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Physical Education is an integral part of the educational program designed to promote the optimum

development of an individual, physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally through total body movement
in the performance of properly selected physical activities.
Physical Fitness is the capacity of an individual to accomplish his/her daily task/activities without undue
fatigue and still has an ample amount of reserved energy to enjoy leisure activities and ready to meet
unforeseen emergencies.
Physical ftness is a set of abilities that one possesses in order to perform physical activities. A physical
activity is any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in a substantial
increase in energy expenditure !"enters for #isease "ontrol and $revention or "#", %&'().
* can become physically +t !e.g., improve or maintain it) through exercise, which is a type of physical
activity consisting of planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement !"#", %&'(). ,his means that
physical +tness is a measurable set of characteristics that is determined by my exercise habits !American
"ollege of -ports .edicine or A"-., /0%0).
Physical ftness is made up of three major components: (1) health-related, (2) skill-related, and
() physiolo!ical ftness"
#ealth-related physical ftness (#$PF) consists of those speci+c components that have a
relationship with good health, or a lower risk of illness, particularly hypokinetic diseases and
%kill-related physical ftness (%$PF) consists of components that have a relationship with learning
motor skills 1uickly and the ability to achieve a high level of performance in sports. * know of others
who were able to improve their motor skills with practice so they are able shoot a basketball or kick a
football well. -ince they are +t !or possess -23), they are more likely to engage in regular physical
activities4 and because of this, they too will have enhanced 523.
Physiolo!ical ftness relates to the biological systems that are in6uenced by one7s level of habitual
physical activity. 8nlike 523 and -23 which can be measured through performance tests using hand
held or portable devices !like the seat and reach box and the weighing scale) that can be
conducted in the +eld or classrooms, physiological +tness is di9erent because its components can be
measured using more expensive e1uipment and in laboratory or medical supervised facility. *ts
components include metabolic +tness !.et3), morphological +tness !.or3) and bone integrity !:*).
Parameters of the &omponents of Physical Fitness
'" #ealth ( related Physical Fitness &omponents
&ardio ( $espiratory Endurance
*t is the ability of the heart !cardio) and circulatory system !vascular) to supply oxygen to
muscles for an extended period of time.
)uscular %tren!th
*t is the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert against an opposing force.
)uscular Endurance
*t is the ability of the muscles to work over an extended period of time without fatigue.
*t is the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion at a joint.
,ody &omposition
*t is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass !including water, bones, muscles, and connective
," %kill ( related Physical Fitness &omponents
%peed the ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.
Po-er the ability to release maximum force. *t is the combination of speed and strength.
&oordination the linking of the senses such as sight and hearing through the brain to parts of
the body to produce smooth, 1uick and e;ciently controlled movement.
,alance the ability to remain stable even when moving.
'!ility the ability to move and change direction 1uickly.
$eaction .ime is the amount of time it takes to make a physical response once you see the
need to take an action.
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B. -it and 2each
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