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A Comparative Study of English Speaking Skill between Male and

Female Students on the First Grade Students of State Junior High

School 5 Purworejo in the Academic Year 2011/ 2012


Aditya Nuril Ismiati

English is a compulsory subject in Indonesia which had been taught formally to
Indonesian students since they were in Junior High School. In learning English, the
students emphasize to master the four language skills well, namely listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. In junior high school, speaking is commonly a difficult activity for
many students. English speaking skill has its own components. They are grammar,
vocabulary, pronunciation, and fluency.
The objective of the study are to find out the differences study of English speaking
skill between male and female students and to interpret the differences of English
speaking skill between male and female students especially on the First Grade Students
of SMP N 5 Purworejo. This research is presented in quantitative method. In collecting
data, the writer did some steps. They are preparing the research instrument, giving the
test to the students, and analyzing the result of the students score. This research carried
out on 14
July 2012 and 17
July 2012.
To analyze the result of interview test, the writer gets the result of the differences
study of English speaking skill between male and female students on the First Grade
Students of SMP N 5 Purworejo. The researcher is able to concludes that the percentage
total score on first grade students of SMP N 5 Purworejo is 69,23%so the frequency
indicates that the skill is average. The percentage of total score of female students
(74.03) is higher than the percentage of total score of male students (64.42). So, the
percentage of female students are higher than male and there is significance difference
between the result of English speaking skill between male and female on the first grade
students of SMP N 5 Purworejo.

Keywords: a comparative study, speaking skill, male, and female

I. Introduction
According to Hornby (1995: 826), speaking is making use of words in
an ordinary voice, uttering words, knowing and being able to use language;
expressing one-self in words; making speech. While skill is the skill to do
something well. Therefore, we can infer that speaking is the skill to make use
of words or a language to express oneself in an ordinary voice. In short, the
speaking skill is the skill to perform the linguistics knowledge in an actual
communication. The speaking is a crucial part of second language learning
and teaching. English language teachers have continued to teach speaking
just as a repetition of drills or memorization of dialogues. So, three theories
of language learning that are relevant to the teaching speaking by Thornbury
(2000:38) is important and many difficulties to master speaking skill can be
resolved. Pronunciation is the way produce of good English speaking,
Grammar is a system rules to arrangement of sentence, Vocabulary is
needed for expressing meaning, and Fluency is the way to develop of English
speaking skill. So, the practice of Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar, and
Fluency in students activity is the important thing to increase the students
of English speaking skill. So, thoroughly they will be able to produce their
own English speaking skill which correctly.The structure of the female brain,
the skill to speak is greater than the male brain. Because female have a lot of
words to express than male. This also supported the left brain is more of a
role in the emotional disclosure. While boys the right brain is more of a role,
more focus and more specific in talking. Females more fluent in speaking
than males, vocabulary and quality of speech also better than male, but
students-males were better on writing. Males more often write than
females, female have difficulties on language learning tasks connecting with
the perception of speech. But, males more difficulties to speak. Females
consistently closer in their pronunciation to the prestige form than males.

II. Method
This research is designed as descriptive quantitative. The term
descriptive research refers to the type of research refers to the type of
research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a give
topic. Three main purpose of research are to describe, explain, and
percentage ability. Based on the observation of research field, the researcher
can describe what happens in the events, and also get the information. This
research was carried on 14
July 2012 and 17
July 2012. The research is
conducted at State Junior High School 5 of Purworejo. This researchtakes the
First Grade Students of State Junior High School 5 of Purworejo in the
academic year 2011/2012 as the subject of the research. In this research,
the writer used spoken test to collect the data. The observation is used to
obtain data related to the implementation.The interview is used by the
writer to compare the result of English speaking skill between male and
female students. In this study, the researcher gave the speaking tests using
interview about personal data and hobby in both students and the
researcher recorded the activity. The students are expected to answer speak
loudly and clearly, so that researchers can analyze the English speaking skill.
In the determined of speaking skill consisting of pronunciation, vocabulary,
grammar, and fluency.

III. Discussion
The percentage of total score of female students (74.03) is higher
than the percentage of total score of male students (64.42). The total score
of pronounciation male students was 26, the total score of vocabulary male
students was 34, the total score of grammar male students was 36, the total
score of fluency male students was 38, and the total score male students in
English speaking skill was 837,5.The writer got, the total score of
pronounciation female students was 30, the total score of vocabulary female
students was 39, the total score of grammar female students was 41, the
total score of fluency female students was 44, and the total score female
students in English speaking skill was 962,5. The researcher is able to
conclude thatthe percentagetotal score on first grade students of SMP N 5
Purworejo is 69.23, so the frequency indicates that the skill is average.Both
of female and male students hasdifference characteristics to learn and study
to get their achievement. The writer concludes that the structure of the
female brain is greater than the male brain. Because female have a lot of
word to express than male, female students also over confidence than male
students. So, the brains of female students more than the brains of male
students, especially to learn English speaking skill.

IV. Conclusion
On the four components of speaking skill, female students is higher
than male students. The total score in pronounciation of female students
(30) is higher than thetotal score in pronounciation of male students (26).
The total score in vocabulary of female students (39) is higher than the total
score in vocabulary of male students (34). The total score in grammar of
female students (41) is higher than the total score in grammar of male
students (36). The last aspect is fluency, the total score in fluency of female
students (44) is higher than the total score in fluency of male students (38).
So, there is significance difference between the result of English speaking
skill between male and female on the first grade students of SMP N 5

V. References
Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2006.
ProsedurPenelitianSuatuPendekatanPraktik. J akarta: PT.RinekaCipta
Brown, H.Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language and Teaching
Second Edition. San Francisco State University: Longman
Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary. New
York: Oxford University Press.
Purwanto, Ngalim.2009. Prinsip-prinsipdanteknikevaluasipengajaran.
Bandung: PT RemajaRosdakarya.
Sugiyono. 2009. MetodePenelitianPendidikanPendekatanKuantitatif,
Kualitatif, dan R&D. CV Alfabeta
Thornburry, Scott. 2000. How to Teach Vocabulary. England Pearson
Education Limited.

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