ef5 and vandalism.
,# Act( o& ?*r suc% as informaion operaions and %e desrucion of a
faciliy5 erminal5 or saellie %rou&% deliberae enemy aac@.
e# Sec9r%t0 t3re*t( suc% as unau%ori4ed users5 viruses5 bac@ doors5 and
au%ori4ed users 0%o modify %e pro&ram in unau%ori4ed 0ays.
&# E-ectro'%c ?*r&*re %a aac@s %e communicaion sysem 0i% 0%ic%
%e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 mus inerface. #lecronic 0arfare includes5
bu is no limied o5 Aammin&5 inrusion5 messa&e inercepion5 and
raffic flo0 analysis.
,*A %as conduced a deailed %rea assessmen in order o deermine
specific %reas associaed 0i% eac% broad %rea cae&ory presened above.
Appropriae counermeasures %ave been seleced o mii&ae %ose %reas.
# S3ortco+%')( o& E5%(t%') Ser6%ce(
9i&ure )5 belo05 is a simplisic &rap%ic depicin& %e curren
,O,AA,3,O,AA9 arc%iecure. T%e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 consiss of
appro$imaely +2 CSPs. T%e CSPs are responsible for @eepin& %e
,O,AA,3,O,AA9 up?o?dae for %eir respecive Componen. Since %e
,O,AA,3 ,O,AA9 reposiory and %e le&acy sysems i suppors 0ere
developed in %e "1-2s5 lon& before %e 000 and %e robus communicaions %a
e$iss oday5 eac% applicaion re(uirin& ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 informaion usually
%as a local copy5 collocaed 0i% %e applicaion. CSPs updae local copies via an
updae pro&ram5 0%ic%5 a some poin5 sends %e updaed ransacions o ,AASC
0%ere %e au%oriaive reposiory is mainained. In some cases5 %e CSP updaes
bo% %e local file and %e ,AASC file simulaneously. 6o0ever5 in bo% cases5
%ere is no assurance %e edis and imin& of %e updaes of %e local and ,AASC
au%oriaive source files are done suc% %a %e file7s8 conen are sync%roni4ed.
To ensure local and au%oriaive source files are sync%roni4ed5 periodic
reconciliaions of %e files are conduced. 'econciliaions are mec%anical
mac%es of %e ,AASC au%oriaive source file o %e copy7s85 discrepancies are
idenified and correcions are made o brin& files ino a&reemen. T%is ineffecive
process %a is conduced infre(uenly5 and even 0%en compleed5 i only ensures
%a %e au%oriaive source file and %e reconciled copies are in a&reemen a a
momen in ime. Anyime %e files are no in a&reemen5 %e poenial e$iss for
one or more applicaions o ei%er no process an operaional ransacion
7re(uisiion5 reurn5 laeral ransfer5 ec58 a all5 or process i incorrecly.

F%)9re 2 @ C9rre't DODAAD/DODAAF Arc3%tect9re
A recen re(uiremen o re&iser ,O, buyin& and sellin& aciviies 0i%in
%e :usiness Parner Ne0or@ 7:PN8 necessiaed %e creaion of %e ,O,
Tradin& Parner Number 7TPN8 9ile 0%ic% feeds %e :PN 0i% daa on ,O,
aciviies. In %e ineres of e$pediency and o minimi4e %e impac on ,O,
le&acy applicaion sysems %a uili4e %e ,O,AA,5 a separae ,O, TPN file
0as implemened. T%e TPN files base daa is provided by %e ,O,AA, bu a
separae Beb updae capabiliy 0as implemened o allo0 CSPs o add %e daa
%a is re(uired o suppor %e :PN re(uiremens. B%ile %is approac% 0as
e$pedien o mee %e :PN implemenaion sc%edule5 i fur%er complicaed %e
e$isin& arc%iecure5 addin& ye ano%er file re(uirin& sync%roni4aion5 and i
re(uires %a %e CSPs a@e 0o separae acions o ensure %a all %e necessary
daa updaed. 9i&ure + s%o0s %e %i&% level arc%iecure 0i% %e addiion of %e
TPN re(uiremen.
F%)9re @ C9rre't DODAAD/DODAAF Arc3%tect9re
I'c-9,%') t3e TPN Re89%re+e't
Principal deficiencies of %e curren arc%iecure are<
*# D%(cre/*'c%e( bet?ee' %e ,AASC au%oriaive source file and
Componen collocaed copies resul in delayed or erroneous processin&
of operaional lo&isics ransacions.
b# A9t3or%t*t%6e (o9rce &%-e does no conain all daa Componens %ave
appended o %eir locally mainained ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 files.
c# T?o (e/*r*te 9/,*te( *re re89%re, o add a ne0 ,O,AAC. T%e
:asic ,O,AA, direcory mus be updaed 0i% %e ne0 ,O,AAC
usin& %e curren ransacion updae me%odolo&y and %en %e
addiional informaion relaed o %e inra&overnmenal ransacions
,O, Tradin& Parner Number 7TPN8 mus be updaed separaely
usin& %e ,O, TPN Beb updae.
,# Ne*r Aero -*te'c0 *cce(( o %e ,AASC au%oriaive source file o
suppor local applicaions is no allo0ed5 nor does i capiali4e on
e$isin& ec%nolo&y %a allo0s au%oriaive sources o auomaically
updae dispersed local copies.
2# C*/*b%-%t%e( Re89%re, &or Ree')%'eer%') t3e DODAAD/DODAAF
*# So-9t%o' Per&or+*'ce
"8 =ey Performance Parameers. ,AASC is %e cenral
reposiory for %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 and is responsible for
mana&in& and operain& %e reposiory. T%e Componen CSPs
or %eir desi&naed a&ens are %e au%oriaive sources for daa
inpu and (ualiy. .nder %is proposed arc%iecure5 %e
,*MSO produced business rules and %e ,AASC developed
edis s%all ensure %e ,O, Componens inpu daa %a is
reliable5 accurae5 and imely. T%e esablis%ed file is bein&
e$panded o suppor %e ,O, Componen inernal Ausified
daa needs in addiion o ,O, and o%er 9ederal A&ency
re(uiremens includin& %ose of %e inra&overnmenal
ransacions. T%is 0ill eliminae %e need for duplicaive files.
F%)9re 2 @ Be0 Per&or+*'ce P*r*+eter(
Top-Level Metrics Threshold Objective
Interoperability Facilitate seamless integration
within DLA and DOD, and with
commercial trading partners by
implementation of interfaces to
support information and data
98 percent successful
electronic data
!! percent successful
electronic data
A"ailability #ercentage of the time the
DODAAF capability is a"ailable for
use, excluding scheduled downtime
#ro"ide access and
connecti"ity at a 98
percent success rate to
authori$ed subscribers
#ro"ide access and
connecti"ity at a !!
percent success rate to
authori$ed subscribers
Top-Level Metrics Threshold Objective
%eliability &'(hour per day operations with
maximum data integrity, minimal
site failures, minimal reco"ery
times, and maximum a"ailability of
guaranteed bac)up
98 percent reliability !! percent reliability
*imeliness %etrie"al and pro"ision of current
data from the DODAAF in near real(
Application programs
retrie"al , second+
-eb .uery retrie"al ,/
second 0dependent on
customer constraints1
Application programs
retrie"al near real(time+
-eb .uery retrie"al
,second 0dependent
on customer
%ele"ancy #ro"ide accurate data from
authoritati"e sources as determined
by established business processes+
98 percent of all data
exchanges+ DOD
2omponent 23#s are
responsible for data
!! percent of all data
exchanges+ DOD
2omponent 23#s are
responsible for data
3ecurity 4nsure data security and integrity
by complying with all applicable
DOD 3ecurity regulations and
directi"es for classified, sensiti"e
but unclassified, and unclassified
!! percent of
!! percent of standard
)8 =ey 9uncional 'e(uiremens. T%e benefis o be derived from
%is reen&ineerin& effor are lised in secion ".c." %rou&% 55
above. 'eali4in& %ese benefis 0ill lead o %e aainmen of
%e follo0in& @ey funcional re(uiremens oucomes<
a8 Increased daa accuracy
b8 Simplified access o daa by au%ori4ed users
c8 9aser updaes o %e ,O,AA9
d8 #liminaion of duplicae updaes and files
e8 Increased suppor o muliple business processes
f8 .ili4aion of e:usiness3eCommerce business pracices
and ools
&8 Suppors ,*A and o%er ,O, Componen
moderni4aion effors
b# I'&or+*t%o' E5c3*')e S9//ort Re89%re+e't(
"8 ,*A ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 .sers<
a8 ,efense ,isribuion Cener 7,,C8
b8 ,efense Supply Cener 'ic%mond 7,SC'8
c8 ,efense Supply Cener Columbus 7,SCC8
d8 ,efense Supply Cener P%iladelp%ia 7,SCP8
e8 Any au%ori4ed user ma@in& a ,O,AA, Beb (uery.

