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General guidelines for feeding sheep and

It is recommended that you use the National Research Council's nutrient requirement
and feed composition tables to balance rations for sheep, goats, and other small
ruminants. You can balance rations by hand (using simple math) or using a personal
computer. If you are a goat producer, you can use Langston University's Ration Balancer
and Nutrient Requirements Calculator.
Sheep (and meat goat) producers can use an Excel
spreadsheet developed by this author. Both
programs calculate protein, energy, calcium, and
phosphorus requirements and compare them
against what you are feeding to determine if your
animals' requirements are being met. Commercial
ration-balancing programs may also be purchased
and used to formulate least-cost rations for sheep
and goats.
When rations are not developed using the NRC
tables, some general guidelines can be followed. Appropriate adjustments should be
made for differences in size (weight), body condition, environmental conditions, and
nutritive value of forages and other feedstuffs. You will balance better rations if you how
much your livestock weigh and you have your hay (or other forages) tested to determine
nutritive content. You can search for certified forage testing laboratories at the National
Forage Testing Association web site.
Some general recommendations

1. There is no one best ration for any purpose.
2. Proper feeding requires more than one pen or pasture.
3. Forage should provide the majority of nutrients for sheep and goats.
4. Forages are the greatest variable and should be tested for their nutritive value.
5. Do not feed more than 1 lbs. of grain at one feeding.
6. Start by feeding lb. of grain per day and gradually increase level.
7. If you substitute grain for hay, make sure you limit feed both ingredients.
8. Don't overfeed replacement females. Fattening can have a negative impact on
future milk production.
9. Always make sure you have enough feeder space.
10. Use feeders for all feedstuffs.
11. Know what your livestock weigh.
12. Weigh your feed to know how much you are feeding and how much it is costing

Maintenance (dry period, not production-phase, pets)
When feeding a sheep or goat to meet its maintenance requirements, the goal is to
maintain body weight and condition. There are some situations where weight loss might
be acceptable and can be compensated for at a later time when feeding conditions
improve. Maintenance requirements (as a percentage of body weight) tend to increase
as animal size (weight) decreases. For example, sheep have higher maintenance
requirements than cattle, whereas goats have slightly higher maintenance requirements
than sheep.
1.5 to 2 percent of body weight (dry matter intake).
Pasture or 2 to 4 lbs. of grass hay
No grain feeding
Free choice minerals

Flushing (2 weeks before and 2 to 4
weeks into breeding season)
The body condition of a ewe or doe affects the
number of eggs she will ovulate. Ovulation rate sets
the upper potential for litter size. The goal of
flushing is to improve the body condition of females
by getting them to gain weight. This is accomplished
by increasing the nutritonal plane.
Flushing increases ovulation rates, which usually
result in a higher lambing and kidding percentages.
Later in the breeding season, flushing may help to
improve embryo survival. Ewes and does already in good body condition (BCS > 3.0)
usually do not respond to flushing.
Free access to pasture or 2 to 4 lbs. of grass hay plus . . .
to 1 lb. of corn or barley per day
Move to high quality, but non-legume pasture

Early to mid-gestation (1st 15 weeks)
During this phase of production, the goal is to maintain body condition of mature
females and increase condition of young females. Nutrient requirements are only
slightly above maintenance. Sometimes, low quality feedstuffs can be utilized. Young
females should be fed separately from mature females.
Free access to pasture or 2 to 4 lbs. of grass hay
Grain feeding is not necessary unless forage is exceptionally poor or females are
Free choice minerals
One to two gallons of fresh, clean water.

Late gestation (last six weeks)
Late gestation is probably the most critical period
for ewe and doe nutrition. Ewes and does will gain
weight during this phase of production. Seventy
percent of fetal growth occurs during this period.
Mammary tissue is also developing. Proper nutrition
is necessary to prevent pregnancy toxemia (ketosis)
and milk fever (low blood calcium).
Nutrition affects the birth weights of lambs and kids.
There is a higher mortality among small and large
lambs and kids. Oversized fetuses increase dystocia
(birthing difficulties). Aim for a body condition of
3.0 to 3.5. Young females should be fed separately from mature females. In addition to
gestating, they are still growing and have higher nutritional requirements. Oftentimes,
they have difficulty competing for feeder space with mature females.
Feed 4 to 5 lbs. of a grass or mixed hay plus . . .
to 1 lb. of grain per day
1.5 to 1.75 lbs. of grain per day, if expected lambing percentage is above 200%
1 lb. of grain for each fetus the ewe is carrying
1 lb. of a 16% CP ration if forage quality is low (meat goat does)
Include Bovatec, Rumensin, or Deccox in feed or mineral to reduce
coccidia in environment and to aid in the prevention of abortion caused by

Lambing and kidding
There is no reason to push feed at ewes or does that have just given birth to their
offspring. Ewes and does that have been properly fed in late gestation usually produce
more than enough colostrum for their offspring. In fact, it is a good idea to collect and
freeze the colostrum from single-bearing females. Too much feed early may increase the
milk flow beyond what the babies can consume.
Provide plenty of fresh, clean water
Feed forage only, for the first few days after parturition
Take a week to get the ewe/doe onto full feed

Early lactation (first 6 to 8 weeks)
This is when ewes and does have their
highestnutritional requirements, especially if they
are nursing multiple offspring. Ideally, you should
separate lactating females into production groups
(singles vs. twins vs. triplets) and feed them
according to the number of offspring they are
nursing. Young females should be fed separately
from mature females. In addition to producing milk
for their offspring, they are still growing and have
higher nutritional requirements. Oftentimes, they
have difficulty competing for feeder space with
mature females.

