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1. Choose the right answer.

1. If production in the factory exceeds the target, the workers get a
a) bonus
b) donation
c) gratuity
d) premium
2. Income tax ones annua income.
a) associated
b) based
c) dependent
d) reated
!. "he kidnappers demanded a ..of # 1,$$$,$$$.
a) fine
b) penaty
c) ransom
d) reward
%. "he &ord 'ank has criticised the (nited )tates for not gi*ing enough financia.. to the
+ast +uropean countries.
a) aid
b) aowance
c) oan
d) premium
,. "he -resident admitted taking..and had to resign.
a) bribes
b) fees
c) fines
d) premiums
.. /r. /ean cannot bear to .. e*en the smaest sum of money for a charity appea.
a) gi*e in
b) et out
c) part with
d) pay off
0. /r. 1ich earns # 2,$$$ a month and # ,,$$$ a month net.
a) buk
b) gross
c) mass
d) whoesae
2. If I had another # 2,,$$$ a year, I woud consider mysef.
a) we deser*ed
b) we done
c) we3made
d) we off
4. "he bank wi re5uire two signatures when you open an account.
a) natura
b) sampe
c) specimen
d) tria
1$. "he debt shoud be paid .within thirty days of recei*ing this statement.
a) a o*er
b) as a whoe
c) for good
d) in fu

Business clichs
"he Chief +xecuti*e 6fficer has had an attack of cich7s. 8ep him transate his speech into pain +ngish by
substituting each of the words or phrases in bod 91321) with one of the phrases 9a3u).
:adies and gentemen.
1. I want to take on board a number of important points. ;;;;;
2. <a=ouis Communications is now a major player in the communications industry. ;;;;;
!. 6ur strategic aim is to grow the company. ;;;;;
%. &e aways focus on the big picture.
,. If we see a window of opportunity, we go for it. ;;;;;
.. &e work for asting reationships with our business partners. ;;;;;
0. &e empoy cutting!edge technoogy. ;;;;;
2. &e want to produce the most user!friendly products on the market. ;;;;;
4. In our business reationships, we aim to be proacti"e e*ery time. ;;;;;
1$. &e propose ony tailor!made soutions. ;;;;;
11. &e ne*er ose sight of the bottom!line. ;;;;;
12. &e work hard to get synergy between subsidiaries. ;;;;;
1!. &e wi not hesitate to downsi#e the organi=ation for maximum efficiency. ;;;;;
1%. &e wi use our war chest to buy up ri*as in the marketpace. ;;;;;
1,. &e wi find soutions to business probems e*en when we do not ha"e a le"el
playing field. ;;;;;
1.. If anyone tries to mo"e the goalposts on our commercia agreements. ;;;;;
10. .we wi blow the whistle. ;;;;;
12. &e aim to become a truy global operator. ;;;;;
14. 'u we wi aso stick to our knitting. ;;;;;
2$. (nfortunatey I am not a number cruncher. ;;;;;
21. )o I can ony gi*e you ballpark figures today. ;;;;;
a. cut the workforce of
b. business conditions are unfair
c. ha*e a genera *iew of the situation
d. customi=ed
e. a eading company
f. change the rues 9without consutation)
g. wordwide
h. the peope we do business with
i. increase the si=e of
>. understand and accept
k. concentrate on core acti*ities.
. dynamic and producti*e reationships
m. approximate
n. anticipate needs
o. our basic ob>ecti*e 9usuay to make profit)
p. good at figures
5. up3to3date
r. easy3to3use
s. protest at unfair treatment
t. a chance to do business
u. a arge amount of readiy a*aiabe cash
6ther popuar phrases are? market!dri"en$ results!dri"en$ client!focused
8ow do you say the foowing numbers@ Choose the correct options.
1. "he year 2$$,?
a) twenty hundred and fi*e
b) two thousand and fi*e
c) twenty thousand fi*e
2. #1 A B/ 1.%.. "he exchange rate is?
a) one point four six Beutschmarks to the doar
b) one forty3six Beutschmarks for a doar
c) one doar e5uaing Beutschmarks one point four six
d) one doar making one four six Beutschmarks
!. "he period from about 144% to about 144.?
a) the midnineties
b) the medium nineties
c) the midding nineties
d) the midway nineties
%. )e*en correct answers in a test of ten items. "he resut is?
a) se*en o*er ten right
b) se*en out of ten right
c) se*en on ten right
d) se*en right o*er ten
,. "he dimensions of a rectange ! metres in ength and 2 metres in width?
a) three for two
b) three by two
c) three across two down
d) three to two
.. "he resut of an opinion sur*ey?
a) 6ne of ten peope think that
b) 6ne in ten peope think that
c) 6ne to ten peope think that
d) 6ne o*er ten peope think that
0. Cpproximatey six?
a) neary six
b) six3ish
c) sixy
d) sixer
2. Ct footba, Dermany $, 'ra=i $?
a) Dermany oh, 'ra=i oh
b) Dermany =ero, 'ra=i =ero
c) Dermany ni, 'ra=i ni
d) Dermany and 'ra=i o*e
4. !?2 as a ratio?
a) three o*er two
b) three under two
c) three to two
d) three at two
1$. C #1$m oan?
a) a ten3miion3doars oan
b) a ten3miion3doar oan
c) a ten miions of doars oan
d) a oan of ten miion doar
&iscellaneous cash terms
/atch the words in coumn C with their definitions in coumn '?
C '
a) bank check 1. shares in a company
b) defation 2. money taken out of an account
c) assets !. does not ha*e an amount on it
d) withdrawa %. rate of change in output from year to year
e) stocks ,. the Do*ernment spends more money than
it recei*es
f) interest rate .. decine in the genera e*e of prices
g) ange 0. money put into an account
h) fisca deficit 2. pri*ate indi*iduas with capita to in*est
in business enterprises
i) economic growth 4. *auabe things that you own
>) deposit 1$. the percentage used to cacuate the
interest to be paid.
'ircle the word that best fits the definition(
1. In*estments offered by go*ernments or corporations in which you end a sum of money to the issuer for
a set amount of time, at a fixed rate of interest?
a) bank rate b) bonds c) che5ue
2. -roperty 9rea, persona or otherwise) pedged as security for a oan.
a) debt b) credit risk c) coatera
!. Company earnings that may be paid out to sharehoders according to the number of stocks they hod.
a) +E" b) fisca surpus c) di*idends
%. "he right to se products or ser*ices under a corporate name or trade mark 9 estabished by someone
ese). "his right is usuay purchased for cash in a addition to a fee on, or a percentage of, a saes.
a) imports b) franchise c) infation
,. Cso known as the profit F oss statement -F:, enabes you to cacuate your companys pretax profits
by subtracting tota expenses from tota re*enues.
a) income statement b) ease c) in*entory
Compete each sentence with a word or phrase from the box?
1. "he standard ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; of income tax in my country is 1.G but we3off peope pay more.
2. /arbock has been sent to prison for tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;. 8e didnt pay any tax for fi*e years.
!. In my country, tax on income is ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ? rich peope pay a bigger percentage of their income
than poor peope.

