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Christian Toys

By Rev. Frederick Nagash

Throughout the annals of history, Satanism has been a huge controversy, even in today's society.
Until no, ! vieed "hristians and all eak minded #eo#le as toys, #ut here for the $eft %and &ath's
amusement. 's a member of the $eft %and &ath, ! believe e are not even of the same s#ecies of
humanity as a "hristian. (e have far sur#assed "hristianity and all other #hiloso#hies and theologies
in mental ca#acity and strength. No back to my toy #hiloso#hy. ! sometimes atch T) evangelists
for a good laugh or atch the nes for a chuckle, and throughout all the bad things in the orld, these
fools still claim their *od ill get them through it. The shock of a traumatic e+#erience can sometimes
cause tem#orary delusions, !,ve heard. "hristian toys have tried to brainash the orld ith their
su#erior right ing rhetoric about ho they're *od's chosen #eo#le, and e are murdering vile
creatures ho ill burn in %ell. ! can no longer stand by and let our movement #erish by the hands of
these eak minded non-individuals.
Christianity - Organized Crime?
By .debran T.R.
(hat is organi/ed crime0 1rgani/ed crime is crime ith an organi/ed structure behind it. 1bviously
the most recogni/ed organi/ed crime structure is the 2afia. So hy do ! say that "hristianity is
organi/ed crime0 (hat the "hristian church does is not necessarily illegal, but should be.
(hat does the "hristian church do that should be illegal0 $et's start ith 3tithe3. 'ccording to #o#ular
"hristian belief it is necessary to give 3*od3, or the church 456 of your eekly income. Some may
say there's nothing rong ith su##orting hat you believe in ith financial su##ort. &erha#s not, to
an e+tent.
So hy is 3tithe3 rong, or even stealing0 Shall e begin ith the countless "hristian sermons
centered on 3tithing30 The sermons created ith such #erfect brainashing techni7ue. 3!f you don't
give your tithe, you are stealing from *od.3 'nd hat 3*od fearing3 "hristian ould ant to steal from
3*od30 38our tithe is needed to kee# the church going.3 No hat you mean to say is 38our tithe feeds
my family.3
(hat else does the "hristian church do that should be considered illegal0 2aybe the creating of a
mindless #erson is not recogni/ed as illegal. 3&lace your hole heart and life into the hands of *od
and allo him to lead you.3 (hat0 *ive you my last 9: bucks, then you ant me to be led too0 The
sad thing is many are taught from birth to follo this e+am#le. 'nd fe of us recover from such
1n a daily basis ! see "hristian drones doing their 3deeds3. Should they all be locked aay0 No. 2any
of these #eo#le have a brain; it is <ust overritten ith a lifetime of #rogramming. (hat they need, in
my most aggravated o#inion, is to be de-#rogrammed and alloed to choose their on lives.
1ne final ord. ! have covered only a minute #ortion of the faults in a so-called 3#erfect3 religion. But

Church of Lucifer (COL)
Texts, Philosophy, and Rituals.
!'m sure this is enough to better educate you, the reader. Fareell, in chaotic #eace, may you continue
to challenge the authority that so binds us to a sim#lified ignorant society.
Elitism vs. Common Logic
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
.litism is a hot to#ic among occult grou#s, ith this grou# claiming to be only for 3the best3 and
another grou# claiming to be 3only for real Satanists or $uciferians3. The "1$ has, at times, has fallen
under the stigma of elitism by those ho ere re<ected for membershi#. This article ill e+#lain hy
e do not consider ourselves elite, nor do e run the "hurch of $ucifer as an elitist organi/ation.
This ill sound harsh, but, for every ten a##lications e recieve, one #erson becomes a member. This
is not due to elitism, but due to ho thorough one fills out his or her a##lication and ansers the
sim#le 7uestions e #ose in the #ost-a##lication intervie. Before one even considers <oining a
religious organi/ation of any ty#e, they should at least read the literature. (e recieve a##lications
daily from #eo#le ho seem oblivious to the real occult, yet ant to <oin an occult order. !t's kind of like
deciding one day, 3%ey, ! ant to be a 2uslim3, but never reading the =uaran. (hy do #eo#le do such
assinine things0 ' need for acce#tance0 ' belief that religion ill magickally turn their lives around
<ust by <oining and #utting forth no effort0 !t takes little effort to read a cou#le books and the entire
ebsite of the grou# one ishes to <oin. %oever, most believe they can 3get by3. !n some grou#s, this
may be the case. (e ould like all of our members to kno, at least, the basic tenets of $uciferianism
or Satanism before submitting an a##lication, here half of the ansers are either 3! don't kno3 or
3none3. 'sking that the a##licant kno hat they are <oining is not too much to ask, nor do ! think
anyone could label us as elitists or snobs because of it.
!t is highly suggested that if someone is re<ected from the "1$ to ait three months and read u# on at
least the basic tenets before re7uesting another a##lication.
!f someone is contem#lating <oining the "1$, make sure to read the entire ebsite and to #ick u# a
fe books on the sub<ect from authors in the occult movement. !f you still have 7uestions feel free to
e-mail us from the contact link.
.verything in this orld is a manifestation of our on free ill, for good or ill>
've $uciferi Re+>
've 'in>
The Great Seal of America
By Rev. 2askim ?ul
!t's base is the triangular seal of mind, body, and soul ith all that it embodies lying ithin it. !n this
case it is the third eye that sees all...<ust hat the 'merican *overnment tries to do. !t tries to see and
control all but it can't control all...<ust see it. 's for the $atin ords, Novus 1rdo Seclorum roughly
translates to, 3ne orld order3; . &luribus Unum is, 3from many entities3; and 'nnuit "oe#tis is
roughly, 3declare beginning3. The entire #hrase could be construed as, 3@eclaring the beginning of a
ne orld order from many others.3
T%. 21ST %!*% TR!U2)!R'T. 1F T%. $!)!N* "1NT!NUU2
'mah-Ushumgal-'nna A'ma Usum-*al 'nB translates to, 3great mother-dragon of heaven3. This can
be referenced to Tiamat, the Babylonian ser#ent of creation. %absu is a variation of '#su, the
Sumero-Babylonian fresh ater seas beneath the earth. "hthhulhu Caka DutuluE as a
NecronomiconF$ovecraft creation re#resenting the underorld, 3%e ho lies, @ead but @reaming3. 3!
am, ! ill, ! create3 is the basis of the $iving "ontinuum...the motto of the e+istence of it, that hich
sustains itself. The symbol in the center is a commonly knon gly#h re#resenting infinity, meaning
that The $iving "ontinuum is infinite, ith no end and no beginning. !t as, is, and shall be. !t is the
'l#ha 1mega, it's ay in itself com#lete. Trey '/agthoth, the assumed creator of this triangular
symbol, described it as thisG
3The $iving "ontinuum is the #rinci#al force and form by hich all manifestation is #ossible. !t is both
the active illful ability to create as ell as the materials to create from. !t is both the force that
e+#ands our universe as ell as the form hich contains it. !t is both the active, illful ability to
assemble as ell as the material #arts that make u# this assembly. !t is both that hich is as ell as
that hich is not.3
%e then goes on to describe a bit more but that is a good basic on it.
Jess Christ?
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
%mmm, a dead son of a *od on a stick, this ould seem to sound a bit abrasive but it is hoever a
truth. "hristians have tisted the story of "hrist around so much there is no one story that has not
been mani#ulated about the $ord of the fools. !n reality the "hristian "hurch ould not tell you Hesus
there so called #ure son of *od had se+ ith 2ary 2agdalene in the original uncut un-mani#ulated
Bible. %undreds of #ages have been torn out of or reritten in the Bible to make it seem there Bastard
son and his father could do no rong. %o could a fully evolved human being believe in all that
rubbish that he died for us and for our sins ! say thanks but ! need no salvation from my sins. They
treat him like a *od because he su##osedly died for our sins, but if he could save the orld hy
couldn't the fool save himself0 !f someone in today's society ere to claim to be the son of *od they
ould be mocked and called a lunatic so hy is it #ossible then and not today0 "hristianity is a
blinded closed minded faith of death and #erversion, and ! ill defend all of my accusations.
First off ask a "hristian hy he believes in *od and Hesus "hrist and he ill not be able to give you a
solid anser he may tell you because the Bible tells them so but the Bible as ritten by man you
might as ell orshi# something from a Ste#hen Ding novel then. "hristianity is closed minded to all
other #hiloso#hies and religions and ! have e+#erienced this first hand, Hust take a buss and ear a
noticeable Ba#homet or !nverted &entagram and atch all the little "hristians stair at you like a
murdering freak. "hristianity is a death orshi##ing faith as they all live to #lease a *od hom they
have no #hysical #roof of to go to some kind of cloud filled onderland of <oy hich they have no solid
#roof of. 'nd finally "hristianity is a religion of #ure #erversion as in the Bible it states man as #ut on
the earth to re#roduce and yet the "hristian "hurch ould tell you #re-marital se+ is rong, but ! ask
hy is it rong0 Su##ose you ere to marry someone then find out you are not se+ually com#atible
then hat0 "hristians can have there little beliefs if you even ish to call them that for they really have
nothing to believe in but if they ever chose to bash the Satanist ! sim#ly ask them hy are they a
"hristian and leave them stum#ed>
Of !atred and !y"ocrisy
By Frater 'kuma
2ost #eo#le say that it is rong to hate. .veryone is taught to love one another. !f you have this
mentality, you belong to the herd. !n my o#inion, it is hard to love everyone than to curse or hate
someone. 8ou cannot force yourself or try hard to love all. !f you do this, you're su##ressing your true
feelings and your true nature.
! kno a lot of #eo#le ho 'try to fit in' or 'trying to be liked' by doing things for others or #leasing
others. They hide their true feelings like hatred, angst, or frustration because someone might caught
himFher acting furiously or venting negative emotions that might be a turn-off for most #eo#le. Some
ould rather shut their mouths and be kind to their enemy instead of teaching the other a lesson not to
mess ith himFher. !f you really hate someone, sho them your fury. Thro them a curse Cmagickally,
verbally or mentallyE, so that they'll soon reali/e that you're not <ust someone they can #ick on.
1n arguing ith someone, there are things to consider. 2ake sure that you're fighter over an
im#ortant matter or sub<ect. Fighting about nonsense things is <ust a aste of energy, and you'll end
u# like a childish freak.
Being true to yourself and folloing your on instincts is individuality. !f you have doubts about your
religion or belief, dare to 7uestion. !f you're not ha##y ith hat you see or ith your fellos, or
'brothers', leave that church or grou#. !t is better to be alone than hanging out ith a bunch of stu#id
#eo#le. .ver since ! as a kid, ! feel the hy#ocrisy and the self-denial in #eo#le hen ! attend mass on
Sundays. ! can see ho stu#id #eo#le really are hen ! see a healing crusade on television.
%atred is #art of human nature. !t also #lays a big role in every religion es#ecially in ?tianity. These
+tian leaders brainash #eo#le's brains and tell them to hate everything that's outside +tianity or their
holy bible.
#eo"le are Strange
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
!n today's culture there is to much labeling by the a##earance of another human being, if someone
ears a #articular article of clothing or has tattoos ect., it defines ho others #erceive them and is
enough for most feeble minded humans to say hat that #erson is. !n reality ! may ear all black,
have tattoos or #iercing, but this does not mean ! am stu#id or am a #articular ty#e of #erson. !n
reality, someone can ear the same clothes ! do, and even ear the Ba#homet and inverted crosses
hich symboli/e Satanism and not be a Satanist. But, because they look a #articular ay, they ould
be considered a Satanist in the #ublic eye. !f you ere to ask me, ! ould tell you the #eo#le that try
hard to fit into society and dress in the 3so called3 #ro#er ay <ust to suit another #erson, is the true
eirdo. ! encourage everyone ! meet to dress ho they, and ! stress ItheyJ ant to dress and not to
#lease the mass media.
#sychic $am"ires
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
! am here to arn you of a different ty#e of vam#ire. These vam#ires do not suck blood or slee# in
coffins. These vam#ires drain you of your mental energies by mani#ulating your thoughts. 8ou may
still not understand hat a &sychic )am#ire is, but ! must arn you. 8ou may even kno a &sychic
)am#ire ithout reali/ing it. The full definition of a &sychic )am#ire is one ho uses another to gain
something by mani#ulating you into thinking your there friend. They may buy you nice gifts and small
trinkets of so called affection, but they are no friend of yours. They are trying to buy their ay into you
mind by making you feel sorry for them or having #ity or in some circumstances even #rotect them.
8ou may not kno it yet, but you may have a so called friend out there feeding off of you by buying
your friendshi# and making you think your their closest friend. !n reality, these )am#ires are more
devastating than movie )am#ires, as these )am#ires ill dis#ose of you once your usefulness is
gone, causing emotional scars hich this is hy they are called &sychic )am#ires. They ill make
you feel de#ressed, eak and sometimes suicidal. !f you discover a &sychic )am#ire in your midst's,
treat him or her cruelly and ith contem#t. Think long and hard, has this #erson been a true friend to
you, or have they been more of a burden as giving you there #roblems on a silver #latter to solve for
them. 'sk yourself, ho has been there through tough times and fun times and has tried not to burden
you ith #roblems or emotional scars hich need your healing. No you may be dee# into thought
about your true friends. ! have reali/ed it is better to have many enemies and fe real friends then
have a lot of #eo#le call you buddy and feeding off of your mental energy.
=uestion everyone and trust no one unless you are certain they are real friends. Tell no one
everything you do or kno that later, they may try to use it against you. &sychic )am#ires look <ust like
you and me. They come from all alks of life and are everyhere in the orld. So, as ! said, evaluate
your so called friends as the &sychic )am#ire #lague is everyhere.
Sic% Christian Society
By Frater 'kuma
"hristianity's tremendous hold in our society has great effect in the minds of the mediocre masses.
Because most #eo#le are fed ith christian morals and dogma, the non-christian individuals and
grou#s C#agans, atheists, Satanists, etc..E are having a hard time dealing ith society es#ecially the
neo#hytes. 1ne of the #roblems that Satanists, atheists, and #agans are facing is discrimination. (e,
of the $eft %and &ath had alays been <udged by narro-minded #eo#le as 'icked' , 'bad influence' ,
and other things that alludes to negativity and #erversions. Some self-righteous Hesuits and morons
arn others and our 'ould-be friends' that e belong to Satan and e bring chaos to mankind.
(e are condemned and cursed <ust because e don't believe in god and because e are not
christians. They label us abnormal, freaks, evil, sinners, and demons. (e are not here to shock the
shee#, e are here to live our on lives the ay e ant to. (hatever e believe in, it's non of their
business. (e choose hatever religion e ant, it's our #hiloso#hy, our ay of life no matter ho
sinister it is in the eyes of christian herd. (e are alays critici/ed. These stu#id #eo#le loves to <udge
hat they do not kno, (. DN1( 21R. T%'N 81U @1>
"hristians ill never understand because they don't ant to. (e don't need their attention, #raise, nor
understanding. Their '%oly Bible' already burned us in hell.
(. 1N$8 ('NT T1$.R'N".. (. @.2'N@ R.S&."T.
The A&yss
By Rev. 2askim ?ul
To start off ith, here is a com#arison..
@a'athG the abyssous se#hira, knoledge C=B$%E
NammuG the sea that birthed everything CSumerianE
The @a'ath is the invisible Se#hira, the abyss on the Tree of $ife. No, you must ask yourself, hat is
the abyss0 (ell, lets look at this from the beginning. 8ou have five elementsG energy, earth, air, fire,
and ater. .verything is either made u# of these. $iving creatures are most commonly, though not all
the time, made u# of ater, earth, air, and energy; though one could debate that they are made u# of
all of these, in some form or another. (ell, hat ould the abyss be then0 Some see it as a literal #art
of the ocean, hich ould make it ater. Some say it's a fiery #it, making it earth and fire. Finally,
some believe it to be a 3hell3, making it #ure energy. For this, e'll go ith the 3%ell3 theory. So, if the
abyss is #ure energy, that ould #ut it as one ith anything else ith energy, i.e.. everything. The
Sumerians sa the abyss as the Nammu aka 'ma-Tu-'n-Di C3mother ho gave birth to heaven and
earth3E. Nammu is the #rimeval source for all things. 'ccording to evolution, everything evolved from
oceanic life. No, someho the Sumerians kne's too much to ho#e that the conce#t of sea
being the #rimeval source is a coincidence. .verything came from this abyss, it is the birth#lace, the
source of all things. %ave you ever ondered <ust hy our emotions are referenced by the heart0 !ts
an organ that #um#s our lifeblood and is essential to our e+istence...but hat made it corres#ond ith
emotion0 (ell, emotion is im#ossible ithout thought, though thought is #ossible ithout emotion.
(hat is though0 (ell, it's link to isdom is very strong. (isdom0 3Sea of isdom30 1n the Se#hiroth,
the @a'ath correlates to the heart, hen com#ared #hysically C2alkuth- feet, 8esod- groin, Ti#hareth-
solar #le+us, Dether- headE. So, this @a'ath, the heart, the abyss, it all connects. From that, it ould
make sense to see the heart, the organ that #um#s our lifeblood, as the link in our soul to it's source..
to our maker. 'nd since this abyss is the #rimeval source.. hy claim any other maker than the
This is the #roduct of the 3sea3 Aand this all goes ithout mentioning that ater com#rises an immense
#ercentage of our body's makeu#B, the @a'ath, the $iving "ontinuum. !t is received through our heart,
@a'ath, the #roducer of our very lifeblood
3hen you ga/e long into the 'byss, the 'byss also ga/es into you..3 -Friedrich Niet/sche
8es, Neit/che, the abyss does ga/e back into you.. for hen you look into yourself, that is ho you
The 'nvisi&le (ar
By Rev. 'staroth de !nfernum
!n general, a ar takes #lace either on the ground, on the ater or in the air. 1ther ars are fought in
the dee#est #art of each human, but there are also ars hich are being fought unofficially, not
reali/ed by all those ho think that a battle can alays be seen.
(hat ! am talking about is the so-called 3invisible ar3 e all are currently fighting. ' fight against the
"hristendom and any other hy#ocritical religion that doesn't take #lace at a s#ecial location but hich
is fought in other ays, ays that ! ant to e+#lain to you G
.ach one of the outstanding dumbasses think that the goal of us Satanists is to collect as many
fellos as #ossible and then march into the final and decisive battle against all their brainashed
#u##ets > $ast eek ! got a message from a guy hose name is not orth to be mentioned here, but
he really thought that e are illing to gather us somehere, take our arms and start alking, burning
don every church that is on our ay and killing every "hristian that tries to block our #ath > 3(hat a
foolish idiot3 as the first thing ! thought. (ell, ho can this idiot really think that e are going to fight
this ay 0 This ould finally bring us nothing, really nothing. Barbarian times are over and ! think no
one of us ants that the modern Satanism gets more burdened ith #re<udices than it already got
before. 'dditionally, e never ant to act like the "hristian #u##ets hile some #u##et #layers dra
the strings securely hidden in the background . . . >
Fact is that e aren't going to slay for our beliefs hile the glare of burning churches lightens our
actions. That's all com#lete nonsense. (e have more #oer than everyone of these lying suckers
may imagine and e may reach our goals ithout any acts of violence > (e don't need to slay
indiscriminate and <ustify these actions afterards by telling that e have done this in the name of our
*od, neither e burn #eo#le on the #yres ho don't follo our ideology. Time has told that es#ecially
this is the rong ay.
No, e have other ays to reach our aims. Satanism laid on the ground once and still has to fight for
being acce#ted as a real religion and a ay of life. 'll this as made #ossible by our %igh &riest
'nton S/andor $a)ey hen he founded the "hurch of Satan on (al#urgisnacht of the year 4KLL and
declared year ! '. S. . Since that time, Satanism and its influences gre year over year and today, M4
years after this historical day, ! see the daning of a ne age for us. &eo#le like 'nton $a)ey, &eter
%. *ilmore, Blanche Barton on the one side and us on the other side are the #roof that e ill reach
our goals sometimes in the near future. (hen ! count all the sites in the !nternet that deal ith
Satanism or have a look at the books ho handle this to#ic, ! reali/e that #eo#le sto# thinking that
Satanism is <ust a game of silly and misled kids, but a religion ith future. 1ur #olitical #oer ill gro
as ell as our re#utation and each one among us is orking for that aim. 8ou may ask yourself ho !
dra all this conclusions and take the right to #redict all this, but that's really sim#le G
Satanism is the only religion here one may live, think and act four himself. 2any conclusions ! also
dra by some numeric systems G 2any christian hy#ocrites #redict the a#ocaly#se hen the century
turns into a ne era here all misled #eo#le Call those ho doesn't follo *odE get #unished for their
sins. This is one of the greatest <okes !'ve ever heard to. The ne+t century ill stand under the sign of
a ne Satanic age and it ill be not our a#ocaly#se, but the beginning of the "hristian one. 'll of
those "hristians should take care that their on ea#ons doesn't struck them don, but time ill
finally tell . . . > The other thing bases on other numbers G 'll #re#arations for the ne+t century ill
really start ith the beginning of 4KKN here the number of the beast CM + LLLO4KKN E tri#les. 'lso
you'll find the reversed LLL in the number of 4KKK. 'lthough e are orking until death for our aims
yet, the real Satanic age ill start in 9P years and ! ho#e that each fello has already reali/ed this fact
and does the best to ensure all this . . .
! ant to dedicate the last ords of this essay to all those ho haven't reali/ed yet that the invisible
ar has already begun and that e still don't need any ea#ons > Beare...
The Tre Trinity of Time
By Rev. 2askim ?ul
Time has commonly been #erceived as cycling in 'eons. 2any see these as astrologically
re#resentedG 'ge of &isces, 'ge of '7uarius, etc. There are many ays to look at it, all #ersonal to
the vieer. This is but one of many vies. Note, the dates are very rough, no e+act date can be #ut on
a slo #rocess.
Q555bc - 4555bc &re-Hudaic
4555bc - 9555ce Hudaic
9555ce - 0 &ost-Hudaic
(hy do ! revolve it around Hudaism0 ! do so because in our time, that has been the most #revalent
religion, dominating the orld. That time is no done. 2ore and more #eo#le are breaking aay from
the constraints of the Hudaic #antheon of religions and belief systems. Free-ill is the ruler of this ne
age> &eo#le are looking into themselves no and learning ho they are. .+#erimentation is more
a##arent and alternative lifestyles are more ell-knon, becoming less 'alternative'. $et's take a look
at the three #eriods ! labeled.
The organi/ation of life, the beginnings of culture. )arious #eo#les begin forming communities and
religion begins. Tools are discovered, cultures develo#ed.
Borne from Semitism, Hudaism dominates the #lanet. !ts offs#ring, "hristianity, begins assimilating
various cultures and forcing #eo#le to change and conform to its doctrines and las. "ivili/ations
begin and man develo#s still, even under this groingly vicious tyrannical hand. 2any versions of it
are develo#ed, some more vicious than others
&eo#le begin moving aay from "hristianity and fighting back. 2an is develo#ing immensely and the
#oer of the Hudaic hand is aning. Self-discovery and e+#loration rule this, as free-ill is becoming
more and more common.
'll of these sho an evolution that began in the mind hen the #hysical changes sloed and entered
a subtle #rocess. !n the #ast K millennia since the first communities ere forming, e have gone from
develo#ing tools to develo#ing our minds... from shar#ening the #ick-a+ to shar#ening the it>
The Trst )actor
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
3=uestion all things that you've been told3 - Rev. Thomas Thorn
This is something ! believe in 455 #ercent, as it builds an invisible barrier of #rotection around you. !f
you trust someone 455 #ercent, you are setting yourself u# to burned so to s#eak. Such as, if you
ere to entrust someone ith all of your 1ccult knoledge and you and that #erson have a fight, he or
she can use your on #oer against you>>> ! truthfully only trust a fe close friends and family
members hich even they had to earn my trust. .ven those hom ! trust, ! do not trust ith 455
#ercent of my being>>>
The Trth A&ot *ar%ness
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
@arkness is something that some believe is a facet of the $eft %and &ath. For some grou#s, this may
be true. For the "hurch of $ucifer, it is not. $ucifer, the 2orning Star, stems from $atin, this is the full
definitionG $!*%TG $ucifer -fera -ferum Alight-bearing , light-bringingB; m. as subst. Athe morning starB.
No, being a #art of the $eft %and &ath, one seeks for knoledge and creating their on #ersonal
reality via magick. (hen studying magick, you study yourself. The end goal is en-$!*%T-enment.
(hat is so dark about that0
'lso, ! have been told, in #assing conversations, that the (!$$ ill stagnate ithout darkness. No,
ithin darkness there is nothing. !n this same conversation, ! as told to look at a midnight sky and
e+#erience the darkness. (hen ! looked at the midnight sky, ! sa not darkness, but millions of #oints
of light. Stars.. The $eft %and &ath #ractitioner seeks out these #oints of light, these tid bits of
knoledge, shining bright ithin the darkness, illuminating it. Dnoledge is light, ignorance is
No, concerning those ho are confused. There are many, many occultists out there ho are 7uite
knoledgeable. But it tends to be an incom#lete knoledge. To kno something and a##lying it, are
to com#letely different things. For e+am#le, ! kno someone ho as a member of the Tem#le of
Set. C! must note here that this article is in no ay of a defamatory nature to the Tem#le of Set.E %e
got as far as receiving the "rystal Tablet, The Book of "oming Forth by Night, Ruby Tablet, the
@iabolicon and a fe others that ! cannot remember at this time. Then, he started analy/ing the ideals
of the Tem#le of Set, and its Setian &hiloso#hy. ! do kno that he once stated to 3higher u#s3 ithin
the Tem#le of Set that ?e#er ill lead to the demise of Set. ! am not commenting as to hether or not
he is right or rong, and that is not the #oint of this article anyay. Not long after that, he left the
Tem#le of Set. %is over-analysis of that hich is s#iritual belief, as his ay to find an e+it, hether or
not he as right. Before that, he had studied $a)eyanF2odern Satanism, and left that as ell hen he
felt that he 3kne3 everything about it. ! don't believe he as a member of the "hurch of Satan, but
then again, this article is not about the "1S either. Then, he <oined the 1rder of Shaitan. U#on
hearing the inane ramblings of the no defunct 1rder of Shaitan's %igh &riest, he left them and came
to the "hurch of $ucifer. %is tutelage in magick, he had learned some of our magickal #rinci#les and
$uciferian &hiloso#hy. Rev. Frederick Nagash and ! e+#lained to him hat e are all about. !n recent
conversation, he has tried to analy/e the $uciferian Tradition. No matter ho many times he as told,
he constantly and consistently clung to the ideals of darkness.
!n later conversations, he told me that he ill not refer to magick as being 3black3 or 3hite3. (hich is
good, that is breaking from the christian ideal. %oever, he did mention the $ord of @arkness, hich
ould im#ly 3black magick3. 'lso, he mentioned the 3Black Flame3 hich, ! do give credit to the
"hurch of Satan for, since they are the ones ho created the term, and use it as the title of there
NesletterF2aga/ine. 'nd then, he mentions his 3Black %eart3. No, the heart is an organ that is
ithin one's body to #um# blood. !f a heart as truly black, one ould not be alive. %e tends to use
these 3darkness3 as#ects, but refuses to use the term 3black magick3, hich is a total hy#ocrisy. No,
over the #ast fe eeks, this #erson has left the "1$, stating that e are not Free Thought. (ell, he
anted to learn about my #ersonal beliefs, hich is $uciferian. %e anted to become as such, and
utili/e the magick, hoever, he ke#t mi+ing the stigmas of #revious learning, and mi+ed it ith
traditional $uciferian belief. !t doesn't ork that ay. That is hy it is Traditional, there is a ay of
doing things, that have been that ay for many many years. So, in this, he left, but he didn't have to. !
ould not have treated him any different than before. ! ill not condemn someone for their beliefs, Cas
long as they don't tist the truth of hat it is, either through translation or hat have youE, for not
everything orks for everyone. .ither ay, e ish him ell on his <ourneys. Back to the story...
!t seems that he <ust couldn't handle any other ideals than the stu#idity that the christians have
im#osed u#on mankind. That is that any other belief other than "hristianity is darkness, and that they
are the only religionFs#iritual belief that is light. No, you can see ho "hristianity has brainashed
mankind. There are millions of #eo#le ho have this belief and cannot be break free from it. The $eft
%and &ath #ractitioners that fall into this category, no matter ho many books they read, no matter
ho many teacher they have, their belief in darkness ill limit them as a magickian. They ill never
amount to anything magickally, ever.
@arkness, by terms of meaning evil, bad, or icked, is a christian ideal. @arkness, in reality is
ignorance. $ight is merely knoledge and knoing. Shedding 3light3 on the sub<ect is adding
knoledge to your brain, as o##osed to staying ignorant and in the dark. This is the truth about
(hat is +eality?
