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Awesome Abs & Core

DISCLAIMER Before participating in any exercise program, you should seek medical or health advice fromyour doctor or exercise physiologist. When undertaking an exercise program
with fitballs, please read the information provided carefully on Back and Abdominal Stability exercises and Fitball Strengthening exercises. If you experience any discomfort whilst
exercising, you should cease the program immediately to obtain advice from your physician. Discomfort effects are: hard to breath, racing heart rate, pain in the chest, you are injured,
you feel sick, you feel pain, you are dizzy. The information provided by CORP Health has been prepared with duty of care by qualified professionals to meet the needs of healthy
individuals without existing problems. CORP Health and CFA accepts no responsibility for any injury, loss or damage suffered as a result of information provided on this exercise poster.
Core exercises specifically activate the core muscles in the tummy and back region to develop muscular balance and control.
This type of training ultimately aims to prevent lower back muscular injuries in the workplace job demands.
The stabiliser muscles are small, deeply placed muscles and roles are to stabilise joint areas and maintain correct posture
and alignment. The stabiliser muscles are also vital during endurance exercise activities and even simple tasks such as
standing upright, when correct alignment and posture are crucial. Stability training is all about training these very important
muscles and the roles of core & stability training are:
n Strengthening the stabiliser muscles so they are able to fulfil their role in stabilising the trunk.
n Assisting in the reactivation core muscles that may have been adversely affected by previous bouts of injury or inactivity.
n Weak and unbalanced core muscles are linked to back pain. Weak core muscles result in a loss of the appropriate
lumbar curve and a swayback posture.
It is recommended that you do not commence exercise training if showing signs and symptoms of illness, de-hydration or
injury. If you are showing signs and symptoms of any condition, please seek medical advice before starting your exercise
program. Your Doctor may then advise you how to proceed with your exercise program.
If you suffer from a back injury, back problem or back tightness, please seek medical advice prior to
commencement of these exercises.
n Ensure to warm up by stretching stretches provided on this poster.
n Ensure to cool down after completing your exercise workout by stretching stretches provided on this poster.
n Commence your abs and core program by selecting the easier options for the exercises, then, slowly progress to the
more complex options overtime.
n Ensure to select only a few of the abs and core exercises for your workout to ensure fatigue does not occur.
n Always wear appropriate exercising clothing and footwear.
n Ensure hydration at all times.
n Monitor heart rates regularly.
n Maintain good posture unlock your knees, keep feet shoulder width apart, head up and chin in.
n Always remember to breathe out on exertion never hold your breath.
Stretch 1
n Lie on your back with knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
n Place your hands on the back of your thighs and pull your legs towards your chest.
Pull until you feel a gentle stretch.
n Hold for at least 20 sec. Return to the starting position and repeat at least 5 times.
Stretch 5
n Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
n Curl your neck, shoulders and back until your chest is on your thighs and you can touch
the ground with your hands.
n Hold for at least 10 sec.
n Return to starting position and repeat at least 5 times.
Stretch 2
n Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on
the floor.
n Keeping your back flat on the floor, rotate your hips to the left,
lowering your legs to the floor until a gentle stretch is felt.
n Ensure to keep your shoulders on the floor.
n Hold for at least 20 sec. Return to the starting position and
repeat at least 5 times on each side.
Stretch 4
n Kneel down on the floor on your hands and knees
[on all fours].
n Curl your back up towards the ceiling like an angry cat.
n Hold for at least 5 sec.
n Return to starting position.
n Pull your stomach down to the floor hollowing out your back.
n Hold for at least 5 sec.
n Return to starting position and repeat at least 5 times each.
St ret ches
Stretch 3
n Lie on your stomach.
n Prop yourself up on your elbows extending your back.
n Start straightening your elbows, further extending your back.
n Continue straightening your elbows until a gentle stretch
is felt.
n Hold for at least 20 sec. Return to starting position and
repeat 5 times.
Stretch 6
n Stand up straight with your arms by your sides and your feet hip width apart.
n Bend your trunk sideways to the left while sliding your hand down the side of the left leg
and reaching your right arm over your head.
n Hold for at least 10 sec.
n Return to the starting position and alternate sides.
n Repeat at least 5 times on each side.
Day to day activities can often cause tight back muscles. Over time this can result in back pain and increase your risk for a back
injury. In this poster, you will learn 6 main exercises to stretch all of the major muscles of your back in a quick and effective way.
Performing these stretches on a daily basis will help prevent back pain and assist in reducing present back aches.
