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What do you understand by Ethics?

What is Ethics? Give logical argument that Ethics is
integral art o! religion?
Ethics is the science of behaviour.
Ethics is the science of voluntary actions of man and is related with society.
Ethics teaches us discrimination between right and wrong. It differentiates between right and
wrong deeds which a person should do.
Ethics is normative science of conduct and conduct is a collective name of voluntary
Ethics teaches what our duties are and what our rights are.
Ethics is a part of philosophy which means to know the truth of anything.
It can be said that Ethics is one of the branch of philosophy.
In philosophy we come to know about everything that is present in the world. We
come to know what world is. What is soul? And what is the relation between soul and body?
Whether the soul dies with the body or it does not? What is time? What is space? What is
evil? ow good deeds performed? Why we have been created and what is the aim of life?
!o sum up that from Ethics we come to know that which deeds are good and which
are bad. Ethics makes us reali"e our duties and convinces us to perform them. #ometimes
Ethics bounds us to limitations e.g. suppose a student feels like going to movie during
e$amination% Ethics will stop him&her and force him&her not to do so. !his action of his&her is
Ethics is that deed which guides a person in the right path. It teaches how to discriminate
between bad and good deed. !hough according to #ociology and 'sychology action is told
but they don(t teach the difference. !hey relate only about facts% but Ethics relates to both
values and facts.
!hrough the guidance Ethics we can achieve our real destination. Ethics teaches us to be
honest% true and sincere in every walk of life% which ultimately will lead to real happiness in
Ethics has relation with history also. Whole history is full of bad and good deeds. )ne
e$ample can be given in this reference to show how great Ethics is.
a"rat *mar +,.A- used to keep strict vigilance about his citi"ens used to disguise himself
and move during the night time. )ne night as he was passing by he heard musical voice from
a house. !his made him very angry and he crossed over the wall and .umped inside the house%
and started screaming at the dwellers. e shouted at them by saying that ) /uslims aren(t
you ashamed of yourselves. 0ou are performing an action for which the oly 'rophet
/uhammad +'.1.*.- has forbidden us to do% and now you suggest how I should punish you.
With the words he tried to take out his sword from the scabbard and all the members started
shivering due to fruitfulness. )ne of the women said ) ,ighteous 2aliph we are all culprits
because we have not obeyed 'rophet(s saying but you who is known for .ustice has crossed
over the wall and entered the house without permission. Who will punish you for this deed?
)n hearing these words a"rat *mar +,.A- because downtrodden in shame started
thinking about the crime which he had committed. Instantly he said 0es I have committed a

crime and for 3od(s sake forgive me. )n doomsday how I will face my Allah and stared
crying badly. )n reaching home he prayed to Allah to forgive his sin which he had committed
by mistake.
!his is all due to the education of Ethics which made a"rat *mar +,.A- the great king to
ask for forgiveness from Allah for the sin he committed% in an ordinary way as a common
man would do. !herefore we should also follow the footsteps of a"rat *mar +,.A- and
never commit in.ustice with anyone. We should always keep fear of 3od in our hearts.
,eligion starts in believing in any supreme power and surrendering to the will of the 3od.
1elief makes a man(s life strong and he leads the life in the right path.
Ethics is the basis of religion. 4rom early ages until now many religions have
originated in this world% and many have vanished and many are still left% but all of them have
pointed out Ethics. We may call them the pioneers of Ethics% which is no false statement.
In Ethics the limitations are limited though religion stresses upon rights and duties on a
wide scale.
Ethics is related to the freedom of individuals and will of individual but religion imposes
In Ethics mind(s power is superior. !hough in religion% particular feelings are important.
Ethics is related to human contact whereas religion is directed towards some supreme
5et(s now see what the position of Ethics in different religions is.
As far as Islam is concerned every prophet has stressed on Ethics. !his ethical trend was
set by a"rat Adam which continued up to the last prophet i.e. oly 'rophet /uhammad
!he word 6Islam( means 6to obey or surrender( and real sense it means to obey the orders
of the Allah. oly 7uran is source of Ethics% which all the /uslims have to follow and obey.
2ertain rules which come under Ethics are to be obeyed by all /uslims such as89
:- 1e content or happy with the will of 3od.
;- #pread money for 3od(s cause i.e. <akat and #adakats
=- elp poor and needy.
>- #hare neighbours( and friends( happiness and sorrows.
?- @o .ustice.
A- 1e patient in grief.
B- 1e helpful to orphans% helpless and needy people.
C- Adopt cleanliness in life.
D- !reat everyone with love and affection.
:E- 2over the ill deeds of others.
::- Earn with honesty. etc.
1efore Islam people were fed up monarchy% landlordship% Fewish% spiritualism etc. Islam
threw light on ethical values and people started accepting the new religion Islam.
In 2hristianity ethical rituals were given by 2hurch of 'haraoh Wasti. !hat is the reason
which gave this thought. It is the world known fact any good deed of an individual or tribe is

