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MAPP Free Sample Career Assessment

The following is an Free Sample Career Assessment prepared for .

Free Sample
of Narrative Section

Spencer W Palagi
This FREE MAPP appraisal is a sampling of your narrative results, Spencer.
Your responses to the MAPP assessment are truly unique. We have
processed and interpreted them to reveal your true motivations.
Note: The following appraisal contains dashes "--- ---- ---- " to represent the
content available about you in our more comprehensive career packages.
7400 Metro Blvd Suite #350
Edina, MN 55439 U.S.A.
Phone: 952-921-9368
MAPP, Copyright 1994-2013

Dear Spencer,
Thank you for taking the MAPP test, the rst and most comprehensive online career test for consumers.

You join 7 million other people in nearly every country in the world who has taken this powerful
assessment tool.
But YOU are totally unique! Did you know that there are literally more potential results for the MAPP
assessment than there are people in the world? There are more than a trillion different possible results for
the MAPP test. That is one of many reasons why the MAPP test is also used by over 3,500 career
counselors, outplacement rms and school psychologists.
We noticed you have only received your partial test results. You could gain so many more insights and see
all the careers that you are best suited for by upgrading to one of our more complete packages.
(/../AboutMAPP/MAPPReports.asp) Our most popular package is the Career Package, which enables you to
match yourself to 900 types of jobs that are presorted just for you, plus a graphical interpretation of your
Henry Neils
P.S. Here is a quick link to your login page (/MemberCenter/):

Narrative Interpretation
The narrative section below is abridged in this FREE MAPP appraisal. All of the MAPP packages
include a comprehensive narrative section for each of the nine Worker Trait Code sections. This FREE
appraisal limits the content so you can determine which appraisal is right for you. Your career decisions
should not be determined solely on this FREE appraisal.


(Those tasks you want to perform)
Preferences for Spencer fully support being perceptually, subconsciously, and consciously aware of fantasy,
symbols, symbolic relationships, abstract ideas, options, and choice of options as they relate to creative or
innovative activities. Perception triggers ideas in Spencer's mind, a process that just happens - a process
often called intuition. It is not a conscious effort to logically "come up with" creative ideas; instead, the
process is best identi ed with the statement that "a thought struck me." A quote by Carl Jung probably
makes complete sense to Spencer: "Art is innate in the artist, like an instinct that seizes and makes a tool
out of the human being. The thing in the nal analysis that wills something in him is not he, the personal
man, but the aim of the art."
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Interest in Job Content" section. The
content in red below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative
information you would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: Use your MAPP report to help you write a better resume. Your top traits will help you form
statements to highlight and sell your strengths. The Career Seeker and Executive MAPP Packages include
your Motivational Qualities Report. This report lists your top traits in "I" statements that are resume-

ready. You can insert these into your resume to highlight your strengths.
Testimonial about MAPP: "Fantastic site! It has given me total insight and answers to questions I have
longed for about myself." - L.I.
Spencer has natural preferences that engender curiosity about the nature of things and about "what
makes things tick". I- --------- ------------ ------ --- ------- ----- ---------- ----- -------- ------- -- --- ------------ ----------- ----------- --- ------------- ----------- ----------- -- ----- --- ----------- -- --- -- ---- -- ----- ------- ---------- ---------------- ----------- --- ----------- -- -- --------- -- -------- --- ----- ------ -------- -- --------- ------- ------- ----- ---------- ---------- -- ---------------- -- -- ----- ------ --- --------Spencer is conscious of existence, meaning, purpose, potential and destiny of humankind, people, and self.
Spencer is mo------- -- - ---------- ------------- ------- -- --- ----- -- ----- ------- --- ---- -- --- ----- -- ------- ---------- ------------- -- ----- -- - ------- --- -- --------- ----- ----------- ---------- --- -------- ---- -- -- -------- --- ---------- ----- ------ --- --- -------- -- -- --------- -- --- ----- -- --- ----- ------ --- ----------- ---- ---- ----- ------- ----- --- -- --- ----------- ------------- ---- -- - ----- ----- -- --------- ------------- --------- --- -------- ----------- -- -------- ----- --------- ------- ------- --- ------Spencer has a preference for physically working with things and objects, but that activity is probably
secondary or a mi--- ---- -- - ---- --------- --------- ---- -- --------- - ------- -- - ---- -- ------- ----- -- -- -- ----- -- ------ ---- ----- -------- -------- ------ ----------- ---Spencer enjoys social or vocational interaction with others but is not dependent on direct contact and
association. If s--- ---- ---------------- -- ---------- ------- ----------- ----- ---- ------- -- --- -- ---- ------- --- ---- -------- ------ -- -- ---- ------- ---- ----------- -- -- ----- -- ----- ----------- --------- -------- -- ---------- --- -- ---- -------- --- ------- ----------Spencer's preferences can include routine, organized, and methodical procedures, but this is not a need or
dependency. S------ -- ---- ------ -- ----- --------- ----------- -- ------ -- -- ----- --- ------- -------- -- ----------- --- ---------- ---------- -- -- ------ - ---- ------- ------- --------- --- -----------Spencer enjoys associating and interacting with people but likes independence as well. So the activity,
rather than peop--- -- ---- ---- ------ --- -------- ------- ----- ------ -------- -- --- ------- --- ------------ ------- -------- ------------ --- ----------- ----- --------- ------- ------- ---- ------------- ------ ----- ---------Spencer is motivated to work on projects that are planned, scheduled, and completed. This indicates a
preference to comp---- - ------- ------ ---- ----- -- ----------- --- ---------- -- ----------- --- -- ------ -- --------- -- ------- -- ------ -------- ------ --------- ---- --- ---- ---- --- ----------- ------- --- -- ---- ------- ---- ---- -- --- ------------ -------- -- ---- -- ---- ----- -- -- ---------Spencer is moderately motivated to manage others on a social or organizational basis as part of overall
vocational respo----------- --- ----------- ------ ---- ----------- -- --- --- --------- -- ---------- -------- -- ----- ------ -- -------- ---- ----------- ---- - -------- -- ------ ---------- -- -- - ----- -- ---- ------- ------------ ------ -- ------- ----- --- -------- ------- ------ ----------- --- ---- ---------- ----- --- --------------Spencer has little need for or is not motivated by recognition, status, or competitive gain. Comfortable and
satis ed w--- - ---------- -------- -- ---- -- -------- -- ------- -------- ------ ---- ----- ---- ------ -- --- ------- ------- ------- --- --- -- --- ------ --- -------- -------- --- -------- --------- -- ----- --------- ------------ --- --- ------- -- ------ ----------- -- ------ ---- -------- --------