7NOT#< O%er ,O, and non?,O, users 0ill be idenified
and added under P%ase II.8
)8 Proposed 9uure Operaional Arc%iecure. See secion ".c5

+8 :usiness Sysems Moderni4aion 7:SM8 and ,isribuion
Sandard Sysem 7,SS8 Inerface Suppor. Moderni4aion of
%e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 process 0ill provide :SM and ,SS
0i% an up o dae process %a 0ill increase %eir capabiliy o
suppor %e 0ar fi&%er.
48 ,*A Inernal Inerface Suppor. In addiion o %e :SM E
,SS inerface supporC %is effor 0ill %ave a direc benefi o
%e ,*A Supply Ceners5 %e ,efense ,isribuion Cener and
%e supply disribuion depos. T%e ,O,AAC is criical o
,O, lo&isics and ransporaion processes. I is used as a
validaion3securiy c%ec@5 for deerminaion of %e appropriae
business rules o be e$ecued5 for rac@in& and inerro&aion5
for summari4aion3a&&re&aion5 and for assi&nmen of %e
correc address for %e paricular applicaion siuaion. T%e
moderni4aion of %e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 process 0ill
direcly benefi %e Ceners and %e cusomers %ey suppor.
58 Pro&ram Top?*evel Operaional Arc%iecure dia&ram F N3A
-8 Pro&ram Top?*evel Sysem Arc%iecure dia&ram F N3A
c# Lo)%(t%c( *', Re*,%'e(( @ N3A
,# Ot3er S0(te+( So-9t%o' C3*r*cter%(t%c( @ N3A
:# F9'ct%o'*- Re89%re+e't(
T%is secion provides %e funcional re(uiremens for %e reen&ineered
*# S0(te+ Acce(( Re89%re+e't(# T%e follo0in& provides a summary of
%e re(uiremens o access %e sysem.
". T%ere 0ill be muliple levels of access &overned by %e roles of %e
user. T%e ,*MSO ,O,AA, Adminisraor 0ill se %e access
&overnin& policy and %e ,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem
Adminisraor 0ill mainain %e access conrols o %e sysem. All
access 0ill be user I, and pass0ord conrolled. T%e sysem 0ill
accommodae ,O, Public =ey Infrasrucure 7P=I8 re(uiremens.
). T%e sysem 0ill provide a B#: screen from 0%ic% poenial users
can re(ues access. T%is Screen 0ill re(ues informaion re&ardin&
%e ype of access re(uired 7drop do0n lis85 informaion abou %e
re(uesor 7fill in %e blan@s85 need for access 7drop do0n85
componen affiliaion 7drop do0n85 and re(ues %a %ey ener and
verify %eir desired pass0ord 7fill in blan@s8.
+. All access permission re(uess5 e$cep %e ;eneral Access level5
0ill be for0arded via email o bo% %e ,*MSO ,O,AA,
Adminisraor and %e ,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem Adminisraor
for approval. .pon approval %e sysem 0ill send an email bac@ o
%e re(uesor noifyin& %em of %e approval and providin& %em
%eir user I,.
4. T%e sysem 0ill &ran immediae approval o ;eneral Access
re(uesers5 %o0ever i 0ill sill noify via email %e ,*MSO
,O,AA, Adminisraor and %e ,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem
Adminisraor %a access %as been &raned5 providin& %e
informaion on %e re(uesor.
5. T%e sysem 0ill provide a daabase profile of all users 0i% access
by access level and i 0ill mainain saisics on %e number of
accesses and ypes of access 7updae5 (uery5 do0nload8 by user.
T%e sysem 0ill mainain daa on aemped unau%ori4ed accesses
and noify %e ,*MSO ,O,AA, Adminisraor and %e ,AASC
,O,AA, Sysem Adminisraor via email.
-. T%e access levels and %e au%oriies eac% %as 0ill be as follo0s<
a. T3e S0(te+ A,+%'%(tr*t%o' Le6e-= T%is %i&%es level of
access5 i 0ill be &raned o %e ,*MSO ,O,AA,
Adminisraor and %e ,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem
Adminisraor. T%ey 0ill %ave access o all daa and 0ill be
able o do0nload any informaion in %e daa base. T%ey
0ill also %ave access o all user profiles and usa&e daa.
b. T3e Co+/o'e't Ce'tr*- Ser6%ce Po%'t Le6e-= T%is level
0ill be &raned o %e individual desi&naed by eac% ,O,
Componen as %eir Cenral Service Poin 7CSP8. #ac%
Componen 0ill desi&nae %eir CSP o %e ,*MSO
,O,AA, Adminisraor 0%o 0ill noify %e ,AASC
,O,AA, Sysem Adminisraor. T%e user I, 0ill be
srucured suc% %a5 0%en a CSP lo&s ino %e sysem5 %e
sysem reco&ni4es %e CSP and %e ,O,AACs and relaed
informaion for 0%ic% %a CSP %as responsibiliy. T%e
CSP 0ill %ave %e abiliy o access all informaion in %e
daabase and can updae any informaion for %e
Componen for 0%ic% %ey %ave responsibiliy. A CSP 0ill
no be able o updae informaion on o%er Componen
,O,AACs5 i.e.5 %e Army CSP 0ill no be able o updae
Navy ,O,AACs or %e informaion relaed o %em. T%e
CSP 0ill also %ave access o all daa relain& o %e user
profiles and usa&e daa for %e users affiliaed 0i% %e
Componen for 0%ic% %ey are responsible.
c. Co+/o'e't Ce'tr*- Ser6%ce Po%'t A,+%'%(tr*t%o'
Le6e-= Componen *evel CSPs can dele&ae3sub?divide
%eir responsibiliy for file mainenance of %e ,O,AACs
for 0i% %ey are responsible. A ma$imum of )2
dele&aions per CSP are allo0ed. #ac% CSP mus idenify
o %e ,*MSO ,O,AA, Adminisraor and %e ,AASC
,O,AA, Sysem Adminisraor %e individuals o 0%om
sub?dele&aions are bein& made and %e ,O,AACs %a
eac% is responsible for. T%e user I, 0ill be srucured suc%
%a5 0%en a CSP Adminisraor lo&s ino %e sysem5 %e
sysem reco&ni4es %e CSP Adminisraor and %e
,O,AACs and relaed informaion for 0%ic% %a CSP
Adminisraor %as responsibiliy. T%e CSP Adminisraor
0ill %ave %e abiliy o access all informaion in %e
daabase and can updae any informaion for %e
Componen for 0%ic% %ey %ave been assi&ned
responsibiliy by %eir CSP. A CSP Adminisraor 0ill no
be able o updae informaion on o%er Componen
,O,AACs5 or ,O,AACs assi&ned o ano%er CSP
Adminisraor 0i%in %eir Componen.
d. Ge'er*- Acce(( Le6e-= T%is level provides user access o
vie0 any &eneral informaion in %e daabase via %e (uery
pro&ram. ,o0nloads of %e daabase informaion 0ill be
conrolled by %e ,*MSO ,O,AA, Adminisraor and
%e ,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem Adminisraor.
e. A//-%c*t%o' Acce(( Le6e-= T%is level is %e Componen
business applicaion level access o %e daa base5
applicaions 0ill %ave no abiliy o c%an&e %e daabase bu
0ill %ave unlimied access o %e daa. T%e iniial business
applicaion access arran&emens 0ill be made by %e
,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem Adminisraor in consul 0i%
%e ,*MSO ,O,AA, Adminisraor.
b# D*t*b*(e De(%)' Re89%re+e't(# T%e follo0in& provides an
overvie0 of %e daabase desi&n re(uiremens for %e sysem.
". T%e daabase desi&n srucure prioriy 0ill be o ma$imi4e
Componen business applicaion access speed. T%e ,O,AAC 0ill
be %e principal @ey for business applicaion accesses o %e
,O,AA, daabase.