appreciated. 3ood deeds play an important role in developing the personality of a person.
#pending a good and well organi"ed life depends on one(s gentleness. It is due to his
gentleness that people are impressed by and they follow his&her footsteps.
induism or #anatan religion is the oldest religion of the world. It has taught how a
human being should live life in the world. It has taught how a human being should live with
brotherhood% love for humanity% .ustice% eGuality% truth% cleanliness and freedom of thought.
induism believes in 3od who is omnipresent% omnipotent% well known of everything%
eternal% all prevailing absolute and one supreme. It shows ways and means to reach 3od%
which are8 63yan 'ath(% 6Haram 'ath(. !hey guide every indu according to his&her
induism is as revealed as other religions% on the contrary it goes one step forward and
says that ethical values of this religion keep on being visible continuously% because it is not
only the e$perience of one person. !he greatness of induism lies in truth which can be
verified at any time both spiritually and truthfully.
In the same way it is clear that Ethics plays an important basic role in all religions of the
!he founder of 1uddhism is 3autam 1uddha. e believed in 6Ahimsa( that is not to hurt
even a crawling insect. 4rom this we can imagine a person who gives so much importance to
an insect. What would his values or importance for other creation would be. e loved love
for all humanity. 3autam 1uddha has presented many ethical deeds. #uch as8 9
:- @o away from desires.
;- 3ive charity from your earnings.
=- @on(t hurt any one.
>- #peak truth.
?- Always think positively.
A- 'erform good deeds.
B- 3ive good advices.
C- Heep good advices.
D- Iot to feel miserable in griefs and sorrows.
:E- 4ace difficulties of life. etc.
It means whether we study any religion of the world we can say that all religions give
same ethical values and ethical morals. Io religion of the world teaches hatred for humanity.
Every religion critici"es pride. Every religion preaches humanity% and says that we are all
human beings. !here is no one superior and inferior among us. )nly goodness and good
character makes one person different from others.
What is instinct and ho+ is it related to Ethics?
Instinct means the performance of any deed in which no person has been guiding source.
It can be defined as89
Instinct is natural tendency to behave in a certain way without reasoning or training.
In the beginning of history% human being was inclined in two ways. !hese were given by

