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Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sigafoose, Missionaries

Forwarding Agent:
Delmer Rhodebeck
1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL
Overseas address:
Robert Sigafoose
69 Tanjong Rhu
Singapore 1543
P.O. Box 67, Collinsville. IL 62234
Greetings in the Name of the Lord:
We trust you are all happy in the Lord and ser
ving to the utmost. Our days are still filled
with plenty of happenings and we thought you
might like to share some of them with us. In
cluded in this newsletter are pictures of some
of the people we have been working with.
The 1978 Fiatt is still one of the
helps in our ministry in Singapore
three years of busses and occasional
our hearts fill with gratitude each
step into this car, even though
the expense is somewhat stag
gering. The time this car has
saved for us greatly offsets the
expense of it and we truly are
We have been kept busy with the
regular teaching and preaching
services. The first picture you
will find is of the extended
youth services group. "In the
beginning God created the heavens
and the earth and the weekend,"
so read Jonothan Chng of his ver
sion of the Genesis passage. The
Singaporeans, including the child
ren are gifted with a tremendous
sense of humor - consequently our
classes are quite lively at times.
On another occasion we wanted the
children to sing using candles.
It was the first time for some of
our young ones to use candles.
They were a little apprehensive
in the beginning, but delighted
at the new idea.
taxi * s ,
time we
The 3rd picture is of a group of
older youth attending a day camp
session on an island off of Sing
apore. (The day was filled with
teaching, fellowship, and fun.)
Evangelism in Singapore works
best through peers or friendships
rather than through family rela
tions. Most Christians here in
Singapore are first generation
Christians and thus have no fami
ly background of being "raised in
the church." Working among the
people in Singapore is becomming
more difficult than in the past.
Many do not feel the .need for the
Lord as they once did.
Diane is still teaching English
to the group of Japanese women
and doing some evangelism with
them also. The Japanese people
are considered foreigners here in
We are beginning another home
church in a new residential
development. These people are a
little more financially affluent
and seem to be open to the
Gospel. This will be a totally
independent group with no sup
port from the others we have
been working with*
The Center For Life Enrichment
group is interested in some work
in the nearby country of Sri
Lanka and they are helping me
with some preliminary work there,
1 feel that there is a need for
Good News Christian Mission to
establish something in Sri Lanka,
However, there is a good deal of
fighting going on which seems to
be spreading. So that will have
to be looked into also.
We are anxious for Rich and
Jo Ann Sheeley to join us here
in Singapore. The work we are
doing with the three groups
keeps enlarging and with the
other areas that need the Gospel
we certainly need another miss
ionary couple or two residing in
Singapore. Singapore is a prime
place for being a central loca
tion to missionaries to go into
those countries that will not
allow permanent mission work.
It is a prime spot in Southeast
Asia for others to use as a
springboard in spreading the
Gospel to Southeast Asia. Pray
with us that we will be able to
find missionary workers for this
We want to thank you for your
prayers, your support, and your
love. Without that, we could not
be here working for Jesus. We
love you all.
1. A new typewriter. (Our per
sonal typewriter has worn out and
is beyond repair.) Cost of $600.
2. Survey funds.
3. Living Link funds.
4. The new Home Church group.
5. Workers to come to Singapore.
TEL: 3440721
First Christian Church
15 0 2 Vandalia
Collinsville Illinois 62234
2nd January 1985
Dear brethren:
Greetings in the name of the LoRd.
We are glad to report to you the good work that brother
Bob and Sister Diane are doing in our church community
since their posting to our church in 1984,
Brother Bob serves as the pastor of our church, being
in charge of the pulpit mini^ry, as well as taking
the young adult class in the Sunday ochool. He is also
conducting church membership/baptism classes foi new
believers preparing their lives for a closer walk with
the Lord.
Sister Diane is doing a great job with the young people
in our congregation, inspiring them to a more spontaneous
and creative Christian living.
