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"If I were to wish for anything, I should not wish for wealth and power, but for

the passionate sense of what can be, for the eye, which ever young and ardent,
sees the possible. Pleasure disappoints, possibility never."
"Lines of a Girl Who Has Been Seduced:
. . . spare me your pity -- you understand neither my sorrow nor my joy - I stil
l love him so much that I have but one wish: to be young again in order to be se
duced by him once again."
"I can imagine him able to bring a girl to the point where he was sure she would
sacrifice all, but when matters had come that far he left off without the sligh
test advance having been made on his part, without . . . a declaration, a promis
e. Yet it would have happened, and the unhappy girl would retain the consciousne
ss of it with double bitterness, because there is not the slightest thing she co
uld appeal to. She could only be constantly tossed about by the most divergent
moods in a terrible witches' dance, at one moment reproaching herself, forgiving
him, at another reproaching him, and then . . . she would constantly have to co
ntend with the doubt that the whole thing might only have been imagination . . .
" -TSD
"She must owe me nothing, for she must be free; love exists only in freedom, onl
y in freedom are there recreation and everlasting amusement. For although I inte
nd her to fall into my arms through, as it were, natural necessity, and am striv
ing to bring things to the point where she gravitates toward me, it is neverthel
ess also important that she does not fall as a heavy body, but gravitates as spi
rit towards spirit. Although she is to belong to me, it mustn't be just in the u
naesthetic sense of resting on me like a burden. She must neither be a hanger-on
physically speaking nor an obligation morally. Between the two of us must preva
il only the proper play of freedom. She must be so light for me that I can take
her on my arm." -TSD
"I long when I am on my way to you, I long when I leave you, I long for you even
when I sit by your side. Can one long for what one has? Yes, when you consider
that the next moment you may not have it. My longing is an eternal impatience. O
nly after living through all eternity and assuring myself that you were mine eve
ry instant, only then would I return to you and live with you through all eterni
ty . . . [only then would I have] assurance enough to sit calmly at your side. "
"The individual has manifold shadows, all of which resemble hime to time have eq
ual claim to be the man himself." - Repetition

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