two philosopher during their times.
4rench philosopher ,ousseau has given his philosophy in the following way
In the beginning man was free from chains. is life was away from artificial beliefs. is
life was a collection of peace% brotherhood and happiness.
English philosopher obbes has a different view. e says89
uman being has always tried to find that thing which would give him spiritual peace
and tranGuility. e feels that it is his inborn right to attain what he desires at any cost.
!hese are two different views according to which instinct was understood.
,ousseau(s view has been understood by modern psychologists and presented and have
presented instinct in different forms% like thinking capacity and confidence in oneself.
Whereas obbes(s view has stressed on different Gualities of instinct like living in groups%
parental love% sympathy and listening carefully to the advices given by others.
It is due to this reason that nurturing and guidance leaves a deep impression on the Ethics
of a person which is shown by a man living in civili"ed world has improved thinking than an
animal. 1ut it can not be denied by humans do not use their instinct as compared to animals.
!hey show more cleverness% by living in collection and on the contrary human prefers to live
alone showing greatness and always trying to keep away from other humans.
In this contest% man in the ancient times wanted to live with love and affection and
believed that unity was good for him but today(s man though being highly civili"ed has
forgotten the life spent by people who lived in caves. !herefore 5evy 1uhl has called this
difference as 65aw of 'articipation(.
It is a fact that animal(s instinct can not be given a name whether right or wrong because
they are not trained for their level to rise% but according to our study animals as compared to
humans are better reactors to instinct e.g. man is arrogant and tries to take revenge even
sometimes crossing the limits of Ethics.
Ethics and instinct has a deep relation.
5ike Ethics is related to man(s character or behaviour% and with its help we can .udge
which deeds are good and which are bad. In the same way instinct is related to man(s
character. Whatever a human thinks he&she follows it. Iow it depends on the environment in
which he&she is surrounded. Whether it is constructive or destructive. When the surrounding
is peaceful his thoughts are constructive and vice9versa. !hat(s why his behaviour will be of
opposite nature and he will be arrogant in behaviour and will not solve any problem
In Ethics any behaviour is voluntarily investigated and firm decision is made. If any
person has negative thinking he should be taught Ethics and make him move on the right
track so that he proves to be a good member of the society.
A man(s instinct does not need any training as surroundings impose a great impression on
him. !hat(s why it is necessary to train the society according to Ethics so that he goes on the
right path.
4rom the above discussion we have come to know that Ethics and instinct have a deep
relation between them. Ethics leaves a deep impression on the instinct of a man. Instinct also
leaves an impression on the instinct of a man. Instinct also leaves an impression on society(s
character. !hat(s why it is necessary that society(s set up should be made in such a way that a
man can improve his instinct and society becomes peaceful. If instinct comes to the same
level as it was in previous times then definitely a human can live a peaceful life.
!oday(s human who is indulged in different ups and downs of life has become totally%
depressive. e has become a target to depression and definitely will be freed from it to lead a
peaceful life.

Ho+ +ill you de!ine data and methods o! ethics and its
uses in society?
We know that ethics is a science which gives us way to a peaceful life. It gives us principles
for it. It is for us to follow them as much as possible.
Ethics is such knowledge whose principles are dependent on the running time and kee on
changing accordingly. #ome things may be true for today but may be not for future times.
!hat(s why as time goes on there are changes in its data.
)ne philosopher named 5ocke once said 1ut 3od has not been so sparing to men to make
them barely two legged creatures and left it to Aristotle to make them rational...which means
that 3od has only made a man with two legs .ust to stay at one place% instead keep on moving
and make useful use of them. Appropriate use means he should discover new principles% new
ways and adopt different ways so that life keeps on moving. A man has been bestowed with a
brain and he should take complete advantage of it.
3od has not left on e$perts of Ethics to give their advices which are not applicable in
society. Every person(s view will be acceptable when it has weight age in it% and weight age
is possible when changes that are occurring in society are being considered.
@ata and methods of Ethics are collection of those sayings which are acceptable and
followed by all religions and society% and are applicable today. It is not possible to make
changes in there ways and principles% for which it is necessary to make a suitable change
which is appreciated and acceptable to all.
Any new principle can be introduced or implemented in society. )ne way isJ which
according to science is ypothesis% in which supposition is given% and applied on others. )n
application if people are not impressed by it then that hypothesis is not acceptable and
inapplicable. 1ut if the hypothesis impresses some people and does not impress some then
that hypothesis may be presented with necessary changes. If now it is accepted by the society
than it is said that a new Idea has be given which will be a part of ethics.
In Ethics there is no room for any ides if it is acceptable to only Ethics e$pert but if the
society accepts it% then only that data can be added to @A!A% and society understands%
accepts and adopts it.
If any method which has been added to data is not necessary that it becomes acceptable
easily. It may find its place in society slowly and gradually.
@ue to this reason Ethics can be calculated like 3eometry sub.ect but it should be taken as
biology where any animal or plant is situated from its very beginning% with facts and figures.
It is accepted. !herefore we should consider Ethics as the same science in which it is decided
whether it is right or wrong and what effects it will produce?
Ethics can be named as a search for truth and fact. !hat(s why ethics is a kind of
philosophical science. Every human being desires that he should know the truth and ethics is
the only science which can fulfill this need.
Ethics gives a human being the difference between right and wrong. 1ut it does not
mean that if he can discriminate between the two he will adopt the right path.
It is an open fact that knowledge of ethics cannot set a person on the right path until he
adopts those principles in his life. 4or that it is necessary to deeply study the lives of great
people and be trained practically to reach a high standard.