Both Bob and Diane have made the last (1984) Christmas
and Year-end celebration memorable events, not to forget
mentioning the All-American (turkey) dinner which all
of us thoroughly enjoyed.
Together, we are looking forward to this year as more
time of growth in corporate as well as individual
Yours in His Most Precious Name,
^imoth/' C.H. Chng
6 January 1985
Good News Christian Mission
Dear 3ir
In the year 1984f God was indeed gracious to us by sonding "Bob and
Diane Sigafoose to work with is in the ^enin" Worship Service.
During the year. Bob was actively involved in the following area's;
(a) teacning the Bible Class on "'Survey of the Old "'estament";
(b) preaching on the average of twice a uonth.
Besides these 2 areas,: Bob had also counselled and officiated the
niarriage of a couple, "^ob and his wife, Diane, had also constantly
encouraged us by their presence and sriarinF of the word of God.
Their fellowship with us was also a greet source of encouras-enient.
It was really a great joy and blessing to have been able to work with
Bob and Diane for the glor^/^ of God in the past one year.
Richard Wong
Tan Kock Lye
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KZZ9 sioNmi "aniASNmoD
Z9 xoa

Greetings ?rom Singapore:

X9flh has come to a close and we have
now begun a new veer here in Singapore,
We are anxious to bring you a report of
the accomplishments of 190U., so we have
preoared this "year-end" report.
Our main thrust during the past year has
been to teach in two different churches.
I have been preaching the morning ser
vices and teacning a Bible class at tiie
Singapore Gospel Jhurcn. Diane is teach
ing the young primary school age cnild-
ren and is in cnarge of the extended
session class during worship service.
Friday evening dlole classes are also
taught at this church.
On Sunday evenings I preach at tne
Church of Christ and also teach a class
on Old Testament Survey. I have also
been involved witn counselling at both
All of those that Diane and I have been
working witn are fairly new Christians.
Tiierefore, tney do not really understand
what they must do and how tney must live
as a Christian. They still all empha
size the Chinese New Year season much
more than they do tne Christmas season.
Although I realize that most of us get
carried away at Christmas tins with all
of our celebration and buying of gifts.
But we as Christians look to it as the
virgin birth of our precious Lord and
Savior. We try to think of it as a time
of caring for others and the giving of
gifts to those we love and to help those
who are in need.
The concept of love to tne people here
is almost unknown. The cninese have
never been brought up to love or to help
others. The people know aoout Christ
because this is what tney have been
told. They believe that He is the Son
of God. But wnat do they do now? That
is the question that is on their lips.
Just like the people in Acts 2:37. The
Jewish people knew that they needed to
do something, but what? "Repent and be
baptized." But why, we haven't .done
anything wrong.
Of course, as we all know, this is the
hardest part of the teachers responsi
bility - to teach tne people about their
spiritual growtn. The churches in Sing
apore have seen a tremendous growth in
numbers in last few years out no
real change in the lives of the people.
No spiritual growth. In 193^ it was'a
year of teaching for the knowledge and
uplifting of tne Saints. For 1985, we
want to see the people of this congrega
tion go out and use that knowledge.
Last year we were priviledged to teach
and baptize one into the Lord Jesus
Christ. She is from the Philipines,
working here in Singapore, , Nine other
Philipinos have been worshipping with
us. Pray with us that during this year
we will see others who are willing to
give of their lives to tne Savior. I
have recently held classes on -Baptism,
Becoming a Christian, and Growing as a
Christian and several people have atten
ded. We are looking forward to a great
year of working with this church. Pray
with us and for us.
m Z5 1985
"Go therefore and make disciples
I of all nations. . . "
' Box 67, CoUinsville, Illinois 62234
69 Tanjonf;: Rhu
It has been a blessing to be able to
work witn this group during 198M. We
were asked by the Leadership of the
congregation to help in the evening
service. The Churcn of Christ has a
wonderful group of Christians. They
still average more than 100 on Sunday
mornings and some of the people still
have to stand up because there is. not
enough space for more chairs. They do
not need my help i.n the administration
of the church. All of the decisions are
made by the nationals. They sometimes
ask for my advice, but all of the final
decisions are tneirs.