). T%e daabase3sysem desi&n s%all be suc% %a Beb based access
in(uiries or do0nloads are responsive o Beb users 0i% no
de&radaion of %e responsiveness o Componen applicaion
+. T%e maser ,O,AA, daabase 0ill reside a ,AASC 0i%
p%ysical copies a bo% %e ,ayon and Tracy sies. T%e 0o copies
of %e maser daabase 0ill be @ep in consan sync%roni4aion.
4. Applicaion accesses and Beb user in(uiries 0ill be balanced
amon& %e 0o sies o ma$imi4e responsiveness.
5. T%e maser daabase 0ill al0ays be availableC if one of %e 0o
p%ysical sies is do0n for any reason %e o%er sie 0ill pic@ up %e
accesses and Beb (ueries unil full service is resored. B%en
necessary Beb access (uery responsiveness 0ill be de&raded or
suspended o ensure ma$imum responsiveness o applicaion
-. T%e maser daabase 0ill only be updaed via %e ,O,AA, Beb
updae or via mass updae discussed in %e ,aabase .pdae
'e(uiremens Secion belo0.
!. *ocal copies of %e daabase 0ill be provided 7o include %ard0are
and sof0are as re(uired8 by ,AASC o applicaions 0i% criical
%i&% volume access re(uiremens5 suc% as %e ,isribuion
Sandard Sysem. T%ese local daa base copies 0ill be collocaed
0i% %e usin& applicaion re(uirin& access and %ey 0ill be @ep in
consan sync%roni4aion 0i% %e maser copies mainained a
,AASC. All c%an&es o %e local daabases 0ill be conrolled by
%e maser ,O,AA, daabase.
/. T%e daabase 0ill be se&mened o accommodae daa %a is
common across %e Componens 7,O,?0ide daa elemens8 and
daa %a is common o one Componen bu no %e o%ers
7Componen uni(ue daa8.
1. T%e iniial daabase 0ill provide for all %e daa idenified in %e
Sysem ,aa 'e(uiremens Secion.
"2. T%e daabase 0ill be desi&ned o easily accommodae e$pansion
for ne0 daa elemens 7bo% ,O,?0ide and Componen uni(ue8 as
fuure re(uiremens dicae.
c# D*t*b*(e U/,*te Re89%re+e't(# T%e follo0in& provides %e
re(uiremens for updain& %e sysem daabase.
". T%e daabase s%all be updaed only via %e Beb updae
pro&ram by %e CSP or au%ori4ed desi&nee. 'e(uiremens for
mass daabase updaes5 s%ould %ey be re(uired5 0ill be
accomplis%ed by idenifyin& %e re(uiremen o %e ,*MSO
,O,AA, Adminisraor and %e ,AASC ,O,AA, Sysem
). 9ull on?line ediin& s%all be provided ma@in& ma$imum use of
drop do0n menus. Individual daa elemen edi crieria s%all be
in accordance 0i% Appendi$ GG.
+. ,aa enries 0ill be validaed in accordance 0i% Appendi$ :
crieria5 on screen idenificaion of invalid daa 0ill be
presened5 and %e maser daabase 0ill no be updaed unil all
%e daa passes validaion.
4. T%e Componen CSP or %eir desi&naed CSP adminisraor is
%e sole au%oriaive source for all inpu daa associaed 0i%
%e ,O,AACs for 0%ic% %ey are responsible.
5. T%ere s%all be a Beb updae pa&e7s8 for all %e ,O,?0ide daa
elemensC %is s%all be %e firs pa&e7s8 o come up afer lo&&in&
ono %e Beb updae. T%is pa&e7s8 s%all be %e same for all
users %avin& updae capabiliy5 0%ic% is deermined by %e
sysem access re(uiremens.
-. T%ere s%all be separae Beb updae pa&es for %e Componen
uni(ue daaC %e appropriae pa&e s%all be deermined by %e
user I, a ime of lo&in 7Army pa&e for Army CSP or
desi&naed Army CSP Adminisraor7s85 ,*A CSP or
desi&naed CSP Adminisraor7s85 ec8.
!. T%e au%oriaive inpu source s%all %ave %e abiliy o specify5
via drop do0n5 an effecive dae for submied c%an&es. T%is
capabiliy s%all allo0 %e submier o specify a sin&le fuure
effecive dae all c%an&es made durin& %e updae session or o
specify %a %e c%an&es made o %e daa enries for a sin&le
,O,AAC a@e effec on a fuure specified effecive dae. T%is
0ill be accomplis%ed via a drop do0n menu c%oosin&
immediae updae or by c%oosin& a dae from a drop do0n
calendar. B%en no effecive dae is specified %e sysem 0ill
effec %e updae c%an&es immediaely.
/ .,O,AACs %a are bein& deleed s%all be fla&&ed and reained
in %e daabase as acive for five years. T%is 0ill allo0 ime for all
ransacions o clear %e pipeline. Any ne0 re(uisiions usin&
deleed ,O,AACs durin& %is acive period s%all be reAeced. T%e
five year reenion period 0ill be&in on %e dae %e ,O,AAC is
fla&&ed as deleedC i.e.5 if %e user specifies a fuure effecive dae
7iem - above85 %e %ree years be&ins as of %a dae. A %e end of
%e %ree years %e reired ,O,AACs and all %e associaed daa
0ill be removed from %e acive daabase and moved o a reired
,O,AACs daabase.
/. B%en esablis%in& ne0 ,O,AACs or c%an&in& %e address
informaion %e au%oriaive submier s%all al0ays ener
address daa for %e Type Aciviy Code 7TAC8 " address
7Posal Address85 bu for TAC ) addresses frei&% or
commercial small parcel address8 and TAC + 7bill o mailin&
address85 %e user s%all %ave a drop do0n opion of c%oosin&
HSame as TAC "5 I#S5 or NO J. If HIesJ is c%osen5 %e sysem
s%all duplicae all %e address informaion for %e TAC ). If
HNOJ is c%osen %en %e user s%all be offered ano%er c%oice
HIs Address %a of ano%er ,O,AAC Ies or No5J if HIesJ
%en a bloc@ s%all be presened o fill in %e desired ,O,AAC
and %e sysem s%all populae %e TAC ) address for %e
,O,AAC under&oin& c%an&e 0i% %e TAC ) addressin&
informaion of %e ,O,AAC enered. If HNoJ5 %en blan@
addressin& bloc@s s%all be presened o %e user o ener %e
addressin& informaion in %e spaces provided. T%e TAC +
s%all %ave %e same opion provided. If %e TAC " address is a
Pos Office :o$ %en %ere mus be a differen TAC ) address
suiable for s%ippin& maeriel.
1. Provision 0ill be made for TAC 4 address updaes. A TAC 4
address 0ill reflec a commercial small parcel address. TAC 4
addresses are opional enries.
,# D*t* Re89%re+e't(# T%e specific daa elemens and %eir relaed
informaion are found in Appendi$ :.
e# D*t*b*(e I'89%r0 *', Do?'-o*, Re89%re+e't(# T%e follo0in&
summari4es %e daabase in(uiry and do0nload re(uiremens5 o
include a 0ildcard capabiliy. T%is capabiliy may be limied o firs
+22 records.
". All Beb ori&inaed in(uiries 0ill be processed a&ains %e ,AASC
maser daabase.
). T%e Beb in(uiry 0ill provide for in(uiry by any one or
combinaion of %e follo0in& fields.
Comm'I 7saus and billin&8
,isribuion Code
Kip Code
Address Type F 7TAC "5 )5 + or 48
Service3A&ency drop do0n name lis
Address *ine7s8 7"5 )5 +5 or 48
:rea@ :ul@ Poin
Consolidaion and Conaineri4aion Poin drop do0n
Sandard Poin *ocaion Code
Command3:ureau code drop do0n
Sae3province code drop do0n
Counry drop do0n
CON.S3OCON.S drop do0n
Navy TAC +5 ,O,AAC 9iscal Saion Number 79SN8
7AAA8 7A,SN8
Au%oriy Code drop do0n
Service drop do0n
#ffecive ,ae 'an&es