(How you prefer to perform tasks)

Mind and mental activity are very central to Spencer's vocational activities. (NOTE: "Intuition is very
different from thought, from feeling and from sensation, by the major characteristic of insight. Intuition
comes from the Latin meaning, literally, `in to you'. Intuitive insight results from `identi cation with,' rather
than `looking at' the object of attention. It is `being a part of.' Intuiting is a process, not of perception, but of
experience. There is no need for interpretation in intuition. Intuitive relationship implies contact. So one
does not perceive; one experiences." ~~Quote from Robert Ashby) Spencer has a preference or perhaps
the talent or ability for experiencing abstract ideas, creativity, concepts, theory, assessment, and choice of
options. New ideas and creativity must have an important place in vocation.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Temperament for the Job" section. The
content in red below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative
information you would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: Very few people have jobs where they completely work alone. Make sure your role within your
work teams ts who you are and what you enjoy doing. You will be more productive and happy on the job
when challenged with tasks that t your interests and motivations.
Testimonial about MAPP: "I know what I am like, but to impart that information to someone else is
sometimes dif cult. MAPP made it easy" - F.S.
(NOTE: "Evaluation: to appraise carefully; to judge as to worth or amount; to estimate generally.") Most
likely, Spencer --- - ------- ---- ----- ------ ------ -- ---- -- --------- --------- --- --- ------- --- ------ -- --- ------- ----- --- ------- -- ---- --- -------- -- -- ---------- -- ---------- ----- ----------- --- --- ------- -- ---------- ------- -------- --- --------- -------- --- -------------- --------- --- -- -------- -- ----------- ---- ---- --------------------- -------Spencer prefers and needs change and variety. Change is motivating, stimulating, and energizing. Spencer
looks for new o------- ----------- ------------ -------------- -------------- --- ---- --- ------- -- --- ------- ------- ---- -- --------- ----------- --- ------- ---- -- ---------- ---- ---- ----------- -- --- ------ ---- ------ ------ ------- --- ----------- ------- - ---------- -- ---- -- -- ---- ----------- ------Spencer has a strong preference to work under the management or supervision of others who are
competent and knowledgeabl- -- ----- ---- -- ---------- ---- ---- --- -------- - ---------- -- ----- ---- -- -- ---------------- ----- -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------ ------- ------- ----------- --- ------- -- ---- ---- -- ------ --- --------- ------- -- ---- --- ------- ----------- -- ------- --- ------- -- --- ------------ --- ------------- ---------- -- -------- --------- ----------- -- -----------Spencer regards self as talented, self-suf cient, and goal-oriented. Spencer most likely demonstrates
independence in t-- ----- -- -- --------- -- ------ --- ------------ ---------- ------------- ----------- ------ ------------- ---------- ------- ---------- -- ----------- -- ------- -- -- ---- ------ --- ------ --- --------- -- ------- ------------ --- ----------- -- --------- -- --- ------- -- ------- ------ ----- --- ----- ---------- -- -- ------- ---- -- -- ---- -- ---------- --------- ----------- ---- ----- -- ---- ----------- ---- ----- --- ------- --- ------- -- -- ----- ------- -------- --- ------- --- ------- ------- -- -- -------- ---------- -- ------- ---- --- --------- ------- ---- --------- -- ------- -- ------- ----- ------- ------------- --- -- -- ------- -- --------- -- ------ -- -- ------- ------- -- ------------ ----- -- ------------Spencer's preferences tend to be naturally empathetic, sympathetic, generous, and helpful. Spencer is
probably always re--- -- ----- - ------- ---- -- ------- ------ -- ----------- -- -- -- - ---- -- ---------- -- --------- ---------- -- -- --------- -- -------- --- -- ---- --------- ---- ----- -------- ------- --- - ------- ---------- ------- ----- -------- -- ------- -------- -- ------- ------ ------ --------- --- ------ -- ------- ------------ ----- --- --- -- ------ -------Spencer willingly accepts responsibility for exercising motivated talents. These may include leadership
and/or managemen- ------- ---- ---------- ------- ---------------- --- ------- ---- -- -- ---------- ------ -------- --------- -------- ------- ----------- ----------- --- ------ ----------- ---------- --- -------- ------- ------ --- --- ------- --- ------- ---------------- -- ---- -------Spencer is tolerant of routine sensory/physical activity that is tied to and timed by machine operation. It
usually invo---- ----------- --------- ---- ---------- --------- ------- ---- ---- ------ ---------- --- -------- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- ------ ---- -------- ----------- -- -------- ---- -- - --------- -------- ----- --------- ---- ----------- -- ------ -- -- - - ----- ---- -- --- -------- ----Spencer has good ability to remember, nd, and use exact detail. Although considered abilities, these
generally effect ----------- --- ------------ ---- ----------- --- -- ------ -- ---- ---------- ---- ------- --------- ------------- --------------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------ ------ -----------