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
Truly, hat is reality0 Some may think that !'m cra/y for asking this 7uestion, other may think !'m
#hiloso#hical. But anyho, it is a 7uestion hich ! have asked myself many times. The term reality can
be defined in many ays some say it is the real orld others say it is the true %ell, but in any case no
one really knos. Through all the thinking and studying ! have arrived at the notion that no one ill
truly kno hat or here reality is. For instance, hat e call reality could sim#ly be another's dream.
! have dreamt of other #laces and they have seemed real enough> Not one single 1ccult or "hristian
scientist or #hiloso#her can truthfully tell you hat the true reality is or in that fact here it is. %ere is
an instanceG 1nce ! had a dream that someone very close to me died, ! oke u# and as actually
crying but found that #erson did not die. !n this instance it #roves my #oint, if e can dream such
horrors and hardshi#s could e not be another's dream0 There are other #laces outside of this #lane
called Reality such as the 'stral #lane hich one could travel to from this #lane, so is it not #ossible
that there are other realities that other #eo#le believe to be real, and that they could be right0
(icca the (ea% +eligion
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
The #hiloso#hy or Religion, as it should be called of (icca, is <ust as eak if not eaker then
"hristianity. They claim to be against religion. But, in the very sense of the ord they are <ust
organi/ed Religion (ith female *ods. Their altruistic "hristian attitude is <ust as idiotic as their
*oddesses. (hy is it ! see so fe men in (icca0 For the sim#le fact 2en are looked don u#on by
these Feminist and often Sadistical (iccans, and most of the men in (icca are %omose+ual anyay.
They are acce#ted in (icca only because they acce#t a strong feminine-like #osture on life. To me, a
(iccan is nothing more than a forest fairy that sits in the oods and orshi#s an im#otent *oddess
hile bashing their male counter-#arts. ! class the (iccans as lo as "hristianity because they #lace
their s#iritual nonsense above the real orld. They have no real conce#t of hat reality is and cannot
deal ith the fear of dying. These "hristian (iccans need to ake u#. They're not against religion,
they are religion, and it is them that need to ake u# from their s#iritualist bullshit. ! have s#oken ith
a lot of these (iccans. ! have listened to their nonsense, then tried to e+#lain Satanism to them, but it
seems they think they kno hat Satanism is better then a Satanist CThey are rongE. They are
against "hristianity but they believe hat the "hristians tell them about the Satanist CThey are
"hristianityE. ! say they need to sto# condemning the Satanist. (e ere not the ones ho took their
heritage and #erverted it, and e are not the ones ho burned them for being hat they are,
"hristianity is>>>>> So ! say, e, as Satanists need to vie (iccans as "hristians, not even as an occult
theology. 8ou figure both s#out !gnorance, both so called I$ove everyoneJ, both believe highly in their
s#iritualism over the natural being, and both orshi# *ods and *oddesses> Sounds like the #erfect
match to me> They both also believe in a %eaven like afterlife, so hy not call your self hat you are
(iccans, I"hristiansJ0
(iccans are ,O+E *angeros than Christians
By @eacon )or#halack
! alays thought Cas most brothers and sisters doE ?tianity is the most dangerous Religion for the
Satanic "ommunity, but ! as rong. !t's (icca>> 8ou may ask hy, ho could it be that this fe eak
Feme@oms out there ill be more dangerous to us than the big amount of ?tian's telling lies about
Short anserG They are Fanatics>
$ong anserG !'ve talked to many #eo#le in my satanic life, including Saturn &eo#le, &agans, "eltics,
Thelema and many more. They all didn't kno hat Satanism is, so ! e+#lained them and they saidG
RThat's Satanism0 ! didn't kno that, it's not my ay of $ife, but it's "ool>3
'nd henever ! talked to ?tian &eo#le they here scared about me Clove that ;E E, and after starting to
e+#lain hat Satanism is in Reality they became great listeners hich acce#t my ay of life, they still
don't like the ord RSatanism3 but they acce#t hat ! am.
But hen it comes to talking to (iccan's ! can't e+#lain hat Satanism is, they kne it better than me,
they call me liar, because Satanism can't be that ay. So ! askedG R(hy03 and they saidG R(e DN1(,
e Dno everything3. ! tried to e+#lain them ho my 2agic orks, and they saidG R8ou can't be a
2agickian, you don't use a "ircle>3, and ! saidG R! don't need a "ircle3. 'fter that they re#liedG R8our
magic doesn't ork, (e DN1(, e Dno everything3. ! tried to get them at their assess and asked
themG R8ou said you don't harm anyone CanythingE, right0 But you use the energy of the elements
ithout asking them if they ant to give it to you, you harm them in that ay, don't you03 They re#liedG
R (e don't need to ask, they ant give us their energy, (e DN1(, e Dno everything, e don't
harm them>3. 't least ! saidG RBut you harm me, if you're telling lies about me and my Religion>3 R(e
don't harm you, cause you are the liar, hat e say is the truth, the only truth, e DN1(, e Dno all
about you, e Dno everything>3 they ansered in their self-righteous, narro-minded ay.
'nd that's the fact that makes them more dangerous then ?tians, you can talk to most #eo#le out their
ith various belief systems and they ill listen to you. 1D there are fanatics in each religion, but in
(icca there are only fanatics, they lie to themselves to feel R*ood3 and say that all others are rong.
'nd if all other Religions ill be gone (iccan's ill still state that e are child molesters and killers,
and if ?tian's ill acce#t us as hat e are (iccan's ill still state that e ra#e thousands of (omen
each year, that makes them dangerous, cause most #eo#le out there ould belief their lies. .ven
?tians can change their mind, (iccan's can't, cause RThey DN1(, they Dno everything.
(ierdos- #sychos and .tcases
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
(eirdos, #sychos and nutcases. The internet is filled ith them. !n the si+ years ! have been on the
internet, four of hich in some official ca#acity, ! have run into many #eo#le that fit in this category.
These #eo#le are classified as the #arasitic #si- vam#. %ere are a fe e+am#les of hat ! call them.
These #eo#le claim they have e+#erienced everything from being 3ra#ed by Satan3 to being the 3@ark
.vil 1ne from the 'byss3. !n the #assing times, ! have found more ackos than regular #eo#le ho do
not fit in the social norm. These #arasites ho like to, and try to #lay on one's emotions to get
something from you. !t could be sym#athy, #ity, friendshi# or attention of some sort.
Sym#athy &si-)am#s
These #articular ty#es have more #roblems than ten #eo#le> !t could be anything from having
numerous, concurrent health #roblems to magickal 3attacks3 on them. They try to get hel# from
homever they can tell these #roblems to. %oever, no matter ho much you reassure them of our
stance, their #arasitic ays never cease>
&ity &si-)am#s
These #eo#le are 7uite similar to the sym#athy #si-vam#s. The only difference is that the #ity #si-
vam#s are in a constant state of de#ression. They think everything is so ho#eless that they have given
u#. Then you feel sorry for them. B'2> &si-vam# at ork>
Friendshi# &si-)am#s
This is the ty#e that feels the need to be im#ortant. To do this, they surround themselves ith #eo#le
ho they feel are 3im#ortant3 or are leaders. %ere is one e+am#leG There is this one #erson ! kno,
ho ould only talk to Rev. Nagash or myself. This #erson ould never really talk to anyone else,
even if they ere referred to someone different. This is hat goes through their mindG 3They like me
more that you. ! am more im#ortant to them than you are.3
'ttention &si-)am#s
These are the most common #si-vam#s that there are. These ill say anything to get attention. These
things that they say, vary so greatly, that it ould take me at least to hours to list them all. %oever, !
ill give a fe e+am#les.
4. They have 3seen3 or have been 3ra#ed by Satan3 in the dreamorld, then feel it necessary to be a
3Satanist3 or hatever, because they ere told to.
9. That the 3devil3 is their 3%oly Father3 and that they must a##ease him so that they don't incur his
M. That the $%& is the 3dark3 side, hen in reality it is enlightening, and about learning.
S. That they are controlled by Satan and must do his bidding.
:. 'ny belief in sacrifice of animalsFchildren etc. to reach their means. C8ou do not need to kill in order
to obtain in magick.E
These are only a fe traits that define a acko, #sycho or nutcase. Beare ho you talk to, befriend
and associate ith. 8ou ill save yourself #roblems in the long run>
/!(! - The 0iggest Sinner of All
By *uyver "ernunnos
1.k., su##osedly '*od3 gave humanity certain rules to live by hich ould assure one's #lace in
%eaven. %oever, hen one com#ares these rules ith 8%(%'s actions as ritten in the bible, the
illusion of a #erfect deity shatters like a chea# novelty-store clock> These rules of hich ! s#eak are
the ell knon 3Q @eadly Sins3 and 3The 45 "ommandments3. $ets com#are action to rule and you'll
see hat ! mean.
The Seven @eadly Sins
&R!@.- !t's said that 3*od3 created man in his on image right0 So he obviously takes #ride in his
on self-image; also, if he can look at us and see himself, doesn't that sound like Narcissism0 $astly,
many #eo#le have said that 3*od3 takes #ride in his creations Cthe earth, nature,etc. as stated to me
by ministersE .nough said>
*$UTT1N8- 8%(% ants .).R81N. in the orld to orshi# him and forsake all other religions.
No !'ve alays had a theory that deities get a good #ortion of their #oer through our orshi##ing
them, loving them, and #raising them. "ome on> N1 1N. needs T%'T much love and #raise>
2eaningG *luttony>
S$1T%-Sloth is said to mean la/iness right0 1.k. then- 3god3 created the earth in L days, then created
humanity.....later,in biblical times, he created a fe miracles and disasters Csuch as the 'great flood'E,
but here is he lately0 'll of the 'miracles' that have occurred in resent times have been attributed to
<esus or the 3virgin3 2ary. The guy's done less than a year's orth of ork in ho many millennia0
3*.T 1FF 8.R 'SS 8' $'T8 BU2>3
*R..@- 'gain ! must state that 3*od3 ants everyone in the orld to orshi# only him. 1.k.,he ants
every #ossible orshi#er he can get his hands on0 %e ants every church and tem#le in the orld to
be dedicated to him and no one else0 %o greedy can a #erson get0>0
$UST- 1.k., !'ll admit that this one is a bit of a stretch. 'ccording to myth, 3*od3 im#regnated the
3virgin3 2ary so that she could give his son life on earth. 1ne thing, S%. ('S 2'RR!.@ 'T T%.
T!2., S%.'S 'N '@U$T.R.R> !n my mind that's close enough>
.N)8- 'gain !'ll have to admit that this one's a stretch. 3*od3 had a son to teach humanity ho to live
and that son turned into such a trouble-making <erk that the Romans did us a favor and condemned
him to death. No #riests and ministers say that <esus died for our sins and that e should all try our
best to live our lives by the same standards as <esus. 'lmost everyone in the +-tian community as#ires
to be <ust like the 3son3 of 3*od3. 8%(% has caused #eo#le to envy his 3son3. *uilty as charged>
(R'T%- 'n easy one to #rove. Remember the 3flood3 that su##osedly lasted S5 days and nights0
The 3destruction3 of Sodom and *ommorah0Con a side noteG if all the morally #erverse #eo#le ere
destroyed, ho come ! -a gay man- am still here0>0E 2any #eo#le in the +-tian community say that
3*od3 ill #unish #eo#le for their ickedness, and ho hasn't heard of the 3rath of '*od'3 !n a ordG
So much for the 3Q @eadly Sins3, if you're still not convinced e'll no com#are deed to rule in...
3The 45 "ommandments3
!G3Thou Shalt %ave No 1ther *ods Before 2e3-(hat about all those statues of the 3virgin3 2ary0 She
is the one ho has a##eared the most often in visions to ordinary #eo#le. 'nd then there's his 3son3
<esus ho can be found hanging on crosses over the altar of every +-tian church> Hesus has a##eared
in certain #eo#le's visions as ell. !f 3*od3 ants us to orshi# only him, then here is he and hy
hasn't he #unished +-tians for loving his 3son3 and the brat's mother more than him0>0
!!G3Thou Shalt Not 2ake Unto Thee 'ny *raven !mage3- 'gain ! must mention all those statues of
<esus and his mom as ell as all the #aintings and scul#tures and #ictures 2illions of #eo#le ere
crosses and stars of @avid and #endants of 2ary 2agdalene; ho many millions or billions of dollars
have been made on the sale of these albatrosses0 .veryone ho has made or #urchased these
fallacies has yet to be #unished>>>
!!!G3Thou Shalt Not Take The Name 1f Thy $ord Thy *od !n )ain3- %o many #eo#le have said 3*od
damn it>3 or 3Hesus "hrist>3 and are still standing0 8%(%, yer slacking off>
!)G3Remember The Sabbath @ay 'nd Dee# !t %oly3-! have to agree ith Nina/u ?ul on this one; if
you're truly holy,hy ould you need a s#ecific day to orshi# and not orshi# .).R8 day0 !'ve yet
to see 3*od3 #unish anyone for missing church-hell, ! missed church '$1T as a kid and !'m still here>
)G3%onour Thy 2other 'nd Father3-&ersonally, my dad abandoned us as a kid and never #aid a dime
in child-su##ort and my mother is a mentally unstable control freak> (hy should ! honour them0 ! had
to dison my mom for my sanity's sake. They caused me nothing but grief> ! see no #oint in honouring
that> 'nd hat about or#hans ho never even kne their #arents0 (hy should they honour someone
they've never even knon0 No one's been #unished for that one yet either>
)!G3Thou Shalt Not Dill3-8%(%'s #ersonally guilty of this one too. Remember that 3great flood3 that
killed everyone that 3*od3 didn't like0 The destruction of Sodom and *ommorah that occurred
because 3*od3 didn't a##rove of their life-styles0 'nd the oman ho looked back even after having
been told not to and as turned to salt as #unishment0 'll this sim#ly #roves that 8%(% is a cold
blooded murderer>>>
)!!G3Thou Shalt Not "ommit 'dultery3- The im#regnation of the 3virgin3 mary-' 2'RR!.@ (12'N>>>
*uilty again> 'Nough said>
)!!!G3Thou Shalt Not Steal3- 1.k., so it's rong to take items or food and such, right0 But it's o.k. for
8%(% to steal #eo#le aay from their native religions and traditions0 !t's o.k. for his folloers to steal
the lands, ceremonial #laces, languages,rights,and even $!).S from those ho don't orshi# 8%(%0
(hat an asshole>F<erk>
!?G3Thou Shalt Not Bear False (itness 'gainst Thy Neighbor3-(hat about all those #eo#le ho
falsely accused their neighbors of itchcraft during the Salem itch trials0 'nd hat about all those
televangelists ho #ut most of the money they collect in their on #ockets0>0 Not to mention all the
lies the +-tian church has been s#eing for centuries0 'll this #roves once again that +-tianity is a
religion based on lies and hy#ocrisy> 'nd they're all getting aay ith it0 (here's 3*od's3 rath hen
it's needed0>0
?G3Thou Shalt Not "ovet Thy Neighbors %ouse, Nor Thy Neighbors (ife, Nor 'nything That !s Thy
Neighbors3- But it's o.k. for 8%(% to covet 3Thy Neighbors3 orshi#er0Cof other religions0E or 3Thy
Neighbors3 holy #laces0 or 3Thy Neighbors3 traditions0 or 3Thy Neighbors3 language,etc.,etc.,etc.
........8%(% 3covets3 everything and everyone that's not already his> *uilty again>>>
's you can see, 8%(% has either directly or in-directly broken or alloed to be broken ithout
#unishment every Sin and "ommandment he gave humanity to fallo. !n +-tian thinking, isn't it a crime
not only to break any of these las, but to stand by hile they are broken ithout taking action to
#revent the act, or to not #unish those ho have broken the las0 2odern la #unishes siftly hen
the la is broken- the guilty #ersonCsE are #ursued and brought back for #unishment as 7uickly as
#ossible. Then shouldn't 8%(% be the same about his las0 %e isn't because if he does e+ist, he
knos ho guilty and hy#ocritical he really is> %e has broken or alloed to be broken every la he
made> This makes him the biggest 3Sinner3 of all time> 'nd #eo#le say 3*od @amn>30 (hy not say
3@amn *od>3, ! do. Try it out and you'll see ho much more a##ro#riate it sounds>
The Seven S"heres of +e-Creation
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
This is the guide through the Seven S#heres of Re-"reation. This in a sense, is a book of becoming
yourself on a higher #lane than <ust humanity. Nothing in this orld may #revent your ill Cno matter
ho hard they tryE>>> This book ill assist you in the occult universe as ell as in life.
The first is the S#here of $ife.
From the day you are born, you #erform an act of ill. 's you e+it the omb you begin breathing,
hich is the ill to live. (illO2agick. Unfortunately, everyone #asses through this s#here.
The second is the S#here of the Satanic Ba#tismal or !nitiation.
The Ba#tismal is a formal ritual, hich the one being Ba#ti/ed, enters the order and acce#ts hisFher
2agickal name and number, instead of their earthly one> The one being Ba#ti/ed no reali/es they
are above the normal humanity and #asses through the s#here.
The third is the S#here of Fate.
The s#here in hich one reali/es they create their on fate and can take control over their on life.
(hen heFshe begins to attain their goals through their on orkings and on magickal #oers, then
they may #ass through the s#here.
The fourth is the S#here of Dnoledge.
The s#here in hich one studies his occult knoledge at an almost obsessed rate. (hen heFshe has
begun #erforming high magick and even con<urations, then they may #ass through the s#here.
This fifth is the S#here of &oer.
The s#here in hich one commands his ords and demands #oer ithin them. !n this s#here, one
begins to aaken his inner god even further and can obtain almost anything they desire through
hisFher ords. C.ven a slave to their every ord ithout them reali/ing it>E Then they may #ass
through this s#here.
The si+th is the S#here of Hoining the !nfernal Dingdom.
The s#here of the self-sacrifice CS#iritually not #hysicallyE. This is here the you ill #erform a s#ecific
ritual of destruction on yourself>>> 'fter the ritual, if you survive you have #assed through this s#here.
This s#here is a test of #oer, to make sure you have fully dedicated yourself to the #hiloso#hy and
have no reservations.
The seventh is the S#here of the 2agusFUniverse.
The s#here of re-aakening your !nner *od, 4556. This s#here is the most difficult to attain. 'll of the
other s#heres must first be crossed. 8ou 2UST kno even the highest forms of magick. 8ou 2UST
be able to create and #erform rituals flalessly. 8ou 2UST be a #oerful 2agickian and have
attained most of your 2agickal and s#iritual goals. Then you may #ass through this final gate of Re-
Crac%ing the Code of the *eity of Slavery
By @eacon 2askim ?ul
NoteG to vie this #age #ro#erly, you must have Schuelers TT .nochian Font. $ines marked ith an P are
meant to be vieed ith this .nochian font.
S1##OSE* .A,ES O) T!'S *E'T/
The only varying letters are S and % hen #ut together in the .nglish language form a sound like a
thick hiss could this #honetic 3sh3 be the original name for the deity of slavery0 're these other names
codes for the original name0 !f so, the .nochian ould be reversed, so to make this sound it ould
have to a##ear asG
's to ho this hel#s you, that's u# to you. for me, this sure ould be fun for blas#hemic-ty#e rituals and such.
Christian Satanists
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
@uring the recent influ+ of budding your Satanists, ! have seen the Satanic currents tist. ! receive e-
mail daily and am a #art of on e-grou#, to be left unnamed. (hat ! have read from these su##osed
Satanists makes me sick. ! hear all about their #eace, love, tolerance and res#ect to all. 2y stomach
turns. (hat the hell has ha##ened to Satanism0 Thelemites calling themselves Satanists, iccans
and even the occasional kabbalist. (hat the hell is that0 "hristianity seems to have become satanic,
as they too, su##osedly believe in #eace, love, tolerance and res#ect for all.
(e are a grou# of Free Thought Satanists, hoever, satanist is the dominant ord here. 'ny satanist
of any beliefs are elcomed here. %oever, they 2UST be a satanist, not an +tian. &eace cannot be,
until e are truly free to do our ill, here ever e are. $ove is given only to the fe ho deserve it,
not to the masses. Tolerance, N1 1N. tolerates us, so to tolerate others is to turn the other cheek,
hich is a +tian ethic. Res#ect, like love, is only given to the fe ho deserve it, not the masses. To
res#ect all, is to be +tian, iccan and thelemite, not satanic.
!t seems that the hi##y revolution of the mid-4K55's is rising again, as the ne+t ave of Satanists.
(hen the hi##y fad ears off, e ill still be here, and alays be Satanists> ! thought being a Satanist
meant embodying Satanic Thought0 (ith the rest of the +tianFhi##y satanic movement, it is no onder
hy so many get confused about Satanism. 1ne site has real satanic thought, and another saying
love, #eace and ha##iness. ! mean, do these astrels bother to ever read real Satanic $iterature, or
do they <ust like the title0 ! can call myself a Buddhist monk, hoever, my satanic thought ould shine
through. They can call themselves a Satanist, hoever, their hi##yF+tian foolishness ill shine
!t is u# to every Satanist to read as much as #ossible, to eed out these frauds for hat they are. The
true Satanic 2ovement shall rise as a sarm of locusts, and devour the false Satanists.
!ail Satan2 !ail Lcifer2 !ail the Self2 34556
Inner Alchemy
By Atazoth Cthugan
Alchemy takes two forms, external and nternal! "xternal Alchemy s well known, t
s ths alchemy whch the mystcs of ages #ast lad clam to! Wth the $ower of the
external alchemy one could turn lead nto gold, steel nto sl%er, and so on! &t was
always 'ase materal nto ts #urfed form! (hs #urfcaton s also true of the
&nternal Alchemy! (he &nternal Alchemy was ntended to change 'ase man nto #ure
s#rt! )f course the #rocesses of ths are not sm#le, nor are they safe, 'ut t s ths
lack of safety that g%es the &nternal Alchemy ts #ower
(he *ueston of course arses, what are these #rocesses, what s ths art that allows
such a transformaton to occur! (he assum#ton that such #rocesses n%ol%e only acts
of magck s an error! (he &nternal Alchemy s ntended to de%elo# the entrety of the
#erson, and therefore, cannot and s not contaned n the form of and one rtual! &t s a
matter of del%ng nto ones own dark sde, the em'racng of the for'dden that leads
one n the #ath to mastery of ones own self!
(he +astery of )nes own #assons s 'ut the frst ste#, 'ut u#on t we must tarry for
the moment! As e%ery man understands, socety has two sdes the moral one, that
whch s acce#ta'le wthn the confnes that t has set, and the mmoral one, those
acton that are deemed unacce#ta'le wthn socety! +oralty s 'ut a human conce#t
de%elo#ed to control and lmt ones actons, the +agus str%es to ste# 'eyond ths, to
rd hs thnkng of rght and wrong, and to thnk n terms of ,ecessary and
-nnecessary! (o do ths howe%er, he must ex#erence that whch has 'een for'dden,
and understand t! "m'race each new ex#erence and en.oy t, learn form t, 'eneft
from t, and then transcend t! "n.oy lust and the #leasures of the flesh, 'ut do not
'ecome seduced 'y them! &t s each tme we defeat the seducton of the #leasures of
the flesh that we ste# closer to our goal, ths howe%er does not say that we a'andon
those #leasures! Allow nothng to control you!
,o +aster can or wll admt the actons he has taken to a'andon the enchantment of
the flesh, 'ut all ha%e done so, for any acton that 'ecomes re#ett%e and mechancal,
any addcton s a sgn of weakness, as s com#lete a%odance of the stuaton! ,o
acton should 'ecome a fetsh, for that weakens the nd%dual as well! What s t that
s hdden nsde that kee#s one from allowng understandng to flow forth! &t s ths
lack of moral rgdty that #re#ares one for the transton nto a 'eng of radant lght,
a 'eng that str%es to transcend ths world and ts god!
(he #ath of the &nternal Alchemy s the #ath of /ucfer, the +ornng star! &t s the
ascent from earth to the heghts of hea%en, and the attem#t to transcend ths earth! &t s
the ascent 'eyond the chld gods of ths earth to the realty of the greater macrosm,
and the realty of the acausal world!
0or once we were 1ods, so shall we 'e agan2
The Law!!!
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
Wthn ths chrstan world we l%e nothng effects us more then the law of the weak
the law of god! When wll these #eo#le learn there god wll not a%enge for them they
need to take that u#on themsel%es and unto ths make thyself a terror unto your
enemes! /aw s not the thng that sto#s crme 'ut t s the %ery force n whch dr%es
the crmnal element to do so! &f some one wrongs you and they are sentenced to lfe
n .al your tax #ayng dollars go to feed and clothe ths lackey dog! &f law could 'e
wrtten 'y me & would say let the famly of the %ctm 'e the .udge of how to #unsh
ths 'eng who wronged them! But no ths would mean our chrstan rghts would 'e
nfrnged u#on! & say f some one s con%cted of a crme they should lose all legal
rghts and 'e #unshed! &f law contnues to #rotect the crmnal element all that would
'e left s a .um'led mass of rottng cor#ses! When wll we learn that the law of 4lex
talons5 s the only real law and these chrstan sym#athzers need to 'e 'ehnd those
steel 'ars! &f some one ask me what & thnk of law & would say 'ut three
words!!!Execute The Bastards!
The Laws of the Four Princes of Hell
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
6! /o%e those who lo%e you, destroy those who hate you!
7! (he only #ower hgher then +agck s wll!
8! $rase not e%er the weak, nor #ty them, for the weak hnder the strong!
9! Sn s nothng to us, :Sn: or to deny s the true sn!
;! +an s a #redatory anmal, who to sur%%e must de#r%e others of ther 'asc needs!
<! 0ear not e%er death, for t s for'dden to the gods!
=! (o lo%e all s an a'omnaton, hate s n mans nature!
>! He who says :(hou shall not: shall #ersh to those who say :(hou shall:2
?! (ra%el not the #lanes of earth as a fool or sla%e, 'ut as a master of fools and sla%es!
6@! ,e%er regret #erformng a rtual lest t shall 'ackfre!
66! (o kll another s only acce#ta'le through +agck2
Satanism Today
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
The Satanic 2ovement. !t is something that has gron and gron. The 'movement' is so large, that
there are a #lethora of grou#s, that one can #ick and choose from. 'nd ithin these grou#s, some
have banded together, hile others remain silent. 'lso, you have to include the grou#s are magickally
active, and those ho are not.
Unity, a term of alliance. But hat most fail to reali/e, it that unity can be a double-edged sord. There
are good and bad things that come ith it. From hat ! have found, those ho ish to 'unify' are the
same ho ant satanism to become a household name. This is bastardi/ing satanism as e kno it.
This is the direction of the 'movement'. %oever, it is a #i#e dream. There are too many #eo#le in high
#laces of government that ill not allo this to ha##en. They ould cause nothing but #roblems. They
fear us, for they don't understand us. They never ill. !t's as sim#le as that> %oever, e do e+ist and
live our on lives as e see fit. No one can change that in the #rivacy of your on home. (e live our
ords, rather than merely #reach them. There are too many ho say 'this' and 'that' on their ebsites.
%oever, u#on other findings, they state, 3(e are not really like that>3 That is total hy#ocrisy. No,
unity, as in the unifying ith those of similar beliefs can be a good thing. For e+am#leG *rou# rituals,
e+changing ideas and vies, etc...
Satanism is about ego. !t is self serving, first and foremost. There are grou#s out there ho deem it as
the role of a satanist to inform the community of various rong-doing of the government, or other
agency. (hat e are has nothing to do ith #olitics, nor is a satanist, or any that ! kno, care about
hat the government does CUnless it directly affects themself, but other than that...E. There are elected
officials ho do that. 'gain, e are not the community atchdogs.
2agick and Satanism. This varies from grou# to grou#. Some satanists say that magick does not e+ist
and some say it does. Free Thought Satanism allos the use of any magickal form. 1ne entityFs#irit
may ork for one #erson, and not someone else. .very form of magick is useful, once you erase the
control tactics #laced on magick. Three of the most #o#ular control tactics areG The Three-Fold $a,
@o hat thou ilt and harm none, and my #ersonal favorite, $ove &eace and Tolerance. No, there
are also other things, that can constrain a satanist, and ! see these 7uite often. This is hy most
satanic grou#sFindividuals fail or only have #ercentage successG
The $eaders of most grou#s have 2agus-itis. CThe full definition of 2agus-itis is in "ondensed
"haos, by &hil %ine. "ha#ter M.E
They don't kno the basic #rinci#les of magick, let alone the universal #rinci#les. !t is a #ossibility
that some ill kno most of the #rinci#les, but ithout all of them, and the knoledge to a##ly them,
failure or #ercentage success ill ha##en.
