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Hi there. Yes, even *you* are welcome. Welcome to NeoGAF_Sucks!

This subreddit w
ould not exist if NeoGAF did not suck. So, come here to speak your piece. Troll,
make racially questionable threads, make fun of black kids, discuss politics, d
iscuss gaming, laugh in disdain at homosexuals, or men who want to chop off thei
r penises, whathaveyou. **Just remember** poking fun at the nutjob fuckwads at N
eoGAF is *highly smiled* upon. For good measure, [The Bore](http://www.thebore.c
om/forum/index.php?topic=42089.1800) too, since apparently they're jealous of us
If you come here to bitch about how racist, bigoted, or intolerant we are, you'l
l just be laughed at and there will probably be a thread created in your name. Y
ou're an adult, suck it the fuck up.
If you come here to bitch about how racist, bigoted, or intolerant we are, *you'
ll just be laughed at* and there will probably be a thread created in your name.
[You're an adult, suck it the fuck up](
**Don't forget to enable your ad blocker!**
**Fun facts:**
* **[-COOLIO-](** has a .8 GPA.
* **[Devolution](** is the living
, breathing definition of poutrage and an insufferable [cunt](http://67.227.255.
* **BishopTL** [sucks at making videogames](
* **[Fiction](*, a transexual so
cial justice warrior, had its alcoholic brother-in-law missing near Seattle. No
one gives a shit.
* **[Timedog](** is [what happens](htt
dpost&p=1358881) when Osama bin Laden visits the LGBT community thread.
* **[Tyler Malka](**, also known as **[Evilore] (ht
tp://** , i
s the leader of all NeoFAGGOTRY and a tool who lied about 90% of a [gay excursio
n into Europe](
tisement/), where he begged to sleep on others' couches each night after bumming
rides. He also blackmailed **Jim** out of GAF ownership.
* **NeoGAF mods** are [faggots](
* **[Amir0x](,** a fat Jew addict
prick, [once scammed NeoGAF](
) out of TEN-THOUSAND-PLUS DOLLARS for drug money and is now living under a brid
ge behind a McDonald's. He also [beats his mom](
thread.php?t=148456) when she argues with him about video games or South Park.
* **[Kagari](** is a weeaboo NeoF
AG mod who was not quite as successful at scamming the community compared to Ami
r0x. She also thinks she works for glorious Nippon-based developers like Squares
* **[duckroll](** is a pedophile.
* **[Mumei](** is a pseudo-intelle
ctual faggot like most of NeoFAG, only he takes himself more seriously than the
rest. He's also into watching little boys pee.
* **[Dax01](** is a militant tran
ny and all-around fuckhead who got banned for being a piece of shit. It raised e
nough poutrage over Twitter to eventually get reinstated by Evilore at NeoFAG.
* **[Satch](** has AIDS.
* **Dumb NeoFAGS** are already starting to cry about this place, even going so
far as questioning the legality of our beautiful banner.
* [LOL @]( [The Bore](
* **Apparently** this sub's existence means we're all [butthurt](http://i.imgur

**Recommended listening:**
**In the weeks to come:**
Album containing posts that got GAFFERS banned! Scandalous.
**Our BBFs:**
* /r/GreatApes (for all your chimp-shaming needs)
* /r/AntiPOZi (for commiserating over the destruction of Western civilization)

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