A student is better than that person who studies the facts of surroundings and does not
know about Ethics.
!hese are the main uses of Ethics% when a student understands Ethics more than a
common man and adopts them to spend a complete and energetic life.
The religion o! *uddhism is one o! oldest religion but its
rinciles are very modern and accetable by all the religious
eole, What are those rinciles and +hy are those li-ed by
every religion?

Write the li!e history o! Gautam *uddha, Why he renounced the
+orldly li!e? $lso mention his ethical noble thoughts,
1efore discussing the principles of 1uddhism we should first know about the history
of 1uddhism. !he principles of 1uddhism are acceptable to all humanity.
1uddhism is basically a religion which is against rates buruo. !he beginner of his
religion is the prince of Iepal named 3autam. is real name was siddharth . is father(s
name was #idhuwana. At the time it was called Hapilawastu which now has become Iepal.
G$)T$& *)((H
'rince #idhartha +3autam- was born in year ?AB A.@. e was a man of sensitive nature% from
his childhood he used to think about everything. e used to think why people have so many
sorrows in their life% and why they are fed up with life because of this reason astrologers had
already told the king #idhuwana that 3autam will renounce the world and will become a
hermit so don(t allow him to leave the palace. 1ut that happened which feared% 3autam left
all the happiness% kingdom% and become a hermit who lived in .ungle.
)nce 3autam saw a sick man and asked his 3uru +teacher- What has happened to
him? 3uru replied e is a sick man. 3autam asked again Why he has become sick% to
which his guru replied Every person becomes sick due to fate.
#econd time 3autam saw a funeral% he asked his 3uru What has happened to this
man? 3uru replied he has e$pired. 3autam asked Why do people die? 3uru said A
person who is created has to die one day. 3autam for a long time thought over the life and
death again and again he used to think why human(s life is full of sorrows and happiness is
less. 3autam couldn(t find satisfactory answers to his Guestions that why he left the comforts
of the palace and being fed up with life. )ne night% he disguised himself and went to .ungle in
search of Iirvan +/ukti-.
3autam first of all went to indu seers where he did penance +a worship to attain
something-. e did such deep penance that he became weak% but still he didn(t attain Iirvan
i.e. 'eace of mind and soul that(s why he left the seers.
At last being fed up% he went and lived down beneath the tree where he attained
Iirvan by deep meditation and his inner self was lightened.

