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CS12420 Dress t he mannequi n 2013-2014

Supplementary Assessment CS12420

Chris Loftus and Lynda Thomas
This is due on Friday 22
August by 3pm
and is worth 50% of your final mark for the module.
This assignment asks you to build a GUI that allows the user to dress the mannequin.
The GUI should be built directly using Swing. You may not use a GUI building tool.
Basic Requirements
The GUI should look something like this mock-up:

In other words there should be at least two menus, one Panel that holds images
(probably buttons with Icons on them), and another Panel where the mannequin is
The buttons represent items of clothing you might add to the mannequin.
The panel that holds the clothes buttons should allow users to switch between cartoon
trousers, skirts, underwear, shirts, shoes, hats and blouses.
The user should be able to click on a clothing item and then on the mannequin and
have the image appear in that spot. It is important that clothing items can only be
attached to the right parts of the body (e.g. no pants over the head).
There is a lot of room for creativity here.
o You could have menu options that:
! Clear (start again)
! Load (the clothes previously selected for a mannequin)
! Save (the clothes selected for a mannequin)
! Remove (an item of clothing from the mannequin)
! Undo ..
Higher marks will be awarded for those who follow MVC principles.
IF YOU ARE ALSO RESITTING CS122 or CS121 then note that the basis of this
assignment is also that items of Clothing need to be stored and manipulated.
For WOW marks you could:
o Drag the images onto the drawing panel instead of clicking on buttons
o Select images and move them and resize them so that you dress the mannequin
properly i.e. no sloppy dressing.
o Have carousels for each clothing type (a vertical carousel is shown in the
o Or something else that impresses us.

?ou musL submlL Lhe flles zlpped lnLo a .zlp flle (noLhlng else please! no .Lars, .gzs eLc.). If we cannot
read your f||es your pro[ect w||| not be marked.
?our soluLlon Lo Lhls asslgnmenL musL be uploaded Lo 8lackboard by lrlday 22
AugusL 2014 3pm. lf
you are laLe Lhen please compleLe a LaLe AsslgnmenL Submlsslon form
(hLLp:// and send Lhls ln Lo Lhe
ueparLmenL offlce. lf 8lackboard no longer accepLs submlsslons Lhen you wlll also have Lo emall Lhe
zlpped asslgnmenL Lo cwl[ (or a llnk Lo uropbox or slmllar ls Lhe flle ls Loo large Lo emall).
Note: Lhls ls an lndlvldual" asslgnmenL and musL be compleLed as a one-person efforL by Lhe
sLudenL submlLLlng Lhe work. 1hls asslgnmenL ls not marked anonymously.
8y submlLLlng your work Lo 8lackboard, you agree Lo Lhe sLaLemenL abouL Lhe ueclaraLlon of
CrlglnallLy - you can read LhaL aL
hLLp:// 1hls sLaLemenL wlll
be vlslble when you submlL your reporL. ?ou do not need Lo submlL a separaLe declaraLlon form.
lf your accounL ls locked aL Lhe Llme of submlsslon, you should use an alLernaLlve emall accounL and
emall a copy of your reporL Lo Chrls LofLus by Lhe Llme of Lhe submlsslon. lf you send Lhe emall afLer
Lhe Llme for submlsslon, lL wlll be LreaLed as a laLe enLry.
lL should lnclude:
All your [avadoc commenLed code. Call Lhe class wlLh your maln program
'uress1heMannequlnApp' so we know whaL Lo run. We always run all programs.
An elecLronlc copy of your evaluaLlon See
hLLp:// W|thout a
se|f-eva|uat|on the pro[ect w||| not be marked.
A documenL conLalnlng:
o Analysls: use Case ulagram and brlef dlscusslon
o ueslgn and lmplemenLaLlon: Cverall Class dlagram and shorL LexLual descrlpLlon of
each class, dlscusslon of algorlLhms used Lo compleLe each of Lhe use cases. We wlll
be looklng for well-deslgned classes and algorlLhms and well commenLed (buL noL
rldlculously so) code.
o 1esLlng: screenshoL examples of your program runnlng. Also, a dlscusslon of LesL
daLa used and resulLs of runnlng Lhe LesLs, e.g. a Lable of expecLed resulLs, resulLs
obLalned and wheLher passed or falled. See Lhe LesL Lable example LhaL ls on

Mark|ng wlll be ln llne wlLh Lhe usual assessmenL crlLerla for pro[ecL work
(hLLp:// ).
CuallLy of code lncludlng varlable names, lndenLaLlon and !avadoc-sLyle commenLlng (10)
Analysls uocumenLaLlon, lncludes dlscusslon of whaL works and whaL doesn'L (3)
ueslgn uocumenLaLlon (20)
CorrecL CperaLlon lncludlng error checklng so lL doesn'L 'bomb' (40)
1esLlng - Lable of whaL you LesLed and whaL happened, plus some screenshoLs (13)
WCW marks (10)
|ag|ar|sm: Cases of plaglarlsm ln sLudenL asslgnmenLs are noL Laken llghLly by Lhe deparLmenL, and
Lhe consequences of plaglarlsm by sLudenLs can be severe. lease ensure LhaL you undersLand whaL
consLlLuLes plaglarlsm, read Lhe plaglarlsm noLlce from Lhe course handbook or on Lhe web, and flll
ouL Lhe usual form.
ne|p: uLLlng an lcon on a !8uLLon (you wlll need an array or slmllar of !8uLLons and lmagelcons):
ImageIcon icon; JButton button;

icon= new ImageIcon("images/icon0.GIF);
button= new JButton(icon);

And for drawlng (ln a palnLComponenL() meLhod wlLh Craphlcs g aL locaLlon x,y ):
g.drawImage(icon.getImage(), x,y, null, null);

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