%. I ha*e to fi in my tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; before the end of the week.
,. )ome of the items you can see here are tax3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;so you dont ha*e to pay tax on them at a.
.. Hou ha*e to pay amost 2$G;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tax on things ike perfume, acoho and petro.
0. &e ha*e been tod that we wi shorty recei*e a *isit from the tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;; who pans to ook at
a our accounts for the ast three years.
2. "he 'ahamas and the Channe Isands are two popuar tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; because taxes are ow so
that foreigners who want to pay ess tax in*est there.
4. "he go*ernment is keen for foreign businesses to come to this region and therefore gi*es them a ot of
tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1$. "hese businesses are gi*en a number of other tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;as we.
11. "he go*ernment has increased the rate of ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;tax we ha*e to pay so the net profit for the
business is ikey to be down next year.
12. 8e coud ha*e recei*ed a ot of money after his fathers death but he was bady ad*ised and the state
took neary a of it in ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tax.
1!. 8e earns so much money and taxes are so high in his own country that his accountants ha*e ad*ised him
to mo*e abroad and become a tax ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
1%. I pay ess tax than other peope because I ha*e a big famiy and there is a generous state tax
;;;;;;;;;;;;;; for this.
1,. )he has to wear specia cothes for her >ob but she gets some of the money back from the go*ernment
because they are tax3;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; items.
aowance corporation deductibe e*asion exie free
ha*ens incenti*es inheritance inspector progressi*e
rate reief return *aue3added
*e)ist language
Identify and underine the probems of sexist anguage in the sentences beow and use of the terms from the
box to make each sentence ess offensi*e. Hou can use two of the terms more than once.
1. &e expect a our managers to wear suits and ties when on company business.
2. +*ery executi*e knows that peope form >udgements about his company on the basis of his persona
!. It is the responsibiity of the chairman to ensure that meetings are conducted efficienty.
%. C spokesman for the company said that she was con*inced that the new e5ua opportunities programme
woud be a success.
,. "he companys manpower needs wi continue to grow next year.
.. Ieary a our saesmen are against the proposed changes to the bonus system.
0. &e ha*e to man the assemby ine on a 2%3hour basis.
2. &e congratuate both /r. )mith and /iss Buffy on their success in the recent saes competition.
4. If a customer compains, his compaint shoud be reported to the customer compaint department
1$. Hou ha*e to be carefu what you say round here nowadays. "he girs in the office downstairs might
11. I aways thought that )y*ie was the odd man out in that department.
12. I think you and I shoud ha*e a serious man3to3man tak, Janet.
1!. /en found guity of fraud wi be fired.

appropriate cothes chair empoyees face3to3face /s one
saes representati*es spokeswoman staff9*erb) staffing their women

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