G$)T$&.S E()C$TION
When 3autam attained Iirvan% it totally changed his life he came to know that8
: !he world is house of sorrows% every human is unhappy% everyone who as been
created will die% he becomes sick and old. #ickness% oldness and death are destined for
every human and no one can escape them.
; !here is one reason or the other for sorrows. Without any reason happiness and
sorrows don(t come% therefore it shows that law of karma takes place% which means%
one who does good deeds% he will rewarded with happiness and .oy and one who
does bad deed will be punished accordingly with grief and sorrows. 2ause of
happiness and sorrows depends on what person desires% and due to desire human
being has to take birth again and again% till he turns his face away from desires then he
will attain Iirvan% therefore for attaining Iirvan desires should be killed8 on killing
desire a human may be freed from the circle of birth and death.
THE "RINC"%ES O# *)(HIS& $CCE"T$*%E #OR $%%
All the people of the world are at one with 3autam 1uddha(s principle because
believers of 3autam 1uddha belong to religions such as induism% 2hristianity% #ikhism% and
Fudaism. Io person of any of the above religions differs in opinion with his principles% and
collectively are the principles are worth practicing.
According to 1udha human being is a comple$ of desires. If he is born he dies also. If
his desire is not fulfilled upon his death he comes to earth again in a new incarnation. e
keeps on searching spiritual solace. If he is successful in it. e attains release or mukti and he
will be released from the cycle of birth and death otherwise the process goes on.
3autam has called this release as Iirvan which means K4reedom or @eliveranceK. 4or
achieving freedom or Iirvan one has to kill his desires and follow a right path which will
may him lead a happy life.
4ollowing are the principles for achieving Iirvan.
2orrect thought.
2orrect determination.
2orrect speaking.
2orrect deeds.
5ead a correct life.
2orrect trials.
2orrect heart.
2orrect thought.
No belie! in God2
In front of 3autam 1uddha respect has no meaning. Whenever he was Guestioned
about the e$istence of 3od he used to say KIt is a non9sense Guestion? Actual thing is that a
man should have good morals and character by which he treats all living beings in the same
All the religions disagree to this principle but no one can differ on this point that any
person is not superior to other person if his morals and character are good and love all living

creatures uniformly.
Islam calls this action as K!aGwaK% indus as karan and 2hristianity has named it as
No belie! in levels or caste system2
3autam 1udha totally disagreed in the e$istence of caste system. e used to say that
there is no difference between a 1rahmin and #hudra% all humans are on the same level.
!he principle is Guite old but today even everybody agrees to this that all humans are
eGual. !oday many demarcations have been removed and humans have come close to each
other. !oday 1rahmin visits the house of #hudra and Hshtriya and #hudra are doing the same
business. Where as Islam and other religions have no concept of caste and creed.
No belie! on hilosohy2
3autam did not believe in KLedasK though hindus believed strongly in that philosophy.
e stressed that only character should be good and discussions over unethical things should
be avoided.
To achieve reality2
3autam said that a human should try to find ways to attain KIirvamK which means
that light he should create from his inner self which shows that he has acGuired the right
knowledge. !hat is the way to /ukti and he is freed from sorrows% as none of his desires die
and he lives a happy content life.
Concet o! Re3birth2
Gautam 1uddha has said that every person who dies is born again and the cycle of
birth and death goes on% till he attains K/ukti or IirvamK. A human is born again because if
any one of his desires is not fulfilled or incomplete or he has done any bad deed for which he
has to repent.
3autam 1uddha is of the opinion that induism accepts this opinion. Ione other
religions agree to it. )nce a human is born it is up to him what kind of deeds he performs
during his life time.
@ue to the above mentioned principles even today the old principles are acceptable
and every human likes them because the base of all principles is KumanityK and thus all the
people of all religions follow them.

What is TRINIT'? Ho+ !ar are these eole 4usti!ied to
believe in this line o! action?
2hristians9who believe in 5ord Fesus and his principles% e$plain trinity in the
following way8 3,)*' or *nion of three 3)@% 4A!E, and )50 #'I,I! in one 3od.
Which means% 2ombination of father% son and oly #pirit.
oly 3host9oly spirit
Iow let us understand what trinity means8

As 3od has sent prophets for all people% in the same way e has sent for 2hristians
Fesus 2hrist who showed a path to the wandering nation% and showed the code of life%
because of which they tread on the right path. !his is lucky nation upon which the 3od
bestowed the holy book 1I15E% because of which this nation sees the e$istence of 3od and
has faith in him.
Fesus 2hrist was the son of lady /ariam and was born without a father% as he was a
boon of 3od. !his was not accepted by his community and thus they tried to kill him. e said
I am the prophet of your nation and has been sent by the 3od on this earth.
e was bestowed with many Gualities. e touched the eye of blind manJ he instantly
got back his sight. e cured the sick by his gentle touching because of these Gualities the
2hristians called him the son of 3od.
2ross is a pure sign which 2hristians wear and feel proud of it. In the same way as
/uslims consider tasbee and indus mala and pray with its help. In the same way 2hristians
to confirm something or in difficult times use it. !he story of the cross is a very pathetic
story. Fesus 2hrist was thought to be wrong and was crucified by nailing both his arms open
and body into a wooden frame. In grief of his crucification cross is made.
All these three i.e. 3od% #on and oly #pirit are very holy for 2hristians and together
they called it !rinity.
(iscuss the !ollo+ing religions along +ith their ethical
Islam is an Arabic word which has been derived from the word salam which means
peace and weapon and literally it means to obey the commands of 3od% bow before im and
follow im.
Islam is religion of unity% through which Allah sent commands from a"rat Adam to
the a"rat /uhammad +'.1.*.-. Islam is a divine religion in which eGuality and
brotherhood have been high lightened because of these true and real laws many people have
accepted the religion Islam. Islam is the only religion which gives peace of heart% mind and