Spencer prefers independence from social, vocational, and recreational involvement with others. First
priority is given -- ---- --- -------------- ---- ------ ---------- --- -------------- ------------ -------- --------- ----------- ---- ----- -- -- ----- --- ---- ---- --- ------ -- -- ------ ------- -- ----------- ---- ------ --- -------- ---------- --------- --- ------ ------------ -- ---------Spencer does not prefer the responsibility for organizational, operational, or administrative management.
There is a cer---- ----- -- --------- --- ---- - ---- -- --- --------Spencer is not motivated to persuade and is probably ill-equipped to do so; instead, Spencer can most
likely be intimida--- -- ------- --- --- ------ -----------


(Expression of performing tasks)
Philosophical, cultural, scienti c, literary, managerial, and/or computational work, more than likely,
represent very important types of mental activities for Spencer. Being capable in those activities, Spencer's
mind is naturally receptive to consider abstract ideas, theory, concepts, inquiry, exploration, analysis, logic,
systems, and procedures. Factors in this aptitude section, plus the data and reasoning sections show the
degree of motivation and talent Spencer has for each of those mental activities. High rating for this trait
indicates an intellectual orientation that is functional in, or has potential for, academic, scienti c, research,
literary, executive, or consulting activities.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Aptitude for the Job" section. The
content in red below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative
information you would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: If you do not already have the hard skills it takes to land the job you may consider sharing your
motivations toward speci c work tasks with your employer. When a person is highly motivated in an area
they are more likely to be trainable and learn the subject matter. If your employer sees you are naturally
motivated to learn in a speci ed area it will be a better training investment for them.
Testimonial about MAPP: "...deep down I know what I am good at, it is just that no tests or people told me
that before with such accuracy" - R.S.
Spencer's preferences fully support holistic, conceptual perception, and thinking relative to the basic
nature, utility, ---------- -- --------- ----------- -- ---- -- ----- -------- -- ----------- ---- -------- ---------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- --- ---------- -- ------- -------- ----- --- -- --- ----- -- ---- ------- --- ----- ------------ ---------- --- ------ ------Sensory/mental awareness of "pieces of the picture" is capacity for comparative, intra-holistic recognition
of parts rel----- -- ----- ----- ------ --- --- -------- -- -------- ------- -- --- --------- ------ --- ---- ------------- --------- --- -------------- -------- -- ------------- -- -------- --- ---------- ---- ------- -- --- --------- -- -- ---------- --- ------ --- --- ------ -------- --- ---- ----- ----- ---------- ------ --- ----- ------ -- ------- ------- ------- -- --- --- --- ------- ------ ------- --- --- -------- --------- ---- ------ ------- ------- ---- ------ -- ------ ------ ---- --- --- ------- ----- --- ----------- -- ----- ---- --- --- ------- ------Spencer's mind is naturally motivated to put physical abilities and natural talents, whatever they may be,
into immediat- --- -- ----- ---------- ------- -- --------- ---------- ------- -- --------- -- ---- ------ -------- --- ------ ---- ------------ ---- ----------- ------ -- ------- -- - ------- ------- --------- ------- ---------- ----- ---------- -------- --------- ------- ------- --- ------- ---- ------------ --------- - ---- --------- - ----- ------ -- ------ -- ------ - ---- --- ------- - --- -- --- ----- ---- --- --- ----- ------ ------ --------- ------ --- --- ------ -- ------------ --------- ------ ---- ---- --------------- ------------- --------- --- ---- ---- -- --- ---- ---- -- ------------------------- ------------ --- ---- -- -------- - -- ------- -------Motivations and preferences for certain activities are so closely interwoven with Spencer's mind and
senses that they ar- -------------- --------- -- ---- ---------- --- -------- ------------- ------- -- ------- ------- ----- ------ -------- ------- ------ ---- -- - --------- -------- -- --------- --- ----- ---- ----- ---------- - ----- -------- -- -- --- ---

