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International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)

Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&

'" * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
A Comprehensive $tudy of the Ima,e /nhancement
Pinki Agrawal
, Vishakha Chourasia
Ravikant Kapoor
, Sanjay Agrawal
National nstitut! o" #!$hni$al #!a$h!rs% #raining an& R!s!ar$h 'hopal, n&ia
, vishakha$hourasia23)g*ail+$o*
, rkkapoor)nitttr,pl+a$+in

A 2 $ 0 R A C 0
Fundamental o3.ective of the ima,e enhancement is to process the ima,e in order to produce an
ima,e that is 3etter in some or the other aspect than the ori,inal one for a specific purpose#
Improvin, the visual appearance of ima,es in areas li4e medical ima,es, aerial and satellite
ima,es is necessary to improve the contrast level and remove the noise to increase the ima,e
1uality# Althou,h enhancement techni1ues differ in various -ays dependin, upon its o3.ective,
they are 3roadly cate,ori5ed into6 $patial domain and Fre1uency domain enhancement# In this
paper, -e -ill provide the revie- of the ima,e enhancement techni1ues in spatial as -ell as
fre1uency domain and -ill try to evaluate its shortcomin,s and the active areas of research#
Inde7 0erms6 Ima,e enhancement, spatial domain techni1ues, Fre1uency domain, Ima,e fusion

