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... through Bertha Dudde

You still have to accomplish a importat task !e"ore #$
itervetio occurs% o accout o" &hich $ou &ill !e placed ito
etirel$ di""eret circumstaces &hich &ill make $our &ork "or #$
kigdom more di""icult.
Yet% prior to this% souls &hich do ot oppose #$ Word shall
still !e reached.... the$ shall lear &hat is a!out to happe to
humait$ eve i" the$ dou!t it.... the huge evet &ill ver$ soo
covice them that $ou have told the truth.
Therefore make it known it to everyone, inform them
of this intervention which is coming ever closer and will
affect everyone, although the affected country will still
remain hidden to you....
' appeal to $ou to tell all people% to &hom $ou take #$ Word%
a!out the idicatio o" the immese atural disaster.... 't &ill !e
ecessar$ "or them to all thik a!out it "or oce% "or them to "eel
directl$ spoke to ad% depedig o their attitude% to !e a!le to
dra& com"ort ad stregth i the "orthcomig time o" eed.
Wherever #$ Word is proclaimed people shall !e i"ormed o"
it% people ever$&here shall !e told &hat is a!out to happe to
them% eve i" the$ "id it di""icult to !elieve.....
But &he the said evet takes place% &hich &ill come "rom
a!ove.... "rom the cosmos% &hich there"ore &ill ot have !ee
caused !$ huma &ill% the the$ &ill also !elieve i the closel$
"ollo&ig ed.
For ' &at to speak to people (ust oce more through this
disaster% ' &at to a&ake them "rom their sleep o" death ad
direct their e$es to&ards #e% to&ards the Oe Whom the$ ca
reach through heart"elt pra$er....
' &at to speak &ith a loud voice !ecause the$ pa$ o
attetio to #$ getle Words.... But ' &ill also take care o" those
&ho then still "id #e....
And even if they fall victim to the disaster, yet their
souls will be saved if they still call upon Me and
acknowledge Me as the Power to Which they are subject
and have to bow down to.
' call o all o" $ou to metio #$ Words ad ot to "ear that
$ou might &orr$ people% "or it is o" o avail i" the$ &alk !lidl$
ito the disaster% &hich &ill the take them !$ surprise ad the$
&ill !e ua!le to "id a e)plaatio "or it....
'"% ho&ever% $ou tell them i advace &hat ' ited to
achieve !$ it.... i" $ou aouce it as certain% the some o"
them &ill "eel a""ected !$ it ad.... eve i" the$ do*t !elieve it....
&ill ot "orget a!out it. +d the the$ &ill alread$ ko& that it is
a evet &hich &as set !$ My will over humait$% ad the$ &ill
ko& that #$ Word is truth ad thus also !elieve i the end....
,ver$ attempt has to !e made to lead people to !elieve. +d
this huge atural disaster% too% ca still a&ake "aith i people
&ho are other&ise o loger approacha!le ad &hom '
evertheless still &at to &i over "or #e% eve i" it is i
coectio &ith a great calamit$.
-o&ever% $ou are "acig the dager o" ree&ed !aishmet%
ad i" ' ca still pull souls a&a$ "rom it the$ &ill !e eterall$
grate"ul to #e% "or the "ate o" ree&ed !aishmet is "ar more
horredous.... it &ill last "or eterities% &hereas the atural
disaster &ill !e over &ithi a ight. ad although it &ill !e
"ollo&ed !$ eormous miser$ ever$ oe o" $ou &ill evertheless
!e a!le to chage it ito a !eara!le situatio% i" ol$ $ou muster
"aith i #e.
or ! Am "ord over life and death, ! can also give to
you what you need.... just as ! can take from you what you
are unwilling to surrender voluntarily.
+d there"ore% do*t "ail to i"orm $our "ello& huma !eigs
a!out the "orthcomig evet% "or o oe shall sa$ that he did*t
ko& o" it.... Ol$% people &ill ot !elieve that the$ are so close
to the ed% other&ise the$ &ould also !e a!le to gather "rom the
#criptures that a catastrophic evet &ill !e"all humait$.... But
the$ !elieve that the time has ot $et come &he &hat is &ritte
&ill !e "ul"illed....
Yet oe da$ the "uture &ill !ecome the preset% oe da$ the
aoucemets &ill come true% ad this time is close at had....
/u!lished !$ "rieds o" e& revelatios o" God 0
'"ormatio% do&load o" all traslated revelatios% theme1
!ooklets at2

.... http233e.!ertha1dudde.org3

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