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Tags: Ambitions, Dreams, Struggle, Challenge, Confdence, Success

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through

experience of trial and sufering can the soul be strengthened,
ambition inspired, and success achieved. Helen Keller
There is no one in this world without an ambition, a dream Some as!ire to
be rich, some han"er a#ter name and #ame and some cra$e #or !ower,
!osition and social status in the societ% &e are #amiliar with the !ro$erb
Hitch %our wagon to a star The logic behind is sim!le '# we do not
as!ire #or something, we shall not stri$e #or it and conse(uentl% lead a
meaningless li#e o# disa!!ointment Howe$er small or howe$er big
someone)s ambitions and dreams are, the% are there, which is "ee!ing the
world running
Ha$ing ambitions do not merel% mean to build castles in the air but to
actuall% get u!, go out and #ace the real world, its challenges, struggle
against its u!s and downs and ha$e confdence in the #ulflment o# %our
dreams This is confrmed b% &illiam Sha"es!eare in his (uote: Ambition
should be made o# sterner stu* Thus dreaming won)t su+ce, but actuall%
li$ing them will ' ha$e an ambition o# becoming a success#ul doctor one
da% and though ' realise the road to it will not be eas% and sim!le but ' will
still struggle and lea$e no stone unturned in order to li$e m% dream
Human histor% is ,am-!ac"ed with !eo!le who had ambitions, dreams,
as!irations the% wanted to achie$e ma"ing their names li$e e$en %ears
and %ears a#ter the% are gone
' ha$e a dream, was the #amous s!eech deli$ered b% .artin /uther King,
who is best "nown #or his role in the ad$ancement o# ci$il rights b% using
non-$iolence ci$il disobedience His ambitions and dreams to rule out
racial ine(ualit% that !lagued 0S strengthened him to fght and struggle,
#ail and rise, #ail again and rise again until he achie$ed the ultimate
success which ine$itabl% #ollows e$er% constant struggle Confdence is the
"e% to e$er% success Confdence gi$es us the much needed dri$e to carr%
on and to li$e our dreams 1ther sel#-made men in histor% such as
Abraham /incoln, who was almost entirel% sel#-educated and ama2ingl%
became the frst !resident o# 0S, and all-#a$ourite &alt Disne% are #rom
those #ew who had confdence in their dreams and actuall% wor"ed in
order to li$e them, as is said b% &alt Disne%: The wa% to get started is to
(uite tal"ing and begin doing
Howe$er, there are certain sel#-centred ambitions, such as some men o#
great militar% and !olitical sources ha$ing an ambition o# wading through
slaughter to a throne resulting in de$astating conse(uences, is what we
should a$oid Histor% is #ull o# such t%rannical dictators eg Adol# Hitler
and 3enghis Khan &e should !rogramme our minds into dreaming #or
goals that do not !a$e wa% #or miser% #or others That is trul% success
'n conclusion, we should ne$er gi$e u! ho!ing, dreaming, struggling and
nourishing our ambitions #or surel%, success comes to those who sincerel%

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