Awesome Abs & Core Awesome Abs & Core
Bicycle Crunches
Progress 1:
Lie on your back with your hips bent at 90 degrees and your hands behind your head. As you curl your
body forward, like in a crunch, bring your right knee towards your left elbow and extend your left leg out
45 degrees. While keeping your shoulders lifted off the ground continue alternating from left to right,
bringing your opposite knees and elbows together.
Progress 2:
When alternating legs, the straight leg out may be lowered to increase the intensity of the
abdominal hold.
FOR TONING: slow pace: 15 repetitions on each side x 2 sets.
FOR FAT BURNING: fast pace: 50 repetitions on each side x 2 sets
Leg Lifts and Raises
Lie on your back, with your hands at your side or just under your buttocks.
Progress 1:
Keeping your knees slightly bent, lift your legs straight in the air. Keep your back flat against the floor
throughout the movement, especially as you lower your legs. Keep tension on your abs whilst your legs are
in the air. You may lower your legs all the way to the floor.
Progress 2:
Use your ab muscles to keep your back from arching. Do not lower your legs to the ground.
Progress 3:
Use ankle weights to increase the intensity.
10 repetitions x 2 sets
V Sit with a Twist
Progress 1:
Begin sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Press your hands together,
extending your arms out in front of you, and recline back so that your body is angled at 45 degrees.
Keeping your lower body still, twist your body to the right and then to the left.
Progress 2:
For a more challenging V-Sit and Twist, lean back further to an angle which is still comfortable.
10 repetitions on each side x 2 sets
Fit-Ball Roll-Ins
Progress 1:
This exercise requires good to above average upper body strength. If you can do 10 or more push ups,
you should be able to hold your body in position during this exercise. From a push up position, place your
feet on the ball. Keep your arms straight and your abs pulled in. Keeping your abs activated, bring your
knees towards your chest. Hold for 1 second, and then slowly return to the starting position.
Progress 2:
The further you roll out the more challenging the exercise becomes. The most challenging position is
with the toes on the ball. You must keep your abs pulled in as you extend your legs so that your back
does not arch.
Side Crunches
Progress 1:
This exercise works the internal and external oblique muscles, however will not get rid of the love
handles overnight. Lie on your back and turn both knees to the right side and rest them on the ground.
Exhale as you lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold at the top for a couple of seconds, then slowly
return to the starting position. Repeat both sides.
Progress 2:
Use a small weight plate or light dumbbell [up to 1kg] to increase the intensity of the exercise.
Hold the weight on your chest.
10 repetitions on each side x 2 sets
Fit-Ball Prone Bracing
Progress 1:
To perform the exercise, you simply hold the position without moving. The challenge is staying still
when the stability ball starts to move underneath you. Because the exercise ball challenges your
balance, it is harder to keep your alignment and your abs and shoulders work much harder than
during the floor prone bracing position. Start by placing your elbows on the ball. Balance on your toes,
while keeping your body in a straight line. Make sure that you keep your body in a straight line. Keep
your abs pulled in to stop your back from arching.
This is an isometric exercise, which simply means that you hold the same position without moving. Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Fit-Ball Hands & Feet Throws
Progress 1:
Begin lying on your back, with the ball in your hands over your head.
Bring your arms and feet together and pass the ball from your hands to
your feet. Lower your feet towards the ground with knees bent, whilst your
arms rotate back over your head. Then lift the ball back to your hands and
continue exchanging the ball between your hands and your feet.
Progress 2:
Whilst lowering your feet towards the ground, keep the legs straight
instead of knees bent.
10 repetitions x 2 sets
Russian Twist on the Fit-Ball / Medicine Ball
Progress 1:
Start by sitting on the ball, and walk your feet forward until your head and upper back are supported on the
ball. Place your hands together, pointing towards the ceiling. While keeping your hips relatively stationary,
rotate your body to one side so that one shoulder lifts off the ball. Repeat on the other side. This exercise
requires good balance and good flexibility. The key to this exercise is to move through your spine
focus on rotating your trunk not just your arms.
Progress 2:
Hold a medicine ball in your hands to increase the intensity.
10 repetitions on each side x 2 sets
Fit-Ball Alternating Arm & Leg
Progress 1:
Lie face down on the ball with your waist at one end and your head hanging over the other end. Place
your feet about shoulder's width apart, and place your hands on the floor. Stabilize yourself with your left
hand and right leg as you lift your right arm and left leg. Doesn't matter which side you start on. Simply
lift the opposite arm and leg. Keep your trunk in a straight line, so that your back does not overly arch.