These grou#sFindividuals take everything from one source. No, knoledge is everything, and if
someone reads only one book and makes the <udgement that it is the best magick ever, they ill
falter. 'fter all, not all books on the sub<ect of magick are com#letely true, nor ill they contain
everything you need to kno. These individuals also fall under the 2agus-itis category.
The use of only one doctrine and folloing that to the letter, a.k.a. %.R@ 2.NT'$!T8.
The satanic movement has changed. There are those ho identify ith satanism, and there are those
ho live it. !f you are someone looking to <oin a grou# setting, be sure to reali/e this. Reali/e ho you
are yourself, after all, satanism is about the self. Remember, those ho merely identify, ill #ortray
themselves as being. "hoose isely your associations, and be intelligent....B.('R. of %.R@
2.NT'$! is everyhere, in every circle.
hy I am !ot A "hristian###
By /ucd
Yes, at one #ont, & was a Chrstan!!!'ack 'efore & knew how to thnk!!!Why am & not
a Chrstan nowA &tBs %ery sm#le!!!Chrstanty s a sla%e relgon2 :(hou shalt: and
:(hou shall not:A How mndless are you, when you follow a 'ook of lesA When you
'ele%e that a 'ook such as the ''le was ns#red 'y some tyrant god that has 'een
long deadA Co you know how to use your ratonal thnkng a'ltesA
(ake that oh so holy 'ook out!!!really read t! $ay attenton! (here are *ute a few
nconsstences!!!(ake ths one for an exam#le!!!(he ''le condemns ncest! (hs can
'e found n /e%tcus, cha#ter 6>, %erses <D6;! Well, answer me ths!!!How dd all the
#eo#le on the #lanet Eu# untl the tme of the floodF come a'outA Cd they .ust fall out
of thn arA & donBt thnk so2 HereBs the sm#le %ersonG
Adam H "%e I Can, Adam H "%e I A'el
)kay!!!Soon after the murder of A'el, Can left the 1arden of "den for a land east,
whch was known as ,od! & *uote, :(hen Can went away from the #resence of the
/ord and settled n the land of ,od, east of "den! Can knew hs wfe and she
conce%ed and 'ore "noch!: &n case youBd lke to check my *uote, t can 'e found n
1eness, Cha#ter 9, %erses 6< and 6=!
HereBs the nconsstency! Where n the hell dd CanBs wfe come fromA (he only
#eo#le mentoned u# to that #ont are Adam, "%e, Can, and A'el! (hat must mean
that he had a sster that snBt mentoned! Well, 'oys and grls!!!weBre left wth one
#oss'le way to go! Can must ha%e 'een :n%ol%ed wth a sster that doesnBt get any
#u'lcty! (here s no excuse, t cannot 'e ex#laned away!!!
,ow, snBt ncest condemned n /e%tcusA Well, tell me, what s t called when you
ha%e sex wth a relat%eA
,ow, agan, why am & not a ChrstanA
(houghts on relgon Eor a lecture on selfDdece#tonF
0ath, 0ath, 0ath!!!)h, fuck t!!!!What s fathA 0ath s a thng for #eo#le who canBt
co#e wth ther l%es so they run from t, nto a world of 'ullsht!!!&Bm not denyng the
exstence of the unseen or s#rtual!!!& do not ha%e fath n these thngs! & know that
they exst! & ha%e ex#erenced them myself, so there s no need for fath!
0ath n 1odA )h, donBt get me started!!!how many tmes, n my youth, was & on my
knees, #rayng earnestly to such a slly deaA How many tmes dd & rece%e an
answerA (hatBs rght! ,ot one fuckng tme!
Ha%e fath n nothng! Ha%e &deas!
0ath s the enemy of ratonal thought, and ratonal thought s what has ke#t us al%e
ths whole tme!!!ratonal thought s what has caused ad%ancement! 0ath says :.ust
'ele%e:! 3atonal thought says :Jueston! Seek the truth!:
,odern Lciferianism - 'ntrodction
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
By definition $uciferianism could be construed as the orshi# of the deity or arch-ty#e of the energy
named $ucifer. $uciferianism is often misre#resented in the #ublic vie and often mistaken for
Satanism even though true $uciferians ill tell you $ucifer is se#arate from Satan. $uciferianism and
Satanism share some very similar vies and attitudes but are se#arate entities unto themselves.
There are to as#ects to $uciferianism one being @eistic and the other being anti-@eistic both being
acce#table as $uciferian as#ects. (ithin the different sects of $uciferianism there are underlying
#rinci#als hich both adhere to, based on #rinci#als of the four kings of %ell. $iving a life based on the
#rinci#als of the four kings e achieve self-deification. First !'ll start ith the $ucifer #rinci#le than
continue on to the others.
The Lcifer #rinci"le
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
$ucifer's number is nine, nine being the number of #ride as any number nine is multi#lied into returns
to itself. C.+am#leG K+:OS: - SU:OKE $ucifer also being knon as the 3'ngel of #ride3. This re#resents
being #roud of all things e do>
$ucifer's color is blue, blue being the color of the sky and ater re#resenting that $ucifer is all around
and ithin us. That $ucifer is the #rime elementFenergy that motivates and cultivates our orld. 1ther
colors $ucifer is associated ith are hite and silver, so accordingly altar #entagrams must be
surrounded by blue ith a silverFhite #entagram ith a black border CShon on #age E.
$ucifer's element is air, air being that hich allos us to s#eak his ords of truth as his manifestation
on .arth.
$ucifer's direction is the east, east being here a lot of the sacred isdom and the great ars ill
come from. !t as once stated to me by a *ermanic $uciferian that 3a ise 2agickian from &ersia an
'rab ill come and bring ith him the aeon of $ucifer3 or in lay-mans terms the 'ntichrist.
$ucifer's human element is isdom or a##lied knoledge, ith time, study and #ractice it is believed
that man can attain the $ucifer state, this only through a##lied knoledge or isdom.
$ucifer's altar element is incense, incense being a re#resentation of air, knon to $uciferians as
3seet air3.
$ucifer's #lanetary element is )enus, $ucifer being knon as the morning star or first star of morning,
otherise knon as )enus. )enus, knon as the 3&lanet of love3 re#resents the beauty of $u+ Ferre
C$atin for light bearerFbringer or $uciferE.
$ucifer's consortFFemale as#ect is $ilith, $ilith being the first ife of 'dam before becoming the 7ueen
of the damned. !t is said $ilith comes from the mud and the dust and is 7ueen of the SuccubiF$uciferic
(itch. (hen $ucifer and $ilith mate they e7ual the androgynous being knon as 3Ba#homet3 or the
3*oat of 2endes3 also called 3*od of the (itches3. $iliths number is to, also knon as the number of
the eternal female. $ilith is considered an e7ual to $ucifer to some, and the feminine as#ect of $ucifer
himself to others.
$ucifer's highest manifestation is through understanding of oneself, this being the goal of the
2agickianF$uciferian to begin ith, being as $ucifer himself, total aakening of the human god-form
$ucifer. (ithout knoing the self one cannot ho#e to achieve any real understanding of anything else.
'##lied knoledge in action is a #rime e+am#le of $ucifer's manifestation>
The Satan #rinci"le
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
Satan's number is si+, si+ being the number of 3the beast3 re#resenting mans carnal nature being set
free. Releasing the olf ithin if you ant to call it so. Sin no longer e+ists, nothing is sinful but to
deny yourself of #leasure in your Uto#ia.
Satan's color is red, red being the color of emotion, Satan being the guardian of lust, anger,
ha##iness, sadness etcVbeing released.
Satan's element is fire, fire being an a##ro#riate re#resentation of emotional outburst or ritual.
@estruction and lust are the to #rime elements of fire and Satan.
Satan's direction is south, south re#resenting the dissension from *od-hood to the ascension to *od-
hood. "reation of ones Uto#ia.
Satan's human element is anger, lust and #rimal emotion, re#resenting the release of emotion through
se+ or anger and crushing of ones enemies.
Satan's altar element are the candles, "andles re#resenting holding the flame of Satan or emotion,
#rimal man.
Satan's #lanetary as#ect is 2ars, 2ars being the #lanet that re#resents <ustice. @ue to the biblical
story of Satan #unishing the sinners Satan as at times called the 3'venging 'ngel3 or 3'ngel of
Satan's highest manifestation is through CoEmans full release of the carnal ill, self e+#lanatory.
The Leviathan #rinci"le
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
$eviathan's number is three, three being the number of "haos as three can go into si+ and nine but
doesn't have the stability of the number one.
$eviathan's color is blue, blue being the color of the ild oceans untamed, CoEmans carnal side
overcoming himFher, chaos.
$eviathan's element is ater, ater being that hich our human forms are #rimarily created of. This
re#resent the unity of matter and anti-matter, chaos and order, yin ith yang.
$eviathan's direction is est, est being used to re#resent chaos and disorder.
$eviathan's human element is chaos, chaos meaning manifestation of order from the chaos of the
nothing. No longer controlling ones actions, ords etcV and not remembering fragments of time due
to anger or lust are #rime e+am#les of this #rinci#al.
$eviathan's altar element is ater, used in the chalice as a sacrament to or as $eviathan.
$eviathan's #lanet is man or microcosm, re#resenting the bond beteen man and his on lost natural
$eviathan's highest manifestation comes from man reali/ing his on deification, Hust as *od can
create and destroy so can e. Hust as ater is un#redictable and can be calm one moment and
crashing another so are e. That's the gift ofFfrom $eviathan>
The 0elial #rinci"le
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
Belial's number is one, one being the number that re#resents earth and remaining firm to ones
convictions. Bullheadedness in a good ay>
Belial's color is black, black being the color of the #rimordial chaos before the .arth. 2ost $uciferic
sigils have black in them in some form re#resenting the .arth.
Belial's element is .arth, .arth being the element that sustains humanity. The carnal las of man are
dictated by the las of the .arth.
Belial's direction is north, north being the re#resentation of constantly striving forard and u#ard
changing and recreating our Uto#ia bigger and better.
Belial's human element is remaining firm to ones on beliefs, not dancing around in #ools of religious
feces. Finding a #hiloso#hy hich is your on and sticking to it.
Belial's altar element is the incense coal, re#resenting .arth and C(oEmankind holding the flame of
Belial's #lanet is .arth, #reviously e+#lained.
Belial's highest manifestation is through understanding and living the natural las of our carnal self,
self e+#lanatory.
'ntrodction- contined.
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
To the $uciferian nothing comes before the self and its develo#ment and #rogress into the ne or
3manifested self3. (e constantly strive to im#rove our-self and our 3Uto#ia3 to live the only life e'll
have to the fullest and s#it on those ho do little yet e+#ect big things to ha##en. (e eliminate all
hom are #arasites from our uto#ia, deeming them dead and forgetting their e+istence. $uciferians
are by nature very solitary even hen ithin a grou# such as the "hurch of $ucifer. *rou# activity
#rimarily consists of lectures on traditional $uciferian magick and religion as ell as the occasional
ceremonial ritual held on holidays. !t is because of our solitary nature and individuality that e do not
e+#ect every $uciferian to 3$ove thy brother3 as the "hristians, (iccans and even some $uciferic and
Satanic grou#s do. .ven a fe $uciferians are real 3'WW-%oles3 ho even ! can't stand, let alone love
like a brother. !'ll leave the 3sacred brotherhoods3 to the "hristians, 2asons, (iccans etcV !n my
Uto#ia very fe and select are orthy of love, more are orthy of my hate, ! find brotherhoods in the
$.%.& a ridiculous notion based on a need for acce#tance and a 3Thrill or adventure3.
$uciferian #hiloso#hy is very anti-outsiders, select family and friends are all hom make u# each
individual $uciferian family. Friends often being more like a member of the family rather than an
ac7uaintance or someone of use. .verything in your Uto#ia is a manifestation of your on ill, for
good or bad. !f you let someone use or take advantage of you, don't com#lain about it later, eliminate
them like the #arasite they are. Tell them you no longer ill let them feed off of you and you don't ant
them around you any longer, erase them from your e+istence. !f you ant more money get a better
<ob, or higher education to be #aid more, the eight of your on e+istence is in your hands. This total
res#onsibility of the creation and maintenance of your Uto#ia is hat frightens off most #eo#le, e're
not most #eo#le> $uciferians come from all alks of life, from blue to hite collar orkers striving to
make their on lives more fruitful and #leasant and ho don't mind ste##ing on toes to get there. (e
do not believe in a#athy, self-destructive behaviors, loving everyone, killing C&hysicallyE in the name of
the "1$, Satan, $ucifer or something else self-delusional. (e are after all sim#ly, Social Realists and
32anifested self - The self once all $uciferian #rinci#als are adhered to, the manifestation of aFthe
s#irit through the self or a higher self3
3Uto#ia - everything that is around you that has some form of im#act on you or your life. (e create our
Uto#ia by kee#ing the select fe around us ho are orthy of our love, getting your ideal <ob and or
accom#lishment or recognition of ones natural skills. Sim#ly living the life e most desire and dream
Lciferianism7 +eligion of Li&eration
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
The term religion, is ell misunderstood by most. Religion is sim#ly #hiloso#hy in #ractice, in everyday
life. Religion is often also knon as being s#iritual. $uciferians are s#iritual, even if they don't believe
in a manifested s#irit. S#iritualism comes from the Self-Reali/ation and res#onsible action, as all
things in your universe are a manifestation of the ill. $uciferians are res#onsible Social Realists,
hich shos a root ithin a s#iritual com#ound. 2orality and s#irituality are hat $uciferianism is and
as founded on. 2orals ill vary from #erson to #erson. %oever, hatever fulfills one s#iritually or
internally, is indeed a ork of their morals. $iberation is the cornerstone of $uciferianism. $iberation of
the entire self. $iberation of the s#irit, ill and mind, total freedom of the self in #urest form of $uciferic
e+#ression. (hile all other religions deny liberation, e are the embodiment of it. Res#onsibility must
also be stressed hen s#eaking of liberation.
Res#onsibility is learned once one reali/es all things, bad or good, that ha##ens in one's life is his on
doing. There is no retarded 3three-fold la3 or 3leash3 to chain us don like dogs. %oever, if one
needs money, get a <ob. !f one is unha##y at ork, change <obs to something more #leasing. Never
blame others for #roblems in your life.
The acknoledgment of the ego in magick is really the only difference beteen su##osed 3black
$uciferic3 magick and hite magick. !n reality, hen a hite 2agickian heals someone, they feel good
inside, hence, hy they do it. .ven if hite magickians deny it, they also use magick ith ego. 2agick
is <ust magick. To label it 3black3 or 3hite3 is folly. 2agickal $a, much like human nature, is
$uciferianism focuses on Self-Reali/ation, Self-@eification and Self-"ultivation, and is by nature,
solitary. Though $uciferianism is solitary, grou# #ractice is encouraged, so one can meet others in the
same religion and learn from one another. $ucifer, being a bringer of isdom, ould best be
re#resented through others ho have a constant thirst for knoledge. ' burning #assion for life is
hat drives us toard our studies and magickal #erfection. Through solitary #ractice, !'ve learned
more about myself and am able to see myself for the first time. Through grou# #ractice, !'ve learned
much more about religion and all forms of magick.
Being a $uciferian is much, much more than a title or a label. !t is toards the totality of all forms of
liberation. !t is the intentional act of Self-'ccusation and final #erfection. There is a life long dedication
to the self and to isdom for one to be called a $uciferian. False emotion and martyrdom must be
eradicated, as ell as false egotism for one to be called a $uciferian. Finally, the term $uciferian can
never be given to one ith the folloing attributesG
Someone ho s#eaks ithout action.
Someone ho blames others for their on faults.
Someone ho has no thirst of life or knoledge.
Someone ho cares little about them self.
Someone ho is afraid or hesitant of total liberation.
Someone ho thinks $uciferianism is their ay or no ay. $uciferianism and $uciferic Thought should
never be systemati/ed or standardi/ed to the #oint of alienation of individual thought.
Someone ho thinks that they're 3evil3. .vil and *ood are creations of "hristianity, not of individual
Someone ho feels as though they need to talk, act or dress a certain ay.
Someone ho feels the orld treats them so horribly so in turn they ada#t the ! don't care about
anything attitude 3'#athy3.
The Lciferic !rricane
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
!n the ne millennium, our country ill have itnessed the undoing of organi/ed religion as the orld
floods, burns, and ra#idly de#letes into a more original #rimal state and "hristianity falls as #eo#le
reali/e they cannot be saved. The orld has already itnessed many of these things over the #ast fe
years and they ill continue to orsen and gro more fierce as time #asses. 8ou may ask hy ! bring
this to your attention0 The anser is sim#le, as the orld drifts into there more survivalist state they
ill reali/e there is no caring, forgiving *od guiding them and those that still do cling to the cross are
fools> ' ar is currently being fought and has been fought for centuries no, the ar is going on
around the orld, it has many faces and many names, my favorite is urban blithe. 's our orld moves
more toards an industrial environment and as the o-/one de#letes more ra#idly by the day the
storms and floods ill continue to get orse. 's our orld moves more toards a home like city
atmos#here the crime rate ill rise to an all time high, this is hat ! call the 3The *reat $uciferic
%urricane3. (hy you may ask0 1nce again the anser is sim#le and right in front of your face, the
very essence of $uciferianism the foundation of it is based around survival of the fittest.
This is here $uciferic ethics ill reign and the so-called 3*ood "hristian .thics3 ill #rove useless.
"hristianity is only in #lace to #rotect those to eak to #rotect themselves, ith there love all attitude
and 3forgiveness is divine3 cra# that has no #lace in our orlds future, yet many ill disagree and call
it the 3Hudgment day of *od3 in reality it is a 3*reat $uciferic %urricane3 taking #lace here your very
life may de#end on $uciferic ethics, not the eak "hristian teachings. %eed these ords for as the
time gros nearer to the due date you ill need to look back and reali/e hat as right all along, and
hat as force fed into your minds by your #arents and the HeF"hristian controlled mass media on
the old boob tube. Some may say !'m a bit #aranoid and they are correct but if you look at the nes
#a#er or atch the nes you ill see everything ! have told you is coming true right before your very
eyes, this sounds a bit more like concerned then #aranoid if you ask me> The fall of "hristianity is
obvious and the rise of a ne $uciferic age is u#on us, stand forth and s#eak your mind for no is the
time to #re#are for the silent ar>>>>>
8alvation for 8ale
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
8es you to can be saved for a small donation to your local "hristian "hurch, or this is hat the
hy#ocritical "hristian &riests ill sell you. There are T.) evangelists everyhere you look no a days
talking about ho your soul can be saved and ho they can heal your illnesses and all they ask for is
a donation to the "hurch. !n reality they have no real #oer and it has all been a #loy to make those
eak minded enough, to give u# their hard earned money to that #articular "hurch or organi/ation. !
have itnessed this first hand, for starters there are Benny %inn, 1ral Roberts, R.( Schambach and
countless others that ill sell you your salvation through your television set and claim the money you
send ill only go to hel# there "hurch. %ave you ever seen a T.) evangelist ith a shabby home0 !
ask hy if money is the root of all evil do they so long for this evil, even beg for it0 They claim they are
a "hurch so that they are ta+ e+em#t and can kee# all the money they take from eak minded
"hristians, yet if the "hurch of $ucifer ere to try to become ta+ e+em#t it ould be laughed at, ! say
hy, e are a "hurch0 Ta+ them all than>>>
'ctually the anser is sim#le, "hristians kee# to "hristians and only do for "hristians it is religious
discrimination but the government ill call it something different or claim e are a cult not a "hurch
because the government is a cess#ool of one huge "hristian #ile of dung. No thinking, rational,
intelligent human being ould buy there salvation so to s#eak, also no rational human ould believe
in the garbage #reached by these self-righteous idiots> But than again, most "hristians believe in a big
old man in the sky #ulling every ones strings and having 3magickal se+3 ith virgins here *od
actually has a 3magickal child3 ho can alk on ater and ho died to absolve every ones sins>
Sounds like a story ! ould have made u# as a child and not something ! ould e+#ect gron adults to
adhere and believe in.
)or S"heres of the Elements
By Rev. 2askim ?ul
This is somehat of an elemental balancing. !t re7uires a good deal of visuali/ation and is meant to be
more of a #sychological effect; to give a feeling of balance. 8ou must visuali/e each element as a
s#here of itself and take it ithin. 8ou can say aloud the ritings belo concerning the s#heres or you
may <ust visuali/e them. (hichever orks best should be done.
The .arth S#here is to the North and is ruled by Di. 'ra Di>
The 'ir S#here is to the .ast and is ruled by .nlil. 'ra .nlil>
The Fire S#here is to the South and is ruled by *ibil. 'ra *ibil>
The (ater S#here is to the (est and is ruled by Nammu. 'ra Nammu>
There is and could be no s#here or control of .nergy, hich is "haos. !t is hat the S#heres of the
.lements revolve around and it #ermeates them all. 8ou must feel the base of all things #ermeate
yourself and everything around you. (hen you feel at one, take a dee# breath and you are done.
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
2agick cannot be condensed into merely one volume of ork, it has a broader #ers#ective than that.
8et, ! ill kee# this essay short, <ust to give the initiate somehat of an idea of our orkings. 1ur
magick has a dee# base in @raconianF'stral orkings. !nitiates of our 1rder ill find the basics of our
magick more difficult than some of our high magick due to a singular #ointG The beginning of any ones
magickal <ourney is a rocky one, to say the least. The initiate must be able to control hisFher mind and
body com#letely before heFshe can move any further. To #ro#erly #erform any ty#e of magick, the
initiate must have strong mental focus, devoid of any distractions or emotions but the desired effect.
For magick to be orked #ro#erly, the initiate must not have mental #roblems, or the end result could
be horrifying and damaging to both the initiate and the 1rder.
3Black 2agick3, as it is coined, has the sole #ur#ose of self gratification, as o##osed to 3(hite
2agick3, hich is used in the gratification of others. The 2agick of the 3$eft hand #ath3 is a form of
Black 2agick and 3Torelian 2agick3 is a form of the $eft %and &ath. Torelian magick is not the only
s#ectrum of the occult universe e study, but it is our #rimary focal #oint. 3Torelia3 is a #lane of travel !
found during astral #ro<ection. !t is multifaceted in it's use. ! have #erformed con<urations ith 455
#ercent clarity, hich is something ! had been struggling ith for some time. ! have aakened my
inner god, and ! have s#oken ith the s#irits of the dead CNecromancyE.
The occult's uses are in tact for the #rimary use to seek vast knoledge, or <ust knoledge of one's
self. !t is a vast universe filled ith many obstacles along the ay. 'fter these hurdles, so to s#eak,
are <um#ed, the orld is yours to e+#lore. 'nd hat a fascinating #lace it could be>>>
The Altar
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
!n this te+t, you ill find the basics of setting u# a #ro#er altar and hat the s#ecific items on the altar
re#resent. 8ou can also customi/e your altar to s#ecify your #articular deity'sE or #hiloso#hy, as ell
as adding a #ersonal touch. Find things hich re#resent you and incor#orate them to your altar as
"andles-"andles are used to re#resent the element of fire, and if the #ro#er colors are used, can also
re#resent the four elements of nature as a holeG
(hite - 'irF&urity
Red - FireF"arnal .motion
Black - .arthFSolidness
Blue - (aterF!nner *od
!ncense-This one is u# to you or your tradition. Some use scents for s#ecific needs or rituals. !ncense
re#resent the element of air.
The 'ltar Bell-The bell is used to sho #oer at the end of a 7uote. !t is used to generate the
2agickal 'tmos#here
@agger or (and-The and is used hen ever the dagger cannot be, such as in #ublic rituals. Both
are used to cast your energies out to a s#ecific #oint and to dis#el forceful or angered s#irits.
Salt-Salt is used only to re#resent the element of earth.
(ater-This ones self e+#lanatory of hat it re#resents
The "halice-Filled ith ine or another #leasing beverage CNon-"arbonatedE is used as a sacrament.
Sigil or Symbol-S#ecific symbols are used in certain rituals to re#resent the goals of the ritual taking
#lace. 8our main sigil above your altar should re#resent you, your religion or #hiloso#hy, and should
be something you identify ith C&entagram, %e+agram, =uadragram etc..E
Sulfur-The sent hich hen burnt is #leasing to most s#irits and deities, and should be s#rinkled on
to# of ritual offerings
Bol-Used to #lace offerings, divination and to burn sulfur.
(hat is *emonology?
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
@emonology is the study of demons. This entails many as#ects, in hich research is essential. The
more resources one has, the more you can learn. %oever, reading books is not the only ay to
(hen using book references about demons, you must remember that the attributes of the demon, can
and ill vary. .ach author had different e+#eriences ith them, and notated these e+#eriences. .ach
demon does many things, not <ust one thing in #articular. (hen researching various demons, there
are a fe books that immediately come to mind ith most #eo#le are 3The Deys of Solomon the Ding3
and 3The *oetiaG The $esser Deys of Solomon the Ding3. These can be good references, but they are
not the only ones. Remember, there are many religions out there that have their on #antheons. ' lot
of #eo#le tend to ignore these other grou#s because they are still blinded by the +tian ethic of hat a
demon is. @emonology is the study of demons; that means all demons, no matter here they come
To further one's study of demons, and their nature, is to ork ith them. *ranted, various te+ts give
detailed information about these demons, but the only ay to truly kno is to ork ith them yourself.
@emons have been around longer than +tianity. The Sumerians even had demons and they #redate
+tianity by at least S555 years.
The Basic Theories of $a%ic&
Wth 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
&n magck there are 'asc #rnc#les whch must 'e followed n order to ache%e your
desred results #ro#erly! +agck has f%e man com#onents n whch the +agus must
ncor#erate nto hs workngs! (he com#onents are as followsG
Wll D (he W&// s the %ery lfeforce n whch all lfe s go%erned under! (he :W&//
() /&V": 'eng the #rme exam#le of ths +agckal theory2 W&// s not sm#ly a
want or need, t s a dr%ng force wthn all manknd, t s defnatly and nfnate n all
tBs #oss'ltes2
C),C",(3A(&), D You need to 'e a'le to focus your wll wholelly on the goal n
whch you are attem#tng to ache%e, to do so you need :Concentraton:! &n
Ceremonal +agck you cast your wll and :"nerges: towards the a##onted s#rts
sgl useng concentraton!
&+A1"3Y D You need to know the sglBs and or sgns n whch to use n magck!
&magry s %ery m#ortant to the magus 'ecause t re#resents the sum total of hsKher
'elef system! (he Ba#homet s a #owerful sgl n whch s used n Satanc +agck,
the #entagram, sglBs from %arous sources etc!!!&n all cases you need the #ro#er
mages n order to work magck2
&+A1&,A(&), Eand or sght wthout sghtF D (hs sm#le a'lty goes wthout sayng
s one of the most m#ortant factors n magck! &n ceremonal +agck you need to
en%son the magckal crcle as 'eng an all encom#assng rng of fre or lt a'laze
wth colored lghts of all hues! Also you must 'e a'le to en%son the $entagram you
draw out wth your hand as to #rotect yourself from angered s#rts!
","31Y D "nergy s (H" +)S( m#ortant factor n magckal #ractce2 Wthout the
energy to go forth nto the rtual your magck wll surly fal! (here are many ty#es of
energes you wll deal wth and encounter n magck, some male%olent some
'ene%olent! (o add greater understandng to the new magus & wll call these energes
act%e and #ass%e! Act%e energes are what you use to cast forth the actual rte n
#rogress towards your ntended goal! $ass%e energes are usually energes g%en as
:offerngs: to %arous godforms Eae! Blood, talsman etc!!!F! &n any case all energes
durng rtual are #resent and used2
,ow that the #rme com#onents of magck ha%e 'een dscussed, & wll further mo%e
nto the lnk n whch they all share! 0rst you must recognze the reason for
#erformng the rtual and 'e a'le to tell f the rte wll 'e done whole heartedly, ths s
the W&//! ,ext you wll concentrate your wll and act%e energes towards the magry
to accom#lsh your W&//! ,ext you take your #ass%e energes and offer t to the
godforms 'efore the magry n return for you and the s#rts unon towards workng
your W&//! All thngs n magck flow nto one another from a 'asc startng #ont to a
com#lex end! (he %ery com#onents of magck for the 'egnner are the same
com#onents used 'y e%en the hghest magus, howe%er the hgh magus recognzes and
has mastered ther a##lcaton!
What & want each and e%ery one of you to do s to wrte a short thess on exactly what
the term :Whole hearted: means and how t effects the W&//! )nce your thess s
com#lete send t to satrnahLmnds#rng!com from that eDmal address we wll look t
o%er and ,)( grade t, 'ut tell you #rme as#ects of what you need to correct!
