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Charles Martin in Uganda

Charles Martin in Uganda: What to Do When a Manager Goes Native

International Business Assignment #1
Alexander Herrera
Charles Martin in Uganda
1. Describe Ugandan cultural attributes that might affect the operations of a
foreign company doing business there.
Uganda is a country that has many different cultural attributes that might affect
business operations with the United States. Based off our assigned reading the cultural
attributes that could affect business the most are the facts that they had various languages,
multiple religions, and they are a 3
world country.
English is the official language of Uganda but there is a great portion of the
country that speas indigenous languages such as Bantu and !ilotic "Daniels, #$11, p.
%$&. 'his could be a problem for any international country because most of the cheap
laborers in any country are locals, and locals more often then not, only spea their
indigenous language. 'his could generate ris to the operations of the company by not
being able to communicate with the locals due to the various ethnicities, creating a
language barrier. (ithout proper communication, company goals can)t be reached.
*nother concern is that Uganda has many religious bacgrounds such as *nole,
Basoga, +teso, Baiga, ,angi, and -wanda to name a few "(orld .act Boo, #$1/&. 'he
company may have to hire employees to wor from various religions and mae sure that
all are respected in order to avoid discrimination in the worplace.
+)m from a 3
world country, so + now first hand doing business in a 3
country only maes the company)s goal that much harder to reach. 'here)s plenty
corruption and business plans are never on schedule. Business in third world countries
tends to move slowly, for e0ample, phone lines may tae months to be installed or the
Charles Martin in Uganda
e1uipment ordered never arrives "Daniels, #$11, p. %1&. 'his is where corruption comes
into play. Uganda is considered one of the most corrupted countries in the world, which
as a result is a big problem for a foreign company to operate. 'ips are given to the local
worers to help speed any process and it)s almost a re1uirement to stay on schedule.
Ultimately, adding to the total e0penses of the pro2ect. .or these reasons + believe the
cultural attributes that affect international business in Uganda are due to various
languages, multiple religions, and that they are a 3
world country.
#3 4ow would you describe the respective attitudes of 5artin and 6reen3
ethnocentric, polycentric or geocentric7 (hat factors do you suspect of
having influenced their respective attitudes7
+ would describe the 5artins attitude as being polycentric minded. *ccording to
our te0tboo, the polycentric approach believes if businesses unite in different countries
they should act lie local companies "Daniels, #$11, p. 81&. 5ar was involved with
hiring local people who were citi9ens of the country, chose to live in middle class
Uganda, and participated in tribal ceremonies "Daniels, #$11, p. %$:%1&. .or these reasons
+ believe 5artin to be polycentric minded. !ow, + feel 6reen is more 6eocentric.
*ccording to our boo ;6eocentricism re1uires companies to balance nowledge of their
own organi9ational cultures with both home and host country needs< "Daniels, #$11, p.
8/&. + wouldn)t label him as Ethnocentric because he did want to blend in with Uganda)s
culture to do business, but didn)t want Uganda)s views to completely shadow 46 values,
Charles Martin in Uganda
which are based on =hristianity. 6reen wasn)t to pleased with 5artins willingness to
accommodate all of the cultural needs of Uganda and none of their own. 'his is why +
feel 6reen is more geocentric minded.
3. (ho was right, 6reen or 5artin, about the controversial actions in
facilitating the pro2ect7 4ow might things have turned out if 5artin had not
been a member of the pro2ect team7
+ believe that without 5artin the operations would not have been completed on
time and even sub2ect to fail. 5artin was right about the controversial actions he too in
the Uganda operation. (ithout dealing with the religious groups issues and ;appeasing
the spirits< the whole operation could have been compromised. (ithout giving more
incentive to the local worers, the operation, more then liely would have been delayed.
=harles 5artin was #>:year:old man at the time, who graduated with a ma2or in
*frican studies, and 2oined the ?eace =orps in @enya woring with small businesses
"Daniels, #$11, p. 8>:%$&. Despite being very young for the responsibilities he too, his
e0periences made him well 1ualified for the 2ob. + truly believe that without 5artin
cultural awareness and bacground this operation couldn)t be accomplished. 6reen might
have hired someone 6eocentric minded lie him self, creating endless chaotic
possibilities such as3 waiting months for the phone lines to be installed, supplies
delivered, and the operating licenses to be issued. 'hey would also have to deal with the
religious issues so respected to Uganda)s culture it could possibly compromise the entire
operation "Daniels, #$11, p. %$:%1& 5artin)s willingness to adapt to Uganda)s culture was
Charles Martin in Uganda
the ey to success. Every decision he made was in effort to progress the operation and
complete it. (ithout 5artin this operation would have been delayed andAor not
/. +n 46)s ne0t phase of the pro2ect B building the power plant B should 46
employ someone whose main function is that of liaison between its
corporate culture and the culture of its host country7 +f so, is 5artin the right
person for the 2ob7
=ulture awareness involves respecting norms, values and beliefs "@reitner, #$13&.
+n this case, + would say that 5artin is the perfect fit for the 2ob. 4e has a great deal of
e0perience with the *frican culture and is already in the mi0. +f the manger establishes
clear guidelines on what the position re1uires, + see no reason why 5artin wouldn)t be
great for the position. 5artin is very nowledgeable of both Uganda)s and *merica)s
culture. + believe if he was assigned to be the liaison between 46)s corporate culture and
the culture of its host country, he will adapt to a geocentric approach and e0cel in the
position. =onsidering his bacground, nowledge, and e0periences.
Charles Martin in Uganda
Daniels, C. D., -adebaugh, ,. 4., D Sullivan, D. ?. "#$11&. International business:
environments and operations "13th ed.&. Upper Saddle -iver, !.C.3 ?earson
EducationA?rentice 4all.
@reitner, -obertE @inici, *ngelo "#$13& Organizational Behavior "1#
ed.&. !ew For,
!F3 5cgraw:4illA+rwin
'he (orld .act Boo. "#$1/, 5ay 1#&. Central Intelligence Agency. -etrieved Cune #,
#$1/, rom https3AAwww.cia.govAlibraryApublicationsAthe:world:

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