+. Searc% selecions fall ino 0o cae&ories< drop do0ns liss and free
form searc%<
a. T%e drop do0n liss s%ould be used for any HcodeJ loo@up5
0%ere a free form searc% 0ould no be appropriae. 9or
e$ample5 %e Sae codes 0ould use a drop do0n lis. T%e
user 0ould selec %e sae by name 7e.&.5 Maryland8 and
%e (uery 0ould use o appropriae code 7e.&.5 M,8.
b. 9ree form searc%es need an addiional (ualificaion o
define %o0 %e searc% is o be used. :elo0 is a lis of %o0
%e searc%es s%ould be (ualified and performed.
>e)%'( ?%t3 F %is is a 0ild card searc% 0i% %e mac%
performed on %e lef mos c%aracers enered. 9or e$ample5 if
%e user eners H")+J %e resulin& searc% 0ould reurn all
,o,AACs %a be&in 0i% H")+J 7e.&.5 selec L from able
0%ere dodaac li@e M")+N>8
Co't*%'( F %is is a 0ild card searc% 0i% %e mac% performed
on bo% sides of %e c%aracers eners. 9or e$ample5 if %e user
eners H")+J %e resulin& searc% 0ould reurn all ,o,AACs
%a %ave H")+J any 0%ere in %e srin& 7e.&.5 selec L from
able 0%ere dodaac li@e MN")+N>8
E',( ?%t3 F %is is a 0ild card searc% 0i% %e mac%
performed on %e ri&% mos c%aracers enered. 9or e$ample5
if %e user eners H")+J %e resulin& searc% 0ould reurn all
,o,AACs %a end 0i% H")+J 7e.&.5 selec L from able 0%ere
dodaac li@e MN")+>8
I( F %is is an e$ac mac% or Me(ual o> searc%. B%aever is
enered mus e(ual %e value in %e able. 9or e$ample5 if %e
user eners H")+45J %e resulin& searc% 0ould only reurn %e
,o,AAC H")+45J 7e.&.5 selec L from able 0%ere dodaac O
I( 'ot F %is is a non?mac% or Mno e(ual o> searc%. B%aever
is enered is e$cluded from %e able searc%. 9or e$ample5 if
%e user eners H")+45J %e resulin& searc% 0ould reurn all
,o,AACs %a are no e(ual o H")+45J 7e.&.5 selec L from
able 0%ere dodaac PQ M")+45>8
I( b-*'C F %is is null value searc%. No value is enered and
%e able is searc%ed for blan@s or missin& values in %e able
searc% 7e.&.5 selec L from able 0%ere dodaac is null8. This
search is only appropriate in certain cases, and is meaningless
if the field is required.
I( 'ot b-*'C F %is is an Many value> searc%. No value is
enered and %e able is searc%ed for any valid value found in
%e field seleced in %e able searc% 7e.&.5 selec L from able
0%ere dodaac is no null8. This search is only appropriate in
certain cases, and is meaningless if the field is required.
>et?ee' F %is is a special ype of searc% for daes5 so a ran&e
of daes can be enered. T%e &eneraed (uery 0ill searc% for
daes be0een %e values enered in %e able searc% 7e.&.5 selec
L from able 0%ere #ffecive,ae be0een M)22-?2"?2"> and
4. Oupus F %ere s%ould be 0o ypes of oupus for (uery resuls<
#$cel and 6TM*.
a. #$cel display all elemens 7TAC "5 )5 +5 and 485 bro@en ou
by ,o,AAC5 0i% one ,o,AAC per line.
b. 9or %e 6TM* oupu5 %e lis s%ould be limied o @ey
informaion only5 and you 0ill need o clic@ on a %o lin@ o
display %e HcompleeJ ,o,AAC. =ey informaion is<
,o,AAC5 Counry5 Address line "5 ciy5 sae5 4ip5 and
TAC ype.
i. TAC s%ould be par of %e display lis and only
HfoundJ informaion s%ould be reurned. 9or
e$ample5 if %e searc% (uery is searc%in& for MM,>
in %e sae code field and MM,> is only found in %e
TAC ) area5 only TAC) informaion 0ould be
reurned in %e resul lis. 9rom %e (uery resul lis
%e user may clic@ on a %o lin@ in %e resul lis if
%ey 0an o see all informaion associaed 0i% %a
paricular ,o,AAC.
&# A//-%c*t%o' I'89%r0 Re89%re+e't(# T%e sysem in(uiry
re(uiremens for %e applicaion are provided in %e follo0in&. T%e
follo0in& provides a summary of %e re(uiremens o access %e
". Applicaion sysems 0ill %ave read only access o ei%er %e
,AASC maser daabase or %e daabase %a ,AASC mainains
%a is collocaed 0i% %e applicaion sysem. All applicaion
sysems 0ill %ave %e capabiliy o access %e ,AASC maser
daabase even if %eir normal access is o a ,AASC conrolled
collocaed daabase. T%e source daabase for applicaion in(uiry
7maser a ,AASC sies or collocaed 0i% applicaion8 0ill be
deermined on a case?by?case basis.
). ,AASC 0ill coninue o pus% daa o le&acy sysems in %e forma
%a %ey currenly accep unil %e le&acy sysem is replaced5 or is
modified5 or unil " Ocober )22-5 0%ic% ever occurs firs.
+. ,AASC 0ill coninue o pus% daa o %e :usiness Parner
Ne0or@ in %e curren forma indefiniely.
;# Pro)r*+ S9//ort
T%is secion describes %e pro&ram suppor obAecives for %e reen&ineered
*# M*%'te'*'ce P-*''%')
"8 Sof0are mainenance. Sof0are mainenance consiss of
creain&5 esin&5 and fieldin& sof0are updaes. T%e soluion
0ill ma$imi4e commercial off?%e?s%elf 7COTS8 sof0are o
%e e$en possible.
)8 Sysem Mainenance. S%all include insallaion of sof0are
mainenance releases5 version releases5 and remoe %elp des@
suppor. ,AASC 0ill updae and mainain maser reposiory
as %e au%oriaive daa source of record. 'eplicaed files 0ill
be updaed by ,AASC and @ep in consan sync 0i% %e
+8 6ard0are Mainenance. Mainenance of ,O,AA9 specific
%ard0are 0ill be mainained and improved by ,AASC. T%ese
servers 0ill be o0ned and mainained by ,AASC.
48 :usiness process. ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 business rules and
processes s%all coninue o be developed by ,*MSO and
implemened by ,AASC5 ,*A5 ,O, Componens5 and
paricipain& a&encies. All c%an&es s%all be implemened in a
confi&uraion?conrolled environmen.
58 Si&nifican emer&in& re(uiremens. T%e ,O,AA,3,O,AA9
reen&ineerin& s%all a@e advana&e of %e laes COTS soluions
o brin& %is process ino %e 0eny?firs cenury. T%e desi&n
s%all be done so ne0 ec%nolo&y me%ods can easily be applied
0i%ou maAor redesi&n.
b# S9//ort E89%/+e't
T%e reen&ineered ,O,AA,3,O,AA9 does no re(uire any special
suppor e(uipmen. 'emoe servers 0ill be purc%ased and o0ned by ,AASC.
c# D2I/St*',*r,%A*t%o'D I'tero/er*b%-%t0D *', Co++o'*-%t0 @ N3A

