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= 2(.153)(152.5) = 46.6 kips. Thus, the vertical component Vp is

46.6*sin(2.44) = 1.98 kips. Showr. in Table 4.15 are the values of the
additional contribution to the shear strength of the member due to the
presence of draped strands Vp.
For those regions of the member in the uncracked or transition
state, where the concrete in the web provides addi tional shear strength
' Eq. 4.43 becomes
Rearranging Eq. 4.44 results in
(IL 47)
Since ns = zcota and Sy = Avfy
where Avis is the area of stirrups resisting the factored shear force
per inch of the stirrup spacing "s", and f y is the yield strength of the
stirrup reinforcement. For this design example, fy = 60000 psi, a=
41.8 degrees, hence tan a = 0.90.
Eq. 4.48 is used to design the web reinforcement required to
resist the factored shear force. Shown in row (7) of Table 4.16 are the
required amounts of web reinforcement per inch of stirrup spacing "s"
for each of the design zones. Row (8) contains the minimum amount of
web reinforcement which must be provided whenever the factored shear
stress (V
) exceeds the value 1.0/f[, where = 0.85. The minimum
amount of web reinforcement is evaluated in accordance with the
requirements of Sec. of tne proposed design recommendations.
As can be seen from Table 4.15, the value of the shear stress due to the
factored shear force (vu[V]) at all the design sections exceeds the
value of 1.0 ./fb = 1.0(0.85) ./5000 = 0.06 ksi, hence at least the
minimum amount of web reinforcement must be provided in all the design
Row (9) of Table 4.16 shows the required stirrup spacing if a
Grade 60 113 U stirrup is used as web reinforcement. Row (10) indicates
the maximum allowed stirrup spacing as required by Sec. of the
proposed design recommendations. Therefore, in the design zone 1-2 113 U
stirrups at 9.5 inches center-to-center should be provided. In the
design zones 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6, 113 U's at 12 inches must be
provided. The U stirrups shall be terminated in the compression zone
with a 135 degree hook at the ends.
4.4.4 Evaluation of the Compression Stresses in the Fan
Regions. As explained in Secs. 4.3.5, the presence of concentrated load
disturbs the continuous uniform compression field of the truss. The
presence of a concentrated load introduces a series of diagonal
compression forces which fan out from the concentrated load. Hence, in
this design example compression fans will form at both supports where
the reaction introduces compression, and under the concentrated truck
wheel loads. As previously explained, the geometry of the compression
fan depends on the spacing of the transverse reinforcement and the
chosen angle 0'. Figure 4.45 shows the compression "fan" generated at
the supports of the composi te I gird er. Col urn n (5) of Table 4.17 sho ws
the compression forces generated at each of the joints of the truss in
the compression fan zone. Column (6) shows the diagonal compression
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Point a (1) tan a (1)
Di =
Si [S1 + wns]
(1) sin a (i)
( degrees) (kips) (ksi)
83.7 9.1 Sy
14.79 0.450
2 71.4 2.97
Sy 15.51 0.160
61 1 1.81 Sy
16.79 0.120
4 52.3 1.29
Sy 18.58 0.10
5 45.2 1.01 Sy
20.72 0.10
Table 4.17 Diagonal compression stresses in the fan region
stresses induced by the diagonal compression forces shown in column (5).
As previously explained, the diagonal compression stresses at each of
the joints (i) of the truss is given as:
(4.50 )
4.75"9.5" 9.5" 9.5" 9.5" I
'" ~ C ~ ~ ~ 4 .-1-4 ~ k .14
~ I
Fig. 4.45 Compression fan at the support
~ F

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