Feed 4 to 7 lbs. of hay plus . . .
1 lb. of grain per lamb or kid being nursed
Limit roughage intake of ewes and does nursing triplets
1 lb. of a 16% CP ration if forage quality is low (meat goat does)
Include Bovatec, Rumensin, or Deccox in feed or mineral to reduce
coccidia in environment and to aid in the prevention of abortion caused by
Two to three gallons of fresh, clean water.
HIGH quality pasture should meet the nutritional needs of ewes and does nursing
singles and twins whereas females nursing triplets usually require grain supplemention;
otherwise, the third lamb or kid should be removed for artificial rearing.

At weaning
A body condition score of 2.0 to 2.5 is not uncommon at the time of weaning. If early
weaning is practiced, proper feeding management is necessary to prevent mastitis
(udder infections).
Feed low protein and energy feed 5 to 10 days before weaning
Feed low protein and energy feed 3 to 5 days after weaning
Wean "cold turkey"

Lactating dairy does
Feeding dairy females is related to their genetic potential for milk production, as well as
the desired level of production. As with dairy cattle, maximum milk production is not
always the most profitable goal. Grass-based dairies
feed less concentrate and have lower milk yields, but
may return a greater profit to the operator.
Feed free choice hay plus . . .
Free choice grain for thin, high-producing
does in early lactation.
1 lb. of grain for each 3 lbs. of milk produced
in mid-lactation
1 lb. of grain for each 5 lbs. of milk produced
in late-lactation.
1 lb. of grain for the doe and 1 lb. for each quart of milk she is producing
Dry period
Reduce or remove grain consumption near the time that the dairy doe is dried off.
Substitute grass hay for alfalfa or other legume.
Feed dry does free choice hay plus to lb. of grain per day.

Lambs and kids
Growing lambs and kids have the highest protein
requirements (percentage-wise) of any sheep or
goat. Creep feeding (providing supplemental feed to
nursing lambs/kids) may or may not be economical,
especially for goats. Energy needs depend largely
upon desired growth rates and the animals' genetic
potential for growth. As with milk production
maximum growth is not always the most profitable
goal. Replacement females should not be fed for maximum gain because excess fat will
be deposited in the mammary tissue, reducing future milk potential.
The genetic potential for growth varies by species, breed, and individual. Because hair
sheep and meat goats fatten differently than other livestock (from the inside-out), they
should be fed lower energy diets that enable them to grow frame before fat. In fact,
lambs can be finished at heavier finish weights (~0.20 inches backfat) if they are fed a
lower energy diet over a longer period of time. Due to the increased demand for lambs
(and sometimes goats) at the Muslim holidays, there may be some circumstances where
it makes sense to hold lambs at a zero level of gain.
Protein level
Creep feed - 18-20 percent CP
40-70 lb. lambs - 16 percent CP
70 lbs. and up - 14 percent CP
Old crop lambs - 12 percent CP
16% CP after weaning; 19% if kids are weaned early.

Feeding lambs
Free access to high quality pasture plus free choice sheep minerals
Protein supplementation when pasture quality is poor (and to improve resistance
to the barber pole worm)
to 2 lbs. of hay plus 1 to 4 lbs. of grain
Restrict hay intake as lambs get heavier
Pasture plus grain in the amount of 1 to 1.5% body weight
Include Bovatec or Deccox in feed or mineral to prevent coccidiosis.

Feeding kids
Free access to high quality pasture plus free
choice goat minerals
Protein supplementation when pasture
quality is poor (and to improve resistance to
the barber pole worm)
Free choice hay plus lb. of grain per day
Increase grain to 1 to 1 lbs. if forage is poor
Include Rumensin or Deccox in feed or
mineral to prevent coccidiosis.
Weanlings and yearlings: 1 lb. of a 16% CP grain if forage quality is low

Bucks and rams
There is a tendency to overlook the nutrition of rams
and bucks. In other situations, rams and bucks are
overfed. Aim for a body condition score of 3.0 to 3.5 at the start of the breeding season.
Do not allow males to get fat. Some males will literally "starve" themselves during the
breeding season, so be prepared to supplement them, if necessary with grain.
Free access to pasture or hay plus 1 lb. of grain per day
Pasture or 4 to 7 lbs of average quality hay
Increase feed 4 to 6 weeks prior to breeding season, if necessary
Males may require 1 to 2 lbs. of grain per head during breeding season.
Free choice minerals
One to two gallons of fresh, clean water.

Copyright 2008.

Resources/Additional Reading
Feeding sheep - Virginia Tech
Nutrition of meat goats - North Carolina State University
[PPT] Feeding the lactating and pregnant female

Created or last updated by Susan Schoenian on 21-Dec-2009 .

About the author
Susan Schoenian is an Extension Sheep & Goat Specialist at the
University of Maryland's Western Maryland Research &
Education Center in Keedysville. Susan has been with
University of Maryland Extension (UME) since 1988.
Previously, she served as Farm Management Specialist for
Maryland's nine Eastern Shore counties and as a county
extension agent in Wicomico County. Susan's first professional job was as Sheep Specialist for
the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. She earned her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Animal
Science from Virginia Tech and Montana State University, respectively. Susan raises purebred
and crossbred Katahdin sheep on her small farm called The Baalands in Clear Spring, Maryland.

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