The size of the ball makes a difference in the feeling of the exercise. If the ball is too large, it will be
harder to balance. In the starting position, the best ball size will allow you to place your hands flat on the
floor while your trunk stays in a straight line.
8-15 repetitions on each side x 2 sets
Awesome Abs & Core Awesome Abs & Core
Prone Bracing [levels 1,2,3]
Progress 1:
Start by balancing on your elbows and your knees, while keeping your body in a straight line. This is an
isometric exercise for the stomach, which simply means that you hold the same position without moving.
Begin with the HALF PRONE BRACE if you have difficulty holding the FULL PRONE BRACE for less than 10
seconds. Build up to 30 seconds on the HALF PRONE BRACE and then graduate to the FULL PRONE BRACE.
Make sure that you keep your body in a straight line. Keep your abs pulled in to stop your back from
arching. Use a pad for your knees and elbows for comfort.
Hold for 10-30 seconds.
Progress 2:
Start by balancing on your elbows and your toes, while keeping your body in a straight line. Make sure that
you keep your body in a straight line. Keep your abs pulled in to stop your back from arching. When you are
doing this exercise for the first few times, your body may start shaking. This is a result of muscle weakness
and lack of coordination. After a little practice the shaking will stop and you will be able to hold this exercise
for 30 seconds or more. If you feel your back arching, lift your hips slightly higher in the air.
Hold the same position for 10-30 seconds without moving.
Progress 3:
Start by balancing on your elbow and your feet. Place your foot that is closest to the ground in the front, and
keep your body in a straight line.
Side Prone Bracing Variations:
#1 Foot position: You can stack your feet one on top of the other to challenge your balance even more.
#2 Top hand position: You can also place your top hand on your hip to make it easier to balance.
#3 Bottom arm position: You can make this exercise a little more challenging by balancing on your hand and feet.
These variations are isometric exercises for stomach, oblique, and back muscles.
Hold for 10-30 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Side Leg Raises
Progress 1:
Begin by lying on your side with your entire body in a straight line. You can rest your head on the floor or support your head with your bottom
arm. While keeping your feet stacked on top one another, exhale and lift your legs off the floor. Hold at the top for a brief second and then
slowly lower back to the starting position. Move in a controlled manner.
10-15 repetitions on each side x 2 sets.
Fit-Ball with Frog Kicks
This exercise is designed for advanced exercisers. This exercise challenges the stability of the
arms and hips and increases the demand on the abdominal muscles.
Are you ready to perform this exercise?
#1 You should be able to do a complete set of 10 or more push ups.
#2 You should be able to hold the regular prone brace exercise for more than 60 seconds.
#3 You should be able to do 15 repetitions of the fit-ball roll-ins.
#4 You should have no pain or major injuries to your wrist, shoulder, hip or lower back.
Progress 1:
Begin by placing your feet on the ball from the push up position. Keep your body in a straight line, and
pull in your abs to stabilize your spine. Use your abs to hold your core in a straight line, and bring in your
right knee towards your right elbow. Then, repeat on the left side. Remember to keep you abs engaged so
that your back does not arch.
Alternate 5-10 repetitions per leg.
Fit-Ball Medicine Ball Crunches
Progress 1:
Start by sitting on the ball while holding a medicine ball. Walk yourself forward until your hips are at the
edge of the ball and the ball supports your back. Hold the medicine ball over your head as you curl your
body forward and lift your shoulder blades off the ball. Hold for 1 second at the top and then slowly
lower to the starting position. Moving slowly will stop you from bouncing on the ball, and will work your
abs harder. Keep the medicine ball over your head during the entire crunch movement.
10 repetitions x 2 sets
Prone Bracing with Cone Touches
This variation of the plank increases the muscle work on the shoulder stabilizer muscles. Please do not perform this exercise if you are a
beginner exerciser or have current back or shoulder injuries.
Progress 1:
Set up 2 cones (or any target) slightly wider than shoulder's width apart. Begin in the prone brace push up position, by balancing on your hands and toes.
Keep your hands under your shoulders and keep your feet about hip width apart. Start with your right hand, reach for the top of the cone that is on your
right side. Tap the top and pause for 1 second. Then, reach with your right hand for the cone that is on your left side. Tap the top and pause for 1 second,
before returning to the prone brace push up position. Repeat on the left side. Remember to engage your abs and keep your belly button pulled in towards
your spine.
Progress 2:
To make this exercise harder bring your feet closer together.
5-10 repetitions per arm x 2 sets.

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