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Episcopal School of Jacksonville

Curriculum Paper English 7

Course Title: English 7
Teacher: Mrs. Flynn
Mission Statement: The mission of Episcopal School of Jacksonville is to
provide a superior college-preparatory education in an environment marked y
high e!pectation" #hristian nurture" and social diversity. Through a alanced
program of academics" arts and athletics" Episcopal faculty seeks to instill in
each student intellectual gro$th" character development" responsile
leadership" and a commitment to community service.
English 7 Course Description: %ur learning is a student-driven discussion-
ased approach" $here students" must prepare in advanced for
discussions y reading and providing $ritten re&ection on literature. 'n
discussions" students must demonstrate that they have thought carefully aout
the topic and are ale to not only articulate their understanding" ut also apply
it in conversation $ith others. (s such" the English 7 re)uires students to e
heavily invested in the course$ork. Emphasis is given to the analytical study
of the diverse literary genres: essays" short stories" poetry" drama and novels*
therefore" critical thinking and language skills are reinforced. %pportunities are
provided for oral communication in class y $ay of class discussion" +arkness
tales" role-playing" individual and group presentations. 'n addition" $riting skills
are sharpened in preparation for studies at the high school level" so students are
encouraged and e!pected to e!press themselves through e!pository and
persuasive essays. The classroom environment stresses student participation
and creativity through a $ide range of methodologies and evaluative strategies.
(ssessment techni)ues such as rurics" portfolios" performance-ased
strategies" technology and others are implemented in order to help students
develop the four asic language areas: speaking" listening" reading and $riting.
Course Objectives:
General: ,uring this year" students $ill attain the follo$ing general o-ectives
- ,evelop their listening and speaking strategies more e.ectively
- 'ntroduce" revie$ and e!pand reading strategies
- Make connections $ith and respond critically to the di.erent literary
genres" to culture" the environment" the arts and technology
- 'dentify the di.erent functions that literature has in society in general and
in our o$n personal lives
- ,evelop an appreciation for cultural a$areness through the reading of
multicultural literature" stressing the importance of di.ering $orld vie$s
and social perspectives
Specifc: Students $ill attain the follo$ing speci/c o-ectives
- Select and use pre-reading" reading and response strategies that are
appropriate to speci/c te!ts
- 0se a variety of information-gathering strategies and resources
- 'dentify the characteristics that distinguish the diverse literary genres:
poetry" short stories" essays" drama and novels
- E!plore the diversity of stylistic" thematic and technical elements that are
present in the literature of societies from around the $orld in order to
understand their cultures" environment and history resulting in a more
appreciative vie$ of their o$n culture
- 'mprove correct $riting strategies such as spelling" punctuation"
capitali1ation" grammar and $riting mechanics to e!press their ideas
- #ontinue to develop their oral communication skills through correct and
e.ective strategies in formal and informal settings
Possible Evaluative Strategies
- 2ui11es 3not necessarily announced" so al$ays come prepared for class4
- 5eneral assignments 3$riting activities" research" etc.4
- E!ams 3after each module of study4
- ,aily grade 3class participation" attendance" punctuality" attitude"
ehavior" ringing materials" preparedness4
- %ral grade 3+arkness tale" oral reports and assignments4
- 6riting assignments and essays 3portfolio4
- 0se of an English noteook 3evaluated periodically4
- 5roup pro-ects 3grades are individuali1ed according to student7s
participation and involvement4
Materials 3to include but not limited to4:
- 8iterature. +olt Mc,ougal. #ommon #ore Edition. 39:;94
- 6ariner7s +andook Second #ourse. +olt" <einhart" 6inson. 39::=4
- English 6orkshop Second #ourse. +olt" <einhart" 6inston. 39::=4
- >ocaulary 6orkshop. Sadlier. #ommon #ore Edition. 39:;?4
Grading Scale: 5rades are earned according to the follo$ing scale: @7 A ;::
3(B4" @? A @C 3(4" @: A @93(-4" =7 A =@3DB4" =? A =C3D4" =: A =93D-4" 77A 7@3#B4"
7? A 7C3#4" 7: A 79 3#-4" C7 A C@ 3,B4" C?A CC3,4" C: A C93,-4" E@ A :.: 3F4.
5rades are calculated y dividing the numer of total points earned y the total
possile points in a semester period. <efer to page = of the 9:;F-9:;E
GarentHStudent +andook.
Academic robation: (utomatic placement occurs $hen t$o or more )uarter
grades are elo$ a #- or an F at the conclusion of any )uarter andHor t$o or
more semester grades elo$ #- or an F at the conclusion of a semester. <efer to
page ;: of the 9:;F-9:;E GarentHStudent +andook.
Academic !onest": Students are e!pected to aide y The +onor #ode.
Episcopal elieves that students learn est in an environment $here each
person is valued and respected. The School e!pects its students to act
responsily and e trust$orthy" reliale" and honest. The School" therefore"
instituted its +onor System designed to instill in its students honesty and
integrity as values of utmost importance. The +onor System is a cherished
principle y $hich life on the campus is governed. <efer to page ;: of the 9:;F-
9:;E GarentHStudent +andook.
#nappropriate $ehavior: (ny student reaking the la$ 3on or o. campus4 in
such a $ay" as to endanger the $ell eing of themselves or others" or ring a
discredit to Episcopal may e!pect disciplinary action" including dismissal. <efer
to page ;: of the 9:;F-9:;E GarentHStudent +andook" Dehavior 5uidelines"
and Golicies.
arent%Teacher Con&erences: Glease refer to $$$
A&ter School Directed Stud": Episcopal provides after school directed study
3(S,S4 from ?:;E to F::: p.m. each day. The lirary is open until C::: p.m. $ith
fe$ e!ceptions.

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