!o9 to ,a%e a 0o9l for )lame Tas%s
By o.n.m -i.s.i.s.i.o- Saskatulsaa SQ t 5
&ersonally, ! #refer to use clay since ! am an earth symbol. But, metal can ork Couch hot>E, ood
CflammableE, glass Chot once againE, so like ! said clay ill ork. ! made mine from hand and kilned it
myself on a outing into the forests. 8ou can inscribe sigils and hat have you on it. These all ill add
u# to the desired effect so make sure you inscribe good ones. &rocure some #archment #a#er, its
e+#ensive yes, but it burns good. &rocure a candle, #referably black or hatever color if your #ersonal
favorite. *et some cool incense you <ust love or really re#ulses you.
No, take some of the #archment and burn it, like M #ieces is good. Hust #ut all the ashes in the bol
and crumble them u#. 8ou may ant to rite sigils on there. No, this is the #art that you have to do
right. %ave a half #iece of #a#er ready in your hand, and the candle and start to really #our the a+
into the ashes, remember try and kee# the a+ there hot don't let it solidify. 'fter you got a good
amount, di# the #a#er in your other hand in really good. 8ou ont get it all at first, so <ust tear off hat
you did manage to get di##ed in a+. Try also not to make the a+ coating too heavy, a light coat ill
1nce finished ith all the #a#er you ant or need, cut it into small #ieces. .m#ty the ashes out of the
bol and #lace the nely cut #ieces in C!'d #ut like cedar or other ood chi#s in also, shaved don, for
e+tra fire#oerE. &ut some incense in if you ant and light it u#. This ill burn for a good amount of
time and hen you start doing your thing, that fire ill dance around and have a 3good ol' time3.
This has many #ur#oses, think of your on>>>
Chaos ,agic%
by Rev. Satrinah Nagash
To have success in chaos magick, it is all de#endant on your degree of mastery of the magickal
trances and metamor#hosis. !nitiate chaos magick includes three ays, ritual, sigils and dreaming.
Ritual - This is a combination of the use of talismanic ea#onsCmagickal ea#on, dagger, and, etc.E,
gesture, visuali/ed sigils, ord s#ells and magickal trance. 1ne thing that is essential for beginners in
chaos magick is to have an effective banishing ritual. ' good banishing ritual ill #re#are you for
magick concentration more ra#idly than any of the magickal trances alone, hoever, you do need to
utili/e or kno the techni7ue of magickal trance before doing banishing rituals. The reason for this is
that, if your mind doesnt kno hat to do hen re7uested, at a more ra#id #ace, you ill not reach the
magickal trance. This also enables the magickian to resist obsession if #roblems are encountered
during dreaming or sigils becoming conscious. !t also #rotects you from hostile occult influences that
may be #resent.
To develo# the Banishing Ritual, you ill need a magickal ea#on. To do the ritual, these are the
suggessted re7uirements. First, describe a barrier about yourself ith the magickal ea#on CgestureE.
'lso, strongly visuali/e this barrier, three dimensional barriers are #referred, hoever it is your
#reference alone on ho you describe it. Ne+t, you focus your ill on a visuali/ed image, for e+am#le,
the magickal ea#on, or third eye, or a ball of light inside your head, etc. ' sound concentration can
be used additional, or alternatively. Third, the barrier is reinforced ith the magickal ea#on. This
could be a : #ointed star or #entagram, or the eight #ointed star of chaos, or any form, also, you can
use ords of #oer as ell. 'nd finally, you sto# thinking, to enter the magickal trance. That is a
sim#le yet effective Banishing ritual.
Sigils - There are three #arts to o#erating a sigil. The sigil is constructed, the sigil is lost to the mind,
the sigil is charged. !n constructing a sigil, the idea is to #roduce a gly#h of desire, styli/ed so it doesnt
immediatly suggest the desire. !t is not neccessary to use com#le+ systems here. 1ne ay by ord
method, rite don a sentence, and delete all re#eated letters. Rearrange letters so that they are
connected in a #icture, to give a #ictoral sigil. &icture method, dra your desire the best you can, but
sim#le. Cno coloring, no shading, <ust linesE and then you can straighten out the lines making
geometric sha#es from the original #icture, so that you cannot tell hat the desire originally as. This
ill then lose it to the mind if you let it. To successfully do this, you need to banish it from aking
consciousness. Sometimes the sigil can be burnt, buried, or cast into the sea. The sigil is charged at
the moments hen the mind is has achieve #ure concentration through magickal trance, or hen high
emotionality #araly/es its normal function. Then concentration on the sigil in the mind as long as
#ossible, it is ise to banish it by evoking laughter.
To move on in "haos 2agick, one needs to have some sort of mastery in the 2agickal Trances. This
section ill cover ritual, sigils and dreaming. 'lso, it is necessary to make yourself familiar ith at least
one system of divination, hoever the system you choose should not involve too much randomness.
C'strology is N1T recommendedE (hatever symbolic system or tools you use, they are merely tools
to am#lify or act as a rece#tacle for your inner ability. Thus, one #erson may choose the Thoth Tarot
@eck, and another chooses the Rider-(aite @eck. .ach #erson is doing the e+act same thing ith
these deck, hoever the symbolism may be different, the card are #erforming the same act for each
res#ective magickian, ithin that magickians' symbolic systems.
Ritual is a combination of the use of talismanic ea#ons Cdaggers, andsE, gesture, visuali/ed sigils,
ord s#ells and magickal trance. Before moving to sigils and dreaming, you must have an effect
Banishing Ritual. The Banishing Ritual has the folloing effectsG !t #re#ares you for magickal
concentration faster than any trance e+ercise you may do, and it also enables one to resist obsession
if #roblems ith various e+#eriences occur and it #rotects you from any hostile occult influences that
may occur. ' ma<or #art is the magickal ea#on. !t should be something that is im#ressive to the
mind, and also re#resent one's as#irations. !t is a ma<or advantage to make your on magickal
ea#on, or find one in some odd or strange ay. To develo# a banishing ritual, you need a magickal
ea#on. 8ou need to describe the barrier around you and visuali/e it ithin your mind. 8ou can add
sound concentration at this time as ell. Finally, the barrier is reinforced ith symbols of #oer.
(ords of #oer may also be used. Then the magickian voids, by sto##ing thought.
Sometimes, you need something that cannot be gotten through normal channels. !t is sometimes
#ossible to bring about the re7uired coincidence by the direct intervention of the ill #rovided that this
does not #ut too great a strain on the universe. The mere act of anting is rarely effective as the ill
becomes involved in a dialogue ith the mind; therefore magickal ability becomes diluted. (hat
ha##ens then, the desire becomes #art of the ego com#le+ and then becomes an+ious of failure. The
ill not to fulfill desire arises to reduce fear of failure. Then, the original desire is a mass of conflicting
ideas. 1ften the ished for result only ha##ens hen the desire is forgotten. This is hat makes sigils
and most forms of magick ork. Sigils ork because they stimulate the ill to ork subconsciously,
by#assing the mind. 2agickal Trance hel#s in by#assing the mind.
!n using sigils, there are three #arts. 4. The sigil is constructed, 9. The sigil is lost to the mind and M.
The sigil is charged. (hen you construct a sigil for use in chaos magick, you are #roducing a sigil of
your desire, but styli/ed to not immediately suggest the desire. "om#le+ symbol systems are not
necessary. (ords, images or sounds can construct these sigils. The sub<ect matter of the s#ells is
arbitrary and not recommended. To successfully lose the sigil, both the sigil and the associated desire
must be banished from aking consciousness. 1ne ay to achieve this is by forceful turning of
attention to other matters. The sigil sometimes may be burnt, buried or cast into the ocean. (ord
s#ells can be lost by constant re#etition. This eventually em#ties the mind of the associated desire.
The sigil becomes charged hen the mind has reached the #eak of magickal trance, or during high
emotionality #araly/es its normal functioning. This is hen the sigil is concentrated on, as a mental
image, mantra or dran form. Times hen sigils may be chargedG during magickal trance, great
elation, fear, anger andFor embarrassment. 'fter holding the sigil in the mind, banish it ith laughter. '
record of sigil ork should be ke#t, but not in a ay that could cause deliberation or thought over
sigili/ed desire.
The transmutation of the mind to magickal consciousness has often been called the *reat (ork. !ts
far reaching #ur#ose is to find the True (ill. 2etamor#hosis is an e+cercise in illed restructuring of
the mind. 'll attem#t to reorgani/e the mind involve a duality beteen conditions as they are, and the
#referred condition. Religions are based on the lie that one can or ought to have one or the other, say,
<oy and sin, according to them you can have <oy ithout having sin, but the duality in nature #roves
that rong, that is hy everyone is a sinner> 'nyay, %igh magick recogni/es the dualistic condition
but does not care hether life is bitterseet or seet or sour; rather it seeks to achieve any
#ers#ective at ill.
'ny state of mind might be chosen for transmutation, but there are s#ecific virtues to the ones given.
The first, breaks the tension, and clears the air after magickal trance, hich is $aughter. The second is
a s#ecific agains obsession ith the magickal #ractices in the third section, that is non-attachement
and non-disinterest.
'ttaining these states of mind is accom#lished by a #rocess of ongoing meditation. 1ne tries to enter
the s#irit of the condition henever #ossible. 8ou ant to utter feel the s#irit of the emotions or
thoughts. 'nd you think of the desired result at other times. By this method a ne mental habit can be
$aughter is the highest emotion, for it can contain any of the other emotions, from ecstacy to grief.
"rying is only an underdevelo#ed for of laughter. The trick ith laughter is, to laugh at all things, even
in neutral and ghastly events. Though at first, it may be forced, hoever one can learn to smile
inardly at all things.
Non attachment and non disinterest best describes the magick condition of acting ithout lust of
result. !t is very difficult for most to decided on something, then do it #urely for its on sake. 8et it is
#recisely this ability hich is re7uired to e+ecute magickal acts. 1nly single #ointed aareness ill do.
'ttachement is both #ositive and negative, for aversion is its other face. 'ttachment ton ones
#ersonality, ambitions etc. ill #rove limiting in time. 1n the other hand, it is fatal to lose com#lete
interest in these things, for they are ones symbolic system or magickal reality. By denying the hand
that s#oils and touching the magickal reality lightly, then you ill gain enough freedom to act.
To have success in chaos magick, it is all de#endant on your degree of mastery of the magickal
trances and metamor#hosis Clast classE. !nitiate chaos magick includes three ays, ritual, sigils and
Ritual - This is a combination of the use of talismanic ea#onsCmagickal ea#on, dagger, and, etc.E,
gesture, visuali/ed sigils, ord s#ells and magickal trance. 1ne thing that is essential for beginners in
chaos magick is to have an effective banishing ritual. ' good banishing ritual ill #re#are you for
magick concentration more ra#idly than any of the magickal trances alone, hoever, you do need to
utili/e or kno the techni7ue of magickal trance before doing banishing rituals. The reason for this is
that, if your mind doesnt kno hat to do hen re7uested, at a more ra#id #ace, you ill not reach the
magickal trance. This also enables the magickian to resist obsession if #roblems are encountered
during dreaming or sigils becoming conscious. !t also #rotects you from hostile occult influences that
may be #resent.
To develo# the Banishing Ritual, you ill need a magickal ea#on. To do the ritual, these are the
suggessted re7uirements. First, describe a barrier about yourself ith the magickal ea#on CgestureE.
'lso, strongly visuali/e this barrier, three dimensional barriers are #referred, hoever it is your
#reference alone on ho you describe it. Ne+t, you focus your ill on a visuali/ed image, for e+am#le,
the magickal ea#on, or third eye, or a ball of light inside your head, etc. ' sound concentration can
be used additional, or alternatively. Third, the barrier is reinforced ith the magickal ea#on. This
could be a : #ointed star or #entagram, or the eight #ointed star of chaos, or any form, also, you can
use ords of #oer as ell. 'nd finally, you sto# thinking, to enter the magickal trance. That is a
sim#le yet effective Banishing ritual.
Sigils - There are three #arts to o#erating a sigil. The sigil is constructed, the sigil is lost to the mind,
the sigil is charged. !n constructing a sigil, the idea is to #roduce a gly#h of desire, styli/ed so it doesnt
immediatly suggest the desire. !t is not neccessary to use com#le+ systems here. 1ne ay by ord
method, rite don a sentence, and delete all re#eated letters. Rearrange letters so that they are
connected in a #icture, to give a #ictoral sigil. &icture method, dra your desire the best you can, but
sim#le. Cno coloring, no shading, <ust linesE and then you can straighten out the lines making
geometric sha#es from the original #icture, so that you cannot tell hat the desire originally as. This
ill then lose it to the mind if you let it. To successfully do this, you need to banish it from aking
consciousness. Sometimes the sigil can be burnt, buried, or cast into the sea. The sigil is charged at
the moments hen the mind is has achieve #ure concentration through magickal trance, or hen high
emotionality #araly/es its normal function. Then concentration on the sigil in the mind as long as
#ossible, it is ise to banish it by evoking laughter.
The 'aily (itual of (e)Awa&enin%
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
(hs s a small rtual to start or end your day wth! &t s 'ased on Affrmaton of your
nner self! &t wll en#ower you wth ex#los%e energes towards your day! (hs n tself
s a form of SelfDCefcaton rte2
,o real #re#aratons need to 'e made, 'ut f you ha%e a crown t may come nto #lay!
0rst close your eyes and clear your mnd of thought! Slow your 'reathng down and
n%son your self floatng n a #lane of nothngness, a %od! You fall downward onto a
throne of gold and .ewels! Whle on your throne, a whole host of ser%ents a##ear
'efore you kneelng, and you say to themG
:)tahl elasad 'a'age! Who a'out you may take away my throneA ,),"222 & am the
truest l%ng god who may destroy or create all thngs wth my workngs! & rule ths
:As & regn a'o%e:
:So & rule 'elow:
EH* AB+*
A 'edication (ite
,-emi)Pu.lic /ersion0
By Ceacon +askm
(hs s a small SumeranD'ased rte to n%oke the #ower of the #rme%al source from
whch all thngs came and to whch all thngs shall e%entually return! Co not commt
to ths unless you are #re#ared to deal wth the %ery source of all thngs, and know
that you can 'e consumed 'y the chaos whch t holds! /ke anythng else, donBt
commt yourself to t unless you want t!
ncense, candles, and an altar Efor #re#aratonF sword Efor rte, to #ro.ect energy
$re#araton 3teG
set your altar u# how you would for any #re#araton rte!
use the #urfcaton rtual of your choce! medtate on your %ew of the A'zu untl you
feel almost at one wth the feelng! then, you may #roceed outdoors Ea feld would 'e
'est 'ut anythng a%ala'le wthout dstur'ance wll suffceF to where the rte wll 'e!
"hu A'zuG
under the dark moon at a##roxmately 8A+, draw your
sword and #roclamG
a a'zu2 ehu z xul2
n%oke the feelng you attaned n your #re#araton!
z dngr a'zu ehu kan#a2
a zu zu k
a zu zu an
a zu zu gr
a zu zu a
a zu zu z
amaushumgalanna ehu
z uruku #eta
a'zu ehu #eta kan#a2
a'zu er' kangra2
a'zu er' kangra2
a'zu er' kangra2
& am your %essel, through me thou shalt do thy wll2
then slam sword nto ground shoutngG
&A ABM-2
and do not 'ansh ths rte for t would defeat the goal!
hy the 'e1il2 Im3ro1ise###
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
& ha%e 'een feelng a 't weary of the recent u#rsng of *uestons as to why, f we are
o#en to all forms of the )ccult, do we focus on the de%l! (o answer sm#ly 4E
'5!6T4222 "%erythng, #hloso#hy and rtual wse, has 'een 'ult around d%ersty
for the student! (o #ractce the scence of +agck, you must ha%e an magnaton! &
#ersonally fnd my 'elefs n the darker sde of the s#ectrum n /ucferansmKYezd,
hence & wrte lterature whch shows ths! Yet, all mem'ers are not what mght 'e
coned as /ucferans or de%l worsh#ers EWhch & am ha##y a'outF! So, say for
nstance, your a :Setan:! Curng the :SelfD&ntaton: rtual you can choose to change
the #art where you are 'lessed 'y the 9 $rnces to look somethng lke thsN
Blow out a sngle candle and say :By Set, 'e 'lessed 'y darkness: :Oe#er: :Mora'a:
You must sm#ly use your magnaton to fxate the rtual to your #ersonal detes or
#hloso#hy! Also the altar may 'e changed to your 'elefs, we *ute sm#ly g%e you
the exam#le to follow! (he choces are u# to you! But remem'er, magnaton s the
key to unlockng +agckal #otental222
Banishin% (itual of the Penta%ram
By Atazoth Cthugan
Begn wth the Call of the Aethyrs En "nochan, "nglsh ncluded for referenceF
0acng east Een%son a crcle of fre formng around you as the call s made, ts color
should match that of your aura!F
) you hea%ens whch dwell Ename of AethyrF, whch are mghty n the #arts of the
earth, and whch execute the .udgment of the Hghest2 (o you t s sadG Behold the
face of your 1od, the 'egnnng of comfort, whose eyes are the 'rghtness of the
hea%ensN Who #ro%ded you for the go%ernment of the earth, and her uns#eaka'le
%arety, furnshng you wth a #ower of understandng, to ds#ose all thngs accordng
to the #ro%dence of hm that sts on the Holy (hroneN and Who rose u# n the
'egnnng, sayngG the earth, let her 'e go%erned 'y her #arts, and let there 'e d%son
n her, that the glory of her may always drunken and %exed n tself! (he course of
her, let t run wth the hea%ens, and as a handmaden let her ser%e them! )ne season,
let t confound anotherN and let there 'e no creature u#on her or wthn her the same!
All her mem'ers, let them dffer n ther *ualtesN and let there 'e no one creature
e*ual to another! (he reasona'le creatures of the earth, let them %ex and weed out one
anotherN and the dwellng #laces, let them forget ther names! (he works of man and
hs #om#, let them 'e defaced! (he 'uldngs of her, let them 'ecome ca%es for the
'easts of the feldN confound the understandng of her wth darkness! WhyA & regret
that & made man! )ne whle let her 'e known, and another whle a strangerN 'ecause
she s the 'ed of a harlot, and the dwellng #lace of hmDthatDsDfallen! ) you hea%ens,
arse2 (he lower hea%ens underneath you, let them ser%e you! 1o%ern those that
go%ernN cast down such as fallN 'rng forth wth those that ncrease, and destroy the
rotten! ,o #lace let t reman n one num'erN add and dmnsh, untl the stars 'e
num'ered! Arse, mo%e, and a##ear 'efore the co%enant of Hs mouth, whch He has
sworn unto us n Hs .ustceN o#en u# the mysteres of your creaton, and make us
#artakers of undefled knowledge!
+AC3&AO CS $3A0 Ename of Aethyr, or #lane of exstence, usually ("OF, CH&S
+&CA)/M SAA,&3 CA)S1), )C 0&0&S BA/M&M3AS /A&CA2 ,),CA
1)H-/&+G &C+A AC)&A, +AC, &A)C B/&)3B S)BA ))A),A CH&S
/-C&0(&AS $"3&$S)/N CS AB3AASA ,),C0 ,"(AA&B CA)S1&, )C (&/B
AC$HAH( CA+$/)M, ())A( ,),C0 1 +ACA/M )+A, /3ASC ()01/)
+A3B YA33Y &C)&1)N )C ()3M-/$ &A)CA0 1)H-/G CA)S1A,
(ABA)3C SAA,&3, )C CH3&S(")S Y3$)&/ (&)B/, B-SC&3 (&/B ,)A/,
$A&C )3SBA )C C)C3+,& MY/,A! "/MA$ (&/B, $A3+ 1& $"3&$SAO, )C
(A J-3/S( B))A$&S! / ,&B+, )-CH) SY+$N )C CH3&S(")S A1
()/()3, +&3C J (&)B/ /"/! (), $A)+BC, C&/M+) AS$&A,N )C
CH3&S(")S A1 & ()/()31 $A3ACH A SY+$! C)3C&M&M, C)C$A/ )C
0&0A/M & S+,ACN )C 0A31(, BA+S )+A)AS! C),&SB3A )C AVAV)O,
(),-1! )3SCA (B/, ,)AS+& (AB1"S /"V&(+),1N -,CH& )+$ (&/B
)3S! BA1/"A +)))ACH )/ C)3CM&M! / CA$&+A) &O)+AO&$, )C CA
C)CASB 1)SAAN BA1N"+ $& (&A,(A A BABA/),C, )C 0A)31( ("/)C
V)V&+! +AC3&&AO, ()3M-2 )AC3&AM )3)CHA, AB)A$3&! (ABA)3&
$3)AM A3 (ABASN AC3$A, C)3S (A C)B&ON Y)/CA+ $3&AM& A3
C)AM)&3, )C J-ASB J(&,1! 3&$&3 $AA)O( SA1A C)3N -+/ )C
$3CMA3, CAC31 A)&V"A" C)3+$(! ()3M-, MACA3, )C MA+3A, AS$(
S&BS& B-(+),A, CS S-3MAS (&A BA/(A,N )C) C&C/" JAA, )C )MAM+A
$/A$/& &AC,A+AC!
En%ocaton #atternG word, su#reme kng, #entagram, d%ne nameF
&n%ocaton of ar
0acng east
(race ad%erse #entagram of ar Eyellow wth 'lue flecksF
V'rate )3) &BAH A)M$&
&n%ocaton of fre
0acng south
(race ad%erse #entagram of fre Ered wth 'lack flecksF
V'rate )&$ ("AA $C)C"
&n%ocaton of water
0acng west
(race ad%erse #entagram of water E'lue wth yellow flecksF
V'rate +$H A3S/ 1A&)/
&n%ocaton of earth
0acng north
(race ad%erse #entagram of earth E'lack wth red flecksF
V'rate +)3 C&A/ HC(1A
"nochan key most a##ro#rate for the caster Esee the satanc ''leF and en%son the
crcle of fre 'ecomng a column stretchng to the hea%ens and to the de#ths of hell!
(hs s a generc form of the rtual, t can easly 'e ada#ted to n%okng and 'anshng
as necessary!
/ucfer Cawnstar
A%e Satanas2
3ege Satanas2
Hal Satan2
Hal the Self2
Shem 3aD#horash
L'0E+ ,AG'C:A- An Overvie9
(ith Rev. Satrinah Nagash
SatrinahX "lass time
SatrinahX 1k, this class is about $!B.R 2'*!"D'.
SatrinahX %as everyone here read it0.
Y?U$YX ye#
SatrinahX .49! am going to go over it in its sections..
SatrinahX .49&rinci#ia 2agicka - 2agickal #ractice should not be confined to sim#ly ritual or
ceremonial it should be made very #ersonal and not solely defined by one man or omen,s
#erce#tion. 2agick should become a tailored art to fit #ersonal lifestyles and individuals and should
never be boring or re#etitive. "ertain forms of traditional magickal #ractice e+ist solely in the human
subconscious and can not be #ut into ords. "ertain daily rituals e #erform every morning can.
SatrinahX .49can be considered magickal such as certain #eo#le need to drink coffee to feel com#lete
in the morning and some may need to get ashed and dressed before even ste##ing outside of the
bedroom all of hich make a day feel or seem com#lete..
NecroLLLX did i miss anything0
SatrinahX .veryone understand that0.
Y?U$YX got it
)or#halackX ye#
SatrinahX .492agick should not be confined to a ritual chamber either, it should be here ever you
see fit, mental or #sychic magick should and is #erformed everyday sometimes ithout you reali/ing
it. The .vil eye hich makes others feel uncomfortable is one ay of using magick ithout using
SatrinahX .49"haos magick is a com#lete system of magickal #ractice, yet so is hat ever one
creates himFherself. For magick to be accom#lished I#ro#erlyJ one need only look at their
accom#lishments and reali/e that magick has #layed some key role in it,s develo#ment. 1nce true
magickal #otential is reali/ed there is no sto##ing the unsto##able force ithin you..
BobSaggetX true thou an area of regular #ractice
SatrinahX 'ny 7uestions0.
Y?U$YX none
SatrinahX 2agicka .+tremis - 2agick is an art form ithin itself, and ithin every art form their is the
artist. 8ou #lay the key role in ho far you take your magickal #rogress, only you can define you.
Using certain elements from daily #ractice can lead you to ritual magick later in the evening..
SatrinahX Such acts are I#erfectJ if done hole heartedly and ithout doubt. .very day of your life a
ritual is #erformed, you ake u#, start your day, ind don in the late afternoon than slee# at night.
To break such rituals is yet another magickal act knon as I2etamor#hosisJ by draing from this rite
it may lead you to yet another facet of magick, *nosis..
SatrinahX *nosis is used as a form of trance like state the magickian can move into hen de#ravation
of certain kind ha##ens..
.sosZtheZ*reatX =>
.sosZtheZ*reatX can move into or is forced into by the de#rivations0
SatrinahX .sos, it is both.
SatrinahX you can force these de#rivations, or you can say, 7uit smoking and de#rivation <sut ha##ens
by the metamor#hosis, or change....
SatrinahX the change you make in your lifestyle ill cause one de#rivation or another,.
SatrinahX but de#ending on that change is if it ill take you to gnosis or no.
.sosZtheZ*reatX hat kind of changeGE
SatrinahX any change you make.
SatrinahX any other 7uestions0.
.sosZtheZ*reatX nuh uh
SatrinahX *oing days ithout slee# is one ay to reach the state of *nosis, going days ithout eating
is another. 'lso *nosis can be reached at any #oint in hich #ain becomes unbearable. To reach
gnosis sim#ly concentrate on nothing and com#letely clear your thoughts, like #assing through the
head of a needle..
)or#halackX not at the moment
SatrinahX The to methods combined e7uals the state of gnosis. "learing your mind of all things is
the most difficult of all things in magickal #ractice, your mind races day to day ith a million thoughts
and sto##ing them is hard and takes #ractice..
SatrinahX 2editation can also lead to *nosis by someone hom is very e+#erienced in it.
NecroLLLX ho do you kno if you have reached gnosis
SatrinahX 'lso a dee# understanding of concentration is needed to #erform magick acts. 8ou must be
able to focus, )isuali/e and concentrate ithout looking. This too is a very difficult task but becomes
second nature in time.
SatrinahX Necro, you <ust kno, you ill feel it....
.sosZtheZ*reatX it's that feeling hen you forget that you are attatched to a body GE
SatrinahX you never forget....
SatrinahX at least i dont.
SatrinahX it has been called many names throughout history but my favorite is the evil eye..
SatrinahX OE.
NecroLLLX so it is magcik by sim#le thought0
SatrinahX in a sense necro.
NecroLLLX niiiice
SatrinahX ok, moving on.
)or#halackX !2%1 magick is alays by 3sim#le thought3
NecroLLLX !2%10
SatrinahX %o to deliver the evil eye...No, dont get this the rong ay, this is not only for 'bad'
#ur#oses only.
SatrinahX it iThe evil eye should be used to make others feel disturbed in your #resence. 'lso a good
use for the evil eye is if a confrontation is to ensue it ill instantly strike fear in those hom ould ish
you harm..
.sosZtheZ*reatX ! get laughed at hen ! try that
SatrinahX 'lso, it can make others feel at home ith you hen #ositive energy is sent.
.sosZtheZ*reatX any hints0
SatrinahX hat do you mean you get laughed at....
)or#halackX NecroLLLG !2%1 O in my humble o#inion
SatrinahX The best ay to learn the evil eye is to sit ith your hands in your la# in front of a mirror ith
one lit black candle in front of you. Stare through the flame of the candle into the mirror and through
your on eyes ithout blinking.
NecroLLLX Satrinah, ! did that.... ! <ust sa my face turn into many other faces... really interesting
SatrinahX ok, moving on.
SatrinahX Focus hard on your #u#ils then attem#t to /one out or reach the gnosis state, hen you
reach this state of nothingness you have stared through your on eyes. !n time you ill gain the
instant #oer to use the evil eye at ill..
SatrinahX !n all things in magick being careful and res#onsible are the to #rime las..
'nthro#omor#hicX also a##earance and relation #lays a big #art in it as ell
SatrinahX yes true...OE.
SatrinahX 1k, moving on.
SatrinahX Black vs. (hite...2agickally.
SatrinahX To the true 2agickian magick has no limits or boundaries and cannot be classified under
any one #ractice. (hite magick is su##osedly magick done ithout ill intent and never for the
gratification of solely oneself. ! ask you by #erforming a healing ritual to some it may be hite magick
hoever you also are gratified in the knoledge that you hel#ed someone therefore the theories of
(hite 2agick are ithout a doubt IBlackJ..
SatrinahX Black 2agick is su##osedly magick done ith an ill intent and for the sole #ur#ose of
gratifying ones self. ! ask again if con<uring a demon to #rotect your family from the greater evil of
humanity or to destroy someone ho ould hurt you or a family members, is this evil or is it truly
SatrinahX any 7uestions0.
