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The Proposed Transfer

The proposed transfer is, in my opinion, one of the plausible explanations of the UFO

These are obviously personal theory that tomorrow and it does not engage me and not the
participating network of UFO Central.

The idea of transfer project has come in meeting is consulting with witnesses and testimonies
of what is called abduction. I am indeed asked what we humans would do, or rather will be
when we discover another planet.
But before that I wondered what could motivate us to explore space. After all, why spend so
much money to go into space, search for exoplanets?
These famous extrasolar planets are not planets but potentially inhabited planets like our good
old earth. This means that what we seek now are not other forms of life, but other planets that
could host life and, more specifically, which could contain all the elements likely to be able to

Indeed our world depends entirely on the goodwill of our star, the sun.
Since being a star among many others we know already that this star that we cherish will
eventually disappear by day, taking with her all the planets in the system that we call the solar
system. In this case how can we save our human race?
It seems obvious if not impossible, that we can never build ships or spacecraft large enough to
carry the entire human species, plant and animal transport them into space in the hope of
finding a habitable planet.
Especially knowing that the spirit of humanity, it is expected that in such cases it wishes to
make a selection. This selection, we already live daily, by the financial power to enjoy some
of the expense of the rest of humanity.

If we really want to save our humanity doomed to extinction because of the demise of our
sun, the only opportunity offered to us, is to carry our genes.

It seems dangerous for them to be sent to the capsule via a simple rocket. It seems equally
clear that we can not ask our best scientists to travel into space, accompanied by his DNA
So how can we take one?

We may be the answer to what we know within ufology, I mean some of the details described
by witnesses and victims of abductions.
Let us now examine the description of what is called a "squirrel", often described as being
present during these attacks, which some describe as casual contact.
I must admit that the physics of these beings, I have always greatly interested in its simplicity
and especially because they seem to fit maybe a little too physical with an expected extra-
Indeed, for the "mass", an alien is necessarily more intelligent than us and to translate this
condition, we will then draw it and give it a head bigger than ours. Of course we now know
that the size of the head or brain is unrelated to intelligence but we are talking here of the
representative overview of the expectations of the masses.
Since this is our extraterrestrial superior intelligence, he no longer needs to use physical force,
which we'll draw him a small body and preferably thin. Indeed, on land, we believe that a slim
person is healthy, instead of an overweight person.
Do you not materialize for a few more this supposed superior intelligence to humans, we are
not going to draw her regular eyes, because he must have a vision of life in general, much
more "broad" . So they are all black, tall and slightly inclined to emphasize this side of this
strange being.
Let us not forget that this is, of an extraterrestrial. We will equip therefore skin color does not
exist on earth. In the 50s, it was green but finally, the gray seems more appropriate to an
acceptable reality.
We will also assign a mouth, since we know that all living things need food. In this case,
remember that this being is supposed to be smarter then, certainly unconsciously, we will give
him the ability to use her mouth to swallow food, so a small slit As a mouth him well enough.
Indeed, since we consider that we only use a small portion of our brain, it is expected that this
creature with an intelligence that a credible than my man, use another method of
communication that words, why not what we call "telepathy."

So we have here the description of an extraterrestrial "expected" and corresponding to most

cases of abductions said.

Considering that people from elsewhere visit us for thousands of years, then we can imagine
they have had ample time to explore our expectations, our fears and our hopes. In 2000, we
know how to create robots with human appearance, we know also create clones and we are
studying the possibility of not making robots capable of autonomy. From there to imagine that
within a few decades we will be able to create fully autonomous robots there is only one step.
So it seems more than probable that the species called aliens, not watching every move for
millennia, have had ample time to create from scratch, what we call small gray and I would
therefore of being identified as organic robots.

This will be exaggerated, but now return to one of the possibilities we have to allow our
humanity to survive after the termination of our star, the sun.

We know there are billions of stars in our galaxy. Currently, we have discovered nearly 340
extrasolar planets in our solar system. We, the people, to know as much if not for life in the
form we know today, are these exoplanets. To try to find out, we send probes, or analyze the
images transmitted through our telescopes.
Consider for a moment that one of its exoplanets can have all the characteristics for our basic
Remember that our star is about to die and it is imperative that we find another planet to
faster, otherwise it is finished the biodiversity that we enjoy on earth.
Thanks for exoplanets, we have the opportunity to check several theories about our evolution.
Of course, I assume that we discover more habitable exoplanets.

We discover a planet devoid of all animal life. Maybe we will enjoy in order to implement the
most endangered species on our planet earth.
Besides, why not implement these famous jellyfish, supposed to be the origin of mankind.
Subsequently, we have only to use satellites to monitor the course of this evolution assumed.

Scenario Two:
We discover a planet devoid of all known present "Intelligent", inhabited only by way of two
large dinosaurs. Due to the fact, this planet seems conducive to the evolution of life, however,
lived with these giant animals are likely to be a problem to us. However, we need to find a
way to inhabit this planet. If we can not afford to remove these famous dinosaurs, we could
certainly reduce their size and make them somewhat harmless to humans.
I leave it to our scientists to manipulate genetics, as they managed to do for our horses,
ponies, rabbits and other miniature animals we know today.
Once this "problem" solved, we could put on this planet, beings created genetically test tube
babies and clones, we would loose in the wild in an age conducive to freedom of action and
survival. We now know that the memory of an individual may be totally erased, which could
be a good option in the case of these "human", we would have engaged in themselves but
whose fate it is imperative to remove all memory of their origin.
As with the first planet, we would leave in orbit or on a natural satellite, so close enough, or a
satellite observation post to monitor the evolution of this new site.