--- ------- -- ----------- --- ----- -------- ------- --- -- ----------- --------- ---- -------- -------- ------- --- --------- -------- ---- ------ -- -- -- --- ----- --------- -- --- ---- ----------- --------- ------ --- --- ---Spencer's preferences toward 'literary and/or communicative' are, or could become, the basis for suf cient
motivation t- -- ------------ ---------- -------- -- -- -------------- -- ------- -- ----------- ---- --- ----- -- ------- -- -- ------------ -- --- ----- -- ------- -- ------- ----- -- -- --------------- --- --------- -- ---------- ------ -- ----- ---- --- -- --------- --------- -- ------- ---- ----------- -- -- --- -- ---- -- ----- ----------- --------- ------- ----- ------------ -------------- ---Spencer's preferences are effected but not dominated by such things as beauty, color, and spatial measure:
size, shape, ------------ --- ---------- -- --- --- ---- -------- --------- -- ------- ------- -- --- --------- ----------- --- -------- -- ------- ------ --- -- ---- ------ ------- --- -- --------- ------ ------ ---- ------------ --- --------- ---------- ------- ---- ---------- -------- --------- ------------ --- ---- -------- ------ -- --------- ---- -------- ---------- --- --- -------- - ----------- --------- ---------- ----- ------- ----- ------ --------- -- --- ------ -- ----- ------- --- --------- --- ----- ---- -------- ------- ------------ ------ ------- ---- ---- --- --- ----- ----------- ---- -- ---- --- -------Spencer's preferences and motivations most likely revolve around an adequate ability to see, retain, and
recall detail. ----------- --- ----------- -- --- ------ -- ------ -- - ---------- -------------- ----- -- ------- ------ ---------- ------ -- ---- ----- -- - ------ ------ -- ----------- ------------ -- -------------- -----------Although Spencer does not speci cally prefer mathematics, motivation is not swayed one way or the other
as there is an -------- --------- --- ------- --------- ------------ ----- ------ ---- -------- ----- ---- -- ---- ---- --------- ------- --- ------------ ------------ ----------- -------------- --------- --------------- --------- ----------- -- -------- ------- -- ----- ----- -- -- - ---------- -----Spencer is moderately motivated for Manual 'workbench' activities regardless of actually developed skills
or abilities. ----------- ---------- ---- ---------- -- - ---------- ----- ----- --------- --- ---------- ------- ------ ------- -------- --- -------- ------ -- --- -------- ---------- --- --------- ---- ------ -- ---- --- ---- ------- -- ----- --- ----------- --- ------- ---- -- ------ -- ------------ --- ------- -- ------ -- ---- ---- -------- -- ------- ---- ----- -- ---- --- --------- ----- --- ------ -- --- ----- -- -------- -- ---- ----- -- -- - ----- ------------ --- -- ------ ------- -- ---- -------- --- ----------- - ---------- ---- ----------- -------Regardless of if Spencer has the ability and/or skills or even the aptitude to handle and manipulate small
objects rapid-- --- ---------- ---- ---- -------------- ----------- --- ---- ---- -- -------- ---- ---- ---- ------- -------- ------- -- --- - ------------ ------ -- ----- -- ------- ---- ------- --- ------- --------- -- ---- --------- --- ---- --- -- ------- ------ -- -- -------- ----- -- ---------- -- -- ------ --- ------ ------- -- ------- -------------- ---- ------ ---------- -------- ------- --- -------- -- ---------- ---------

(How you relate to people, in priority order)
"Mentor: a trusted counselor or guide." Spencer is interested in and consciously prefers to consider the
existence, meaning, purpose, potential, and destiny of mankind, people, persons, and self; with self-felt,
self-accepted responsibility to in uence and/or cause good, growth, and gain in the lives of all concerned.
Spencer has intuition and philosophical curiosity that causes an awareness of personality, intentions,
emotions, ethics, values, and moods of other persons, and of self. By itself, this is not benevolence. If
Spencer is highly motivated for benevolent activities, this trait is compulsively central to personal and
vocational activities. If there is a lack of personal motivation, then the preference for consideration tends
to be more philosophical or academic in nature, but still service oriented.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "People" section. The content in red
below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative information you
would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: Understanding how you best relate to others will help you build better working relationships.
Dont be afraid to share your MAPP results with colleagues so they can understand how you prefer to
communicate and work together.
People skills are often dif cult to express in a resume or interview. They are intangible. Consider using
your MAPP people section to validate your people skills.
Testimonial about MAPP: "I only wish that I had taken this test a few years ago" - MAPP User
Spencer is motivated to educate, which means to share knowledge that will be useful for the persons
taught. Instructing --- -- -- ---- ------ --------- --------- ------------ --- -------------- -- -- ---- ------- ------- ----------- -- ------- --- ----- --- ---- ------ ---- ----- -- --------- -- -- -- --------- -- ---- --- ------ -- -------- --- --- --- ------------- -- -- -- --------- -- -------- ------Spencer is motivated to voluntarily communicate to others with the intent or hope that the information
will be in their -------- --- --- ----- -------- -- ---- ------------ ------ -- -- -------- ---- ------- -- ---- -------- ---------- ---------- --- -------- ------ ------ ---- ---- ---- ---------- ------ --- ---------- ----- ---- ----- ---- - ----- ------------ ----- -------- --- ----- -- ------- -------------- ---- ----- ------- ------------ ---- ----- -- ----------- ------------ -- --------Spencer is ready, willing, and perhaps even able (or trainable) to persuasively in uence others with the
intent or hope -- -------- ---- -- ----- ---- ---- -- ----- ------- ---- ----- -- ---------- ---------- ------- -- -------- --- ------- -- ---- - ------ -- ------- -- - ---------- ------ -------- ---------- -- ----------- ---- ----- ------ --- ----- ---------- - ----- ---- ---- -- --------- ----------- ---Spencer has motivation and, more than likely, the natural talent for assertively negotiating or an adequate
motivational ----- ---- -------- -------- -- ---- ----- ---- -------- --------- --------- ----------- -------------- -------------- ----------- ---- ------ --- --------- --- ----- ------------ ------ --------- --- ------ -- ----------- --- --------- -- --------- --------- -------- -- ---------- - --------- --- -------Spencer is moderately motivated by being "on stage" in order to pleasantly in uence others toward a
particular viewpoin-- ---------- -- -------- ------- -------- --- -------- -- ---- ------------ ------ -- ----- ---------- ------------ ------- ------- -- ----------- ---- - ------------ ----- --- --- ---- ------ -- -- -- ---------- --------- -- --- -------- ---- ---------- --------- ------ ---- ------ ----- -- -------- --- -------------- ------ ------------ -- ------ -- --- ---------- ----- ---------- -- ----------------- --- ---------- -- ---- ------ ----------- ------ ---- --------- -- -------Spencer can be motivated in some situations to assume the responsibilities for planning, assigning,
directing, supervisi--- --- ---------- ---- ---------- -- ------- ----------- ---- ------ ------- ------- ------- --- ---------- ---- ----- ----- ----------- ------------ ------ --- -------- -- --- ------ -- ---------------- ---- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- --------- ------- --- ------- -------- ------- --- ----------- ---- ---------Rather than a motivation for putting others rst, Spencer's preferences revolve around self as a rst
priority. Spence- -- --------- -- -------------- ------- --- ------------ ------- ---- --- ---- -- ----- -- --- ------- --- ------ --- --------- -- --- ----- -- --- ------ -- ---- ------ --- ------ -- ---- ------ - -------- -- ---------- -- ----- ------ --- ---------- --- ----------- ---- ------ ------ ----- --------- ---- --------- ----------- --- ------ --- ----------- ---- ------ --- ------------- ---- ----------- --- ------------- --- ------- ----------- -- --------- -- --- ----- -- --------------