.sosZtheZ*reatX so hy classify0
[Hesse[X cause iccans are <ust like +tians
SatrinahX this is shoing you that the classifications are nothing.
P )or#halack thinks its the right hand #ath ho needs classifying..
P [Hesse[ agrees ith vor#h
NecroLLLX agrees
SatrinahX e as strong illed #oerful incarnate should not concern ourselves ith black and hite
only hat is in our heart. !f magick is done from the heart, !t ill never fail and ill be as #ure as the
driven sno eather dealing ith demons or a god. !t is u# to the magickian on hat he studies but
there should be no limits on hat is black or hite or evil and good. (e are #ure beings during magick
e are #urified in the.
)or#halackX they need it to say 3ere good, all others are bad...3
SatrinahX the image of our on divinity and therefore if e do our IillJ cannot be harmed and our
magick ill #ure..
SatrinahX any 7uestions.
.sosZtheZ*reatX interesting theory...
SatrinahX it is truth, not <ust a theory.
[Hesse[X no#e, you e+#lained it ell
.sosZtheZ*reatX yet you choose to re<ect chakras, christian #hiloso#hy, based on it's origin alone0
SatrinahX not entirely.
NecroLLLX yes
SatrinahX to us it is differnt.
[Hesse[X esos, no not its origins, its teachings
SatrinahX basically, hat orks for you is hat you should do....
NecroLLLX ho ill the orld be at your feet by the .vil .ye... (hat is the strongest effect it can hold0
SatrinahX the #hiloso#hy behind those is hat e re<ect, not th magick itself.
SatrinahX necro, it can hve very strong effects....
NecroLLLX satr... Such as, hat are most of the effects besides the ones <ust listed above
SatrinahX the effects are endless, for love destruction, for anythign.
'nthro#omor#hicX i look like a big ugly ole biker and it orks as a social filter, only those ho think
they are tougher and those ho don't care about outard looks can get to kno me the rest hide like
mice in the shados of their on fears
SatrinahX e+actly anth.
.sosZtheZ*reatX hehe
.sosZtheZ*reatX ! like bikers, there are alays chicks around... GE
.sosZtheZ*reatX %o old are you anth0
)or#halackX it makes yourself feeling stronger as you see others gettin scared, even if they thought
they are stronger than you
SatrinahX esos, that is not a reason to hang ith bikers. for chick, most of them are s#oken for....
NecroLLLX %e does
'nthro#omor#hicX i can't give my son the evil eye because he laughs, he knos i ould never hurt
him..other that don't kno me shake in the light of my evil eye and the mystery of the unknon that
lies behind the eyes of the stranger
NecroLLLX but he looks more $ike Hesus as a Biker.. $o$
SatrinahX yes vor#h.
SatrinahX you ont scare me anth.
Y?U$YX me neither
'nthro#omor#hicX $1$
Y?U$YX yr a teddy bear
Y?U$YX <Fk
SatrinahX OE
SatrinahX anyays....
SatrinahX on ith class...anymore 7ustions.
'nthro#omor#hicX for those ho kno me and that i give res#onsibility too, but those ho cross me
need fear me..but since i don't have the #roblem ith you then e can #lay and <oke around because
you have earned that res#onsibility GE and visa versa
SatrinahX Terminology....
NecroLLLX "ouldnt scare me.. !d <ust laugh
SatrinahX (arlock as a term given to male itches during the IBurning TimesJ it literally means
I1ath BreakerJ, all true 2agickians ill never break a bond or oath and therefore are loyal to one
another and themselves. &agan as another term given derogatorily to all itches meaning I"ountry
@ellerJ ! ill not recogni/e the term &agan either as it as given in a derogatory manner by the
SatrinahX The Term IitchJ is not sim#ly a female term, a itch is sim#ly one hom eaves magick
same goes ith sorcerer, magi and magus..
SatrinahX any 7uestions0.
.sosZtheZ*reatX so it is derrogatory to acce#t the title of (orlock0
Y?U$YX unless yr a liar...
SatrinahX yu#.
NecroLLLX hat if one <ust like the ord but not the meaning0
SatrinahX then it ould, in my o#inion, be hy#ocritical.
Y?U$YX mine too
)or#halackX agree
.sosZtheZ*reatX not mine, !'ve alays liked and ! dentified ith the ord
'nthro#omor#hicX ell to iccans it ould be a fitting name for you esos
P 'nthro#omor#hic chuckles
Y?U$YX hehehe
SatrinahX but taking that ord on, ould mean that you ere an oath breaker, and a liar.
SatrinahX to those of us ho re<ect that ord.
Y?U$YX ye#
.sosZtheZ*reatX or that you don't ish #eo#le to take you seriously
.sosZtheZ*reatX therefore you become as a snake in the grass
SatrinahX it is better than ##l do take you seriously,.
SatrinahX then you ont have #roblems....
SatrinahX honesty is good.
Y?U$YX agreed again
)or#halackX ye#
SatrinahX so, hat you are saying esos, and no i understand hy, you like the the term arlock,
becu/ you lie to ##l about hat you are....
SatrinahX it makes sense no.
Y?U$YX hmmm interesting
SatrinahX therefore, causing more #roblems then solving them..
.sosZtheZ*reatX okay
.sosZtheZ*reatX ell, thanks for the com#liment...
.sosZtheZ*reatX GE
SatrinahX that is not a com#liment.
.sosZtheZ*reatX ! as being sarcastic
SatrinahX oh....
SatrinahX ell, icant hear sarcasm on a #uter.
.sosZtheZ*reatX ! took offence, <ust didn't feel like fighting
.sosZtheZ*reatX ! kno that
SatrinahX you cant fight me....
.sosZtheZ*reatX didn't say ! could, did !0
TelarianX lol
SatrinahX you said you <ust didnt feel like fightnig, so that means that the thought as in your head to
do so....
.sosZtheZ*reatX maybe the reason ! didn't feel like it as because ! didn't think ! ould in
.sosZtheZ*reatX thought ever cross your mind0
SatrinahX (ell, no, you kne you couldnt in.
.sosZtheZ*reatX so hat's the deal ith the insult0
SatrinahX the term arlock is an insult.
.sosZtheZ*reatX on hat #retense do you say that ! like to lie, or #retend to be hat ! am not0
.sosZtheZ*reatX hen have ! done so0
SatrinahX you said you like to be a snake in the grass, rather than be u#front about hat you are...that
is a form of lying....
SatrinahX moving on ith class....
SatrinahX $ucifer beyond $ucifer
SatrinahX $ucifer is an incarnate being of many cultures and beliefs. 2anifestation of $ucifer can said
to have taken #lace in almost all cultures of ancient society. &an the *od of the &agans, The Nature
god is also a great s#irit hom came to be knon as $ucifer. 2arduk, the great slayer of the ancient
ones, the anciet ones hom ere the first of all gods 2arduk defied. 2arduk has come to be knon
as $ucifer. The #oint im trying to get at is in magick.
SatrinahX no matter hat deity one uses or calls on for assistance there is that s#ark of $ucifer. 8ou
con<ure the oldest of s#irits and it is $ucifer so in fact the use of any other s#irits in ritual can be most
hel#full as they may hold certain attributes hich the $ucifer incarnate does not have currently..
SatrinahX any 7uestions0.
.sosZtheZ*reatX here does god fit in0
P Y?U$Y looks at on ass
Y?U$YX not here
SatrinahX god doesnt fit in.
SatrinahX god as not even mentioned.
)or#halackX ho is that, god0
Y?U$YX its a title not a name
SatrinahX it is hat you make it\'5M
)or#halackX than its me ;E
SatrinahX basically, in a fe ords, magick is hat you make of it, and if it is true in your heart, it is
true in R$.
SatrinahX any more 7uestions0.
SatrinahX ell, class is over no...then.
The $ani3ulation of Passi1e and Acti1e Ener%ies
Wth 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
(hs s the Class and the Class /ogs that were on Pcolucfer on CA/net!
"nergy as #re%ously dscussed comes n two forms! Act%e, whch would 'e
descr'ed as nner energy and mental energy, and $ass%e energy whch comes n the
form of 'lood, semen EBoth male and femaleF etc!!! Qnowng whch energes to
em#loy at what tmes durng a rtual s an ntrcate #art of all magckal #ractce!
Curng the act of $urfyng the cham'ers you cast Act%e energes towards each of the
four corners of "%ocaton! By Act%e once agan, t s meant n a mental sense n ths
case as well as a castng sense n that you cast forth ths energy towards a desred
Any Juestons so farA
Howe%er #ass%e energes are em#loyed n many dfferent ways durng a magckal
workng! )ne way s through rtual sacrfce, another s 'y drnkng a small #orton of
'lood EYour own s #referred and safestF durng say a 'lack mass or #owerful rtual!
Also n the e%ent of you callng for a #act to 'e made wth a s#rtKgodform 'lood s
used to sgn the #archment as a show of de%oton towards your desred goal and
dedcaton to u#holdng the #act tself!
Any Juestons so farA
+agck n all forms utlzes all of the aforementoned energes n almost all cases!
(orelan magck s a ex#onent of energy man#ulaton wthn a certan confne of
#ractce! All +agck done ntentonally s an act of wll, wllI"nergy a##led to a
desred goal whchI+agck2
Any Juestons so farA
(he Chnese cult%aton of Ch s an act of drawng forth Act%e energes whch are
used to heal and strengthen the 'ody! Chaos +agck s the act of mnd #lay n whch
forces the su'conscous to send act%e energes towards the goal or wll! (he #re%ous
exam#les were used to show how act%e energes are used n magck and the next
exam#les to show how #ass%e energes are are em#loyed! (he Ancent +ayan Blood
Sacrfce to a##ease a godform and or 'e granted a 'ountful har%est! Vam#rc
+agck n whch 'lood s shared to attan unon wth a godform and or #erson
'ascally a %am#rc weddng rtual! "nochan sex magck n whch a cou#le uses
semen E+ale and femaleF as a sacrfce to ache%e magckal nfluence n a s#ecfc
goal or act of wll!
Any *uestons so farA
(he man#ulaton of too much energy can lead the ad%anced magckan to what s
known as 1noss! 1noss s a magckal state n whch the magckan ex#ends to much
energy and or de#r%aton to ache%e magckal conscousness! &t s a##led when e%er
a magck :/ea%es hs 'ody: so to s#eak and enters an almost floatng dmenson
'etween shadow tme and real tme, also what & call :Walkng 'y the "cl#se:! &t s a
theory of Juantum $hyscs whch & wll not dscuss n ths class! & wll now mo%e on
to how one can man#ulate energy to reach gnoss 'ut 'efore & do does anyone ha%e
any *uestonsA
1noss can 'e ache%ed n many ways, one s to o%er exert your mnd such as to
reman awake for mult#le days wthout slee#, ths ex#ends to much energy wthout
slee# to re#lensh t and wll force one to ache%e gnoss! Another way Ewhch s not
recommended n any way 'y the C)/F s to 'e forced nto so much #an that the mnd
'ecomes 'lack and you drft off nto an almost zom'e lke state! (hat method s not
recommended as some ha%e extremely hgh thresh holds for #an and the 'ody may 'e
harmed and or scarred unnecessarly! Also days wthout sex say for two weeks one
goes wthout sex, than when EsFhe does ha%e sex at the #ont of orgasm the sto#,
re#eat ths a'out 6@ tmes 'efore allowng yourself to ha%e an orgasm and gnoss can
'e reached due to energy exerton!
Any Juestons on thsA
)k, well that concludes ths class for tonght, what & ex#ect for homework from each
of you s a short essay ex#lanng your ex#erences wth 1noss and or energy
man#ulaton n all forms! (hs s due on Saturday ths week and should 'e sent to
satrnahLmnds#rng!com ! (hank you all agan for not screwng around durng class
and makng these classes #oss'le222
Class /ogs
nagash@?G Class s a'out to 'egn .ust watng a few more mnutes!!!!
$raecantrxG whats the class gong to 'e onA
nagash@?G "nergy +an#ulaton
$raecantrxG sounds nterestng!!
3e%R"sosG %ery
nagash@?S /ke how to utlze $ass%e and act%e energes!!!
3e%R"sosS nagash can & #m u for .ust a secA
nagash@?S 7 mns t start!!
nagash@?S Sure .ust one or two though
3e%R"sosS k
$raecantrxS nagash, a ll later tonght Bll emal you the *uestons ha%e so far for the
$raecantrxS so u and satrnah can thnk of what youBll say
nagash@?S kewl great $raeGF
nagash@?S ok well class s a'out to 'egn2
nagash@?S & wll 'egn 'y askng f those who were at my last class remem'er what &
talked a'out wth Act%e and $ass%e energesA
3e%R"sosS a lttle
nagash@?S ok, well what you wll need to do, s go to the mem'ers secton of the col
nagash@?S and read through t
nagash@?S t s #osted n mem'ers secton 7
nagash@?S ths class wll also 'e #osted after we condense t
nagash@?S are we all readyA
nagash@?S awatng!!!!!
DS T3e%R"sosU $&,1
nagash@?S am & laggngA
3e%R"sosS yes
nagash@?S 'r'
nagash@?S ok 'ack
D3e%R"sosD T(VWmXYtUT 6789;<=>? U 3"$/Y 8 Seconds DT(VWmXYtU
ZS"$-/(-3AZS h nag
ZS"$-/(-3AZS w'
nagash@?S (hanx
3e%R"sosS sorry 'out earler, se#
ZS"$-/(-3AZS n#
nagash@?S ok well s e%eryone ready for class to 'egnA
ZS"$-/(-3AZS yeah
ZS"$-/(-3AZS 6@G6; already
ZS"$-/(-3AZS heh
nagash@?S k
3e%R"sosS yes
nagash@?S "nergy as #re%ously dscussed comes n two forms! Act%e, whch would
'e descr'ed
nagash@?S as nner energy and mental energy, and $ass%e energy whch comes n the
form of 'lood, semen
nagash@?S EBoth male and femaleF etc!!! Qnowng whch energes to em#loy at what
tmes durng a rtual
nagash@?S s an ntrcate #art of all magckal #ractce! Curng the act of
nagash@?S $urfyng the cham'ers you cast Act%e energes towards each of the four
nagash@?S of "%ocaton! By Act%e once agan, t s meant n a mental sense n ths
case as well
nagash@?S as a castng sense n that you cast forth ths energy towards a desred goal!
[[[ ZS"$-/(-3AZ s now known as /ucferous
nagash@?S Any Juestons so farA
3e%R(elaranS no#e
3e%R"sosS not yet!!!
nagash@?S k
nagash@?S Howe%er #ass%e energes are em#loyed n many dfferent ways durng a
magckal workng!
nagash@?S )ne way s through rtual sacrfce, another s 'y drnkng a small #orton
of 'lood
nagash@?S EYour own s #refered and safestF durng say a 'lack mass or #owerful
rtual! Also n the e%ent
nagash@?S of you callng for a #act to 'e made wth a s#rtKgodform 'lood s used to
sgn the #archment as
nagash@?S a show of de%oton towards your desred goal and dedcaton to u#holdng
the #act tself!
nagash@?S Any Juestons so farA
/ucferousS no#e
3e%R"sosS no#e n#t yet
[[[ heath7k EQoolLl%6D68!e#s!netF has .oned Pcolucfer
nagash@?S k
nagash@?S +agck n all forms utlzes all of the aforementoned energes n almost
all cases! (orelan
nagash@?S magck s a ex#onent of energy man#ulaton wthn a certan confne of
#ractce! All +agck
nagash@?S done ntentonally s an act of wll, wllI"nergy a##led to a desred goal
nagash@?S Any Juestons so farA
heath7kS has class started
nagash@?S yes
3e%R"sosS what a'out the semen dealyA
nagash@?S 3tual use of semen, s used n #lace of 'lood
3e%R"sosS drnkng tA
nagash@?S lke attanng orgasm n the name of R,R
nagash@?S no
nagash@?S not drnkng t, usng t n construct%e ways such as f used n the #act
3e%R"sosS good
3e%R"sosS ahh
nagash@?S you can #ut semen on the #act tself and use t when t s dry
nagash@?S any more *uestonsA
/ucferousS n
3e%R"sosS no#e
nagash@?S k
nagash@?S (he Chnese cult%aton of Ch s an act of drawng forth Act%e energes
whch are used to heal
nagash@?S and strengthen the 'ody! Chaos +agck s the act of mnd #lay n whch
forces the su'conscous
nagash@?S to send act%e energes towards the goal or wll! (he #re%ous exam#les
were used to show how
nagash@?S act%e energes are used n magck and the next exam#les to show how
#ass%e energes are are
nagash@?S em#loyed! (he Ancent +ayan Blood Sacrfce to a##ease a godform and
or 'e granted a 'ountful
nagash@?S har%est! Vam#rc +agck n whch 'lood s shared to attan unon wth a
godform and or #erson
nagash@?S 'ascally a %am#
nagash@?S %am#rc weddng rtual! "nochan sex magck n whch a cou#le uses
semen E+ale and
nagash@?S femaleF as a sacrfce to ache%e magckal nfluence n a s#ecfc goal or
act of wll!
[[[ Jesus<<< EmeL7@=D6=7D7@6D6>!s6>!as6!xn'!n.!dalu#!rcn!comF has .oned
[[[ ChanSer% sets modeG Ho Jesus<<<
nagash@?S Any *uestons so farA
[[[ M\a\c\k Ehacksaw>L?>CA<999!#t!aol!comF has .oned Pcolucfer
M\a\c\kS 2o#
3e%R"sosS no#e
[[[ Sa(a,B)( sets modeG Ho M\a\c\k
nagash@?S k
nagash@?S (he man#ulaton of too much energy can lead the ad%anced magckan to
what s known as 1noss!
nagash@?S 1noss s a magckal state n whch the magckan ex#ends to much energy
and or de#r%aton
nagash@?S to ache%e magckal conscousness! &t s a##led when e%er a magck
:/ea%es hs 'ody: so to
nagash@?S s#eak and enters an almost floatng dmenson 'etween shadow tme and
real tme, also what & call
nagash@?S :Walkng 'y the "cl#se:! &t s a theory of Juantum $hyscs whch & wll
not dscuss n ths class!
nagash@?S & wll now mo%e on to how one can man#ulate energy to reach gnoss 'ut
'efore & do does anyone
nagash@?S ha%e any *uestonsA
/ucferousS n
3e%R"sosS huh uh
nagash@?S k
nagash@?S 1noss can 'e ache%ed n many ways, one s to o%er exert your mnd such
as to reman awake for
nagash@?S mult#le days wthout slee#, ths ex#ends to much energy wthout slee# to
re#lensh t and wll
nagash@?S force one to ache%e gnoss! Another way Ewhch s not recomended n any
way 'y the C)/F s to
nagash@?S 'e forced nto so much #an that the mnd 'ecomes 'lack and you drft off
nto an almost zom'e
nagash@?S lke state!
nagash@?S (hat method s not recomended as some ha%e extremely hgh thresh holds
for #an
nagash@?S and the 'ody may 'e harmed and or scarred unDnecessarly! Also days
wthout sex say for two
nagash@?S weeks one goes wthout sex, than when EsFhe does ha%e sex at the #ont of
orgasm the sto#, re#eat
nagash@?S ths a'out 6@ tmes 'efore allowng yourself to ha%e an orgasm and gnoss
can 'e reached due to
nagash@?S energy exerton!
nagash@?S Any Juestons on thsA
3e%R"sosS no#e sound fun
3e%R"sosS GF
heath7kS :ll try that
heath7kS agan and agan
nagash@?S %ery good
/ucferousS heh
3e%R"sosS okay & thought of one
nagash@?S k
3e%R"sosS how can one tell f EsFhe reaches gnossA
nagash@?S you wll know t, t s as descr'ed as lea%ng your 'ody!!!!
nagash@?S n a sense
3e%R"sosS aastral #ro.ectonA
nagash@?S lke astral #ro.ecton
nagash@?S 'ut more affect%e n 'asc magckal workngs
nagash@?S GF
3e%R"sosS oh okay
nagash@?S You all are such good students you make my classes 0/Y on 'y
nagash@?S cDmon any more *uestonsA
3e%R"sosS & C
heath7kS thnk ha%e 'een there 'efore
nagash@?S someone must ha%e a *ueston!!!!!
heath7kS through chemotoss
nagash@?S yes chemognoss s yet another way to reach t
3e%R(elaranS once n gnoss how do you work magckA
nagash@?S howe%er t s not recommended due to legal reasons
/ucferousS not me yet
3e%R"sosS okay & ha%e another
nagash@?S )nce n gnoss you are com#letely o#en to work the wll
3e%R"sosS can gnoss 'e reached through medtaton or hy#nossA
3e%R(elaranS .ust thnk t
nagash@?S sometmes "sos!!!'ut not usually
3e%R(elaranS A
nagash@?S /ke thnkng t, 'ut what you do s m#lant the desre nto your
3e%R"sosS oh okay
nagash@?S than once n 1noss, you can a##ly the full attenton of the wll
3e%R"sosS well & had an ex#erence today, through thnkng only of my grlfrend
nagash@?S 1noss s lke #assng through the head of a needle as & heard t once
3e%R"sosS then & ddnBt thnk agan tll 7 hrs! later
nagash@?S "sos thnkng a'out somethng sm#ly wll not lead to gnoss
nagash@?S any more *uestonsA
3e%R"sosS & guess t was more lke medtaton on a sngle thought
nagash@?S ye#
nagash@?S you must 'e a'le to com#letely sto# your mnd
nagash@?S any other *uestonsA
3e%R(elaranS anger can nduce that canBt t
nagash@?S yes, once anger turns to what s called :Blnd 3age: t can nduce 1noss
/ucferousS lke
/ucferousS the moments 'efore u fall aslee#
/ucferousS 'ut youBre stll conscent
/ucferousS for a longer tme
nagash@?S yes lke the seconds 'efore you fall aslee#!!!'ut you wll only reach gnoss
for a few seconds 'efore slee#
nagash@?S exactly
/ucferousS enedA
nagash@?S Yes /ucferous
3e%R"sosS lke 'eng so mad you no longer care a'out anythng else
nagash@?S 1noss s not a hy#notc thng esos
3e%R"sosS then you forget to e%en thnk
nagash@?S not at all esos
nagash@?S t s not thnkng a'out anythng at all!!!!!
nagash@?S not one thng
3e%R"sosS well & dd t through thnkng of my gDfrend
nagash@?S 'eng so mad %oce cant contan you, you no longer e%en hear anythng
nagash@?S ,) "S)S /&S(",2
/ucferousS got t
nagash@?S you cannot do t 'y thkng of anythng
nagash@?S t s not thnkng of somethng
3e%R"sosS okay
nagash@?S t s thnkng of nothng
3e%R"sosS & thnk &Bm takng too much class tme
nagash@?S your mnd sto#s com#letely
3e%R"sosS go on
/ucferousS thnk %e gotten t when had a sm#le o#eraton n my throat, and
somehow ddnt react well to the anesthesa
/ucferousS and when woke u# couldnt see anythng well and thought had ded
or somethng
nagash@?S /ucferous you ha%e reached gnoss2
/ucferousS got n that state for hours
nagash@?S yes2
nagash@?S /ucferous has got t
/ucferousS damn
nagash@?S Any other *uestonsA
3e%R(elaranS how do you nsst your wl ldurng that
3e%R(elaranS wll
/ucferousS cool
3e%R"sosS &Bm sayng that & got to that #ont 'y thnkng of one thng tll & .ust started
starng and my eyes unfocused then & looked at the clock, t was 7 hrs! later
/ucferousS ne%er knew t had a name
3e%R(elaranS AA
heath7kS gnoss s lke the the #lace your 'ody goes when you ha%e a near death
ex#ernce or a great hgh or dee# medtaon t s what occours when you sto# thnkng
all together on ths le%el
nagash@?S You nduce wll through m#lantng a thought 'eforehand and whle on
gnoss you en%son your goal wthout thnkng a'out t
3e%R"sosS see &Bm n A"$ all day
3e%R"sosS thatBs 'ascally solaton
nagash@?S Y"s Heath has got t2
3e%R(elaranS oh so lke #uttng n su' concous and t .sut comes n gnoss
/ucferousS nagD t has somethng to do wth ndan medtatonA
nagash@?S Yes (elaran
3e%R(elaranS ok got t
heath7kS ok
nagash@?S Yes /ucferous, n ndan sweat lodgeBs gnoss s reached
/ucferousS go on nagash
nagash@?S When they sweat so much they lose all control of ther mnd and thnk of
nothng!!!!some say they see %sons due to t!!!!!
nagash@?S 'ut ther mnd s com#letely 'lack
nagash@?S that s gnoss
/ucferousS guess amercan ndans used to ha%e rtuals lke that
/ucferousS whch they used to drnk a knd of tea
/ucferousS and they could reach that state
nagash@?S ye# the ndan sweat lodge was a knd of rtual they dd /ucferous
[[[ Qree# EkurtLD#m8D8D6=!nland!netF has .oned Pcolucfer
[[[ ChanSer% sets modeG Ho Qree#
/ucferousS 'ut they could de f they ddnt react well to that drnk
heath7kS thnk the safest way to enter gnoss s through dee# medtaton
[[[ Qree# s now known as \Jesse\
/ucferousS saw t on dsco%ery once
nagash@?S no heath medtaton s not a way to reach gnoss
/ucferousS nah, the 'est way s ha%ng sex
/ucferousS hehe
nagash@?S actually /ucferous Sex s the 'est way
nagash@?S sex and slee# de#er%aton
3e%R"sosS lol
3e%R"sosS kck ass, &Bm lo%ng t2
/ucferousS sex s e%erythng
nagash@?S Sex s a #owerful tool n magckal workngs
heath7kS slee# de#r%aton s dangerous
3e%R"sosS the yng yang
nagash@?S how so heathA
nagash@?S t s not dangerous at all!!!!!
3e%R"sosS @I7
nagash@?S f one s healthy
/ucferousS t .ust feels awful
nagash@?S ye# "sos naled t, lke yn and yang
/ucferousS when u are tred and cant slee#
/ucferousS sex s a lot 'etter
/ucferousS heh
heath7kS dr%e truck all day dont want to go three days wthout slee# and dr%e
nagash@?S true /ucferous, sex s the most choosen method
3e%R"sosS lol
nagash@?S true heath, howe%er you would choose to do t on a day you ha%e off 'ro
3e%R"sosS ha%e sex then
heath7kS wll ha%e sex
3e%R"sosS lol
heath7kS good #ont nagash
3e%R"sosS wll too
/ucferousS 'uy a #lastc doll
3e%R"sosS GF
heath7kS why not .ust ask my gf t works 'etter any way
nagash@?S Mack has reached 1noss through slee# de#er%aton
M\a\c\kS a'solutely
3e%R"sosS yeah cause then you com'ne the yng and yang
3e%R"sosS and o##stes #ut to gether e*uall nothng
3e%R"sosS gnossInothngKno thought
nagash@?S Sex howe%er s only a good method when wth someone you can trust
3e%R"sosS &B%e made a connecton
nagash@?S yes "sos now you got t2
[[[ 3e%R(elaran has *ut &3C EJutG ]^MDm_3` ab +cdh e 0/rfdgh
VirdjkY 7h!!1et Yours at htt#GKKezmrc!we'.um#!comK!F
-nRAwayS 0uck fuck fuck2 & mssed t, ehA
3e%R"sosS well lets say ths then
nagash@?S ye# un'lessed
nagash@?S sure "sos shoot
[[[ -nRAway s now known as -nBlessed
nagash@?S scroll u# un'lessed
3e%R"sosS & though a'out sex
-nBlessedS heh!!! oke!!!
3e%R"sosS untll & had t well nto my magnaton
3e%R"sosS then & .ust en.oyed the rde
3e%R"sosS untll gnoss was reached, could that 'e tA
3e%R"sosS & really 'ele%e & dd t today
nagash@?S the sex s not the act of gnoss, you can thnk of the sex durng the act 'ut
durng gnoss you lose all control and thought
nagash@?S you com#letely 'lack out n mnd
nagash@?S some may e%en 'egn watchng themself from a'o%e
nagash@?S 'y lea%ng the 'ody wthout control
-nBlessedS JG Would death, then, 'e consdered a form of gnossA
heath7kS 'el%e that you can concously close your concous mnd and reach gnoss
wthout sex
nagash@?S yes -n'lessed, near death s a for of gnoss
heath7kS or near death
nagash@?S you can heath, through de#er%aton of almost any knd
nagash@?S #eo#le who thnk they see angels are sm#ly #eo#le who wshed to see
them 'efore gnoss set n
nagash@?S once gnoss set n they saw they wthout 'eng a'le to control ther mnd
nagash@?S e%eryone understandA
/ucferousS yu#
M\a\c\kS yes
heath7kS uh huh
3e%R"sosS yeah
nagash@?S /ucferous you ha%e reached gnoss wthout ha%ng an dea of how to do
t, that s good2
nagash@?S ok than
nagash@?S )k, well that concludes ths class for tonght, what & ex#ect for homework
from each of you s a
nagash@?S short essay ex#lanng your ex#erences wth 1noss and or energy
man#ulaton n all forms!
nagash@?S (hs s due on Saturday ths week and should 'e sent to
satrnahLmnds#rng!com ! (hank you all
nagash@?S agan for not screwng around durng class and makng these classes
/ucferousS ne%er knew had reached t
/ucferousS thought had a almost death ex#erence or somethng
\Jesse\S these classes kck ass nagash
/ucferousS ddnt know t could 'e named
/ucferousS GF
-nBlessedS Sorry & mssed t!!! thngs were out of my control tonght that & couldnBt
nagash@?S ye#
nagash@?S (hanks Jesse
nagash@?S ,$ -n'lessed
M\a\c\kS excellent class nagash
nagash@?S thanks zack!!!!!