I# I%0R89:C0I8%
n i*ag! pro$!ssing, i*proving th! -uality o" &igital i*ag! ,y so*! *anipulations is known as i*ag!
!nhan$!*!nt+ *ag! !nhan$!*!nt involv!s *anipulation in $ontrast, $hang!s in i*ag! ,rightn!ss+
.igital i*ag! is su,j!$t!& to various *o&i"i$ations in$lu&!s $ontrast str!t$hing an& r!*oval o" nois! su$h
as Poisson nois!, sp!$kl! nois!, salt an& p!pp!r nois!, /aussian nois!+ 0ilt!rs ar! us!& "or nois! r!*oval
in or&!r to i*prov! th! -uality o" i*ag!+
*ag! pro$!ssing is a *!tho& in whi$h $!rtain op!rations ar! appli!& on &igital i*ag! in or&!r to !1tra$t
so*! us!"ul in"or*ation+ t involv!s nu*,!r o" phas!s in whi$h i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt is on! o" th!*+ t
r!"!rs to sharp!ning th! i*ag! "!atur!s su$h as *anipulating $ontrast "or $l!ar visi,ility, !nhan$ing
,oun&ari!s+ *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt is &on! without th! knowl!&g! o" i*ag! &!gra&ation+ " th! &!gra&ation
is known, it is r!"!rr!& to as i*ag! r!storation+ 3any &i""!r!nt *!tho&s ar! us!& "or i*proving th!
-uality, g!n!rally !l!*!ntary an& th! h!uristi$s *!tho&+ #h! *!tho& to ,! us!& is &!p!n&ing upon th!
appli$ation i+!+ wh!r! th! i*ag! is us!& ,!$aus! th!r! is no singl! -uality *!asur! 415+ A *!tho& us!& "or
on! pro,l!* *ay not ,! suita,l! "or anoth!r+ #h!r!"or!, t!$hni-u!s ar! pro,l!*6ori!nt!&+ #wo typ!s o"
,roa&ly $lassi"i!& *!tho&s ar! spatial *!tho&s an& "r!-u!n$y *!tho&s+ Spatial &o*ain *!tho&s ar!
&ir!$tly appli!& on th! i*ag! pi1!ls+ #!$hni-u!s ar! gr!y l!v!l sli$ing, histogra* !-uali7ation, point
pro$!ssing op!ration, n!gativ! o" an i*ag!, logarith*i$ trans"or*ation, pow!r law trans"or*ation++
0r!-u!n$y &o*ain *!tho&s ar! ,as!& on *o&i"ying th! sp!$tral trans"or* o" an i*ag!+ #!$hni-u!s ar!
0ouri!r trans"or*, "ilt!ring, ho*o*orphi$ "ilt!ring+
II# 2AC;<R8:%9 $0:9=
*ag! !nhan$!*!nt pro$!ss!s ar! ,asi$ally a s!t o" t!$hni-u!s that s!!k to i*prov! th! int!rpr!ta,ility
or p!r$!ption o" i*ag!s "or th! hu*an vi!w!rs an& provi&ing ,!tt!r input "or th! auto*at!& i*ag!
pro$!ssing t!$hni-u!s+ #h! prin$ipal ai* o" th! i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt t!$hni-u! is to *o&i"y th! attri,ut!s
in an i*ag! to *ak! it *or! suita,l! "or th! giv!n task an& sp!$i"i$ purpos!+ .uring th! !nhan$!*!nt
pro$!ss th! nu*,!r o" attri,ut!s to ,! *o&i"i!& vari!s "ro* on! to *or!+ .igital i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt
t!$hni-u!s provi&! th! wi&! rang! o" $hoi$!s "or i*proving th! visual -uality o" i*ag!+ #h! suita,l!
$hoi$! o" th! t!$hni-u! to ,! appli!& is in"lu!n$!& ,y th! i*aging !-uip*!nts, task in han& an& vi!wing
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
') * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
$on&itions+ #his is i*portant to not! that th! i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt is a su,j!$tiv! ar!a o" i*ag!
#h! work &on! ,y various r!s!ar$h!rs "or i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt is &is$uss!& h!r! 3a&hu 415 sugg!st!&
that th! A&aptiv! histogra* !-uali7ation pro&u$!& a ,!tt!r r!sult, ,ut th! i*ag! is still not "r!! "ro*
wash!& out app!aran$!+ #h! sharpn!ss is poor an& th! ,a$kgroun& in"or*ation as w!ll as th! plan! is
still "ogg!& an& poor in $ontrast+ Alpha rooting r!n&!r!& th! !ntir! i*ag! in a &ark ton!+ 2v!n th! outlin!
o" $lou& whi$h was visi,l! in $as! o" histogra* !-uali7ation is lost+ Agaian 425 sugg!st!& that th! $o**on
no trans"or*6 ,as!& !nhan$!*!nt t!$hni-u! is glo,al histogra* !-uali7ation whi$h att!*pt to alt!r th!
spatial histogra* o" an i*ag! to $los!ly *at$h a uni"or* &istri,ution+ 8istogra* !-uali7ation is ,as!& on
glo,al tr!at*!nt o" i*ag! th!r!"or! i*ag! su""!rs "ro* th! pro,l!* o" poorly suit!& "or r!taining lo$al
&!tails+ t is also $o**on that th! !-uali7ation will ov!r !nhan$! th! i*ag!+ R!sulting in th! un&!sir!&
loss o" visual &ata, -uality an& int!nsity s$al!+ #ang 435 sugg!st!& th! glo,al histogra* !-uali7ation,
whi$h a&justs th! int!nsity histogra* to appro1i*at! th! uni"or* &istri,ution+ #h! glo,al histogra*
!-uali7ation is that th! glo,al i*ag! prop!rti!s *ay not ,! appropriat!ly appli!& in a lo$al $ont!1t+
III# $>A0IA? 98@AI% 0/CA%IB:/$
Spatial &o*ain i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt 445 is *anipulating or $hanging an i*ag! r!pr!s!nting an o,j!$t in
spa$! to !nhan$! th! i*ag! "or a parti$ular appli$ation+ Spatial &o*ain t!$hni-u!s ar! ,as!& on &ir!$t
*anipulation o" pi1!l valu!s without any trans"or*ation+ n th! !nhan$!& i*ag!, th! valu! o" pi1!l 91,y: is
th! r!sult o" so*! op!ration that ar! appli!& on th! n!igh,ourhoo& o" 91,y: in th! input i*ag! as
&!s$ri,!& in 2-uation 91:
g91,y: ; #4"91,y:5 91:

A# >oint >rocessin, 8peration( Point pro$!ssing op!ration 4<5 is th! si*pl!st spatial &o*ain
op!ration o$$urs wh!n th! n!igh,ourhoo& is th! pi1!l its!l"+ n this, # is th! point pro$!ssing
op!ration or th! gr!y l!v!l trans"or*ation op!ration 0ig 1 shows th! gr!y l!v!l trans"or*ation "or
th! op!ration+ #h!r!"or! op!ration tak!s th! "or* o" 2-uation 92:4<5

s ; #9r: 92:
=h!r!, s ; pro$!ss!& i*ag! pi1!l valu!
r; original i*ag! pi1!l valu!