,# Co+/9ter Re(o9rce(
T%ere are no compuer resource consrains 7i.e.5 lan&ua&e arc%iecure5
ineroperabiliy and daabase8 on %e reen&ineered ,O,AA,3,O,AA9.
e# $9+*' S0(te+( I'te)r*t%o' ($SI)
T%ere are no p%ysical 6SI re(uiremens.
&# Ot3er Lo)%(t%c( *', F*c%-%t%e( Co'(%,er*t%o'(
T%ere are no o%er lo&isics and faciliies consideraions.
)# Tr*'(/ort*t%o' *', >*(%')
T%ere are no re(uiremens for ransporaion and basin&.
3# Geo(/*t%*- I'&or+*t%o' *', Ser6%ce(
T%ere are no re(uiremens for &eospaial informaion and services.
%# N*t9r*- E'6%ro'+e't*- S9//ort
Naural environmen suppor is no re(uired.
;# Force Str9ct9re
No applicable
<# Sc3e,9-e
T%e sc%edule for P%ase I of %is proAec is found in %e Plan of Acion and
Milesones 7POAEM8 in Appendi$ A.
A//e',%5 A @ Sc3e,9-e
". 'e(uiremens ,eerminaion
a. ,*MSO3,AASC Meein& 2532-32+ )days
b. ,*MSO3,AASC3,SIO?.3,,C3R?+ 2-3""32+ ) days
c. CSP3Componen Meein& 2!3)132+ ) days
d. 9inali4e re(uiremens ,oc3Saff 2/32432+ ) days
). Confi&uraion Mana&emen Bor@in& ;roup 2/3)-32+ ) days
+. ,AASC3,*MSO Preliminary ,esi&n 'evie0 "23)+32+ " day
4. Preliminary ,SIO?. ,esi&n 'evie0 ""3"/32+ ) days
5. Criical ,ISO?. ,esi&n 'evie0 2"32-324 + days
-. ,*MSO3,AASC 9inal ,esi&n 'evie0 2)3"+324 " day
!. 6ard0are insallaion complee for esin& 2+32+324
/. ,AASC3,SIO?. Sysem Inerface Tes 2+3"!324 5 days
79ile access is re(uired a %is poin8
1. ,AASC Pro&rams compleed and Tesed 2532"324
"2. Trainin& of CSPs compleed May 24
"". ,O,AA, Manual 'edrafed. May 24
"). IOC 0i% ,SS Rune 24
A//e',%5 > @ Ne? or E5/*',e, D*t* E-e+e't Re89%re+e't(F
D*t* E-e+e't
S%Ae M*',*tor0
V*-%,*t%o' So9rce Re+*rC(
Counry Code 79or eac% TAC8 ) and +
di&i alp%a