(How you relate to things, in priority order)
Spencer is motivated toward activities involving mechanical engineering, including: 1) mechanical
awareness of assembly, fabrication, operation, leverage, motion, force, and power, 2) design and/or draw
technical plans, 3) technical, statistical, and numerical analysis, and 4) layout and installation. This highly

motivated engineering orientation probably means professional dedication to a major engineering

The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Things" section. The content in red
below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative information you
would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: The interview process is a great learning experience. However, it can be dif cult and stressful.
You want to make a good impression and dont always have a lot of time. Try preparing for your interview
by reviewing your top motivators in your MAPP report. This will help give you con dence to talk about the
strengths and skills you have to offer
Testimonial about MAPP: "Wow!! I can not ever thank you enough!! I have told everyone about the test I
did on your site. It really has inspired me- No end......... Not to sound, grossly over enthusiastic but, just
wow!! Thank you!" - Gail
Spencer prefers operating heavy, mobile equipment such as trucks, earth-movers, cranes, etc. More than
likely, Spencer e----- --------- -- --- --- ------------ ------ -------- -- ------- --- -------- ------- --- ---------------- ----- ---- --- ------- --- ---------- ------------ ----- ------------- ---------- ------- ------- ---------- ----- ------ ------------------ ------------ ------------- ----- ----------- ------ ----- ------ ---- - ----- ------- ---- --------- -------- -- ---- ------- --- ------- --- --- ------ ------- -------- --- - ------- ------- ----- ---- ----- ----- ------- ------- -- ------ -------- --------------- ---- ---- --- ------- -- ------- -- ----- -- --------- -- --- --------- ------------ ------ ---- ------- -------- ---- --------------- ------- ----- ------- ---- --- --------- --- ---------- ----- ---- ---- -- ---- -- ---- ----- -------- -- ----- --------- --- -------- ------- ------ ------- ----------- --------- ----------- ---- ----- -- ----- -------- -- ---- --- --------- ------ ------- --------- ------ ---- -- ---- ---- -------- -----------Spencer's motivations support ability to running/managing xed machine operation, and the responsibility
for machine pe---------- ---------- ------- --- -------- ------ ---- ------------ -------- --------- -- ---- -- --------- ------ ------- ------- ---- --- --------- ----- ---- -- --- -------- ---- --------- ----- ---- --- -------- ------- -- --------- --------- --- -------- --- --- --- ---- -- ---- ----------- --- ------- ------------- - ------ -- --------- --- -------- --- ------- - ------ -- ------- ---- ------- ------ --- -- -- --------- -- ------ --- ---- --------- ----- ------- ------ ----- ---------- -- ---------- --- ------ ---- -------Spencer is moderately motivated to be responsible for technical, operational control of tolerances and
quality; for atta------ -- ------- --------- --- -------------- -- -------- ------ ---- -- - ---- --------- ---------- -- --------- ----- ----------- ------------ --- ------ ------- ----- ---------- ---- -------- --- ------ ---- -- --------- ------- -- ------Spencer has moderate mental/sensory/physical preferences for handling material processing. This may or
may not involve m------- -- ------- ---------- -- --------- ----- ---------- -- ------ ------ ------------ ----------- ------- ---- ---- --- ----- -- -------- ---- --- ------- -- -------- ---- --- -------- ----- -- - --- --- ------- -- --- -------- ---- --- -------- ---- -- ----- ---- -- ---- ----------- ----------- --- ---- -- ------Given the option to participate where an aptitude for manual labor or basic labor activities is required
Spencer's prefe------ --- ------------- -- --------- ---- ---- -- -------- -------- ------ ---- ----- ------ ----------- -------- ------------ ------- ------- -------- --------- --- ----- ------- -------- -- -- ---- ----- - ------ -------- ---- --- -- ---------- ------- ------ --------- ------------ -- ------------ ------ ---- --- ---- ---------- ----- ----- ------- -- -- ---------- ----- ------- -- --------- ----- ------- --- ------ ----- -- -- -- -- ----- ------------ ---- --- -- --- ---------- --------- -- --- ---------- -- --------- -- ------- --- ---------- ------------ ------ --- ---- ---- -- -- ---------- -- - ------ -----Given the full description of any activity requiring a sensory/physical aptitude for feeding materials into
machines or ---------- --------- ---- -------- ----------- --- --------- --------- ----------- --- ----- -------- ----- -- - ------- ------------ ------ ---- -------- -- ------- ---------- ---- -------- ---- ----------- -- -- --------- -- ------ ----- ---------- ------- -- --------- -- --- --- ---- ------- ----- ------ --------- --- --- ---- ----- ----- ------ ---------- -- ------ ---- ---- ------ -- ---- ---------------- ------------ --- ---- -- ------- ---- ---- ---- -- -------- ------ --- --- -- --------- -- -- -- -------- -- -------- ----- --Spencer's motivational level supports the ability (either existing or because of pending training) to be
perceptive and ----- -------- -- ---------- ----------- --------- -- --- -- --------- --------- ------------ ---- -------- -------- ----------- ----- --- ----------- ---------- ------ ----------- ------- ---- -------- ----- ------------- -- ------ ------------------- ------- -- ----- ---------- ---- -- ----- ---