Islam has two basic parts8
:9 1elief

;9 Implementation +Arakan-.

In Islam following points are to be believed8
7, *elie! in oneness o! God2
!his is Islam first and foremost pillar which is also called Halma9e9!ayeba
Which means there is no 3od other than Allah% a"rat /uhammad
+'.1.*.- is his prophet.
8, *elie! on "rohets2
As every muslim believes in a"rat /uhammad +'.1.*.-% in the same it is
compulsory for him to have belief in other 'rophets. All the 'rophets have been sent for
the guidance of mankind therefore they all should have faith in them.
9, *elie! on Holy *oo-s2
4or the guidance of his human beings Allah Almighty has sent > books. !o have belief
in these heavenly books is an obligation for every /uslim.
:9<abur a"rat @aud +A.#-
;9!auret a"rat /oosa +A.#-
=9In.eel a"rat Essa +A.#-
>9oly 7uran a"rat /uhammad +'.1.*.-
:, *elie! on $ngels2
!o believe on angels% is a part of belief. 4our famous angels are8
a"rat Fibrail +A.#-8 /essenger of Allah who brings messages to his prophets.
a"rat /ikail8 ,esponsible for rain.
a"rat I"rael8 2aptures the soul.
a"rat Israfeel8
;, *elie! on <ayamat 0%i!e here a!ter12
7ayamat or Akhrat means the day when we will be punished and rewarded for our
deeds that time of calculation is called 7ayamat. !hus to believe and have faith in this is a
compulsion for all muslims.
=, *elie! on !ate2
Every muslim should believe in fate% whether it is good or bad. Every human will be
e$amined therefore it is useless to curse the fate% instead overcome the difficulties and
bring positive changes in luck.
Imlementation 0$ra-an12
In Islam following four arakan +actions- are to be e$ecuted as a compulsion8
7 "rayer 0Nama>12 Every muslim has to pray five times a day.

8 #ast 0Ro>a12 !o gain holiness of sense% patience and tolerance% fasting is
compulsory in the month of ,amadan.
9 ?a-at2 !o help the poor and needy people every rich muslim is bound to give
#harai due portion of his wealth.
: "ilgrimage 0Ha4412 !o go to holy place and perform specific actions in the
specified duration is called a...
&oral and Ethical teachings o! Islam2
!ranslator of Islam is the oly 7uran and is the source of all teachings. !here are two
kinds of teachings which are to be practiced8
735$I? $H@$&3 WORTH "R$CTISING

:- Worship only one 3od.
;- 'ray% 4ast% give <akat and perform a...
=- #pend money for the cause of 3od.
>- elp every dread and trouble stricken person.
?- 1ehave in a good way with everyone.
A- Heep cleanliness in all possible ways.
B- Fustice should be kept on high esteem.
C- 1e kind to everyone.
D- Heep away from bad deeds and refrain others from doing them.
:E- Iever speak lie.
::- Iobody should be mocked.
:;- #pying and flattery should be avoided.
:=- Iot to indulge in others problems.
:>- Avoid robbery and stealing.
:?- 4eed the hungry.
:A- 1e neat and clean.
:B- 1e sincere.
:C- ide others defects.
:D- Earn bread with honesty.
;E- )bligations and duties to be carried out.
;:- 2ontrol one(s desires.
;;- Heep away from non sense things.
;=- 1ehave courteously.
;>- Advice to do good deeds.
;?- Adopt eGuality with everyone.
83NONE $CCE"T$*%E (OINGS3 )N*E$R$*%E (EE(S

:- !o think that Allah has his another e$istence.
;- Attempt suicide.
=- 3ambling.
>- 1eing alcoholic.
?- 1eing dishonest and womani"ing.
A- 1reaking promise.
B- 'unishing anyone instead of .ustice.