We attend many functions with them, such
as camps and retreats. In tne coning
year, I will continue to work with tnem
by teaching and setting up a calling
program. They are to start house
churches (cell groups) during this com
ing year and we will be helping in this
way. Pray for them in this endeavor for
t.cey have no more room in their present
building and they cannot afford to build
or buy anything else. The cost of land
and the building is so very very expen
sive. The land and the building would
cost aoout one million U. S. dollars.
The average i.ncome of the people in the
congregation is about -JbOO U.S. dollars
per month.
Diane and I will be holding seminars for
family enrichment during the coming year
Just as we have during 193^. Last year
I made a trip to Sri Lanka in order to
see what the Christian work was there.
I'm proud to announce to you that one of
the young men there is receiving support
from the church in Singapore. Even with
all the problems that the churches in
Sri Lanka are facing, the church is
still growing. Churches are being built
in the rural areas as the cnurches in
the capital are being burned down.Praise
the Lord, notning can stop the growth of
the Lord's church. The young people
from our Sunday School Class are also
sending money to the church there.
Diane and I have been asked to go to
Sabah this year. That is an area which
belongs to Malaysia, but in the northern
half of Boreno, an island of Indonesia.
I have been counselling and working with
two young men. One Just finished Bible
College and is now assistant -pastor at
one of the Churches. The other is at
tending the Singapore Bible College, but
is not sure if ne wants to go into the
full time ministry when he graduates. I
meet for lunch with them about once a
There Is much to be done in the way of
counselling here* So many people try to
take their own lives. The pressure is
so strong from the family and the gov
ernment to do well In everything that
the people Just cannot handle all the
oressure and the only way out is to take
their Own lives. Of course, the only
answer is Christ. "And being fully
assured that what he had promised he was
able to perform" (Romans b.:21). "Being
therefore Justified by faith, we have
peace with God through our Lord Jesus
Christ" (Romans
We want to thank each and every one of
you for your helo during the past year.
It has been a great time to be able to
serve our Lord and I pray that you too
have experienced a year of great Joy and
haoniness as we have. We miss you all
very much but know that you are praying
for us as we are praying for all of you.
"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves
to account anything as from ourselves;
but our sufficiency Is from God"
(II Corinthians 3^5)-
In His grace we serve.
Delmer Rhodebeck
1 429 Norwood Dr.
Granite City, IL 62040
Rich & Jo Ann Sheeley
Missionaries to Singapore
Rich: I was born and raised on a farm just outside
of Emporia, KS. During my freshman year in high
school, I accepted Christ at Central Christian
Church in Mad/son, KS. The next year Flint Hills
Christian Church began in Emporia, and I had the
privilege of being a charter member.
Upon high school graduation. I went to Ozark
Bible College and graduated in 1982 and was or
dained the same year. During my last two years of
college, 1 served as Youth fvlinister for FHCC. I
strive to maintain a singleness of purpose in life:
reaching as many people for Jesus as He can use
me to reach.
Jo Ann: I also was born and raised in Emporia, KS.
The summer before my senior year in high school I
accepted Christ at Youth tor Christ summer camp.
Life changed drastically as i learned to live for the
Lord instead of myself. I went to Emporia State
University to study chemistry and biology. At that
time i worked as a volunteer youth leader for
Youth for Christ and co-sponsored a high school
youth group for FHCC. I'm excited about sharing
the good news of Jesus Christ with people near
and far.
Rich & Jo Ann: \Ne became acquainted with one
another through church, and especially through
sponsoring the high school youth group at FHCC.
On Dec. 18, 1982 we were married at FHCC. A year
and two months later, we went to Thailand as mis
sionary interns with the Alan Bemo family.