Fi,ure 1 6 <rey level transformation C)D

2# Aisto,ram /1uali5ation( 8istogra* !-uali7ation is us!& "or $ontrast !nhan$!*!nt in whi$h
$hang!s ar! appli!& to th! pi1!l int!nsiti!s+ 8istogra* !-uali7ation 4<5 r!"!rs to th! *apping "ro*
on! &istri,ution to anoth!r &istri,ution or "ro* giv!n histogra* to *or! wi&!r or uni"or*ly
&istri,ut!& histogra*+ 0ig 2 shows th! plot o" 8istogra* !-uali7ation+ >!t " ,! an i*ag! r!pr!s!nt!&
,y a *atri1 o" int!g!r pi1!l int!nsiti!s ranging "ro* ? to >61+ > is th! nu*,!r o" possi,l! int!nsity
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
'E * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
valu!s, g!n!rally 2<@+ >!t P is th! nor*ali7!& histogra* o" " with a ,in "or !a$h possi,l! int!nsity+
3ath!*ati$ally it $an ,! !1pr!ss!& as in 2-uation 93:4135

Pn ; nu*,!r o" pi1!ls with int!nsity n 93:
total nu*,!r o" pi1!ls
n ; ?, 1A+ > B 1+

Fi,ure 6 Aisto,ram /1uali5ation C1&D

IV# FR/B:/%C= 98@AI% 0/CA%IB:/$

0or th! !ntir! "r!-u!n$y &o*ain t!$hni-u!s 445 ar! ,as!& on $o*puting th! 0ouri!r trans"or* o" th!
i*ag! rath!r than th! i*ag! its!l"+ #h! $o*puting o" 0ouri!r trans"or* o" th! i*ag! to ,! !nhan$!&
si*ply involv!s *ultiplying th! r!sult ,y a "ilt!r rath!r than $onvolving it as in spatial &o*ain th!n th!
inv!rs! o" this trans"or* is tak!n to pro&u$! th! !nhan$!& i*ag!+ Pro$!ssing o" i*ag! ,as!& on
"r!-u!n$y $ont!nt $o*!s un&!r "r!-u!n$y &o*ain+

#h! Crthogonal trans"or* o" th! i*ag! has two ,asi$ $o*pon!nts *agnitu&! an& phas!+ #h! "r!-u!n$y
$ont!nt o" th! i*ag! $onsist th! *agnitu&! an& th! phas! is us!& to r!stor! th! i*ag! ,a$k to th! spatial
&o*ain+ Dsually orthogonal trans"or*s ar! &is$r!t! $osin! trans"or*s, &is$r!t! 0ouri!r trans"or*s,
8artl!y trans"or*s !t$+ #h! trans"or* &o*ain !na,l!s th! op!rations on "r!-u!n$y $ont!nt o" i*ag!
th!r!"or! high "r!-u!n$y $ont!nt lik! !&g!s an& oth!r &!sira,l! in"or*ation $an !asily ,! !nhan$!&+