C- 1earing the false witness.
D- !alking lies.
:E- 1ack biting.
::- @isobeying the law.
:;- !alking harshly with orphans and beggars.
:=- Walk proudly on the ground.
:>- #uspect matters.
:?- 2onfiscate the wealth of orphans.
:A- /ake organi"ation for non9sharai matters.
IS%$&.S $I& O# %I#E
Islam is a universal religion. It is through Islam% a human can trend on the right path
which are mentioned in it. If a human follows or practices according to them% his&her aim of
coming to this world is fully9served.
induism is the oldest religion. It is also called #anatam @harma which means Ancient
induism was brought to sub9continent by the race Aryans but few significances show
that it was started from the people living on the banks of ,iver 3anges. In spite of this many
temples have been found on digging in which copper things and statues of 3ods have been
found. !hese findings show that this religion came into e$istence in the world after :EEE
years of its creation.
4ollowers of induism believe in unity of one 3od% whom they call 61hagwan(. /uslims
and 2hristians call im 3od and 6Hhuda(.
1hagwan +god- is the one who is above all. Iobody is like him and nor does any human
has the number of Gualities as he has. !hat all powerful 1hagwan has no colour and no shape.
e is the only truth and all living and non9living creations of the world are untrue or false. e
is the creator of all creations and rarer of all beings. Iobody is as powerful as him. In this
world every living creature is his part and he is the creator or whole. Everybody is visible to
him but nobody can see im.
It is said that in beginning 6'ar 1raham 'armeshwar +1hagwan-( thought of creating a
world in which male% female% living&non9living with all facilities and he produces three
incarnations or three powers of imself8
1hagwan 1rahma with @evi #araswati.
1hagwan Lishnu with @evi 5akshmi.
1hagwan #hankar with @evi 'arvati.
When these three super powers were created% e distributed different Fobs like8
1hagwan 1rahma had to create the world.
1hagwan Lishnu the rearer of the world.
1hagwan /ahadev the destroyer of the world.
In this way slowly and gradually the world came into e$istence.
In induism there are thirty three crores deities in which 0amra. is the deity of death and
Indar is the king of deities.
In induism there are four Ledas.
:- ,ig Led.
;- 0a.ur Led.
=- Athar Led.
>- #ham Led% now #am Led is in practice.
In induism there are A #hastras% :C 'urans and > *pn Leds and Ap Leds.

In induism the famous books are 3eeta and ,amayan. 3eeta has the same importance in
religion as oly 7uran has in Islam% and 1ible n 2hristianity.
3eeta has been revealed by 5ord Hrishna himself% which during the war between
'andavas and Hauravas% Hrishna e$plained Ar.un.
,amayan is essence of 1hagwan ,am(s life of :> years e$ile in .ungle.
According to induism there are four 0ugs8
:- #at 0ug.
;- !reta 0ug.
=- @uwapur 0ug and Hal 0ug.
1hagwan ,am incarnated in !reta 0ug and 1hagwan Hrishan incarnated in @uwapur 0ug.
At the moment Hal 0ug is passing which is in its infancy +starting- period.
All the believers of induism believe in re9birth according to which one who comes has to go
and in the same way the cycle goes on. According to this every human takes birth according
to his karmas. !he deeds which have done in his previous birth are suffered and delighted in
his current birth.
In induism there are > castes.
:- 1rahmin
;- Hshtriya
=- Laish
>- #hudra
According to induism8
:- 1rahmin have been created from the mouth portion% that is why they are pious.
!here duty is to e$ecute religious affairs.
;- Hshtriya have been created from the arms portion of 3od Lishnu and they e$ecute
the affairs of ruling class.
=- Laish caste people look into the trade agriculture and services.
>- #hudra have been created to serve all the castes. !hey are termed as lower caste.
In induism there are three grand festivals.
:- @iwali
;- oli
=- @ushera
@eepawali is great day of celebration. !his word has been derived from #anskrit
language which means !o burn lamps because on this day 5ord ,ama came back from the
e$ile of :> years and thus people re.oiced by burning lamps% fire crackers are cracked on his
arrival to show their feelings.
oli is celebrated due to a 5ady named olka burnt herself alive in conseGuence of a
cruel Hing. !hat(s why indus throw red colour on each other and give reverence to the dead
5ord ,ama after killing ,awan the cruelty symbol of the earth% celebrated
@ushera. As ,awan had :E heads that(s why this day is called @ushera. )n this day they
burn his dummies.