/ucferousS -nD logs GF
nagash@?S ye#!!!!logs
-nBlessedS Yu#!!!IF
-nBlessedS &Bm readng t now!
nagash@?S kewl un'lessed
3e%R"sosS so
nagash@?S dd e%eryone get ther homeworkA
M\a\c\kS yu#
\Jesse\S yu#2
[[[ -nBlessed s now known as -nD3eadng
3e%R"sosS n sm#ler terms, for me, yng H yangIgnoss when act%ated u#on 'y
some sort of star%atonA
3e%R"sosS & ddnBt!!! was t eDmaledA
heath7kS yes ths was deffnately a good class
nagash@?S All whom dd not see ths whole class t wll 'e #osted n the mem'ers 7
secton of the C)/ ste
nagash@?S (hanks Heath
nagash@?S ,o "sos & #osted t n here
heath7kS good want to read the #art mssed
3e%R"sosS whenA
nagash@?S Bll re#ost t
nagash@?S )k, well that concludes ths class for tonght, what & ex#ect for homework
from each of you s a
nagash@?S short essay ex#lanng your ex#erences wth 1noss and or energy
man#ulaton n all forms!
nagash@?S (hs s due on Saturday ths week and should 'e sent to
satrnahLmnds#rng!com ! (hank you all
nagash@?S agan for not screwng around durng class and makng these classes
nagash@?S e%eryone got t all nowA
\Jesse\S yes 'rother2
\Jesse\S thanks 2
/ucferousS yu#
nagash@?S ,$ Jesse
nagash@?S Qewl well m gettng ready to let Satrnah take o%er the #uter for a whle
M\a\c\kS &AH ,A1ASH2
nagash@?S &AH MAck!!!! nagash@?S And once agan thanks e%eryone2
\Jesse\S thank you nagash
nagash@?S ,$ 'rother Jesse
3e%R"sosS any #ost class stuffA
nagash@?S no#e
,ind Control
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
2ind "ontrol
(hen learning to control your mind, and to reach a magickal trance, you need to be able to control the
rest of your body so that you can make your mind do hat you need it to do. The best ay is to start
off by training your body to be com#letely motionless. Some may think that this is very easy, hoever,
it is not. !t is one of the more difficult things you ill have to do. The benefits of this are not only hel#ful
to your mind, but also good for your body as ell. !t is like being able to rela+ your hole body at once.
The method of accom#lishment this is as follosG
'rrange your body in a comfortable #osition, this could be any #ostition, be it sitting, standing or hat
have you. Remain in that #osition for as long as #ossible. Try not to blink or move any of your body at
all. @o not let the mind ander ith long trains of thought. 1bserve yourself #assively, so as not to
make you think about hat you feel or see. (hat a##eared to be a comfortable #ostition may become
agoni/ing in time, but #ersist ith it> Set time aside each day to do this e+cercise. !f you can do this 4:
times in a ro, on se#arate days, for over : minutes each, it is time to move on to the ne+t e+cercise.
Breathing, a very im#ortant body function. To do this you need to be able to do the motionlessness
e+cercise, they go hand in hand, in a ay. The aim ith this e+cercise is to use the full ca#acity of
your lungs ithout any added muscular effort or strain. This is also a good e+cercise for
smokers...%el#s you breathe> The method is as follosG
Stay as motionless as #ossible and begin to make your breathing sloer and dee#er. The lungs can
be em#ty or full, and you can hold it, to lengthen the time beteen breaths. (hen this can be done for
M5 minutes, you can move on to sto##ing thought.
The motionlessness and breathing techni7ues hel# #re#are you for not thinking or sto##ing thought.
Sto##ing thought is the beginnings of magickal trance. This trance is hat you ill need to call on ill,
henever you ant hen you #erform magick. The method is as follosG (hile motionless, and
breathing dee#ly, begin to ithdra the mind from thoughts that may arise. The attem#t to do this ill
sho you that your mind is full of activity. 1nly determination can in even a fe seconds of mental
silence, this is good, even if only a little bit at first. !t is #rogress. 'im for com#lete control over arising
thoughts and try to lengthen the #eriods of total silence in your mind. $ike #hysical motionlessness,
the mental motionlessness, it needs to be #racticed every day, #referably at set times. This is a
continuing e+cercise that one should do, no matter the level of magickian.
Orgasmic 'nvocation
by Rev. ?ul
The goal of this essay is to outline and e+#lain the bases behind invocation through orgasm brought
on by se+ual intercourse or self-stimulation. Se+ 2agick has been a ell-knon ty#e of ritual for a
long time and is #o#ular among many different ty#es of mystics from "haos 2agickians to %ermetics.
!t's attributes ill be described herein.
Basic &rinci#le
The basic #rinci#le behind se+ magick is sim#le. The feelings induced by se+ual acts and the
subse7uent orgasmCsE #ut off a great deal of energy. (hen to #eo#le engage in se+ual intercourse,
their energies intertine and become as one. This act in itself doubles the amount of energy out#ut
and hen focused on a certain goal enhances the rate of success in a ritual greatly. 1rgasms are the
clima+ of this union and act as a su#reme outletting of energy, hether creational, #leasureable, or
both; and hen focused, can invoke almost anything. Singlular Se+ 2agick Caka masturbationE,
though not as #oerful, can still be <ust as effective, because of the increased ease in focus. (hether
or not the goal is focused on throughout the #rocess of se+ or masturbation, invocation can still be
attained ith an e+tremely focused orgasm, this being the strongest out#ut of energy in the act.
"ommon Uses
The most common use of Se+ 2agick is in the con<uration of lust, a ritual aimed at attaining se+ual
relations ith #artner of choosing by sending the se+ual energy to that #erson in ho#es of influencing
their se+ual drive in your direction. !n this sort of ritual, the #erson ill masturbate to a de#iction or
thought of the intended goal, or ill sometimes act it out. (hen orgasm is attained, the #erson ill
concentrate all of the energy from it into the goal, thereby sending the energy to the #erson to
influence the goal. 'nother use of Se+ 2agick is invocation. The intense energy #ut-off in a se+ act
and orgasm can be used to invoke various s#irits, demons or even events4. !n this scenario, the
#erson ill #erform a ritual in a manner #ertaining to the goal Cie. invoking a s#irit to #erform a duty,
invoking a thunderstrom, invoking the inflo of cash, etc.E and clima+ the rite ith a se+ act, thereby
#utting an e+treme amount of energy into the goal.
"reational Se+ 2agick
Though this #articular kind's success is really de#endent on the magickian's beliefs, it can be a##lied
to any kind of situation. The common use of "reational Se+ 2agick is to use a se+ual union to create
either a conce#t or s#irit-child, the #roduct of the to souls intertining. The rites to these are very
de#endent on the #erson and really only ork ell hen ritten holly by the #eo#le involved.
The Personali7ation of (itual
By 3e%! Satrnah ,agash
As e%eryone one knows, there are rtuals on our we'ste!!!
Well ths class s a'out #ersonalzng them and talorng them to your own s#ecfc
style or needs! After all, what works for one #erson, doesnt necessarly work for
someone else! (hs s a tral and error #rocess m#ortant for all magckans who are
new to magck, or are learnng another style of magck! All magck has the f%e 'asc
elements to t!!!Wll, Concentraton, &magery, &magnaton and energy! (he elements
that you can not change are the Wll, "nergy and Concentraton! (hose 8 elements are
what you are and what you g%e to magck, to make the goal ache%ed! (he elements
you can change are &magery and &magnaton! (he two &Bs!!!or eyes, n essence! (hey
are how you see thngs! Some #eo#le are lke to see what s gong to ha##en, ether
%a ther mnd, n the form of art, or n the form of words and musc!
How can you change these thngs you ask! Well, & am frst gong to to start wth
&magery s the sym'ols or sgns used n workng wth whate%er s#rtK demon EetcF
that you are workng wth!!!+any use sgls!!!'ut for some that doesnt work, due to the
lack of ha%ng them, or not 'eng a'le to d%ne them or fnd them!!Sometmes
resources can 'e lmted! So what do you doA You can ether draw your own mage to
re#resent that #artcular s#rt! 0or exam#le, f you are dealng wth any of the four
crown #rnces, make sure you use the #ro#er colorsKattrtutes for them! )r you can a
#cture, re#resentng them! Some #eo#le e%en fnd household tems to show that they
are workng wth them!!!ths could 'e car%ng a name nto candles, drawng your own
sgls Ewhch s a 't more dffcultF or e%en usng a #entagram wth some sort of
ndcaton of who you are workng wth, 'e t a name n the center, or makng t a
color to re#resent them or what ha%e you! As long as you know n your heart and
nner self that s who t s, then that magery s there!
,ow, on to the &magnaton of the rtual tself! (hs creat%ty deals wth how the
rtual goes n your mnd! 3tual re*ure you to magne alot of factors, lke magnng
the #rotect%e crcle, and etc! &f you are dstracted from that, then you are not
#rotected! )ne way to sol%e ths s 'y usng s#ecal ncense, a knd that you lke alot
or dslke alot, and you use taht n concordance wth makng the #rotect%e crcle
etc!!!and that wll re#resent t! Also, f you ha%e mood musc, that s somethng that
remnds you of your goal!!!#lay t durng rtual low enough so that you can 'e heard n
grou# rtual!!!Some musc can ha%e a %ery strong effect on how you concentrate on
you goals! S#ecal lghtng also works the same way!!!& know ths sounds lke we are
tryng to 'e dramatsts!!!'ut, for some #eo#le t s easer ths way, and hel#s them
through the rte untl they are a'le to use nothng!! that s the goal n the end, toward
#rest hood!!!(o 'e a'le to use magck, and do rte wth out dstractons or mood
musc etc! And when reach a certan le%el n magck, you wll fnd these thngs are not
necessary anymore! But for a new magckan, they are sometmes hel#ful! & know ths
from ex#erence!
Another way you can #ersonalze a rtual s 'y changng t around!!! m#ro%sng! (o
m#ro%se, t s easy! 1o through the rtual a few tmes!!!f t feels natural to you then
that s fne!!!'ut f t snt comforta'le, or you cant seem to get t rght exactly!!!when
you do t wth out lookng at the rtual 'ook s the way you were meant to do t! Some
rtes are meant to 'e the way they are wrtten, 'ut those rtes are for accom#lshed
magckans and are wrtten 'y acco#lshed magckans wth the thought #rocess
'ehnd t that the ones after them who wll 'e dong the same rte are at least at the
same le%el they are!
#reliminary E;"lanation of the )or #rinces of !ell
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
The Four "roned &rinces of %ell
The Four "orners of .vocation
$ucifer - @irectionO.ast, NumberONine, .lementO'ir, "olorO(hite.
Satan - @irectionOSouth, NumberOSi+, .lementOFire, "olorORed.
Belial - @irectionONorth, NumberO1ne, .lementO.arth, "olorOBlack.
$eviathan - @irectionO(est, NumberOThree, .lementO(ater, "olorOBlue.
'ttributes of the Four &rinces
$ucifer - The light bringer, guiding our ay to isdom from the darkness of false truth. The air e
breathe, from the east. (ho's number is nine, as nine is the number of the #ride as any number nine
is multi#lied into can be added to form nine C.+am#le....K+:OS:...SU:OKE>
Satan - The south, hom re#resents the element of fire hich burns inside of us in the form of
unbridled emotion C$ove, %ate, Rage etc..E. (ho's number is that of si+ as si+ is the number of the
Name Hesus si+ hundred si+ty si+ to be e+act CHesusO4NOLULULE.
Belial - (ho holds #oer over the north, ho's element is the very earth hich re#resents staying firm
to your beliefs, solidness, not straying from your goals. (hat number better re#resents firmness then
one, the number that is the base of all other numbers0
$eviathan - The dragon of the aters, ho shos the sign of mans true godhood. Hust as ater can
create and destroy life, so can man> $eviathans number is Three the number of un#redictability as it
can go into the numbers of Satan and $ucifer yet not Belial hich re#resents mankind's ild streak,
not alays being so solid. $eviathan resides over the #oers of the est.
Purifyin% The "ham.ers
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
(hs s a small, short rtual to #urfy the ars and draw on the magckal forces of the
#artcular rtual cham'er! (hs rtual turns the ordnary 'edroom nto a magck #lace
of #ower, n whch rtuals take #lace and the mundane dare not tread22
(he $rest of the cham'ers #re#ares hmself mentally for the rtual at hand and #uts
on the #ro#er rtual attre and medallon! He then s#eaks to the other mem'ers who
mght 'e #erformng the rtual a'out what wll take #lace! He then makes sure no
mem'ers ha%e and second thoughts a'out the rtual!
The (itual)
(he $rest of the cham'ers #cks u# hs rtual dagger or wand and draws an n%erted
#entagram n the ar wth t! ,ow, whle turnng to the four corners E,orth, South,
"ast and WestF, he rectes the followngN
:0rom the south, & summon the flames of un'rdled emoton:
:0rom the east, & call u#on the ars of truth:
:0rom the north, & n%oke the 'lack earth:
:0rom the west, & con.ure the dank waters of the a'yss:
(he $rest then #onts u#, then down, and saysG
:As & am a'o%e, So & am 'elow, Mora'a:
+ital Constrction
by Rev. ?ul
! must first advise you in hy this is such a short essay. !t is meant to be basic in its construction to
allo one as much s#ace needed to utili/e the tem#late for #ersonali/ation. Normally, ! ould not feel
the need to state this beforehand, but there is an amusing but often un#roductive trend on occult and
satanic related ebsites these days that demands this statement's inclusionG the need for
#reconstructed rituals. Though some of these 3to-the-detail3 ritual tem#lates can be hel#ful, they leave
little or no room for #ersonali/ation, one of the very msot im#ortant things in a ritual. !t must come from
you to be the utmost fruitful. (ith that all said, here is the guide.
The first thing you need is a #ur#ose. There is no #oint in doing a ritual <ust for the sake of doing it. !t
is not something to #ractice, it's something to utili/e hen needed. ' tool, not a sho. "ommon
#ur#oses areG $ove, &rotection, $ust, and @estruction. The ma<ority of these listed are ith a #ositive
#olarity; hile destruction falls into a negative catagory. 2any ill tell you that these come back on
you and karma ill come for you. This is generally false and only true if you believe it to be so. (hen
you #ro<ect energy believing that it ill come back on you, you are assigning yourself to the goal as
ell as the intended target, thus #ulling it back on yourself. The main reason !'d assume this comes
from ould be the inclusion in many cultures of god-fearing and the stri##ing of nature's las of
survival. !gnore this, for the only true las are that of nature.
The second thing to consider is method. The most basic consists of a de#iction of your target and you
doing hatever is neccesary to #ro<ect the feelings and energy u#on that de#iction. 1ther more
common #ractices include .vocation and !nvocation. .vocation is channelling your energies to force a
s#irit into a s#ecified area and thus commanding it to carry out your goal. !t can be commonly found in
*oetic and .nochian te+ts. !nvocation is channelling energy to call a s#irit to here you are and
asking it to carry out the re7uest. The ays of going about this vary from #erson to #erson and should
be entirely u# to you. ! suggest reading be done on all methods before deciding hat you ould like to
utili/e and ho you ould go about it.
%ere are some things to consider for a ritual.
$ocation - (here ould you like to carry out your ritual0 it is said often that a 7uiet #lace here you
ill absolutely not be disturbed is best, as concentration and focus are vital to a successful orking.
SettingF2ood - This should be defined by the goal. (hatever assists in attaining the ma+imum out#ut
of emotion #ertaining to your goal is best. !ncense, "andles, 2usic, and 1ils are all commonly used.
(ell, ! ho#e this could be of some use to the necomer and even give maybe a bit of insight or
grounding to the ade#t. 'lays remember, you have to ant your goal to ha##en or it on't.
The +ital of the Enochian #rayer
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
Before ! go further, ! must inform you that this is the first #lane of 1uter Torelia. This is a ritual of
#raise or hymn. @uring this ritual, offerings or sacrifice may be made. This is the #erfect ritual to
increase s#iritual connection ith both Torelia and your @eities.
' ritual robe is re7uired to #erform this ritual.
The +ital
&urify the "hamber>
.nvision your godCsE being con<ured for about 45 minutes. Ne+t, dra out a sigil for the @eity being
called u#on and #ut it in your bol.
The Creative Ste"
(rite a #oem or song for the @eity.
"aosgi, )ovina, 1+iayal>
Ring the bell>
Turn off all lights and ignite the candles and incense. .nvision <ust the sigil of the @eity being con<ured
for about 9 or M minutes. No recite the .nochian &rayer to Torabia and ring the bell>
8ou may no make sacrifice or an offering to your @eity and sayG
Ring the bell>
To allo the @eity to leave and return to it's realm once again, sim#ly s#rinkle sulfur over the sigil in
the bol and ignite it hile sayingG
3!t is done3
Ring the bell>
+ital ,echanics
by Rev. ?ul
The act of the ritual is sim#le and there are to basic ty#es. The to basics are as thusG 4. making a
re7uest to a certain s#irit or deity, hich involves either invoking or evoking the s#irit or deity and then
out#utting the emotion for the re7uest, or 9. sending the energy to the #erson directly through means
of e+treme emotional out#ut such as masturbation, self-mutilation, laughter, crying, etc. to influence
the #erson toards the goal.
For e+am#le, hen a ritual re7uesting something of $ucifer is commited, it is basically sending the
emotion you evoke to him to do one of three thingsG #ut forth the ill of 'b-Tu to make this re7uest
come about, call u#on legions or s#ecific s#irits to carry out the re7uest, or to carry out the re7uest
The main basis and continual factor behind all of this is emotional out#ut. The release of energy by
this is essential to the success of the ritual. .motion, feeling, ill... all forms of energy, hich is that
hich makes u# your s#irit. (ithin your vessel of flesh lies energy, hich is called soul, s#irit, chi, ka,
feeling, emotion, sentience, etc.; and that is the key to ritual success.
By @eacon )or#halack
This tends to be a more than one 'nser thingy, 'cause many of you ould no say 3Rituals are
necessary for success3, others ould say 3Rituals are totally 1bsolete3, and some ould say 3! like
them, but ! don't need them3. @ifferent ansers for different vies, as alays, so ! ould like to tell you
hat ! think about that 7uestionV..
're Rituals 1bsolete0 First 'nserG 8es>
Second 'nserG No, they are necessary>
$ong 'nserG
! think this ill confuse you, right0 Fine, that is ho it should be. $et me e+#lainV
!f you are alone, hy do you do a ritual, 'cause you ould change something., but thinking straight
forard, the ritual only hel#s you to direct your ill into the right ay. So, if it only hel#s you, you can
learn to gain the same goal ithout the Ritual by directing your ill by yourself.
!f there are more #eo#le, trying to reach a goal together, there a##lies the same as by a single #erson,
but it can be very difficult to get their energies together, and here is a Ritual a real handy thing,
because all involved #ersons ill #ut their energies together ithout big #roblems.
's you can see, a Ritual is still not necessary, but is getting more im#ortant, so hen ill a Ritual
became necessary0 (hen the &erson andFor *rou# is not <ust doing it to accom#lish a goal, but also
tries to get Self aareness, Fun, and that s#ecial feeling only a Ritual can give. ' Ritual is necessary
if you do it for the Ritual itself, not <ust to success in something, and that is something every
2agickanF(itch should do from time to time, 'cause it gives you a good feeling and makes you
<4.=4.6<<< - Secrets to Sccessfl ,agic%
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
There are many things that you learn in magickal te+ts...%o to set u# an altar. (hat im#lements you
may need. !ngredients for various rites, and etc. They tell you everything you need to kno about ho
the rite orks. .ven though you may do everything that that book may say, but you still dont succeed.
No one can figure out hat they did rong.
(ell, there are something things books ill never tell you. 'nd that is hat this class is about. These
'secrets' are ithin yourself. 8our ego and your confidence. Books ill never tell you ho to use these
things, nor ill they tell you that they are essential. !t is the main Secret behind successful magick.
%ave you ever talked to someone ho is very successful0 @ont they seem to be conceited0 ! kno !
have run into that many times. That is their confidence at ork. But confidence can hurt you too. But
first, ! ill e+#lain hat good confidence is, and then ho over confidence can hinder you.
*ood Self "onfidence. !t is hen you are not afraid of anything, hen you dont doubt yourself, or
anything you do. !t is the #art of you that says 38ou can do it3 and it drives you toards your goals no
matter hat they may be. No, some #eo#le may seem like they have good confidence, but in reality,
they inardly doubt. These are the magickians ith a :5F:5 success rate. Their self esteem on the
outside seems good, but inside, they still doubt. Those ill lo self confidence and lo self esteem
are those ho's magick ill never ork. This is because they dont see themselves highly, nor do they
think that they can do it. 1vercoming this is a ma<or #art of magickal develo#ment.
%o to achieve this varies from #erson to #erson. But to start, you must believe in yourself. 8ou must
kno that hat you are doing is going to ork, and never doubt that in your head. The @aily Ritual of
Reaakening is a good start for building your confidence, for in that right, you are #roclaiming that no
on shall remove you from your throne.
No ho overconfidence orks against you. (hen you are over confident, you think that you are
invincible. 2agickaly s#eaking, there is alays someone better than you in the orld somehere.
There is a #oint hoever, hen you are almost that, it means that the one you are
arring ith, ill recieve damage, but so ill you. 'nd that eakens you. !f you kee# that u#, you ill
eaken youself, even though you think you are strong and #oerful...then you try a rite, here you
have to be in full strength, then you hurt yourself really bad. This goes many ays. "onfidence is
good, over confidence is detrimental.
's far as ego is concerned...!t is similar to the confidence thing. %oever, ego most times is bad. To
big of an ego ill cause you to lose more than in. ?tians have that #roblem ith their self-righteous
bull. (icca is the same ay. They do magick, and they are hite light so that gives them an ego that
they are 3*ood3. The satanic ego, hich is different from every other ego there is. This is because e
are considered not like everyone else or freaks, our egos must be different. (e have to have an ego,
yet still be a##roachable. ! think that e+#lains itself.
'nother secret to successful magick that ! did not mention, is the accentuation of various #arts of the
ritual. The ords, ho it is orded, etc. For e+am#le, hen doing a Black 2ass, you need to make
sure that the Four "ron &rinces hear you, kno that you are #aying a tribute to them for their
services, even tho you commanded them to do so. Res#ect is a ma<or as#ect of the accentuation.
This also a##lies other ty#es of rituals. Such as healing, you ant to make sure the #erson or yourself
gets healed, you need to accentuate that. 1r if you are trying to attain something, be it s#iritual or
material. 8ou need to accentuate your goal.
'ccentuations also include #ronunciation. !F you are orking in magickal languages, such as
enochian, or sumerian, etc, you have to say them right for it to ork. !f you dont, then the s#irit or
entity you are talking to or commanding ill not understand you, therefore, not com#lete hat you are
These are the little knon secrets of magick and hat makes it successful.
The Self 0a"tismal into the Glory of !ell
By Rev. Frederick Nagash 55P
8ou must send #roof that you #reformed this rite to one of the Tribunal members for the "hurch of
$ucifer to recogni/e your 2agickal name and official rank. &roof may be audio or video of the ritual
taking #lace.
Before the ritual you ill need to have the #ro#er altar as ell as the knoledge of ho to #urify the
"hambers. This should be the first ritual you ever #erform ith the ".1.$. in 2agick.
Straight black clothing or a ritual robe is re7uired.
The +ital-
&urify the "hamber>
&lace your hand over a candle and sayG
3By Satan, be blessed by fire3
(ave air in your face and sayG
3By $ucifer, be blessed by air3
S#rinkle salt on your head and sayG
3By Belial, be blessed by earth3
2oisten your bro ith ater and sayG
3By $eviathan, be blessed by ater3
No raise your left arm and hit the inside of your forearm ith the 3F$'T .N@3 of the blade from your
ritual dagger and sayG
3! no bear the invisible mark of the "hurch of $ucifer and alays shall, Torabia>3
Ring the bell>
The 0asics of Torelian ,agic%
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
Torelian 2agick encom#asses the basic las of astral travel, yet a##lies them differntly. Torelian
2agick utili/es the M main human elements- 2ind, Body, and Sirit as one microcosm. 'lso 3Torelians3
use the S basic elements of 'lchemy-.arth, 'ir, Fire, and ater as ell as the added Universe or
2acrocosm. Torelia has L #lanes of travel broken into 9 sections of study, the 1uter #lane and the
!nner #lane. The 1uter #lane is an initiate #eriod to this realm and into the higher state of being, here
as the !nner #lane is 3Torelian %igh 2agick3 and encom#asses that #ast the #hysical realm. The three
1utter #lanes areG
The &lane of %ymn or &raise
The &lane of the !nner *ods Reserrection
The &lane of 2inor Torabia 9-S-:-Q-N
The Three !nner #lanes areG
The &lane of S#irits CNecromancyE
The &lane of @reams
The &lane of 2a<or Torabia 4-M-L-K
1utter Torelia, hile being lesser magick is very difficult, The &lane of %ymn or &raise can only be
crossed once you can obtain s#iritual connection beteen the selves and the *od form. By giving
#raise to the god form, you are in return giving #raise to yourself. The &lane of the !nner *ods
Ressurection, can only be crossed once *nosis can be controlled and used at any given #oint for the
effect of su#eriority over all other living things, both s#iritual and #hysical. The &lane of 2inor Torabia
CTorabia meaning @emonsEinvolves the construction and con<uration of lesser demons or beings for a
variety of esoteric matters. The $esser being con<ured may also be one hich you have researched
and kno everything about such as Baal, or &hul etc...
The Three !nner &lanes of Torelia can only be seen and crossed once the outer #lanes have been
crossed. The &lane of S#irits involves some e+treme Necromantic rites to summon the s#irits of the
dead to #hysical form for various 1ccult reasons. The &lane of @reams is a #lane unlike any other,
most #eo#le have been to the #lane of dreams but ho many can say they can control and com#letely
disci#her the dreams true meaning0 $astly the &lane of 2a<or Torabia, or the con<uration of greater
s#irits, involves ceremonial offerings, e+tremely long ceremonies, and a very hightened state of
gnosis. *reater *ods or @evils are called on hen no other ill do...
3Torelians3 must fully dedicate almost all of their s#are time to #ractice, this is hy my 1rder is so
selective of it's members. !t is not enough to read and com#rehend, you must a##ly the techni7ues.
Torabia is something ! recieved during evocation on the Torelian &lane. ! summoned 2ammon and
ask for ealth, instead ! recieved Torabia. ! did'nt kno hat Torabia as until ! began useing it in
ritual. Through C%ebraicE Numerology ! found Torabia contains all of the numbers of the Four &rinces
of %ell. ! choose to no longer use Shemhamforash C' ord com#rised of all the %ebre names of god
as oneE as ! no use the more fitting Torabia>
's you can see 3Torelians3 must be fully dedicated to the occult and are not closed minded to any
facet of occult studies. 2y studies of Torelia have assisted me far beyond my normal constraints of
mundane 2agickal #ractice. (elcome to Torelia>>>
-tarin% into the 'ra%ons Eye
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
Starng nto the Cragons "ye s a #owerful method of C%naton and may lead to a
hgher s#rtual #lane! (hs, n tself, s knd of lke a rtual 'ut s much more then that!
You must fast for three days, l%ng only only water or drnk! You may slee# the frst
nght, 'ut the second and thrd you must reman awake! /ght only one 'lack candle
and #lace ether a 'lack damond or 'loodstone on a #llow n front of you! Clear you
thoughts and gaze nto the stone whle countng 'ackwards from 6@@! By the tme you
reach one, you should 'e n a heghtened state of awareness! ,ow close your eyes and
re#eat n a soft tone :Mora'a: untl you feel youB%e accom#lshed your task and ha%e
entered the hgher s#rtual #lane!