,rop do0n
Table ISO and MI*S 0ill be
Sae3Province Code ) di&i alp%a3or
C ,rop do0n
Table Mandaory for .S
And Canada
Ciy )" alp%a3
MaAor Command3:ureau ) di&i alp%a3
M ,rop do0n
Sandard Poin *ocaion Code 7SP*C8 1 di&i
C No
All o%ers ? O
Kip Code "2 di&i 75S48
numeric incls
das% 7?8
M Table #nerin& 4ip s%ould
populae %e Ciy E Sae
Mandaory for CON.S
Inernaional Posal code "2 di&i alp%a3
Poin of conac 7POC8 7&eneric8
POC p%one T ? Commercial )" di&i numeric M No
If no enered defaul o
Name3ile )4 alp%a3
O No
Service provided
,efaul or CSP
POC email7&eneric8 42 di&i alp%a3
M No
Consolidaion and Conaineri4aion
Poin 7CCP8
+ di&i numeric O ,rop do0n
:rea@ :ul@ Poin - di&i alp%a3
O Ualidae
TAC "E) 0ill %ave
separae ::Ps
Pors< APO, and BPO, are
mandaory for all OCON.S address and
6a0aii5 ;uam
Puero5 ;uam.
APO, and
BPO, are
opional for C
CON.S and
addresses on %e
Air por of embar@aion + di&i alp%a3
C T:, Beb
APO# 0ill be deduced
Baer por of
+ di&i alp%a3
C T:, Beb
BPO# 0ill be deduced
Air por of debar@aion + di&i alp%a3
C T:, Beb
APO, 0ill be enered
Baer por of debar@aion + di&i alp%a3
C T:, Beb
BPO, 0ill be enered
Air *ines of Communicaion
" di&i numeric O T:, Beb
Conracor ,O,AAC
Conrac Number "! di&i alp%a3 O T:, Beb
numeric enry
Conrac e$piraion dae / di&i numeric O T:, Beb
Conrac Adminisraion Office - di&i alp%a
O T:, Beb
Ca&e Code 5 di&i alp%a3
M T:, Beb
Addressin& forma CON.S?To include
And Canada
*ine "?Aciviy +5 di&i
M None Beb
*ine )?Sree Address +5 di&i
M None Beb
*ine +?POC name and number +5 di&i
O None Beb
*ine 4?Ciy5 Sae5 Province5 'e&ion
Counry and 4ip or posal code

