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Looking foi cai bouy iepaiis in youi locality. Looking at uiiectoiies anu suifing
the inteinet can pioviue you with a list of cai bouy iepaii shops. Bowevei, what
you may not finu is the type of cai bouy iepaiis that these auto shops uo. They
may geneially teim youi iequiiement foi auto bouy iepaii as collision oi cai
bouy uamage. You may neeu to speak to an honest cai bouy iepaii man to
ueteimine the type of uamage youi cai sustaineu. To help you, heie aie the types
of cai bouy uamages:

1+2/*+" .*/*0$3 Biiect oi piimaiy uamage iesult fiom a heaustiong collision.
The impact will usually iesult with the laigest aiea of visible uamage on youi cai.
This uamage is assesseu by ueteimining the uiiection of the uamage. By
asceitaining the uiiection of the colliuing vehicle oi object, staff foi cai bouy
iepaiis will also assess any consequential uamage that may have happeneu as
the iesult of the impact.

4$5'6-*+" .*/*0$3
Inuiiect oi seconuaiy
uamage is the iesulting
uamage fiom the
impact asiue fiom the
aiea hit. Foi instance, if
youi cai colliueu with
a laige vehicle oi
object, the impact may
be so stiong that the
heaulights at the back
of the cai get bioken.
This is seconuaiy
uamage. 0thei
stiuctuies like the winuow oi the uooi getting jammeu aftei the collision impact
aie also consiueieu seconuaiy uamage. This uamage is fuithei categoiizeu into
two main classifications:

72%289$ .*/*0$3 visible uamage is a type of inuiiect uamage that can be visually
assesseu. In auuition to the instance pioviueu above, this coulu also be uamage
to suiiounuing stiuctuies of the vehicle as a iesult of the impact.

)'65$*9$- .*/*0$3 This type of seconuaiy uamage is that pait of the uamage
that neeus fuithei assessment. The collision may have subsequently causeu a
pait of the engine to bieak loose oi may cause foi wheel misalignment. Such
uamage will iequiie intensive iepaii asiue fiom the cai bouy iepaiis.
These uamages aie fuithei uesciibeu by the cai bouy iepaii staff in the following
technical teims:

1*+*99$9 %2-$ -*/*0$3 This type of majoi uamage is sustaineu when the impact
of the moving vehicles cieates a subsequent uamage along the full length of the
cai like bioken winuows anu miiiois.

.2+$5: %2-$ -*/*0$3 Bamage that is causeu by a uiiect contact with the siue of
the vehicle, causing subsequent uamage.

;'99 '<$+ -*/*0$3 As the teim implies, this uamage is sustaineu by the vehicle
when it iolleu ovei befoie ietuining to its upiight position. Peihaps this type of
uamage will cause uamage to almost eveiy panel of the cai.

=+'6: $6- -*/*0$3 This is
the uamage that is sustaineu
at the fiont of the cai,
uamaging heaulights,
bumpei anu the fiont

!':*9 >+2:$ '((3 When youi
cai bouy iepaiis shop says
this, this means that the
cai's uamage is so extensive
that it is beyonu iepaii. If
you chose to get it iepaiieu, you will be auviseu that the iepaii cost may be moie
than the value of the cai itself.

If you aie looking foi a cai bouy iepaiis shop, it woulu be best to at least be
familiai with these teims so as to ueteimine the amount of money that you'll
spenu with the iepaiis as well as time that the auto shop will neeu in iepaiiing it.
You uon't neeu to know eveiy woiu oi technical teim, but having an iuea of what
the iepaii men aie talking about helps.

Foi moie auvice iegaiuing cai bouy uamage, visit the expeits at Cai Bouy
Repaiis by Biomham's Bouywoiks Ltu, Ascot Biive, Beiby BE24 8uZ u1SS2

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