(How you relate to data, in priority order)
"Synthesize: putting two or more things together to form a whole; the combination of separate elements of
thought into a whole; the operation by which divided parts are united" (Webster). Spencer is motivated by
seeing the big picture so much so that (s)he, attempts to see all parts of the picture in that larger context,
then sees all parts relative to each other, but still within that larger context. Perception and thinking are
therefore holistic and conceptual. Philosophical and intuitive processes are involved. Scienti c, managerial,
and/or literary preferences may also be involved. Other mental factors in this section are subordinate,
secondary, or complementary to this primary motivational attribute. This is an overview and scanning
activity that includes ideas, concepts, theory, ction, hypothesis and assessment. (Note that words in the
last sentence are unrelated to logic that Webster de nes as "the science of the operations of the
understanding subservient to the estimation of evidence.") For Spencer, preferences for this sort of
synthesis will allow it to get no further toward logic than estimating.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Data" section. The content in red
below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative information you
would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: Healthcare is one of the fastest growing industries. There are many types of jobs within the
healthcare industry. Use the MAPP Match job matching (/MemberCenter/Matching/ONET.asp) system to
see how your results match up to these jobs. If you nd a job that interests you, just click to learn more
about the education needed to get that job.
Testimonial about MAPP: "I have found MAPP Match very helpful, a wonderful tool..." - MAPP User
Preferences that direct mental activity for Spencer are naturally curious, inquisitive, investigative,
exploratory, anal------- --- ------------- ----- ---- -- ---- --- ----- --- ------- -- ---- ------ -- -- - ------ ---- ---- ------------- ------------ --- ---------- ---- -------- -- ------------- -------- -- ---- ---- ------ --- --- -------- -- ------ --- --- ----- --- --- --- -------- --- ---------- -- ------ -- -------- -- ------- ----- ---- --------- ----------- ----- --- ------ ------------- ---------- --- ----- -- ----- ------ -- ----- -- -- -- --------- -------- --------- -- -------------Spencer is highly motivated when given the task of identifying factors that are important for vocational
use. This trait- --------- --------- -- --------- -- --- ------- ---- -------- -- ----- --- ------ -- ------- ----- -- ----- ---- ------------- -- --- ------- -- ----- ------- ------ ---- ------ -------- -- --- ------------- -- ------- -- ------------- -- -------- --- --- -------- ------ -- --- ------------- -- ------- -- ------------- -- ------- ---- ------- -- - --- -------- ------ ---- -- ---------- ----- --- --------- --------- ----------- ------- ------------ ---------- ----------- --- -------------- ---------- --- ----- ------------ --- -- -------- -- ---- --------- ----------- --------- -------- ------- -------- ---------------- ------------- --- ----------- -- -- --------- -- -------- ----- -- ----- ------ --- -------- -- --------- ----------------- -----------Compiling means more than simply gathering large volumes of data sheets and stuf ng them in a ling
cabinet. It means ---- ------- -- --------- -- ----- --------- --------- ------ --------- --- -------- ---- -- --------- -- -------- -- --------- --- ------ ---- ------ ---- -- ------- --- ------------ --------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ----------- ------- ---------- --- ------------- ---- ----- --------- - ------------ ---------- -- ----- ----- -- -- - --------- ----------- ----- -- -- --------- ----- -- -- --- ---- ----- ---- ---------- ---- ------- -- ----- -- ------ --------- ----- ------ ---- ------- --- --------- --- ---------- -- -- -- --------- ---------- --- --------- ------ ---- -----Spencer is motivated to a degree for handling and solving routine, factual, mathematical problems. This set
of preferenc-- ----- ----- -- ------------ ---------- ----------- -- -------------- ----------- ------ ---- ----------- ---- ---- ------- -- -- ---- ----- ---- ----- --- ---------- ----- -- ---- ------Spencer is motivated to coordinate (i.e., manage, manipulate, administer, etc.) that which is at hand to
achieve planned- ----- -- --------- ----------- ---- ----- ---- ------- ------- -- -- --------- ----------- ------------ --- ------------ ---- -------- ---------- ---------- --- -------- ---- --- --- ------- ----------- --- -- ---------- -- --------- ----- ------

Copy activity involves detail and routine, which is preferred by Spencer and includes reproducing images,
information, e--- -- ------- --------- ------ ------- ------ --- ------- ------ -- -- -- ----- --- -------- ----------- -------- --------- --------- -------------- -- ------- ----- ------ --------- ------------

