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And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain

burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea
became blood; 9And the third part of the creatures which were in the
sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

We find in Revelations a Mountain burning with Fire is cast into the
Waters and turns the waters to blood and a 3rd of everything in the
waters die. we know of the burning mountain in the Old Testament
where Moses went up unto and received the Law. So we know this
mountain burning with fire is the same mountain in Revelations.

We later find Jesus, the Prophet like unto Moses, on another Mount,
called Mount Calvary and He was made Sin as darkness came over
the Earth, the same as it did during Moses Mount Sinai experience.
we know fire is symbolic of blood.

We see Jesus the Mount of God, becoming Sin as the Law and all of
its wrath comes down upon Him and He is a mount burning with fire,
or we say covered in blood, blood is symbolic of fire. So Jesus is made
the Sin of The World, He is took the full wrath and punishment of The
Law. His is a mountain burning with fire. He said, If be lifted up I will
draw all men unto me. There is an emphasis when He says All Men, it
means all flesh will come to him as in this sense He is become all
flesh to all men by changing places with them and becoming their

As this event pertains to all flesh of all people then what does it mean
a 3rd part died? People are symbolic of water. So when the water
turned to blood and everything died it indicated a 3rd part of you was
now dead, covered in the blood of Jesus. You are a Body (Flesh), Soul
and Spirit. he came to condemn "SIN" in the "Flesh". So there are 3
parts to you. what Christ did on the Cross was destroyed the Sinful
Flesh as it was killed and turned to Blood. It was that 3rd part of you
that died. All nations and all people came up under that blood for God
concluded us all in the sin of unbelief.

The Law that came down on the Jews in Moses Day, them being
typical of the Body, then comes the Prophet like unto Moses, the True
Mount of God buring with Fire, covered in Blood from the Wrath and
penalty of the Law, he shed His blood for all people thus all people
that had life in the flesh died. He condemned Sin in the Flesh, he then
destroyed it and cast it out. This all ties in with the Red Dragon being
cast out of Heaven, pursuing the Flesh of us to devour the Christ Child
Paul said was forming within us. The Sinful Side of Jesus is also
symbolic of the Star Wormwood as it was cast from heaven as well.
we have already written to you concerning this Star so we wont go
into it in this writing.

Remember everything in the Book of Revelations has already
happened, it was all about Jesus Christ. Genesis to Revelations was
about Him and is Life, He is the Volume of that Book. everything goes
back to Calvary, back to The Cross, there is the Serpent in the
Garden, there is Adam and Eve, there is The Light and The Darkness,
There is the Veil, there is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and
there is also the Tree of Life, and on and on it goes. May God Bless

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