+5 di&i
M None Beb
Au%oriy Code ) di&i ,rop do0n
'ouin& Idenifier Code 7'IC8 + di&i alp%a3
C Table Beb
:ased on au%oriy code
:illin& ! di&i alp%a3 O Table Beb
Saus ! di&i alp%a3 O Table Beb
*aiude and *on&iude "4 di&i alp%a3
O No publis%ed F ,AASC
loo@in& ino a ool o
,isribuion Code " di&i numeric O ,rop do0n
Area of 'esponsibiliy .p o / di&i
O ,rop do0n
Indicaes %e unified
command %e ,O,AAC
is assi&ned o
7Combaan command8
:ill of *adin& Code 7:*OC8 4 di&i alp%a3
C Beb
'e(uired for issuers of
:ill of *A,IN;S
A&ency Name Te$ field "22
M No
:ased on ,E: provided
:ureau Name Te$ field "22
M No
:ased on ,E: provided
,.NS 1 di&i alp%a
M No
Numeric only for
Civilian a&encies
alp%a3numeric for ,O,.
,un and :radsree
defines number
associaed 0i% %e
re&iserin& eniy5 Office
or ,ivision.
#mployer Informaion Number 7#IN8 1 di&i numeric M Beb
A&ency *ocaion Code / di&i numeric M Beb
A&ency locaion code
%a corresponds 0i%
,.NS number locaion.
,.NS S 4 4 di&i numeric O .sed only 0%en %ere are
differen A*C>s for %e
same ,.NS T7office8.
No o be used o indicae
differen addresses.
A&ency defined.
,isbursin& Office Symbol 5 di&i alp%a
M Beb
#ner %e ,isbursin&
Office Code %a
corresponds 0i%
appropriaion or A*C.
Poins of Conrac 70o for eac%
re&iserin& eniy8
'e&israion POC T%is is
%e person responsible
for %e daa in %e
re&israion record.
#liminaions POC F T%e
desi&naed a&ency
conac for financial
saemen eliminaions.
Bill include a drop do0n
lis of previously
re&isered conacs for
%a a&ency.
9irs Name Alp%a -2
c%aracers 0i%
7aposrop%e and
M No
Middle Iniial " c%aracer
O No
*as Name -2 c%aracers
alp%a 0i%
7aposrop%e and
M No
#mail "22 c%aracers
alp%a numeric
0i% special
c%aracers V5
period5 %yp%en
M No
Mus be %e person>s
acual 7direc8email.
P%one +2 di&i numeric M No
#$ension - di&i numeric O No
9a$ +2 di&i numeric O No
Sree Address *ine " "22 di&i alp%a3
numeric No PO
M No
Sree Address *ine ) 55 di&i alp%a3
numeric. May
%ave PO :o$
M No
Ciy +5 di&i alp%a M No
Counry + di&i alp%a M
Sae ) di&i alp%a M
Kip 1 di&i 75S48
alp%a3 numeric
Posal Code +5 di&i alp%a3
O No
Opional for forei&n
addresses. Can> conain
.SA KIP codes.
:usiness Type Te$ bo$ 0i%
HSellin&J5 H:o%
:uyin& and
M No
Indicaes if re&iserin&
eniy represens buyin&
or sellin& a&ency5 or
bo%. If HSellin&J or
H:o% :uyin& and
Sellin&J is c%osen5 Seller
fields are mandaory. If
H:uyin&J or H:o%
:uyin& and Sellin&J is
c%osen5 :uyer fields are

