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Ao de la Promocin de la Industria Responsable y el

Compromiso Climtico

Dealing with Problems
Student: Guerra Snchez Cadmiel Nicol

6. Write 5 common problems at your work or study place and suggest 2 strategies for
everyone to overcome those problems.

- Turn off the mobile phone.
- Having a recognised space for your study, and asking family and friends to
respect your study times.

Time management:
- Study regularly - daily if posible.
- Set achievablestudygoals.

Lack of a dedicated study space:
- Devote your workspace solely to study.
- Break the task into a number of sub-tasks.

Disinterest in a subject:
- Stay motivated and maintain a positive attitude towards your studies.
- Keeping a running record of your study times and achievements in the subject
and measuring your performance.

Lack of concentration:
- Prepare a schedule for your study session with beginning and ending times.
- If you find your attention beginning to fade, you may need a break. Get up,
stretchorgofor a walkaround.


- Be an active learner: make notes, create mind maps, and talk through key
points aloud.
- Makeup rhymes or songs to help remember facts or sequences.

Distractions (distracciones)
- Turn off the mobile phone (apague el telfonomvil)
- Having a recognised space for your study, and asking family and friends to respect
your study times (Tener un espacioreconocidoparasuestudio, y preguntando a amigos
de respetarsushoras de estudio)

Time management (la gestin del tiempo)
- Studyregularly - dailyifpossible (estudiar peridicamente - al da si es posible)
- Set achievablestudygoals (establecer metas alcanzables de estudio.)

Lack of a dedicatedstudyspace (falta de un espacio de studio dedicado)
- Devote yourworkspacesolely to study (Dedica su espacio de trabajo exclusivamente a
- Break the task into a number of sub-tasks (dividir la tarea en unaserie de sub-tareas)

Disinterest in a subject (falta de inters en un tema)

- Staymotivated and maintain a positive attitudetowardsyourstudies (Mantngase
motivado y mantener una actitud positiva hacia sus estudios)
- Keeping a running record of yourstudy times and achievements in thesubject and
measuringyour performance (mantener un registro actualizado de sus horas de
estudio y los logros en el tema y la medicin de su desempeo)

Lack of concentration (falta de concentracin)
- Prepare a scheduleforyourstudysession with beginning and ending times(elaborar un
calendario para su sesin de estudio con horas de inicio y de fin)
- If you find your attention beginning to fade, you may need a break. Get up,
stretchorgofor a walkaround. (Si encuentra que su atencin comienza a desvanecerse,
es posible que necesite un descanso. Levntate, estirar o dar un paseo alrededor.)

Reading (lectura)

- Be an active learner: make notes, createmindmaps and talkthroughkeypointsaloud
(Ser un estudiante activo: tomar notas, crear mapas mentales, hablar a travs de los
puntos clave en voz alta)
- Make up rhymesorsongs to helprememberfactsorsequences.(hacer rimas o canciones
para ayudar a recordar hechos o secuencias.)

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