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1. Youre carrying a microphone.

2. Are we spending a lot?

3. Is your granny playing the
4. Theyre not watching the
5. ere not !lying.
". Its not snowing in #e$ille
%. hat are you doing& mate?
'. Are they chatting or tal(ing?
). Am I e*plaining the story well?
1+. Youre not waiting !or him.
11. ere not arguing& were
12. Your son is winning
13. Is your girl!riend scoring a lot
o! goals?
14. Youre not wal(ing slowly
15. Youre not reading my emails
1 ,st-s lle$ando un micr.!ono.
2 /,stamos gastando mucho?
3 /Tu a0uelita est- tocando la guitarra?
4 1o est-n $iendo el partido.
5 1o estamos $olando.
" 1o est- ne$ando en #e$illa.
% /2u3 est-s haciendo& t4o?
' /,st-n charlando o ha0lando?
) /,stoy e*plic-ndote 0ien la historia?
1+ 1o lo est-is esperando.
11 1o estamos discutiendo& estamos
12 Tu hi5o est- ganando.
13 /Tu no$ia est- marcando muchos
14 1o est-is andando despacio.
15 1o est-s leyendo mis e6mails
1. you are going to be a teacher
I am writing a letter
I am listening to the radio
my dog is eating some meat
your mother are cooking in the kitchen
some people are singing loud
she is eating fast food
my brother is studying in his room
john is crying alone.
my cat is sleeping in my bed
my father is working in an ofce
everybody is playing in the park
the boys are asking some milk
the girls are dancing in the night club
I am watching TV
my girlfriend is going shopping
my cousin is traveling with her boyfriend
he is looking for his keys
the people are running this morning
you are going to your english classIt is raining in New York.
2. Mary is cooking in her house.
3. Peter and Susan are playing in the beach.
4. My father is working in the garden.
5. I am learning rench.
!. You are not studying "ath.
#. My sister is eating at the restaurant.
$. %e are enjoying the &arty.
'. (hey are not seeing the &ictures.
1). Is "y "other talking to *ane+
1. (he chi,dren are visiting the -oo.
2. Mike is calling you.
3. .obert and /,ice are travelling to 0uro&e.
4. (he dog is sleeping in the street.
5. %hat are you doing+
!. My grandfather is watching (.1.
#. My friends are drinking at the bar.
$. 2isa is painting her house.
'. I am playing the guitar.
1). (he &u&i,s are shouting in the &ark.
Cabeza Head
nuca, sien, crneo, cabello nape, temple, skull, hair
cara, frente, mejillas,
mandbula, mentn, cuello,
patillas, bigote
face, forehead, cheeks,
jaw, chin, neck, beard,
sideburns, moustache
ojos, globos oculares, cejas,
prpados, pestaas
eyes, eyeballs, eyebrows,
eyelids, eyelashes
orejas, lbulos ears, lobles
nariz, fosas nasales nose, nostrils
boca, labios, lengua,
dientes, garganta
mouth, lips, tongue,
teeth, throat
Tronco Trunk
pecho, espalda chest, back
torso, trax,
esternn, mamas
torso, thorax,
sternum, breasts
vientre, barriga panza!,
epigastrio, ombligo
abdomen, belly,
upper abdomen, navel
CLI!" #$ $%IC&
Itzel janeth y william

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