!he biggest temple of hindus is in America which is called !emple of
When hindus meet each other they greet each other by saying Iamastey
In hindus divorse practise is almost nil.
4ollowers of indu religion in number or figure are third in the world% after 2hristians
and /uslims.
4ollowers of indu religion ma$imum ?E crores which are found in industan.
According to indu philosophy the whole universe s made up of four things.
:- 1humi +earth-
;- Agni +fire-
=- Fal +water-
>- Layu +air-
5EWIS& 05)($IS&1
!he followers of a"rat /oosa are called Fews. !his religion was present before
a"rat /oosa and therefore it is counted as the one of oldest religions.
!he sacred book of Fews is called !auret which means 5aw of life.
Fewism started with a"rat 0aGoob% e was the son of a"rat Ibrahim. !he family of a"at
0aGook is called as Israelis who migrated to Egypt in the beginning. After coming to Egypt
the Fews left the religion of Allah and continuously started being cruel to those who followed
the laws f 3od but the great rulers of Egypt crushed them. Afterwards a"rat /oosa was sent
as a messenger to the world% to save Fews and e +a"rat /oosa- took them to the mountain
of !awrseena where Allah sent oly !auret on Earth.
Fews believe on the following :E commands of this bookJ
:- Iam 3od. I was sent from Egypt.
;- Iot to believe anyone else e$cept one as the 3od.
=- !he day of #abt is to be remembered and believe it to be oly.
>- It is not useless to remember Allah.
?- 'arents should be respected.
A- Womani"ing should be shunned.
B- Hilling is a sin.
C- ,obbery should not be done.
D- 1eing a false witness is a sin.
:E- !reat neighbours in a good way.
*elie! o! 5e+s2
In the religious book of Fews !auret some important things have been said on which
the Fews believe and thus are called their beliefs.
:- 1elief in Allah(s unity.
;- 1elief in Allah(s power.
=- Worship only one Allah.
>- ave belief in prophets.
?- a"rat /oosa to be considered as the greatest prophet.
A- 1elieve that !aurret was sent to a"rat /oosa on the mountain of !awrseena.
B- @eeds are rewarded and punished.
C- @eeds or practices will be dealt with.
D- 1elieve that a"rat /oosa will come back.
:E- 1elieve that there is life after death.

!he place of worship of Fews is called #ynagogue. !he origin of #ynagogue took
place in ?
century. 1efore that sacrifice of animals in old temples by priests was thought to
be worship.
#ynagogue has three basic aims8
:- Worship.
;- ,ecite the oly book tauret.
=- 3athering of people.
)ther than this #ynagogue is used for political% social and .uridical purposes.
S$*T ($'2
#abt is one of the ten main principles Fews believe that Allah has created this world in
si$ days and on B
day he took rest. !herefore it is necessary for Fews to take rest on the B

day. !his day starts at the end of 4riday +sunset- and ends on the ne$t day till evening. !his
belief is called #abbath. #abt means #aturday.
,abi according to Fewism ,abi is there .udicial or religious teacher% who have
memori"ed the book !auret orally. ,abi guides the Fews according to the religious book.

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