Scenario Three:
We discover a planet inhabited by beings called "smart".
There is no question of us venture into inhabited this planet, without taking the time to study a
minimum their behavior, their fears and their expectations but also their beliefs.
Get in touch with these beings is not easy. It is imperative to ensure maximum ambassador
that we will not take any chances.
That is that we reach what we know in ufology.
Admitting the possibility that they consider the existence of other beings in the universe, we
will then explore the collective imagination, so why not create organic robots capable of self-
sufficient, to match the physical extraterrestrials they expect or rather, they think.
Remember that we do not have on this planet only sense of exploration, but we need to find a
way to save our humanity, or at least our species.
If our physical characteristics are, remember we have another planet and that our tastes in
terms of physical attraction differ fortunately, so do not expect us to mate but rather to try to
mix, or add our genes .
But it is also necessary that they are compatible.

Our "genetic robots, then we would be very useful.

For any study, it is necessary to have guinea pigs. We will therefore take some specimens, but
it would not be prudent to land in broad daylight, a shuttle containing some of our scientists.
By cons, robots genetic entering the future home of guinea pigs to remove, for genetic
experiment therefore, would be a valuable asset. While it was possible that one of the subjects
are awake during his abduction, he would then not be able to identify accurately its captors.
At best he could mention seeing a corresponding to the collective image expected of an
The use of these organic robots, allows us to approach this new species, while carefully
avoiding being identified and therefore be identified as being behind the abductions. This
allows us to study their genetic characteristics to verify compatibility with ours.

It would have been easy to simply delete the new inhabitants of this planet as having a
technology out of reach but we would have taken the risk in case of conflict, suffer losses.
Our goal is not to destroy but to save our species. Genetics and offers this possibility.
We could, for example, is what we call the implants in the body of the guinea pigs. By cons it
is imperative to put in their natural environment. is our implants to be powerful enough to not
be at once rejected by the immune system of its victims, while being able to make statements
which we need. I leave again in the evening for us scientists to establish the characteristics of
these statements.

Anyway, we should either remove these guinea pigs again in order to remove the implant and
remove the data is, make an implant capable of transmitting the requested data and
disintegrate once the data transmitted.
In both cases, after ascertaining that the genetic compatibility is effective, then we could
consider conducting implants containing some of our genetic characteristics.
The new implant will serve to disseminate what I call "the self-viruses. His role gradually
spread us at once, some of our genetic components.
The goal is not to kill the victim, but using it as a diffuser. The scenario with this hypothesis,
suggests that the victim established, eventually mate with one of his fellows and the fruit of
their coupling gives rise to a being composed of the parental genes to 95% (to give a good
range random course) and 5% of our genes.
Let our mixture is strong enough that the new-born, when old enough to be able to procreate
in turn, also transmits this "self-viruses" to her own offspring, or it will be necessary to
remove that person for him include in its turn, an implant containing this time a larger
proportion of our genes.
Over generations, individuals implanted genes are passed without our being aware and most
importantly, without being able to detect the origin.

Of course, we will need to monitor developments in the transmission of our own genes. To do
this, maybe we will use the kind of automated surveillance vehicles, why not.
You say you certainly are nice but will monitor on a time scale that this device is not for
Well, it is also why organic robots used.
But there is a possibility that should not be ruled out: these organic robots will be equipped
with artificial intelligence can adapt to gradually able situations, thus a great capacity for
autonomy. It is not impossible that these robots, since manipulating independently genetics,
come to desire these things become "alive".

If this option is feasible, if we admit also the possibility that several planet in the universe
inhabited soitt, if in addition we believe there are other beings called "smart", then this
scenario of "transfer project" can be repeated many times.
This makes it likely then, since we are not able to predict the future with certainty, as organic
robots also come into relationship with other explorers of the universe, who has the same
objectives as ours and, noting the expertise of these people, why could not attend the various
genetic manipulations orchestrated first gear or potential bases for the sole purpose and what
the survival of a species.

One might think that this solution would ultimately destroy altogether the implanted species
but do not forget that all this takes considerable time, during which time the species guinea
pigs are also continuing their own evolution. This means that they also depend on a star like
our sun, they will necessarily find a way to save their own species and, if they opt for a
solution similar to the "transfer project", then no species known Smart not disappear from the

For cons, the question of the origin point of departure, the original creation, still remain

This scenario, if this theory no matter how it is called, does not question the existence of a
god, it does not beings from elsewhere next level but on the contrary, any called intelligent
life equally.

The "transfer project" only advance the hypothesis of universal life.

As reported early, it is my opinion one of the possible explanations of what we hear, read,
learn or experience in this new adjustment denigrated, what ufology.

SANCHEZ Ghislain

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