(How you relate to reasoning, in priority order)
Spencer is strongly motivated to apply thinking to the big picture through holistic ideas, concepts, options,
and strategies. This does not mean, suggest, or imply that thinking is kept only in a holistic context but it
does mean that the rst and constant priority or preference for consideration and focus are on the big
picture. (Example: Spencer more likely prefers to be an executive rather than a manager, and more inclined
to be a manager rather than a supervisor.) Considering how pieces of the picture are brought in to the big
picture stimulates motivation for the activity.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Reasoning" section. The content in red
below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative information you
would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: The average person may change jobs up to 15 times within 4 different industries. These job
changes are not necessarily about the money, they are about nding work that is satisfying. The rst step
in a job change should be assessing yourself so you continually move toward further job satisfaction.
MAPP will help you pinpoint job tasks you enjoy.
Testimonial about MAPP: "I told many people abour MAPP, actually, I made my associates from the of ce
do the assessment, and they were all very satis ed with it. MAPP match is therefore perfect for the MAPP
appraisals, they just go together" - R.S.
Spencer applies scienti c/technical/logical thinking (to the fullest extent this ability exists) to identify,
analyze, --- ----- ---------- ------ --------- -- ------- ----- --------- ------ ------- -------- --- -------- ---------- ---- ---- ------------ --------- ----------- ------- ------ ---------- --- ------- -- ------- ----------- ------ ---- -- ----------- -- -- ---------- --- --------- ------- ------- -------- ------- -- --- --------- ----- -- -- ----------- ---- ------ ----- ----- --- ----- --- ---------- -- -- ------------ ---------- -- ----------- ---- ------- --- -- ---- -- ---- --------- --------- -- -------- -------------- --------- --------- --- ----- ----- - ----- ------------- -- --- ---------- --------- -- ---- ------- -- - --------- --- --- ----- --- ------- -------- --- -- ----- ---------- -- ----------- --- -------- -- --- ---- ------------ ----- -------- ------ ------ -- --- ----------Spencer is motivated and perhaps even mentally equipped for troubleshooting: to recognize or otherwise
identify problems -- ---------- -------- -- -------- ----------- -- ---------- ------ -- ------ -------- ---- ------ -- ----- -- -------- --- ------- -------- -- ------ ------ -- ------- ------ ---- -------- ------ ----------- ---- ----- ----------- - ----- ---------- -- ----- ------ ----- -- ----- ----- ----- --- ----- ----- ---- -- --- --- --------Depending on the situation, Spencer generally prefers simple, routine tasks in a familiar environment. This
preference o- --------- -- -------- ------- -- ------- -- ------- ------- ---- --- ----- --- ----- -- ----------- ------ ---- -- ---- ----- --- ------------ --------------- -- -------- ----------- --- --------- -------------- --- -------- -- -- ------------ ---- ----- -- ------- --------- ---- ------ ---- ---- ---- -- ---- -- ----- --- ----- ---- ---------- ----- ----- -- -------- -------------------- -- ----- --- ---- -------- -- -------- -- -- -- ---- ----- ---- --- -- ----- --- ------ ------- --- ---- -------- ----- ---- ---- -- --- ----------- -- ---- ------ ------- -----For Spencer, natural preferences can comfortably adapt to get into the "swing of things" and "go with the
ow." Becomin- ------------ ---- ----------- ---- --- -- --- ------ -- ---- ----- ------------- --- ---- ------ ----- --------- ------ ---------- -- --- --------- --- --------- -- ------- ---- ------- ------ ------ -- ---- --- ------------ ------- -- -- --------- ------- -- --------- -- ----------- --------- --- ------- ---------- -- ---- -- ----- ---------- --- - --------- ---- -- -------- ---- -------- ------------ ------- ------ ---- ------ ---- ----------- ----------- ------- ---------- -- - ----- -- --------- --- ---------- ---------- ---- ---- --- -------- ------- -------- ----- ---------- ----- -----

Given the vocational task, Spencer's motivational level is adequate to participate where understanding of
operational as----- -- -------- ----------- ------ ----------- -- --------- ------- ------- --- ---- ---------- --- -- ----------- -- ----- -- ---------- --- ---- -------- --- ------ -- -- ------ ---- ------ ---- --- -- --- --- ---- ---- ------ ------- ------ ----- -- ------ --------- --- -------- ------ ---------- ------- --------- --- ------- -- ------ ---- -- -------- --- -- -------- ------ --------- --- ------------

(How you relate to the applied usage of math)
Spencer is motivated to work with a wide variety of theoretical math concepts; make original application
of those concepts; apply knowledge of advanced mathematical or statistical techniques to new areas of
challenge, interest, or opportunity. Motivation is derived from conceptual, analytical, curious, and
exploratory thinking. Research and theoretical logic probably appeal greatly to Spencer's mind.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Mathematical Capacity" section. The
content in red below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative
information you would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: The IT industry is responsible for creating many new jobs. Many IT professionals have a high
motivation toward working with numbers and problem solving. You can nd your math and problem
solving preferences in the Mathematics and Reasoning sections of your MAPP report.
Testimonial about MAPP: "I pulled your assessment out the other day and discovered that I am following a
track that is deep within the depths of me. I was amazed to see that the assessment is still true after 4-5
years. Just wanted to say thanks for the scienti c work that you did in preparation for this sight" - W.O.
(NOTE: Accounting Control of Numbers is "management math" because management uses it for tracking,
analyzing, and verify--- -------- ---------- --- ------------- ------- ------- ---------- ---- ------- -- -------- - ------------- --- -------- ---- ----- ----- ------ ---------- --------- ---- --------- ------ ---- ---- ----- -- ------------ --------- ----------- -------- --------------- ---------- ----------- ---- --------- ---- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------------- ------------ ----- --- -------- ---- ---- -- ---- ------Statistical, investigative use of mathematics plays a major role in what motivates Spencer. This kind of
math is valuabl- --- ---- ----- -- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------- ---------- ----------- --------- ---- ---------- -------- ---------- --- ----------- --- ------- -- --- --------- --------- --- --------- --------- --- ---- ----- --- ----- ------- -- ---------- --- ------------ ---- ------ --------- -- ----- -----------Spencer has a moderate motivation where business math related to commercial calculations and
transactions are called for- ---- ----- ----- ------ - ------- ------- -- -- --------- --- -------- ---- --------- ------------------------- --- --------- ------ ----- --- ------- ---- --- ------- --------- ----- --- -------- -- ---- --------- ------------ ----- ------- --------- ---- -------Spencer does not prefer activities requiring verbatim perception, recording, and/or processing of details,
especially wh--- ------- --- --------Spencer may simply lack interest or the motivation to express self vocationally through the use of basic
math skills whi-- -------- ----- -------- ---- -- ---- ------ ------------ -- ---------- ---------- ---- ------ ----- ----------------------