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
Torelia is a #lane unlike most ould encounter on the astral #lane. ! have ritten all of the 1rders'
2agickal #ractices hile in travel to Torelia. Torelia has three outer #lanesG
The &lane of %ymn or &raise
The &lane of the *ods CResurrection of 1nes' !nner *odE
The &lane of Torabia 2inor 9-S-:-Q-N
Torelia also encom#asses three inner #lanesG
The &lane of S#irits CNecromancyE
The &lane of @reams
The &lane of 2a<or Torabia 4-M-L-K
The three outer #lanes are traveled through mental #re#aration and training, hile the three inner
#lanes are traveled once the three outer #lanes are mastered. Through Torabia, e learn magick
must alays move forard and never linger, or it can become boring and re#etitive. For this reason
the 1rder ill constantly evolve into more then <ust a singular facet of studies. (e ill be searching for
32agickians3 ith the title of 2agus in our 1rder to form ne sects of the 1rder based on varied occult
'll 3Torelians3 are encouraged to study Torelian 2agick as ell as any other facet of the left-hand-
#ath. Torelian 2agick involves using the four basic elements of alchemy-.arth, 'ir, Fire, and (ater as
ell as Universe, (ill, .nergy, and !magery. .verything in Torelian 2agick re#resents and has reason
for being there, the altar being the #rime e+am#le of this fact. The 2ind, Body, and S#irit being all
encom#assing as the microcosm and the universe being vast and une+#lored as the macrocosm, are
another thing re#resented and used in Torelian 2agick, this is hy training is needed. 'fter the
student reaches the rank of 3'##rentice3, they become <ust that under one of the 32agus3 of one of
the sect. of the 1rder or directly under Rev. Frederick Nagash 5P.
The 1rder ho#es to bring back the true occult traditions of the orld and eradicate the mass
#erce#tion of it. Through this facet of 2agick e ho#e to accom#lish this>
!ail Torelia222 >ora&ia222
Trainin% the $ind
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
(o #ro#erly #erform any +agckal #ractce, you must frst de%elo# the mnd and wll
or :true wll: to 'e strong! Wrtten here s a study gude for the 'egnner! &t wll
nclude the texts of tranng, as well as when to tran n the dfferant techn*ues! You
$*-T follow the tranng regmen to the 'est of your a'ltes! When you ha%e
accom#lshed your tasks, you may mo%e on to the 'asc rtuals, 'ut !5T 'efore22
First8Vod medton s a %ery good way to tran the mnd! St n a com#letely dark
room wth only one candle lt! Stare at the candle and use controlled 'reathng to slow
t down! (hnk of nothng 'ut a %od and do not mo%e the slghtest 't! Co ths
e%eryday 7 to 8 tmes a day for no less then 8@ mnutes! )nce you can do ths for 7
hours, mo%e on to the next method!
-econd8Cream control s a good ad%anced method of tranng! "%erytme you wake
u#, *uckly .ot down what you remem'er from your dream! After around 7 weeks
when your gettng ready to go to slee#, say n your mnd Mora'a, untl your on the
dream #lane! (hs s called :m#lantng a thought on the #lane of dreams:! )nce you
can successfully m#lant the thought, mo%e on to the next method!
Third8(he fre aura a a great way to de%elo# :Ch: EChnese for nternal energesF!
0rst, slow down your 'reathng! (hen, n%son an aura of fre around your 'ody!
,ow hold your hands one a'o%e the other n front of you! See and feel the aura fll
your hands and concentrate on t! 0eel the heat 'etween your hand! +oton your hands
crcular to form a 'all of fre! (hen, when you feel comforta'le, #ush the fre aura nto
your chest and a'sor' the energes2 You wll do ths 6 tme e%ery week!
Fourth8Ha't formaton s another good tranng method! Choose a strange ha't
E,onDHarmngF such as ha%ng a frend choose a num'er 'etween 6 and ; and do
somethng that many tmes for a month! After a month lessen the num'er down untl
you are through wth t, (hen do t agan dfferently222
The /alue of Ba3homet
By Vaal#us
&t s wdely 'ele%ed throughout the occult and Satanc communty that the Ba#homet
was an dol who was worsh##ed 'y the )rder of Qnghts (em#lar! (hs mltarstc
grou# was founded n 666? c!e! to #rotect Chrstans from Ara' attack whle they
made #lgrmages to the Holy /and! (hey also #ro%ed to 'e %ery successful n
'usness, rangng from 'ankng to 'uldng! 0rom ths, they accumulated great wealth!
(hs order grew and grew, through the generatons, untl ts wealth and #ower 'egan
to 'e greater then the Catholc Church, and many other rulers of the day!
At ths #ont, rumors 'egan to 'reak out that the order had turned toward the /eft
Hand $ath! &ntates were rumored to ha%e engaged n many 'las#hemes, ncludng
tram#lng on the cross, renouncng Jesus, and su'mttng to homosexual acts wth
other knghts! (he knghts were sad to ha%e worsh##ed a #agan god, known as
Ba#homet, a creature wth the head of a goat!
&n the early fourteenth century, $hl##e &V, the kng of 0rance, realzed that he could
use these stores to get a hold of the Qnghts (em#larsB assets and wealth! (he kng
was growng #oor, and needed a way to re#lensh hs wealth! He had already ex#elled
the Jews and taken all ther #ro#erty, and t was the Qnghts (em#larsB turn to 'e
renounced and executed, lea%ng ther wealth to the kng!
(he kng relayed $o#e Clement V all the rumors that he had heard a'out the orderBs
'las#hemes! (he $o#e *uckly ga%e the kng #a#al #ermsson to take acton aganst
the order! $hl##e wasted no tme! He *uckly de%sed a #lan to ca#ture many of the
hgher rankng mem'ers of the order! )n )cto'er 68, 68@= E(he hstorcal orgn of
0rday the 68thF, the kng n%ted Jac*ues de +olay and hs knghts to attend a knght
of entertanment and feastng! When the knghts showed u#, they were arrested! )%er
the followng years, they were tortured and nterrogated untl they confessed to the
'las#hemes that they were accused of! (hey were then 'urned to death!
(he #ersecuton of the (em#lars contnued, drected 'y the #a#al decree, throughout
the Chrstan controlled lands! (he knghts were rounded u# n cty after cty and
executed after 'een tortured nto a confesson! (her wealth were d%ded 'y the kngs
and clergy!
Whether the Catholc Church or the kng of 0rance started the crculaton of the
rumors s uncertan! &t would not 'e sur#rsng f they dd, howe%er! (he madeDu# god
that the (em#lars were accused of worsh##ng, :Ba#homet:, #ro'a'ly came from a
corru#t translaton of :+ohammed:, the Ara' #ro#het and founder of the +uslm
(o use or wear the Ba#homet s more of a sym'ol of re.ecton, rather then a sgn of
fath! (o wear a Ba#homet medallon around your neck n modern tme s a sym'olc
way of sayng, :You ha%e klled many n the name of BrghteousnessB, 'ut we know the
truth2 So you can take your cross and sho%e t u# your ass2 You are all hy#ocrtes and
lars! Hstory has #ro%en t2: &n ntellectual terms, the Ba#homet s a more extreme
%erson of Chrstan re.ecton n com#arson to any knd of cross desecraton due to
the tragc story that accom#anes t!
$am"irism Class on ?colcifer
By Rev. Satrinah Nagash
This is the log from ]colucifer.
^SatrinahX %o many #eo#le actually believe that drinking blood makes you young or immortal0 (ell,
first of all, blood drinking is not hat actual vam#irism is. That is something %ollyood created. True
)am#irism is not an act, but is intentional...and anything intentional is a magickal act...)am#irism is
^SatrinahX .very intentional act of magick you #erform, is a form of vam#irism in one ay or another.
^SatrinahX For e+am#le...hen you do a healing or destructive are mani#ulating energies.
@e#ending on ho you mani#ulate those very same energies, is hat distinguishes you from being a
vam#ire or a magickian
^SatrinahX Note that 'Being a )am#ire' does N1T mean you suck others blood, are immortal in a
#hysical sense, Nor does it have to do ith fangs. ! am sure most kno this...but lately...there seems
to be more #eo#le ho don't
^SatrinahX any 7uestions0
^Dree#-X none so far
^@cn?ulX no#e not here
^SatrinahX (hen using energies, you use either #assive or active. Rev. Nagash had a class on that, a
month or so ago.
^SatrinahX (hen you use the #assive energies, these energies are not vam#iric. 'ctive energies are
vam#iric, hich is found in the human both mentally and #hyisically, the earth and the s#irit. These are
the energies used in invocation and evocation. The activeFvam#iric energy is hat gets magick
accom#lished. Negative energy falls under the category of blood, hich is a #assive energy. !t stays
^SatrinahX . !t stays ithin to sustain itself. (ere as the active energy is #ositive energy.
^SatrinahX any 7uestionsX0
^NecroLLLX N1111111&&&.
^@cn?ulX so far none here
^SatrinahX (hy is vam#iric energy a #ositive energy. This is because #ositive energy is something
that you can take from everything around you, and mani#ulate it to do your ill. (hat is a vam#ire
again0 ' being that takes energy for its #ersonal use.
^SatrinahX (hen one uses this energy, one is being vam#iric for taking the energy and using it as
one ishes, but can be utili/ed for healing or destruction. )am#iric magick, is the magick of everyone
ho uses this energy every day, but there are alays e+ce#tions to the rule. )am#irism is not merely
magick though, it is also a state of mind, or a #hiloso#hy. !t is the #redatorial nature of man. ' survival
of the fittest ty#e #hiloso#hy.
^SatrinahX . !t is the #redatorial nature of man. ' survival of the fittest ty#e #hiloso#hy. %oever, the
vam#ire is also made u# of three #rime elements of human nature. Social, Taught, and "arnal. They
have learned true evolution by not denying any facet of their nature.
^SatrinahX any 7uestions0
^Dree#-X no#e doing great satrinah
^SatrinahX The Social Nature of the )am#ire is this, in dealing ith #eo#le, knoing ho to handle
various situations ithout fail or regret. !t is sim#ly interaction ith others.
^@cn?ulX so is an 'khkharu really a vam#ire or <ust hat %ollyood ould call one0
^SatrinahX 'khkharu, is the Sumerian e7uivalent of the vam#ire...
^@cn?ulX it sucks the blood of a man so as to become a man but it never really becomes one, right0
^SatrinahX !n all the Sumerian te+ts ! have access to..the vam#ireC'khkharuE as never referred to as
a blood sucker, but as one ho takes energy
^@cn?ulX k
^SatrinahX and all vam#ires really are, are those ho take energy and uses it for their on gain,
hich is very satanic as ell
^@cn?ulX to become a man, hich is its on desire to use them for...k ! got it
^SatrinahX e+actly
^SatrinahX any other 7uestions
^@cn?ulX k
^@cn?ulX none here
^SatrinahX The Taught Nature of the )am#ire is hat you're brought u# as, and hat your #arents
teach you as values.
^SatrinahX No some #eo#le may think that means if they ere raised +tian, that those are the values
taught. This is not true, you have to be able to se#arate the actual values from religion. Such as, for
e+am#le, Thou shall not steal. (ell e all kno that is not a good idea, because e ould go to <ail.
"ommon sense. Stealing and religion have nothing to do ith each other. "ommon sense, is
something some ##l are
^SatrinahX "ommon sense, is something some ##l are born ith and others develo#, and then there
are the fe ho never have common sense.
^Dree#-X no 7's hereY
^Dree#-X good #oint
^SatrinahX The "arnal Nature of the )am#ire is <ust that. 'll carnal, natural instincts and emotions are
the carnal nature. This ould include love, hate, violence, survival, etc. The carnal nature is the
instincts are the result of the Social Nature in a ay...!f someone #rovokes you in a bad ay, your
carnal nature takes over to kick that #ersons ass.
^SatrinahX . 'nother e+am#le, hen someone says hi to you nicely alking don the street, that is
not threatening, and the carnal nature does not react, because your Social Nature knos that that is
not necessary.
^SatrinahX Those are the three elements of the vam#ire. But one is a vam#ire only hen the three
elements are mastered and one has full control over them.
^SatrinahX 1k, does anyone have any 7uestions on the Three elements
^SatrinahX 0
^@cn?ulX all set here GE
^Dree#X no#e ell e+#lained satrinah
^SatrinahX No, does anyone kno ho to use those elements....0
^Dree#X hmmm
^@rakonX ave
^@cn?ulX ell really they can be used in everyday life
^Dree#X all the time0
^SatrinahX yes all the time
^NecroLLLX ! think so
^@cn?ulX i think you described it ell on that end
^@rakonX hat is the sub<ect on tonight0
^NecroLLLX 2ind 2ani#ulation0
^@rakonX k
^SatrinahX True )am#irism, drakon
^SatrinahX Nec, in a ay...
^Dree#X is it used for survival0
^@cn?ulX ye#
^SatrinahX yes, it is <esse
^SatrinahX ok, in the survival as#ect...
^SatrinahX you get stranded somehere, your hungry...
^SatrinahX hat do your instincts tell you to doX0
^Dree#X find food
^@cn?ulX eat, defend, find or make shelter
^SatrinahX yes...
^@cn?ulX hunt
^SatrinahX the carnal nature of the vam#ire, ill do hatever it takes to get that food...
^SatrinahX you see all the beggars outside, beggin for money
^SatrinahX they are using their ability as a vam#ire to get hat they ant, they kno ho to get ##l to
#ity them and give them money
^Dree#X ill-to-#oer0
^SatrinahX ill to #oer, yes
^Dree#X cool
^@cn?ulX ive done that hile bored aiting for a ride to come get me lol
^Dree#X $1$
^SatrinahX but in essence, you have to kno ho to use them abilities...
^SatrinahX you have to kno hat ill make ##l give you hat you ant
^SatrinahX lol
^SatrinahX observation is a very good tool
^SatrinahX hen using your vam#iric abilities
^SatrinahX alays kno your surroundings, atch the ##l around you...
^*igimZ?uYX kinda like your circle
^SatrinahX gig, as in the ##l you kno0
^SatrinahX every friend is a #otential enemy, remember that...
^Dree#X the closer you get to them, the greater the threat they become0
^*igimZ?uYX ell if you e+#and your circle the more you control right..0
^SatrinahX kree#, not alays...
^Dree#X ith of course the e+ce#tion of a selected fe
X^SatrinahX gig, sometimes, but to feed off of someone like that, it not alays a good idea...
^*igimZ?uYX true
^SatrinahX you see, as far as control goes, yah, controlling things is good, but the main thing you
should be concerned about is controlling 81UR s#ace...
^SatrinahX 8our (orld.
^SatrinahX not everyone else's, unless they really deserve it
^*igimZ?uYX that's hat i meant
^*igimZ?uYX not to control others
^SatrinahX yes, but by observation, you ill kno ho is hat, and ho to look out for
^Dree#X shouldn't you 7uestion everyone0
^Dree#X even those you kno ell0
^SatrinahX i 7uestion ##l hen they give me a reason
P Satrinah is easy going like that
^SatrinahX if you 7uestion too much, they could be ary of you, and that is they're carnal instinct
^@rakonX couldn't it be the other ay around as ell0
^@rakonX as the vam#ire, asking a lot
^SatrinahX yes drakon, it does ork like that
^@rakonX in order to get something
^@rakonX k
^SatrinahX everyone has vam#iric 7ualities, it is <ust that some are better at using them than others
^SatrinahX and some, even, don't kno they even e+ist
^@rakonX hat about hen it comes to relationshi#s0
^SatrinahX relationshi#s are based on trust...
^@rakonX isn't there a give and take factor0
^Dree#X very true
^@rakonX i agree
^SatrinahX but, ith relationshi#s, you have to really kno the #erson to trust
^Dree#X yeah you do, and even then sometimes they can #ull a fast one on you
^SatrinahX sometimes...not everyone is fool #roof all the time...
^@rakonX com# is acting u#
^@rakonX sorry
^SatrinahX b everyone
^SatrinahX thats okie
^NecroLLLX Satrinah... are you a 2aster )am#ire0
^SatrinahX Nec...lets <ust say i kno the sub<ect 7uite ell
^SatrinahX ell, does anyone have any other 7uestions0
^@rakonX hmm...
^Dree#X ! cant think of any right no
^@cn?ulX im set
^*igimZ?uYX so ould you say a vam#ire is the true satanist...
^SatrinahX in a sense, but it is more like the vam#irism is more of an attribute of the true satanist
By 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
Mora'a s a word whch encom#asses all of the num'ers of the 0our Crowned )nes!
Whle #erformng a rte a'out < months ago, +ammon confessed hs #resence, &
asked for wealth 'eyond wealth! &nstead he ga%e me a word2 & ddnBt know what to do
wth ths word untl & started usng t n rtual, a'out two weeks later! &t s lke sayng
.ust the o##oste of Shemhamforash EA word of #ower consstng of all he names of
god n one word where as Mora'a s the names of the 0our $rnces of Hell as oneF!
(hrough the He'rac numerologcal system, & found t has all four num'ers of the
'east wthn tG 6D8D<D?, and s used as the su#reme word of #ower now n the (orelan
system of +agckal #ractce2 3ather then ram'le on Hal Satan, Hal /ucfer etc!!!Just
Mora'a!!!!!! Luciferi Preface
(hs s my second nstallment to 4/'er &llumnatus5 and also one of my most
com#lex works & ha%e wrtten as of yet! & could not nclude my normal 4(hanks lst5
n ths tome howe%er, nor could & take full credt for tls creaton as t was sm#ly
wrtten #redomnantly through me 'y +ammon! (hs Holy or 4-nholy5 work to
some, s my #ersonal ''le and study gude to llumnaton! & ha%e gone through great
#erls to 'rng ths nformaton to those who read ths now, & stand at rsk of loosng
my %ery lfe from some who would wsh ths text not to 'e wrtten! & feel ths 'ook
wll hel# many whom ha%e 'een 'lnded 'y fath and 'rng more humans ha##ness
through the lght of the most holy one, /ucfer! & cannot stress study of ths gude
enough as many hdden secrets le ahead throughout ths tome and may 'e dsco%ered
'y those who truly wsh to fnd them!!!
DDD)nce man secludes hmself from the eyes of god, he 'ecomes god2
D 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
(hs tome, #u'lshed %a electronc means for sole dstr'uton of the Church of
/ucfer and tls &!8[ adherents s a gude through esoterc /ucferan 'elef structures!
(he Church of /ucfer retans all legal rghts to tls #u'lcaton and owns all rghts to
tls dstr'uton! &f ths manual of /ucferc relgon s #assed on to A,Y of whom the
Church of /ucfer wshes not to retan a co#y, mem'ersh# #r%leges wll 'e re%oked
and legal matters may 'e ensued! (e1ealin%
By +ammon through 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
(hs 'ook of re%ealng unmasks death and creaton as well as the tem#les of Hell on
earth and Hell 'elow! (hs 'ook shall 'e my secret ''le of the hdden knowledge of
the holest one of 'rghtness!
I ) Before "reation
&n the 'egnnng, 'efore man, 'efore the Hea%ens all was a'yssc! (he great %od of
the mnd of 1od!
1od 'eng of #ure mnd, thought /ucfer nto creaton and #oured out the cu# of
knowledge unto hm!
1od than ga%e /ucfer #hyscal form and ga%e hm #ower o%er the ornaments of
(han all was *uet2
(he chaotc %od of the su#reme one a'o%e was slenced!
II ) The Fall of Lucifer and the (ise of $an
/ucfer learned under 1od all thngs of a d%ne nature!
/ucfer 'ecame than weary of the nothngness and darkness and s#oke unto god these
4& your son /ucfer, #etton unto thee for a d%ne kngdom5
So as god re#ledG
4& lord of all thngs, the almghty one shall createth for us a d%ne #lace of my rest!5
And so were the Hea%ens formed!
/ucfer than n hs d%ne as#ects created the #lanets and stars under the wll of 1od!
1od than created the com#any of Hea%en and named them!
(hen the one a'o%e s#oke thusly to /ucferG
4Son, thy father commands thee to 'rng lght5
/ucfer so #arted the darkness and all was shown!
1od hath now seen the face of /ucfer, #erfect and unscathed and so 1od sad to all
4/et there 'e lght5
(he years #assed and no words were #resent n the Hea%ens! /ucfer 'roke the slence
and sad unto 1odG 4/ord almghty, 0ather of my 'eng, & hearken unto your glory for
a #eo#les to show thy grace and my 'eauty5 and so 1od created the creatures of the
earth from whch man e%ol%ed!
+an n hs frst c%lzaton was shown 'y 1od ther d%nty 'ut saw not hs face! So
/ucfer a##eared 'efore man and sadG 4(hy gfts are #lenty chosen ones, thy lord
1od hath sent me to teach of you the d%ne scences5 and man came to lo%e the angel
of lght wth as much lo%e as that of 1od!
1od, the one a'o%e 'ecame .ealous of hs frst creatons 'eauty and the 'ond that was
formed wth man and Jeho%ah cursed at /ucfer! Astrum Infernum
5r the 4-tar Infernal4
By +ammon through 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
Assumng you know the nature of the four $rnces of Hell, & wll further mo%e nto the
C%ne as#ects of the nature of the master of the nfernal lords and man n the words
of my gude the treasurer of Hell, +ammon!
/'er Astrum &nfernum
I ) Lucifers !ame
/ucfer, the as#ect of lght of the d%ne truths! "%en (hoth s r%aled n hs wsdom
for he created creaton from the a'yssc %od of the mnd of 1od! $erfect n hs 'eauty
and mrrored to none s thy mornng star! 0ear hm not, the wsdom shall #rotect thee
from Samael! And n hs holy lght may we go n #eace! And n hs seal and #rayer we
may gan hs wsdom, from hs %ery name may we 'rng hm glory! And hs seal of
dualty s thusG
&n the name of our /ord may we #ray to fnd also our own d%nty! 0or the $rnce of
lght s +crocosm, he s #rde, he s knowledge and truth, we shall strde to hde hs
face from the #rofane so that none may #er%ert hs d%nty! +an, 'egotten 'y 1od,
has 'een em'raced anew! (he new aeon s of the 'lood of Hea%en and the renewal of
the 4true5 wll! 0or the chosen sons of #leasure shall rse u# and taketh for our lord a
throne of .ustce!
And through the lght shall thee #re%al o%er thne 'lnded shee# of 1od! 0or the 1od
of ths world cares not for thne! And the llumnated shall 'e 'rght enough to 'lnd
the eyes of 1od so that he can causeth no more #an n the world! So let t 'e done2
II ) The Testament of $ammon
/o 'rother my legons of 8@ and num'er of 79;=> or > alone! And & the lone one,
formless and %od wanted to know the lo%e of 1od and he smote my eyes so that they
'lackened! He than mocked me wth a crown u#on my 'row and ga%e of me the head
of the ancent mammoth and the 'ody of man!
/ucfer, took u# of my weary heart and s#oke the ars of lo%e! )n that day of mne
dssenson & was to anonted n the 'lood of the Hea%ens and the /ght of our /ord
and g%en the rule o%er the (reasure of Hell! (han thy almghty lord of lght granted
me regn o%er 8@ legons!
III ) 5f the 'i1ine As3ects of $an
+an, 'y nature s n a s#rtual slum'er! He who s lght and lfe 'rought man a'out
through hs father to wtness hs 'eauty! &n allowng man to wtness hs true self or
face s to o#en u# thy mnd to the knowledge of hs true 4C%ne self5! Curng mans
entrance to ths fleshly shell hs mnd s eradcated and he s forced to 'egn the
arguous .ourney of lfe! By the end of a mans lfe he wll ha%e amassed a s#ecfc
amount of knowledge of the d%ne self! Howe%er, when man studes not of hs d%ne
nature of hmself he s forced 'ack to earth n another shell to start hs lfe .ourney all
o%er agan! When man fnds the lght of hs own ma.esty only than may he de a full
mortal death!
I/ ) 5f Hell and 'eath
As man #asses through the layers of lfe and gans hs wsdom of self d%nty, at
death hs soul lea%es the 'ody n three days from the eyes! (he soul than tra%els
through thy r%er stx and s greeted 'y the hag who str#s them naked of earthly
%estments! (han the d%ne self must go 'efore the lord of lght and answer nne
*uestons, f wrong he s sent to the lower #t or the frozen ,e#hlm to 'e tought and
f correct that man may .on /ucfers legons! Ceath should not 'e feared for t s not
an end 'ut a 'egnnng!
So endeth ths 'ook of the star nfernal2
66 E1olution
By +ammon (hrough 3e%! 0rederck ,agash
6! (here ha%e 'een no defned truths to how man came a'out and how we ha%e
7! 3elgon clams t to 'e the work of the d%ne, scence clams we arose from
anmal and 'oth are correct!
8! /ucfer ask god 40or a #eo#les to show thy grace and hs 'eauty D /'er 3e%ealng
'ook 7 %erse >5 so n fact /ucfer created man howe%er we were not man yet!
9! +an came a'out 'y e%oluton from anmal as scence #ro%es!
;! )ur e%oluton s on gong and s 'y far not com#lete! -ntl we reach our Carnal
sel%es on a natural 'ass the #rocess of e%oluton s at a stand stll and what we
'ele%e s e%oluton has really 'een educaton!
<! 0orced e%oluton has actually lead to humantes s#rtual slum'er humanty s n
and n dong so has caused humans to unDe%ol%e!
=! &f we are to ache%e AsarD-nD,efer we must allow oursel%es to re%ert to our
#re%ous self so that e%oluton can contnue what has 'egun!
>! AsarD-nD,efer s to allow mans 4true5 wll and d%ne self to merge on the #hyscal
#lane of exstence and 'ecome the one mnd or godform! (o e%en attem#t ths, s and
should 'e consdered 4(he 1reat Work5!
?! And man n hs d%ne form wll rse u# from the ashes and #rofess to all 4+y wll
'e done5 and all shall lsten!
6@! 0or we are the choosen ones, and n our glory shall the weak kneel 'efore our
ma.esty and shall the strong stand 'esde us! 0or the weak ones are of the 'lood of the
false #ro#het and of les and wll 'e cast a'road far from our eyes!
66! /est our e%oluton shall 'ecome known and the weak shall try to #er%ert us 'ut we
must stand strong, hand n hand, heart n heart and sde 'y sde!
5f the An%elic -3irits
3e%! 0rederck ,agash
All of the angels whom fell after /ucfer and were granted ther fll of lo%e 'y he who
s /ght and /fe wll not 'e s#oken of heren! &nstead & wll g%e the #rme essence of
the s#rts of Hell rather than an elongated ex#lanaton of all 66,@@@ s#rts! Angels,
Cemons, Cacodaemons, S#rts, Caemons, watchers or Archon, s#rts of the Vrtues
etc!!! all of whch & wll ex#lan n detal n ths small text!
S#rts D S#rts are nferors who sm#ly ded, most Chrstans wll 'e made nto
s#rts at death! S#rts are ser%ants and .esters, young and old and all are tormented
'y the nfernal ones! S#rts are those whom n ther earthly 'odes dened the face of
/ucfer and were enthralled 'y ther master the one a'o%e! All men of the earth wll
sn for t s n ther 4true5 nature to do so, therefore all men wll 'e sent 'efore the
/ord of /ght! (he lords of Hell wll not take kndly to those who are of the unD
ntated 'loodlne and therefore 'e cast to the #ts of Acheron to 'e tormented!
S#rts of those whom we lo%e n ths lfetme who are not of the ntated, once we
'ecome of the same 'lood of the #rnce of lght we may sa%e them a seat 'esde us n
Hell! (hs goes wth sayng that we wll all study the C%ne nature of our true sel%es
and look unto the face of the Holest one of lght!
Angels D Angels or fallen angels are those whom defed the wll of the one a'o%e and
fell ether wth /ucfer or slghtly after! &n all cases the Angelc s#rts whom were
once of Hea%en are the most #owerful of all s#rts of Hell! )f the Angels whom fell,
the #rnces of Hell E/ucfer, Satan, Belal and /e%athanF are the only ones consdered
+a.or Cetes n Hell as the others are defned 'y the masters of wsdom n the
Cacodaemons D Cacodaemons are what an angelc s#rt 'ecomes once he has found
hs earthly master! +ammon 'eng my Cacodaemon was also one of the 0allen angels
as s all Cacodaemon!
Cemons D Cemons are solely humans whom through ther earthly studes ha%e
sur#assed the *uestons asked at death 'y the +ornng Star! )nce all *uestons ha%e
'een answered correctly 'y the human /ucfer wll transform the 'eng nto a #ure
s#rt or demon and the human wll take a form of hsKher choce! Also note that
humans #layng a large #art n the u#rsng of the new age wll also .on /ucfers
nfernal army and take on so many legons of ther own to command as they #lease!
