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(Information Technology)
(New Scheme)
PAPER: T-123
Maximum Marks80
(1) No supplementary answer-book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates
should write the answers precisely in the Main answer-book only.

(2) All the parts of question should be answered at one place in the answer-book. One
complete question should not be answered at different places in the answer book.

Attempt FIVE questions in out of nine
All question carry equal marks

1. (a) What services are provided by an ISP? Explain.
(b) What is World Wide Web? Discuss various security and privacy issues.

2. (a) HTML is more of a script than a language . Do you agree? Give reasons.
(b) What is a MIME attachment? How does it enhance the e-mail
facility? Explain.

3. (a) What are the steps required to publish a website ? Explain.
(b) What is a firewall? What are its uses? Explain.

4. (a) What are web editors? Explain any two with their key features.
(b) What are Browsers? Why are file extensions important to web browsers?
Differentiate Lynx with Internet Explorer and Netscape composer.

5. (a) Explain the following HTML , tag with syntax.
(a) Design a HTML, form for roadways reservation.

6. (a) Explain the purpose and use of JavaScript and VB Script for web page.
(b) What is XML? Explain the utility of XML in web development.

7. (a) What do you mean by optimization of images for the web? Discuss various
parameters for optimization.
(b) What do you mean by a search Engine? What are the mian criteria that you
would consider when you select a Search Engine ?

8. (a) Explain the role of website in B2C e-commerce.
(b) Discuss about Internet architecture and Internet Services.

9. (a) Write short notes on any two fo the following : 2x8
(i) Style sheets
(ii) Plug-Ins
(iii) Seamless Tiling

M.Sc.(Information Technology)
(New Scheme)
PAPER: T-124
Maximum Marks80
(1) No supplementary answer-book will be given to any candidate. Hence the candidates
should write the answers precisely in the Main answer-book only.

(2) All the parts of question should be answered at one place in the answer-book. One
complete question should not be answered at different places in the answer book.

Attempt FIVE questions in out of nine
All question carry equal marks

1. Explain in detail the following principles of object oriented programming:
(a) Data Encapsulation and Data Hiding
(b) Inheritance and Polymorphism
(c) Generic Programming

2. (a) What do you understand by constructors in C++. Explain copy constructors and
default constructor with example.
(b) Why do you use access specifier in class? Explain each access specifier with

3. Explain the following with suitable example:
(i) Inline Function
(ii) This pointer
(iii) Manipulators
(iv) Virtual base class

4. (a) What is function overloading and operator overloading ? Write a C++ program to
overload + operator.
(b) What is virtual function and pure virtual function? Explain with an example.

5. Differentiate the following:
(i) Template and Macro
(ii) Function and Constructor
(iii) Structure and Union
(iv)New and delete

6. Write a C++ program that:
(a) Calculates and prints the sum of the integers from 1 to 10
(b) To calculate x raised to power y.
(c) Calculates the squareroot of a given number.

7.(a) What are the static members of a class? How are they different from instance member?
Give a typical use of static members and a program to illustrate their need.
(b) What are default arguments in C++. How are they defined and called? Give examples.

8.(a) What is a stream ? Explain different classes supported by C++. Also write a program
to open a file in C++.
(b) Explain function template with an example:

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