#h! $on$!pt o" "ilt!ring is so*!what !asi!r to visuali7! in th! "r!-u!n$y &o*ain+ #h!r!"or! !nhan$!*!nt
o" i*ag! in th! "r!-u!n$y &o*ain $an ,! &on! ,as!& on .0#+ #his is sp!$i"i$ally us!"ul in $onvolution i"
th! spatial !1t!nt o" point spr!a& "un$tion h 91,y: is gr!at!r than $onvolution th!ory+ 2-uation 94:
&!s$ri,!s th! $onvolution o" th! o,s!rv!& i*ag! with th! "un$tion6

g91,y: ; h91,y:E"91,y: 94:
=h!r!, g91,y: is th! !nhan$!& i*ag!+
International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
'7 * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
#h! ,asi$ "ilt!rs that $an ,! us!& in "r!-u!n$y &o*ain ar! low pass "ilt!rs, high pass "ilt!rs, ho*o*orphi$

A# ?o- pass filter( >ow pass "ilt!ring involv!s th! !li*ination o" th! high "r!-u!n$y $o*pon!nts
"ro* th! i*ag! r!sulting in th! sharp transitions r!&u$tion that ar! asso$iat!& with nois!+ An i&l!
low pass "ilt!r woul& r!tain all th! low "r!-u!n$y $o*pon!nts an& !li*inat! all high "r!-u!n$y
$o*pon!nts ,ut low pass "ilt!rs su""!r "ro* two pro,l!*sF ,lurring an& ringing+ #h!s! pro,l!*s
ar! ,asi$ally $aus!& ,y th! shap!s asso$iat!& with th! spatial &o*ain "ilt!rs+ 0ig 4 shows th! i&l!
"r!-u!n$y low pass "ilt!r an& its $orr!spon&ing spatial &o*ain $ount!rpart+

2# Ai,h pass filter( #h!s! "ilt!rs ar! ,asi$ally us!& to *ak! th! i*ag! app!ar sharp!r+ 8igh pass
"ilt!ring works in !1a$tly th! sa*! way as low pass "ilt!rs ,ut us!s th! &i""!r!nt $onvolution
k!rn!l an& it !*phasi7!s on th! "in! &!tails o" th! i*ag!+ =hil! high pass "ilt!r $an i*prov! th!
i*ag! ,y sharp!ning ov!r&oing o" this "ilt!r $an a$tually &!gra&! th! i*ag! -uality+

0igur! 3F 'asi$ st!ps involv!& in 0r!-u!n$y &o*ain

C# Aomomorphic filter( #his is *or! $o**only us!& "or $orr!$ting non uni"or* illu*ination in
i*ag!s+ Con$urr!ntly, it nor*ali7!s th! ,rightn!ss o" th! i*ag! an& in$r!as!s $ontrast+ #his is
o"t!n us!& to r!*ov! th! *ultipli$ativ! nois!+ n ho*o*orphi$ "ilt!ring, w! "irst trans"or* th!
*ultipli$ativ! $o*pon!nts to a&&itiv! $o*pon!nts ,y *oving to th! log &o*ain+ 2-uation 9@:4145
shows th! logarith*i$ trans"or*ation o" 2-uation 9<:4145

ln991,y:: ; ln9>91,y: R91,y:: 9<:
ln991,y:: ; ln9>91,y:: G ln9R91,y:: 9@:

th!n w! us! high pass "ilt!r to r!*ov! th! low "r!-u!n$y illu*ination $o*pon!nts whil! pr!s!rving high
"r!-u!n$y $o*pon!nts+ 0ig < shows th! ,asi$ st!ps involv!& in th! ho*o*orphi$ "ilt!ring+

#a,l! 1 an& #a,l! 2 i+!+ S!$tion V shows th! $o*parison ,!tw!!n various t!$hni-u!s o" spatial an&
"r!-u!n$y &o*ain r!sp!$tiv!ly in t!r*s o" th!ir a&vantag!s an& &isa&vantag!s+

V# I@A</ F:$I8% 0/CA%IB:/

*ag! "usion is a t!$hni-u! to $o*,in! i*ag!s "ro* si*ilar s!nsor or *ultipl! s!nsors in or&!r to
i*prov! its visual app!aran$! +Dsing &i""!r!nt i*aging *o&aliti!s, i*ag!s $an ,! "us!& with $onsi&!ra,l!