Seller Informaion F T%e 9ollo0in&
informaion need only be filled ou by
Sellers 7includin& H:o% :uyer and
Annual 'evenue Numeric 7no
limi on len&%8
no decimals5
0i% special
M No
Toal revenue from Inra?
&overnmenal sales for
%e previous fiscal year.
Mus be updaed durin&
annual validaion.
Credi Card " di&i alp%a
2?No5 "?Ies
M ,rop do0n
Indicae if ;ov purc%ase
card can be used for
paymen. #nered for
informaion purposes
only. If ans0er is Ies5
Merc%an I, is
Merc%an I, Number " Numeric? No
limi on len&%
O No
Assi&ned by %e Credi
Card Processor.
Mandaory if Credi Card
ans0er is yes. If
merc%an I, number
c%an&es %e ne0 number
s%ould be enered over
%e old. T%e sysem 0ill
rac@ old numbers.
Merc%an I, Number ) Numeric?No
limi on len&%
O No
.sed if re&iserin& eniy
%as 0o rouin& numbers
7uses bo% ban@s8. If
merc%an I, number
c%an&es %e ne0 number
s%ould be enered over
%e old. T%e sysem 0ill
rac@ old numbers.
9ederal Supply Class 79SC8 4 di&i
M May specify up o )2
differen codes. 9SC
code for producs
provided. Mandaory.
Assiss in deerminin&
0%a producs3service %e
provider provides.
Nor% American Indusrial
Classificaion 7NAICS8
- di&i numeric M May specify up o )2
differen codes.
,escribes ype of &oods
and services sold.
Poins of Conac 70o for eac% sellin&
Accouns 'eceivable
POC FT%e conac for
(uesions re&ardin&
billin&. S%ould be
&eneric p%one5 fa$ and
email. Bill include drop
do0n lis of previously
re&isered conacs for
%a a&ency.
Sales POC F T%e person
0%o can provide
informaion abou 0%a
producs and services are
provided. S%ould be
or&ani4aion p%one5 fa$
and &eneric email. Bill
include a drop do0n lis
of previously re&isered
conacs for %a a&ency.
Name -2 di&i alp%a M No
#mail "22 di&i alp%a
numeric 0i%
period5 %yp%en5
M No
;eneric email
P%one +2 di&i numeric M No
#$ension - di&i numeric O No
9a$ +2 di&i alp%a
O No
Sree Address *ine " "22 di&i alp%a3
numeric F No
PO :o$
M No
Sree Address *ine ) ,i&i alp%a
Numeric May
%ave PO :o$
O No
Ciy +5 di&i alp%a M No
Sae ) di&i alp%a M
Kip 1 di&i 75S48
alp%a3 numeric
Posal Code +5 di&i alp%a3
O No
Opional for forei&n
addresses. Can> conain
.SA Kip code
:uyer Informaion F T%e follo0in&
informaion need only be filled ou by
:uyin& eniies 7includes :o% :uyin&
and Sellin&8
Poin of Conac Accouns Payable POC F
T%e conac for (uesions
re&ardin& a paymen.
S%ould be or&ani4aion
p%one5 fa$ and &eneric
email. Bill include a
drop do0n lis of
previously re&isered
conacs for %a a&ency.
Name -2 di&i alp%a M No
#mail "22 di&i alp%a
M No
;eneric email
P%one +2 di&i numeric M No
+2 if inernaional
#$ension - di&i numeric O No
9a$ +2 di&i numeric O No
Sree Address *ine " "22 di&i alp%a
numeric F No
PO :o$
M No
Sree Address *ine ) 55 di&i alp%a
numeric F May
%ave PO :o$
O No
Ciy +5 di&i5 alp%a M No
Sae ) di&i alp%a M
Kip 1 di&i 75S48
alp%a numeric
Posal Code +5 di&i alp%a
O No
Opional for forei&n
Service .ni(ue 'e(uiremens
Air 9orce
;eo&rap%ic Kone " di&i alp%a
M ,rop do0n
See appendi$ , for codes
A//e',%5 C @ Abbre6%*t%o'( *', Acro'0+(

AAC Aciviy Address Code

:SM :usiness Sysem Moderni4aion

COTS Commercial Off T%e S%elf

CSP Cenral Service Poin
,AAS ,efense Auomaic Addressin& Sysem

,AASC ,efense Auomaic Addressin& Sysem Cener

,,C ,efense ,isribuion Cener

,ISO ,efense Informaion Sysems Office

,*A ,efense *o&isics A&ency

,*MSO ,efense *o&isics Mana&emen Sandards Office

,O, ,eparmen of ,efense

,O,AAC ,O, Aciviy Address Code

,O,AA, ,O, Aciviy Address ,irecory

,O,AA9 ,O, Aciviy Address 9ile

,SCC ,efense Supply Cener Columbus

,SCP ,efense Supply Cener P%iladelp%ia

,SC' ,efense Supply Cener 'ic%mond

,SS ,isribuion Sandard Sysem

9', 9uncional 'e(uiremens ,ocumen

6SI 6uman Sysems Ine&raion
IT Informaion Tec%nolo&y

MAPA9 Miliary Assisance Pro&ram Address 9ile

NSS Naional Supply Sysem

OM: Office of Mana&emen :ud&e

SAMMS Sandard Auomaed Maerial Mana&emen Sysem

SW* Sandard Wuery *an&ua&e

TAC Transporaion Accoun Code

000 Borld Bide Beb

XM* #$ensible Mar@up *an&ua&e

" Nevada5 Ore&on
) Ari4ona5 California
+ Colorado5 Ida%o5 Monana5 Nor% ,a@oa5 Sou% ,a@oa5 .a%5
Bas%in&on5 Byomin&
4 Ne0 Me$ico5 Te$as
5 Ar@ansas5 Illinois5 Io0a5 =ansas5 Minnesoa5 Missouri5 Nebras@a5
O@la%oma5 Bisconsin
- Connecicu5 ,ela0are5 ,isric of Columbia5 Maine5 Maryland5
Massac%uses5 Ne0 6amps%ire5 Ne0 Rersey5 Ne0 Ior@5 Pennsylvania5
'%ode Island5 Uermon
! Indiana5 =enuc@y5 Mic%i&an5 O%io5 Bes Uir&inia
/ Alabama5 *ouisiana5 Mississippi5 Tennessee
1 9lorida5 ;eor&ia5 Nor% Carolina5 Sou% Carolina5 Uir&inia
A 6a0aii5 Rapan5 P%ilippines5 and o%er Pacific islands
C Besern Canada and Alas@a
, #asern Canada5 ;reenland5 *abrador5 Ne0foundland
# Iceland
9 Ne%erlands5 #urope
6 Panama5 Me$ico5 Sou% America5 Nor% Africa5 %e Caribbean
:lan@ .sed for CONT'O**#, ,O,AACs

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