Archon or Watchers D (he Archon are s#rts cast nto the #lanets to watch o%er
humanty #laced as so they could make thngs arght! All thngs done on the earth are
go%erned 'y /ucfer through the Archon, and the term Archon lterally translates to
43uler5! (he Archon are lesser s#rts as they are solely commanded 'y the attr'utes
whch the certan #lanets they resde on #ermts! 1reater ex#lanaton of the Archon
can 'e found n 4/'er 3e%ealng >G7, >G8, >G<5!
S#rts of the Vrtues D (he S#rts of the Vrtues are that whch go%ern the natural
laws of man and set forth hdden laws to nforce them! (hese lesser s#rts are those
most trusted 'y the lord of lght to hel# man return to hs state of e%oluton! 0or a
greater ex#lanaton of the S#rts of the Vrtues refer to 4/'er 3e%ealng >G9, >G=,
Caemons D A daemon s defned 'y one who s #art human and #art demon normally
due to #rocreaton 'etween ncu'us and succu'us and man or woman! (o ths day
Caemons walk the earth n mortal form, howe%er there are some dstngushng
)ne who s stronger then most e%en f they do not ha%e a muscle n ther 'odes!
)ne who s es#ecally seduct%e and can and wll 'end others to ther wll %a ther
Qnowledge 'eyond what man s tought, lke nstnct 'ut much stronger!
)ne who has an nstant understandng of the mnd, 'oth how t works and how to
'end others to thers!
)ne who can read and com#rehend thngs nstantly at an amazng rate!
Also there s an uns#oken understandng that when man des and truly studes hs
d%ne nature and true wll, yet cannot #ro#erly answer the nne *uestons of /ucfer,
he s sent to the lower #t to 'e tought what needs to 'e known! & am uncertan what
ths ty#e of s#rt s called, howe%er & do know that after hs tranng n Hell he s
rencarnated to earth n a new 'ody!
Li&er ,agic%a
By Rev. Frederick Nagash
' - #rinci"ia ,agic%a
2agickal #ractice should not be confined to sim#ly ritual or ceremonial it should be made very
#ersonal and not solely defined by one man or omen,s #erce#tion. 2agick should become a tailored
art to fit #ersonal lifestyles and individuals and should never be boring or re#etitive. "ertain forms of
traditional magickal #ractice e+ist solely in the human subconscious and can not be #ut into ords.
"ertain daily rituals e #erform every morning can be considered magickal such as certain #eo#le
need to drink coffee to feel com#lete in the morning and some may need to get ashed and dressed
before even ste##ing outside of the bedroom all of hich make a day feel or seem com#lete.
2agick should not be confined to a ritual chamber either, it should be here ever you see fit, mental
or #sychic magick should and is #erformed everyday sometimes ithout you reali/ing it. The .vil eye
hich makes others feel uncomfortable is one ay of using magick ithout using magick. "haos
magick is a com#lete system of magickal #ractice, yet so is hat ever one creates himFherself. For
magick to be accom#lished I#ro#erlyJ one need only look at their accom#lishments and reali/e that
magick has #layed some key role in it,s develo#ment. 1nce true magickal #otential is reali/ed there is
no sto##ing the unsto##able force ithin you.
'' - ,agic%a E;tremis
2agick is an art form ithin itself, and ithin every art form their is the artist. 8ou #lay the key role in
ho far you take your magickal #rogress, only you can define you. Using certain elements from daily
#ractice can lead you to ritual magick later in the evening. Such acts are I#erfectJ if done hole
heartedly and ithout doubt. .very day of your life a ritual is #erformed, you ake u#, start your day,
ind don in the late afternoon than slee# at night. To break such rituals is yet another magickal act
knon as I2etamor#hosisJ by draing from this rite it may lead you to yet another facet of magick,
*nosis. *nosis is used as a form of trance like state the magickian can move into hen de#ravation
of certain kind ha##ens.
*oing days ithout slee# is one ay to reach the state of *nosis, going days ithout eating is
another. 'lso *nosis can be reached at any #oint in hich #ain becomes unbearable. To reach gnosis
sim#ly concentrate on nothing and com#letely clear your thoughts, like #assing through the head of a
needle. The to methods combined e7uals the state of gnosis. "learing your mind of all things is the
most difficult of all things in magickal #ractice, your mind races day to day ith a million thoughts and
sto##ing them is hard and takes #ractice. 2editation can also lead to *nosis by someone hom is
very e+#erienced in it, as can some forms of chemognosis CBut chemognosis is highly un-
'lso a dee# understanding of concentration is needed to #erform magick acts. 8ou must be able to
focus, )isuali/e and concentrate ithout looking. This too is a very difficult task but becomes second
nature in time, it has been called many names throughout history but my favorite is the evil eye.
''' - !o9 to *eliver the Evil Eye
The evil eye is #robably the most im#ortant com#onent to the Sorcerer or (itch. The evil eye allos
one to #erform almost anything at the blink of an eye, from the greatest destruction ritual in less then
45 seconds to the most elaborate ceremonial rituals C2entallyE once again in about M5 seconds. The
evil eye should be used to make others feel disturbed in your #resence. 'lso a good use for the evil
eye is if a confrontation is to ensue it ill instantly strike fear in those hom ould ish you harm. The
best ay to learn the evil eye is to sit ith your hands in your la# in front of a mirror ith one lit black
candle in front of you. Stare through the flame of the candle into the mirror and through your on eyes
ithout blinking. No allo yourself to think solely of something hich ill enrage you but stay calm
and continue to stare.
Focus hard on your #u#ils then attem#t to /one out or reach the gnosis state, hen you reach this
state of nothingness you have stared through your on eyes. !n time you ill gain the instant #oer to
use the evil eye at ill. 8ou must be careful on ho you use it as you may strike don someone you
don,t ant to harm that much. !n all things in magick being careful and res#onsible are the to #rime
'$ - 0lac% vs. (hite
To the true 2agickian magick has no limits or boundaries and cannot be classified under any one
#ractice. (hite magick is su##osedly magick done ithout ill intent and never for the gratification of
solely oneself. ! ask you by #erforming a healing ritual to some it may be hite magick hoever you
also are gratified in the knoledge that you hel#ed someone therefore the theories of (hite 2agick
are ithout a doubt IBlackJ. Black 2agick is su##osedly magick done ith an ill intent and for the sole
#ur#ose of gratifying ones self. ! ask again if con<uring a demon to #rotect your family from the greater
evil of humanity or to destroy someone ho ould hurt you or a family members, is this evil or is it
truly hite0
! #ur#ose e as strong illed #oerful incarnate should not concern ourselves ith black and hite
only hat is in our heart. !f magick is done from the heart, !t ill never fail and ill be as #ure as the
driven sno eather dealing ith demons or a god. !t is u# to the magickian on hat he studies but
there should be no limits on hat is black or hite or evil and good. (e are #ure beings during magick
e are #urified in the image of our on divinity and therefore if e do our IillJ cannot be harmed and
our magick ill #ure.
$ - Terminology
! call myself a Sorcerer or 2ale itch, some have asked hy ! choose not to use the term (arlock or
&agan and ell the anser is sim#le. (arlock as a term given to male itches during the IBurning
TimesJ it literally means I1ath BreakerJ, all true 2agickians ill never break a bond or oath and
therefore are loyal to one another and themselves. &agan as another term given derogatorily to all
itches meaning I"ountry @ellerJ ! ill not recogni/e the term &agan either as it as given in a
derogatory manner by the uninitiated. The Term IitchJ is not sim#ly a female term, a itch is sim#ly
one hom eaves magick same goes ith sorcerer, magi and magus. ! #erform all forms of ritual and
magickal #ractice so ! #ersonally use the term 2agus or sorcerer.
$' - Lcifer &eyond Lcifer
$ucifer is an incarnate being of many cultures and beliefs. 2anifestation of $ucifer can said to have
taken #lace in almost all cultures of ancient society. &an the *od of the &agans, The Nature god is
also a great s#irit hom came to be knon as $ucifer. 2arduk, the great slayer of the ancient ones,
the anciet ones hom ere the first of all gods 2arduk defied. 2arduk has come to be knon as
$ucifer. The #oint im trying to get at is in magick no matter hat deity one uses or calls on for
assistance there is that s#ark of $ucifer. 8ou con<ure the oldest of s#irits and it is $ucifer so in fact the
use of any other s#irits in ritual can be most hel#full as they may hold certain attributes hich the
$ucifer incarnate does not have currently.
$'' - >ora&ia
Torabia shall be our secret ord, Torelia our secret #lace and the earth our home hile in our mortal
bodies. Torabia translates from the %ellish $anguage to S#irit or #ure being, so from this day forth !
am knon as Torabia. The four &rinces of %ell also form Torabia and the very ord should be treated
as holy or of their ord.
The )irst of the Scrolls of Ain @ Of $irtes
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. %arm none, lest they harm you.
9. Sho kindness to all, even your enemies> For they are less likely to sus#ect your secret orkings
agains,t them. Be sinister in #rivate and merciless magickally>
M. Reflect on your ords before you say them.
S. Refuse not your oman or man if they ill.
:. Teach in children the virtues given.
L. Never im#ose u#on anothers ill.
Q. Reflect on your deeds before you do them.
N. 'll things of this orld are yours.
K. $ove the fe, but love holly.
45. %ate any, hom ould im#ose u#on thy ill.
44. &reach only to those ho ish hear it.
49. &reserve thy religion of the divine truths.
4M. Trust is not blindly given, everyone must earn your trust first.
4S. %ate ith as much #assion as you love>
The Second of the Scrolls of Ain @ Li&er )rvs Ain *es
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. (e are literal godforms, creation, destruction, love and hate are at our dis#osal. !n our being e
strive toards the 2agnum 1#us to create for ourselves the ne self. (e are the rulers of our on
destiny, manifestation of our ill dictates this to each and every one of us. .verything in our orld is a
manifestation of our on living ill>
2. Humanity is much more than just another animal, we are spiritual beings
capable of mass creation and manifestation, that is what seperates us from the
animals. To accept the theory of evolution while it has missing components is to
blindly accept it. We came therefore we are!
3. in is the highest law, anything below in is lower in nature to it! in is the
microcosm that came from the macrocosm to forge a unity between the !stars"
and the earth.
#. $harb % &utla' is the absolute void, the great mind that performs the
magnum opus. Through the $harb % &utla', egrigor and phantasmata as well as
all forms of deities may be created with the assistance of the will and
visuali(ation. These deities come about from the aethers or ignis leonis, fire of
the lion. ll cthonic spirits come about from the aethers as well, this including
*. ltered states of consciecness are the means to achieveing true personal and
magic+al power, this comes about through the abosolute +nowledge of the self.
)elf,-eali(ation, )elf,ctuali(ation and )elf,.reation should be any magic+ians
highest goals, if it is not that person cannot call himself a worthy magic+ian.
/. 0alse martyrdom, pity and false hope are tools of mental enslavement and
wea+ness. %f someone has a problem, it is just that, their problem! 1nly they
can change their current situation and ma+e it better for themselves! Those
whom confide in you with their problems should not be pittied but should be
given the +nowledge to change themselves and their situation for the better.
2ity leads to ruination of the self, pity none and you will save yourself first and
3. 4eny no facet of the self be it .arnal or social, %nstinctual or taught! 5ou
must find the balance inbetween the two selves and live within them, this is
+nown as wal+ing by the eclipse. 2ure anger and hatred towards everything is
unhealthy as is pure love and joy. 6ove the few, -espect the few, Trust the few!
7. 1ne must be able to control his8her emotions, with control of ones emotions
9s:he can better fosuc their emotion towards the intended wor+ing and have a
greater success ratio. %n dealings involving emotion anger often comes up,
blinding anger is representative of the 4ragon breathing fire upon an enemy
and should not be repressed.
;. There is no heaven or hell unless you ma+e your life of one! We worship life
and laugh in the face of death, all member of our order have previously died
and have been reborn unto the splender that is life. 5ou will find more
information on this in .hapter %%.
<=. $ood and >vil, right and wrong are solely perceptions of .hristian thin+ing
and are in fact a .hristian invention. We have no, nor do we wish to have a
concept of good or evil for to do so would be to ac+nowledge .hristianity as a
<<. 1ne must strive to be great in all things 9s:he does, giving little energy or
effort towards a goal is to not even ac+nowledge the facet of will. Will is the
driving force behind magic+ and without an iron will one cannot be a magic+ian.
Wor+ hard towards your goals, selfishly devoting as much time as you can
towards total achievement of them.
<2. Test yourself constantly for wea+ness for only than can one overcome them.
1nce all wea+nesses are gone begin testing your own strengths and attempt to
strengthen them as well.
<3. 0ear is another tool of the strong, ma+e yourself as a )atan to your enemies
only than will you be free of them. ?eep your wor+ings hidden and obscure to
others or they will cheapen your tradition and teachings. @y +eeping your true
self hidden from others, you +eep an air of mystery about yourself, what people
donAt understand they fear!
<#. Wor+ always at becoming a warrior, forge for yourself a warriorAs credo and
stic+ to it. )tudy a form of hand to hand combat as well as weapon combat for a
minimum of at least one,year. &agic+ is the other form of combat one must
have a crede about. To study various forms of combat is to gain self,respect,
self,discipline and a sence of security in your own abilities.
<*. 1thers deities are tools towards various wor+ings of the self, when given
enough energy from the magic+ians will and the aether these egrigor and
phantasmata may ta+e on an almost sentient being all their own. Through
magic+ even mythical beings and deities may be used, evo+ed, invo+ed and the
The Third of the Scrolls of Ain @ The Scroll of the 0le Angel of Ain
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. $esser magick is the mani#ulation of certain universal las or #ro#erties to focus energyCiesE u#on
the 2agickians' ill to change something in the natural orld. The ill is the #rime and only factor in
hether magick orks or not>
9. .verything in this orld is a manifestation of our on ill, hether it is for better or orse, e are
solely res#onsible. M. Dnoing that e control our on destiny, leads to control of the self, hich leads
to control of the ill, hich leads to control of the natural orld.
S. To use the ill to alter the natural orld you must utili/e magickal #ractice. Through magick, the
mind, body and 3@ivine S#ark3 become as one.
:. 't birth you #erform your first act of magick, you sho the ill to live. 'ny and every illful act, is a
magickal one>
L. Through magick one ill achieveG _ Self-Reali/ation _ Self-'ctuali/ation _ Self-"reation _ 'nd
eventually Self-@eification.
Q. 1f all creatures on the earth, e are graced ith hat ! call 3The @ivine S#ark3 and hat others call
a 3Soul3. %aving the divine s#ark is hat se#arates man from the other animals on the earth.
N. Both men and omen share in this divine s#ark, it is universal. To acknoledge the magickal self is
for the first time, feel the soulFdivine s#ark.
K. The divine s#ark orks as the fuel for the ill to #erform the magick. 'll of the magickians' energies,
hether they be magickal energies or hat have you, they are fueled also by the s#ark. $esser
magickal orkings re7uire very little energy and that's the reason hy most magickians have never
e+#erienced the s#ark, as most never really move #ast lesser orkings. *reater orkings have a
much dee#er #oer radiating directly from the divine s#ark, hence hy it causes such great change
The )orth of the Scrolls of Ain - Good and Evil AThe farce e;tremeB
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. *ood and .vil are #erce#tions, not definite realities as reality is also solely a #erce#tion. 2agick
has nothing to do ith 3*ood3 and 3.vil3 and those ho ould say otherise, say so because of their
on faulty egotism and self-righteousness.
9. .gotism is the true evil> For one to find true inner #eace, false egotism must be eradicated from the
M. &rayer and (orshi# are not facets of true s#irituality. *od is formless and mindless, and it is those
hom orshi# him ho dishonor him and are evil. (e do not orshi# hat others think is *od, so
they consider us 3evil3 and by their #erce#tion e are. %oever, for us to say yes, e are evil and
dark, is to agree ith their #erce#tion of *od.
S. *ood and .vil being #erce#tions and not truths, have no #art in the lives of any real magickians.
There is no truth>
The )ifth of the Scrolls of Ain - The *ality of !manity
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. The dual nature of all things lies in knoing the o##osites of ones self. The 8in and 8ang, the e7ual
yet o##osing force, the male and female, all of hich are dualities. (e all can rest assured in knoing
that everything has an e+act o##osite. Fire and ater, black and hite all of hich forms a certain
balance beteen chaos and order, life and death.
9. The 3self3 is a mere shado in form com#ared to the true 3selves3 that e are. 1ur duality lies in
our nature. 1ur very core of being is our duality. The great strength and iron ill of the magickian is
even of dual nature. (e deny no facet of our selves and are therefore, o#en to learn life's mysteries.
M. %uman nature can be broken don into four sectionsG Social, !nstinctual, Taught and "arnal. The
3social3 nature of man is his identifying marker of here he lives. ' #erson from the city ould react
different socially to a co giving birth than someone from the country.
S. The 3instinctual3 nature of man is that hich is not taught but 3illed3 and knon ithout knoing.
'll four facets of mans nature can be forged into one duality. The social and taught can be combined
to form hat ! call artificial behavior CSUTO'BE. The instinctual and carnal can be combined to form
infinite #ossibilities C!U"O!&E.
:. The duality can no be combined to form infinite, metamor#hic #ossibility. Being able to define and
change these #ossibilities in our nature makes it easy for us to ada#t and become anything at any
time C.?TR.2.$8 US.FU$ !N 2'*!"DE.
L. 2etamor#hosis is the highest magickal tool any 3ould be3 magickian could ever utili/e, as through
metamor#hosis one can use and kno all magick for they can become the magick>
The Si;th of the Scrolls of Ain - ,d +eligions
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. The mud-religions include, in no orderG 2uslim C'll formsE, "hristianity, (icca and Hery. By muds,
! mean of s#iritual and intellectual de#ravity they ant you to see their gods' infinite love or @!.>
9. .ven if man has the divine s#ark, it does not mean they are all ready for god-hood. ' god is a
creature of infinite manifestation. 2ost of the muds ! have met could hardly find (aldo. 1ur natural
orld is of <esters and fools; yet, our children are forced to idoli/e incom#etence. (hat ill be of a
orld run by those ho cannot control their urges and ill, are to lead us onard0 ! believe in my
M. They cannot sustain themselves or their on realities. They need hel# to sim#ly e+ist in the orld in
hich e thrive. They feed on their on #eo#le. They rob from their on family and attack of their on
su##osed beloved. For they kno no love, they kno not the feeling of a gentle touch and the ords
of a tender love, or hat these things can do for their kind. $ove to them is attachment and a bond
forged in material deeds and not the most intimate emotion and highest magickal orking that it is to
us. They give their love holly to their *od and therefore cannot share the <oy of love fully ith
another. Their reality is vile, obscene, violent and utterly unintelligent.
S. Those of hom feel #ity for these mud #eo#le are, of course, no better than the muds. (e are
strong> (e are iron made flesh> (e are the highest embodiment of life and infinite manifestation in all
its forms. (e are gods and they are mongrels, beasts, and ine#t raunch from the boels of an im#ure
:. To hell ith those ho have little in mind and little future to look forard to. 1h ho they take u#
s#ace in hich ! could roam> 1h ho they take u# air that ! could breathe> They are a #lague u#on the
strong and a #arasite u#on the earth our mother> (e are dragons, e are olves, they are merely
shee# and maggots and the only cure to the #arasitic #roblem is through the strongest #esticide there
is, STR.N*T%>
The 44 Tenets of Ain
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
4. Thou shall indulge in all things hich bring you #leasure.
9. Thou shall feel no #ity, nor be a marytr to the eak ones ho cannot sustain themselves in reality.
M. Thou shall seek vengeance for vengeance is the rightful #ath of the strong.
S. Thou shall feel no guilt in anything you do, if you make a mistake feel no guilt for it, but learn from it,
so you don,t make that same mistake again.
:. Thou shall orry about the self first and foremost in your life. 'll others you love come after the self.
L. Thou shall orshi# life and shun death and anything that is considered harmful to your life should
be eradicated.
Q. Thou shall strive to ser#erate truth from lies and try alays to seek out ne e+#erience.
N. Thou shall acce#t no conce#t of %eaven and %ell, e are living in %ell and only e can make a
%eaven out of it for ourselves.
K. Thou shall feel #ride in all things you do and in hat you are.
45. Thou shall use greed to motivate you toards achievement.
44. Thou shall acknoledge no sins, sins are a facet of our carnal self and are embedded in our
nature. Sins are natural im#ulses that lead to #leasure, #leasure being our iron illed goal.
1ther 's#ects of 'inism
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
'inists are also magickians, e study 'inic @raconian magick as ell as 'inic vam#irism. 1ur magick
comes from ithin us and from ithin the aethyrs. 'inic @raconian magick is a form of both $esser
and *reater magicks hich use various methods to change the 's#irant into a greater being or
dragon. 'inic )am#irism incor#erates a lot of the teachings of 'inic @raconian magick yet delves
dee#er into various states of being. The #rime focuses of 'inic )am#iric study are in no orderG
6! %mmortality
7! &ental control over others
8! 6ycanthropy
9! 4raining vital life force from others
;! Bap magic+ or instant use magic+
<! %nvisibility
1nce one has mastered both forms of inic magic+ they will have an absolute
grasp of the total in. &agic+ is the main focal point of all in the 1..4 and of all
whom are inists. lot of people have in'uired about magic+ and magic+al
practice of the 1..4 however they believe magic+ is nothing more than a bunch
of garbled nonsense. The reason most believe this is because of the level of
mystical mumbo jumbo most associate with magic+al wor+ings. nother reason
most disregard magic+al practice is due to the validity of most so called
magic+ains proclaiming to have had contact with various godforms etcC &ost who
lay these claims are dabblers and are not really serious practioners of the
magic+al arts. &agic+ should closer resemble science than a bunch of +iddies
lighting candles and saying a few words to conjure )atan to physical form.
%tAs because of these dabblers that most thin+ magic+al practice is lin+ed to devil
worship and the cult histeria had begun to begin with. ?ids cutting the heads off
of dogs and cats in the name of )atan, that is one of the magic+al movements
greatest enemies. -eal magic+ians do not harm animals or people in ritual!!! %Ave
received over 2== e,mails in the past five years of +iddies proclaiming themselves
high magic+ians and claiming to have spo+en to )atan at length etc..etc..etcC %f
they are good for anything it is a good laugh! nother misconception iAve noticed
is people not +nowing magic+al laws or how magic+ wor+s and as+ing for !$et
rich 'uic+" rituals, these again fall under the dabbler category. inists are not
dabblers nor do we have time for them!
(ho is an Ainist?
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
8ou may be an 'inist> !f you,ve identified ith hat is ritten in this small tome you yourself may be
an 'inist. %oever 'inism is not a game, this is very real and not <ust for those hom identify but for
those hom live it. 'inists come in all sha#es and si/es, from all alks of life and from every country
in the knon orld. There are no re7uirements for dressing or acting in any matter contrary to
yourself. !f you believe and live the 'inic #hiloso#hy as laid out in this book feel free to further your
knoledge of 'inism via our official ebsite at htt#GFFoad.c< Ano longer activeB if you find you are
an 'inist feel free to <oin the 1.'.@.
's a #recautionary measure ! have taken the liberty to trademark the folloing termsG 'inist, 'inism,
1rdo 'strum @raconis, 'inic @raconian, 'inic )am#iric, 'inic. (hy you might ask, sim#le !,ve seen
multi#le other #hiloso#hies and religions grou#s formed under the guise of Satanism and they ere
the furthest thing from Satanic. ! don,t ant everyone and their mother to begin #roclaiming
themselves I'inic 2astersJ and starting faulty grou#s based u#on #erverted #rinci#les of 'inism. 1nly
members in good standing ith the 1.'.@ may use any of the mentioned terms.
:tl and ,an7 The :tl #rinci"le
by Rev. Frederick Nagash
2ankind, the great microcosm, ca#able of a million thoughts #er second, yet, cannot consciously
com#rehend KK6 of them. The subconscious mind orks inde#endently from the conscious mind.
Fear, hate, #ain, love etc... are all #roducts of your subconscious. These e can semi-com#rehend,
hoever, cannot change ithout learning ho to ork ithin the subconscious. @reams are another
#roduct of the subconscious, hence, hy even hen remembered they cannot fully be e+#lored or
e+#lained, only inter#reted. 1ne #roblem that arises in the subconscious mind is the fear of death.
The fear of the unknon is hat drives humans to latch onto religion. Religion offers a 7uick fi+ to this
#roblem, hoever, anyone ith half a brain ould 7uestion their su##osed unearthly #aradise.
.ven ith religion, death seems to frighten #eo#le subconsciously. This is because even the most
religious don't fully believe in the conce#tion of heaven. %eaven and hell solely e+ist in the mind.
&eo#le back u# their claims of this heavenly #aradise ith hundreds of near death e+#eriences and
those #eo#le claiming to have 3seen the light3. This heavenly light doesn't come from some
otherorldly source, but, from the subconscious mind. 't the #oint near death, the conscious mind
shuts don, leaving the subconscious mind to sho hatever the 3Near-@eather3 ants to see. No
?tian really believes CsEhe is a bad #erson and they've been told throughout childhood their going to
go to heaven and meet *od, it's hat they ant to see and do.
This is here the ancient Sumerian demon Dutulu comes in. Dutulu literally means 32an of the
underorld3. This can directly translate in hat ! call the 3Dutulu &rinci#le3. ! use the term Dutulu
#rinci#le to e+#lain this theory, as it is said Dutulu is dead but dreaming. !t is knon that at death, the
mind shuts don. %oever, nothing is ever mentioned of the subconscious mind. 2an at death is very
much like Dutulu in the fact that man is dead, yet, subconsciously dreaming. !n the course of human
develo#ment, man e+#eriences little in the ay of ne mental e+#erience. 1nly through e+#loration of
ne e+#eriences of the mind can one achieve the great change and control his subconscious mind
and therefore, control death. So the 1.'.@ strives toards ne e+#eriences and e+#ressions of the
mind. For one to control death, he must first master life. For one to master life, they must first master
the 'in>
The goal of this article is not to fully e+#lain death as a mind set, but to hel# others e+#erience life for
the first time>
veni, vidi, vici - Hulius "aesar
(hat is the Ain7 CDA 9ith +ev. )rederic% .agash
(hat is the Ain?
'in literally translates to self or the absolute self. Dnoing the 'in, and orking ith it are #rime
com#onents to the 1'@ magickal system. .verything revolves around the self, rather than having a
basis in the material orld. This may seem selfish to some, hoever, it is all a #art of the great change
and mental develo#ment needed to usher in the great aeon.
!o9 does one 9or% 9ith the Ain?
2entally, moreover, through the subconscious e can mani#ulate the ain to become and do hatever
e ant it to be. Basically, if there is something someone doesn't like about oneself, like having a bad
habit, they can literally destroy it. This comes about through knoing ones on eaknesses and
strengths and learning not to fall into self deceit. Through these methods, one can literally do,
become, or think u# hatever they ant to be at any given #oint in time.
!o9 does one come to %no9 their 9ea%nesses and strengths?
(eaknesses are a subconscious act. Dind of like being told something and ithout you reali/ing it, it
has some form of effect on you. (eaknesses can be anything from false egotism to giving aay love
too freely. Strength, also, from the subconscious, can be defined as anything hich is emotionally,
s#iritually or mentally em#oering, something that you kno in your heart of hearts that you kno you
have some form of mastery over. Finding your strengths and eaknesses are as easy as finding out
hat you are afraid of or #roblems hich lead to bigger #roblems. 'nd to find your strengths, it is the
same, but in reverse.
Why is weakness and strength a subconscious act?
Wea+nesses and strength stem from emotion. >motion is a subconscious act. @y
finding your strengths and wea+nesses, you can hardly conceive how to change
them using the conscious mind. While using the subconscious mind, the change
comes easily. 5ouDll find that most wea+nesses that you have are from a past
eEperience that has hurt you emotionally. Fust as things in the past have
strengthened you emotionally.
Why is it easier to change these in the subconscious mind, rather than
the conscious mind?
The subconscious mind wor+s on levels the functioning mind can not fathom.
Through the subconscious mind, youDre able to change almost anything about
your self. While, the conscious mind can hardly remember dreams from the
subconscious. The great change comes about when one can pinpoint the eEact
occurrence that changed them and gave them that wea+ness.
How do you access the subconscious mind to change these things?
5ou can access the subconscious mind via altered states of normal
consciousness. Hypnosis is a prime eEample of this. .ertain forms of meditation,
deprivation and reaching certain states of mental attunement allow you to
access the mind on a subconscious level. This is what shamans have been doing
for years, with sweat lodges, and one,pointedness, also referred to as $nosis.
Once you enter the subconscious mind, how would you make these
changes occur?
Through implanted thoughts, visuali(ation and other techni'ues, which send
some form of change into the subconscious, once it is open. 1nce you reach the
subconscious mind, almost at will, you develop a form of control of it, li+e
learning how to control dreams. 1nce you can control the subconscious, you can
do what you please while in it.

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