#arun /ulati9!t+ al:4<5, p!r"or*s i*ag! "usion o" original i*ag! an& its histogra* !-uali7!& i*ag!+ #wo
algorith* ar! &is$uss!& in whi$h th! w!ights ar! assign!& *anually an& auto*ati$ally to th! i*ag! an&
th!n $o*parison is *a&! using two -uality *!asur! whi$h ar! stan&ar& &!viation an& av!rag! gra&i!nt+
Hiaoying 0ang9!t+ al:445, &is$uss!& i*ag! !nhan$!*!nt using i*ag! "usion in whi$h 3SR an& 8istogra*
!-uali7ation ar! th! "usion $an&i&at!s an& sharpn!ss is us!& as -uality *!asur!+ R!sults ,!sp!ak that
i*ag! "usion i*prov!s th! !nhan$!*!nt r!sult+

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
'' * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,

9a: &l! "r!-u!n$y low pass "ilt!r 9,: Spatial &o*ain $ount!rpart
0ig 4F #rans"!r "un$tion "or i&l! low pass "ilt!r

0igur! <F 'asi$ st!ps in ho*o*orphi$ "ilt!ring 4145

VI# C8@>ARI$I8% 2/0F//% 0/CA%IB:/$

0a3le 16 Comparison of $patial 9omain 0echni1ues

0echni1ues Advanta,es 9isadvanta,es
Point Pro$!ssing
Can only ,! us!& "or lin!ar
Cannot pro&u$! *u$h
attra$tiv! r!sults in *any
#his t!$hni-u! is ,!st "or visual
p!r$!ption !sp!$ially wh!n i*ag!
hav! $los! $ontrast &ata, pro&u$!s
,!st r!sult "or ra&iographi$ an&
th!r*al i*ag!s+
#his t!$hni-u! r!sults in
nois! a*pli"i$ation wh!n
th! i*ag!s has *ajor low
int!nsity ar!a+

0a3le 6 Comparison 8f Fre1uency 9omain 0echni1ues

#!$hni-u!s A&vantag!s .isa&vantag!s
>ow Pass
#h! >ow Pass 0ilt!r is goo& "or
r!*oving a s*all a*ount o"
high "r!-u!n$y nois! "ro*
an N &i*!nsional signal+
t su""!rs "ro* two pro,l!* F 'lurring an&
Ringing $aus!& &u! to un&ulation
ass$iat!& with spatial &o*ain "ilt!r+
8igh Pass
#h! 8igh Pass 0ilt!r is goo& "or
r!*oving a s*all a*ount o" low
"r!-u!n$y nois! "ro*
an N &i*!nsional signal
#his "ilt!r is only a "irst6or&!r "ilt!r, it *ay
not giv! you a st!p !nough $uto""
"r!-u!n$y "or th! appli$ation you n!!&+
Ds!& to r!*ov! *ultipli$ativ!
an& a&&itiv! nois!
llu*ination an& r!"l!$tan$! ar! not

VII# C8%C?:$I8% FI0A F:0:R/ 9IR/C0I8%$

*ag! !nhan$!*!nt algorith*s provi&! a wi&! rang! o" approa$h!s to a$-uir! visually a$$!pta,l!
i*ag!s ,y *o&i"ying it a$$or&ing to th! sp!$i"i$ task, vi!wing $on&itions, $hara$t!risti$s o" o,s!rv!r an&
i*ag! $ont!nt+ #h! point pro$!ssing op!rations o" spatial &o*ain ar! ,asi$ally us!& "or $ontrast
!nhan$!*!nt+ #h! 8istogra* !-uali7ation is a trans"or*ation that str!t$h!s th! $ontrast ,y
r!&istri,uting th! gr!y l!v!l valu!s in a uni"or* "ashion+ Cnly glo,al histogra* !-uali7ations $an ,! &on!
auto*ati$ally+ 0r!-u!n$y &o*ain t!$hni-u!s involv!s th! $o*putation o" 0ouri!r trans"or* an& th!n
inv!rsing it to pro&u$! th! !nhan$!& i*ag!+ n "utur! th!r! is s$op! to !nhan$! i*ag!s ,y i*pl!*!nting
n!ural n!tworks an& wav!l!t trans"or* with r!tin!1+