Originally intending to stay six months, our intern
ship was cut short by an illness in Jo's family. In
the time we were there, we came to love the Asian
people. God has given us the desire to return to
Asia and reach out for Him.
Prior to Departure:
Rich & Jo Sheeley
7702 W. Hwy to H103
Emporia, KS 66801
Post Departure:
Forwarding Agents
Lawrence & Eiien Hamman
R. R. 5 Box 128
Emporia. KS 66801
uoiiMiJOQ nsjppv
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\iZZZ9 SIONini '3niASNni03
19 xoa
-uoiwi^ inyrj-rnrijQ
ivii. <k Mrs. hobert Sigafoose, Missionaries
^ 3 jr/
Overseas address:
Robert Sigafoose
69 Tanjong Rhu
Singapore 1543
Forwarding Agent:
Delmer Rhodebeck
.1429 Norwood
Granite City, IL
P.O. Box 67, Golllnsville, !L 62234
Dear Brethren;
It is very near the time -for our
furlough to begin and it may be that
we will be "in flight" by the time
you read this. We have been blessed
by the arrival of Rich and Jo
Sheeley. They have been preparing
for our departure with a "ready and
willing" mind and they have already
been a real blessing here in
S.ingapoore, They will provide a
needed "shot In the arm" while we
are away on furlough.
The trip
blessi ng.
to Sri
Lanka was
hoi di ng
Bible School
and had 20
congregat i on.
in Sri Lanka
God for the
been accomplished
and revival
add It i ons
We feel the
is fruitful and praise
work that has already
<see p i cture
wi th the
Vacat i on
mee t i ngs
to that
work here
We wish to thank you for your
contributions to our travel and
automobile funds. Without that
support we would not be able to come
to you on furlough, even for the
short time that we have. Please
continue your support. We still
have need of ^3,287.00.
Please be praying for our safe
flight and travel while we are home.
We hope to see you soon.
God bless you
bec.9-20,1985 SRI LAHKA
Audrey LIm , Elizabeth Wee & Bob Sigafoose
in fellowship with
R.K.Wilson, his family & members of
the Prathana Church
Praise Ilia Loid...
.tile medicai
supplies aij'iveil
llie iame and llie sick r
Come' to the
Vacation Bible
-learn that
loves you.
Apr i 1
Apr i 1
Apr i 1
Apr i 1
Jul y
1! "amASUinoo
8 '0|>i iiiujoj
aovisod 's-n
3io lyojd-uoN
Those who had
received the
Word ....
... were
baptised .
....and there
were added to the church
20 souls,
(March 1986 to August 1986)
- Waco Christian Church, Waco, TX
- First Christian Church, Collinsville, IL
- Time with Daughter and -family
- North Hills Christian Church, Mi1waukee, WI
- Prospect Christian Church, Prospect Heights,
- LeClaire Christian Church, Edwardsvi11e, IL
- Community Christian Church, Metropolis, IL
- First Christian Church, Nashville, TN
- Mt. Pulaski Christian Church, Mt. Pulaski, IL
- Parkway Christian Church, Pekin, IL
- Deep River Church of Christ, Merri11vi11e, IN
- Cat! in Church o-f Christ, Cat! in, IL
- South Side Church of Christ, Danville, IL
- Gethesemane Church of Christ, Mechan i csv i 1 1e , *JA
- Pickaway'Church of Christ, Ashville, OH
-Enon Church of Christ, Enon, OH
- Rileysburg Church of Christ, Covington, IN
- Oxford Church o.f Christ, Oxford, IN
to August 2 - Time with families
- Open for St. Louis, MO or Danville, IL areas
- First Christian Church, Brookport, IL
- First Christian Church, Col 1 Insvi11e,.IL
- Return to Singapore
uoi^aajJOQ ssajppv
106^8 Mi 3niAX0N>l
a39IN0W Vi310
19 xoa

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