(How you relate to the usage of language)

Spencer is highly motivated to consider creative writing and communicating at professional levels.
Preferences are holistic, conceptual, imaginative, and creative. "Ideas trigger more ideas" can probably be
said about Spencer. High motivational levels for this worker trait indicate an interactive combination of
literary and philosophical traits. As Dean W. R. Inge said, "Literature ourishes best when it is half a trade
and half an art." That probably makes a great deal of sense to Spencer. Motivation at this level indicate
preferences that probably include writing ction, poetry, scripts for movies or television, advertising copy,
marketing copy, teaching creative writing, etc.
The paragraph above is an interpretation of your top trait in the "Language Capacity" section. The
content in red below is a bonus section added to give you an idea of how much additional narrative
information you would receive by purchasing any of our packages.

Career Tip: Technology has changed the way employers recruit and jobseekers apply for jobs. Although
much of the process is now conducted online it is still very important to follow up each interview with a
thank you letter. This is crucial in showing that you are a serious job applicant. This is your opportunity to
make a lasting impression on your interviewer and to remind them of your strengths.
Testimonial about MAPP: "...I am constantly nding new ways to use your incredibly useful web site. Thank
you. I have decided on a career course and after taking your assessment tests, it turns out I am #One in
sync with my choice..." - B.P.
Logical explanation and education can be motivational for Spencer in some instances. This motivational
level is based on --- ------------- ----------- -- - ------ -- ------- ------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ------- --- ---------- ------ -- --- ------ ------ ---- -------- --------- -------- ------------ ----------- --- -- -----------Spencer's vocational preferences include such activities as gathering, processing, recording, transmitting,
ling, and/-- ---------- ------------ --- ----------- ---- ------ ------ -------- ------ -------- --- ------------ ------------ ------ --- --------- ---------- --- --------- -- ------Spencer does not pay particularly close attention to non-motivational information, data, or detail such as
elementary an- ----- ------------- --- ------- ---------- --- -- -- ------ --- ------ ----- -- -- ---------- -- ----- -- ------ -----


In this sample section MAPP presents 10 of the top 20 career areas that match your motivations. When
you are searching careers or being considered for jobs, this list of top careers should be given serious
consideration. All MAPP Packages present your top 10 career areas as well as more job matching

----- ----------- ----- ------- ----- ------------------ ------ -------- ------------------ -------- ------ ------------ --------------------- --------- ------ -------- --------------- --------- ---------- ------------ ------------ -------- ------ ------------ ------------------ ----------- --------- ------ ---------------- --------- -------- -------- ---------------- ----------------- -------- ---- --------- --------------- --------- -------- -------- -----Technical/Scienti c Support: lab/ eld service



Creative Writing: author; imagination, vocabulary

Engineering, Scienti c, Technical Coordination

Math regarding Physical Sciences: collect, analyze data

High School, College, University; teach/counsel

Surveying, Prospecting: explore, locate, map

Consulting, Business Services: evaluate, in uence

Vocational Education: teach/demonstrate; apprentice

Title and Contracts: nd, examine, con rm

Industrial Engineering: plan, direct, install, erect

Worker Trait Code System

Below you will see a sample of one full Worker Trait section. All nine Worker Trait sections are
displayed in the same format within the Career Seeker and Executive MAPP Packages.
The content of your narrative section is determined by your highest motivations listed in your Worker
Trait sections. This is based on a scale of 1 to 5, one being the highest motivator and ve being traits
you prefer to avoid. You will want to concentrate on your top motivators for the most job satisfaction.
The letters and numbers to the left are reference codes so you can read the graph below. The more
shaded the graph, the more motivated you are in these areas. In your personal report you will be able
to see at a glance if you have strong preferences in one area over another by looking at the shaded
graphs. The graphs are helpful for visual learners. Others prefer to read the same information in the list
below and yet others learn best by reading written material and will refer to the narrative
interpretation of this same information.

MAPP Match to 900 Careers

Use your 5 FREE Job Matches to see how you rank to a library of 900 careers.

(/MemberCenter/Matching/ONET.asp)Now you can research careers based on what you like and are

motivated to do. You have 5 FREE job matches available to you. Our MAPP Match system compares your
results to a library of careers built by the US Department of Labor called O*Net, Occupational Information
See how you match different careers and research them with a click of your mouse. MAPP Match allows
you to nd information regarding job outlook, education needed, salary range to expect, daily tasks on the
job, and helps you nd real jobs that t you.

Now that you have reviewed your FREE MAPP Appraisal, you can opt for a more comprehensive package to t your needs. is the largest
provider of motivational appraisals on the Internet. We have been online providing assessments since 1996. Over 7,500,000 people have taken the MAPP

Select the package that ts you best from the options below



All Appraisals come with a Money Back Guarantee! (Javascript:DisplayGuarantee();).

Click below for additional help to determine the package

that is right for you:
Click here for some more of our Customer Testimonials
Click here for additional information on each package
Click here for a detailed chart of each package option


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Edina, MN 55439 (


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