International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer (IJAFRC)
Volume 1, Issue 7, July !1"# I$$% &"' ( "')&
'G * + !1", IJAFRC All Ri,hts Reserved ---#i.afrc#or,
VIII# R/F/R/%C/$
415 Arun R, 3a&hu S+ Nair, R+ Vrinthavani an& Rao #atavarti+ IAn Alpha Rooting 'as!& 8y,ri&
#!$hni-u! "or *ag! 2nhan$!*!ntJ+ Cnlin! pu,li$ation in A2N/, 24th August 2?11+
425 Agaian, SCS S+, 'lair Silv!r, Kar!n A+ Pan!tta, I#rans"or* Co!""i$i!nt 8istogra*6'as!& *ag!
2nhan$!*!nt Algorith*s Dsing Contrast 2ntropyJ, 222 #ransa$tion on *ag! Pro$!ssing, Vol+
1@, No+ 3, 3ar$h 2??(
435 Kinshan #ang 2li P!li, an& S$ott A$ton, I*ag! 2nhan$!*!nt Dsing a Contrast 3!asur! in th!
Co*pr!ss!& .o*ainJ, 222 Signal pro$!ssing >!tt!rs , Vol+ 1?, NC+ 1?, C$to,!r 2??3
445 Ra*ku*ar+31, Karthik!yan+'2, IA Surv!y on *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt 3!tho&sJ, K2#, Vol < No 2
Apr63ay 2?13
4<5 Ra*an 3aini an& 8i*anshu Aggarwal, IA Co*pr!h!nsiv! R!vi!w o" *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt
#!$hni-u!sJ, KCDRNA> C0 CC3PD#N/, VC>D32 2, SSD2 3, 3ARC8 2?1?
4@5 Sn!hal C+3un&ha&a, Pro"+ V+ K+ Shan&ilya, I *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt an& ts Various #!$hni-u!sJ ,
KARCSS2, Volu*! 2, ssu! 4, April 2?12
4(5 2r+ Vino& Saini, 2r+ #arun /ulati, IA Co*parativ! Stu&y on *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt Dsing *ag!
0usionJ, KARCSS2, Volu*! 2, ssu! 1?, C$to,!r 2?12
4L5 2r+ 3an&!!p Kaur 2r+ Kiran Kain 2r Vir!n&!r >ath!r, IStu&y o" *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt #!$hni-u!sF A
R!vi!wJ, KARCSS2, Volu*! 3, ssu! 4, April 2?13
4M5 S+S+ '!&i1, Rati Khan&!lwal2, IVarious *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt #!$hni-u!s6 A Criti$al R!vi!wJ,
KARCC2, Vol+ 2, ssu! 3, 3ar$h 2?13
41?5 Hiaoying 0ang, Kingao >iu, =!n-uan /u, Niw!n #ang, IA 3!tho& to *prov! th! *ag!
2nhan$!*!nt R!sult ,as!& on *ag! 0usionJ, 222, 2?11
4115 Sho,hit v!r*a, 8it!sh gupta , IA R!vi!w o" *ag! 2nhan$!*!nt #!$hni-u! ,as!& on =av!l!t
thr!shol& an& n!ural n!tworkJ, nt!rnational Kournal o" A&van$!& Co*putational 2ngin!!ring
an& N!tworking, Volu*! O 1, ssu! O 2, 2?13+
4125 Nan$y, 2r+ Su*an&!!p Kaur, I*ag! 2nhan$!*!nt #!$hni-u!sF A S!l!$t!& R!vi!wJ, CSR6
KC2,Volu*! M, ssu! @ 93ar+ 6 Apr+ 2?13:
4135 httpFPPwww+*ath+u$i+!&uPi$a*pP$ours!sP*ath(($P&!*osPhistQ!-+p&"
4145 httpFPP,logs+*athworks+$o*Pst!v!P2?13P?@P2<Pho*o*orphi$6"ilt!ring6part61

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